03-18-2004 LIBMP1 ONE E,1 AND L113RARY SYSTEM BOARD MEE`FING Ma%h 19, 2004 The [March 18 20N meeb n g of the PIOne6180 Library System board was called to order at T30 pm in the Willmar Pu blic Library meeting roan by CN4 Jahn Baker, Rota was passed and a quarum atrrsour;W. Guests are Dave IL auri[sen, the head Gbarian of the Monteuidec fibrary and Sue HilgW, IhE head Ilbradan of the Olivia nbrary, Eric We!" added VI,A, 5 Cap,italizMoo Podiry change to agenda. JMn Baker need [hat the loMMIF governing board item VIJIA -1, Is information, not acdon, 2 members are going off 08 SAMMIE tom, W John or Kathy know if YOU are inlerested in going on. Garrison rule motioned to approve the agenda as changers. Second by Ai C10use' Caniad' The execuffva board memhers are to meet after the meeting to set up a meeting time- Al Clouse motioned to approve the February 19, 2003 minutes. Second by Vern Sihwernale. Carried. Soon Van Buren from Westberg Eischens & Van Buren presented cn the 2Q03 audit. The audltors ga-re PLS a clean 0060n on the audit. He also explained items in the audit, Them vAl be changes in the kftre due to the irrgksrnenfal m of a new acuntirrgrooedure by PL S tl rat brings Public sec#or audQs n�ara in Gne wide �l auditing prdurrs- There were q uastiorrs from the ward and discusslQn. Approval on the audit v+ill be requested at the Aprif meeting of the board, Eac VV berg presented for the Frrance Committee- Wei berg motioned to accept the Feb, 04 financial report Second by Jark Johnson. Carried. Wefb.erg m050ned W aP Prow 0 the Bills sod Check €egi**TS. Second by Al Clouse. Carded, Due to Kelly retiring this summer, are need to transfer the c cgbon database funds to; of r r sYstem as PCetfiy has, to date administered the database - The turids are to be transterre<J to Arrowhead Ufary Systems- These are State monies PLS gets for hosting the Vclunteer Iibfa6an catfcation program and FLS W11 not have 'A l staff after Kathy leaves. Wei beq rrsobar3ed to approve the transfer of the funds to Arrowhead. Second by Herb Rotunda, Carried. 'Melberg motlaned to approve the MN PubJfc Library Report 2003, Second by Les Pcfa!�. Carried. This is an anr}uaf statistical repcd all library systerrrs must file. WNberg motioned to increase capita lization item to $150 from $QUO for depresfation to carver new rmpu#et cost Secenrd aY Vern Sihrernale. Carried, Ivey Vorderhnrr pr(<s ted for the Personnel Comm iftee, She requested that e,re� get their Hall of Fame nominadons in to the c3rnmittee ASAP, The banquet will be bald April 15 in HutohUrson- Garrison Hale presented for the Negatiakc , Negodabon =nmiifee needs to mac[ after curreol meeting to set e meeting date. The draft should be done by April- The 9muP had dsoussM a number of tapks inciting Hmth Insurant,e, Salary SMedule, Overtime, Longevity and fie - ertiTcatiorURenewd. There has also been a rues[ that the meetings be in the evening rather than daring the day- 111. Houlahan queried whether the board would need to hofd a sP -amfl meettng after Aprif 1 5di W ppproye the draft At this time doesn't appear to be necessary, -ref Lopez prawn ted for Labor Maaragernent This =miittee mufd aL0 like to mgt dcrdng evenings rather than the day- Sue Hi IgM ape nq for the Iitxaiians agreed. The committee is fevi� ng the Later fMSanagernen[ By4 and will discuss the mi5Re up 4f wMMittees. Garrison HMe presented for the Diredues EvaJuatori ad Jioc =nrni#ee- issues the# carne up were se�"tirrg its and objectives and hmy t4 handlr' them and the re- distribution of work after Kathy [eaves, Tires was no old Business, At Clause explained the SAMMIE Board. Heald Herb Rotunda have terns expiring an¢ we need twa new Members 4 June - TrFe executive commiltae will choose new MMbe:s by that board meeting. State Ubrary Development Services (LDS) afro has nperaings tar reprrsentatives from our area. This service manages 144 federal dollars giver for state library systems- The Advi" council rneets 4 times per year and we nerd to recommend names for selection, Gary Johnson narnlnated Vern Silvemale and AI -louse nomkiited Garrison Hale- gorT} nabwa ceased, Ivey Vonderharr mobarred to submit both names to LOS. Second l y Al Clouse. Carried, 1 Dir. Hcvlahan presented the director's repA Kathy's ofiaai rethement date is June 30, 2004. At the d+rectorxs mina, the topic of oaths of office for board members carne up_ There was sm-Hh discrussion on this_ We ?All dliA with several' attorneys for opinions. There is a t_ibraries ate Essential grant writing workshop an Mph 24 R anyone is interes 1. personnal Gamrnihee W 1 meet V3W04 at 5.30_ The exeoutva corndttee WlI meet 412104 at 6.30_ The labor martagemenf commFtlee set a fentatiwa date a# 4127 aE 6-30_ eiberg motioned to adjourn, Second by Jeff Lop The meeting adjourned at 6 -40, Stacey Schoefte Secretary