12-18-2003 PLIBMI. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSnM OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS NDNU F- OF THE BOARD NIEEMC. Thursday, December IS, 200 at 7:30 P.r4. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the pionerrland Library System Board cal€cd to ordet<at 7,30 p. m. by Chair John Baker on'I'hursday, December 18. 2W3 unthe Willmar public Library ]Building Mu€dpurpose loam, Willmar, MN, doll tzU was takers and the Chair Baker auounced a quorum was presenL Chair Baker open ed the rrrceting. Chair Baker roquested approval af the agenda subject to addifionsfdcletions: Boardmzmbers re;quesW the fioilowing additions: V, Committee Rcporks. A. Finance Committee: 3) Revised "Amended Automation Budget 2003". Clousc motioned approval of the agenda as preumted with amended additions, seconded by ReckdahI. Motion earned. Board rnernber Clouse rnoved for the approval oftbe Nummber 20, 2003 minutes. seconded by We iberg. Motion carried. Chair Baker rnoved to Committee repomr Finance Committee Chair Wei berg presented far the Finance Committee_ Motion by Weiberg to accept the Alovernber 2003 liinancial Repom sewnded by Lopez. Motion carried. Wei berg moved to accept the Mils and Check Registers as presented, seat coded by G. Johnson. Metiers carried. Finance Chair Wei berg explained the revised 'Autom ation Budget for 2003 ". A motion was made by Weiberg to approve the amended "Aufamation Budget for 2003," seconded by Hues4. Motion tarried. Chair Baker moved to the Negotiation Committee. ChieVIxad Negotiator Hate he€d discussion on the December 3, 2003 joint APSCN>'E Unionf]?LS Negutiating tenon meeting. HAle imd minutes distributed from the meeting dust detailed the findings. Fiala went . on to provide !g=ihcs reiaterd to each item in the minutes with questions front the floor and thoughts for figure consideration. Chief Negotiator Hale informed the board that there would be a jaira'labor Management Committee "!"Intorest Based Bargaining' training sessian(s) an Thursday, January € 5, 2004 at the Bremer Bank Building, Wi11mar, MN with an alternate day of Wednesday, January 21, 20X The sessions would be conducted by the State of Mi mescta Bureau of Modiati ott Servives, Chair John Baker calf ed on the TeehnoFngy Committee for ax update. Chair Hurling updated the board on the "Request for Proposal" for aid oration services_ Huesing informed the board that the foram€ "RFP" would be available cis -lino through e-mail (paper if deli r4 please note 60 pages), The Technology Comm ittee planned to such formal board authorlmt ion at the January 13, 2004 regular rneering, Scheduling for the process would follow: distribute proposals to vendors on hi nuary 16, 2004, mwive the completed proposals duufng Marc, 2004 (update board at reguW March meeting) and consider avr-drding the "W" by august 2004_ Chair Huesing continued by recommending the need to utilize a consultant from TDS, Jeanne DcMars far servic on the automation °R,FP" process_ A motion was made by G islawn to aAorize a three month conmact with Jeanne fDeMars effective to January 1, 2004 through March 3 1, 2004 with the option of renewing it on a three month basis (estimamd annual cmi of $7,800 uti sizing gram funding), seconded by Reigstad- Motion carried Chair Maas presented for the Nominatin g Committee, Maas discussed the process and presented the propuned slate of officers Far 2004. He went on to state that n minatio¢ns from the Boor would be Accepted at the January 15, 2004 regular meeting where the formal election of ol'lcers woos €d take place in compiianw with PLS "$y- Laws ". Chair Maras presented the rolIowing slate of offncers for the 2004 board officer positions: Chair John Baker, Swam County, Viee Chair Garrison Hale, City of Madison; Secretary Stacey Schuette, McLeod County-, Treasurer Al Clouse� City of Olivia_; and Finance Chair Eric Weibeirg, City of Willman Chair Baker went to Old ]Business and New Business, Chair John 13elcer "Recagnnized" Ramona Berg -berry of Willmar, MN for her many years of "dedicated service" and "excellence" in serving on the Pion eerland Library l3uard. He wish d her well and staters "she would be missed „, Chair Bakes moved on tD the fEi.eport of the Dhector. Director Hotllahan and Ass€starat Director Matson reviewed the renewal of the health insurance providum and informed the board that the mnployees were able to ccrncirwe with the original providers: reviewed the "Library Outreach to Latino. Workshop" where [here were 37 attendees with excellent rWiugs on the presemn7s; and they briefed the board on the chart setting forth acomparison on "TDS and PLS 1DaMba5e Cleanup Status_” Director Houlahan along with Mair Baker wished everyone "Happy Holidays„ and thmiked the board for their fine work during 21303, Chair Baker movers to Other Business. A brief discussion took plane an the site of the April 7004'Arinual Meeiine. Board members were asked to provide a potential host s ate at the Jar3uary 2004 board meeting. Chair Baker asked the board if there was any fiufher hustincss. There being nfa=. reminded the board that the nedraouting would be held Thursda}r, January 15, 2004 at 7:30 p,m. in the Wiiimar Public Library Building Multipmpose Rom, Will;=, MIST and moved to adjournment, A motion was made by Hale to A.djonrn at 9, 17 P.M, semnded by Clouse. iii -otitm erred. Garrison Hale Secretary