11-17-2003 LIBMubjeev Library Minutes
Date: Mori, 17 Nov 2003 21:33:46 -0600
From: "Newton Patter" <newt hiatchtel.net>
To. "Mary Iienke " <mary a tutcNnson,lib_mn_u
Hutchinson Public Library Board
November 17, 2003
Members present: Donnie Lambert, Julie Jensen, John Hassinger, Newt Potter, Kay Johnson, Mary
Henke, Librarian
Membbers absent: Larry Ladd, Kay Peterson
The meeting was called to order by President Donnie Larnbert, The minutes of the October 27, 2003 meeting were
reviewed and approved.
Old Business
l ,Restoration update_ Mary reported that the heating system is almost complete. Wa tirrg for set
back thermostats to complete the pfoject A question has been raised about the front entry lights_
Mary will investigate to determine if they can be replaced with same lights as used in the other
2. Bunch Foundation Grant_ The Burich Foundation will provide money for eight new computers.
Recommended the beard send a lettef of thank you.
3_ New Charter 3 chooI Grant - Dave Conrad, The Charter Bch ooI proposes to have school students
work with adults with little cornputer knowledge. 3M had made a grant of $1.000 to be used for
teaching rnaterials and guides, A lengthy discussion was Meld about the fours of the computer
instruct on_ It was agreed the focus should be to improve library usage_
Moton made by John Hassi rig er and second by Kay Johnson the move ahead with proposed
g rant wft support of the library.
Now Business
1. Mary Henke will host a meeting of the McLeod County and County Librarians_ The meeting will
be at the library on December 2 at 7:04p.m_ Th s will be a informadonai meetiflg_ Board
ace invited and encouraged to attend.
Next meeting: December, 22 at 4:30_ Maybe if needed.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30
Newt Potter, Secretary
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