01-25-2000 CCM MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2000 1. Vice President Mlinar called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Present: Vice President John Mlinar, Council Members Jeff Haag, Kay Peterson and Duane Hoversten. Absent: Mayor Marlin Torgerson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg and City Attorney Marc A. Sebora. 2. Reverend Paulus Pilgrim gave the invocation. . PRESENTATION OF TWENTY-YEAR AWARD TO KENNETH WICHTERMAN . PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES OF RECOGNITION TO OUT -GOING BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of January 11,2000 were approved as presented. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 21, 1999 2 . HUTCHINSON AREA HEAL TH CARE BOARD MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 16, 1999 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 00-266 - ORDINANCE AMENDING CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS (WAIVE SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 11400 - ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM MARQUETTE BANK, N.A., HUTCHINSON OFFICE 3. RESOLUTION NO. 11401 - TRANSFERRING $25,000 FROM 1998 IMPROVEMENT DEBT SERVICE FUND TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT SERVICE BONDS AND TRANSFERRING $17,000 FROM GENERAL OBLIGATION FIRE HALL DEBT SERVICE FUND TO GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE FUNDS (c) APPOINTMENTS: . JASON OLSEN TO PLANNING COMMISSION (UNEXPIRED TERM) . KEITH FISCHER TO HCDC/EDA BOARD (d) APPLICATIONS: . TOBACCO LICENSE: 1. TOTAL MART 2. CENTRAL MN PETROLEUM, LLC; DBA HUTCHINSON AMOCO . GAMBLING LICENSE: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 25, 2000 1. HUTCHINSON BAND BOOSTERS (e) "RIGHT-OF- ENTRY" PERMIT WITH DAHL & ASSOCIATES (f) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS: 1. REZONING FROM R-l TO R-2 FOR PORTION OF PLAT AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR 122 LOTS REQUESTED BY GREAT PLAINS COMPANIES INe. (WEST OF LAKEWOOD DRIVE AND NORTH OF SOUTH GRADE ROAD) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11397 AND WAIVE FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 00-267 AND SET SECOND READING FOR FEBRUARY 8, 2000) 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH TO EXPAND EXISTING CHURCH FACILITIES LOCATED AT 1040 SOUTH GRADE ROAD WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11398) 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY ALLIED MECHANICAL TO EXTEND TIMEFRAME FOR EXISTING TEMPORARY TRAILER TO BE USED AS OFFICE LOCATED AT 340 MICHIGAN STREET WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION FOR SIX MONTHS WITHOUT STAFF RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11399) Motion by Peterson, second by Haag, to approve the consent agenda. Motion unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC MEETING - 6:00 p.m. (a) PRESENTATION OF RISK MANAGEMENT PLANS FOR CHLORINE FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY Roger Berkowitz of Earth Tech and Dick Nagy, City Water Plant Supervisor, presented Hutchinson's risk management plans for chlorine. The City uses 8-10 tons of chlorine in one year. It was reported that the EP A had approved the City's plan. The plan needs to be reviewed and updated at least every five years. Fire Chief Brad Emans reported on the Fire Department's involvement with the risk management plan. He stated there has never been an instance when the chlorine contamer has broken open and spilled; however, the Fire Department would assist at the site of a spill or disaster. Motion by Peterson, second by Haag to close the public meeting. Motion unanimously carried. No action was required. 6. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS - NONE 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER FOR 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 25, 2000 ADDITION OF BAGHOUSE TO BIOSOLIDS DRYING FACILITY PROJECT Plotz explained that Change Order No.2 would delete the cyclone separator from the dryer system procurement contract and add a baghouse in its place. The baghouse would eliminate the need to include an air scrubber in the buildmg addition currently under design. This project change is necessary to meet air emission standards. The completion date ofthe project would be extended until fall 2000. It was reported that the original contract price of $1,302,700 would increase to $1,446,406, with a net additional cost of$15l,906. The City Attorney recommended deferring action until the next City Council meeting to allow him time to review the bidding process and legalities involved. Motion by Hoversten, second by Haag, to defer to next City Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TO WAIVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FEE FOR PORTABLE SIGN ADVERTISING ANNUAL FISH FRY Motion by Haag, second by Peterson, to approve the request to waive the permit fee. Motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASING BRUSH CHIPPER It was requested to replace the older chipper with a new brush chipper through the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture at a net cost of $15,266 with trade-in ($7,500). Motion by Peterson, second by Haag, to approve the purchase through State bid. Motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR TWO POLICE DEPARTMENT SQUAD CARS Rodeberg recommended that the City Council reject all bids and re-advertise for one squad car at a later date. Motion by Peterson, second by Haag, to