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AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Congregational UCC 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PROCLAMATION — SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 9, 2013 (b) BID OPENING MINUTES FROM APRIL 11, 2013 (JEFFERSON STREET SE) 10 min.7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 13 -706 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.005 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE SPECIFICALLY PERTAINING TO THE DEFINITION OF DOG KENNEL (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE WITHOUT A GARAGE LOCATED AT 715 MADSON AVENUE SW REQUESTED BY CROW RIVER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 14132) 2. CONSIDERATION OF VACATING ROADWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED IN WALGREENS ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 13 -707 FOR MAY 14, 2013) (c) APPOINTMENT OF DEAN KIRCHOFF TO PLANNING COMMISSION TO MARCH 2018 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MNDOT COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT FOR TRUNK HWY 15 AND CSAH 115 ROUNDABOUT PROJECT (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AIRPORT AGRICULTURAL LAND LEASE (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR JEFFERSON STREET SE RECONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 PROJECT (LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 13 -01) — CITY CO UNCIL AGENDA APRIL 23, 2013 DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING PARADE PERMIT TO VFW POST 906 ON MAY 27, 2013 (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE TO HUTCHINSON CENTER FOR THE ARTS ON MAY 30, 2013 (i) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER A 0) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER B Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 15 min.8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) ASSESSMENT HEARING AND PROJECT AWARD FOR 2013 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 13 -03) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 15 min.9. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Always looking toward the future, not monitoring past) (a) PRESENTATION AND SUPPORT OF CROW RIVER FISHING PIER PROJECT No action required. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS 5 min. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14133 - RESOLUTION DESIGNATING FUNDS FOR ANIMAL LICENSE FEES Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 5 min. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF BECOMING MEMBER OF COALITION OF GREATER MINNESOTA CITIES GREATER MINNESOTA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM MARCH 19, 2013 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. ADJOURN 2 PROCLAMATION Whereas, Sexual Assault Awareness Month is intended to draw attention to the fact that sexual violence is widespread and impacts every community member of the City of Hutchinson; and Whereas, rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment impact our community as seen by statistics indicating that one in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives (Black et al., 2011).; and Whereas, child sexual abuse prevention must be a priority to confront the reality that one in six boys and one in four girls will experience a sexual assault before the age 18 (Dube et al., 2005).; and Whereas, we must work together to educate our community about sexual violence prevention, supporting survivors, and speaking out against harmful attitudes and actions; and Whereas, with leadership, dedication, and encouragement, there is evidence that we can be successful in preventing sexual violence in the City of Hutchinson through increased education, awareness, and community involvement; and Whereas, the City of Hutchinson strongly supports the efforts of national, state, and local partners, and of every citizen, to actively engage in public and private efforts to prevent sexual violence. It's time for all of us to start conversations, take appropriate action and support one another to create a safer environment for all. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Hutchinson Mayor Steve Cook, join advocates and communities across the country in playing an active role to prevent sexual violence. Along with the United States Government and State of Minnesota, I do hereby proclaim April as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month!" in the City of Hutchinson. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 23rd day of April, 2013. Steven W. Cook, Mayor City of Hutchinson, Minnesota MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Pastor Cindy Mueller, Congregational UCC, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 26, 2013 Mayor Cook noted that there appeared to be a typographical error in Section 11(d) of the minutes during the discussion of advertising forbids. Instead of... "all legal requirements were meant..." it should read 11 ... all legal requirements were met... ". Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 14129 — RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES "NO PARKING 2:00 A.M. — 6:00 A.M. — NOVEMBER 1 TO MAY 1 (MAIN STREET NORTH, 5TH AVENUE NORTH TO NORTH HIGH DRIVE NORTH) "NO TRUCKS" (ARCH STREET AND 5TH AVENUE SE) "3M TRUCK ENTRANCE" (DIRECTIONAL SIGNS AT 5TH AVENUE SE & HACKBARTH STREET SE AND 5TH AVENUE SE & ONTARIO STREET SE) (b) APPOINTMENT OF JULIE LOFDAHL AND STEVE BAILEY TO LIBRARY BOARD TO APRIL 2016 (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE TO CROW RIVER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY ON MAY 3, 2013, AT CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2013 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVALS AND PERMITS FOR THE 71sT ANNUAL HUTCHINSON JAYCEE WATER CARNIVAL FOR JUNE 10 — 16, 2013 (f) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER A (g) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER B CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9, 2013 Items 7(a)l, 7(f) and 7(g) were pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Forcier, second by Arndt, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(a) l had further discussion. Council Member Arndt asked about the no trucks on 5th Avenue /Arch Street. Kent Exner, City Engineer, noted that this is the gravel section of Arch Street south of 5t Avenue. Mr. Exner explained that navigational systems are directing trucks to travel on this section of Arch Street and then they get stuck and have to attempt to turn around. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve Item 7(a)l. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(f) was pulled for separate action to allow Council Member Forcier to abstain from voting. Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Item 7(f). Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(g) was pulled for separate action to allow Council Member Forcier to abstain from voting. Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Item 7(g). Motion carried unanimously. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION OF COMMENTS AND INPUT ON THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN John Paulson, Environmental Specialist, presented before the Council. Mr. Paulson noted that an annual review and public hearing of the City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is required as part of the submittal of the City's annual report. This regulation applies to all cities that have and maintain a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. Mr. Paulson reviewed the following topics: public education and outreach, public participation and involvement, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site stormwater runoff control, and pollution prevention /good housekeeping. Mr. Paul explained that a public forum on the Crow River will be held on May 8, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. at the Event Center. Motion by Christensen, second by Cook, to set Waters public forum as public meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, to approve submittal of storm water pollution prevention plan 2012 annual report. Motion carried unanimously. 9. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise policy. Always looking towar t e uture, not monitoring past) (a) DISCUSSION OF 2012 CITY ENERGY USAGE AND CONSERVATION EFFORTS John Paulson, Environmental Specialist, presented before the Council. Mr. Paulson provided an overview of the recently compiled 2012 energy usage data relative to specific City departments and ongoing energy conservation efforts. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 14130 — RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR MUNICIPAL STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS LEGISLATION Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that legislation is being discussed that would allow cities to create street improvement districts. This type of structure would allow cities to collect fees from property owners within a district to fund municipal street maintenance, construction, reconstruction and facility upgrades. This potential legislation would provide cities with an additional tool to build and maintain city streets. Even with this legislation, the City would still 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9, 2013 utilize its special assessments policy. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve Resolution No. 14130. Motion carried unanimously. (c) DISCUSSION OF DESIGNATING FUNDS FOR ANIMAL LICENSE FEES Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter noted that, with the revision of the animal ordinance, discussion has been held on how best to use animal license fees. It has been proposed to designate funds for these license fees that are collected. Some ideas that have been put forth for use of these fees is for development/maintenance of a dog park, spay /neuter program, etc. Mr. Carter presented a draft Resolution designating funds with a tiered approach. This includes the first $2500 being designated to the police department; $2500- $17,500 split evenly between police department and a pet program fund; excess of $17,500 applied 100% to a pet program fund. Council Member Czmowski suggested increasing the amount designated to the police department due to the low number of license fees currently being collected. Mayor Cook noted that he hopes this initiative will entice animal owners to license their animals and provide them a more direct benefit for doing so. Council Member Forcier suggested that perhaps this item could be revisited in a few months to see the amount of fees being collected. Council Member Christensen noted that she feels this is worth a try to see if more animal owners will license their pets. The Council concurred the allocation proposed is acceptable as well as the programs proposed to use the funds for, with a $5.00 credit for the spay /neuter and microchip programs. This Resolution will come before the Council at the next meeting for formal consideration. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0705 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 93 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE — ANIMALS (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, noted that in addition to the ordinance is a summary ordinance for the Council to consider for publication purposes. Motion by Christensen, second by Cook, to approve Ordinance No. 13 -705 and summary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTION OF IMAGINE HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ACTION PLAN Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Jochum explained that extensive public hearings, steering committees and staff time has been spent on this project and was most recently reviewed at a Council workshop held on March 12, 2013. Mr. Jochum provided an overview of the plan. The plan in its entirety can be found on the City's web site at www.ci.hutchinson.mn.us under "Hot Topics ". High points of the plan include redeveloping the West Crow River District/former Cenex site, south side of river would hold medical building site and townhomes, bike trails and bike friendly routes, fishing pier /overlook, arts plaza, depot marketplace, historic preservation and water - oriented recreation. A group will begin to meet on a regular basis to continue to move forward with this plan. Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to approve Imagine Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 13 -706 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.004 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE SPECIFICALLY PERTAINING TO THE DEFINITION OF DOG KENNEL Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora explained that with the revision of the animal ordinance and the animal limit set at a maximum number of seven, the definition of dog kennel found in Section 154.004 should be amended. The proposal is simply to refer to the animal CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9, 2013 ordinance in Section 154.004 to ensure that the animal limits are met. Motion by Christensen, second by Forcier, to set second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 13 -706 for April 23, 2013. Motion carried unanimously. 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy thatguides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 21 AND FEBRUARY 27, 2013 (b) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 25, 2013 (c) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR MARCH 2013 (d) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR MARCH 2013 13. MISCELLANEOUS (a) Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, noted that local government aid reform is being considered at the Minnesota legislature. This includes an additional appropriation of $80 million for LGA and a new, fairer distribution formula. The Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities, LMC and other advocacy groups have worked to auree on the new formula. It is being recommended amongst cities that each city approve a Resolution of support of the new formula and the appropriation. Resolution No. 14131 was put forth for the Council's consideration. Motion by Forcier, second by Cook, to approve Resolution No. 14131. Motion carried unanimously. (b) Jeremy Carter noted that a transient merchant application had been submitted by Jay Malone Motors to hold a tent sale in the Hutchinson Mall parking lot from April 19 — 29, 2013, and August 9 — 19, 2013. Jay Malone Motors has held similar type of sales since 2008 in the same location. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve transient merchant application for Jay Malone Motors. Motion carried unanimously. (c) Kent Exner noted that staff, the mayor and local legislators have drafted a letter to submit to MnDOT requesting that segments of TH 15 be considered to be moved up earlier on the reconstruction schedule due to the conditions of the roadway. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve submitting letter to MnDOT for TH 15 improvements. Motion carried unanimously. Kent Exner — Exner noted that bids will be opened on Thursday for the Jefferson Street prof ect. Depot project is developing — remediation one phase and site work in another phase. Hwy 15 roundabout bids may be opened on May 6 . It is being considered to run the Hwy 15 roundabout and South Grade Road bridge replacement projects concurrently. Mayor Cook spoke about economic development initiatives available through the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities. In this challenging economic climate, it's critically important that Greater Minnesota cities, businesses, non - profits and other organizations work together to advocate policies that will create jobs and boost investments in rural communities. The Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities' Economic Development Partnership offers the opportunity to support job creation in communities while marketing organizations across Greater Minnesota. 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 9, 2013 All proceeds to the Economic Development Partnership are directed to research, development, and advocacy of the CGMC Greater Minnesota Economic Development Partnership Program, which includes A Greater Minnesota Jobs Training Program, Greater Minnesota Internship Program, Expansion of the Angel Investment Tax Credit for Greater Minnesota. Partnership programs are available in gold, silver and bronze levels. Mayor Cook suggested the City of Hutchinson becoming a bronze member for a membership amount of $500. Mayor Cook also suggested that perhaps the EDA and the Chamber of Commerce could partner on a bronze membership. The Council budget could be utilized for these funds. The Council will consider that at the next meeting. Luce Line Trail update — Minnesota House introduced bill today that includes Luce Line Trail improvements (Winsted to Cedar Mills for $2.5 million). . 14. ADJOURN Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 7:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 5 BID OPENING LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 Jefferson St SE from Washington Ave E to Oakland Ave SE April 11, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. Present: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator Kent Exner, City Engineer Melissa Starke, Recorder The Bid Opening was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by Jeremy Carter. Mr. Carter noted that the City Council reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities. Publication No. 7965, Advertisement for Bids was waived and the following bids were opened and read aloud: Duininck Inc 4086 th St PO Box 208 Prinsburg, MN 56281 Hjerpe Contracting Inc 16246 Hwy 15 S PO Box 517 Hutchinson, MN 55350 R & R Excavating Inc 1149 Hwy 22 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 Wm Mueller & Sons Inc 831 Park Ave PO Box 247 Hamburg, MN 55339 Closed: 10:35 a.m. Steven W. Cook Mayor Bid Amount: $1,999,243.70 Bid Amount: $1,928,917.33 Bid Amount: $1,784,664.52 Bid Amount: $1,892,147.93 ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y -f Aa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Ordinance No. 13 -0706 Amending Chapter 154.004 of the City Code - Kennel Department: Legal LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The first reading of Ordinance No. 13 -0706 was held at the April 9, 2013, City Council meeting. The purpose of the ordinance is to amend the definition of "Dog Kennel' as defined in Chapter 154.004 in the Hutchinson zoning code. The amendment is to include language of the dog kennel definition by referring to Section 93.17 of the animal ordinance, which allows a household to have a maximum of seven animals. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 13 -0706. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: ORDINANCE NO. 13 -706 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.004 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE SPECIFICALLY PERTAINING TO THE DEFINITION OF DOG KENNEL THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON HEREBY ORDAINS: §154.004 DEFINITIONS DOG KENNEL. Any place where four or more dogs over six months of age are owned, kept, boarded, bred or offered for sale, except as provided for in Section 93.17 of this code. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 23rd day of April, 2013. ATTEST: Steven W. Cook, Mayor Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL City Of Request far Board Action 7AZ=2;�7 Agenda Item: Planning Commission Items Department: Planning and Zoning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff EJ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Crow River Habitat for Humanity is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to build a home without a garage located at 714 Madson Ave. S.W. per section 154.057 (13)[1] of the zoning ordinance. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Conditional Use Permit Fiscal Impact: $ 0,00 Funding Source: NIA FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTIO N: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: nla Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: n/a MEMORANDUM DATE: April 16, 2013, for the April 23, 2013, City Council meeting TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, Planning Director SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY TO CONSTRUCT A HOME WITHOUT GARAGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 714 MADSON AVE. S.W. Background: Crow River Habitat for Humanity is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to build a home without a garage located at 714 Madson Ave. S.W. per section 154.057 (B)(1) of the zoning ordinance. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission considered the request at their April 16th meeting. Staff reported the proposed conditional use permit would meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Laura Maiers, 704 Juul Rd S.W., gave support to Habitat for Humanity for demolishing the old house and constructing a new house at 714 Madson Ave. S.W. However, she is concerned with the property not having a garage. The Board Chairman, representing Habitat for Humanity, was present for questions and stated they do not have funds for the garage at this time. Staff commented on the request noting the recommendations and pointing out that no outside storage will be allowed on the property with the exception of licensed motor vehicles which should be parked on the street or in the driveway. All other items shall be stored indoors or inside of the proposed utility shed. Also, when a garage is built on the property the driveway must be upgraded from gravel to a paved surface. After concluding discussion, the Commission recommended approval on a roll -call vote. Raymond Norton, Christie Hantge, Bill Arndt, Jim Fahey and Dave Johnston voting aye. Dean Kirchoff voting nay. John Lofdahl was absent. Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit on a 5 to vote with the findings and conditions in the attached resolution. DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, Planning Director Date: April 11, 2013, for April 16, 2013, Planning Commission Meeting Application: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit Applicant: Crow River Habitat for Humanity, Inc. CONDTIONAL USE PERMIT Crow River Habitat for Humanity is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to build a home without a garage located at 714 Madson Ave. S.W. per section 154.057 (B)(1) of the zoning ordinance. ` i * Indicates property described iFithis otice •' 7" 745 726. t •r• MADSON AVE SAN Rr' � ■ r _36 7' i - 714 -. D r� . ' @98 `676 � _ 664 659 M y p r�T 7551 r 555 665 655 r _ • • r� ` . .. R rte #F N MILWAUKEE AVE SW x_ E • 734 14 F 7Q6 ' 6ft- 73W676 1 664 s Conditional Use Permit 714 Madson Ave S.W. Planning Commission — 4/16/13 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R -2 (Medium Density Residential) Property Location: 714 Madson Ave. S.W. Lot Size: 66' x 132' Existing Land Use: Single family residence Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: R -2 (Medium Density Residential) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Traditional Residential Neighborhood Zoning History: None Applicable Regulations: Section 154.057 (B)(1) Analysis: The existing structure will be demolished. They will be constructing a 3 bedroom home (1,008 sq. ft.) on the property which has an existing curb cut and gravel driveway. The house will be placed on the lot to allow the homeowner to build a detached garage in the future, if they would like, which will meet requirements for setbacks and size without needing any variances or conditional use permits. (see attached survey). There will be a temporary shed on the property for storage of outdoor equipment. Conditional Use Permit: The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is needed because there isn't a garage of at least 400 sq. ft. on the property. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Conditional Use Permit 714 Madson Ave S.W. Planning Commission — 4/16/13 Page 3 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit with the following recommendations: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R -2 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 3. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. 4. If the proposed use (construction of new home) fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. 