11-20-2003 PLIBMIV.
'1<hursdav, ii' *vain ber 20, 2003 at 7.30 P.M.
Pursuant era due call and notice thereof, a rcguiar meting of the Pionceriand Library System Berard tailed to order at
7:30 p.m. by Chair John Baker cn Thursday, November, 20. 2003 in the Willmar mLmicipal Utilities Building. 700
LiLchficid - Avenue SW, C uunciI Chambers, V4' iklmar. MN. Rou call was taken and the Chair announced a €iunnun %kss
Chair Baker opened the meeting,
Chair Baiter mquested agQruvat of the agenda subject to additionsldcictians. Board members reque�strsi the following
additions: V- Committee Reports, A. Finance CornmiucT. b) Prairie Correctional Facility contract, 7) Swift: Crncnty
Funding Fonnula, $} Automation System "R.E'P." "j) PerSaMeb Policy 204, 10) Heritage Contract; aad E. Persormef
Committee; 4) Personnel Policy 204. Cl ouse Mcniorted apprm-al of the agenda as ptescnttsid with arnoided additions,
seconded by Berg-Perr_v, Motion Carried.
Board member Vonderharr moved for the approval of the October 16, 21103 minutca, secencled by Reig5lad_ Motion
Chair Baker moved to committee rr ?orM
Finance coTnmittee Chair Weiberg presrmtd for the Finance Committee, Motion by Weiberg to accept the October
2003 Financial Report, secon dfd by Clouse, lotion uarried- Weiberg moved to accept the Sills and Check Register% as
presented, weonded by Schuette_ ;Nation uarrio i. Firsance Chair Weiberg explained that four auditing firms submitted
three year audit proposals (2003 — 2{105)- cibrjrp rnotjaned to authorize an "Audit Fngagernent "with tistbu�g,
EischLas & Van Buren of Willmar. MN for the Fiscal Years of 2003 at 83,100 (excludes CAS3 34), 2004 at $3,600
(includes GASB 34) and 8005 at 53,400 (includes CASB-34), seconded by Karnrath. Motion carried. A motion was
made by Weiberg trr approve a revised "AARDAG Budget 5150,000," s(=nded by Clouse- Motion carried, We-berg
trade a motion to approve a revised "Rural Public Library initiative grant," seconded by lteigstacl Motion carri ci
Upon rnution or Wei berg W approve a 'LSA -MM tF, grant for rctro- :atal tng Canby's Public Library Colle�ction,
seconded by Reckdah1. Motion =Tie& A motion was made by Weiberg, approving an arnended PLS Budget 2 0 D3
dated Nove[rnber 20. 2403, seconded by Clouse_ Motion cwied. Weiberg motioned approval of contract with Praise
CarrecdmaI Facility of Appleton, 5MN for "I jbrary services" in a total amount of$2,000, - =onded by Berg-Pcrry-
N1 ot ion carried_ Arnotivn %vas made by Weiberg to authorize a change in the "Swift Cooney Library funding Formtjia."
seconded by Wilde, Motion carried.
Finance Chair Weiberg and Library Dimaor Hoxtiahan provided an update on the request for propo.%sl for automation
sere i=. Finance Chair Waiberg hold discussion nn Personnel Policy 204 that allows far automatic steps, eibc:rg
motioned to not allow the automatic stC•p for non -union employees i`oT 2004 as provided for in Personnel policy 2�4,
seconded by Hale - Motion carried. Weiberg rrtoeioned to approve the heritage Contract, semndc i by Berg-Perry-
Motion carried. Finance Chair WeibcTs mentioned that the agenda addition of Finance Commitee- item 6 Was a
duplicate of item 5 and required no action.
Chair Baker moved to the Negudatiou Corn raittee. Chair Hale: Held discussion un the meetings and findings of the
corn irtac_ He overvie ed the committee antivities ro date mentioning that the firm AF C:4iE Unarm nseetin$ was
scheduled for fDccembcr 3, 2003 at 5 30 p.m- in the WiIImar Public Library Multipurpose Room_ Glair Hale opened a
discussion with the lb 11 bo2rd and 2003 Negotiating Team members concerning the proposal agreemml for 2OG4 and
beyond. 'minutes of the November 13,2003 m"ting i�wxe distributed for refe=cz- Hale explained the commi ELM had
gone through the a cement and v-is going to review it with comments submitted by the attorney from the 2003
process. Several ideas }*ere reviewed and Chair Hate recorded notes For the romrnittee to censictcr in the bargaining
process. Hale also stated she commince agreed to sit dawn with the units and discuss their previous inquiry on "interest
Ras,cd Bargaining."
Chair Baker moved to the Personnel Committee, Personnel Chair Vonderharr prescnted on several issues. VonderhwT
moved to approve the appointment ofChristimc Peterson to the Orton wtIle Library efTectiveto i0- 01 -0 "s, seconded by
Clouse. Motion varried.
5 {a }3
Chair VanderhatT moved co to x discussion an health care benefits and vptioris availability along witb Director
Hcmlahan. A motion was made by Vonderharr to aut]iorite tvvv additional health care benefits options for FTeferred Cane
if required. sucondcd by Setzepfandt. Motion carried.
