03-22-2004 LIBMPage 1 of
Mary Henke
From: "Newton Potter" <newt@ hutchtel.aet>
To: "Mary Henke" <mary hutchMur0jb,mn,us>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:01 Phi
Subject; Library minutes
Hutchinson Public Library
March 22,2004
Members present, Julie Jensen, Kay Johnson, lay Peterson, Larry Ladd, Newt
Potter, Connie Lambert, librarian Mary
Members absent: John Ha singer
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Lambert. The minutes of the
February 22 were reviewed and approved.
Old Business
1. Building restoration - Mary reporting
Work continues
Work will begirt on landscaping in May
2_ Computers
All new computers are in place
Computers have been funded by the 1. 1 Burich Family Foundation
An article will appear In the Hutchinson Leader to recognize and thank the
8. PLS Banquet
The banquet will be Thursday Apr![ 15.
Viewed and approved the invitations
Board members should RSVP to Mary by April 8
Cogley sisters will entertain with medley of music
Kay Johnson will spear - Bridging the Information Gap
Kay Peterson and Julie Jensen will help with registration table
Guides gill be available in various areas of the Library to describe the
The menu is still Unchosen
3M has donated a variety of tapes for door prizes
4. 100th Anniversary Celebration
Tuesday, June 22
3M will donate up to $500 to help with oasts
1,000 book marks are being printed by the Crow river Press
Overall planning is moving forward. Most big things In place
Invitations still in planning stage.
Invitations will be sent out about one month before the event