5. No outside storage will be allowed on the property with the exception of licensed motor vehicles which should be parked on the street or in the driveway. All other items shall be stored indoors or inside of the proposed utility shed. 6. At which point a garage is built on the property the driveway must be upgraded from gravel to a paved surface. CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14132 RESOLUTION ADOPTING VTNDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE WITHOUT A GARAGE LOCATED AT 714 MADSON AVE. S.W. FOR A REQUESTED BY CROW RIVER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, PROPERTY OWNER FACTS 1. Crow River Habitat for Humanity, property owner, has submitted a conditional use permit request to allow construction of a house without a garage at 714 Madson Ave. SW; and, 2. The proposed property is legally described as: That part of Lot 76, Lynn Addition To Hutchinson, according to the map on file and of record in the office of the County Recorde4r, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the west line of said Lot 76 with the south line of Madson Avenue, said south line of Madson Avenue being a straight line drawn from the northwest corner of Block 4, Dascher's Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof ; thence easterly, along said south line of Madson Avenue 120.00feet; thence southerly, parallel with the west line of said Lot 76 a distance of 132.00 feet; thence westerly, parallel with said south line of Madson Avenue 120.00 feet to said west line of Lot 76; thence northerly, along said west line 132.00 feet to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom the West 60.40 feet, AND That part of said Lot 76 described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of said west line of Lot 76 with said south line of said Madson Avenue; thence easterly, along said south line of Madson Avenue 120.04 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence southerly, parallel with the west line of said Lot 76 a distance of 132.00 feet; thence easterly, 6.35 feet to the southwest corner of Lot l to the northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence westerly 5.69 feet to the point of beginning. 3. The Planning Commission met on April 16, 2013, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the conditional use permit request with the following recommendations: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be net, subject to the conditions stated. b. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R -2 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. c. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. d. If the proposed use (construction of new home) fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. e. No outside storage will be allowed on the property with the exception of licensed motor vehicles which should be parked on the street or in the driveway. All other items shall be stored indoors or inside of the proposed utility shed. f. At which point a garage is built on the property the driveway must be upgraded from gravel to a paved surface. Findings of Fact — Resolution # 14132 Conditional Use Permit Crow River Habitat for Humanity 714 Madson Ave SW Page 2 4. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the request at its meeting on Apri1 23, 2013, and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and recommends approval with the following recommendations: a. City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. b. The Council has determined that the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. c. If a building permit is not applied for within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void. d. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. e. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R -2 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. f. The conditional use pen-nit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of n conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. g. If the proposed use (construction of new home) fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use pen-nit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. h. No outside storage will be allowed on the property with the exception of licensed motor vehicles which should be parked on the street or in the driveway. All other items shall be stored indoors or inside of the proposed utility shed. i. At which point a garage is built on the property the driveway must be upgraded from gravel to a paved surface. APPLICABLE LAW 5. The conditional use permit request meets the standards of Section 1 54.170 in the City Code. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 5. The requested conditional use permit is consistent with the City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a conditional use permit to Crow River Habitat for Humanity to allow construction of a house without a garage is hereby approved. Adopted by the City Council this 23 " day of April 2013. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Congregational UCC 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PROCLAMATION — SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 9, 2013 (b) BID OPENING MINUTES FROM APRIL 11, 2013 (JEFFERSON STREET SE) 10 min.7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 13 -706 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.005 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE SPECIFICALLY PERTAINING TO THE DEFINITION OF DOG KENNEL (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A HOUSE WITHOUT A GARAGE LOCATED AT 715 MADSON AVENUE SW REQUESTED BY CROW RIVER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 14132) 2. CONSIDERATION OF VACATING ROADWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED IN WALGREENS ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 13 -707 FOR MAY 14, 2013) (c) APPOINTMENT OF DEAN KIRCHOFF TO PLANNING COMMISSION TO MARCH 2018 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MNDOT COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT FOR TRUNK HWY 15 AND CSAH 115 ROUNDABOUT PROJECT (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AIRPORT AGRICULTURAL LAND LEASE (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR JEFFERSON STREET SE RECONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 PROJECT (LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 13 -01) — DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT CITY CO UNCIL AGENDA APRIL 23, 2013 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR 2013 CITY PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (LETTING NO. 10, PROJECT NO. 13 -10) — ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT, RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING PARADE PERMIT TO VFW POST 906 ON MAY 27, 2013 (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE TO HUTCHINSON CENTER FOR THE ARTS ON MAY 30, 2013 0) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER A (k) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER B Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 15 min.8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) ASSESSMENT HEARING AND PROJECT AWARD FOR 2013 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 13 -03) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 15 min.9. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise policy. Always looking toward t e uture, not monitoring past) (a) PRESENTATION AND SUPPORT OF CROW RIVER FISHING PIER PROJECT No action required. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS 5 min. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14133 - RESOLUTION DESIGNATING FUNDS FOR ANIMAL LICENSE FEES Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 5 min. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF BECOMING MEMBER OF COALITION OF GREATER MINNESOTA CITIES GREATER MINNESOTA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM MARCH 19, 2013 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. ADJOURN 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL [ryof Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Planning Commission Items Department: Planning and Zoning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4123/0213 Contact: Dan Jochum Application Complete NIA Agenda item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff n Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency NIA Attachments: No BACKGROUND %EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: James Family Properties has submitted application for a vacation of utility easements and existing roadway and utility easements in the recently platted Walgreens Addition. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Vacation of easement and existing roadway and utility easements request. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.D0 FTE Impact: 0.00 Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Remaining Cost: Funding Source: NIA Budget Change: No $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Funding Source: nla $ 0.00 Funding Source: nla MEMORANDUM DATE: April 17, 2013, for the April 23, 2013, City Council meeting TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, Planning Director SUBJECT: Vacation of Easements in Walgreens Addition plat Background: James Family Properties has submitted application for a vacation of utility easements and existing roadway and utility easements in the recently platted Walgreens Addition. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission considered the request at their April 16th meeting. Staff reported there are two easements that need to be vacated. The first one is a 6 foot drainage and utility easement along the south lines of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1 as dedicated on the plat South Side Terrace, according to the recorded Plat with McLeod County. In addition, the roadway and utility easement granted to the City of Hutchinson in instrument dated August 8th 2011 and filed for record on August 15, 2011. A new 6 foot drainage and utility easement on the south property line was part of the Walgreens Additions Plat, thus the one in place from the South Side Terrace Plat is not needed. The roadway and utility easement on the Walgreens lot is being vacated because it is no longer needed and it also encroaches on the parking lot area on the south side of the Walgreens lot. New easements are being developed hat address the bank parcel access easement, City Parcel (Plaza 15) access easement, Bank parcel utility easement, City Parcel (Plaza 15) utility easement, and Lot 2 (rear Walgreens lot) access easement. All of these easement were required as part of the project approval for Walgreens from March of this year. City Engineer Kent Exner explained the need to vacate the easements and reported the one -way thru alley to Echo Drive is intended as an alley. Mr. Tony Oxborough, representing James Family Properties, was present for questions. After concluding discussion, the Commission unanimously recommended approval and added a recommendation that the release of easements is contingent on the project moving forward. Recommendation: The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Vacation of easements as noted in the attached ordinance. DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, Planning Director Date: April 11, 2013, for April 16, 2013, Planning Commission Meeting Application: Consideration of a vacation of easements in the Walgreens Addition plat Applicant: Anthony Oxborough, for James Family Properties, LLC VACATION OF EASEMENTS James Family Properties has submitted application for a vacation of utility easements and existing roadway and utility easements in the recently platted Walgreens Addition. Indicates property described in this Notice s MEN _ 4 j e � - } soy r 4 - 805 LU 997 A 945 W. 8� ter. > a y 6 70254 ECHO CIRCLE SE Z �_ r [ f f 23 - 7a a r =. � .... �f t211 s. t a tie 4f'r GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C -4 (Fringe Commercial) Property Location: 945 Hwy 15 S Lot Size: 3 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant (old Runnings site) Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: C -4 (Fringe Commercial) Vacation of easements Walgreens Addition Planning Commission — 4/16/13 Page 2 Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Commercial Zoning History: There have been several different businesses on the property since 1966. The businesses on file are Farm and Home, Pamida, Cashwise and Runnings. Staff has no record of variance or conditional use permits granted for the property. Staff believes the Pamida store was the first store in the existing building. A preliminary and final plat, conditional use permit and site plan were approved in March. Applicable Regulations: Section 14.05 of the City Charter Analysis: There are two easements that need to be vacated. The first one is a 6 foot drainage and utility easement along the south lines of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1 as dedicated on the plat South Side Terrace, according to the recorded Plat with McLeod County. In addition, the roadway and utility easement granted to the City of Hutchinson in instrument dated August 8th, 2011 and filed for record on August 15, 2011. A new 6 foot drainage and utility easement on the south property line was part of the Walgreens Additions Plat, thus the one in place from the South Side Terrace Plat is not needed. The roadway and utility easement on the Walgreens lot is being vacated because it is no longer needed and it also encroaches on the parking lot area on the south side of the Walgreens lot. New easements are being developed right now that address the bank parcel access easement, City Parcel (Plaza 15) access easement, Bank parcel utility easement, City Parcel (Plaza 15) utility easement, and Lot 2 (rear Walgreens lot) access easement. All of these easement were required as part of the project approval for Walgreens from March of this year. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the vacation of easements as noted above. PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0707 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING ROADWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENTS LOCATED IN WALGREENS ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to vacate roadway and utility easements located in Walgreens Addition. Section 2. That the roadway and utility easements to be vacated are described as follows: The 6 foot drainage and utility easements along the south lines of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1 as dedicated on the plat SOUTH SIDE TERRACE, according to the record plat thereof, McLeod County, Minnesota. ALSO The roadway and utility easement granted to the City of Hutchinson in instrument dated August Stn 2011, and filed for record on August 15, 2011, as document No. 397677. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication. Release of the easement is contingent upon the project occurring. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of May, 2013. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Project MnDOT Cooperative Construction Agreement (L41P13 -04) Department: PWIEng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Contact: Kent Exner Application Complete NIA Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency NIA Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: MnIDOT has requested that the attached project Cooperative Construction Agreement be executed relative to the proposed TH 15 & CSAH 115 Roundabout project (L41P13 -04). This agreement establishes the payment terms, roles and responsibilities for each of the local governments as this project is administered, construrted and maintained into the future. City staff recommends approval of the attached Agreement. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Agreement Fiscal Impact: FTE Impact: Included in current budget: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Remaining Cost: No Funding Source: Budget Change: No $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Funding Source: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OFHUTCHINSON MN RESOWII ON ENTER NG INTO STATE OF M I NNE90TA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORAII ON M AI NTENANCE AGREEMENT NO. 03359 RESOWlION NO. 14140 IT ISRE9DLV® that the City of Hutchinson enter into Mn /DOT Agreement No. 03359 with the Elate of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for maintenance by the City for sidewalk, lighting for sidewalks and roundabout construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 15 from T.H. 212 to Denver Avenue and on OSA.H. 115 from 950 feet west of T.H. 15 to 1300 feet east of T.H. 15 within the corporate City limits under Elate Project No. 4304 -90 (TH. 15 =151). IT IS FURTHBR RE9DLVED that the Mayor and the City Administrator are authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments t o t he Agreement. M ayor City Administrator Mn/DOT Contract No: 03359 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION And CITY OF HUTCHINSON and MCLEOD COUNTY COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT State Project Number (S.P.): Trunk Highway Number (T.H.): State Project Number (S.P.): 4304 -90 15 =151 4304 -90S State Project Number (S.P.): 043 -070 -006 NHPP -H SIP 0015 Federal Project Number: _(301) Lighting System Feed Point No. A, 43E2, 43E3, 43E4 Original Amounts Encumbered State Funds $1,273,477.691 Federal -Aid Funds $3,566,555.52 This Agreement is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Conunissioner of Transportation ( "State ") and the City of Hutchinson acting through. its City Council ( "City ") and McLeod County acting through its Board of Commissioners ( "County "). Recitals 1. The County will perform grading, roundabout, concrete and bituminous paving and surfacing, ADA improvements, lighting and signals construction and.. other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 15 from T.H. 212 to Denver Avenue and on C.S.A.H. 115 from 950feet west of T.H. 15 to 1300 feet east of T.H. 15 according to County- prepared plans, specifications and special provisions designated by the County and by the State as State Project No. 4304 -90, S.P. 4304 -90S and S.P. 043 - 070006 (T.H. 15=1 5 1)("Project"); and 2. The County requests the State participate in the costs of the grading, roundabout, concrete and bituminous paving and surfacing, ADA improvements, lighting and signals constriction and the State is willing to participate in the costs of said construction and associated construction engineering as set forth in this Agreement; and 3. The Federal -aid funds available to the State for the construction contract will be paid to the County through the State Aid Finance Office under the Delegated Contract Process on a reimbursable basis after expenses have been incurred, up to the amount as set forth in this Agreement ; and 4. The State funds or a State fund match for the Federal -aid funds will be advanced to the County in an amount as set forth in this Agreement; and 5. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number or CFDA number is 20.205; and 6. A separate agreement between the County and the �:ity of Hutchinson will address the City share of the Cost of City included Construction items in the County crmstructinn contract; and 7. Minnesota Statutes § 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to crake arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. Agreement 1. Term of Agreement; Survival of Terms; Plans; Incorporation of Exhibits I.I. Effective date. This Agreement will be effective on the date the State obtains all signatures required by Minnesota Statutes § 16C,05, subdivision 2. Mn/DOT Contract No: 03359 1.2. Erpiratiou date. This Agreement will expire when all obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled. 1.3. Survival of te'rius. All clauses which impose obligations continuing in their nature and which must survive in order to give ettect to their meaning will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement, including, without limitation, the following clauses: 2.4. State Ownership of Improvements; 5. Maintenance by the County; 6. Maintenance by the City; 11. Liability; Worker Compensation Claims; Insurance; 13. State Audits; 14. Government Data Practices; 15, Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Venue; and 17. Force Majeure. 1.4. Plans, Specrfrfcations, Special Provisions. State - approved County plans, specifications and special provisions designiated by the County and by the State as State Project No. 4304 -90, No, 4304 -90S (T.H. 15 =151) and S. P. 043 -070 -006 and are on file in the office of the County's Engineer and incorporated iiito this Agreement by reference. ( "Project Plans ") 1-5. Exhibits. Preliminary Schedule "I" is on file in the office of the County Engineer and incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Lighting Exhibits "A" and "B" are attached and incorporated into this Agreement. 2. Right -of -Way Use 2.1. Limited Right to Occupy, The State grants to the County (and its contractors and consultants) the right to occupy trunk highway right -of -way as necessary to perform the work described in the Project Plans. This right is limited to the purpose of constructing the project, and administering such construction, and may be revoked by the State at anytime, with or without cause. Cause for revoking this right of occupancy includes, but is not limited to, breaching the terms of this or any other agreement (relevant to this project) with the State, failing to provide adequate traffic control or other safety measures, failing to perform the construction properly and in a timely manner, and failing to observe applicable envirotunental laws or terms of applicable pen-nits. The State will have no liability to the County (or its contractors or consultants) for revoking this right of occupancy. 2.2. State Access; Suspension n. f Work; Remedial Measures. The State's District Engineer or assigned representative retains the right to enter and inspect the trunk highway right -of -way (incl uding the construction being performed on such right -of -way) at any time and without notice to the County or its contractor. if the State determines (in its sole discretion) that the construction is not being performed in a proper or timely manner, or that enviroivnental ]caws (or the terms of perntits) are not being complied with, or that traffic control or other necessary safety measures are not being properly implemented, then the State may direct the County (and its contractor) to take such remedial measures as the State deems necessary. The State may require the County (and its contractors and consultants) to suspend their operations until suitable remedial action plans are approved and implemented. The State will have no liability to the County (or its contractors or consultants) for exercising its rights under this provision. 2.3. Traffic Control; Worker Safety: While the County (and its contractors and consultants) are occupying the State right -of -way, they must comply with the approved traffic control plan, and with applicable provisions of the Work Zone Field Handbook (htt wvi.dot.srate. inn- us /tra:fi icern):hvorklor e. index,htint). All County, contractor, and consultant personnel occupying the State's right -of -way must be provided with required reflective clothing and hats. 2.4. State Ownership of Improvements. The State will retain ownership of its trunk highway right -of -way, including any improverents made to such right -of -way under this Agreement, unless otherwise noted. The warranties and guarantees made by the County's contractor with respect to such improvements (if any) will flow to the State. The County will assist the State, as necessary, to enforce such warranties and guarantees, and to obtain recovery from the County's consultants, and contractor (including its sureties) for non- performance of contract work, for design errors and omissions, and for defects in materials and workmanship. Upon request of the State, the County will undertake such actions as are reasonably necessary to transfer or assign contract rights to the State and to pen-nit subrogation by the State with respect to claims against the County's consultants and contractors. -2- Mn/DOT Contract No: 03359 3. Contract Award and Construction 3.1. Bids and Award. The County will receive bids and award a construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder (or best value proposer), subject to concurrence by the State in that award, according to the Project Plans. The contract construction will be performed according to the Project Plans. 3.2. Rid Documents f eridshed by the County. The County will, within 7 days of opening bids for the construction contract, submit to the State's District Engineer a copy of the low bid and an abstract of all bids together with Ilse County's request for concurrence by the State in the award of the construction contract, The County will not award the construction contract until the State advises the County in writing of its concurrence. 3.3. Rejection of .bids. The County may reject and the State may require the County to reject any or al l bids for the construction contract. The party rejecting or requiring the rejection of bids must provide the other party written notice of that rejection or requirement for rejection no later than 30 days after opening bids. Upon the rejection of all bids, a party may request, in writing, that the bidding process be repeated. Upon the other- party's written approval of such request, the County will repeat the bidding process in a reasonable period of time, without cost or expense to the State. 