10-27-2003 LIBMMinutes
October 27. 2003
Present: Julie Jensen. Kay Johnson, Mary Henke (Ubf- arian), Jahn Hassinger, Kay Peters orr Qnd
Connie Lumber#
Absent: Nl wton Potter, Lary Ladd
The wresting was called to order by Presidenf Connie Larnbert. The minutes of the 5epf. 22, 2000
and August 25, 2003 meetirigs were reviewed and approved.
Mary Henke reported on Pionaerland Library Systern developments. A number of ideas on
policy and procedures ore being reviewed. A variety of cost cutting options are being
1. Qhpgjer Lchool Grant The proposal was reviewed, Deadline past for original grant.
Charter School is submitting updcfed grant on thek own. Library role is uncfear and
discussion to be field with Charter School personnel_
. 1 Wth 6(3n-1yersoU Plans Reporf pn plans for IWth anniversary given. Ways are being
developed far community organizations, individuals, and local bus. nesses to donafe!
con tn'bute books, computers, and other resources. Discussion held regarding fund-
raising ideas, book tree, use o€ old #files, dor�afion!s from businesses and civic organ P
za €ions. because of anticipated budget cuts, wa, need f considor ways to raise
for needed Herns; i.e. computers. A request to the I, J. Burich Family Foundation has
been submitted for possible donation.
3. I3udqet 2004 fifty and county #cadgets are All being developed_ Fin aI figures are
yei to be setfled on.
4. library restoration update Furnaces are in place but operational only in staff
woftoorrr and chi[dren's area. Tiling at top of staffs on park side continues. Air
conditioning compressors are irr place. Plantings are proceeding.
1, 1, J, 8+xfi qh amity Foundation.Grant Grant has been submitted and will be
be rcvfeed in November_ A copy of the letter sent to the Foundation was shored
with the library board.
CHANGE IN NOVEMBER MEETING DATE: A motion w ❑s made and seconded that our next
meeting be held on November 17, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. Motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned,
John Hassinger, Secretory