01-15-2004 PLIBMThe a ,tan uary f 5, 20D4 meeUrtg a the Roneegand Llbrary terra �Saa� was caked C4 order by Chair Mahn faker at
7:34 pin in the 4Viilmar Public Library feedng Room_ Boll was lakme a quorum announced, Additions 14 the agenda
by Wdberg of #9.5 Central Gffic� lease and OR 6 Computer upgrade informabfan_ #-C,3_ John Hwlahan evalrra�on was
added by Vonderharr. A Clouse motEoned to approve the agenda with changes, Second by Dan Reigstad,
Carried. GarYJahnsonmotioned to approve the Decemher 18, 2003 minutes. Second by Jeff Lopez. Carried.
Chair Baker turned the meebN over to Ai Maas, the norninaling commlKee chair, Maas called three dines for
nominations in additon to John Baker f0T chair_ Thera be[59 noire, Maas motioned fora unanimous ballot for Baker as
chair, Szr- o d by Amy WiJda Carried, Maas called three times For nominations in addition to Garrison Hafe as Dice
Chair. Tip ate being none, Maas fnnfioned for a un animous ballot fey Dale as Vice Chair_ Second by Al Clouse.
Carried. Maas called three times foe norrainalFans in addion to Stat:ey Schuette for Secretary. There being none,
Maas motioned For a unwi imaus ballot for Schuette a$ S tart', Sewn d by Jeff Lopez- t;anried, Maas caned three
limas for nominations in addition to A] Clouse as Treasurer. There being none, Maas motioned for a unanimous ballot
for Clouse as Treasurer. Second by Array yifde. Carded. Maas called lhrea #frees for nodriatfons in aftdoo to Eric
I eiberg as Finance Chair_ There being none, Baas motioned fora unanimous ballot for Wdberg as Rnance Chair_
Second by .loan ReckdahL Carted, Maas turned the meeting over to Chair Baker.
'file: board has recei v a r rmiftee preference form and should tirrn it in today as the E,xewdve ce rMftt a will use
them In commi flee sefedGnl- Let Kathy Matson know if you warn to chi ylge how you get your rneiq i ng notes. The
Glencoe PuUhi, Library has Its IP1 anniversary open horse err January 18 from 2 - 4 pm.
Eric Weiberg presented for the Fn once Comm l ilea. The December 2€ 03 Fi nartdaJ report has not been audited yel.
Welberg motioned to approve the prellrnirrary December 2003 Financial report Second by Jeff Lopez.
Carried. Wefberg motronLld to approve the J3 ffls and Check Registers. Second by AC Clouse. Carried.
Welberg motioned to change the mileage reimbursement to $,375 per mile. Second by Garrison Hale,
Discussion. This is the current federal rate that cur bylaws stipeilate we follow, Carried. Walberg motioned to
approve the transfers of funds and interest re- allocation. Second try Refgstad, Carried. These funds were
divided by ratio bo ft in djVdrref library funds_ Part of t h is was for the Mardag prof# to cover library SW tirne, PLS's
erdstJrtg lease is good through 05. We have requested to extend the lease through IZ06 at the same rate with the
fallow, n9 five years to have a 3% rate Increase. Agreerneflt could be ran efled Wth a six month notice to the county.
Wtiberg motioned to approve the new lease for PfoneertaA space In the Willmar Puhiic Library building.
Second by Garrison Hale. Carried. At Cicusa presented fnrormation on new computer pgdrrg and oasts dbraries
should he fookJng at to replace old computers with pries that will be compatible with the now circulafiort systern,
Discussion followed.
Ivey Vonderharr presented Forthe Pearsonnea =nmibee Yonderharr motioned to approve the now hire of Lynne
Palm in Willmar and Wendt Garberich in Lake Lillian. Second by Dart Reigstad, Carried. There are as 01 yet no
bids For the 20(14 awards banquet. The bengrral will be held on the third Thursday in April. We need to appant a
committee to do tl�e Direcices avaluabon, Vonderharr motioned that the Chair stfect the awn m t#eu, Second by
Hale. Carried.
Garrison Hale presented fort#re Negctiafing and Labor Management committees, there tivas atrafriing session to
orient rnembers an Interest based bargafnfng. The plan Is tO oont clue naJMatiOns in the normal manner, Next
rneeting is Jan. 21 at 5 pm, We need a cDchair far each side, Hale motfontd to select Al Clause a 1 labor
management's coychalr. Second by Vem Silvio rnale. Carried.
Wry Huesingpr ented for the Tech no[ogyCommittee, Hu es] ngmotionedtoacceptandsendtheRequestfar
Proposal for the new circulation software. Second by Dan Refgstad. Carried. discussion,
There+wras no old business_
flew Business, Feb, fit is legislation day. If you are interWed, let Xachy know and she will register you and make
appoinimeflN with your legislator.
There is a POJicy Carnrnittee meeting Tuesday, .tan, 20 at 6.30 prrr, Willmar Mard mernMrs Io met after th Is rneerHpq.
Personnel members to meet after ih is meLEing,
AI Clouse called for the meeting to adioum_ The meeting was adjourned by Chair Biker at a-30 pin
St-cey Schvane