05-24-2004 LIBMMinutes
Hutchinson Public Library Board Meeting
May 24, 2004
Present: Larry Ladd, Julie Jensen, John Hassinger, Mary Henke (Librarian), Connie
Lambert and Kay Peterson
Absent: Kay Johnson and Newt Potter
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Lambert. The minutes of the
April Board meeting were reviewed and approved.
Reports: Pioneerland Library System Board Meeting on May 20 was reviewed by
Mary Henke from information received by Kathy Matson, Assistant Director. The
automation project is moving ahead with a consultant being hired. Grants for
automation are being applied for to handle cost. PLS Board continues to explore
foundation possibilities.
Old Business:
1. Building Restoration
A. Heating, air conditioning and cooling system controls continue to be
B. Buying an extractor to clean the carpet at a cost of $2,700 and a life
of 10 years
B. Fountain on schedule for completion before 100th anniversary
2. 100th Anniversary Committee Report
A. Invitations are being sent
B. Program being worked on
C. Display case is developed
3. Update on Retirement Party for Archie Kucera- --will be held at Library at
end of day with date to be determined
4. Librarians' Portraits --- Pictures are being located. This project will be
developed more fully, following the 100'h anniversary celebration.
5. Community Forums —Board members are encouraged to think of possible
topics. Mary will explore what other libraries are doing.
New Business:
1. Summer Reading Program —Sherry Lund presented plans for the program.
The theme will be "Tracking It Down at Your Library". She is planning for up
to 300 participants.
2. Donations of $1,439.45 received for April of 2004.
No meeting scheduled for June unless need arises. Next scheduled meeting will be
July 26, 2004 at 4:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned.
John Hassinger, Secretary