04-13-1999 CCM MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1999 1. Mayor Torgerson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members John Mlinar, Kay Peterson, Don Erickson and Jeff Haag (late). Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering John Rodeberg and City Attorney Marc A. Sebora. 2. Reverend Jonathon Rathjen gave the invocation. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the bid openings of March 26, 1999, April 7, 1999 and April 12, 1999 were approved as presented. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT FOR MARCH 1999 2. POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 23, 1999 3. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22, 1999 4. HUTCHINSON LIGHT TRAFFIC ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MARCH 25, 1999 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 99-250 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING AN EASEMENT LOCATED IN THE HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION PLAT (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 11184 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE 3. RESOLUTION NO. 11187 - RESOLUTION SUPPORTING REQUEST FROM MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES FOR IMPROVEMENTS AT THE HUTCHINSON CAMPUS OF RIDGEW ATER COLLEGE APPLICATIONS FROM MCLEOD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION FOR POLKA FESTIVAL ON JUNE 10-12, 1999: y ON SALE NON-INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE y TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE/THREE DAY SET-UP LICENSE (c) (d) APPLICATION FROM CASEY'S GENERAL STORES, INC. FOR TOBACCO LICENSE APPOINTMENTS TO TREE BOARD: y BRIAN WENDLANDT (e) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 13, 1999 y ROSE JERGENS (f) APPOINTMENT OF DEAN KIRCHOFF TO PLANNING COMMISSION Motion by Erickson, second by Mlinar, to approve the consent agenda. Motion unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE 6. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) UPDATE REPORT ON COMMUNITY NEEDS TASK FORCE II BY CHAIR STEVE COOK Steve Cook reported the Task Force decided to delay the community mail survey until after the school levy referendum in May. In the meantime, four universities and two private companies were contacted regarding the survey draft. Cook commented that a question was raised on the value of the mass mailing approach versus the random sampling of approximately 500 people. They were told that the smaller random sampling would represent the population as a whole. Cook stated the Task Force voted to use the random sample approach and might extend the number of survey questions. He then reviewed the process and stated they could expect a 60% return from the surveys mailed. He will obtain cost estimates on the survey mailing and survey evaluation and present them to the City Council. Cook commented on the various groups that have given presentations and noted that the meetings are video taped and shown on Channel 10. He also mentioned the Glencoe field house and suggested this approach might be considered in Hutchinson. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF CHANGING DATE AND LOCATION TO MAY 10, 1999 AT PEACE CENTER FOR MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL WORKSHOP SPONSORED BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND CITY OF HUTCHINSON Motion by Mlinar, second by Erickson, to approve the May 10 workshop at the Peace Center, from 7:00 a.m. to noon. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT WITH CINEMA ONE LLP (DEFERRED MARCH 23,1999) Motion by Peterson, second by Mlinar, to approve the agreement and adopt Resolutions No. 11188 - No. 11192. Motion unanimously carried. 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION BY PAUL RASMUSSEN OF MN/DOT REGARDING RECONSTRUCTION ON HWY. 7 EAST BETWEEN HUTCHINSON AND SILVER LAKE Paul Rasmussen, MN/DOT Design Engineer, reviewed the Hwy. 7 East project and the detour routes. He reported the contract was let out for bids on April 9, 1999 and is still to be awarded. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 13, 1999 Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to approve the project and adopt Resolution No. 11185. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO TRANSIT PARTNERSHIP WITH MCLEOD COUNTY Brenda Ewing reported the County would like Hutchinson to enter into an agreement so they can apply to the State for County transit partnership funding. She reviewed the contingencies listed in the proposed Resolution and stated the city's existing capital and vehicles would be turned over to the County. It was pointed out that the transit employees would be under the County jurisdiction, and current City employees would have to apply through them. Mlinar expressed concern regarding the transition, the lack of details, and how the existing City funding would be handled. Motion by Mlinar, second by Haag, to defer to April 27 , 1999 City Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Haag, second by Peterson, to hold a workshop on April 27 at 4:30 p.m. to discuss the transit issue. Motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT WITH HUTCHINSON YOUTH HOCKEY ASSOCIATION TO CONSTRUCT SECOND SHEET OF ICE Motion by Mlinar, second by Haag, to defer. Motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUESTING BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CIVIC ARENA BLEACHER REPLACEMENT Director DolfMoon reported on the Civic Arena bleacher replacement. He requested authorization to hire Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates to complete the planning and specification phase of the proj ect. They would develop three schematic designs for bleachers within the existing arena, and the preferred design would be let forbid. The price range would be $7,600.00 for a project valued at $100,000.00 and up to $18,330.00 for a project valued at $300,000.00. Motion by Mlinar, second by Haag, to approve ordering the preparation of plans and specifications for bleacher replacement by Bonestroo & Associates. Motion unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO AGREEMENT WITH BERNICK'S PEPSI, ST. CLOUD FOR PURCHASE OF FOUR SCOREBOARDS AT ROBERTS PARK Motion by Haag, second by Mlinar, to approve entering into a nine-year agreement (1999-2007) with Bernick's Pepsi ofSt. Cloud. Motion unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR LOGS AND CUT WOOD TO DUANE AND SHIRLEY OTTO Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to approve accepting the $200.00 bid of Duane and Shirley Otto. Motion unanimously carried. