07-17-2003 PLIBMIV. .} PIO E LAND LIBRARY SYSTEM EM OF71CLI L PROCEEDINGS AHNUTES OF TJHE BOARD MEETING T RURSDAY, JULY 17, 2DO3 AT 7.30 P.M. Pursuant In dtte call and notice thereof, a regular muting of the PiDnemland Library System Board called to order at 7:30 p-m, by Chair John Balser on Thursday, JUIy l7, 2403 in the Willmar Public library Building Mukipurpmo Roorn, Willmar, MN. loll call was taken and the Chair announced a quorum was present, Chair Raiser opened the meeting with the announcement that .1zm Raker afOrtmville, NfN wouJd be their new representative replacing Allen Mouser. Chair Baker requested npprovai of the agenda subjet to additipns+deletlons: Board members requested the fallowing additions_ V. Committee Reports: A. Hinance: NASA razht for the Olivia Public Library. Clouse- motioned approval of the agenda as prm Q W with amended additions, Bonded by Reigstad. Motion carried, Board member S"vernale moved for the approval Of the .lane 1<9, 2003 minutes, seconded by ?"..rkdahl. McItion c:an-ied. Chair Baker moved to cornmitice reporrs_ F=inance Committee Trea5arer Clouse presented for tic Finance Committee, MDtion by Clouse to accept the June 2003 Financial Report, seconded by Reigstad_ Marion n carried. Clorisc moved to accept the rifts and Check Registers as presented, seconded by Ueland. Motion carved_ Clouse acknOwiedged mm m unication s from the Cities of Clara City, Dawson and Madison referencing "Automation Casts"'. Ck RLse moved to authorise a grant application [with signatures] for a NASA Exhibit at the 01ivia Rubric Library, seconded by Dille. Motion carricxL Chair Balser moved to the Personnel Committee. Chair Vonderha.rr presented a new employee_ She questioned hiring with pending ciiy/counry cutbacks. The board discussed. The City of Dawson represi- litative Vern SiIvernale explained that ehis was a summer seasQnaf ern ployee. VonderhwT move to approve the hiring of Amada Jenson for the Rawson Public Library, seconded by Uel and. Motion carried Chair John Baker moved to the Negotiations Comrnitfee and turned the meeting over to Lead Negotiator UeIand. Uel and referred the board to the "Agrournut between PIOT#EERLAND REGIOINAL LIBKA RY SYSTE M and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUN1CIFAL EMPLOYEES, AFL -CIO LOCAL UNION NO. 1 826 (January I, 2003 through Deum bcr 31, 2403r [contained irl the mail c+ut packet]_ He explained that the Union agreed to virtually all oftlhe significant items that were suggested as Iangtmage changes k= the attorney. Further, l_ieland stressed the need to establish a "negotiating policy- for the future_ He informed the PL5 Board that the State of Minniescta - Bureau gF Mod iation Servi = coupled m ith the A. F:S.C_tvl.E. Union Local # 1826 did not support taking tha Negotiating Committee authority away and modifying the agreement after the fact. n board held discussion on the various points brought up. A motion was made by Uel and to approve the "Agrecmmt between MONEERLAtND REG10 -NAi, LIBRARY SYSTEM and A ERICAN FEDERA'110N OF STATE, COUNTY AND ivU ICIPAL EM PLOYEJ; , AFL-CIO LOCAL UNION N0. 1526 (January 1, 2003 through December 31, 21103)" as presented with autharirstion for signatures, seconded by SilvernaJc_ Motion carried ile Ian d went bark to the discussion on a policy for futurt: negotiatims, Board inember Hale moved to direct the PLS Fulicy Committee to prepare a `Nf got iatiort Policy" which would be in the form of a resolution and woufd Include definitions for the various `Vol ;i and `responsibilities" such as lead negr}tiator, acgotiator, library board director, Iibr+dry board, negotiation attorney, the process to be utilized, and the requirements for payment ofautborized expenses, secunded by Vonderharr. Motion carried. Chair Balser highlighted the fact that this matter would be drafted by ilia "Policy Committee" in the Form of rj- sct 3utE( )n. Further cons ideral ion ofthis matter would be ewnpleted before the start of the next contract negotiation_ Lead Negatiator Ueiand wen[ on to in farm the board that they would neod to consider moving the "fled Librarians" oche step an the clew contract pay ranges fur 7003