3.4. Contract Terms. The County's contract with its c,'nstrrction contractors) must include the following terns: A. A clause making the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Transportation, an intended third -party beneficiary of the contract with respect to the portion of work performed on the State's right - of -way; and B. A clause requiring the State to be named as an additional insured on any insurance coverage which the contractor is required to provide; and C. A clause stating that any warranties provided by the contractor, for the work perforned on the trunk higlnvay, will flow to, and be enforceable by, the State as the owner of such improvements. 3.5. Directioie, Superr�isiorr and ltrspc coon of Constritetiorr A. The contract construction will be under the direction of the County and under the direct supervision of a registered professional engineer. The supervision provided by the County may only be assigned, sublet, or transferred after the County is notified in writing by the State that such action is permitted under 23 CFR 1.33 and 23 CFR 635.105 and state law, This written consent will in no way relieve the County from its primary responsibility for satisfactory performance of the contract construction. The County will provide a County - employed registered professional engineer to oversee the contract construction, if the same consultant that designed the project employs the engineer supervising the contract construction directly. B. The State will be the primary overseer of the contract construction and a State District Engineer authorized representative will perform regular periodic itlspections during construction. The County will give the District Engineer at Willmar five days notice of its intention to start the contract construction. C. The County will notify the Independent Assurance Inspector when the contract construction is in progress that requires observation by the Independent Assurance Inspector as required by the Independent Assurance Schedule. Responsibility for the control of materials for the contract construction will be on the County and its contractor and will be carried out according to Specifications No. 1601 through and including No. 1609 in the State's current "Standard Specifications for Construction ". 3.6. Completion of Constraction. The County will cause the contract construction to be started and completed according to the time schedule in the construction contract special provisions. The completion date for the contract construction may be extended, by an exchange of letters between the appropriate County official and the State District Engineer's authorized representative, for unavoidable delays encountered in the performance of the contract construction. -3- Mn/DOT Contract No: 03359 3.7. Piart Changes. A]1 changes in the Project Plans and all addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements entered into by the County and its contractor for contract construction must be approved in writing by the State District Engineer's authorized representative. 3.8. State Furnished Engineering Services. Upon written request from the County, the State may furnish specific engineering or technical set-vices, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 161.39. Such services may be covered by Other technical services agreements. The County will pay the State to rcimbursc the Trunk Highway Fund for the full cost and expertise of furnishing such services, upon the State's requests for reimbursement, The costs and expenses will include the current State labor additives and overhead rates, subject to adjustment based on actual direct costs that have been verified by audit. Providing such services will not make the State a principal or co- principal with respect to liability regarding the contract construction. 3.9. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, Regulations A. The County will comply and cause its contractor to cornply with all Federal, State and Local laws, and all applicable ordinances and regulations. With respect only to that portion of work performed on the State's trunk highway right -of -way, the County will not require the contractor to follow local ordinances or to obtain local permits. B. County treatment of all public, private or cooperatively owned utility facilities which directly or indirectly serve the public and which occupy highway rights of way will conform to 23 CFR 645 "Utilities" which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. 3.10. Construction Documetrts Furnished by the County. The County will keep records and accounts that enable it to provide the State, when requested, with the following: A. Copies of the County contractor's invoice(s) covering all contract construction. B. Copies of the endorsed and canceled County warrant(s) or check(s) paying for final contract construction, or computer documentation of the warrant(s) issued, certified by an appropriate County official that final construction contract payment has been made. C. Copies of all construction contract change orders and supplemental agreements. D. A certification form, provided by the State, signed by the County's Engineer in charge of the contract construction attesting to the following- i. Satisfactory performance and completion of all contract construction according to the Project Plans. H. Acceptance and approval of all materials furnished for the contract construction relative to compliance of those materials to the State's current "Standard Specifications for Construction ". iii. FuII payment by the County to its contractor for all contract construction. E. Copies, certified by the County's Engineer, of material sampling reports and of material testing results for the materials furnished for the contract construction. K A copy of the "as built" plan sent to the District Engineer. 4. Right-of-Way; Easements; Permits; Coordination of Environmental Permits 4.1. The Cm will, without cost or expense to the State, obtain all rights -of -way, easements, construction permits and any other pennits and sanctions that may be require d in connection with the local and tr uA highway portions of the contract coustructicnr. Before payment by the State, the County will furnish the State with certified copies of the documents for rights -of -way and easements, construction pen-nits and other permits and sanctions required for State participation construction covered under this Agreement. 4.2. The County will convey to the State by quit claim deed, all newly acquired rights needed for the continuing operation and maintenance of the Trunk Highway, if any, upon completion of the Project, at no cost or expense to the State. -4- Mn /DOT Contract No: 03359 43. The County will comply with Miruiesota Statutes § 216D, 04, subdivision 1(a), for identification, notification, design meetings and depiction of utilities affected by the contract construction. 4.4. Hie County will require the City to submit to the State's Utility Engineer all original permit application for all utilities owned by the City of Hutchinson to be constructed upon and within the trunk highway right-of- way. Applications for pemnits will be made on State form "Application for Utility Pennit on Trunk Highway Right Of Way" (Form TP2525). 4.5, The County will require the City to submit to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency the plans and specifications for the construction or reconstruction of its sanitary sewer facilities to be performed tinder the construction contract and obtain, under Minnesota Statutes § 115.07 or Minnesota Rules 7001.103 0, subpart 2C, either a permit or written waiver from that agency for that construction or reconstruction. The County is advised that tinder Minnesota Rules 7001.1040, a written application for the permit or waiver must be submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency at least 180 days before the planned date of the sanitary sewer facility construction or reconstruction. 4.6. The County will be responsible to prepare and submit a Wetland Replacement Plan application pursuant to the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). The State acknowledges that the proposed project satisfies a shared purpose and need of the State and the Local Road Authority, therefore all proposed wetland impacts are eligible for and the responsibility of the State wetland road replacement bank. 4.7. The County will be responsible to prepare and submit a Wetland Replacement Plan application pursuant to the applicable requ irements of Sections 10, 401 and 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act. The State and the County acknowledge that any proposed wetland impacts requiring wetland mitigation f6und not eligihle under Section LA is the responsibility of the County. 4.8. The County will be responsible to prepare and obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction Storn1 water Permit coverage (NPDFS -CSW periiit) from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The State and the County acknowledge that transfer of the NPDES permit coverage to the awarded contractor is the responsibility of the County. 5. Maintenance by the County Upon completion of the project, the City and County will provide the following without cost or expense to the State: 5.1. Roadhvuys, Stoma Seivers. The County is responsible for C.S.A.H 115 maintenance in accordance with their normal maintenance practices. 5.2. Lighting. Maintenance and ownership of C.S.A.H. 115 lighting facilities construction, is shown in Exhibit "A ". Maintenance includes but is not limited to; replacing faulty luminaries and knocked down or otherwise damaged poles; repairing service cabinets, photocells, and all other miscellaneous Hardware to keep the lighting facilities in working order; cleaning and re- lannping the luminaries; and painting the lighting facilities. Maintenance and ownership of the rural lighting facilities construction, is shown in Exhibit "S ". Maintenance includes but is not limited to: replacing faulty luminaires, cleaning and re- lamping the luminaires and painting the lighting facilities. The County will also be responsible for the hook -up cost and application to secure an adequate power supply to the service pad or poles and will pay all monthly electrical service expenses necessary to operate the lighting facility, The State will be responsible for all "Gopher State One Call" locates. 5.3. Additional Drainage. Neither party to this Agreement will drain any additional drainage into the storm sewer facilities coristnscted under the constructio:t contract that was riot included in the drainage for which the stone sewer facilities were designed, without first obtaining written permission to do so from the other party. The drainage areas served by the stone sewer facilities constructed under the construction contract are shown in a drainage area map, FXHIRIT "Drainage Area ", which is on file in the office of the State's District Hydraulics Engineer at Willmar and is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. -5- Mn /DOT Contract No: 03359 5.4. Future Responsibilities. Upon completion of the C.S.A.H_ 115 construction, the County will accept frill and total responsibility and all obligations and liabilities arising out of or by reason of the use, operation, maintenance, repair and re construction of C. S.A.H. 115 and all of the facilities constricted as part of this Agreement, without cost or expense to the State. 6. Maintenance by the City 6.1. Municipal Utilities. The City will be responsible for all maintenance of any municipal -owned utilities construction, without cost or expense to the State or County. 6.2. Sidetualks. The City will be responsible for all maintenance of the roundabout sidewalk and concrete trail construction, including stamped and colored concrete sidewalk (if any) and pedestrian ramps. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, snow, ice and debris removal, patching, crack repair, panel replacement, cross street pedestrian crosswalk markings, mowing grass boulevards (if any) and any other maintenance activities necessary to perpetuate the sidewalks and trail in a safe, useable, and aesthetically acceptable condition. 6.3. Lighting- Maintenance and ownership of the City requested trail and sidewalk lighting facilities construction, is shown on Exhibit "A ". Maintenance includes but is not limited to; replacing Faulty luminaries and knocked down or otherwise damaged poles; repairing service cabinets, photocells, and all other miscellaneous hardware to keep the lighting facilities in working order; cleaning and re- lamping the luminaries; and painting the lighting facilities. The City will be responsible for the hook -up cost and app] ication to secure an adequate power supply for the entire roundabout lighting system and will pay all monthly electrical service expenses necessary to operate the lighting facility. The State will he responsible for all "Gopher State One Call" locates. 6.4. Related Agreements. This agreement will supersede and tenninate the operation and maintenance terms of Maintenance Agreement No. 90156M, date€l December 18, 2006, between the State, County and City for the intersection of T.H. 15 at C. S.A.H. 1151Airport Road. 7. Basis of State Cost 7.1. SCHEDULE '7 ". The Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" includes all anticipated State participation construction items, minus the Federal Aid and the construction engineering cost share covered under this Agreement. 7.2. State Participation Constriction. The State will participate in the following at the percentages indicated. Tkie construction includes the State's proportionate share of item costs for mobilization, field office, field laboratory and traffic control. A. 100 Percent, ($0% Federal Aid, 20% State match), will be the State's rate of cost participation in all of the bituminous mill and overlay construction. B. 55 Percent, (90 1lo Federal Aid, 10 State match), will be the State's rate of cost participation in all of the roundabout construction. 7.3. Construction Engineering Costs. The State will pay a construction engineering charge equal to 8 percent of the total State participation construction covered under this Agccincrit. 7.4. Addenda, Change Orders and Supplemental Agreements. The State will share in the costs of construction contract addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements that are necessary to complete the State participation construction covered under this Agreement and are approved in writing by the State District Engineer's authorized representative. 7.5. Liquidated Damages. All liquidated damages assessed the County's contractor in connection with the construction contract will result in a credit shared by each party in the same proportion as their total construction cost share covered under this Agreement is to the total contract construction cost before any deduction for liquidated damages. -6- Mn /DOT Contract No: 03359 8. State Cost and Payment by the State 5.1, State Cost. $1,273,077.69 is the State's estimated share of the costs of the contract construction plus the 8 percent construction engineering cost share and a $110,000.00 contingency amount as shown in the Preliminary SCHEDULE "I ". The Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" was prepared using estimated quantities and unit prices, and may include any credits or lump suer costs. Upon review of the construction contract bid documents described in Article 3.2, the State will decide whether to concur in the County's award of the construction contract and, if so, prepare a Revised SCHEDULE "I" based on construction contract unit prices, which will replace and supersede the Preliminary SCHEDULE "I" as part of this agreement. The contingency amount is provided to cover overruns of the plans estimated quantities of State participation construction and State approved additional construction including construction engineering costs. A. Federal -aht frrrrded. $3,566,555.52 is the Federal -aid funded portion of the State cost share and will be paid to the County through the State Aid Finance Office tender the Delegated Contract Process (State Aid Manual, Chapter 53). B. Stare Funded. $1,273,077.69 is the State funded portion of the State cost share, which consists of $812,734.49 for construction, $350,343.20 for construction engineering and $110,000.00 contingency amount. 8.2. Cn►rrlltioi :s of'Payrrrellr. The State will pay the County the State's total estimated construction cost share, which does not includes the 8 percent construction engineering or contingency amount cost share, as shown in the Revised SCHEDULE "I ", after the following conditions have been rnet: A. Encumbrance by the State of the State's total estimated construction cost share, the 8 percent construction engineering cost share, and the contingency amount, as shown in the Revised SCHEDULE "I ". B. Approval by the State's Land Management Director at St. Paul of certified documentation, submitted by the County, for all right -of - -way and easement acquisitions required for the contract construction. C. Execution of this Agreement and transmittal to the County, including a letter advising of the State's concurrence in the award of the construction contract. D. The State's receipt of a written request from the County for the advanccmcnt of funds. The request will include certification by the County that all necessary parties have executed the construction contract. 8.3. Construction Costs Exceeding Encumbered Amount Whenever it appears the cost of the State participation construction covered under this Agreement is about to exceed the current amount of encumhered State funds, the County will notify the State District Engineer's authorized representative in writing prior to performance of the additional State participation constrlctioll. Notification will include an estimate in the amount of additional fi.uids necessary to complete the State participation construction including construction engineering costs and the reason(s) why the current amount encumbered will be exceeded. The State will, upon its approval of the additional State participation construction, encumber the necessary additional funds. That action wi11 have the effect of amending this Agreement so as to include the State's share of the costs of the additional construction. Should the County cause the performance of additional contract construction which would otherwise qualify for State participation construction covered udder this Agreement, but for which the State has not previously encumbered funds, that additional contract construction is done at the County's own risk. The County will notify the State District F.rrgineer's authorized representative in writing of the additional State participation construction. Notification will include an estimate in the amount of additional finds necessary to cover the additional State participation construction including construction engineering costs and the reason(s) why the Current amount encumbered was exceeded. If the State District Engineer's authorized representative approves the additional State participation construction, the County's claim for compensation along with a request for encumbrance of the necessary additional funds will be submitted to the State's Budget Section for review of compliance with Minnesota Statutes § 16A.15, subdivision 3, but no guarantee is made that -7- MrtIDOT Contract No: 03359 the claim will be approved by the Status Budget Section. If the claim for compensation and the request for encumbrance of the necessary additional funds are approved by the State's Budget Section, that action will have the effect of amending this Agreement so as to include the State's share of the costs of the additional construction. 8.4. Records Keeping and [it voicing by the County The State will provide the County with a Payment Processing Package containing a Modified SCHEDULE "I" form, instructions, and samples of documents for processing final payment of the State participation construction covered under this Agreement. The County wi}1 keep records and accounts that enable it to provide the State with the following prior to final payment: A. A copy of the Modified SCHEDULE "I" which includes final quantities of State participation construction. B. Copies of Lite Cuunty contractor's invoice(s) covering all contract construction. C. Copies of the endorsed and canceled County warrant(s) or check(s) paying for final contract construction, or computer documentation of the warrant(s) issued, certified by an appropriate County o icial that final construction contract payment has been made. D. Copies of all construction contract change orders and supplemental agreements_ E. A certification form, attached to a copy of the Final Schedule "I ", both provided by the State. The certification form will be signed by the County's Engineer in charge of the contract construction attesting to the following: i. Satisfactory performance and completion of all contract construction according to the Project Plans. ill. Acceptance and approval of all materials furnished for the contract construction relative to compliance of those materials to the State's current "Standard Specifications for Construction ". iii. Full payment by the County to its contractor for all contract construction. F. When requested, copies certified by the Count's Engineer, of material sampling reports and material testing results for the materials furnished for the contract construction. G. A copy of the "as built" plan sent to the District Engineer. H. A formal invoice (original and signed) in the amount due the County as shown in the Final SCHEDULE "I ". 8.5. Final Payment by lire State Upon completion of all contract construction, the State will prepare a Final SCHEDULE "I" according to the procedures detailed in the Paynieat Processing Package and submit a copy to the County. The Final SCHEDULE "I" will be based on final quantities, and include all State participation construction items and the construction engineering cost share covered under this Agreement. If the final cost of the State participation construction exceeds the amount of funds advanced by the State, the State will pay the difference to the County without interest. If the final cost of the State participation construction is less than the amount of funds advanced by the State, the County will refwid the difference to the State without interest. The State and the County waive claims for any payments or refunds less than $5.00 according to Minnesota Statntes § 15.415. S.G. Limitations of State Pajunent, No State Payment to Contractor The State's participation in the contract construction is limited to the amount shown in Article 7, and the State's participation wil I not change except by a mutually agreed written amendment to this Agreement. -8- Mn /DOT Contract No: 43359 The State's payment obligation extends only to the County. The County's contractor is not intended to be and will not be deemed to be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement. The County's contractor wi11 have no right to receive payment from the State. The State will have no responsibility for claims asserted against the County by the County's contractor 9. Authorized Representatives Each party's Authorized Representative is responsible for administering this Agreement and is authorized to give and receive any notice or demand required or pennitted by this Agreement. 9.1. The State's Authorized Representative will be: Name/Title- Maryanne Kelly- Sonnek, Municipal Agreements Engineer (or successor) Address. 395 John Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 682, St. Paul, MN 55155 Telephone: (651) 366 -4634 Fax. (651) 366 -4769 E -Mail: maryanne _kellysnnnek@- ,tate_mn.ns 9.2. The County's Authorized representative will be: Name/Title: John Rnn:ilchorst, County Engineer (or successor) Address: 1400 Adams Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Tel eplion c: 320-484-4321 9.3. The City's Authorized Representative will be: NamelTitle: Kent Exner, City Engineer (or successor) Address: I l Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 553 50-25 22 Telephone: 120- 234 -4212 10. Assignment; Amendments; Waiver; Contract Complete 10.1. Assignment. Neither party may assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior consent of the other party and a written assignment agreement, executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this Agreement, or their successors in office. 10.2. Amendments. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original Agreement, or their successors in office. 10.3. Waiver. If a party fails to enforce any provision of this Agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or the parry's right to subsequently enforce it. 10.4. Contract Complete. This Agreement contains all prior negotiations and agreements between the State and the County. No other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 11. Liability; Worker Compensation Claims; Insurance 11.1. Each party is responsible for its own acts, omissions and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and will not be responsible for the acts and omissions of others and the results thereof. Minnesota Statutes t 3.736 and other applicable law govern liability of the State. Mirnesota Statutes Chapter 466 and other applicable law govern liability of the County. