08-28-2003 PLIBMit tr * PI NEERLAND LIBRARY TEM OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1r UATIFi'E,5 OF THE BOARD MUTING Thursday, August 28, 200 at 7.30 P.NL Pursuattt to due caEl and notice there4 A reguJarmeeting of the Pioneerland Library System Board called to order at 7.30 p_m, by Chair John Baker on Thursday, August 28, 2003 in the Wihmar Public Llhwy Building Muttipurpe�se R00m, WI11mar, MIL Roll call was taken and the Chair annouaced a gaonim was prr�jcnt. Chair Baker opened thcrneeting, Chair Baker r,= quested approvaI Of the agenda subject to additionsfdele #ions; Boardmambers requemed the fol[owing additions: V. Committee Rqu ts: B. Negotiation 1 ?olicy_ Clouse motioned approval of the agenda as presented with amended additions, seconded by Q JOhnson. Motion carried_ Board member Silvernale moved for the approval of the July 17, 2003 miuuts, seconded by Lope2_ Motion carried, Chair Baker moved to committee reports. Finance C!oinmittee Tre`astu-er Clouse presented for the Fiaaoce colmmittee, motion by CIe3use to accept tt e July 2003 Financial Deport, seconded by Rcptun& Motion carried. Cla,ze moved to accept the Bills and Check Registers as presented, seconded by ReckdahI. Motion carried. Virwor Houlahan informed the Ord tW the State of Minnesota mailed die "Main tun an cc of Effort" requirements for 2004 on or about August 8, 2004. Clouse motioned approval with si matures For a lviardag C�rani offering computer classes with an "Agreement" between PLS and Wes Edwards from September I, 2003 through Ducernber 31, 2003 with a total not to exceed cost of 5360 for nine classes, ser�onded by VonderN4T. Motion carried, Clouse moved to authorize PLS Director Houlahan to submit an LSTA round. 2 "Letter of Intent" for studying PLS Library autornation systems vrith an estimated Grant of up to $25,000 if the grant is required; note, l'l_S will match the grant with "in- kind" s carried_ ervice in the event the grant is pursued., seconded by Berg- Perry, Motion John Baker reviewed with the board several PofieY Committee draft proposed policies, The board offered suggestions an varicus policies including " orlsirtg Capita]" a] Ong with who ccmtrols the fiords. Policy Cornrn ittee Chair Baker went an to p=ffnt a foul draft of a negotiation policy, The board reviewed and offered recommundatiosts. Board Member Kn urson moved to adopt a PLS Board Policy titled �Unjan ?Negotiations," with the Policy Number being assigned by the policy committee, seconded by Silvernale_ The Original motion as amended v4Ii read: "Policy: „ which as amended states: "_., union negotiation Expenses will be assigned to the PLS Administration budget,.," was carried (note, see discut� ions and ,notions 1x:jow). Further consideration was forth Wming based ort the mood to be used for allocating (chgrge back) negotiating expenses to the library systeira. Several options wcm considered. Concerns srufaced in two mnjar areas. Charging the sysrcm as a whoJe (back to the PLS Administration budget) or back in some farm of sharing to the individual libraries. A motion was made by ReckdAhl and supported by Wilde, to amend the original motion an the policy °`llnian Negotiations" "Policy 94" stating "... Lm ion ncgvtiatiOn expenses will be divided equally het-w= PLS libraries and that eD5t a11oration to the individual libraries be further broken down to reflect the sharing of head Iibra inns on a pro-rata basis based on the arncunt of time the head librarians spends at each shared library,'. Motion to amend Bailed on an 9- aye and 13 -nay vote. Upon further deliberation, lean Reigstad offeT-ed a motion to amend tha original motion on "Union Ncgetiations„ "Policy " stating "...union negotiating expenses will be assigned to the PLS Administration budget_,­ seconded by Hale. [Motion to amend carried on 17 -aye and 5 -nay vote. Chair Balser retuned to the original motion to adopi a "Union Negotiating, Policy (note, see original Motion above). Chair John Baker moved to the Negotiations Committee and salted on Dan Reigstad to present_ Reigstad offer a revised "Iviernrrandurn of Understanding for Compensatory Time ". The matter had been reviewed previously and was to receive final consideration after all parses had approved tFie head librarian agreeTnent, The propose of the memorandum was to offer an alternative to "cash" overtime_ More board discussion brought out the fact that the head librarians w=considemd nonexempt" end lased on this would be eligible to earn Over -time at a rate of l .5 times for every hoar worked beyond forty. Personnel Committee: Chair Vonderharr estimated it would normally afFeut approximately three to four head librarians. More di=zsion revolved around haw to h and] e the matter if a head librarian served more than one library. Rcigswd explained the memorandum was to establish and clarify PL Ks position on theT=er. If the board and union were satisfied with the mP-morandL n it could he incorporated into khe next union agre=ent. A motion was made by Reigstad, seconded by VonderhwT, to authorize approval of the ` Mmnotand= of Understanding for Corn pensatory Time" between Pioneer land Library System