07-22-2004 PLIBMThe July 22 2004 meeting of the Pioneedand Liary System Board was called to order by Vice Chair Garrison Hale at
7:35 pm in the Willmar Public Library Meeting Room. We have a quorum. Guests present are Villa Lippert and Cindi
Henddxx. Eric Weiberg added V.A.5 RLTA, V.A..6 Litchfield Designated Book fund and V.A.7 MN Library Assoc.
Conference and C. Non -union health benefits and Union health benefits. Dean Schuck motioned to approve the
agenda as amended. Second by Amy Wilde. Carried. Jeff Lozez motioned to approve the June 17, 2004
minutes. Second by Dan Reigstad. Carried.
Eric Weiberg presented for the Finance Committee. Weiberg motioned to approve the June 2004 Financial report.
Second by Jeff Lopez. Carried. Weiberg motioned to approve the bills and check register. Second by AI
Clouse. Carried. Garrison Hale presented information on the new budget process. Welberg motioned to approve
the renewal of the Ridgewater CollegelPLS work study agreement. Second by Gary Johnson. Carried. In this
agreement, PLS hires a student from that institute and pays 25% of their wages, the balance coming from the college.
We are in the 3b year of the 5 year RLTA grant which funds our telecommunications. Weiberg motioned to approve
the RLTA grant for 2004 -2005. Second by Al Clouse. Carried. Discussion followed. Weiberg motioned to
establish the Litchfield Designated Book Fund. Second by Pam Dille. Carried. This fund is from Litchfield
dollars. The MN Library Association Conference will be in October in Duluth. Weiberg motioned to approve
attendance by Director Houlahan and one other staff member. Second by Dean Shuck Carried. Mary Millard
will be the other attendee.
Garrison Hale presented for the Ne gotiation Committee. He described the process of fine - tuning the union agreement
from 2003 to 20D4 -2005. The current contract seniority list Appendix B last line is changed to read Local 1826, not
1836. This document goes with the main union contract document for approval. Hale reviewed the changes from last
year to present and went over the health care options allowed by the new contract. Dean Shuck motioned to accept
the new contract. Second by Vern Silvemale. Carried. The librarians present informed the board that the union
has also voted to accept the contract. Eric Weiberg explained how MSA (insurance) accounts work and the need for
the non -union employees to have the same health insurance plan as the union employees. There is also a need to
put the non -union employees on approximately the same pay scale as the union employees in order to comply with
pay equity. Ivey Vonderharr motioned to approve a $.631hr (the rate can vary slightly depending on placement
on salary schedule) increase through 2005 for non -union employees plus the same health benefits as union
employees on contract for 2004.2005. Second by Paul Setzepfandt. Carried. There will be no step increases
with this new wage. And it will. be retroactive to Jan. '04 as is the Union contract.
Director Houlahan said that we have a candidate for head librarian in Willmar who will be starting August 2nd. Ivey
Vonderharr motioned to approve the appointment of Laurie Ortega as head Ubrarian in Wilimar. Second by
Dan Reigstad. Carried. There was some discussion on board attendance. Director Houlahan introduced Mary
Millard to the board. Mary is currently working on a grant and will continue to do this work and take over a number of
Kathy's duties.
Stacey Schuette presented for the Ad Hoc Goals /Evaluation committee. Reviewed the direction the committee plans
to go regarding evaluation of the director and the board and presented some areas of importance that need to be
Old Business, Amy Wilde mentioned that some of the librades.may need to adjust their budgets to accommodate the
new wages. Dean Shuck had some questions on the new trustee orientation and whether not so new members can
get more training on how the budget works. Director Houlahan will tentatively plan to have the next orientation before
the 9116 board meeting and divide this into segments such as systems, automation, history, Interlibrary loan and
budgets, Anyone who wishes could attend any of these segments.
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New Business - We have a Thank You card from Kathy Matson for her retirement gift.
Director Houlahan presented the Director's report. We have a new commissioner of Education Alice Seagren who is
supportive of libraries. There is also a State library meeting next week where directors will discuss the possible
restructuring of regional libraries.
Other - Question as to whether gifts can be designated for a particular item. Consensus of the board is that they can
but Pi_S prefers this be more flexible to meet library needs. There will be no regular board meeting in August. There
will be a joint Executive Board/Finance committee meeting instead at 7:00 pm:
Dean Shuck motioned to adjourn. Second by Eric Weiberg. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Stacey Schuette
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