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the County will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend (to the extent permitted by the Minnesota Attorney Ueneral) the State against any claims, causes of actions, damages, costs (including reasonable attorneys fees), and expenses arising in connection with the project covered by this Agreement, regardless of whether such claims are asserted by the County's contractor(s) or consultant(s) or by a third party because of an act or omission by the County or its contractor(s) or consultant(s). 192 Mn/DOT Contract Tlo: 03359 11,2, Each party is responsible for its own employees for any claims arising under the Workers Compensation Act. 11.3. The County may require its contractor to carry insurance to cover claims for damages asserted against the County's contractor. 12. Nondiscrimination Provisions of Minnesota Statutes § 181.59 and of any applicable law relating to civil rights and discrimination are cunsidered part of this Agreement. 13. State Audits Under Minnesota Statutes § 16C.45, subdivision 5, the County's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the State and the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years £rota the c3id of this Agreement. 14. Government Data Practices The County and State must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to all data provided by the State under this Agreement, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the County under this Agreement. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the County or the State, 15. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Venue Minnesota law governs the validity, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this Agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction iii Ramsey County, Minnesota. 16. Termination; Suspension 16.1. By Mutual Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or by the State for insufCcient funding as described below. 16.2. 7erininativu for Irrsiewient Funding. The State may immediately tenninate this Agreement if it does not obtain funding from the Mimmesota Legislature, or other funding source; or if funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Termination must be by written or fax notice to the County. The State is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination. However, the County will be entitled to payment, deterniined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if this Agreement is terminated because of the decision of the Mimlesota Legislature, or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. 16.3. Suspension. In the event of a total or partial government shutdown, the State may Suspend this Agreement and all work, activities, perforniance and payments authorized through this Agreement. Any work performed during a period of suspension will be considered unauthorized work and will be undertaken at the risk of non - payment. 17. Force Majeure Neither party will be responsible to the other for a failure to perform under this Agreement (or a delay in perfonnance), if such failure or delay is due to a force majeure event. A force majeure event is an event beyond a party's reasonable control, including but not limited to, unusually severe weather, fire, floods, other acts of God, labor disp>rtes, acts of war or terrorism, or public health emergencies. [The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank] -10- STATE ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION Individual certifies that funds have been encumbered as required by Minnesota Statutes § 16A. 15 and 16C.05, Signed: Date: SWIFT Purchase Order: MCLEOD COUNTY The undersigned certify that they have lawfully executed this contract on behalf of the Govenunental Unit as required by applicable charter provisions, resolutions or ordinances. By: y' v--� Title: 7 Date: By: Title: Date: uI ; Mn /DOT Contract No: 03359 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recorrunended for Approval: Im (District Engineer) Date: Approved: By: (State Design Engineer) Date: COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION By: (With delegated authority) Date: INCLUDE COPY OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING ITS EXECt]TION. -11- WDOT Contract No: 03359 CI'T'Y OF HUTCHINSON The undersigned certify that they have lawfully executed this contract on behalf of the Governmental UniL as required by applicable charter provisions, resolutions or ordinances. By Steven W. cook Title: Mayor Date.: 04/23/2013 By eremy J. Carter Title: City Administrator Date: 04123/2013 INC MOE COPY OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING ITS EXECUTION. -12- AFLEQD t�COC]I17TY COMMISSIONER ROAN SHIMANSKI 1 st District Phone (320) 327 -0112 23808 Jet Avenue Sflver Lake, MN 55381 Ron.Shirnansk1@po.mcTeod.mn.us COMMISSiONERSHELDON HIES 4th District . Phone (320) 587 -5117 1118 Jefferson Street 5outh Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sheldon.Nies anco.mcleod.mn.us County of McLeod 830 11th Street East Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 FAX (320) 364 -3410 COMMISSIONER KERMIT TERLINDEN 2nd District Phone (320) 864 -3738 1112 14th Street East Glencoe, MN 55336 Ke rm i t.Terlf nd enMco.m oleo d.mn. us COMMISSIONER JON CHRISTENSEN 5th District Phone (320) 587 -5663 1245 Highway 7 East ; Hutchinson. MN 55350 Jon. Chrfstensenaco.mcleod.m n. us RESOLUTION 13- RB03 -18 For MaDDT Agreement 03359 COMMISSIONER PAUL WRIGHT 3rd Dfsfrict Phone(320)587 -7332 15215 County Road 7 HuLdtil isun, MN 55350 Fla uI.Wri4 ht&u.mcleod.mn. us COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PATRICK MELVlN Phone (320) 884 -1383 835 11th Street East, Suite 110 Glencoe, MN 55336 Pat. M e1vin (g)co.m cleod.mn. u s It is. resolved; that the County of McLeod enters into MnDDT Agreement No. 03359 with the State of Minnesota for the following purposes: To provide for payment by the State to the County of the State's share of the costs of the roundabout and milling and overlay construction and other associated construction �to be perfornied upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 15 from TH 212 to Denver Avenue and on County State Aid Highway 115 from 950 feet west of TH 15 .to 1,300 feet east of TH 15 within the corporate limits of the City of Hutchinson under State Projects No. 43040 -90 and No. 4304 -94S. It is further resolved, that the proper County officers are authorized to execute such Agreement and any ainendrrients thereto. Adopted this 15`h day of April, 2013 Mc od County Board Chair CERTIFICATION i do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented and adopted by the McLeod County Board of Commissioners at a duly authorized meeting thereof, on the 16th day of April, 2013. T Patrick T. Melvin, Count. Administrator MCLEOU) COUNTY IS AN EQUAL_ OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYI R CITY OF HUTCHINSON MN RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NO. 03359 RESOLUTION NO. 14140 IT IS RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson enter into MnJDOT Agreement No. 03359 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for maintenance by the City for sidewalk, lighting for sidewalks and roundabout construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 15 from T.H. 212 to Denver Avenue and on C.S.A.H. 115 from 950 feet west of T.H. 15 to 1300 feet east of T.H. 15 within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 4304 -90 (T.H. 15 =151), IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Administrator are authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement. City Administrator Mayor CERTIFICATION I certify that the above Resolution is an accurate copy of the Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Hutchinson at an authorized meeting held on the 23rd day of April, 2013, as shown by the minutes of the meeting in my possession. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of _ 2013. Notary Public My Commission Expires: (Signature) (Type or Print Name) (Title) Airport Road � NfCSAHk151Y8 i! a t' A A 5 s • w WCSPHII E9 m SSALE [H FEET ❑❑ {�0 160 w.. l CITY FD. PT. A 8 AND R DENOTE CURRENT CARRYIM; CONDUCTORS J W DENOTES NEUTRAL CONDU -TOR JA A 11 I TTY�FD4 PP TT 2 VOL55ppT 2Vi CA6NET SEOi�'�ARY A ECSA- -4115W g Q 4 q a R METERED) CITY FEED POINT A LIGHT STAN(}ARDS AND 8 NO LEGEND W SDUSCE OF POWER ALIGNMENT POLE MOUNTED METER AM SEHVtOE CABINET OWNER PAD MOUNTED METER AND SERVICE CABINET 17 2 +75 ® F&I LIUHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL SPECIAL 2 F>tiI LTGXTIMG UNIT TYPE SKCIAL 1 - F6I LLGHYING UNIT TYPE, SPECIAL 2 - LL F &I 4',C N0.4 ARMQREn CABLE. STH15NB PEENANENT GROUND ROD 125 OHMS OR LESS) ■xx, NANCHDLE $404 2 INCH NMC CONDUIT NTH1558 X I!7 Airport Road � NfCSAHk151Y8 i! a t' A A 5 s • w WCSPHII E9 m SSALE [H FEET ❑❑ {�0 160 w.. l CITY FD. PT. A 8 AND R DENOTE CURRENT CARRYIM; CONDUCTORS J W DENOTES NEUTRAL CONDU -TOR JA A 11 I TTY�FD4 PP TT 2 VOL55ppT 2Vi CA6NET SEOi�'�ARY A ECSA- -4115W g Q 4 q a R METERED) CITY FEED POINT A LIGHT STAN(}ARDS AND BASES NO 5tA LT RT ALIGNMENT TYPE OWNER Al 17 2 +75 X STH15NO SPECIAL 2 MNJOT A21174-25 % STH15NB SPECIAL 2 MNJOT A3 $404 X RDBT SPECIAL 2 MOT 14 3 +96 x RDBT SPECIAL 2 MN707 A5 113 +85 X WCSAH115E8 SPECIAL 2 COUNTY A6 1114-35 X WCSAH115ES SPECIAL 2 E 00 NTY A7 1+47 x RDBT SPEC AL 2 MHOOT A8 301 +50 X WCSAHI15WR SPECIAL 2 COUNTY A9 303 +90 X WCSAFi115WB SPECIAL 2 COUNTY 10 2 +63 X RDBT SPECI L 2 MI3UOT All 1179 +50 X N fHk55B SPECIAL 2 MN!]OT Al2 1181 +00 X NTHISS9 SPECIAL 2 MNUOT A13 118C *20 X NTH15NO SPECIAL 3 CITY .. AI4 1182+-20 Y. N-H15NB SPECIAL 5 CITY A15 1184 +20 I X N -H15NB SPECIAL 3 CITY A16 1186 +20 I Y N'H15NB SPECIAL 3 CITY A1T IIBS +00 K N -H15N8 SPECIAL 31 CITY LIGHTING LAYOUT PROJ NO.4304 -90 (T.H,15) SHEET NO. 142 OF 152 SHEETS 4 L'l ht;,1 Exh 6't+'gq uWOT 111. Pr, 43V 4 a fo. P'i. 4]63 MOOT F0. PT. 4JE4 lZWM YOLI 120240 OLY li0l340 VOLF $ 1 gRp]i'IS � 1 tERMiS I [Rdll13 I 1 �a iue�e w•.._.__ �. a� �,...,.,�. w.,,,w wn,�� STATE ra I 1 if11w��(,ryQfl Fi1�I:Yf�( _ '�i1!� � n +PSeGV:Iq�RO.�IM[s;8 LEGEND w SOURCE OF POWER �1 PGI.E MOUNTED METER AMC SERV{Cc CaBIR; I _ TEAEGI �NS� i �./ SC}1� i H�OflT TPp�`p PII LIGHTING LNIT TYPE SPECIAL 2 M 4\C NO, J AFII, .D CCALE PFRNANENT GROUND ROD 125 OHMS OR LESS) TH 16 HavUF10LE ■ j[1�E3ii! 2 ]NCR N9c COMOMT LIG:ITING LAYOUT HEMEM SCALE IM FEET THIS # I� 0® uWOT 111. Pr, 43V 4 a fo. P'i. 4]63 MOOT F0. PT. 4JE4 lZWM YOLI 120240 OLY li0l340 VOLF $ 1 gRp]i'IS � 1 tERMiS I [Rdll13 I 1 �a iue�e w•.._.__ �. a� �,...,.,�. w.,,,w wn,�� STATE ra I 1 if11w��(,ryQfl Fi1�I:Yf�( _ '�i1!� � n +PSeGV:Iq�RO.�IM[s;8 sommom 111►I11u11 isma wiPI1m1►TR i'F7a�7: LEGEND w SOURCE OF POWER Mp PGI.E MOUNTED METER AMC SERV{Cc CaBIR; I _ PAD MOUNTED METER AND SERVICE CA91MET ® F &I LIOH71MG LWIT TYPE, SPECIAL FU 1.101171199 UNIT TYPE SPECIAL I PII LIGHTING LNIT TYPE SPECIAL 2 M 4\C NO, J AFII, .D CCALE PFRNANENT GROUND ROD 125 OHMS OR LESS) �H,� HavUF10LE ■ j[1�E3ii! 2 ]NCR N9c COMOMT LIG:ITING LAYOUT HEMEM sommom 111►I11u11 isma wiPI1m1►TR i'F7a�7: 4304 -90 (T.H.15) SHEET NO. 140 OF 152 SHEETS LEGEND w SOURCE OF POWER Mp PGI.E MOUNTED METER AMC SERV{Cc CaBIR; I _ PAD MOUNTED METER AND SERVICE CA91MET ® F &I LIOH71MG LWIT TYPE, SPECIAL FU 1.101171199 UNIT TYPE SPECIAL I PII LIGHTING LNIT TYPE SPECIAL 2 M 4\C NO, J AFII, .D CCALE PFRNANENT GROUND ROD 125 OHMS OR LESS) �H,� HavUF10LE 2 ]NCR N9c COMOMT LIG:ITING LAYOUT 4304 -90 (T.H.15) SHEET NO. 140 OF 152 SHEETS PRELEMIINARY SCHEDULE ".I" Agreemeut No. 03359 Coun of McLeod S.P. 4304 -90, S.P. 4304 -90S ( T.H, 15= 151) S.P. 043- 070 -006 Preliminary: March 7, 2013 - Fed. Prof. NHPP -HSIP 0015 (30 1) Grading, roundabout, bituminois mill and overlay, conrete and bituminous surfacing, ADA improvements, fighting and signals construction performed under County contract with located on T.H. 15 from T.H. 212 to Denver Avenue and on C.S.A.H. 115 from 950 ft west of T.H. 15 to 1300 ft east of T.R. 15 STATE COST PARTICIPATION " STATE STATE TOTALS Federal Aid Match Federal Aid Federal Aid Match Federal Aid TOTAL State Funds 20 Percent 80 Percent 10 Percent 90 Percent From Sheet No. 4, S.P. 4304 -905 631,235,16 63,123.52 63,123.52 568,111.64 _ From Sheet No, 7, S.P. 4303 -90 3,748,054.85 749,610.97 749,610.97 2,998,443.88 Construction Subtotals 4,379,290.01 $749,610.97 $2,998,443.88 $63,123.52 $568,111.64 (1) Total State (Match) Construction Coats $8.12;734:49' Construction Engineering (8°/0) S.P. 4304 -90S 50,498.81 50,498.81 Construction Engineering (8 %) S.P. 4304 -90 299$44.39 299,844.39 Construction + Construction Engineering Subtotals 4,729,633.21 1,163,077.69 Subtotal $1,163,077.69 (2) Contingency Amount $110,000.00 Encumbered Amount $.1;273,07.7:69 (1) Amount ofadvance payment as described in Article 8.2 of the Agreement (Estimated amount) (2) For the State's use only as described in Article 8 of the Agreement Data is considered Non -pUMC prior to pro ect award. - 1 - (1) 90% FEDERAL, 4.5% STATE, 5.5% COUNTY (P) = PLAN QUANTITY 03359 ITEM NUMBER S.P. 43.04905 WORK ITEM = ROUNIfABOiJT UNIT UANTTiC'Y UNIT PRICE COST 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 0.27 100,000.00 27,000.00 2031.602 _ COMBINATION FIELD LABORATORY- OFFICE EACH 0.27 8,000.00 2,160.00 2104.501 REMOVE PIPE CULVERTS LIN FT 674.00 7.00 4,718.00 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 49.00 2.50 122.50 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 15,568.00 2.30 35,806.40 2104.509 REMOVE LIGHTING UNIT EACH 3.00 _ _ _ 250.00 750.00 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN TYPE C EACH 11.00 25.00 275.00 REMOVE SIGN TYPE SPECIAL EACH _ W 2.00 50.00 I00,00 _ _2104.509 2104.513 BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 858.00 2.00 � 1,716.00 2104.523_ SALVAGE SIGN TYPE C _ _ _ EACH 7.00 _ 90.00 630.00 _ 2104.523 SIGN TYPE I_i EACH 1.00 150.00 150.00 2104.523 _SALVAGE _ SALVAGE SIGN TYPE SPECIAL EACH 1.00 180.00 180.04 2106.607 - COMMON (P) CU YD 6,979.00 4.00 27,916.00 2106.607 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE (P) CU YD 14,491.00 5.00 72,455.00 _ 2106.607 COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) (P) CU YD 9,240.00 3.00 27,720.00_ 2106.607 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV) (P) CU YD 16,003.00 10.00 T� 160,030.00 _ 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 (P) CU YD 3,733.00 18.00 67,194.00 2221.503 AGGREGATE SHOULDERING (CV) CLASS 1 CU YD 182.00 30.00 5,460.00 2232.501 2301.5_38 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (3.0 ") DOWEL BAR SQ YD 3,312.00 1.00 3,312.00 EACH 279.00 5.00 1,395.00 2301,6_02 - 2301.604 - _ DRILL & GROUT REINF BAR (EPDXY COATED) -CONCRETE PAVE -MENT 8.0 " -� �- - EACH 4.00 14.00 6_4.00_ SQ YD -- 425.00 _ 50.00 -- 21,250.00 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3,B) TON 526.00 60,00 31,560.00 - 2360.501 _ - TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (4,C) TON 6,144.00 63.00 387,072.00 2501.515 15" RC PIPE APRON EACH 3.00 200.00 600.00 2501.515 21" RC PIPE APRON EACH 1.00 375.00 375.00 2501.5I5 _ 24" RC PIPE APRON_ EACH 3.00 400.00 1,200.00 - 2501.515 - - 27" RC PIPE APRON - -- -- -- - EACH 1.00 -- 750.00 -�- - 750.00 4" TP PIPE DRAIN LIN FT 13.00 5.00 65,00 _250_2.521 502.541 _ 4" PERF TP PIPE DRAIN LIN FT 3,434.00 _ 4.50 15,453.00 .2 _ 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEINER DES 3006 CL V LIN FT 959.00 28.00 25_03.541 _ 18" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III LIN FT 148.00 30.00 _26,852.00 4,440.00 2503.541 21" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 III LIN FT 200.00 32.00 6,400.00 L2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III LIN FT 301.00 37.00 11,137.00 2503.541 27" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III LIN FT 47.00 _ 36.00 1,692.00 Data is considered \on- puUtic prior to project award. -2.. (1) 90% FEDERAL, 4.5% STATE, 5.5% COUNTY (P) = PLAN QUANTITY 03359 ITEM NUMBER S.P: 4304 -90 WORK ITEM "iINIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST 1 2506.501 2506.501 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SD-48 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN G LIN FT LIN FT 3_1.00 v 3.70 300.00 25400 9,300.00 925.00 2506.501 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TYPE 48 -4020 LIN FT 105.90 300.00 31,770.00 2506.516 _ _ CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 30.00 _ 450.00 13,500A0 2511.501 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III CU YD 100.00 2,400.00 _ 2511.515 _ GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV SQ YD ____24.00 48.00 10.00 480.00 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 10,925.00 2.50 27,312.50 2521.501 _ 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 13,670.00 _ 5.00 _ 68,35_0.0_0 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SPECIAL SQ FT 7,330.00 4.00 ^29,320.00 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B612 LIN FT 270.00 10.00 2,700.00 _2531.501 2531.501 l CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B624 LIN FT 5,395.00 12.00 64,740.00 2531.501 _ CONCRE'T'E CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 5524 LIN FT 360.00 16.00 � 5,760.00 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B624 (MOD) IN FT 90.001 14.00 1,260.00_ 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 376.00 38.00 14,288.00 _254.0.602 BOX SUPPORT EACH 3.00 300.00 900.00 2545 -511 _MAIL ^ LIGHTING UNTT TYPE SPECIAL 1 EACH 11.00 5,000.00 55,000.00 2545.515 LIGHT BASE DESIGN E MODIFIED EACH 12.00 750.00 9,000.00 2545.523 _ 2" NON- METALLIC CONDUIT LIN FT 450.00 3.00 1,350.00 2545.531 W UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO 2 LIN FT 400.00 3.00 2545.533 _ ARMORED CABLE 4 COND NO 4 LIN FT 2,800.00 9.00 _ _1,200.00 25,200.00 2545.541 SERVICE CABINET SECONDARY TYPE L2 (MOD) EACH 0.50 800.00 400.00 2545.545 EQUIPMENT PAD B EACH 0.501 500.00 250.0_0 2545.602 _ HANDHOLE EACH 4.001 500.00 2,000.00 ELECTRICAL SERVICE EACH 0.50 3,000.00 1,500.00 _2545.602 2545.602 SERVICE EQUIPMENT EACH 0.50 500.00 250.00 2554.509 GUIDE POST TYPE B EACH 6.00 50.00 300.00 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LU`NfP SUM 0.27 60,000.00 16,200.00 fi4.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT 275.00 30.00 8,250.00 64.531 r2564.555 SIGN PANELS TYPE ❑ SQ FT 282.00 40.00 11,280.00 _ END OF ROADWAY MARKER X4 -11 EACH 3.00 50.00 150.00 2564.537_ INSTALL SIGN TYPE C EACH 7 .00 100.00 700.00 . 2564.537 _ INSTALL, SIGN TYPE D _ EACH 1.00 200.00 200.00 2564.537 INSTALL SIGN TYPE SPECIAL EACH 1.00 150,00 150.00 _ 2573.502 _ SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED LIN FT _ 4,664.00 2.25 10,494.00 Data is considered Nan- pnblie Prior to project award. - 3 - (1) 90% FEDERAL, 4.5% STATE, 5.5% COUNTY (P) = PLAN QUANTI'T'Y 03359 ITEM NUMBER S.P. 4344 -90 WORK ITEM UNIT QUANTITY I.- NTT.PRICE COST 1 25 73.530 2573.602 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EACH 29.00 4.00 250.00 1,000.00 7,250.04 4,000.00 EACH _ 2573.602 CULVERT PROTECTION EACH 2.00 250.00 500.00 -... _............ 2575.501 _ - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- SEEDING SEEDING ACRE - 4.10 200.00 820.00 2575.502 SEED MIXTURE 260 SEED MIXTURE 328 POUND 390.00 1.00 390.00 250.00 2575.502 POUND 5.00 50.40 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 1 TON 8.20 200.00 1,640.00_ _2575.511 2575.511 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 3 TON 0.10 1,000.00 T 100.00 2575.519 DISK ANCHORING ACRE 4.10 150.00 615.00 2575.532 FERTILIZER TYPE 4 POUND 1,436.00 3.00 4,308.00 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 2 ACRE 4.10 500.00 ,050.00_ _2575.570 2575.605 _ _ _ SEEDING SPECIAL _ f ACRE 4.20 _ 1,000.00 _ _2_ 200.00 2582.602 _.._._ 2582.602 PAVT MSSG (LT ARROW) EPDXY (WR) _.._..... __ _......� �...._ PAVT MSSG (RT ARROW) EPDXY (WR) EACH 1.00 200.00 200.00 - -... - - ... - -- - - - -- - 444.04 EACH 2,00 -- - - - - - -- - -- - 200.04 2582.603 8" DOTTED LINE WHITE -PAINT (WR) FT 30.00 1.54 45.00 2582.603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT (WR) _LIN LIN FT 2,354.00 - -- 0.60 1,412.4_0 2582.643 2582.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT (WR) LIN FT 3,254.00_ 1.50 9.00 ..___.. 4,881.00 .. -15200 24" STOP LINE WHITE -EPDXY (WR) - -- -- -- _ IN FT - - - 19,00 2582.6_03_ 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY (WR) LIN FT 362.00 6.00 2,172.00 2582.618 Y CROSSWALK MARKING -EPDXY (WR) - -- - - SQ FT - -- 432.00 - - - - -- 15.00 -- -- 6,480.00 TOTAL $1,402,744.80 (1) 45% State $631,235.16 - - -- ---- - - - - -- - - -- -- -- - - •• 90 % Fed ... 56$,1 i 1.54 - -- -- 10% State $63,123.52 55% County $771,509.64 -- - -- - - -- - 90% Fed $694,358.68 - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - I d% County $77,150.96 - - Data is considered Non - public prior to project award. - 4 - (2) 80% FEDERAL, 20% STATE (P) = PLAN QUANTITY 03359 ITEM NUMBER S.P. 4304 -94 WORK ITEM - MILL &{OVERLAY U1►IIT. QUANTITY UNLT PRICE .. COST 2 - 2021.501 2031.602 T - - - -- MOBILIZATION COMBINATION FIELD LABORATORY- OFFICE LUMP SUM -- EACH - 0.69 0.69 100,000.00 8,000.00 69,000.00 5,520.00_ 2104.501 2164.501 REMOVE PIPE CULVERTS REMOVE CURS AND GUTTER LIN FT 92.00 7.00 644.00 1,435.00 LIN FT 574.00 2.50 2104.503 2104.503 REMOVE BITUWNOUS WALK REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 753.00 0150 376.50 SQ FT 1,694.00 1.00 1,694.00 2164.503 REMOVE CONCRETE MEDIAN SQ FT 863.00 1.50 1,294.50 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 7,997.00 2.30 18,393.10 2104.509 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN TYPE C EACH 8.00 25.00 200.00_ _ - 2104.509 - -- _- REMOVE SIGN TYPE SPECIAL EACH 1.00 50.00 -- _...__._... _ 50.00_ 2104.513 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 4,911.00 5,00 _ _ 2.00 _ 90.00 9,822.00 2104.523 - - SALVAGE SIGN TYPE C EACH 450.00 2104,523 2104.523 SALVAGE SIGN TYPE D SALVAGE SIGN TYPE SPECIAL EACH EACH 4.00 1.00 150.00 180.00 600.00 180.00 2106.607 2106.607 _ EXCAVATION - COMMON (P) CU YD CU YD 4,791.00 3,911.00 4.00 5.00 19,124.00 19,555.00 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE (P) 2106 -607 COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) (P) CU YD 1,854.00 3.00 5,562.00 2106.607 _ SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV) - (P) - CU YD 4,287.00 - -T 10.00 42,870.00- AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 (P) CU YD 2,724.00 18.00 4.9,032.0_0 _2211.503_ 2221.503 _ AGGREGATE SHOULDERING (CV) CLASS I CU YD 213.00 30.00 _ 6,390.00 2232JOI 2232.603 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (3.0 ") SQ YD 250,673.00 55,988.00 1.00 0.I5 260,673.00 8,398.20 MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS- INTERMITTENT LIN FT 2232.603 MILLED RUMBLE STRIPS - CENTERLINE IN FT 44,685.00 0.20 8,937.00 DRILL & GROUT REINF BAR (EPDXY COATED) EACH 34.00 16.00 _ -- 544.00 _2301.602 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3,B) TON 44,624.00 60.00 2,677,440.00 2360.502 IX TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE M (3,B) TON _ -_ - 3,011.00 __� -�_ 62.00 - 186,682.00 2501.511 24" RC PIPE CULVERT CLASS III LIN FT 391.00 45.00 17,595.00 2501.567 24 RC SAFETY APRON & GRATE DES 3128 EACH 8.00 500.00 4,000.00 2502.501 4" PRECAST CONCRETE HEADWALL 6" CONCRETE WALK EACH 1.00 400.00 400.00 19,800.00 SQ FT 3,960.00 5.00 _2521.501 2521.618 CONCRETE WALK FT_ 2,971.00 3.00 - -- 8,913.00 2531.501 - _ - CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 5624 -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- _SQ LIN FT _...._....- 750.00_ ___. _ 12.00 _._ _..._. _.... 9,000.00 2531.603 2531.618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER T TRUNCATED DOMES LIN FT SQ FT 436.00 356.00 20.00_ T...� 38.00 8,720.00 -- -4 -- 13,528.40 Data is considered Non - public prior to proi,ect award. -5. (2) 80% FEDERAL, 20% STATE (P) = PLAN QUANTITY 03359 ITEM NUMBER S ' P. 4304 90 WORK ITEM- MILL & OVERLAY UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST Z 2540.602 MAIL BOX SL-PPORT EACH 8.00 300.00 21400.00 - 2545.511 - _ LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL EACH 6.00 _ - 3,800.00 22,800.00 2545.515 - _ LIGHT BASE DESIGN E MODIFIED EACH 5.00 750.00 3,750.00 2545.523 _ 2" NON- METALLIC COND (DIRECTIONAL BORE) LIN FT 200.00 15.00 T- � 3,000.00 2545.53 ]_ - UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO 2 LIN FT 1,290.00 3.00 3,600.00 2545.533 ARMORED CABLE 4 COND NO 4 - -- LIN FT Y 1,030.00 9.00 - 9,270.00 2545.541 SERVICE CABINET SECONDARY TYPE B EACH 3.00 700.00 2545.602 ELECTRICAL SERVICE EACH 3.00 3,00100 _2,100.00 91000.00 2545.602 SERVICE EQUIPMENT EACH 3.00 500.00 1,500.00 2554.509 GUIDE POST TYPE B EACH 6.00 50.00 y 300.00_ 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 0.69 60,000.00_ 41,400.00 2563.610 FLAG PERSON HOUR 320.00 60.00 19,200.00 2563.610 PILOT CAR _ HOUR 160.00 70.00 1_1,_200.00 2564.531 _ SIGN PANELS TYPE C - -� -� 5Q FT 50.00 30.00 _ 1,500.00 _ _ 25_64.