02-22-2000 CCM MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2000 1. Mayor Torgerson called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members Duane Hoversten, Kay Peterson, John Mlinar, and Jim Haugen. Others present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg, and City Attorney Marc A. Sebora. 2. Reverend Max Myers presented the invocation. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES OF RECOGNITION TO OUT-GOING BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS Mayor Torgerson presented recognition plaques to the following out-going board and commission members: . Don Erickson, HRA & HAHC Boards . Richard Myers, HAHC Board . Dennis Kah1, Airport Commission 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Bid Openings of January 21,2000, January 24,2000 and February 4, 2000 were approved as presented. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FINANCIAL REPORT AND CERTIFICATES INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2000 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 18,2000 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES - NONE (c) APPOINTMENTS: . MARK GUGGEMOS TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (SECOND TERM) . GREG CURRY TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (SECOND TERM) . BRANDON S. FRASER TO PLANNING COMMISSION (FIRST TERM) (d) CONTRACT WITH CITY OF LITCHFIELD FOR SANITARY SEWER CLEANING AND FLUSHING (e) GAMBLING LICENSE FOR MN STATE ARCHERY AS SOCIA TION ON APRIL 1, 2000 (f) LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS: BAVARIAN HAUS (WINE/STRONG BEER) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 APPLEBEE'S FL YER'S/HI TOPS BAR & GRILL GOLD COIN, INe. (pulled from agenda) LAMPLIGHTER LOUNGE II MAIN STREET SPORTS BAR (pulled from agenda) BEST WESTERNNICTORIAN INN CLUB ON-SALE: AMERICAN LEGION POST 96 CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB ELKS LODGE (pulled from agenda) VFW POST 906 (g) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS: 1. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PORTABLE SIGN REQUESTED BY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FOR ANNUAL FISH FRY (1200 ADAMS STREET SE) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11414) 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR DRIVE-UP BANK FACILITY REQUESTED BY MARQUETTE BANK (CORNER OF EDMONTON AVENUE AND STATE HWY. 15) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATIONS AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11415 & No. 11416) 3. LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY HCDC-EDA (26 MICHIGAN STREET) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11423) 4. REZONING FROM R-l TO VC AS REQUESTED BY BERNIE MCRAITH (WEST OF TH 15 AND SOUTH OF AIRPORT ROAD) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 00-268 AND SET SECOND READING FOR MARCH 14, 2000) 5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FORAN AUTO REPAIR SHOP IN THE IIC DISTRICT AS REQUESTED BY BERNIE MCRAITH (WEST OF TH 15 AND SOUTH OF AIRPORT ROAD) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11421) Motion by Mlinar, second by Peterson to approve the consent agenda with the exception of the three licenses that were pulled. The motion carried unanimously. Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten to approve the liquor licenses for Gold Coin and Main Street Sports Bar and the Club On-Sale license for Elks Lodge on the condition that the licenses become effective at the time the licenses are paid for. The motion carried unanimously. 5. PUBLIC HEARNG - 6:00 p.m. (a) PRESENTATIONS FORAND CONSIDERATION OF POTENTIAL PROJECTS FOR USE OF THE $1 MILLION GRANT WITHIN THE STATE BONDING BILL 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 AWARDED TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON IN 1998 Mayor Torgerson stated the following ground rules for the hearing: Each individual may speak only once until all interested persons have an opportunity to speak. The Council will limit comments from individuals, if necessary. After all interested individuals have presented their comments, others may return to the podium to address additional issues. Presentation #1: Robert Peterson, Vice Chair of HAHC Board and Phil Graves, HAHC Administrator The HAHC expressed a need to secure additional space adjacent to the south hospital campus. HAHC currently leases space from Plaza 15. Mr. Peterson also stated that they have explored other options to secure additional property and/or parking space with Ridgewater College and the City (Cemetery Property). These options have not proved feasible. HAHC would like to use the Plaza 15 property for parking and other services. They anticipate that the current tenants may remain. HTI has indicated that they will be vacatmg the facilities they currently lease. This 20,000+ sq. ft. area could be used as a family/convention center and make use of the $1 million grant. The site already has a health club and restaurants on site. The HAHC is asking the City to seek the $1 million funding from the state on behalf ofHAHC. Phil Graves addressed the future facility needs ofthe HAHC. For some time, HAHC has been looking at consolidating services and relocating the Bums Manor nursing home facility to the HAHC campus in South Hutchinson. This would provide