01-24-2005 LIBMMinutes
Hutchinson Public library Board Meeting
January 24, 2005
Members present: Julie Jensen, Larry Ladd, Connie Lambert, John Hassinger, Mary
Henke, Librarian, and Jack Sandberg, Pioneerland Library System (PLS) representative
Members absent: Kay Johnson, Newt Potter, and Kay Peterson
President Connie Lambert called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last
meeting on November 22, 2004 were reviewed and approved.
1.. Mary reported on the meeting with McLeod County commissioner Grant
Knutson and McLeod librarians on Jan. 11, 2005 at the Glencoe Public :Library.
The county has approved a 3% increase for 2005 as requested. Commissioner
Knutson has meet with PLS board to get information on new automation system.
2. Jack Sandberg gave a report on the PLS Board meeting on Jan. 20. A new
automation package is being purchased. Cost and benefits were reviewed.
Old Business:
1. Placement of librarians' portraits has been established. Raising of funds Is
through Friends of the Library.
2. New Century Charter School computer instruction continued to be
implemented. Times and dates are being set.
3. Replacement of light fixtures in entry area to be done in February.
4. Community forum committee continues to meet. A forum on the Hutchinson
family and the social issues of the early days to be developed. An additional
forum on the media coverage and the Iraq situation being developed.
New Business:
1. Idea of having additional lighting on exterior of library facing Main Street being
examined. Additional benches will be added to the park as weather permits.
2. Recommendations for two new board members to be pursued. Newt Potter
and Connie Lambert will be going off the board In April.
3. Library Legislative Day Is Feb. 24 in St. Paul. Connie and Mary to attend.
Meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, Feb. 28 at 4.30 p.m.
John Hassinger, Secretary