07-24-2006 LIBMMinutes
Hutchinson Public Library Board
July 24, 2006
Members present. Julie Jensen, John Has6riger, John Paulsen, Yvonne Johnson, Janet Vacek,
Ann Vance, and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio
Memt)er absent: Kay Peterson
President Jensen called the meeting to order. The June 26, 2006 minutes were reviewed and
Report: County Commissioner Bev Wange6n, who is on the Pioneeriand Library System
(PLS) Board and Finance Committee, joined us. There is a need to talk with our
commissioners regarding the budget for the coming years. Sheldon Nies and
Grant Knutson are an ttie county's budget committee and need to be contacted.
Old Business:
1. Mary reviewed the budget request to the city and county for 2007
2. Topics and possible speakers for the community forum: A fall time will be
undertaken_ Ideas included speakers on poverty, pandemics, and alternative
energy. We decided to have a panel on alternative energy. John Paulsen, John
Hassinger, and Mary Henke w ii serve an a committee to develop the program. The
date will be a Tuesday in October on the 3rd, 10th, 171M or 24th.
3. Julie reported on the Gates Spanish Language Outreach Workshop. The focus was
on development of knowledge and resources for addressing the needs of non -
English language patrons. The Mardog grant was discussed and ways to facilitate
programming and training. Suggestions will be forwarded to Steph Williams, PLS
administrative assistant.
New Business:
1. Furniture replacement is being assessed and a needs inventory will be developed.
Janet Vacek will join Julie Jensen and Mary Henke on this project.
A donation of $100 was received from Deb Tauer for children's books.
The next meeting will be on Monday, August 28 at 4:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned,
Respectfully submitted,
John Hassinger, Co- Secretary