03-15-2007 PLIBMPioneerland Library System Board
March 15, 2007 Meeting Minutes
The March 15, 2007, meeting of the pioneerland Library System Board eras called to
order by Chair Paul Setzepfandt at 7 :30 p.m. in the Willmar Public Librauy meeting
room. Roll call was taken; a quorum was announced.
Motion, Schweiss; second, Wangerin to approve the agenda with changes. Motion
Motion, Nelson; second, Beck to approve the February Board minutes. Motion carried:
February Financial Report — motion to accept by Wangerin, second by Reckdahl;
motion carried. See attached
Approval of Bills and check registers — motion to accept by Wangerin, second by
Wilde; motion carried. See attached.
Board Meeting Schedule - Motion by Wangerin, second by J. Sandberg to accept the
Proposed meeting schedule of 7 full board meetings a year and 5 ExecutiveJFinance
Meetings. Motion carried. See attached. The following months will have meetings of the
full board: January, March, April, May, June, September, & November.
In lieu of board meetings, there will be joint Executive/Finance Meetings during the
months of February, July, August, October and December.
2008 (technology /automation) Budget — New Formula & PC Replacement Schedule
PLS director Houlahan is forming a committee of administration and head librarian staff
to review the current formula for funding PLS automation services and bring
recommended. changes if necessary. The current funding formula is based on The PALS
automation system which has been replaced by Innovative Interface Inc, Millennium
This same committee will also address the need to establish a PC replacement schedule
for local libraries and PLS administration. Draft recommendations should be presented to
the Finance Committee at their May 2007 meeting.
PSP Contract — On a motion by Wangerin and Second by Hoyhtya, the board approved
a PSP (Pioneerland, SAMIVIIE and Plum Creek) contract for Cooperative Strategic
Planning and Shared Objectives Study. The $4,562 contract will be paid with grant funds
from the State Library. See attached.
Audit Report Process By law, Pioneerland has to submit an audit report to the State six
months following the ending of their fiscal year - December 31. The finance committee
decided to have the 2006 audit distributed to PLS board members during the month of
April and have Auditor Scott Van Buren attend the May meeting.
Annual Report - PLS's Annual Report is due April Vt. Bruce Pomeranctz from State
Library Services confirmed board could approve the report after it had bewn submitted.
Vote on the State Annual Statistical report will be conducted at the April 3meeting.
Mileage Reimbursement Policy for Board and Non -Union Staff — Tab led. This policy
will be given to head librarians to review.
Capital Purchase Policy — Tabled. This policy will be given to head librarians to review.
Prairie Correctional Facility Agreement — Located in Appleton. Helpful document for
Appleton's head librarian to know what responsibilities are to the prison. PCF sends an
employee to the public library to get materials for prisoners. This is the second year that
PLS has been asked to sign the agreement. Motion Wangerin and second from Wilde to
accept the PCF contract.
1) New Hires - On a motion from Hoyhtya and a second from Schweiss, the appointment
of Sue Hilgert as the Olivia/Renville Head Librarian was approved.
2) Library Assistant 4 Tabled until input is received from head librarians
3) Sick Leave Retirement Policy — Input from other committee members is needed.
PLS has to submit a strategic plan as part of our state funding, requirements. The plan has
to be submitted by July 1. Five to Seven PLS Board members are being sought to serve
on this committee. Non - voting members of the committee will include 4 administrative
staff and 3 head librarians. Jack Sandberg, Paul Setzepfandt and Barbara Hoyhtya
(Current PSP committee members) were appointed. 2 additional trustees are encouraged
to serve.
Annual Award meeting will be held on April 19a` in Maynard. RSVP by April 11.
Board/Employee Recognition Policy — second reading. Motion to accept from
Reckdahl second from Sandberg. Motion carried. See attached.
Orientation for New Trustees — Scheduled for May 17 at 5pm
Legislative Update — See attached Director's Report
Chair Paul Setzepfandt called the meeting adjourned at 8 :10pm.
Recording Secretary, Stephanie Williams