for some economies of scale for HAHC. The relocation would provide a link between the hospital and the nursing home. In addition, congregate or assisted living could be further explored to create a "retirement village" concept. In addition, the campus could be a "cradle to nursing home" facility. Mr. Graves stressed that parking is the immediate need. HAHC is in the process of negotiating for the purchase of the site and will need Council approval to proceed. Mr. Pollman stated that the Senior Advisory Group supports the project proposed by HAHC. Norm Hoefer spoke in support of the HAHC project and the combined efforts that could be pursued to provide a senior center on the location. Other members of the senior group spoke in support of a combined project. Mayor Torgerson read correspondence from Michael Heffron and Gene Mielke of Karkala Construction Incorporated regarding the community center project. They indicated that at this time, further involvement in this project is not a positive course of action for their firm. Steve Cook, 728 Juul Road, spoke to this issue and to the process to secure the $1 million grant from the state. He also spoke to the process of deciding what project the City will pursue. Mr. Cook recommended that a convention center should be located at the Fairgrounds facility and a community center eventually at the Park Elementary facility. Don Erickson, 1320 Heritage Ave. NW, provided additional background regarding 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 the HAHC proposal. He noted that while he served on the HAHC board, they had discussed the proposal to purchase the Plaza 15 property. He stated that he feels the HAHC proposal is a good alternative and he supports it. He asked the Council to seriously consider the HAHC proposal. Mayor Torgerson made a statement regarding the law that appropriated the funds to Hutchinson. At no time has the Councilor has the bill text ever specifically mandated that the funds be dedicated for a convention/conference center. Mike Ribich, Campbell Lane, stated that Governor Ventura refers to the Hutchinson proposal as a convention/conference center in his recommendation. The Governor's staff recommends that the City work with our legislators. He recommends that the City go to the legislators to work to maintain the funding at that level. He recommended that the City let the citizens decide what project should make use of the funding. Barry Anderson, 1105 Jorgenson S.B., spoke to a matter oflaw with the funding. He noted that a legislature might not bind a future legislature. There may not be the luxury to have a long period of time to make a decision regarding the grant because of this. Council Member Hoversten informed the Council that he has been in the County Market facility and that it will not require significant renovation. Council Member Mlinar spoke to the issues. He noted that health care is important to the citizens of Hutchinson. He repeated that HAHC is not proposing to eliminate nursing home care in Hutchinson. He is pleased to hear the Semor Center could be included in the proposal. He recommends that the Council take a serious look at this proposal. Motion by Peterson, second by Mlinar to close the hearing. The motion carried unanimously. Motion by Peterson, second by Mlinar to allow HAHC to continue efforts to negotiate purchase of Plaza 15 property. The motion carried unanimously. (b) LETTING NO.4, PROJECTS NO. 00-05 (JORGENSON STREET SE) AND NO. 00-06 (OAK LANE SE) John Rodeberg made a presentation regarding these and the following Letting No.5 proj ects. He noted that an informational meeting for the residents was held last week that included this information. In April, additional information will be provided to the property owners regarding project costs, and an additional public hearing will be held at that time. Mr. Rodeberg spoke to assessment costs, payments and deferments, and how streets are analyzed and proposed for maintenance and reconstruction projects. Fred Barlau, 926 Hassan St. S.E., spoke in support of the project. Larry Lalonde, 995 Jorgenson St. S.B., stated that he knows the project is inevitable. He spoke to the financial impact and asked that the Council keep in mind that a number of residents on his street are new homeowners. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen to close the hearing. The motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mlinar, second by Hoversten to approve and adopt Resolution No. 11417 & No. 11418. The motion carried unanimously. (c) LETTING NO.5, PROJECTS NO. 00-07 (COLLEGE AVENUE), 00-08 (HILLCREST ROAD), 00-09 (GRIFFIN AVENUE), AND 00-10 (SPRUCE COURT) A petition was presented from a number of residents affected by the proposed project. The petition requested that Project No. 00-07 be eliminated. Otto Rettig, 705 Oak Street N.E., addressed the Council regarding the project. He noted that he has initiated the petition and presented it to the City. Mr. Rettig stated that he is not in favor of assessments. There should be an alternate way to pay for the projects because ofthe burden it puts on property owners. He suggested that the City and resident should work together to address this issue. Mayor Torgerson expressed the purpose of the public hearing and that there will be an additional hearing if it is decided