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE D SQ FT 158.00 40.00 6,320.00 2564.552 HAZARD MARKER X42 - EACH 3.00 100.00 300.00 2564.555 END OF ROADWAY MARKER X411 EACH 6.00 50.00 300.00 2564.537 INSTALL SIGN TYPE C EACH 5.00 100.00 500.00 2564.537 INSTALL SIGN TYPE D EACH 4.00 200.00 800.00 2564.537 INSTALL SIGN TYPE SPECIAL _ EACH _ 1.00 150.00 150.00 2565.616 2565.616 REVISE SIGNAL SYSTEM A REVISE SIGNAL SYSTEM B SYSTEM 1.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 SYSTEM 1.00 20,000.00 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED - LIN FT 1,709.00 2.25 3,845.25 _...... - _..._ _2573.602 ........_.._......�� ._ -- - -- -- CULVERT PROTECTION EACH 12.00 - 250.00 _....- 3,000.00 T _ 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE 2.10 200.00 420.00 2575.502 SEED MIXTURE 260 POUND 2I0.00 1.00 210.00 2575.511 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE I TON 4.20 200.00 840.00 2575.519 _ DISK ANCHORING ACRE 2.10 150.00 315.00 2575.532 FERTILIMR TYPE 4 POUND 700.00 3.00 2,100.00 2575.570 RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 2 ACRE 2.10 500.00 1,050.00 2575.602 SITE RESTORATION EACH 10.00 500.00 5,000.00_ _ 2580.603 INTERIM PAVEMENT MARKING - - -- - - LIN FT - - - 25,800.00 -- - 0.10 -T� - 2,580 .0 0 2582.602 PAVT MSSG (LT ARROW) EPDXY (WR) - EACH 10.00 200.00 2,000.00 2582.602 PAVT MSSG (RT ARROW) EPDXY{WR} �f- .___.• - - - - -- - EACH 12.00 -� �- 200.00 - - - -- 2,400.00 Data is considered Non- public prior to project award. - 6 - (2) 80% FEDERAL, 20% STATE (P) = PLAN QUANTITY 03359 ITEM NU-Nil--- S.P. 4304 -90. WORK ITEM - MILL & 'OVERLAY UNIT __[_QUANTITY UNIT PRICE . COST Z 2582.602 PAVT MSSG (RR XING) EPDXY (WR) 8" DOTTED LINE WHITE -PAINT (WR) EACH 2.00 1.000.00 2,000.00 870.00 2582.603 LIN FT 580.00 1.50 2582.603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT (WR) - - - LIN FT 19,048.00 0,60_ 11,428.80 2582.603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW -PAINT (WR) LIN FT 8,776.00 1.00 _ 8,776.00 2582.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT (WR) LIN FT 6,585.00 1.50 9,877.50 2582.603 W2592.603 24" SOLID LINE WHITE -EPDXY (WR) LIN FT 78.00 _ 8.00 624.00 24" STOP LINE WHITE-EPDXY (WR) LIN FT 336.00 8.00_ 2,688_.00 2582.603 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY (WR) LIN FT 173.00 � 6.00Y _ 4 f 1,038.0_0 2582.618 CROSSWALK MARKING -EPDXY (WR) SQ FT 2,052.00 15.00 30,780.00 TOTAL $3,748,054.85 (2) 80% Federal $2,998,443.88 20% State 5749,610.97 _J1 Data is considered Non- public prior to project award. - 7 - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y -f Aa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Airport Agricultural Land Lease Department: Public Works LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Airport Ag. Land Lease - The City owns about 11 acres (10 acres tillable) right off the south end of the runway. This land was farmed by the late Philip Plaisance. The City purchased the property from Mr. Plaisance. Per agreement, when the land began being farmed by a third party, a lease agreement would be required. These 10 acres is part of another field. If the 10 acres were made into its own field, the remaining field would not be viable for farming because of access issues and significant grade changes in the terrain. To maintain the integrity of the field, a six -year lease is recommended. The Public Works Department intends to continue spread spreading biosolids on the field, in coordination with the tenant farmer. Based on recent information from the University of Minnesota, the rent will increase from $100 per acre to $150 per acre, a 50% increase. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Lease Agreement Fiscal Impact: -$500.00 Funding Source: Airport (annual operating revenue) FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: -$500.00 Total City Cost: -$500.00 Funding Source: Airport (annual operating revenue) Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: AGRICULTURAL LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 23rd day of April , 2013, by and between the City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation, ( "City "), and Scott Rickeman, 15714 Co Rd 7, Hutchinson, MN 55350, ( "Tenant "). 1. Property Description: The City hereby rents to the Tenant in consideration of the rents and promises hereinafter described the following property located in the County of McLeod and State of Minnesota, described in Exhibit A. The property contains 10 acres, more or less, of tillable agricultural fields. 2. Term. The term of this Lease is for 6 crop years commencing on the 1St day of March 2013 and terminating on the last day of November, 2018. By mutual agreement, an additional term may be granted. 3. Rent. At the Tenant's option, periodic payments may be made, providing full payment is received by November 15 of each year. Rents are calculated on the basis of $150 per 10 tillable acres. For and during the term of this Lease the following sums are payable by November 15 each year as follows: 2013: $1,500.00 2014: $1,500.00 2015: $1,500.00 2016: $1,500.00 2017: $1,500.00 2018: $1,500.00 a) Upon written notice to the Tenant, the City may, after the last day of November 2015, initiate negotiations to amend the rental rate, based upon information regarding average agricultural property rental rates for McLeod County prepared by the University of Minnesota. Total rental rates for the property will not exceed the maximum rental rate identified in said information and any amendment to rental rates will take into consideration the nature of leased agricultural fields 1 b) Tillable acres used for the basis of this document were calculated using the City's Geographic Information System equipment. Any dispute related to tillable acres shall be determined by mutual agreement between the Tenant and the City using sound geographic information procedures. The City's Public Works Manager must make adjustments in writing. c) The Tenant waives any right to withhold rent in any claim against the City. d) The Tenant grants permission to the City to construct municipal service improvements as necessary. In the event construction shall take land the Tenant has planted, a credit shall be negotiated between the City and the Tenant not to exceed the crop loss prices paid by the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the crop planted when land is taken. Credits shall be applied to rents due. The Tenant shall not plant any land staked by the Owner or its agents or representatives for construction. d) Rent shall be paid at Hutchinson City Center, 111 Hassan St SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota and be credited to appropriate accounts. 4. City's Responsibilities. The City shall be responsible for paying or doing the following: a) The City's Public Works Department shall cooperate with the Tenant to the fullest extent possible to coordinate the application of biosolids from the City's Wastewater Treatment plant, should that action be determined in the best interest of the City by that Department. b) The City's Wastewater Department shall comply with all local, state, and federal regulations pertaining to the application of biosolids on fields leased. c) The City shall peaceably allow the Tenant to occupy the land for normal, customary agricultural practices. 5. Tenant Responsibilities. Tenant shall be responsible for paying or doing the following: a) The Tenant shall access agricultural property using routes identified by the City's Public Works Department. ON b) The Tenant shall occupy the premises for agricultural purposes only. The Tenant will use normal, customary farming practices in the care and maintenance of the property and, without limiting normal practices, keep the premises free of noxious weeds to the extent possible. c) The Tenant shall pay rent in a timely manner as prescribed herein. d) The Tenant agrees to comply with all statutes, ordinances, rules, orders, regulations, and requirements of the federal, state, county, and municipal governments regulating the use of the premises. e) The Tenant shall coordinate with and allow, at the City Public Works Department's discretion, the application of biosolids from the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant on fields leased by the Tenant. f) Any applications of fertilizer made after the City's Public Works Department has identified a field for deposition of biosolids shall be coordinated with the City's Public Works Department. The Tenant shall not apply fertilizer at quantities greater than those determined by the Public Works Department. g) The Tenant shall allow access to the property by the City and its agents during all reasonable hours for the purpose of examining the property to ascertain compliance with the terms of this Agreement and for the purpose of carrying out operations and functions necessary to the operation of an airport or municipal and any other lawful purpose including, but not limited to, exhibiting the property for sale. h) The Tenant shall not remove or move any existing structures or improvements made to the property by the City. The Tenant may not store equipment on the property for periods exceeding one week without coordinating such storage with the City. i) The Tenant shall pile rocks or other items taken out of any field in areas designated by the City. J) The Tenant shall plow back all fields prior to the termination of this lease. k) The Tenant shall not hunt, nor allow hunting on this property. This property is in the corporate limits of the City of Hutchinson. 6. Independent Entities. The City does not retain the Tenant as an agent of the City nor of the municipal airport. The Tenant does not retain the City as an agent of the Tenant. The City shall not provide to the Tenant, its agents or employees, any benefits or expenses, including, but not limited to insurance for liability or property, or ordinary business expenses. 7. Costs associated with this Lease. The City is not responsible for paying any of the Tenant's costs associated with this Lease, including preparation of the property for farming. The Tenant shall pay all costs related to farming the property, including the cost of plowing property back at the end of this lease. 8. Insurance. The Tenant shall acquire and maintain property and/or liability insurance adequate for operations conducted on the property. The Tenant shall provide proof of insurance upon request by the City. The Tenant, while performing any service or function related to this lease, agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless, defend the City and all its agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of functions provided in accordance with this agreement. 9. Assignment and Subletting Prohibited. Tenant agrees to assign or sublease the premises only with the written consent of the City. If the City does not consent, it may, at its option, terminate the lease. 10. Surrender of Possession. The Tenant shall surrender the property to the City in good condition and repair upon termination of the Lease, whether by lapse of time or otherwise. 11. Termination by the City. The City may, after providing 90 days written notice to the last known address of the Tenant, take possession of the property for any purpose deemed in the best interest of the City. The City shall allow the Tenant to remove crops with normal, customary farming practices or return all rents paid for the year and compensate the Tenant at rates not to exceed the crop loss prices paid by the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the crop planted when land is taken. 12. Remedy. If the Tenant fails to pay the rent when due or fails to perform any of the promises contained in this Lease, the City may re -enter and take possession of the property and hold the property without such re- entering working a forfeiture of the rents to be paid by the Tenant for the full term of the Lease, after furnishing the Tenant with a thirty (30) day written notice, to the last known address of the Tenant, specifying the default. 13. Quiet Enjoyment. The City promises that the Tenant shall peaceably and quietly have, hold, and enj oy the leased property for the term of this Lease provided Tenant pays the rent and performs the promises described herein. 14. Tenant's Default. Rights and remedies of the Tenant are cumulative. None shall exclude any other right or remedy allowed by law or other provision of this agreement. In the event of one of the following acts, the Tenant shall be in default: a) Should the Tenant fail, neglect, or refuse to pay any installment of rent or any other monies agreed to be paid, as provided in this Lease when those amounts become due and payable, and if such failure continues for five (5) days after written notification by the City. b) Should any voluntary or involuntary petition or similar pleading under any sections of any bankruptcy act shall be filed by or against the Tenant or should any proceeding in a court or tribunal declare the Tenant insolvent or unable to pay debts. c) Should the Tenant fail, neglect, or refuse to keep and perform any other conditions of this Lease, and if such failure continues for a period of 30 days after written notification by the City. d) Should the Tenant make any assignment of any interest in this Lease to any other entity without the written consent of the City. In the event of any default or violation of this Lease continuing more than 30 days after written notification by the City to the Tenant of default, the City may enter into and take absolute possession of the property. Possession of the property in these conditions does not relieve the Tenant of the obligation to pay the rent or abide by other conditions of the Lease. In the event of any default or violation of the Lease continuing more than 30 days after written notification by the City to the Tenant of a default, the City may return any rents paid by the Tenant for that year and lease the property to another Tenant. 15. Lease Agreement is Binding This Lease Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their heirs, successors and assigns. 16. Venue for Causes of Action. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota and the venue for all causes of action shall be McLeod County, State of Minnesota. 17. Notification. Notification related to lease shall be sent to the following addresses: Tenant: Scott Rickeman 15714 CoRd7 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 587 -4439 Owner's Representative: John Olson Public Works Manager 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234 -4473 Fax (320) 234 -6971 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the City and Tenant have set their hands as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF HUTCHINSON By: Attest: Steven W. Cook, Mayor Jeremy Carter, City Administrator ro SCOTT RICKEMAN Exhibit A See attached map(s) 't. 77 n AIM I 1 1 Fields Renter Bob Peterson -2017 Available for Rent 2013 -2018 Available for Rent 2013 -2018 Scott Rickeman -2012 Skyview Dairy-2012 N w E S Airport Ag- •Lease 'R► �4 e � I i' • H . • I.S w. ' �r rx ;� • HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y -f Aa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Items for Jefferson Street SE Reconstruction Project (L1/P13 -01) Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: City staff requests that the City Council approve the appropriate Resolutions to set the Assessment Hearing and potential Project Award for the above referenced letting at their May 14th meeting. Construction bids were received on Thursday, April 11th. Thus, the final drafts of the necessary Resolutions and associated documents reflecting the apparent low bid amount are attached for your information. City staff has had ongoing communications with adjacent property owners in regards to the proposed project improvements and estimated special assessment amounts throughout the project development process. We recommend that the attached Resolutions be approved. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 2,253,000.00 Total City Cost: $ 1,823,000.00 Funding Source: Bonding, Utility Funds, State Aid Remaining Cost: $ 430,000.00 Funding Source: Improvement Special Assessments CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 JEFFERSON ST SE FROM WASHINGTON AVE E TO OAKLAND AVE SE BID OPENING: 04/11/2013 AT 10:30 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $2,255,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: 06/14/2014 z 2 m w a- ITEM DESCRIPTION z H z R & R Excavating Inc 1149 Hwy 22 South Hutchinson MN 55350 michelle @ rrexcavating.net 320 - 587 -5918 fax 320587 -1044 Wm (Mueller & Sons Inc 831 Park Ave, P O Box 247 Hamburg MN 55339 coryh@wmmueller.com 952467 -2720 fax 952- 467 -3894 Hjerpe Contracting Inc 116246 Hwy 15 S P O Box 517 Hutchinson MN 55350 kurt @hjerpecontracting.com 320- 234 -8305 Duininck Inc 408 6th St P O Box 208 Prinsburg MN 56281 estimator@duininck.com 320 -978 -6011 BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BIDPRICd BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL $1,784,685.25 $1,892,147.93 $1,928,517.33 $1,999,163.70 1 2101.502 CLEARING (Addendum No. 1) EA 7 $94.56 $661.92 $300.00 $2,100.00 $280.00 $1,960.00 $380.00 $2,660.00 2 2101.507 GRUBBING (Addendum No. 1) EA 7 $110.27 $771.89 $300.00 $2,100.00 $280.00 $1,960.00 $380.00 $2,660.00 3 2104.501 REMOVE SANITARY SEWER MAIN PIPE LF 3814 $0.02 $76.28 $0.50 $1,907.00 $0.50 $1,907.00 $1.00 $3,814.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE WATERMAIN LF 4347 $0.02 $86.94 $0.50 $2,173.50 $1.00 $4,347.00 $1.00 $4,347.00 5 2104.501 REMOVE STORM SEWER PIPE LF 1557 $2.44 $3,799.08 $3.00 $4,671.00 $3.00 $4,671.00 $5.00 $7,785.00 6 1 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF 7490 $1.91 $14,305.90 $2.20 $16,478.00 $2.501 $18,725.00 $2.25 $16,852.50 7 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK SF 26410 $0.35 $9,243.50 $0.35 $9,243.50 $0.55 $14,525.50 $0.50 $13,205.00 8 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 19606 $2.24 $43,917.44 $2.00 $39,212.00 $2.65 $51,955.90 $2.00 $39,212.00 9 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SY 74 $8.91 $659.34 $3.00 $222.00 $15.50 $1,147.00 $5.65 $418.10 10 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SY 1256 $2.01 $2,524.56 $5.80 $7,284.80 $6.00 $7,536.00 $6.65 $8,352.40 11 2104.509 REMOVE HYDRANT EA 6 $127.09 $762.54 $355.00 $2,130.00 $355.00 $2,130.00 $400.00 $2,400.00 12 2104.509 REMOVE GATE VALVE EA 9 $127.08 $1,143.72 $75.00 $675.00 $75.00 $675.00 $75.00 $675.00 13 2104.509 REMOVE GATE VALVE AND MANHOLE EA 4 $237.33 $949.32 $355.00 $1,420.00 $355.00 $1,420.00 $400.00 $1,600.00 14 2104.509 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EA 34 $89.03 $3,027.02 $95.00 $3,230.00 $95.00 $3,230.00 $100.00 $3,400.00 15 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE, STORM EA 9 $183.87 $1,654.83 $145.00 $1,305.00 $145.00 $1,305.00 $150.00 $1,350.00 16 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE, SANITARY EA 17 $180.99 $3,076.83 $155.00 $2,635.00 $155.00 $2,635.00 $150.00 $2,550.00 17 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE (FULL DEPTH) LF 737 $3.03 $2,233.11 $5.50 $4,053.50 $5.00 $3,685.00 $8.25 $6,080.25 18 1 2104.513 ISAWING BITUMINOUS (FULL DEPTH) LF 645 $2.31 $1,489.95 $3.25 $2,096.25 $2.00 $1,290.00 $5.50 $3,547.50 19 2104.523 SALVAGE SIGN EA 31 $27.48 $851.88 $25.00 $775.00 $25.00 $775.00 $25.00 $775.00 20 2104.523 SALVAGE HYDRANT EA 3 $127.08 $381.24 $530.00 $1,590.00 $530.00 $1,590.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 21 2104.523 SALVAGE GATE VALVE EA 6 $127.09 $762.54 $85.00 $510.00 $85.00 $510.00 $85.00 $510.00 22 2104.523 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL GATE VALVE EA 1 $381.25 $381.25 $485.00 $485.00 $485.00 $485.00 $500.00 $500.00 23 2104.603 ABANDON 4" WATERMAIN LF 1288 $0.01 $12.88 $1.50 $1,932.00 $1.50 $1,932.00 $1.80 $2,318.40 24 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) (P) CY 14465 $5.74 $83,029.10 $8.08 $116,877.20 $8.40 $121,506.00 $7.80 $112,827.00 25 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) (P) CY 9375 $8.48 $79,500.00 $13.27 $124,406.25 $13.25 $124,218.75 $13.00 $121,875.00 26 2105.526 SELECT TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) (Addendum No. 3) CY 2165 $23.84 $51,613.60 $22.70 $49,145.50 $20.00 $43,300.00 $26.30 $56,939.50 27 2105.541 SUBGRADE CORRECTION - STREET (SELECT GRANULAR BORROW EV CY 785 $0.01 $7.85 $13.55 $10,636.75 $8.40 $6,594.00 $18.00 $14,130.00 28 2105.604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 SY 18375 $0.82 $15,067.50 $1.50 $27,562.50 $1.20 $22,050.00 $1.40 $25,725.00 29 2123.610 1.5 CU YD BACKHOE HR 25 $222.17 $5,554.25 $165.00 $4,125.00 $155.00 $3,875.00 $115.00 $2,875.00 30 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (P) (CV) CY 6255 $25.51 $159,565.05 $23.20 $145,116.00 $23.25 $145,428.75 $24.00 $150,120.00 31 2331.603 JOINT ADHESIVE LF 7545 $1.15 $8,676.75 $1.05 $7,922.25 $1.05 $7,922.25 $0.82 $6,186.90 32 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL 943 $3.52 $3,319.36 $3.20 $3,017.60 $3.20 $3,017.60 $2.40 $2,263.20 33 2360.503 TYPE SPWEA240C WEARING COURSE MIXTURE - STREET (1 ' / ") SY 15790 $6.49 $102,477.10 $5.90 $93,161.00 $6.00 $94,740.00 $7.10 $112,109.00 34 2360.503 TYPE SPWEB230C WEARING COURSE MIXTURE- STREET (2'/ ") SY 15790 $10.83 $171,005.70 $9.85 $155,531.50 $10.00 $157,900.00 $11.90 $187,901.00 35 2360.503 ITYPE SPWEB230C WEARING COURSE MIXTURE - DRIVEWAY (3 ") SY 70 $17.811 $1,246.701 $16.201 $1,134.00 $16.25 $1,137.501 $25.001 $1,750.00 Pagel of 3 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 JEFFERSON ST SE FROM WASHINGTON AVE E TO OAKLAND AVE SE BID OPENING: 04/11/2013 AT 10:30 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $2,255,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: 06/14/2014 z 2 m w a- ITEM DESCRIPTION z H z R & R Excavating Inc 1149 Hwy 22 South Hutchinson MN 55350 michelle @ rrexcavating.net 320 - 587 -5918 fax 320587 -1044 Wm (Mueller & Sons Inc 831 Park Ave, P O Box 247 Hamburg MN 55339 coryh@wmmueller.com 952467 -2720 fax 952- 467 -3894 Hjerpe Contracting Inc 116246 Hwy 15 S P O Box 517 Hutchinson MN 55350 kurt @hjerpecontracting.com 320- 234 -8305 Duininck Inc 408 6th St P O Box 208 Prinsburg MN 56281 estimator@duininck.com 320 -978 -6011 BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BIDPRICd BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL $1,784,685.25 $1,892,147.93 $1,928,517.33 $1,999,163.70 36 2502.541 4" PVC SDR 35 PIPE TOP HALF PERF. (INCL. SOCK & BENDS) LF 7295 $2.57 $18,748.15 $2.96 $21,593.20 $3.50 $25,532.50 $3.45 $25,167.75 37 2502.573 4" PVC CLEANOUT (INCL. FITTINGS, CAPS & CURB TUNNELING) EA 3 $85.96 $257.88 $210.00 $630.00 $145.00 $435.00 $145.00 $435.00 38 2502.573 4" DRAIN TILE SERVICE (INCL. PIPE, FITTINGS, REBAR, GRATE, & CURB TUNNELING ) EA 56 $58.10 $3,253.60 $185.00 $10,360.00 $235.00 $13,160.00 $230.00 $12,880.00 39 2503.511 12" RC PIPE STORM SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LF 1420 $27.52 $39,078.40 $24.00 $34,080.00 $24.00 $34,080.00 $23.40 $33,228.00 40 2503.511 6" PVC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE PIPE SDR 35 LF 1862 $2.23 $4,152.26 $21.00 $39,102.00 $21.00 $39,102.00 $20.00 $37,240.00 41 2503.511 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER MAIN PIPE SDR 35 LF 234 $31.71 $7,420.14 $42.00 $9,828.00 $42.00 $9,828.00 $42.001 $9,828.00 42 2503.511 10" PVC SANITARY SEWER MAIN PIPE SDR 35 LF 1204 $29.52 $35,542.08 $25.00 $30,100.00 $25.00 $30,100.00 $25.00 $30,100.00 43 2503.511 12" PVC SANITARY SEWER MAIN PIPE SDR 35 LF 2281 $30.48 $69,524.88 $29.00 $66,149.00 $29.00 $66,149.00 $29.00 $66,149.00 44 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER STRUCTURE EA 10 $278.76 $2,787.60 $420.00 $4,200.00 $420.00 $4,200.00 $915.00 $9,150.00 45 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EA 10 $249.38 $2,493.80 $590.00 $5,900.00 $590.00 $5,900.00 $800.00 $8,000.00 46 1 2503.602 ICONNECT DRAIN TILE TO EXISTING STRUCTURE EA 8 $124.69 $997.52 $100.00 $800.00 $100.00 $800.00 $100.00 $800.00 47 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EA 9 $398.71 $3,588.39 $975.00 $8,775.00 $975.001 $8,775.00 $1,000.00 $9,000.00 48 2503.602 8" x 6" PVC WYE EA 2 $742.39 $1,484.78 $355.00 $710.00 $355.00 $710.00 $350.00 $700.00 49 2503.602 10" x 6" PVC WYE EA 16 $803.36 $12,853.76 $390.00 $6,240.00 $390.00 $6,240.00 $465.00 $7,440.00 50 2503.602 12" x 6" PVC WYE EA 33 $849.62 $28,037.46 $450.00 $14,850.00 $450.00 $14,850.00 $500.00 $16,500.00 51 2503.603 CLEAN AND TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER LF 5771 $1.10 $6,348.10 $1.05 $6,059.55 $1.05 $6,059.55 $1.05 $6,059.55 52 1 2504.601 ITEMPORARY WATER SERVICE LS 1 $9,318.74 $9,318.74 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 53 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EA 12 $422.00 $5,064.00 $800.00 $9,600.00 $800.001 $9,600.00 $850.00 $10,200.00 54 2504.602 6" HYDRANT- 8.5' BURY EA 4 $3,499.17 $13,996.68 $3,390.00 $13,560.00 $3,390.00 $13,560.00 $3,360.00 $13,440.00 55 2504.602 6" HYDRANT- 10' BURY EA 1 $3,650.26 $3,650.26 $3,640.00 $3,640.00 $3,640.00 $3,640.