02-08-2000 CCM MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2000 1. Mayor Torgerson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members Jim Haugen, Kay Peterson and Duane Hoversten. Absent: Council Member John Mlinar. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg, and City Attorney Marc A. Sebora. 2. Reverend Max Myers gave the invocation. INSTALLATION OF APPOINTED COUNCIL MEMBER JIM HAUGEN City Attorney Sebora administered the Oath of Office to newly appointed Council Member Jim Haugen. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of January 25,2000 were approved as presented. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20,1999 2. SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 1999 3. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF JANUARY 24,2000 4. HUTCHINSON AREA HEAL TH CARE BOARD MINUTES OF DECEMBER 21,1999 5. PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JANUARY 6,2000 6. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT FOR JANUARY 2000 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 00-267 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIA.L ZONING MAP (WAIVE SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 11404 - RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY 3. RESOLUTION NO. 11405 - TRANSFERRING $70,000 TO THE HUTCHINSON HOCKEY ASSOCIATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CONNECTING CORRIDOR 4. RESOLUTION NO. 11406 - RESOLUTION OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE HUTCHINSON HRA APPLICATION TO THE MHFA CRV PROGRAM FOR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 2000 AFFORDABILITY GAP FINANCING ( c) APPOINTMENT OF JAMES HANSON TO SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD (d) COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL AND RECYLING HAULING LICENSE FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT NORWOOD (e) OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL REQUEST BY LT. DAVID ERLANDSON TO ATTEND TRAINING SEMINAR IN ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA (f) APPLICATION FROM GOPHER CAMPFIRE CLUB FOR TEMPORARY ON- SALE LIQUOR LICENSE ON FEBRUARY 25, 2000 (g) GAMBLING LICENSE FOR MCLEOD COUNTY DUCKS UNLIMITED WOMEN'S CHAPTER ON MAY 5,2000 Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten, to approve the consent agenda. Motion unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE 6. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) DISCUSSION OF TEMPORARY MORATORIUM ON SNOWMOBILING WITHIN CITY LIMITS EXCEPT ON DESIGNATED TRAILS Officer Tom Gifferson, John Arlt and Bill Arndt addressed the issues that involved snowmobile riders and reviewed the current snowmobile ordinance that was amended in 1996. They reported a Snowmobile Committee was formed in 1996 and split into two committees that included members ofthe snowmobile groups. At that time the committees dealt with the Luce Line Trail through Hutchinson, property violations, signage, fencing and an alternative route. It was reported that the major problem was the trail linkage at Arch Street; however, the link was completed in 1998. It was stated that the complaints received in 2000 pertained to lack of respect for public and private property, i.e., sidewalks, trees and shrubs. There was discussion on short and long term solutions to the problem. Three locations were recommended to reach the Luce Line Trail, namely Oddfellows Park, Roberts Park and Riverside Park. Gifferson suggested that snowmobile drop zones be placed along the trail. He also requested a moratorium be put in effect until April 1, 2000 to allow time for other resolutions to the problem. Arndt commented that he has been a snowmobile instructor for many years. In the 1970s the same problems existed, but the high power sleds did not exist at that time. The City Attorney pointed out that the penalty for violation of the snowmobile ordinance would be a misdemeanor charge and a $700 fine and/or 90 days in jail. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to table the moratorium Resolution until the February 22,2000 City Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 2000 (b) UPDATE BY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING REGARDING STATUS OF AIRPORT FOR PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS Rodeberg reported that since the airport project is about one and one-half months behind schedule, the City will attempt to collect for damages from the contractor. He stated that a grand opening would be held in the spring after the building is occupied, which should occur in about two weeks. (c) PRESENTATION BY TIM GOODMAN OF EARTH TECH REGARDING AWARD OF EQUIPMENT BIDS FOR COMPO STING FACILITY Tim L. Goodman, project manager for Earth Tech, reported on the equipment bids received for the composting facility. He recommended awards to the following bidders. .:. Aerobic Composting System - NaturTech at a price of $273, 148 .:. Above-Ground VehIcle Scale - Kennedy Scales at a base bid of $79,817 .:. MSW Organics Handling System (Conveyors & Sorting Platform) - Bystrom Conveying & Process, Inc. at a price of $96,462 plus freight for organics handling system component; award system controls portion after further review .:. Telescoping Radial Conveyor- T.I.P. Inc. at a price of$39,355 including freight .:. Automatic Bagging/Palletizing System - Premier Tech at a price of $435,120 plus other addItional costs It was reported that McLeod County purchased the Solitra building and will be independent of the City project. Therefore, they transferred County funding of approximately $225,000 to the City. Motion by Hoversten, second by Peterson, to approve the bids and award the contracts. Motion unanimously carried. