02-23-2004 LIBMMinutes Flutahin5on Pub11c Library 130ard February 23, 2004 Members present. Connie Lambert, Larry Ladd. N(ew Jotter, Kay Jc)hnson, .Julie Jensen, John Flassinger, and M❑ry Henke. Librarian Members obsent: Kay Peterson The meeting was caller! to order by President Connie Lambert, The mJnutes of the Jan LFory 26 'Jh meeting were reviewed cnd approved, Reports, Pion eerlarid library Sv_stern .hair Sandberg, our PLS board member, gave ❑ report. He serres an two PLS committees, the Technology Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee on Fiinonrial Future /Strategic Planning. Policy changes are being wofkt�d on and he illustrated the way they work. PLS i5 evaluating the value of joining with Ceritiral Minn sofa omm4nity Foundation in St. Cloud. John passed out comparison PLS budgets from years 2002, 20D3. and 2004 so board could see changes in line items. John indicated oll IibrQries in the system ere. encouraged to have a 3 months reserve, Rnaily, Johrk reported that cast controls are being evaluated Cnd that health insurance is a major concern, Legislcrfive Day on HJU Mary attended the session and met with two Cegisla #ors, Rep. Scott Newrncn and Sen. Steve Dille_ Old Business: Restarcrticn! U dbfe lvlary gave an update on the HVA C work and the consideration of ligh fing fixtures in the entrance area_ New Computers 9 of the 10 computers are in place, They have beer) donated by I_ J. Bunch romily Fo Lind ofion and Twice is Dice, Publicity will be deveioPed for each organization separately, 1001`11 Anniversary JuJie Jensen reported a1J is going well The bookmcifks are nearly completed, speakers are being Fined up, and invitations are in development. A request for financiQi help for the i00'r, celebration has been sent to 3M and we are owoiting a reply, PLS Annual _A Ards Banquet Plans are in progress. It will be held April I 51 at the Peace Center. Kay Johnson will be the speakef. Newt Potter is providing some of the door prizes, New Business; No icncl Library Wpyk, And 9 - 3 Bec ❑v.5e of all the events in the p1❑nning sIoge5. things will be Crept simple. Larry suggested asking Sherry Lund about having an overt crirned at the children. Next meeting. March 22, 2OQ4 a# 4:30 p,m Meeting adjourned, John Hassinger, Secretary -5 (