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 56 2504.602 6" HYDRANT- 11' BURY EA 4 $3,749.50 $14,998.00 $3,895.00 $15,580.00 $3,895.00 $15,580.00 $3,850.00 $15,400.00 57 2504.602 1" CORPORATION STOP EA 42 $672.52 $28,245.84 $275.00 $11,550.00 $275.00 $11,550.00 $345.00 $14,490.00 58 2504.602 1" CURB STOP AND BOX EA 39 $142.53 $5,558.67 $280.00 $10,920.00 $280.00 $10,920.00 $280.00 $10,920.00 59 2504.602 1 1/2 " CORPORATION STOP EA 9 $745.73 $6,711.57 $700.00 $6,300.00 $700.00 $6,300.00 $740.00 $6,660.00 60 2504.602 1 1/2" CURB STOP AND BOX EA 9 $259.33 $2,333.97 $365.00 $3,285.00 $365.00 $3,285.00 $360.00 $3,240.00 61 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE EA 11 $955.89 $10,514.79 $1,095.00 $12,045.00 $1,095.00 $12,045.00 $1,090.00 $11,990.00 62 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE EA 9 $1,563.52 $14,071.68 $1,765.00 $15,885.00 $1,765.00 $15,885.00 $1,750.001 $15,750.00 63 2504.602 12" GATE VALVE EA 2 $2,671.11 $5,342.22 $2,900.00 $5,800.00 $2,900.00 $5,800.00 $2,890.00 $5,780.00 64 2504.603 1" COPPER SERVICE PIPE LF 996 $5.27 $5,248.92 $16.00 $15,936.00 $16.001 $15,936.00 $17.00 $16,932.00 65 2505.603 1 '/" COPPER SERVICE PIPE LF 489 $9.22 $4,508.58 $23.00 $11,247.00 $23.00 $11,247.00 $24.00 $11,736.00 66 2504.603 6" WATERMAIN PIPE PVC C -900 LF 173 $16.79 $2,904.67 $25.00 $4,325.00 $25.00 $4,325.00 $25.00 $4,325.00 67 2504.603 8" WATERMAIN PIPE PVC C -900 LF 4000 $23.66 $94,640.00 $25.65 $102,600.00 $25.65 $102,600.00 $26.20 $104,800.00 68 2504.603 12" WATERMAIN PIPE PVC C -900 LF 69 $31.40 $2,166.60 $41.00 $2,829.00 $41.00 $2,829.00 $41.001 $2,829.00 69 2504.603 OFFSET 8" WATERMAIN EA 1 $2,439.39 $2,439.39 $29.35 $29.35 $2,935.00 $2,935.00 $3,000.001 $3,000.00 70 2504.604,2" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SY 7 $16.08 $112.561 $15.001 $105.001 $15.00 $105.00 $15.001 $105.00 Paget of 3 O z w a- U) CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 JEFFERSON ST SE FROM WASHINGTON AVE E TO OAKLAND AVE SE BID OPENING: 04/11/2013 AT 10:30 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $2,255,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: 06/14/2014 R & R Excavating Inc Wm (Mueller & Sons Inc Hjerpe Contracting Inc Duininck Inc 1149 Hwy 22 South 831 Park Ave, P O Box 247 116246 Hwy 15 S 408 6th St Hutchinson MN 55350 Hamburg MN 55339 P O Box 517 P O Box 208 michelle @ rrexcavating.net coryh@wmmueller.com Hutchinson MN 55350 Prinsburg MN 56281 0= H 320 - 587 -5918 952467 -2720 kurt @hjerpecontracting.com estimator@duininck.com ITEM DESCRIPTION < fax 320587 -1044 fax 952- 467 -3894 320- 234 -8305 3205785011 71 2504.608 IDUCTILE IRON FITTINGS (COMPACT 153) 72 2506.501 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE DESIGN 4007, 8' DEEP 73 2506.501 EXCESS MANHOLE DEPTH, SANITARY 74 2506.501 8" OUTSIDE DROP 75 2506.501 CATCH BASIN TYPE A 76 2506.502 MANHOLE DESIGN 48 -4020 77 2506.502 MANHOLE DESIGN 96 -4020 78 2506.503 RECONSTRUCT STORM MANHOLE (Ad; 79 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING MANHOLE 80 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND GRATE CATCH BASIN 81 2521.501 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALK 82 2521.501 6" CONCRETE SIDEWALK 83 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 84 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT 85 2531.602 6" PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP 86 2531.604 CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER 87 2531.608 TRUNCATED DOMES 88 2545.501 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING SYSTEM (STANDARD POLE) 89 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL 90 2564.531 SIGN PANELS - TYPE C 91 2564.537 REINSTALL SIGN 92 2573.530 INLET PROTECTION 93 2573.540 FILTER LOG, TYPE STRAW BIOLOG 94 2575.505 SODDING, TYPE LAWN 95 2582.502 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW -PAINT 96 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT 97 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT 98 2582.502 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW -EPDXY 99 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY 100 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE -EPDXY 101 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT THRU ARROW) EPDXY 102 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) EPDXY 103 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT THRU ARROW) EPDXY 104 2582.502 IPAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) EPDXY TOTAL LETTING NO. VPROJECT Page3 of 3 ci BID PRICE BID TOTAL $1,784,685.25 LB 1826 $4.51 $8,235.26 EA 17 $1,716.94 $29,187.98 LF 36 $58.80 $2,116.80 LF 9 $219.60 $1,976.40 EA 31 $1,392.79 $43,176.49 EA 9 $1,642.64 $14,783.76 EA 1 $3,762.52 $3,762.52 ndum No. 2) EA 5 $1,356.14 $6,780.70 EA 10 $215.32 $2,153.20 EA 2 $227.56 $455.12 SF 30485 $3.57 $108,831.45 SF 1775 $4.97 $8,821.75 LF 7545 $10.43 $78,694.35 SY 1785 $43.14 $77,004.90 SF 1372 $6.49 $8,904.28 SY 78 $64.27 $5,013.06 SF 348 $32.43 $11,285.64 LS 1 $68,809.47 $68,809.47 LS 1 $9,894.42 $9,894.42 SF 48 $46.17 $2,216.16 EA 41 $93.45 $3,831.45 EA 52 $54.97 $2,858.44 LF 20 $4.40 $88.00 SY 11730 $3.13 $36,714.90 LF 760 $2.48 $1,884.80 LF 85 $4.97 $422.45 LF 169 $2.47 $417.43 LF 760 $2.76 $2,097.60 LF 85 $5.52 $469.20 LF 329 $2.75 $904.75 EA 1 $192.40 $192.40 EA 1 $137.431 $137.43 EA 1 $192.401 $192.40 EA 1 $137.431 $137.43 NO. 13 -01 1 $1,784,685.25 BIDPRICE1 BIDTOTAL $1,892,147.93 $5.00 $9,130.00 $2,700.00 $45,900.00 $65.00 $2,340.00 $280.00 $2,520.00 $1,380.00 $42,780.00 $1,875.00 $16,875.00 $4,150.00 $4,150.00 $1,600.00 $8,000.00 $680.00 $6,800.00 $350.00 $700.00 $3.15 $96,027.75 $4.42 $7,845.50 $9.49 $71,602.05 $38.84 $69,329.40 $5.90 $8,094.80 $58.46 $4,559.88 $29.50 $10,266.00 $66,000.00 $66,000.00 $11,300.00 $11,300.00 $42.00 $2,016.00 $85.00 $3,485.00 $100.00 $5,200.00 $4.00 $80.00 $2.85 $33,430.50 $2.26 $1,717.60 $4.52 $384.20 $2.25 $380.25 $2.51 $1,907.60 $5.02 $426.70 $2.50 $822.50 $175.00 $175.00 $125.00 $125.00 $175.00 $175.00 $125.00 $125.00 $1,892,147.93 ID PRICO BID TOTAL $1,928,517.33 $5.00 $9.13 F $2.90 $34,017. $2.27 $1,725. $4.54 $385. $2.26 $381. $2.52 $1,915. $5.04 $428. $2.51 $825. 175.79 $175. 125.56 $125. 175.79 $175. BID PRICE BID TOTAL $1,999,163.70 0 7 k k k 1,928,517.33 $1,999,163.70 RESOLUTION NO. 14134 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5105 LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of: Jefferson Street SE from Washington Ave to Oakland Ave by roadway reconstruction, curb and gutter, drain tile installation, bituminous /concrete surfacing, storm water /drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. and the construction cost for such improvement is $1,784,685.25. With expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement in the amount of $468,314.75, the total cost of the improvement is $2,253,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $1,823,096.05 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $429,903.95 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a proposed period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2014 and shall bear interest at the rate of percent per annum from November 1, 2013. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 23rd day of April 2013. Mayor City Administrator COMPILED BY: PVANDERVEEN . ASSESSMENT ROLL NO 5105 LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 Jefferson St SE from Washington Ave East to Oakland Ave SE roadway reconstruction, curb and gutter, drain tile installation, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: PVANDERVEEN $68.00 STREET COST PER FRONT FOOT (FF) CHECKED BY: K EXNER $1,180.00 1" WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH 1ST HEARING: 01/22/2013 $1,530.00 1 -1/2" WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH 2ND HEARING: 05/14/2013 $1,705.00 6" WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH NUMBER OF YEARS 10 $1,255.00 6" SEWER SERVICE COST PER EACH INTEREST RATE: 1ST HEARING 01/22/2013 ADOPTED: 2ND HEARING 05/14/2013 CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNERNAME OWNERADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FEET STREET ASSESSMENT 1 "WATER SERVICE 1 -1R "WATER SERVICE i "WATER SERVICE V -SEWER SERVICE TOTAL ASSESSMENT 1 06 116 29 03 0060 230500360 45 J EFFERSON SF SE LORRAINE A MEYER TRUSTEE LORRAINEA MEYER TRUST 45 JEFFERSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 Lot6 &S6'OF LOT 6, BLOCK 6, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 72 0 72 $4,896.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $7,331.00 2 06 116 29 03 0070 230500370 31& 33 J EFFERSON ST SE MISCAVAGE JOSEPH 33 JEFFERSON ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT EX S6', BLOCK 6, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 60 60 $4,080.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,515.00 3 06 116 29 03 0080 230500380 25 JEFFERSON ST SE ANNETTE DENNIN FLAIL PO BOX 327 BROWNTON MN 55312 LOT 8, BLOCK 6, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCH NSON 66 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 4 06 116 29 03 0090 230500390 15 JEFFERSON ST SE BRENDA STURGES 15 JEFFERSON ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 6, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 51 06 116 29 03 010011 3 050 0400 5JEFFERSON ST SE ROGER KLEMAN PO BOX 105 WACONIA MN 55387 LOT 10, BLOCK 6, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $4,488.001 $1,530.001 $0.00 $0.001 $6,018.00 6 06 116 29 03 0111 230500430 130 WASHINGTON AVE E CHERYLA DOOLEY TRUSTEE CHERYLA DOOLEY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 750 HARMONY LN SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1 &N22'OF LOT 2, BLOCK 7, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 88 43.3824 44.6176 $3,034.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,034.00 7 06 116 29 03 0130 230500440 18JEFFERSON STSE BARBARA &JEROME KRECKOW 18JEFFERSONSTSE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 544'OF LOT 2, BLOCK7, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 44 44 $2,992.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $5,427.00 8 06 116 29 03 0140 230500450 24JEFFERSON ST SE ERIC &AUDREY PIEPMEIER 24JEFFERSON STSE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT3, BLOCK7, SOUTH HALFCITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 9 06 116 29 03 0150 230500460 36JEFFERSON ST SE STIX &BRIX INC 307 N HOLCOMBE AVE LITCHFIELD MN 55355 LOT 4, BLOCK 7, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 10 06 116 29 03 0160 230500470 145 1ST AVE SE & 46 JEFFE RSON ST SE JOSHUA E& KERRY L SCHIMMEL 16827110TH ST SW COKATO MN 55321 LOT 5, BLOCK7, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 11 06 116 29 03 0720 230501330 111 HASSAN ST SE -Crty Center CRY OF HUTCHINSON-G 111 HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS 1,2,3,8,9,10 & NFLT OF LOT 4 & N211' OF VACATED ALLEY, BLOCK 14, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 211 211 0 $0.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $1,705.00 $0.00 $2,885.00 12 06 116 29 03 0730 230501340 120 HASSAN ST SE - Crty Center CRY OF HUTCHINSON-G 111 HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S20'OFN 112 OF LOT 4, BLOCK 14, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 20 20 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 13 06 116 29 03 0740 23050 1350 1452ND AVE SE JEROME &KAREN SWENSON 1452ND AVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 E77' OF S 112 OF LOT 4 & E77' OF LOT 5, BLOCK 14, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 99 99 0 $0.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $2,435.00 141 06 116 29 03 0780 23 050 1390 115 JEFFERSON ST SE CHDC EVERGREEN HUTCHINSON LLC C/O COMMUNITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 614 NORTH FIRST ST #100 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55401 LOTS 1, 2 & 10 & PART OF LOT 6, 7, 8 & 9 ABOVE 1059.375' ABOVE SEA LEVEL & N132' OF VACATED ALLEY, BLOCK 15, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 198 132 66 $4,488.00 $0.001 $0.00 $1,705.00 $1,255.00 $7,448.00 15 06 1162 030801 230501400 125 JEFFERSON ST SE - Parking F. &garden Plots CITY OF HUTCHINSON-G 111 HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3 & LOT 4 EX S4'& PART OF LOTS 6, 7, 8 & 9 BELOW 1059.375' ABOVE SEA LEVEL, BLOCK 15, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 132 132 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 06 116 29 03 0920 230502030 2053RDAVESE -Fire ISt ation CITY OFHUTCHINSON-G 111 HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS6 &7, BLOCK25, SOUTH HALFCRY OFHUTCHINSON 132 132 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 06 116 29 03 0931 230502030 205JEFFERSON STSE EVERETT LVOUN6JR 16281JEFFERSON BIDS HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8 & W 112 OF LOTS 9 & 10, BLOCK 25, SOUTH HALFCITYOF HUTCHINSON 198 1 132 66 $4,488.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,488.00 18 06 116 29 03 0950 230502050 1442NDAVE SE LEROY &ALICE GEHRKE 1442NDAVESE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I, BLOCK26,SOUTH HALFCITYOF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 191 06 116 29 03 0960 3 0502060 212 JEFFERSON STSE MATTHEW] HAUSLADEN & JENNIFER L ALBRECHT 212JEFFERSON STSE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT2, BLOCK26,SOUTH HALFCITYOF HUTCHINSON 66 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 20 06 116 29 03 0970 30502070 222JEFFERSON STSE CHARLES O BRILL 68355233RD ST DASSEL MN 55325 LOT 3, BLOCK 26, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 21 06 116 29 03 0980 230502080 234 JEFFERSON ST SE MABEL BASEMAN ROBERT BASEMAN(LES) 114013TH AVE NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 26, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 22 06 116 29 03 0990 230502090 1353RD AVE SE HOWARD] MADSEN DUWAYNE PETERSON 1353RD AVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 26, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 23 06 116 29 06 0170 230502870 1423RD AVE SE BERDETTE SCHOEP 10250 CO RD 34 NW ALEXANDRIA MN 56308 E 112 OF LOTS 1 & 2 & E 112 OF N 112 OF LOT 3, BLOCK 34, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 165 132 33 $2,244.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,244.00 24 06 116 29 06 0190 230502890 1454TH AVE SE ELROY& ELIZABETH SCHLUETER 1454TH AVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 E 112 OF 112 OF LOT 3 & E 112 OF LOTS 4 & 5, BLOCK 34, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 165 132 33 $2,244.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,244.00 25 06 116 29 06 0250 230502990 345 JEFFERSON ST SE W ESTW IND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC 900 LEWIS AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6 &S44'OF LOT 7, BLOCK 35, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 110 0 110 $7,480.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $8,735.00 26 06 116 29 06 0260 230503000 325 JEFFERSON ST SE RAYMOND KAMRATH (PRI) KEITH R KAMRATH(LES) 246 CEDAR AVE NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT EX S44'& LOTS 8 &9, BLOCK 35, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 154 154 $10,472.00 $0.00 $1,530.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $13,257.00 27 06 116 29 06 0270 230503010 2003RD AVE SE LYLE E& KAREN L RETTMANN 2003RD AVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 35, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $4,488.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,488.00 28 06 116 29 06 0280 230503800 435 JEFFERSON ST SE RAYMOND KAMRATH (PRI) KEITH R KAMRATH(LES) 246 CEDAR AVE NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS 6,7 &8, BLOCK 48, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 198 132 66 $4,488.00 $0.00 $1,530.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $7,273.00 29 06 116 29 06 0290 230503810 415 JEFFERSON ST SE MICHAEL] OLSON 16959100TH ST BROWNTON MN 55312 LOTS 9 &10, BLOCK 48, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 132 0 132 $8,976.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $10,231.00 30 06 116 2 9 06 0300 23052 0010 1464TH AVE SE AARON &KARLA CHRAST 1464TH AVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1, AUDIT'S REARRANGEMENT OF EAST HALF OF BLOCK 49, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 112 112 0 $0.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $2,435.00 31 06 116 29 06 0320 230520030 422 JEFFERSON ST SE GARYA NESS 422 JEFFERSON STSE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, AUDIT'S REARRANGEMENT OF EAST HALF OF BLOCK 49, SOUTH HALFCITY OF HUTCHINSON 53 53 $3,604.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,039.00 32 06 116 29 06 0330 230520040 426 JEFFERSON STSE SCOTT D RECH D /B /A STIX &BRIX 307 HOLCOMBE AVE N LITCHFIELD MN 55355 E' LY 100' OF LOT 4, BLOCK 49, J UULS REARRANGEMENT OF EAST HALF OF BLOCK 49, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 53 53 $3,604.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,039.00 33 06 116 29 06 0340 230520060 1455TH AVE SE ALYSH IA L WENDORFF 1455TH AVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 11, AUDIT'S REARRANGEMENT OF EAST HALF OF BLOCK 49, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 112 112 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 34 06 116 29 06 0820 230504760 1465TH AVE SE HAROLD &KAREN SANDGREN 1465TH AVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 E112 OF LOTS I &2, BLOCK 59, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 132 132 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 35 06 116 29 06 0840 230504780 518 JEFFERSON ST SE RENEV DUNGCA 518 JEFFERSON ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 N60'OF LOT 3, BLOCK 59, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 60 60 $4,080.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,515.00 36 06 116 29 06 0850 230504790 526 JEFFERSON ST SE ]ONW WISCH 526 JEFFERSON ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4 &26'OF LOT 3, BLOCK 59, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 72 72 $4,896.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $7,331.00 37 06 116 29 06 0860 230504800 532 JEFFERSON ST SE BRETTA &MARIA OMAN 16690705TH AVE DASSEL MN 55325 LOT 5, BLOCK 59, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 38 06 116 29 06 0870 230504880 542 JEFFERSON ST SE JOHN &JULIE LOFDAHL 542 JEFFERSON ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 N50'OF LOT 12, BLOCK 59, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 50 50 $3,400.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $5,835.00 39 06 116 29 06 0880 230504890 1546 JEFFERSON ST SE BANK OFAMERICA NA 400 COUNTRYWIDE WAY SIMI VALLEY CA 93065 S60'OF LOT 12, BLOCK 59, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 60 60 $4,080.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,515.00 40 06 116 29 06 0962 230504950 565JEFFERSONSTSE HUTCH JEFFERSON LLC 2400 BLAISDELL AVE S #100 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404 LOTS 6,11 &12, BLOCK 60, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1 188.6 1 1 188.6 1 $12,824.80 $0.00 $1,530.001 $0.001 $1,255.001 $15,609.80 41 06 116 29 06 0970 230504960 535 JEFFERSON ST SE HH& L PROPERTIES LLC 70713TH ST GLENCOE MN 55336 LOTS 7 &8, BLOCK 60, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 132 132 $8,976.00 $0.00 $1,530.001 $0.001 $1,255.001 $11,761.00 42 06 116 29 06 0980 230504970 515 JEFFERSON ST SE TIMOTHY L CARROLL 515 JEFFERSON ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 60, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 43 06 116 29 06 0990 230504980 2065TH AVE SE JASON E WEILAND 2065TH AVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 60, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $4,488.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,923.00 441 06 116 29 10 0350 23 142 0060 575 JEFFERSON STSE EIDEN PROPERTIES INC 575 JEFFERSON STSE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 ED 6 EX TRIANGULAR TRACT 10'X 33.09'X34.56' IN NW CORNER, PARK SUBDIVISION 110 110 1 $7,480.00 $0.00 $1,530.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $10,265.00 COMPILED BY: PVANDERVEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO 5105 . LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 Jefferson St SE from Washington Ave East to Oakland Ave SE roadway reconstruction, curb and gutter, drain tile installation, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: PVANDERVEEN $68.00 STREET COST PER FRONT FOOT (FF) CHECKED BY: K EXNER $1,180.00 1" WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH 1ST HEARING: 01/22/2013 $1,530.00 1 -1/2" WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH 2ND HEARING: 05/14/2013 $1,705.00 6" WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH NUMBER OF YEARS 10 $1,255.00 6" SEWER SERVICE COST PER EACH INTEREST RATE: 1ST HEARING 01/22/2013 ADOPTED: 2ND HEARING 05/14/2013 a45 CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNERNAME OWNERADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FEET STREET ASSESSMENT 1 "WATER SERVICE 1 -1R "WATER SERVICE 6 "WATER SERVICE V -SEWER SERVICE TOTAL ASSESSMENT 06 11629 100360 231420070 585 J EFFERSON SF SE EIDEN PROPERTIES INC 575 J EFFERSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, PARK SUBDIVISION 90 90 $6,120.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,120.00 46 06 11629 100380 23 1420080 595 JEFFERSON SF SE AL'S CAR WASH &DETAIL CENTER 9524 HWY 22 GLENCOE MN 55336 LOTS 8 -9 -10, PARK SUBDIVISION 205.6705 205.6705 $13,985.59 $0.00 $3,060.00 $0.00 $2,510.00 $19,555.59 47 06 11629 100390 23 1420090 655 JEFFERSON SF SE PARTNERS 3 OF HUTCHINSON LLC 640 LARSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 11, PARKSUBDIVISION 192.8 132 60.8 $4,134.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $5,389.40 48 06 11629 100410 23 1420110 715 JEFFERSON SFSE - Parkland CITY OF HUTCHINSON -P 111 HASSAN SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 13, PARK SUBDIVISION 449.87 449.87 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 49 06 116 29 110120123 147 0010 552 JEFFERSON SF SE ARVIN A ANDERSON 3836 XERXES AVES MINNEAPOLIS MN 55410 LOT 1, BLOCK 1, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 16, BONNIW ELL'S SECOND ADDITION 449.37 1 449.37 $30,557.16 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $32,992.16 50 06 116 29 110130 231470020 554JEFFERSON SF SE ARVIN A ANDERSON 3836 XERXES AVES MINNEAPOLIS MN 55410 LOT 2, BLOCK 1, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 16, BONNIW ELL'S SECOND ADDITION 60 60 $4,080.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,080.00 51 06 116 29 110140 231470030 564JEFFERSON SF SE ARVIN A ANDERSON 3836 XERXES AVE. S. MINNEAPOLIS MN 55410 LOT 3 EX S25', BLOCK 1, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 16, BONNI W ELL'S SECOND ADDTIION 35 35 $2,380.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,380.00 52 06 11629 110150 23 1470040 574 JEFFERSON SF SE NEIL &MARY WEGNER 574 JEFFERSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S25' OF LOT 3 & ALLOT LOT 4, BLOCK 1, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 16, BONNIWELL'S SECOND ADDITION 85 85 $5,780.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $8,215.00 53 06 11629 110160 23 1470050 586 JEFFERSON SF SE ILENE M PIAMANN 586 JEFFERSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 1, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 16, BONNIW ELL'S SECOND ADDITION 60 60 1 $4,080.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,515.00 54 06 116 29 110170 231470060 592 JEFFERSON SF SE SFIX &BRIX INC 307 N HOLCOMBE AVE LITCHFIELD MN 55355 LOT 6, BLOCK I, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 16, BONNIWET''S SECOND ADDITION 60 60 $4,080.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.001 $1,255.00 $6,515.00 55 06 11629 110180 23 1470070 596 JEFFERSON SF SE JAMES) &MEGAN IF ROGERS 596 JEFFERSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 1, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 16, BONNIW ELL'S SECOND ADDITION 60 0 60 $4,080.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,515.00 56 06 116 29 110190 231450940 1386TH AVE SE SAYED MYARAND 1386TH AVE SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 E 112 OF 112 OF LOTS & 10, BLOCK 17, BONNIWET''S SECOND ADDITION 98.05 98.05 0 $0.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $2,435.00 57 06 11629 110400 23 1450890 620 J EFFERSONSFSE CYNTHIA ANN FALLON 620 JEFFERSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 E82.5'OFE 112 OF LOT 8, BLOCK 17, BONNIWET''S SECONDADDITION 82.5 82.5 $5,610.