02-28-2005 LIBMMinutes
Hutchinson Public Library Board Meeting
Feb. 28, 2005
Members present: Julie Jensen, Larry Ladd, Connie Lambert, John
Hassinger, Newt Potter, Kay Peterson, Mary Henke, Librarian, and Jack
Sandberg, PLS Library system representative
Members absent: Kay Johnson
President Connie Lambert called the meeting to order. The minutes of the last
meeting on January 24, 2005 were reviewed and approved.
1. Jack Sandberg reporting: Pioneerland has began the process to
purchase a new automation system. Awards night will be held at
Willmar Ridgewater College on April 21.
2. Legislative Day, Feb, 24, 2005 Mary Henke reporting: Mary and
Connie attended. Both felt is was a very worthwhile venture.
They were able to meet with Scott Newman and Steve Dille. They
heard discussions on library funding and also learned there is money
in the bonding bill for library construction.
Old Business
1. Portraits of librarians. The Friends of the Library will spend up to
six hundred dollars on preparing the picture display. The types of
frames to be used was discussed.
2. New Century Charter School computer classes. The classes held at the
library are up and running. One class of 12 students has been held and
another group of 18 are signed up. The classes emphasis library usage.
3. The new lights have been installed in the entryway.
4. Community Forum. The fine tuning for the forum continues. The topic
is Truth in Media. The forum most likely will be held either April 12
or 13. The presenter will be a reporter from the St. Cloud news paper.
5. Library board appointments. The terms of Connie Lambert and Newt
Potter will expire in April. The board will pick two names to forward
to the city council at the next board meeting on March 28.
New Business
1. National Library Week will be April 10 to 16. The topic for the week
2. A discussion was held about paint colors for the conference room.
The custodian will do the painting.
Next meeting: Monday, March 28 - 4:30
Meeting adjourned at 4:25.
Newt Potter, secretary
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