01-22-2007 LIBMMinutes Hutchinson Public Library Board January 22, 2007 Members present: Julie Jensen, John Hassinger, Ann Vance, Janet Vacek, Yvonne Johnson, and Mary Henke, Ex-Officio Members absent: Kay Peterson and John Paulsen President Julie Jensen called the meeting to order. Ann Vance moved to approve the minutes from the Nov. 27, 2006 meeting, with John Hassinger seconding. Approved. Reports: Mary read Jack Sandberg's report on the Pioneerland Library System (PLS) Board meeting on Jan. 22, 2007. Paul Setzepfandt was elected the Executive Board chair. Cell phone and collection development policies were approved along with others. Extra money from Mardag grant may be used to fund 2 more years of Rosetta Stone, if approved. PLS distributed interest income to local libraries with Hutchinson receiving $5,000 for 2006. It looks like !there may be greater chance of a bill in the Minnesota legislature for increased funding for libraries. The Pioneedand /Plum Creek /SAMMIE final report from consultants was a disappointment in some ways. Steering committee of which Jack is a member is meeting today to decide how to proceed. State Aid Support resolution was reviewed by the Board and has been signed by city and county officials to increase library funding. Old Business: 1. Capital improvements for 2006 A. Reupholstering of furniture is complete B. Historic pictures in meeting room —Bill Corby completed the pictures. and the Friends of the Library hung them. C. East entrance project is completely finished. 2. Mardag grant purchase of the Rosetta Stone online program— Suggestions were made about how to publicize this new resource available at the library. 3. New Board members —The City of Hutchinson will put an article in the newspaper to advertise openings for city board positions. Mary spoke with 3 people who were not chosen last year and they'll get back to her. 4. Town III authors' visit on Dec. 9—A video and a display of parts of the book pertaining to Hutchinson were shown to about 25 people who attended. 5. Holiday gifts to staff —Staff received between $5 -$40 dollars depending upon hours worked each week. New Business: 1. National Library Week, April 16-21, Author Visit Mary suggested Minnesota author Will Weaver who has responded favorably to her initial contact. Mary asked the board for direction as to the stipend to offer. $300 was suggested with a range of $200 -400. The possibility of collecting a free will offering from the audience was suggested. If Will Weaver doesn't work out, other suggestions were Joe Paddock, Bill Holm, Robert Bly or Carol Bly. 2. Library Legislative Day will be March 28 at the State Capitol. Last year, no one from Hutchinson attended because county commissioners and regional system directors had organized a meeting with legislators and space was limited. Mary asked that any Board members interested attend this year with her. The next meeting will be February 26, 2007 at 4:30 p.m. Janet Vacek moved the meeting be adjourned with John Hassinger seconding. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Janet Vacek, Co-Secretary M_