Von derhar'r moved to PLS Board "Attmdance" and reviewed all board members Mth recognition to thaw maintaining
perfect atterida.nce of. Baker, Rec"n'dahl, and Reigstad, Congratulations were in ordcr-
Cnrnmittee Chair Berg -Fern: presented for the Ad Hop Committee on f1 manciat Fuinre/Strategir Planning
Committee- Shc highlighted the commium meetinng findings with the Final result's being disuibmcd with Lhe November
20, 2003 board packets uand at the meeting. Burr -Perry held discussion on the findings. Chair Berg-Perry's then
informed the board she would request action for 6e "Bylaw" and "mice Reductions" by sections.
Berg -Perry made a motion to adopt PLS Board Bylaws Article II] PLS Library Systern goard, Section I Membership
change to 9,000 in popuTidion, seconded by W lick- Motion carried. A motion was made by Berg - Perry, to adopt Article
IV Ivieedngs. Section I Executive Committee and Finance Committee to meet and act on financial, cC mk registers,
contracts, grant applications, reports and financial reports when the full board does not rnectr Twunded by Schuene.
Motion carried. Berg -Perry made a motion to adapt Article IV Meetings, "Section 4 that each governing iLi isdiction w!ll
racer:.- agendas, approved rninutes, and annual financial report, seconded by J- Sandberg. Motion carried_ Motion was
made by berg -Perry to adopt Article V Cornmitt=' Section I Standing Comm ittces may meet via conference tall, and
authorize the ExecLai YE Caararn ittee to mo_-et with the Finance Comm ittee meeting jointly on months when the board
doesn't meet, sccanded by Clouse. Motion carried.
Chair H£rg- Ferry rn oved to service reduct'sans- Disc ssion was held ore variQus components of the reductions with
emphasis ptaced on thtproposed vacancy of the assistant: Ui rmy director.. Several board members were conou maid about
the service levels if 6re %vas no assistant director. Board mem hers wanted to see the proposed vacancy reviewed
starting at three months rather than six months as proposed.
A motion was tirade by Berg -Perry to adopt " ,rvice Reductions °' f'at` "FLS Board Rx"nses," "Policies,,, "Rent for
Central Dlircc," `Fees for Services," "Deduction in Library Expm&Es," " Supplies, " LCollectivn Department," and
" {_trams and Fundraising," seconded by ReckdahL Motion carried. (24 ayes and I -nay vote) -
A motion was made by Berg -Perry to authorize "Adminisftation Cast Redactions" 2 through 5, smanded by Registad.
Motion cornett (I fir -eyes and 4- nays).
Upon motion of Berg -Peru to implement `-Administration Cost Redaction" �I to leave the assistant library director
position vacant upvn retirement of incurn ben r (planned for June 30, 20x4) witb reassessment at three, six and twelve
months, seconded by 1 gi5tad. Mot icm carried a.s amended (18 a)rs and 7 nays),
A motion was rnadc by J. Sandberg to amund the previous mntiun to reas. ess the position vacancy at thrm montb, sip;
months and one year, seconded by Tilde. Motion carried (15 -aye and 9 nays).
Chair Berg -Perry held fiu-ther discussion on the amcndmmt to three months. A question moose an the hoard ` micro -
managing" the director`s duty to determine the appropriate levels of staffing and st;rviCC-
A motion was rrtadr- by Deland, to poapoar- the decision on "Adrn6istma Dn Get Reduction °' #] to the Febn any 2004
regular board rneetirrg for the purposes to Icave the assistant library dircetar position vacant upon ruirmnc tit of
incam bent (plaranud Chi- June 30. 2004) with reassessment at six and twelve months, seconded Silvernale. Motion failed
(4 -ayes and 21- rays)-
Chair Baker retumed to the arnendrnent of three months. Then Baker returned to the eripnal motion as amended,
C"arnmittee Chair l3akt.T moved to the Policy Committee where draft propmed policies were presented and considered -
A motion was maade by C- Johnson tv adopt Policy No- 5200, "interlibf-ary Loan," seconded by Clouse- rotation rar7icd-
A unction was made by Nate to refer polity No. B_200. "Staff 11cpresentation an Board committees" to the Policy
Committee for Further reconsideration (further discussion lead to con ccros over the policy being to narrow and
clarin cat ion on eiigibility fur voting), seconded by Berg- ?crry- Motion carried-
Chair Baker moved on ro 0 I Business and New B>Lsiness- There being none, moved on
Cairn =tar Houlahan's Report of the Director- Dirtcior Houlahan and Assistant Director Mattson reviewed ` Servkes to
Persons with Physical Disabilities " .and related MARDAG Cramt(s) along -with the upcoming "Libre OutTcach to
Latino Workshop.- -
Chair Baker went to Other Busiwr ss. , done.
Chair Raker . sked the board if There was any CuT$cr business. Thcrf beine none. reminded the board that the next
meeting would be held Diursday, Deceoiber 18, 2403 at 7:30 p -m -and then regnested adjoumrnont.
motion ' was -made by Ha [e to Adjourn aE 9.50 p.m. seconded by Clause- Motion Parried,
Garrison Haie