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11-25-2002 LIBMMinutes Hutchinson Public Library Board November 25, 2002 Present: Larry Ladd, Connie Lambert, Mary Henke, Kay Peterson, Newton Potter, and John Hassinger Absent: Kay Johnson and Julie Jensen The meeting was called to order by President Connie Lambert. The minutes of the October 28, 2002 were approved as written. PLS report: Mary reported no major issues to report on. Negotiations with head librarians continues. Contract with Canby Public Library is in final stages. Old Business 1. Priority listing from focus groups Mary compiled board members' prioritized list of suggestions from the focus group. Those items that emerged as high priorities were Internet expansion, services for the underserved, and reading lists for students. Discussion followed about how to connect knowledgeable students in computer usage with adults interested in learning about computers and Internet. High school or Ridgewater students? Mary and Connie will look at list and develop goals and objectives for the board to examine. 2. Development of technology plan Pioneerland Library System would like each library to have a technology plan and is in the initial stages of developing a format for such a plan. This dovetails with what we are doing. Goals from the focus group will feed into the technology plan. 3. Community forum The turnout was lighter that our last forum on the Muslim religion. Pete Hoeger gave a good presentation and there was a good discussion. We discussed possible future presenters; an author and a Black History month program. 4. City and county budget requests for 2003 Kay Peterson reported the city has our request in place. Connie wasn't able to reach Bev Wangerin for report from county. 5. Minnesota Historical Society grant We received the official letter confirming the $16, 000 matching grant. Julie Wischnack from the Hutchinson Building and Planning Dept. along with a representative from the Parks and Recreation Dept. will be at our January 2003 meeting to give us an overview on the projects planned for the library. 6. Energy conservation grant Grant money will be used to add insulation to the old roof with wiring to be checked first and to upgrade lighting to a more efficient system. Next year, we will receive $45,000 to replace the heating, ventilation and air - conditioning system. 7. Proclamation A proclamation will be read recognizing the dedicated work of the library staff at the City Council meeting at 5:30 p.m. on November 26 in the Council Chambers. New Business 1. Pastor Greg Nelson of Bethlehem United Methodist asked if they could use the upper room of the library as part of their Passion Week service. Mary will check on city and PLS policy for guidance. • Iee. a3 rneetln9 coos 00,nceIled beccuase of lack o pressinj J_-,.js,ness ain4 bcorc( rnr%ejrr►,bers -Tne- 0e\ Meeting adjourned. hol l cl" * W (fs . John Hassinger, Acting Secretary.