11-18-2004 PLIBMThe November 18, 2004 meeting of the Pioneedand Library System board was called to order in the Willmar Public Library meeting room by Chair John Baker at 7:30 pm. A quorum was announced. This will be the last full board meeting for the year. Guests are Sue Hilgert, Olivia Head Librarian, Shirley Schulte, Bird Island Head Librarian, Jean Clark for Central Processing, Cindi Hendrixx, Appleton Head Librarian, Mary Millard from the central office, Pat Brown who will be replacing AI Clouse representing Olivia and Ron Anthony who will be replacing Gary Johnson representing Yellow Medicine County. There are 7 board members whose terms are up at the end of this year. They are Gary Johnson, Ivey Vonderharr, AI Clouse, AI Maas, Jim Schueller, Mary Huesing and Herb Rotunda. Thanks to all of them for their years of service. AI Clouse added VA. 11. Canby Migration Budget and VA. 12 Ken Parker Donation to the agenda. Director Houlahan added V111.E. April `05 Awards meeting. Garrison Hale motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Second by Gary Johnson. Carried. There was a brief discussion on the Oct. 21`04 minutes. Ivey Vonderharr motioned to approve the Oct 21, 2004 minutes. Second by Dan Reigstad. Carried. AI Clouse presented for the Finance Committee. Clouse motioned to approve the Oct 2004 financial Report. Second by Gary Johnson. Brief discussion. Carried. Clouse motioned to accept the October 2004 bills and check registers. Second by Neva Kamrath. Carried. We are in the process of working on the Appleton Prison Contract They must have a. qualified librarian review their services. We will charge a fee for this. Cindi Hen drixx is working on a phased approach to the prison services from the Appleton Library and Pioneerland. There was some discussion on this phased approach. Phase 1 would limit the Prison to 1 library card with a maximum of 100 concurrent loans. ILL not to be from outside PLS. Garrison Hale motioned to implement Phase 1 along with the director's service contract of $500 for the year on Jan. 1, 2005 Phase 1 to run the entire year of 2005. Second by Dan Reigstad. Discussion. Carried. Director Houlahan presented information on the 2004, 2005 budgets. These will go `before the ExecutivelFnance committees for approval in December. For Local budget detail information, see John. He also reviewed briefly the automation budget See him with questions. There was discussion as to dispersal of $5661 extra from Granite Fails. This can be used toward capital expenses. These dollars are to relieve 2004 financial issues and continue into 2005. AI Clouse motioned to accept the extra dollars from Granite Falls to be used to be used toward capital expenses with the offsetting dollars going toward their operation expenses. Second by Amy Wilde. Discussion. This plan has already been approved by the auditors. Carried. All Clouse motioned to approve a trial run book selling agreement with E -Bay. Second by Gary Johnson. Carried. Al Clouse motioned to approve the new Library Size Criteria. Second by Garrison Hale. Discussion. The new criteria is adjusted for inflation and includes combination of 2 libraries within the criteria. Carried. Garrison Hale motioned to deny librarians reimbursement out of Pioneerland funds for LMC meeting milage. Second by Vern Silvernale. Discussion. Generally, in these situations, the union is responsible for their own costs, not the employer. Carried with 15 yes, 5 no. AI Clouse motioned to accept the entire $11,000 SAMMIE grant for the Canby migration in one year rather that split over 2 years. Second by Gary Johnson. Carried. Al Clouse motioned to accept a donation from Ken Parker to the Willmar Library of $25,000 with the interest to be. used for the library needs. Second by Ivey Vonderharr. Carried. The Board also wished to recognize Ken andlor his generosity and publish this in area papers with iris consent. 5���1 Ivey Vonderharr presented for the Personnel Committee. Vonderharr motioned to accept the new hires of Beth Selle at Brownton, Barbara Fteldstad ad Madison and Mary Ann Price at Hutchinson. Second by Barbara Jean Nelson. Brief Discussion. Carried. There are no additional policies to discuss. Vonderharr recommended that a letter be sent to Jack Johnson reminding him of the Board's attendance policy. Stacey Schuette presented for the Ad Hoc Evaluation/Goals committee. See the Directors report for new format including items the committee has designated as important goals to be working on. There will be an all day meeting on Dec. 10th to hear from PLS staff as to their requirements/wishes of services that the central office should provide regardless of what type of library system we are. Anyone who wishes to attend may do so. We will need to replace Al Clouse on the LMC committee tonight.: Hale is also considering resignation from that committee. Hale motioned to move Paul Setzepfandt from his position as back -up to a committee position. Second by Dan Reigstad. Carried. Now we will need to replace Paul and select an new negotiating team member. This will occur at the January `05 meeting. Al Maas presented for the Nominating Committee. The committee has come up with a list of 1 nominee for each elected position. Other nominations will be taken at the January meeting when the elections are held. There was no Old Business. New Business. The Heritage Searchers agreement, an annual agreement, is up for renewal. They are responsible for the insurance on their items in the library. Al Clouse motioned to approve the agreement for 2005. Second by Ivey Vonderharr. Carried. Prior to the Automation Selection presentation, Director Houlahan presented the Director's report. We are looking for a host for the 2005 banquet If interested, contact John by January. Also a Thank You to Ivey for organizing the past banquets. Mary Millard presented information on the - -- Mardag project. She also presented- on -PL-S- disaster plans which are over 10 years old and need to be updated. Policy committee will look at this. We also need to comply with State health and Safety regulations. Per Ivey, there will be no Personnel meeting in December Beth Lunn presented information on the Automation Software selection process with the assistance of the visiting librarians. They have a preferred software choice selected after much research. This will go first to the December joint Finance /Executive/Technology meeting for approval. Then to the full board after the new year. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm Stacey Schuette Secretary s���1