06-17-2004 PLIBMThe June 17, 2004 meeting of the Pioneerland Library system in the Willmar Public Library Meeting Room was preceded by a dinner honoring Kathy Matson, who is retiring from her position as Assistant Director of the PLS. As a thank you, Chair John Baker presented Kathy with a gift of money form the board members. Chair Baker called the meeting to order at 7 :15 pm. A quorum was present. He appointed Joan Reckdahl as secretary pro tern Zeth Lietzan, an intern working on automation and Latino outreach projects, was introduced. Chair Baker also recognized two head librarians, who were there as union representatives, Pat Cina from Benson and Fay Helms from Kerkhoven. He also welcomed two new board members, Barbara Jean Nelson of Benson and Angie Larson of Ortonvitle. After two additions and a change in the order of the agenda, it was approved in a motion by Jeff Lopez, second by Dan Reigstad. Vern Silvernale / Eric Weiberg moved to approve the May minutes. Motion passed. Garrison Hale introduced three representatives from the Southwest Central Service Co-op, a health insurance pool with Blue Cross being the insurance provider at the present tune. Richard Ford presented documents comparing the benefits of the plan PLS presently has (PEIP 151100) with the benefits of AG W / COPAY (BIue Cross). He also distributed sheets showing the costs of the various plans from both providers. Vern Silvernale moved that we join the Co-op effective August 1, 2004. And accept the bid for $151100% (Health Plan #4) through 12- 31 -05. Dean Schuck seconded. Motion passed. Garrison Hale moved to make a formal cancellation of our previous medical plan effective July 31, 2004. Second by Vern Silvernale. Motion passed. Garrison Hale moved to appoint Director John Houlahan as our official representative to the Co-op board. Paul Setzepfandt seconded. Motion passed. Garrison Hate, for the Personnel Committee, moved to authorize the employment of Dustin Streich in Madison and Iva Lou Gillespie in Graceville. Second by Dean Schuck. Motion passed. Volunteers were requested to fill the vacancy in the Personnel Committee caused by the resignation of Lowell Ueland. Sarah Groves- Speece volunteered, and her nomination was seconded by Herb Rotunda and approved by a vote of the board. Eric Weiberg, speaking for the Finance Committee, moved approval of the May, 2004, financial report. Amy Wilde seconded. Motion passed. Weiberg also moved to pay bills and approve the check register as presented. Jeff Lopez seconded. Motion passed. Weiberg moved that we approve the West Central Co -op Delivery Service Contract. Seconded by Dan Reigstad. Motion passed. 51a-) 1 Weiberg also moved that we approve the revised 2004 budget. Amy Wilde seconded. Motion passed. On a request from Neva Kamrath, future orientation meetings for new board members will be open to present board members who desire a refresher course on the PLS budget. Weiberg moved, Barbara Jean Nelson seconded, approval of the PLS 2005 budget, which recommends an average increase of 3% for each signatory, Motion passed. Weiberg moved approval of the Regional Library Basic Support Program (RLBSS) Fiscal Year 2005. Garrison Hale seconded. Motion passed. Weiberg moved approval of the Position Description of Administrative Specilist, a part -time replacement for some of Kathy Matson's duties. Seconded by Diane Beck. Motion passed. Weiberg moved that the.PLS board pay for the meals of board members at the annual awards night dinner held in April. Second by Garrison Hale. Motion passed. Garrison Hale, speaking for the Negotiations Committee, summarized the health insurance issues per the negotiations contract. He also said that it would be necessary to have a full board meeting in July to consider the new employee /employer contract. Chair Baker appointed the following board members to an ad hoc committee on library goals: Neva Kamrath, Mazy Huesing, Stacey Schuette, Garrison Hale, and Dean Schuck. Vern Silvernale moved, Angie Larson seconded, approval of the committee membership. Garrison.Hale reported on the Performance Evaluation of the PLS director. The director's performance exceeded expectations in most areas (e.g. Communications, Public Relations, Planning, Human Relations). Hale recommended a three -year Strategic Plan including goals for the library system and for the library director. This would help in the process of evaluation. Hale also recommended that the director should meet with the evaluation committee. In the Director's Report, John Houlahan reported a good recovery from surgery to donate a kidney. Our next full board meeting will be held July 22. Vern Silvernale / Garrison Hale moved adjournment. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Joan Reckdal* Secretary Pro Tem