02-15-2007 PLIBMPioneerland Library System Meeting February 15, 2007 Summary Notes Jack Sandberg 2/25/07 Page 1 of 1 2007 PLS Budget finalized. Unanticipated income from interest. Necessary to use some reserves to balance expenditi nw. Library size criteria: new dollar amounts in budget used to define Classes. (,+AI+Ck, n gpn ,s Q007 bu dg Gt` class iv > $ 415,875 class iii > $ 138,625 class ii > $ 55,450 class I up to $ 55,450 10.9 % increase over last year Highest = Willmar $455,066 Lowest — Brownton $ 25,599 Renville Head Librarian Positon Retiree not to be replaced According to PLS policy, the attempt will be made to combine Head Librarian positions to cover Renville. The city of Renville appealed the PLS decision, but PLS stands &ni, based on the fact that one less head librarian reduces the administrative burden on the PLS director. Head Librarian time at Renville was 30 hr. Will be 5.5 Hours + 295. hr Assistant Level 3. Head Librarian time at other htbrary will not be changed. * Information: SELCO will be undertaking a project to promote libraries statewide. * Contract with the city of Clarkf eld for library services in their area will be renewed. * SAMMIE, PLS, PCLS cooperation project Jan 6: final report with recommendations from the consultant team. Little was found for substantive change. Jan 22: Steering committee decides to pursue cooperative strategic planning. M" A" * PLS annual meeting and awards banquet will be in RWend in April. * PLS Executive meeting mfaramon Aim to reduce the cost and time commitment for PLS Board Keep developing collections polity * PLS working on developing a new Library Assistant Level 4 position for Libraries that have We Head Librarian presence. * Legislative update Budget proposal from the Governor's office includes increase of $155,000 statewide. For PLS that would mean + $ 6,000 or so. New proposal fiam legislature includes increase of $ 5,000,000. For PLS that would mean + $ 200,000 or so. scaly