02-19-2004 LIBMPIO NEE RLANb LI BRARY SYMM OFFICIAL PROCEEDING.$ 91'"E;S OF THE BOAFM MEEnsG THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, ZW4 AT 7:31) RIL Pursuant to duff coal and rsotice tkrpof, a regu!aT mGetirrg Of the FIMP801270 Lj-bW System Goer¢ was caliad to order at 7-M P -m, by Chair John Gaket on Thursdays, February 19,20W at 7; p -m. in the 4'q fmar p bFc Ljtxary &dildirg Muhipurpose Doom, 'l Itmar, MN. Roll call was ta?ca€, and tha Chaj{ Baker ar+nounced aguon.rm PRSarrt.- Chair B axer r&questcd approval of tyre agen da sub wt to addfliorrs'dr leiior>s- Board awnbers riegtrestOd the f01mving additivrts; V, CommiRee Reports, B. Finance C'omrnitteu: S. ClarMidd Lfbrary Agnement, 6. Techn r F•larr Sgattis Report; C. Personae! Commit#se: 2 OIreCtor's I vALrEdW — statc5, 1 Health Ins urarim — status;, SNeinate fnG6nned approval of the agenda as PfPS011601 with amended acf&km, smonded by Cacusa- Mj:Aj 1n caried- Beard member Ru4ms motes for Lhe approval of the Jenuary 15, 2tii''4 rN nutes, sownM by Sh Lv.*. Motion c anied Chair BakermmEd to a pr2s6%MtabDn by Barbara C dson, Cv ent Officer rQj)M3enbrrg the Cenrhal r;flnnesota Cwmni y l=oundatfon. Ms- Ga�ison s presentation rt-as io help people and org3nizadom in making a differ. Thu foundaiic+i fulfils RS role by faciliafing Matt&@ 9iAng, initiating respo,19es to farge led rents, and twilrfmcJ permanent funds #ar thesupport of ctrara[ies both in our region and bayond. Piorwerland Library System cornea �k during 2003 derided they Wardjd to Piave optKo(s) end opPvrtuni[ies for tie bcA r&an'es to rase m,,y and irnrest it to NJiid a swrre of funds oulside the Emal u:artnails for sustainiN a viabL'e iocA library. Examples WO& be'Fri€iAs of the Library' hofdirrg fund raisers and soeking long term pfd donations- The Commur-iiy Foundation s'�ouid ba one reacLrXe re a kcal library would be 2i 1e to pfare Jh6rfunds with professional inves7h eat gukan<ce and mdnagerwi, Virm Chair Hat- opened discussion ray the PLS Commitlee AFOrdmerrts tor 2D34, Hale explaimed that the Executive Camn-iita� cunsrderod oxnnwl1ee emigr:merrts ba` ed 4n the requuems�rnls of tho RLS ayes, by the members, He ve-ml. on is mention that ekes+ e, cid was made to ensc, that the�� F rtiw was mad in carnmltlee. Ftae Informed the Membership ghat the Exoarthre Board malO,ed same .Df the Camtltt es t4 nukT azuralety retlerl the needs of PLS for mil- The committees vmuld tae- Finance, Personnel, Polq. Teuirralogy, Nominating. Ad Hoc CamrNUea en F-In Yw a2 FutrrralStrategc Plwmirrg, Grant and Lhe SAM- M.J,E, Gavmnirtg Beard. Chair eeker c:0ed for tho viisbes of the boar[f. Beard member G, dchnson muted to acknoMerkge mq rKaIN ibe PLS'CornmhW AppointYrxKiS- far X04' as appointed by the PLS Fxatu M Cornmilln and Chair, sewrided by 4Neik:% Motion carded. Frrnarw.e Committee Chair We&erg presented fbrtha Finance Ccrrunitlee. Wa g mot ioned Io ax p t the January M �inarrciaf R rt. seconded try l c�ez- Motion carried, A makn was made by Weiberg to acrd the Bias and Check Mister 8s presented, seconded by Recicdahl, MrJW carried, A mdxml was made by Weberg, to a&nve (fie use of reser 5 in tha arrrnaunt of X701} for ttw purchase OF computers I' r tips Granite Falls Lsbray, seca�rriecl by l #rrnda �� carried. Finance Chair `'lreiberg moved to s &scusskn un the nE;k io ocnsidet deKMolr sLg I;iras. We berg read ao fnt�rim Pokey resoltrLion an ' I]eprrsitarses Sfan rues' wt ye u the chair or vi-,e ch2 r signs ciiec-ks on the C� rif}° 2mtE the ;re ter or s6umtarf signs on the Wt= line, A motion was made by Hale to WON an herim Policy on a'rFlesolution Far The EsWisirntW Of The ❑Wsrtory Signatures,' arul refer the iriffrim P6ay to the Board Policy Cornmitlre far fafmali nn irtp a hoard poJiry, see n{ed by Lopez Motion carried - Weibem reviewRd the 217W4 GitY of QaOeld (not a PLS mmber) coniractu2l'Ageemertr io pro+rfde library service's to Yellow k {odic ne Ct~unty rur-A res;denis. A motion was made by Wei beg JO authorize 8'2004 Coot-act For RePntRnement For Servica5 Rende;ad To Pione0arid €Cgadtrfaeq, seconded by Reigsi - M tidn carried- Chair 4VeabEf9 requested AssL UZxary Di- ,eLgor Matson hsief file board on 'Tachrrnloay Plan Status Report,` iSafhy Main explained that 1110 State of Minnoul:2 needed P? S's imerf m report befD* the March f ra3,1ar meeting. A motion was made bw ' 'ei to approve and suhrrpit Ihe'Technokxgy Plan Zia' us Report February 19, 2004,' seconded by Beck. Motion GafrJed- Cf72ir Baker moved to the Personnel Comnrktge and rafkd un Jmk Sandberg of Hutchinson to discuss the 'Awards pfnner' szheduled for Thursday. April 10, 2�7p4 ar the Peace fi rmer in Hulc:hfnsora, MN, Ghair Weiberig requested Asst. Library director hfaison br & lire board on'Technt Plan S1,7tm Report.' K&y Matson y ex pJnirred Mat the Stale of Minnesata needed RES iaterim Mpert before IN) March M "lar meeting_ A motor was made by 4Yeiberg to appnwe and submit lha'Technofogy Plan Slaius Report febmary 19, 2M.' seconded by beck. Matien carried_ Chair Luker moored to the Personnal Commiftee and cafk d on Jack Sandb&r of Hutchinson to discuss I lhe'Awwk Cinme sahedu led for Thursday. April 15, M al the Rcace Center in Hutchinson, MN. Chair Batter asked inhere was anyftof &rsirtess_ Hearing none. Chair Baker declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p: m_ Chair Baker rernfrtifed the board thaE tJrs riaA meeUq would be held 7-30 p.m. Thursday. March 18, M in the Wlknar Public LJbrasy Buildrrtg MuMpurpose Radar, Wil;mar, MN_ Garrison Hale Sccrxrtary Q