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 13, 1999 (g) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTER SMALL CITIES HOUSING PROGRAM Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to approve and adopt Resolutions No. 11193 & No. 11194. Motion unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING HUTCHINSON'S WATER EMERGENCY AND CONSERVATION PLAN It was reported that in 1996 the City submitted to the Minnesota Department Natural Resource a Water Emergency and Conservation Plan of. It has been approved by the State and requires formal adoption by the City Council. Motion by Mlinar, second by Haag, to approve adoption of the Water Emergency and Conservation Plan. Motion unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL CONSULTING AGREEMENT FOR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE 2 WITH TKDA Rodeberg reported that the Supplemental Agreement No.2 for Phase 2 airport improvements included apron repairs requested by the City, updating of documentation and costs required by the two-year delay in receiving Federal and State funding. The City, State and FAA will share the $25,000.00 additional fees based on the cost apportionment of the project. The City's expected cost would be $6,485.00. Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to approve entering into agreement with TKDA. Motion unanimously carried. (j) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR LIBRARY ROOF REPAIRS Motion by Haag, second by Peterson, to approve awarding contract to Herzog Roofing, Inc. in the amount of$16,800.00. Motion unanimously carried. (k) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR BITUMINOUS AND AGGREGATE CRUSHING, LETTING NO. I1/PROJECT NO. 99-32 Motion by Mlinar, second by Haag, to approve awarding contract to Wm. Mueller & Sons in the amount of $4.99/cubic yard based on 16,000 to 18,000 cubic yards of material. Motion unanimously carried. 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 13, 1999 (1) CONSIDERATION OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR FAIRWAY ESTATES SECOND ADDITION Rodeberg reported Fairway Estates Second Addition was a complicated project because it included public and private streets. Although the work will be done privately by the subdivider, the City will inspect it to ensure the project meets specifications. He also noted that Mr. Montgomery planned to build a pond on the south end of the property for erosion control. Motion by Mlinar, second by Haag, to approve Subdivision Agreement. Motion unanimously carried. (m) CONSIDERATION OF ORDERING ENGINEERING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON PROJECT NO. 99-03 AND 99-04, LETTING NO.4 (CENTURY AVENUE AND DALE STREET) Motion by Peterson, second by Erickson, to approve report and adopt Resolutions No. 11182 & No. 11183. Motion unanimously carried. (n) CONSIDERATION OF MN/DOT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR HWY. 15 SOUTH AND DENVER AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS (PROJECT NO. 99-10/ LETTING NO.7) Motion by Mlinar, second by Haag, to approve and adopt Resolutions No. 11176 & No. 11177. Motion unanimously carried. (0) CONSIDERATION OF PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ON LETTING NO. 13, PROJECT NO. 99-34; SOUTH LAKEWOOD ESTATES SECOND ADDITION Rodeberg reported there was a cul-de-sac on Tyler Street. The project costs would be divided between the eight lot owners. The City received a petition from the property owners to waive the hearings. Motion by Peterson, second by Haag, to approve the petition and adopt Resolutions No. 11178 - No. 11181, and to approve the Subdivision Agreement. Motion unanimously carried. (p) CONSIDERATION OF DECLARATION OF SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING SALE OF PROPERTY (CENTRAL GARAGE ITEMS) Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to declare the properties identified on the 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 13, 1999 document titled "Proposed Surplus Property Declaration" and dated April 8, 1999, as surplus property and approve sale of said property as provided by the City Code. Motion unanimously carried. 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATION FROM COUNCIL MEMBER KAY PETERSON Peterson reminded everyone ofthe 5th annual Bike and Blade Bonanza to be held on May 1. Registration will be at the Recreation Center. She reported that the Hutchinson event has been the largest in the State. (b) COMMUNICATION FROM COUNCIL MEMBER DON ERICKSON Erickson inquired ifthe Glencoe Police Department had purchased the City's canine police vehicle. (c) COMMUNICATION FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Plotz recommended holding the annual City Council visionary workshop on May 17 at the Emergency Operation Center. This event would begin at 1 :00 p.m. and go into the evening. Invitations would be sent to the County Commissioners and County staff inviting them to join the Council for dinner and discussion. Motion made by Peterson, second by Haag, to set the annual workshop for May 17, 1999 at the Emergency Operation Center. Motion unanimously carried. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Rodeberg stated that Harry Blake, 185 5th Avenue NW, had complained about a neighbor up on the hill who was hauling in dirt. Grading was being done, and the materials were on City right-of-way. Blake's concern was that his yard would not be negatively impacted. The Mayor directed the City Attorney to become involved to resolve the issue. 10. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS ( a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Motion by Haag, second by Peterson, to approve the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -APRIL 13, 1999 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. 7