that the project will be completed. John Rodeberg noted that if the City did not assess projects, there would be an 80% increase in taxes. In addition, the City currently as a whole pays for 35% of all projects. Vincent Forcier, College & Oak, noted that the sewer was repaired and replaced when T.H. 15 was reconstructed in 1990/91. He asked if this would be replaced. John Rodeberg noted that the street surface is proposed to be replaced in that area. Troy Boettcher, 205 Griffin, addressed the assessments on comer lots. He stated he is in support of the Griffin Ave. portion of the project. He presented a petition from a number of the Griffin Ave. residents who are in favor of the proj ect even if the other projects in the area are not approved. Darrel Gander, 111 Spruce Court, had a question on how lots are assessed and the amount of work that is proposed for a street. He also spoke on behalf of a neighbor whose house sits on two lots in the cul-de-sac. Mr. Rodeberg stated that the City could choose from a number of methods to assess property. In Spruce Court, the City took the total cost and divided it by the number of lots in the cul-de-sac. He indicated that he is willing to meet with the Spruce Court residents to discuss further how the costs are to be divided in the area. Orville Rusch, 245 College Ave., asked if the gravel base from the 1960's would be removed during the project. He stated that the gravel left on the streets during the winter that is washed into the storm sewers is the problem. He doesn't feel College Ave. needs to be replaced. Darin Kelstrom, 440 College Ave., stated that based on the street rating, the project could wait at least one more year. Dennis Riedel, 655 Hillcrest Rd. N.E., stated that he feels his street does not need to be fixed. 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 Mayor Torgerson stated that the City uses process to evaluate streets and determine when projects are needed. He continued that ifresidents do not support the projects, the City would take that information into consideration when making their decisions. Council Member Hoversten stated that he has started to, and will continue to, look into the manner in which street projects are financed. Motion by Mlinar, second by Peterson to close the hearing. The motion carried unanimously. Motion by Peterson, second by Mlinar to approve and adopt Resolution No. 11419 & No. 11420 to include Project No. 00-09 only and to include Project No. 00-09 with letting No.4. Motion by Mlinar, second by Haugen to delay Project No. 00-07, No. 00-08, and No. 00-10. The motion carried unanimously. 6. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) UPDATE BY FINANCE DIRECTOR REGARDING REPLACEMENT OF CITY'S FINANCIAL SYSTEM Ken Merrill updated the Council on the status of the conversion to the new payroll/human resources/financial software through the LOGIS consortium. He noted the proposed time line for the project and the staff commitment that is expected for the new system training. Implementation for the City is proposed to take place by July 1,2000. It was noted that the cost for the software conversion is included in the 2000 budget. (b) INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION BY CONNIE SCHMOLL, MCLEOD COORDINATOR OF MCLEOD ALLIANCE FOR VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Connie Schmoll made a presentation to the City Council regarding the action and efforts of the McLeod Alliance for Victims of Domestic ViOlence. Ms. Schmoll provided a number of cases of domestic violence from across the country and from the Hutchinson area. In her report to the Council she advocated support for victims of domestic violence and the efforts to break the cycle of violence. A McLeod County Domestic Violence taskforce has been implemented to improve communications to support victims and demand accountability from those whom batter. The organization works with the law enforcement agencies and prosecution agencies to gain convictions for batterers. Ms. Schmoll encouraged the City Council to continue to support a prosecutor within the City. She asked the City Council to consider the following proposals: invite the Alliance to make presentations, provide written information, work to secure adequate office space and staff, and to provide funding. Mayor Torgerson invited Ms. Schmoll to bring the Alliance's issues before the City prior to the completion of the 2001 budget process. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 (a) DISCUSSION OF TEMPORARY MORATORIUM ON SNOWMOBILING WITHIN CITY LIMITS EXCEPT ON DESIGNATED TRAILS (DEFERRED FEBRUARY 8, 2000) - JOHN ARLT, OFFICER TOM GIFFERSON AND BILL ARNDT Officer Tom Gifferson reported that the committee of City representatives and snowmobile representatives met since the last meeting to further consider this matter. The consensus of the group is to not implement the moratorium at this time. The group further recommends that additional meetings be held before the next snowmobiling season to address these issues. The committee is requesting that the moratorium be withdrawn at this time. Motion by Mlinar, second by Hoversten to reject Resolution No. 11407. The motion carried unanimously. 