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 FOR ADDITION OF BAGHOUSE TO BIOSOLIDS DRYING FACILITY PROJECT (DEFERRED JANUARY 25, 2000) It was noted that at the previous City Council meeting, the City Attorney had requested the deferral of Change Order No.2. Since that time, Sebora conferred with a Donohue representative who convinced him that the change was necessary to meet air emission standards. Peterson expressed concern about the increased cost of the project. She stated there was supposed to be savings by using a certain type of steel building. Director Randy DeVries explained that due to concern about deterioration of a metal building and the appearance of the building at the wastewater treatment plant site, the City staff decided to switch to a break-off block building. Scott Young of EarthTech reported there would be 1,000 degrees of heat in the structure produced from inside drying. The condensation caused by the intense heat, baghouse and wet scrubber within the facility would destroy a metal building in a short period of time. Motion by Hoversten, second by Haugen, to approve Change Order No.2. Motion 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 2000 unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT WITH BAVARIAN HAUS FOR OKTOBERFEST CELEBRATION 2000 (DEFERRED JANUARY 11,2000) Rodeberg reported a meeting was held this morning with adjacent landowners within the Block 50 parking lot. Two business owners expressed concern about the event being held in a public parking lot and taking up substantial parking space. It was his recommendation to approve the agreement with a few minor changes. Motion by Hoversten, second by Haugen, to approve the Oktoberfest event and to enter into agreement. Motion unanimously carried. 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF POLICE DISPATCH ISSUE Plotz commented on attempts that were made about six years ago to combine the Hutchinson Police Department and County dispatch. It was determined that the equipment was not compatible. In 1998-99 the City Council decided to move forward with the dispatch consolidation, and it became effective on May 15, 1999. The consultant recommended merging the two services into one at the County level. The goal was to interface between the two systems and exchange files; however, Hutchinson's Police Department was connected to a LOGIS system, which was not compatible with the County's system. It became apparent that the City needed to re-evaluate whether it should move forward with the County's expansion plans and spend additional money on a computer system or return the public safety communications to Hutchinson. Therefore, it was decided to present the problems to the City Council with the recommendation of the City Administrator and Police Chief to return the dispatch service to the Hutchinson Police Services Department. The service could be up and running within 24 hours if that is the decision of the City Council. The County purchased one controller from the Police Department, and the City kept one controller that is operational and was used as a backup. The second controller could be obtained from the County and used as a backup by the Police Services. Motion by Hoversten, second by Peterson, to approve reinstating 911 communications in Hutchinson and to adopt Resolution No. 11408. Motion unanimously carried. (b) DISCUSSION BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR VI MAYER OF GOVERNOR JESSE VENTURA'S PROPOSED ELIMINATION OF HUTCHINSON'S $1 MILLION BONDING BILL Director Mayer reported he had recently received information that the Governor was considering rescinding the $1 million bonding bill Hutchinson was awarded in 1998, as well as funding for several other cities. He stated the City should present a definite plan by March 15 in order to keep the grant viable. (c) CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING PUBLIC HEARING ON $1 MILLION PUBLIC GRANT Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten, to establish a public hearing on February 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 2000 22,2000 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers regarding the $1 million public grant. Motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING MEETING DATE FOR ANNUAL CITY COUNCIL/STAFF WORKSHOP Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten, to set a workshop on February 29,2000, commencing at 11 :00 a.m., in the Emergency OperatiOns Center. Motion unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF REVISIONS TO ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR 2000 PROJECTS Rodeberg requested a review of two assessment policies for the 2000 proj ects. It was his recommendation to make the following assessment policy revisions: . The interest rate for assessment rolls shall be 1 % over the TIC (True Interest Cost) of the bonds sold. . Road reconstruction should be charged based on 65% of the total cost being assessed to benefiting property owners, with the City paying 35%. Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten, to approve the revisions. Motion unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING PURCHASE OF POLICE PATROL CAR It was noted that the bids for two police patrol cars were rejected at the January 25, 2000 meeting based on the request for one patrol car. Since police patrol cars are available from the Minnesota State Department of Administration Cooperative Purchasing Venture (Contract #429221), the recommendation was to purchase the one patrol car for $20,942 according to the specifications submitted, without the optional warranty for $1,300. Motion by Hoversten, second by Haugen, to approve the police patrol car purchase. Motion unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF SUPPORT OF LOCAL FUNDING FOR TRAILBLAZER TRANSIT BUS PURCHASE Coordinator Brenda Ewing presented the request to support the purchase of one bus for the Trailblazer Transit. She reported state/federal funding was available to cover 80% ofthe purchase cost, with the local entity paying the remaining 20%. The local match would be approximately $8,000.00, and the money was included in the City's 2000 budget. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to approve the local 20% funding and to adopt Resolution No. 11403. Motion unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF LETTING NO.4, PROJECTS NO. 00-05 (JORGENSON STREET SE) AND NO. 00-06 (OAK LANE SE) Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten, to approve the projects and to adopt Resolutions No. 11409, No. 11410, and No. 11411. Motion unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF LETTING NO.5, PROJECTS NO. 00-07, 00-08, 00-09, AND 00-10 (ROAD RECONSTRUCTION IN NORTHEAST SECTION OF CITY) 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 2000 Motion BY Hoversten, second by Peterson, to approve the projects and to adopt Resolutions No. 11412, No. 11413 and No. 11414. Motion unanimously carried. 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 1. Report from City Administrator Plotz made reference to on an additional item from Steve Cook that was placed in the City Council packet under communications. He also reported that the City Council needed to schedule a workshop to review the liquor store study that has been completed by Grinstead & Associates. Motion by Haugen, second by Hoversten, to set a City Council workshop on March 14,2000 at 4:00 p.m. Motion unanimously carried. The City Administrator suggested that the City activate two committees that have not met for some time, namely, the Refuse Committee and the Telecommunications Commission. 2. Report from Director of Engineering/Public Works Rodeberg commented on the 107 acre Hoernemann estate located on the south boundary of the City and Edmonton Avenue. He will keep the City Council advised on annexation developments. The City Engineer stated he would be meeting with Hassan Valley Township following the City Council meeting. He also requested City Council authorization to approve Braun Intertec's proposal for a geotechnical evaluation for the proposed southwest area trunk sanitary and storm sewer improvement project at an estimated cost of $4,950. Motion by Haugen, second by Peterson, to approve Braun Intertech's proposal and authorize the project. Motion unanimously carried. 3. Public Comments from Steve Cook Cook presented a list of suggestions on how the City Council could better inform the public about issues and increase the public's participation in City government. He also requested that the Council approve two resolutions, namely: (1) limit the use of special meetings such as workshops, leadership meetings and annual meetings for emergency situations only; and (2) call for the formation of a Charter Commission as soon as possible with the intent to 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - FEBRUARY 8, 2000 present some issues to the voters during the November election. The City Attorney addressed the issue of special meetings and workshops. He pointed out that these meetings provide the opportunity for individuals and/or consulting firms to make a presentation regarding a project or study and answer questions. A City Council meeting does not allow the time required to cover the topic or report. Sebora also noted that the City Charter (Section 5.06, Initiative) provides for a referendum initiative by petition and outlines the process to be followed. He also reported that the City Charter was revised in 1937, 1967 and 1987. Rodeberg responded that workshops and meetings were held for the purpose of advising the City Council on what is happening and to discuss details. There is a need for both types of meetings/workshops. He stated that communication was the key. The Mayor stated that the workshops were informational in nature. 10. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS ( a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to approve the verified claims A and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Haugen, second by Peterson, to approve the verified claims Band authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion carried with Hoversten abstaining from voting. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. 7