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $8,075.00 58 06 11629 110410 23 1480010 1632 JEFFERSON SFSE DALE POET 632 JEFFERSON SFSE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1, SFEARNS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 5-6-7, BLOCK 17, BONNI W ELL'S SECONDADDITION 61.9 61.9 1 $4,209.20 $1,180.001 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,644.20 591 06 11629 110420 23 1480020 638JEFFERSON SFSE JOANNE STOFFELS 638 JEFFERSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT2, SFEARNS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 5-6-7, BLOCK 17, BONNIW ELL'S SECOND ADDITION 61.9 1 61.9 $4,209.20 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,644.20 60 06 116 29 110430 231480030 650 JEFFERSON SF SE SFIX &BRIX INC 307 N HOLCOMBE AVE LITCHFIELD MN 55355 SFEARNS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 5-6-7, BLOCK 17, BONNI W ELL'S SECOND ADDITION 61.8 61.8 $4,202.40 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,637.40 61 06 11629 110440 23 1480040 676 JEFFERSON SF SE THOMPS& KATHLEEN CHRISFENSEN 19452 OMEGA AVE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 SFEARNS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 5-6-7, BLOCK 17, BONNI W ELL'S SECOND ADDITION 61.9 61.9 $4,209.20 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $6,644.20 62 06 11629 110450 23 1450870 714 JEFFERSON SF SE ERVIN B SMITH JR 714 JEFFERSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 83'X165.30'OF LOT 4, BLOCK 17, BONNIWET''S SECOND ADDITION 82.5 82.5 $5,610.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.001 $8,075.00 63 0611629110460231450860 724 JEFFERSON SF SE TAROLJ STONE JR 724 JEFFERSON SF SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 E119'OF LOT 3, BLOCK I7, BO NNIWET''S SECOND ADDITION 82.5 82.5 $5,610.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $8,075.00 64 0611629110470231450840 804 JEFFERSONSTSE RICHARDLZUEHLKE 804 JEFFERSON ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 E120'OF LOT 2, BLOCK 17, BO NNIWET''S SECOND ADDITION 82.5 82.5 $5,610.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $8,075.00 65 06 1162 110410,23 1450100 814 JEFFERSON ST SE DARRIN M ROBINSON 814 JEFFERSON ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 'E125' OF LOT 1'BLOCK17, BONNIWET''S SECONDADDITION 82.5 0 82.5 $5,610.00 $1,180.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,255.00 $8,075.00 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5105 sso8.3s 233130 4475.06 $304,303.95 $47,200.00 $12,240.00 $3,410.00 $62,750.00 $429,903.95 RESOLUTION NO. 14135 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5105 LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 23rd day of April 2013, the City Engineer was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving: Jefferson Street SE from Washington Ave to Oakland Ave by roadway reconstruction, curb and gutter, drain tile installation, bituminous /concrete surfacing, storm water /drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 14th day of May, 2013, in the Council Chambers at Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 2013. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Administrator, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Council this 23rd day of April 2013. Mayor City Administrator PUBLICATION NO. 7984 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA -5105 LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council will meet at 6:00 P.M. on the 14th day of May 2013, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to consider and possibly adopt the proposed assessment for the improvement of: Jefferson Street SE from Washington Ave to Oakland Ave by roadway reconstruction, curb and gutter, drain tile installation, bituminous /concrete surfacing, storm water /drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. Adoption by the Council of the proposed assessment against abutting property may occur at the hearing This assessment is proposed to be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 2014, and will bear interest at the rate of 10 percent (plus or minus) per annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the November 1, 2013 until December 31, 2014. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. You may at anytime prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the entire assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 2013. You may, at anytime thereafter, pay to the City Administrator the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 st of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 17th or interest will be charged through December 31 st of the succeeding year. If you decide not to prepay the assessment before the date given above, the rate of interest that will apply is 10 percent (plus or minus) per year. The right to partially prepay the assessment shall be until November 15, 2013. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the City Administrator's Office. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $429,903.95. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a signed, written objection is filed with the City Administrator prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. The Council may, upon such notice, consider any objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. If an assessment is contested or there is an adjourned hearing, the following procedure will be followed: The City will present its case first by calling witnesses who may testify by narratives or by examination, and by the introduction of exhibits. After each witness has testified, the contesting party will be allowed to ask questions. This procedure will be repeated with each witness until neither side has further questions. After each witness has testified, the contesting party will be allowed to ask questions. This procedure will be repeated with each witness until neither side has further questions. PUBLICATION NO. 7984 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA -5105 LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO. 13 -01 PAGE 2 After each witness has testified, the contesting party will be allowed to ask questions. This procedure will be repeated with each witness until neither side has further questions. 2. After the City has presented all its evidence, the objector may call witnesses or present such testimony as the objector desires. The same procedure for questioning of the City's witnesses will be followed with the objector's witnesses. The objector may be represented by counsel. 4. Minnesota rules of evidence will not be strictly applied; however, they may be considered and argued to the Council as to the weight of items of evidence or testimony presented to the Council. The entire proceedings will be tape- recorded. 6. At the close of presentation of evidence, the objector may make a final presentation to the Council based on the evidence and the law. No new evidence may be presented at this point. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Administrator within 30 days afterthe adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City Administrator. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of the law and the resolution adopted under it, may within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator City of Hutchinson, Minnesota PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24TH, 2013 AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 1ST, 2013. HUTMINSON aTY©OUNaL C==y�f? Request for Board Action 7AL =-w-7 Agenda Item: Parade Permit Department: Police UCENSESECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Application Complete Yes Contact: Daniel T. Hatten Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Daniel T. Hatten Reviewed by Staff 5❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency No Attachments: Yes a4aG*R UND /EXRANATION OFAGBVDA i7EM: I am in receipt of a letter from Dave Blake and the VFW Post 906 in partnership with American Legion Post 96 in reference to the 2013 Memorial Day Parade. This request requires Hassan St be closed to public traffic between 3rd Ave SE and 1st Ave NE during the hours of 9:00 am to 10:00 am. My staff and I have reviewed the request and are confident that we can meet the needs of VFW Post 906 and American Legion Post 96. The Annual Memorial Day Parade and Program, will be held on Monday, May 27,2013. The Parade will assemble in the east parking lot of the American Legion. The parade will begin at 9:30 am and proceed on Hassan St SE, North up to the McLeod County Veterans Memorial Park. The program will begin there at at 10:00 am. In case of inclement weather, the program will be held at the Park Elementary auditorium. The Police Department looks forward to working other city departments, the VFW, and American Legion Post 96 to insure another safe and successful Memorial Day Parade and Program. BOAR AC110N REQUESTED: I recommend approval. Fiscal Impact: $ 1,000.00 Funding Source: Police FTElmpact: 6.00 Budget Change: No Induded in current budget: Yes PROLEGT SECT70N: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: April 11, 2013 Charles McLaughlin Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 906 247 1" Ave. SE Dear Memorial Day Participants: Hutchinson, MN 55350 The Annual Memorial Day Parade and Program, sponsored by VFW Post 946 and American Legion Post 96 will be held on Monday, May 27, 2013. We are writing to invite you to participate in this event and would appreciate your participation. The parade will assemble in the east parking lot of the American Legion. Please be there no later than 9:15 AM to receive your position in the parade line -up. The parade will begin at 9:30 AM. The parade will proceed on Hassan Street North down to the McLeod County Veterans Memorial Park. The program will begin there at 10.00 AM. In case of inclement weather, the program will be held at the Park Elementary auditorium. Following the program, all participants are invited to share potluck lunch and refreshments at the American Legion Club. Please bring a dish to pass. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 320 -224 -3530 Sincerely, Dave Blake VFW Post 906 Commander Citr� G} 744 =-w 11 l Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587 - 5151 /Fax: {320)234 -4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR PARADE PERMIT (Under Ordinance No. 71.01) Permit Fee: $30 (short term) Date Received: All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered i7ation information i ?b6 Organization Name x-51- ? - 9:�'a Phone Number Org anization-4 ddress C ty State Zip Authorized Officer and Parade Chairman Information D poV IcL E -S 7^ 6 ! rr .x Q�cer Name Phone Number )v HI-e t"hsc , Au • Rest ence Address City Stale Zip �OL Parade Chairman Name Phone Number Residence Address city slaie zip Parade Information � CL4 �+�` • Q2 Parade Date: & "Assembly Time: r Location and Description of Assembly Area: 46*% e,-g Starting Time of Parade: F r 3U 14k- Estimated Time of Parade: Starting Point of Parade: A "q -.-� 4L& a" Route of Parade Travel: -I- 4e ,, Ending Point of Parade; mc� 4- j Approximate Number of Units, Animals, and Vehicles which will constitute Parade: Type and Description of Animals and Vehicles: Jp0 tee- -e ce Liar 1�1.1� /'��.• K ' �w� r �ti`ijLcl /' L+- ..'� '•"' 7 L �1� Liat� i.Ct[ }Li Maximum Interval of Space to be Maintained Between Units: Maximum Length of Parade: AA Minimum and Maximum Speed of Parade: 6 Ac iv r}� MPH Portion of Street Width Traversed: tc14j 1.{ .s - `G-.e `� City of Hutchinson Application jar Parade Permit Page 2 of 2 The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Permit fee paid in full (check or money order): UIIY�es ❑ no Permit Application completed in full and signed: des ❑ no I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and l authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. max' i Signature of authorized of cer of organization or parade chairman Internal Use Only Police ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Motes: City Engineer ❑ approved ❑ denied plates: Street Superintendent ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: V- , t . j -? Date HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C.�of Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Temporary Liquor License - Hutchinson Center for the Arts Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Application Complete Yes Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Jeremy Carter Reviewed by Staff 7 Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The Hutchinson Center for the Arts has submitted a temporary liquor license to dispense liquor at an event being held at the Center for the Arts on May 30, 2013. The Hutchinson Center for the Arts is a non - profit organization that has bee been in existence for at least three years and meets the requirements for a temporary liquor license. BOARD ACTION REQUESTFO: Approve issuing temporary liquor license to Hutchinson Center for the Arts on May 30, 2013 Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0 -00 Funding Source: .Y * rr ,sJ t Miniicsuta Deparelnenl of Public Safely ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suite 133, St. Paul MN 55101 -5133 (651) 201 -7507 Fax (651) 297 -5259 TTY (651) 282 -6555 W W W.DPS.STATE.MN. US APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION J NAME OF ORGANIZATI� DATE OPfiANIZED 'FAX EXEMPT' NI Ji4tRF P, STREET ADDRESS IS r ftyUk &+ Sco CITY STATE ZIP CODE NAME Or P RS QI MAItINC, APPLICATION a BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE m eeF -. � 5 &7 -7a7 tDATES IQUOR WILL BE SOLD s TYPE OF ORGANIZATION $LE It' )1I ' ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME 02 "� L � 1. � i ADDRESS c 5 sc h rn s Sw l� , s sa ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S SAME I ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER $LAME ADDRESS lit:t:nse wil k lx used. I f' an oatduor area, describe AzL[fcation [ , Will the applicant COMM for intoxicating liquor service? If so, give the name and address of the liquor licensee providing the service. Will the plirat�t carry liquor liability insuraucc? If su, please provide the carner's name and amount of coverage. t'C f &&n C APROVAL APPLICATIONS MUST BF; APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT CITY/COUNTY ue� ytg� DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT S LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID — —I 51G751AT13R£ CITY CLERK pR COVNTY OFFICIAL �IQi'E• 5 APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GA"BLING ENFORCEMENT ubmat this form to the city or county 30 nays prior to event. Forward application signed by city andlor county to the address above. If the application is approved the Attehol and Gambling Enforctmtnt Division will return this appliraiina to bt and o3 lhr Hucase far themni PS- 09079 (05!M) aTYOF HUTCHI N9DN R55CKF EG LOG22001 VO Council Check Register 4/18/2013 4/23/2013 Check # 175261 175262 175263 175264 175265 175266 175267 175268 175269 175270 175271 175272 175273 175274 175275 175276 175277 175278 175279 175280 175281 175282 175283 175284 175285 175286 175287 175288 175289 Ck Date 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 Amount 42.80 533.92 141.92 990.00 4,000.00 57,639.12 177.15 133.70 322.00 384.74 1,043.46 386.13 175.60 90.85 12.09 73.10 30.00 391.00 221.02 455.00 891.00 451.82 53.68 515.00 932.45 1,374.86 154.00 47.50 125.00 Vendor Explanation AUTO •• CENTRAL w CENTRALMOGOWAN HOLT PETBR9DN CHARTER BUS HUTCHIN9DN, aTYoF KEY GC)\/B:NM ENT A NANCIE, OFFICEIDEFOT • `• • • AARP ACE HARDWARE ADVANCED PROCSS9DI-UTIONS ABM MECHANICALSERMCEB� INC AMER CAN BOTTIJ •• AMER CAN FAM I LY I NS00 AM :'+ AMERPRIDESERACEB ANDEREM, LOR ANIMALMEDICALCENTERON CROW ARCT1CG-ACIERPRBMIUM ICEINC A` - +EB I NC AUTO •• :A • A: C BEACON •. ... .. V BB:NICKS BOCK CINDY BOTZET, LARRY Account Description PARTS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED •-B-A .. OTHER 00NTRACTUAL .. A• TAL LEASEB OFFICESUPPLIEB •• -A - +:-A - : MAINTENANCE PROFEESONALSERMCEB •-E-A .. • ENT PARTS 00NTRACT REPAIR& MAINTENANCE CC)S7 OF 9DFF D'+ NKS A00RUEDUFEINSURANCE CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 00NTRACT - +:-A - : MAINTENANCE REC DEPT REFUND OTHER 00NTRACTUAL •• OF 9DFF DR NKS OOSF OF S�LES BEER •-B-A .. PARTS EF . MAINTEINANCESUPPLIEB •-B-A .. 00NTRACT - +:-A - : MAINTENANCE OOSF OF 9DFF DR NKS UNIFORMS& -:R9 .• - .. 175290 4/23/2013 8.00 175291 4/23/2013 125.00 175292 4/23/2013 1,334.87 175293 4/23/2013 25,391.34 175294 4/23/2013 255.00 175295 4/23/2013 2,334.92 175296 4/23/2013 400.27 175297 4/23/2013 142.93 175298 4/23/2013 332.66 175299 4/23/2013 108.75 175300 4/23/2013 227.43 175301 4/23/2013 92.00 175302 4/23/2013 521.91 175303 4/23/2013 332.00 175304 4/23/2013 122.00 175305 4/23/2013 110.32 175306 4/23/2013 4,749.70 175307 4/23/2013 125.00 175308 4/23/2013 565.50 175309 4/23/2013 2,480.32 175310 4/23/2013 6,478.34 175311 4/23/2013 1,416.26 175312 4/23/2013 587.80 175313 4/23/2013 38.63 175314 4/23/2013 140.19 175315 4/23/2013 6.63 175316 4/23/2013 196.12 175317 4/23/2013 73.74 175318 4/23/2013 384.43 175319 4/23/2013 724.02 175320 4/23/2013 1,929.09 175321 4/23/2013 4,030.00 175322 4/23/2013 30.00 175323 4/23/2013 785.88 BT LOCK& I3UR ROM E CARSON PATROL •' LLC CENTRAL HYDRAULICS CENTRALMOGOWAN CE]SIMAGING 00M DATA CORPORATION CROWRIVERGOLFCLUB •' • :' GMCH, RANDY DAAKREFRIGERATION DAYDISrRIBUTING DEHN, PETER E x• DOOLEYSPETROLEUM DPCINDUSFRIEBINC DFZOP-N-GC)-qIIPRNQ D UANEW. NI EL-cEN OOM PANY DUNDEE EBERT,PAT BDDLAB -ES :•• : :E "' B-ECTROWATCHMAN • • • ••'+ FASFENAL OOM PANY 0ONTIRACT REPAIR& MAINTENANCE SAFETYSUPPLIEB OPERA .. = OF E!�:::' RENTALS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED OFFICESUPPLIEB ••: PRODUCTSOONCESSON AUTOM OWE REPAIR r. COST OF •: `S : TAXEB COST OF SALE!�� BEER SAFETYSUPPI-JES •.B.A .. CHEMICALS& PRODUCTS M19CB-LANBDUS EMALLTOOLS OONTRACTF�EFAIR& MAINTENANCE SMALLTOOLS DATA PFZOC BDU I R\4 ENT RENTAL REC DEPT REFUND FECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 175324 4/23/2013 5,556.65 R RE SAFETY USA I NC SMALL TOOLS 175325 4/23/2013 252.60 R RST CHOICE FOOD & B 1/ERAGE S OFFI CE SU PPL I ES 175326 4/23/2013 125.00 FRANB� CORY U N I FORM S& PERSDNAL EDUI P 175327 4/23/2013 475.00 FRB GI i f QUOTE OOM FRB GHT 175328 4/23/2013 305.28 G& K SERMCES OPERAII NG SUPPL I ES 175329 4/23/2013 3,200.00 GAM N, OL93N & WI WEBS LTD PROFESSONALSER/ICES 175330 4/23/2013 280.00 GEB RB:T RI CAL I NC BUI LDI NG REFAI RS 175331 4/23/2013 160.00 GI RL 9SOUTS RIVER VALLEY RENTS 175332 4/23/2013 187.63 GLOBAL EQU I P 00. SAFETY SU PPL I ES 175333 4/23/2013 340.00 GOVERNM ENT R NANCE OFR CB;SAS DUES & SU B9CRI PTI ONS 175334 4/23/2013 366.11 GRAI NGER EQUI PM ENT PARTS 175335 4/23/2013 615.00 H. M ULLBRTRUCKI NG I NC FRBGHT 175336 4/23/2013 567.90 H. A R T. ACCRU ® DEFERFED OOM P 175337 4/23/2013 1,415.37 HACH OOM PANY CHEM I CAL S& PRODUCTS 175338 4/23/2013 32.21 HAGER,)EVVB_RY I NC OPERAII NG SUPPL I ES 175339 4/23/2013 950.00 HAYDAY DFFEBS FRB GHT 175340 4/23/2013 391.63 HENRYSFOODSINC FOOD PRODUCTSOONCESSON 175341 4/23/2013 196.71 HENRY SWATB:;�WORKS INC REFAI R & MAI NTENANCE SUPPL I ES 175342 4/23/2013 2,896.39 HEWLEFT- PACKARD 00 OOM PUTBR EDUI FM ENT 175343 4/23/2013 402.34 HI LLYARD / HUTCHI N9DN CLEANI NG SUPPL I ES 175344 4/23/2013 533.76 HOLD DAY I N N TRAVB_ SCHOOL OON FFE NCE 175345 4/23/2013 298.76 HOLTZ, MARK REPAIR & MAI NTENANCE SUPPL I ES 175346 4/23/2013 590.13 HUTCH CAFE OPBZAII NG SUPPL I ES 175347 4/23/2013 1,457.00 HUTCHIN93NAREA HEALTH CARE OOMMONAREAMAINTENANCE 175348 4/23/2013 7,096.13 HUTCHI N93N 00-OP MOTOR RUB-S& LUBRICANTS 175349 4/23/2013 245.00 HUTCHIN93N HEALTH PROFEBSONALSER/ICES 175350 4/23/2013 1,094.55 HUTCHI N9DN HEALTH PROFEBS ONAL SERMCES 175351 4/23/2013 100.00 HUTCHI N9DN HU9N E5 BA9EBALL ADVBFTI3 NG 175352 4/23/2013 5,639.15 HUTCHIN93N LEADER ADVERTISING 175353 4/23/2013 141,431.75 HUTCHI N9DN UII U I ES S1FREET U GHII NG UII U I ES 175354 4/23/2013 393.03 HUTCHIN93N WHOLESALE RBCBVED NOT VOUCHERED 175355 4/23/2013 3,760.24 HUTCHIN93N, aTYOF UIILJIIES 175356 4/23/2013 169.48 1 NDEPENDENT 8\4 B rI NCYSE R\/ICE5 OOM M UNICAII ONS 175357 4/23/2013 438.72 INDIAN 19ANDWINERY OOSTOFSALEI�WINE 175358 4/23/2013 580.50 1 NTEGRATED POWER SERVI CES LLC PROFESSONAL /ICES 175359 4/23/2013 750.00 ,ETRANS✓'ORT LLC FRBGHT 175360 4/23/2013 65.00 JEFF S BJB:TR C OONTRACT RB'AI R & MAINTENANCE 175361 4/23/2013 11, 440.28 JOHN90N BR0THERSUQU0R00. COST OF SALES BEER 175362 4/23/2013 31.00 JOHN90N, SARA PARK FEES 175363 4/23/2013 306.00 KDUZ KARP RADIO ADVB:ZIIS NG 175364 4/23/2013 40.00 b EWEL, PATRICIA RECREATION ON ACTIVITY FEES 175365 4/23/2013 1,730.56 KRANZ LAWN & POWER RENTALS 175366 4/23/2013 1,475.00 I�R S 1 100, INC FRB GHT 175367 4/23/2013 20.00 KU RTH, KACI E REUTEAII ON ACTIVITY FEES 175368 4/23/2013 3,024.94 L & P EJPPLY 00 RECB VED NOT VOUCHER® 175369 4/23/2013 30.00 LAUER, LYNN REC DEPT RB FUND 175370 4/23/2013 41.74 LAW ENFORCEM ENT TARGETS OPERAII NG EJPPLJ ES 175371 4/23/2013 1,144.76 LEAGUE0FMINNE90TACIIIES INEJRANCE 175372 4/23/2013 612.50 LEXI SN EXI S DRUG TESII NG 175373 4/23/2013 1,197.98 U FE I NEJRANCE OOM PANY OF AM ER 8VI PL HEALTH & INS BENEFIT 175374 4/23/2013 791.46 U FE I NEJRANCE OOM PANY OF AM 8R 8VI PL HEALTH & INS BENEFIT 175375 4/23/2013 788.38 U FE I NEJRANCE OOM PANY OF AM 8R ACCRUED U FE I NEJRANCE 175376 4/23/2013 28,495.82 L0CHER BROTHERS 1 NC OOST OF SALES BEER 175377 4/23/2013 25,999.13 LOG S OOM PUTERTRAI NI NG 175378 4/23/2013 8,392.02 MARLIN LEASING RENTALS 175379 4/23/2013 13.25 MATH®ON TRI -GAS I NC RENTALS 175380 4/23/2013 1,468.91 MATTHEW BENDER & 00. , INC OPERAII NG EJPPU ES 175381 4/23/2013 237.58 M AYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WAS-1 PROFESS ONAL SER/I CES 175382 4/23/2013 120.00 M CLEOD COUNTY ABSTRACT & TI TL PR0FE59ONAL /ICES 175383 4/23/2013 10.86 M CLEOD OOUNTYAUDITOR TREASURE U CENTS& TAXES 175384 4/23/2013 14.48 M CLEOD OOUNTYAUDITOR TREASURE U CENTS& TAXES 175385 4/23/2013 13.99 M CLEOD OOUNTYAUDITOR TREASURE U CENTS& TAXES 175386 4/23/2013 14.48 M CLEOD OOUNTYAUDITOR TREASURE U CENTS& TAXES 175387 4/23/2013 13.99 M CLEOD OOUNTYAUDITOR TREASURE U CENTS& TAXES 175388 4/23/2013 32.63 M CLEOD OOUNTYAUDITOR TREASURE U CENTS& TAXES 175389 4/23/2013 11.04 M CLEOD OOUNTYAUDITOR TREASURE U CENTS& TAXES 175390 4/23/2013 2,991.20 M CLEOD OOUNTYAUDITOR TREASURE U CENTS& TAXES 175391 4/23/2013 2,217.00 MCLEODOO UNTYAUDITORTREASJREUCENc-ES& TAXES 175392 4/23/2013 1,032.00 M CLBDD OOU NTY AU DI TOR TREASJ RE U CEN9SIj & TAXES 175393 4/23/2013 2,294.00 MCLEODOO UNTYAUDITORTREASJREUCBV-qS& TAXES 175394 4/23/2013 429.00 M CLEOD OOU NTY AU DI TOR TREASJ RE U CEN9SIj & TAXES 175395 4/23/2013 200.00 M CLEOD COUNTY COURT ADM I NISTRA PAIL 175396 4/23/2013 46.00 M CLEOD COU NTY REDORDER PRI NII NG & PUBLJ 9-11 NG 175397 4/23/2013 97,181.59 M EDI CA EM PL HEALTH & INS BENEFIT 175398 4/23/2013 9,320.38 MEB<ERWA9-IED SAND &GRAVEL RECBVED NOT VOUCHERID 175399 4/23/2013 20.00 M EHR, BRIAN TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFRENCE 175400 4/23/2013 1.00 M ENARDSCORPORATE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 175401 4/23/2013 149.70 M ENARDS H UTCH I N93N OFFI CE 9J PPL I ES 175402 4/23/2013 1,763.20 M ES- M I DAM OPERAII NG 9UPPU ES 175403 4/23/2013 30.00 M ESSAGE M EDIA COMMUNICATIONS 175404 4/23/2013 2,569.10 MEYER LABORATORY, INC OPERAII NG 9UPPU ES 175405 4/23/2013 119.65 M I D AM ERI CA BU9 N ESSSYSrEM S PRI NII NG & PUBLJ 9 -11 NG 175406 4/23/2013 264.10 M I LLNER HERITAGEM NEYARD & WI COST OF SALESWI NE 175407 4/23/2013 69.30 M I N N E4POL I S d TY OF OTHER CONTRACTUAL 175408 4/23/2013 371.90 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & I ND PROFESSI ONAL 93R/ICES 175409 4/23/2013 546.00 M I NNESOTA PUBLIC EM PLOYEESAS ACCRUED UNION DUES 175410 4/23/2013 35.80 M I NN ESOTA STATE BAR ASS3C DUES & 9J B9CRI PTI ONS 175411 4/23/2013 177.21 M I NNESOTA UNEM PLOYM ENT I NSURA UNEM PLOYM ENT I NSURANCE 175412 4/23/2013 2,974.60 MINNESOTAVALLEYTESnNGLAB OTHER CONTRACTUAL 175413 4/23/2013 539.00 M M BA TRAVEL SCHOOL CON FERBVCE 175414 4/23/2013 612.80 M M C CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 175415 4/23/2013 80.16 M ODERN TOW NG PROFESSI ONAL 93R/ICES 175416 4/23/2013 163.44 M ORAN USA LLC OPERAII NG 9UPPU ES 175417 4/23/2013 400.00 M PCA PERM ITS 175418 4/23/2013 400.00 M PCA PERMITS 175419 4/23/2013 25.00 MWOA DUES& 9JB9CRIPTIONS 175420 4/23/2013 317.42 NEOPOST USA I NC RENTALS 175421 4/23/2013 1,819.11 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORI ES CHEMICALS& PRODUCTS 175422 4/23/2013 410.00 NORTH 9HOREANALYII CAL INC OTHER CONTRACTUAL 175423 4/23/2013 475.00 NORTH STAR DENTAL 93R/ICES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 175424 4/23/2013 381.11 NORTHERN BU9 NESS PRODUCTS OPERAII NG 9UPPU ES 175425 4/23/2013 105,756.02 NUSSTRUCK& EOUIFMENT MACHINERY& EOUIFMENT 175426 4/23/2013 64.32 OFFICE DEPOT OFFI CE SU PPU ES 175427 4/23/2013 37.00 OFFICEOF ENT87PR9= TE3HNOLOG TELEPROCESS NG EDUI P 175428 4/23/2013 230.75 OLIN'S LOCKEW ITH OONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 175429 4/23/2013 5,000.00 ORACLEAM ER CA INC DUE FROM UII U I ES 175430 4/23/2013 422.13 Cr RB LILY AUTO PARTS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 175432 4/23/2013 600.00 PAGE & HILL FOREb7 PRODUCTS I N RECEIVED NOT VOUCHBRED 175433 4/23/2013 434.25 PAUSIIS& 93NSWINE00 COST OFSALEI�WINE 175434 4/23/2013 3, 873.08 PHILUFSWINE& MRITS COST OFSALEI�WINE 175435 4/23/2013 138.00 FOSTM ASTER FOSTAGE 175436 4/23/2013 1,467.39 PRO CARE 93R/ICES I NC OONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 175437 4/23/2013 5, 369.00 PROFES90NALWATERTECHNOLOGIE CHEMICALS& PRODUCTS 175438 4/23/2013 7.48 