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF EXTENDING HCVN-TV LEASE TO YEAR 2005 - FINANCE DIRECTOR KENNETH B. MERRILL Motion by Mlinar, second by Peterson to approve extending the HCVN- TV Lease to year 2005. The motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REFERRING WASTE MANAGEMENT'S PROPOSED TRASH AND RECYCLING REMOVAL SERVICE CONTRACT TO REFUSE COMMITTEE - CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Plotz stated that at the last Council meeting, there was discussion regarding the appointment of a refuse committee. Since the last meeting, a proposal has been received from Waste Management regarding service to Hutchinson. Information has also been received from Superior Service and Witte Sanitation. Motion by Peterson, second by Mlinar to refer Waste Management's proposed trash and recycling removal service contract and the other hauler information to the Refuse Committee. The motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF ADVERTISING FORBIDS FOR RESTROOM FACILITY AT ODDFELLOW PARK - DOLF MOON Motion by Mlinar, second by Peterson to approve advertising for bids for the restroom facility at Oddfellows Park. The motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING BOARD OF REVIEW DATE FOR MAY 10, 2000 AT 4:30 P.M. Motion by Hoversten, second by Haugen to approve setting Board of Review date for May 10,2000, at 4:30 p.m. The motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING SICK/V ACA TION LEAVE DONATION POLICY - BRENDA EWING, HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR AND GARY PLOTZ, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Motion by Mlinar, second by Haugen to approve SicklY acation Leave Donation Policy. The motion carried unanimously. 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS (1) Agreement with Marquette Bank, N.A. to Place An Automatic Teller Machine (A TM) at Hutchinson Area Health Care City Attorney Marc Sebora explained that the HAHC has received requests from its patrons for access to a cash machine at the facility for paying for prescriptions, co- pays, etc. Councilmembers Mlinar and Peterson asked if other institutions have been given an opportunity to propose to place an A TM at the site. Motion by Peterson, second by Mlinar to defer Resolution No. 11422 to the next meeting on March 14,2000. (2) Dedication of Trail Land to the City of Hutchinson Adjacent to the Public WorkslWastewater Facility Properties for a Bike/Recreation Facility John Rodeberg presented information regarding the proposed dedication by the McLeod Trail Association. Ed Doring and Phil Schweizer were present to speak to the proposal and the association's other efforts in McLeod County. The property would be used to construct a bituminous trail along the Crow River. The trail foundation will turn the property over to the City who will complete the construction of the trail. They have been actively working with John Rodeberg, Marc Sebora, DolfMoon and Lawrence Winter on the project. The trail/recreation area will serve as a buffer between the river and the public works facilities and should be a real asset to the City of Hutchinson. Mayor Torgerson noted that the City is grateful to the trail association and Spruce Ridge for their gracious efforts. (3) Comments by City Attorney on Alliance for Domestic Violence Presentation Marc Sebora spoke ofthe benefits ofthe Alliance's efforts and encouraged anyone in need of the services to contact them. (4) Council/Staff Workshop on February 29 Administrator Gary Plotz reminded the Council of the upcoming workshop. The agenda is being prepared at this time. Any suggestions and additions should be 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 forwarded to Gary. (5) Former Refuse Committee Administrator Gary Plotz informed the Council of the make-up of the former refuse committee. At this point, only one former member has expressed that he cannot serve. Mr. Plotz recommended that Lawrence Winter, City Resource Recovery Coordinator, be appointed to serve. Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten to appoint Lawrence Winter to the Refuse Committee. The motion carried unanimously. Administrator Gary Plotz informed the Council that Refuse Committee member Phil Schweizer is an employee of Waste Management. Since this may be considered a conflict of interest, Mr. Schweizer should be excluded from the committee process. The City will be meeting with all hauler representatives during this process. Mayor Torgerson directed staff to provide information to the City Council on the current levels of refuse service and the associated costs. (6) Rescheduling Second Meeting in March The Council discussed rescheduling the second meeting in March due to anticipated absences by Council members. Motion by Mlinar, second by Peterson to reschedule the second meeting in March to April 4, 2000. The motion carried unanimously. 10. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A & B Motion by Mlinar, second by Haugen to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds for Verified Claims A. The motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mlinar, second by Peterson to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds for Verified Claims B. Councilmember Hoversten abstained from voting on the motion. The motion carried. 11. ADJOURNMENT 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 2000 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 10