05-04-2010 CCMMINUTES HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010 - 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 P.M. 1. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Jim Haugen, Bill Arndt, Eric Yost and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. PUBLIC HEARING 2. (a)SHERWOOD STREET SE EXTENSION (LETTING NO. 2, PROJECT NO. 10-02), TRUNK HWY 15 WATERMAIN LINING (LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO. 10-08) AND STREET SEALCOATING (LETTING NO. 12, PROJECT NO. 10-13) PROJECTS (ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS) Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that the Sherwood Street project will be assessed, however the other two projects will not be assessed. The Sherwood Street project is estimated at $1,020,000 with $760,000 being assessable. The remaining costs of the project will be covered with bonding and water/wastewater/stormwater funds. General discussion was held regarding the road extension and other future roadways on various properties in the area. Mr. Exner then reviewed the Trunk Hwy 15 Watermain lining project. The watermain will run th from 4 Avenue South to Oakland Avenue SE by cured-in-place-pipe liner method construction. The estimated project cost is $524,000 with funding coming from bonding and water/wastewater/stormwater funds. Mr. Exner noted that the cities of Golden Valley and Fridley are instituting the same type of project, so it is being proposed to bid the three cities’ projects as one with an established schedule. Each city would have the authority to revise their own project. Lastly, Mr. Exner and John Olson, Public Works Manager, reviewed the street sealcoating project The estimated total project costs are at $348,000. The identifying street segments will be determined by the Pavement Management Program analysis and staff review. Mr. Olson reviewed the specific streets that are proposed to be included in the sealcoating project. Mr. Olson also reviewed the project process. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve proceeding with the projects noted above. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 3. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. FOR TRUNK HWY 15 WATERMAIN LINING PROJECT Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that since the cured-in-place-pipe liner method of the pipe rehabilitation for the Trunk Hwy 15 watermain lining project is a relatively new method, it is being proposed to utilize the services of SEH to collect data, prepare bid documents, provide bidding process assistance and administer construction services for the project. The not-to-exceed total fee amount is $68,509. Mayor Cook recommended re-evaluating the consultant pool and trying to utilize other firms when available. Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, to approve engineering services agreement with Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. for Trunk Hwy 15 watermain lining project. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR KENT EXNER TO ATTEND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION IN BOSTON, MA, FROM AUGUST 15 – 18, 2010 Mayor Cook clarified the policy on out-of-state travel being every other year. Motion by Haugen, second by Cook, to approve out-of-state travel for Kent Exner to attend the American Public Works Association International Public Works Congress and Exposition in Boston, MA from August 15 – 18, 2010. Motion carried unanimously. (c) RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CITY OF HUTCHINSON WEB SITE AS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that the Construction Bulletin recently closed its operation. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 429 (improvement projects), advertisements for bids must be placed in a trade paper, which the Construction Bulletin was. Mr. Exner explained that according to the League of Minnesota Cities, a city can designate their web site as the official publication in place of a trade paper. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, approved Resolution No. 13733. Mr. Exner noted that a notice will be sent to the City’s typical contractors informing them of the new advertising medium. Motion carried unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS KENT EXNER – Mr. Exner noted that construction may begin the middle of next week on the Washington/Adams Street. MAYOR COOK – Mayor Cook suggested putting together a five-year budget and making annual adjustments as needed. The general consensus of the Council was to move forward with compilation of a five-year budget. Mayor Cook updated the Council on the status of the sales tax proposal at the legislature. Mayor Cook also noted that Lindsay Whalen Day is Friday, May 7, 2010. Several events are being planned at the Event Center beginning at 5:00 p.m. ADJOURN 4. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to adjourn at 6:55 p.m. ATTEST: Steven W. Cook Gary D. Plotz Mayor City Administrator