and A.i;.S_C.M.E_ lvNCouncil 65 Local Union No_ 1826 of active January ], 2003 through December 31, 2003- IViotism carried. Ncgatiating COMMittee member Reigstad reviewed the "MemcTandurn of Understanding for a Joint Labor - Management Committee ", He reviewed the putrpo,se and process for such a committee along with the fact that the State of Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services would train the cornrnittee mem hers an the process_ Upon rnoticu by R.cigstsd and &mended by Clouse to authorize approval Ofa "rvlemorarndum of Understanding for a Joint Labor- Management Committee_" Motion carried. Chair Baker discussed with the board on how to appoint the PLS represwatives for such a oamrnittee, ARet further rorsrd=tion the appointments vmuid be recommended from the PLS )Executive Committee for full board consideration. Chair Baker would bring the names to the September PL Board martin g. Chair Dakfx moved to the FenDpnC1 Committee. Chair Vonderharr presented an several matttr& VonderhwT moved to approve the appointment of Paul Setzep ran dt, Renville County Commissioner to the Personnel Committee, seconded by Rotunda. Motion carried_ Next VonderhaaT discussed `non -anion employee" wages for 2003, The committee reco¢rrrnends a hale increase of 112 pe.•rcent retroactive to Janlrary 1, 2003 a]nng with an interval (step) move, Able, the persomel comntitte} felt that in fairn ess to a] I Hatt - union ernplove.-es, they should Fe ive the same $$ the union employees. Upon s motion by onderharr, seconded by Hale, that ail non - union employees viii re0eive a base increase of 112 percent and a one interval move effective to January 1, 2003_ Further, the motion excludes the library direcmar. Motion carried_ Chair Ivey Vonderbarr continued by reviewing Personnel Policy 1602 Benefits for non - union emp] oyezz, A motion was made by Votterharr to amend the section's wording to read: - Policy 1602 Employer pays health insurance premium up to 5350 for single errtpinyee. Employer pays up to $625 toward family insurance premluan beginning with the July 2003 premium for employees with family coverage. Employee premium payment is mutnthly or bi- monthly deduction from pa }7011 check. Rates may vary," seconded by Hamiernan.n. Motion carried. Personnel enmminee representative Vondarharr went on to explain the cornnih[Le did not recommend a change to the eligibility for health Jnsurance. To ensure clarity, the committee waWd reafFrrrrt the present# policy, A motion was rnade by Vonde parr to not extend health insu=ve eligibility to employew working 20 -29 hours/week, seconded by Rc:ckdahl, Motion carrie& onderharr moved to Personnel Policy loo. 1241 Sick Leave. Chair Von derharr explained that the committee recomMcncs a sick Jeave change to accrue] rates, A rnotiDri was made by Von derharr to amend thn wording to read: "Policy 1201 Sick leave is accrued at rate of .0462 hours per hour worked. ]Employees working 30 -40 hours/week may cumulate nap to 800 how•s of sick leave and employees working 20 -29 hours/ week may cumulate up to 400 hours beginning January 1, 2003. Employees must report all use of sick leave on the monthIy payroll voucher," seconded by Reigstad. Motion carried Personnel Chair VonderhwT moved to vacation accrua]s policy 1103, The committee r=mmended an update to the poJrcv. Venderharr motioned to amend the present language to read "Policy 1 103 Employe=es are encouraged to take vacation within the year in which accrued. Beginning in 2005, eligible employees may auTy over to the next year a maximum of fifty percent Of the vacation they earn during the preceding calendar year," sewn ded by Beck. Motion tamed- The Personnel commfttt chair moved to a review of the Policy 401 1Probatianary ptriod. Vonderharr presented a change tt) 90 from -sax months to three months. Board discussion followed, Questions revolved around the purpose c the poJiu y and what time IirniLS were most appropriate for profimsional and Wier star A matian was made by Venderharr to amend the present language to read: "Poiioy 401 Probationary PeriocL All appointments are subject to a Probationary pseud of three (3) morMs afcontinuau s ernp]oymer t. ?he probationary period is part of the training process and is used to evaluate the etrtployoe's job performance. Employees who are givers a new position are subject to a probat[onary+ periods" seconded by Clouse. The original moon as amend will read: `Policy 401 Probationary Period. All appointments are subject to a probationary period of six (6) months of continuous ernp]oyment_ The probationary period is part of the training process and is used to evaluate tha empioyee'sloh perfurrnancc. Ernployees who are given a new position are subject to a pfvbationaty period. Employees may receive an extension oftheir probationary period in the event the immediate sWerrisu determines that the employen has not shown satistacrory deve]opment in the position but wants to allow for more training and development times" was carried (nnte, see discussions and rnotions above and beIow). Further discussion followed with inquiries $ora board members on why the time period %N set at