07-26-2004 LIBMS Minutes Hutchinson Library Board Meeting July 26, 2004 Members Present: Kay Johnson,John Hassinger, Kay Peterson, Larry Ladd, Julie Jensen, Connie Lambert, Newt Potter, and Mary Henke(Librarian) The meeting was called to order by Connie Lambert, President. Minuets from the last meeting were reviewed and approved. Reports: 1. Pioneer Land Library System board meeting, Jack Sandberg reporting. Pioneer Land budget preparation is delayed so the work will mesh with the cites budget work. There was discussion about a gift to the Litchfield Library. Can a gift be kept for a single library? Discussion about the possible use of Ridge Water College students at the Willmar Library. The Union contract has been settled to the end of 2005. John Houlihan shared information about the state library system. The system could be made to be more efficient. Old Business: 1. Wrap up of the 100th anniversary celebration. A record of pictures will be made and kept for posterity. The event was completed within budget. Atotal of $469 was spent and may donations were received. Thank you notes will be sent to people who donated items. One hundred thirty two books have been purchased with donated funds($2429.77). 2. Archie Kucera's retirement party. City will pick up cost for cake and beverage. The party was 2:30 to 4:30 on July 28 in the library meeting room. 3. Portraits of Librarians. A search is on looking for pictures of former librarians. A story will placed in the Leader to help in the search. 4. Community Forums. Looking for suggestions for forums. Possible topics: Hutchinson's 150th anniversary, internet workshop, candidates forum, history of presidential elections. Committee for forums: Kay Johnson, John Hassinger, Newt Potter New Business 1. No new business Next meeting: Will skip August meeting unless something arises that needs attention. Next meeting - September 27 Meeting adjourned 5:35 Newt Potter, Secretary 5 6 �,- 5