reject the bids. Motion unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF MARKETING AGREEMENT FOR COMPOST Plotz reviewed the Recycled Organics Marketing Agreement with Great River Regional Waste Authority located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He reported the City Attorney had contacted the company's CEO to make some changes in the agreement. He stated there was one additional amendment in Article III, No.8, to be considered tonight. The amendment would read: "Up to 2,000 bags of compost and 500 yards of bulk compost." The five-year agreement would include a $20,000.00 one-time fee paid in four payments of $5,000.00 each as specified in Article V. Motion by Haag, second by Peterson, to approve the marketing agreement as amended. Motion carried three to one with roll call vote of Council Members Haag, Peterson and Mlinar voting aye and Hoversten voting nay. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 25, 2000 (f) CONSIDERATION OF RECLASSIFICATION RECOMMENDATION Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Coordinator, presented a request for reclassification of the Information Services Coordinator position to Information Technology Coordinator due to an increase in responsibilities. Motion by Haag, second by Peterson, to approve the reclassification. Motion unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING 1999 PAY EQUITY IMPLEMENTATION REPORT Motion by Hoversten, second by Haag, to approve the 1999 pay equity report. Motion unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING 2000 FEE SCHEDULE PROPOSAL Motion by Haag, second by Peterson, to approve the 2000 fee schedule. Motion unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF CITY POLICY REVISIONS/AMENDMENTS Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten, to approve the amendments. Motion unanimously carried. revisiOns and (j) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING PROPOSED 2000 CITY CALENDAR Plotz reported that if a City Council quorum attends the leadership and/or director meetings, the dates and times need to be established in advance. Motion by Peterson, second by Hoversten, to approve the proposed 2000 calendar. Motion unanimously carried. (k) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION TO PURCHASE 13 ACRES OF LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION FOR USE BY HUTCHINSON UTILITIES The City Attorney stated that the City Charter required a resolution for land purchase. Motion by Haag, second by Peterson, to approve the land purchase and to adopt Resolution No. 11402. Motion unanimously carried (1) CONSIDERATION OF RESPONSE REGARDING ASSESSMENT/WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENT Rodeberg commented on the two letters received at the last City Council meeting from Merlyn & Lucille Danielson and Greg Pearce regarding assessment and water service issues. Since he did not recommend any adjustments by the City Council, no action was required. 9. MISCELLANEOUS 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 25, 2000 (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY Sebora thanked Jeff Haag for his hard work while serving on the City Council. He noted that Haag did a lot of research and asked good questions. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER JEFF HAAG Haag thanked the City staff for their professionalism and the community for their support. He recognized that the public service from employees is efficient. Haag commented about the City and how it differed from many other communities he had observed. He believed the City worked with people rather than standing in their way. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER KAY PETERSON Peterson stated she had learned from Jeff as he contributed business expertise. She stated he would be missed. Peterson also mentioned an opening on the Pioneerland Library System Board due to a resignation. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER DUANE HOVERS TEN Hoversten reported that he was looking forward to working with Jeff, and he will miss him on the City Council. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Plotz commented that the City staff appreciated Haag's willingness to serve on boards and committees. He also commended Jeff on being open and honest in his opmlOns. The City Administrator presented an update on the afternoon meeting with LOGIS regarding the countywide dispatch concerns on coordinating information from each of the agencies. He reported the problem was that the County has a different software system than the Police Department. Plotz will keep the City Council informed on developments and solutions. (f) COMMUNICATIONS FROM VICE PRESIDENT JOHN MLINAR Mlinar expressed appreciation to Haag for the contribution he had brought to the City Council during his short term. The Vice President informed the Council Members that Mid-Minnesota Development Commission would hold a regional meeting at the Victorian Inn on 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JANUARY 25, 2000 January 26, starting at 6:30 p.m. He noted the public was invited. 10. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A & B Motion by Peterson, second by Haag, to approve the verified claims A and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Peterson, second by Haag, to approve the verified claims B and authorize payment from appropriate funds. Motion carried with Hoversten abstaining from voting. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. 6