three or six months, Questions that arose centered an why the period should be shorten. Concerns were exprmsed over having sough time to }properly assess an employee`s abilities to performs the job and work wikbin thn various work groups_ A oration was made by Hale to amend the original motion on language s3langes to read, "Policy 401 Probationary Period. A[I appointments are subject to a probationary period of six (6)rncnths Ofcontirruous emp€oyrnant, The probationary period is part of the t wining proves and is used to eva€uatetbe employee'& job performance_ Empl oyecs who are given anew position are subject Loa probationary period. tymploya may receive an extension of their probationary period in the event the immediate supervisor determines that thU employee has not shown satisfactory development in the position but wants to a]]aw for more training and dew] Wment time," seconded by iwfam_ Motian carried with 1 -nay vote_ Chair Flaker resumed to the original rnotior[ t (note, Sae original motion above). o amend the present language of the "Policy 401 PraCxationary Period ", Chair Vonderharr went on to highlight a discussion on policy 1701 Life Insurtfnce Benefits. The corrimitkee vrotl]d consider this matter later, Shc also highlighted the pay dates of rrtonthly and hi-weekly for non -uwx an employees. A survey wi11 be tone of the employee and brought back as appropriate. Ivey Vanderharrrevievwedthe issue of the - Miftrr to Voluntary Certifimfion Proigam "_ The committee recvrnmendcd a language change to thn present policy, Upon motion of Vorlderharr to amend the present ] anguage to read: "Policy 204A Employees who complete! thet Mi mLsata Volurtrary Ceni [ieatioq Frograrn prior to employment by PLS may receive consideration for initial piaeement at one higher interval*„ seconded by Rotunda, Motion carried. Chair Ivey Vonderharr stated there were nc%v etnployee(s) to authorize for hiring, Motion by Vonderharr to approve the appointment of Darlene Harguth for the Clara City+ Public Library, se-corGded by Reigstad, Motipn carried. Director Houlahan introduced the hiring of Justin Hering to serve as the °Lil ary Technalogy Specialist" at Pay Gracie 10. His supervisor would be the Information Technology Manager_ Funding for the position was included in (he technology area of the Bioneerland Adrninistrwim budget. (automa# on mts }. Personnel Chair Vonderharr made a motion to appoint Justin Hering uua a "Library Technology Specialist" serving the Administration Dep 'ernt with interval Piace<r�enI based on prior training and work experience, seconded by R6gstad. Motion carried. Committee Chair $erg -Perry preented for the Ad Hoc Committee art Finaneial FuNre/Stmtegiie Planning Committee. She highlighted the ❑ mmince rnenting held on August 18, 2003 where nine findl ngs were frrrrnulated for board consideration [ included in the August 28, 2003 board packet]_ Chair Berg -Perry reviewed the committee's focus an establishing Mothods ra meet "muiimum service and fiscal standfn -ds ". The board held discmilin on the findings and requested Chair Berg -Pe rv's committee to consider a stw"ng point far meeting the standards that would ease the various libraries into a new way of thinking about rmancial survival and rninirnn[rn servir~e delivery. She said Lbo committee would consider the bound's ideas, Chair Baker complimented the committee on fwmalizing a plan. Chair Baker requested an update fmm the Groat Committee. Committee minutes were included with information for ibe bortrd meeting,. 5 Cc_) Clair Mary Huesing updated the board on PLS'S "bequest for Proposal" pro s conecrning a longterm teamology providrrr. Director IfouJahan explained that the Traverse Des Sioux (TDS) Regional Library 5ysten was looking at various options and was considering a move away from the lvf Link option. TDS was concerned that i &Link focused more nn the academic needs versus the regional. library system needs. He went on to say St. John's University in Co] lcgeville, UN was cNnverting over to MnLink during tlhe next month and it would be a good time to observe the process and outcome. Houlaftan went on to remind the board that lbinLink was originally designed as an academic technology system. In order for it to work fear regional 11brarie$, sorrte rnQdifications would be in order- Chair Huesing went on to explain thEv the software filtering rogUirernents based on the fedt*ral standards from the I;!_ .Supreme court ruling are scheduled to be availab]e before year-end, Chair Baker moved on to Old Business and New BiLquess. 7t, ere being nonermoved on Director Hculahants Report of the Director referenced infGrmation on telec=munications and related grants, lb e. director and chair determined based on the late hour of the meeting, to hold the presertation on"telewmmunications" for Ehe Septemba. -r I & 2003 PLS bmrd meeting - flair Baler asked if any one bad Other Busioess, There being hone he r ,inded the board tF�e rye ct m in would held Thursday, September 19, 2003 at 7.30 p.m- He requested adjonmment. A inutiwi was made by SJlvemaJe to Adjourn at 9;33 P.m., seconded by SchueJler. Motion carried. Garrison llale Sa cremry