11-27-2006 LIBMMinutes Hutchinson Public Library Board November 27, 2006 Members present: Janet Vacek, Julie Jensen, John Hassinger, Yvonne Johnson, John Paulsen, and Mary Henke, Ex-Officio Members absent: Ann Vance and Kay Peterson President Jensen called the meeting to order. Minutes were approved. Reports: 1. Mary reported on the Pioneeriand Library System (PL.S) Technology Committee meeting on Nov. 16. Many confidentiality issues are involved in their work on policies. A technology plan is being developed which leads to government funding. 2. Jack. Sandberg reported on the November 19 PLS board meeting. See attached notes. Old Business: 1. Chairs are being reupholstered. Mary updated board on progress. 2. A number of historical pictures have been selected for hanging in the library meeting room. Many decisions need to be made regarding the framing, matting, etc. 3. East entrance work is mostly completed. 4. Community forum debriefing. We had a good turnout. 5. Friends of the Library have agreed to fund Hutch Bucks for staff holiday gifts. New Business: 1. Two new board members will be needed for replacement of Julie Jensen and John Hassinger. Mary will run an article for recruitment. 2. Authors Tom Tomashek and Armand Peterson will visit the library on Saturday, Dec. 9, 1 p.m. -3 p.m. to talk about their book, Town B ; The Qlga Days gf Minnesota Baseball, The next meeting will be on January 22, 2007 at 4:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, John Hassinger, Co-Secretary