01-03-2011 CCM MINUTES HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 2011, 5:00 P.M. 1.INSTALLATION OF NEWLY ELECTED CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: MAYOR STEVEN W. COOK COUNCIL MEMBER BILL ARNDT COUNCIL MEMBER MARY CHRISTENSEN 2.CALL TO ORDER – 5:00 P.M. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Eric Yost, Bill Arndt and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney 3. CONSENT AGENDA (a)RESOLUTIONS 1.RESOLUTION NO. 13837 – APPOINTING JEREMY CARTER AS CITY ADMINISTRATOR FOR 2011 2.RESOLUTION NO. 13838 – DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AS HUTCHINSON LEADER 3.RESOLUTION NO. 13834 – DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS AND INSTITUTIONS 4.RESOLUTION NO. 13835 – RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM WELLS FARGO BANK OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 5.RESOLUTION NO. 13836 – RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA (b) CONSIDERATION OF 2011 CITY CALENDAR Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to approve consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS SELECTION OF COUNCIL’S VICE PRESIDENT (a) – Bill Arndt Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to elect Bill Arndt as Council Vice President. Motion carried unanimously. DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS: (b) 1.AIRPORT COMMISSION – Steve Cook 2.CITY-SCHOOL DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Chad Czmowski and Steve Cook 3. CREEKSIDE ADVISORY BOARD – Bill Arndt 4. HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. BOARD (EDA) – Chad Czmowski and Mary Christensen 5. HUTCHINSON HOUSING, INC. (HRA) – Bill Arndt 6. JOINT PLANNING BOARD – Bill Arndt 7. LIBRARY BOARD – Mary Christensen 8.PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD –Mary Christensen Organizational Meeting Agenda – January 3, 2011 6.PLANNING COMMISSION – Chad Czmowski 7.PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION – Eric Yost 8.TREE BOARD – Steve Cook Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to ratify Mayor’s appointments. Motion carried unanimously. DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO OTHER COMMITTEES: (c) 1.MID-MINNESOTA COMMISSION – Bill Arndt 2.HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION – Chad Czmowski 3.RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE – Steve Cook & Eric Yost 4.WAGE COMMITTEE – Eric Yost and Chad Czmowski 5.HUTCHINSON SAFETY COUNCIL – Bill Arndt 6.SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL RADIO BOARD – Steve Cook 7.PIONEERLAND LIBRARY BOARD – Roger Vacek 8.MCLEOD COUNTY SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Bill Arndt and Gary Plotz Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to ratify Mayor’s appointments. Motion carried unanimously. (d)CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING PUBLIC MEETING FOR OPEN MEETING LAW PRESENTATION ON JANUARY 14, 2011, AT 9:00 A.M. Motion by Arndt, second by Yost, to approve setting public meeting for the Open Meeting Law presentation on January 14, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Cook – Mayor Cook asked if the Council would like to schedule a meeting with the state legislators, Council and staff to discuss and review upcoming projects for the city. City Administrator Jeremy Carter will attempt to schedule something. Mayor Cook also suggested holding a workshop to review policy governance and the City’s goals, objectives and ends statements. Mayor Cook also asked if the Council would be interested in revisiting the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities membership vote that was taken at the last Council meeting. He suggested revisiting this topic since it was a split vote with one abstention, the money is still in the budget for 2011 and we now have a new Council Member that may wish to be part of the consideration. He suggested holding a workshop prior to the next Council meeting on January 11, 2011, at 4:00 p.m. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to set Council workshop for January 11, 2011, at 4:00 p.m. to review policy governances items and the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities membership. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Cook also noted that he had distributed a Council Annual Self Evaluation to use for the review scheduled for January 25, 2011. Mayor Cook modeled the evaluation form from that which the Hutchinson School District uses. 5. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to adjourn at 5:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.