QUADE BFCTRI C BDUI PM ENT PARTS 175439 4/23/2013 92.95 QUI LL C?ORP SAFETYSUPPU ES 175440 4/23/2013 741.00 Rd L TRANS FRB GHT 175441 4/23/2013 91.86 RADI 09 -TACK OORPORAII ON OPEZAII NG SU PPU ES 175442 4/23/2013 2,324.28 RDO BDUI FM ENT 00. EQUI PM ENT PARTS 175443 4/23/2013 1, 471.95 RB=LECTIVEAPPARB_ FACTORY I NC SAFETY SUPPU ES 175444 4/23/2013 1,905.00 REG ONAL CARR ERS I NC FRBGHT 175445 4/23/2013 25,956.81 RB NER ENTE7PRI9E� INC FRB GHT - IN 175446 4/23/2013 277.09 ROYAL II RE CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 175447 4/23/2013 206.00 SAM'SII RE93R/ICE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHES 175448 4/23/2013 3,424.00 9CIATZ OONSTRUCTI ON, INC OONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 175449 4/23/2013 3, 667.11 SCHM EJ NG OI L 00 REPE VED NOT VOUCHES 175450 4/23/2013 50.00 SCHM ITT, ILLY OTHER RB/ENUES 175451 4/23/2013 16,106.02 SCHOOL DI ST # 423 OTHER RB/EN U ES 175452 4/23/2013 24.86 9BORA, MARC TRAVEL. SCHOOL OON FB:ENCE 175453 4/23/2013 100.00 9NAW, KAREN PROFES90NAL SE R ACES 175454 4/23/2013 45.20 9NRBD -IT USA I NGM I NNEAPOUS RB =U9=- J NG 175455 4/23/2013 680.00 93TA TRAVEL. SCHOOL OON FB:ENCE 175456 4/23/2013 9, 047.82 9JUTHB: N WINE& MRITSOFMN OOSTOFSALEI�WINE 175457 4/23/2013 145.45 9FS OOM M EERCE RECE VED NOT VOUCHERED 175458 4/23/2013 44.00 ST CLOUD OVERHEAD DOOR 00 REPAIR & MAI NTENANCE SUPPU ES 175459 4/23/2013 1,831.84 STANDARD PRI NII NG PRI NII NG & PUBU 9NI NG 175460 4/23/2013 735.71 STAPLESADVANTAGE OFR CESUPPU ES 175461 4/23/2013 4,032.51 175462 4/23/2013 91.77 175463 4/23/2013 869.62 175464 4/23/2013 125.00 175465 4/23/2013 939.04 175466 4/23/2013 475.00 175467 4/23/2013 249.99 175468 4/23/2013 36.00 175469 4/23/2013 10.00 175470 4/23/2013 816.49 175471 4/23/2013 330.00 175472 4/23/2013 1,490.91 175473 4/23/2013 4,328.44 175474 4/23/2013 675.99 175475 4/23/2013 385.46 175476 4/23/2013 903.05 175477 4/23/2013 1,100.00 175478 4/23/2013 490.33 175479 4/23/2013 69.95 175480 4/23/2013 8,927.80 175481 4/23/2013 229.80 175482 4/23/2013 578.65 175483 4/23/2013 47,161.18 175484 4/23/2013 60.00 175485 4/23/2013 870.48 175486 4/23/2013 1,054.85 175487 4/23/2013 785.10 175488 4/23/2013 6,723.72 175489 4/23/2013 1,925.00 175490 4/23/2013 6,819.43 814,591.46 Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 815,601.46 Total Payment 815,601.46 SfRBCH TRUCKI NG TA9:, TEEFZB, WI WAM K THOM P9DN, DENS L THOM SON W6T THORSON TRUCKI NG TOTAL REI SFER SYSTEM TREFnN, BRAD TREFnN, ,)BVNIFER TRI COUNTYWATER TRUEAMERICAN LOGISnCSLLC TWO WAYCOM M UNICATIONSl NC U.S WATER 93R/I CE5 UNIQUE PAVI NG MATERIALS UNITED LABORATORIES UNIVERSALATHLEl1C 93R/ICE I NC USCOM POSIT NG COUNa L USA BLUE BOOK VBRTECFI 9DLUTIONS& 93R/ICES VI b NG BBB VI b NG COCA COLA WASFEMANAGEM ENT OF WI -M N WASFEMANAGEM ENT OF WI -M N WB_OOM E NB GHBOR WB-LS FARGO WINECOMPANY, THE WI NE M BRCHANTS I NC WI RTZ BB/B?AGE M I NNE9DTA WOOD' N PAL I FT,9 INC. WORKOONNECTION, THE Grand Total D ' '' • + F MAINTENANCESUPPLIEB SVErY SU .. PBR .. SVIALLTOOLS -+ •'+ • :EB REC DEPT REFUND OPEPA-IINGSUPPLIES CHEMICALS& PRODUCTS •,E CLEANINGSUPPLIEB PEP .. RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED CIONTRACT - +:-A - : MAINTENANCE COSF OF � BEER COSF OF 9DFF DR NKS +E . LANDFILLCHARGES AIDVEF�FISING TRAVEL SCHOOL OONFFENCE COSF OF � COSF OF � O • � • •- RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED OT H E ROWN TRAWL JA TAX ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS 4/23/2013 FUND PAYABLE TO AMOUNT FUEL HATS MN DEPT OF REV SALES TAX LIQUOR MN DEPT OF REV SALES TAX PRCE CIVIC ARENA MN DEPT OF REV SALES & USE TAX WATER SEWER CREEKSIDE MN DEPT OF REV $2,228.13 $40,193.00 $1,292.00 $11,503.00 $55,216.13 PAYROLL ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS PAYROLL DATE: 04/19/2013 Period Ending Date: 04/13/2013 $55,345.22 IRS - Withholding Tax Account Federal Withholding Employee /Employer FICA Employee /Employer Medicare $10,639.19 MN Department of Revenue State Withholding Tax $39,262.27 Public Employee Retirement Association Employee /Employer PERA /DCP Contributions $2,291.23 TASC Employee Flex Spending Deductions $10,983.15 TASC Employee Contributions to Heath Savings Account Employer Contributions to Heath Savings Account $525.00 MNDCP Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,340.00 ING Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,230.00 ICMA Retirement Trust Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $417.96 MN Child Support System Employee Deductions $0.00 MSRS - Health Savings Plan Employee Deductions to Health Savings Plan $122,034.02 Total Electronic Funds Transfer aTYOF HUTCHI N9DN P55CWEG LOG22001VO Council Check Register 4/18/2013 4/23/2013 175431 4/23/2013 1,010.00 OUTDOOR M OTON OPEPAII NG 9JPRJ ES HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y -f Aa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Assessment Hearing & Project Award for 2013 PMP (L3/P13 -03) Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Public Hearing Time Requested (Minutes): 15 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The City received bids (see attached Bid Tabulation) for the 2013 Pavement Management Program project letting on Friday, March 22nd. The apparent low bidder is Duininck Inc. of Prinsburg, Minnesota, with a bid of $233,838.20 (substantially lower than the Engineer's Estimate). City staff will provide a brief overview of the project scope, bids and associated special assessments prior to opening the public communication portion of the Assessment Hearing. City staff has worked closely with adjacent property owners as this project has proceeded to address any construction and assessment issues. Please note that the proposed special assessment rates were lowered from $24 to $18 per lineal foot of street frontage to reflect the lower than anticipated construction bid amount. The final Assessment Roll and necessary Resolutions (bid amounts noted) to award this project are attached to this memorandum. We recommend approving the attached Assessment Roll and Resolutions. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions & Publications Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 300,000.00 Total City Cost: $ 72,000.00 Funding Source: Bonding Remaining Cost: $ 228,000.00 Funding Source: Special Assessments RESOLUTION NO. 14138 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5104 LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 13 -03 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and waiver of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of: Grove Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15), Brown Street SW (Division to TH 15), Glen Street SW (5th Ave to Linden), Franklin Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15) and Division Avenue SW (Grove to Glen); roadway overlay /rehabilitation surface milling /removal, grading, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over period often (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2014 and shall bear interest at the rate of _ percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 2013, until the 31 st day of December 2014. To each subsequent installment when due, interest shall be added for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Finance Department, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 2013; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Finance Department the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31 st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 23rd day of April 2013. Mayor City Administrator COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5104 LETTING NO. 3 1PROJECT NO. 13 -03 Grove Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15), Brown Street SW (Division to TH 15), Glen Street SW (5th Ave to Linden), Franklin Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15) and Division Avenue SW (Grove to Glen); roadway overlay /rehabilitation surface milling /removal, grading, Concrete Curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacina, restoration and ao 3urtenances COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: PVANDER VEEN $18.00 STREET COST/FF CHECKED BY: K EXNER NUMBER OF YEARS 10 INTEREST RATE: 1STHEARING 02/26/2013 ADOPTED: 04/23/2013 2ND HEARING 04/23/2013 CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FEET STREET ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT 1 06 116 29 05 0520 230504330 4405TH AVE SW GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 4405TH AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT4 EX 112 OF 112, BLOCK 54, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 99 0 99 $1,762.00 $1,782.00 2 06 116 29 05 0530 230504340 530GROVESTSW GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 4405TH AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S112 OF 112 OF LOT 4& N 112 OF E 112 OF LOT 6 &E 112 OF LOT EX W10'OF S50'OF M5', BLOCK 54, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 231 0 231 $4,156.00 $4,158.00 3106 116 29 05 0540 230504380 536 GROVE ST SW JASON D ORTIOFF 536 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 66' X 108' IN SE CORNER OF LOT 6, BLOCK 54, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 4 06 116 29 05 0580 230530010 506 GLEN STSW CARLA SUE WEGNER 506 GLEN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 138.27 132 6.27 $112.66 $112.86 5 06 116 29 05 0590 230530030 516 GLEN STSW GERALD]. HEINZ 12211590TH AVE LITCHFIELD MN 55355 LOT 3, BLOCK 55, AUDITOR PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 74.57 0 74.57 $1,342.26 $1,342.26 6 06 116 29 05 0600 230530040 520 GLEN ST SW WILLIAM J &SHARON LBAIWF 520 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGMENET OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 7 06 116 29 05 0610 230530050 1530 GLEN STSW SIDNEY ]& PATRICIA A MELANCON 530 GLEN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTHHALFCITV OFHUTCHINSON 201.84 119.36 62.46 $1,464.64 $1,484.64 8106 116 29 05 0620 230530060 215 DIVISION AVE SW JEREMY LWATZKE &LEAH C KIRKING 215 DIVISION AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGMENET OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66.01 0 66.01 $1,166.16 $1,188.18 9 06 116 29 05 0630 230530070 221 DIVISION AVE SW LINDA LARSON 221 DIVISION AVE SW HUTCHINSONMN55350 S 112 OF LOT 7, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 82.52 0 62.52 $1,465.36 $1,485.36 10 06 116 29 05 0640 230530100 229 DIVISION AVE SW THOMAS G &TERRI LGOLDSCHMIDT 229 DIVISION AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 82.52 0 62.52 $1,465.36 $1,485.36 11 06 116 29 05 0650 230530110 315 DIVISION AVE SW JAMES W HANSON TRUST 315 DIVISION AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10 & S45.07' OF LOT 11, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 115.525 0 115.525 $2,079.45 $2,079.45 12106 116 29 05 0660 1230530180 545 GROVE ST SW RICHARD PHILLIPS 545 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 17 & S16' OF LOT 16, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 197 .525 132 65.525 $1,179.45 $1,179.45 13 06 116 29 05 0670 230530170 535 GROVE ST SW RYANL &TRACYMASCHE 535 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT 15 EX N60' & LOT 16 EX STE', BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 56 0 56 $1,006.00 $1,008.00 14 06 116 29 05 0680 230530160 531 GROVE ST SW GALE BOELTER 531 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 N60' OF LOT 15, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 60 0 60 $1,060.00 $1,080.00 15 06 116 29 05 0690 230530150 525 GROVE ST SW CLIFFORD & JOAN BORE 525 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 14, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 65.96 0 65.96 $1,167.26 $1,187.28 16 06 116 29 05 0700 230530140 3405THAVE SW JAMES W &PATH LOWINSKE 3405TH AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 13, BLOCK 55, AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 139.1 132 7.1 $127.60 $127.80 17106 116 29 05 0760 230504390 506 FRANKLIN ST SW RORY L& MICHELLE M FAIRBANKS 506 FRANKLIN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I, BLOCK56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 18 06 116 29 05 0770 230504400 516 FRANKLIN STSW MERLE05 &NIARIORIEOLSON 516FRANKLINSTSW IT CHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2 &N6'OF LOT 3, BLOCK56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 72 0 72 $1,296.00 1 $1,296.00 19 06 116 29 05 0780 230504410 526 FRANKLIN ST SW DEBRA BIWET 526 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT EX N6', BLOCK56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 20 0 60 $1,060.00 $1,080.00 20 06 116 29 05 0790 230504420 536 FRANKLIN ST SW BRIAN& JENNIFER WRIGHT 536 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 21 06 116 29 05 0800 230504430 248 FRANKLIN ST SW EUGENE H& CHARLENE HAVELKA 548 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 22 06 116 29 05 0810 230504440 550 FRANKLIN ST SW CHAD &ALLISON DANSBY 550 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 N112 OF LOT 6, BLOCK56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 45 .89003 0 45.69 $626.02 $826.02 23 06 116 29 05 0820 230504450 556 FRANKLIN ST SW DAVID &VALDINE ELDER 556 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S112OF LOT 6, BLOCK 56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 45 .89003 0 45.69 $626.02 $826.02 24 06 116 29 05 0830 230504460 1545 GLEN STSW BRADLEY & KRISTINE KARL 545 GLEN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 86.5 0 66.5 $1,557.00 $1,557.00 25106 116 29 05 0840 230504470 539 GLEN STSW HELEN B KIEPER 539 GLEN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 26 06 116 29 05 0850 230504480 535 GLEN STSW JACOB D DOSTAL 535 GLEN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 27 06 116 29 05 0860 230504490 525 GLEN STSW JACK A& JACLYN D FITZWATER 525 GLEN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 28 06 116 29 05 0870 230504500 515 GLEN STSW MABEL BOELTER 515 GLEN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 11, BLOCK 56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 29 06 116 29 05 0880 230504510 1465TH AVE SW BRENDA PULKRABEK 1465TH AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 12, BLOCK 56, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 61.82725 0 61.6273 $1,112.69 $1,112.89 30 06 116 29 06 0640 230504510 555 FRANKLIN ST SW ELIZABETH TOKARCZYK 555 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 11, BLOCK 57, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 93.2 0 93.2 $1,677.60 $1,677.60 31 06 116 29 06 0650 230504570 545 FRANKLIN ST SW BRIAN & VALERIE KOELIN 545 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 57, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 32 06 116 29 06 0660 230504580 535 FRANKLIN ST SW DEREK L ERICKSON 20254 MEEKER MCLEOD AVE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 57, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 33 06 116 29 06 0670 230504590 1525 FRANKLIN ST SW STUART] BONNIWELL 3025 EAST 50TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55417 LOT 8, BLOCK 57, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 34106 116 29 06 0680 230504600 515 FRANKLIN ST SW ROBBY ) &TRACT SCHUTZ 515 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON M N 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 57, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 350611629060690 230504610 505 FRANKLIN ST SW JAMES &LINDA FAHEY 446 MAIN STS HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 57, SOUTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 92.86 0 92.66 $1,671.46 $1,671.48 36 06 116 29 110070 231430060 595 FRANKLIN ST SW LINDA D CHERRINGTON 57917 TENQUIST RD ASKOV MN 55704-4226 LOT 6, BLOCK I, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 1 $1,188.00 37 06 116 29 110080 231430070 587 FRANKLIN ST SW CROW RIVER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INC 218 MAIN ST S SUITE 116 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK I, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66.01 0 66.01 $1,166.16 $1,188.18 38 06 116 29 110090 231430080 585 FRANKLIN ST SW AMY RANNOW 585 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK I, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 39 06 116 29 110100 231430090 575 FRANKLIN ST SW GLEN &EUGENIA RIX 575 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK I, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 40 06 116 29 110110 231430100 565FRANKLINSTSW ROBERT T NORDMAN & KATHLEEN M SUCHY NORDMAN 565FRANKLINSTSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK I, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 73.18 0 73.16 $1,317.24 $1,317.24 41 06 116 29 110920 231510030 1815 FRANKLIN ST SW GERMAINE KTROSKA 815 FRANKLIN STSW HILL HINSON MN 55350 LOT 13, BLOCK 19, BONNIWEIIS 3RD ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 42106 116 29 110930 231510040 805 FRANKLIN STSW WELLS FARGO BANK NA ALEN: FORECLOSURE DEPT MACX7801013 3475 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL SC 29715 LOT 14, BLOCK 19, BONNIWEIIS 3RDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 43 06 116 29 110990 231450360 645 FRANKLIN ST SW ANDREW &HOLLY ROSS 645 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 10, BONNIWEIIS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 44 06 116 29 110991 231450370 635FRANKLINSTSW DOLE & PATRICIA MOON 635 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 10, BONNIWEIIS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 45 06 116 29 111000 231450380 625 FRANKLIN ST SW KAHLA PINSKE &JEAN MZETMAN 625 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 10, BONNIWEIIS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 46 06 116 29 111010 231450390 615 FRANKLIN ST SW RYAN M PETERSON & JAMIE )KLITZKE 615 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 10, BONNIWEIIS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 47 06 116 29 111020 231450400 605 FRANKLIN ST SW THONIASA &STACY IF DERNER 4460 QUAAS AVE WATERTOWN MN 55388 LOT 10, BLOCK 10, BONNIWEIIS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 48 06 116 29 111080 231460060 745 FRANKLIN ST SW ANGELA RO BERTSON 745 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 11, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 11 IN BONNI W EI1S SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 49 06 116 29 111090 231460070 735 FRANKLIN STSW USBANKNATIONALASSOCIATION 4801FREDERICA ST OWENSBORO KY 42301 LOT 7, BLOCK 11, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 11 IN BONNI W EI1S SECOND ADDRION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 500611629111100 231460080 725 FRANKLIN ST SW ALANV &JOAN IF TEUBERT 1055TH AVE NVJ HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 11, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 11 IN BONNIEIIS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5104 LETTING NO. 3 1PROJECT NO. 13 -03 Grove Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15), Brown Street SW (Division to TH 15), Glen Street SW (5th Ave to Linden), Franklin Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15) and Division Avenue SW (Grove to Glen); roadway overlay /rehabilitation surface milling /removal, grading, Concrete Curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacina, restoration and ao 3urtenances COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: PVANDER VEEN $18.00 STREET COST/FF CHECKED BY: K EXNER NUMBER OF YEARS 10 INTEREST RATE: 1STHEARING 02/26/2013 ADOPTED: 04/23/2013 2ND HEARING 04/23/2013 CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FEET STREET ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT 51 06116 29 111110 231460090 715 FRANKLIN SF SW TRENTON W &JESSINA N MOHL 439 SEDONA DR WEST FARGO NO 58078 -8131 LOT 9, BLOCK 11, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 11 IN BONNI W ELLS SECOND ADDRION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 52 06 116 29 111120 231460100 705 FRANKLIN ST SW ROGERA WERSAL 710 WALNUT ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 11, SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 11 M BONNI W ELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 53 06 116 29 12 0010 231430110 1560F RANKLINSTSW JAYS& NANCYA NACKERUD 560FRANKLINSTSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTI,13LOCK2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 75.31 0 75.31 $1,355.56 $1,355.58 54106 116 29 12 0020 231430120 566 FRANKLIN ST SW KAITLYNANN WILSON 566 FRANKLIN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT2, BLOCK2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 55 06 116 29 12 0030 231430130 576 FRANKLIN STSW RANDALL L& PATRICE M VANDERVEEN 576 FRANKLIN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT3, BLOCK2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 56 0611629 120040 231430140 586 FRANKLIN STSW BERNADINE A TELECKY 321 STATE HWY7E HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT4, BLOCK2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 57 06 116 29 12 0050 231430150 596 FRANKLIN STSW JOHN RIEBE &ROBERT RIEBE 596 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 58 06 116 29 12 0060 231430160 145 MILWAUKEE AVE SW ZL ENTERPRISE 589 GLEN STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 59 06 116 29 12 0070 231430170 585 GLEN ST SW JASON& ELIZABETH SLEPICA 585 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 60 06 116 29 12 0080 231430180 569 GLEN ST SW DANIEL HOUK 425 SHADY RIDGE RD NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 61 06 116 29 12 0090 231430190 1565 GLEN ST SW MANDI M LEHAN& BRIAN & KATHLEEN BAYSINGER 565 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 62106 116 29 12 0100 231430200 561 GLEN ST SW JERI SOUTHERIAND 561 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 2, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 81.29 0 81.29 $1,463.22 $1,463.22 63 06 116 29 12 0110 231430210 540 GLEN ST SW WILLIAM K WIEDE 55203 CTY RD 38 BUT FA LOMN55314 S66' OF LOT 1 & 112 VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 3, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 202.5 132 70.5 $1,269.00 $1,269.00 64 0611629120120 231430220 550 GLEN ST SW STIX &BRIXINC 307NHOLCOMBEAVE LITCHFIELD MN 55355 LOT 2& 112 VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 3, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 65 06 116 29 12 0130 231430230 560 GLEN ST SW BARBARA )THORUD 560 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT & 112 VACATEDALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK3, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 66 06 116 29 12 0140 231430240 570 GLEN STSW US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 400 COUNTRYWIDE WAY, NIAILSTOP SV -35 SIMI VALLEY CA 93065 LOT 4 & 112 VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 3, BONNI W ELLS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 67106 116 29 12 0150 231430250 580 GLEN ST SW DANIELA LANG 580 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT & 112 VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 3, BONNIWEIIS ADDRION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 68 06 116 29 12 0160 231430260 581 BROWN ST SW LUKEOLSON 581BROWNSTSW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT & 112 VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 3, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 69 06 116 29 12 0170 231430270 571 BROWN ST SW GERALD CUMMINS 571 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT & 112 VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 3, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 70 06 116 29 12 0180 231430280 561 BROWN ST SW TRENTD &CYNTHIA E PALM 561 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8 & 112 VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK3, BONNI W ELLS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 71 06 116 29 12 0190 231430290 551B OWN STSW CHARLES ESHAW 551 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT & 112 VACATEDALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK3, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 72106 116 29 12 0200 231430300 541 BROWN ST SW THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT C/O MICHAELSON, CONNER &BOUT 4400 WILL ROGERS PKWY, SUITE 300 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73108 LOT 10 EX N I ROD& 112 VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 3, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 208.82 132 76.82 $1,382.76 $1,382.76 73 06 116 29 12 0210 231430310 540 BROWN ST SW WILLIAM K WEIDE 55203 CO RD 38 BUFFALO LAKE MN 55314 LOT 1 EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTH ONE (1) RD D THEREOF & ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTH FOUR (4) FEET THEREOF & 7.5 FEET OF VACATED ADJACENT ALLEY, BLOCK 4, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 197.37 127.5 1 69.87 1 $1,257.66 $1,257.66 74 06 116 29 12 0220 231430320 550 BROWN ST SW NADELINE DEMUTH 3005 W96TH ST BLOOMINGTON MN 55431-2415 S4' OF LOT 1 & LOT 2 & 7.5' OF VACATED ADJACENT ALLEY, BLOCK 4, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 70 0 70 $1,260.00 $1,260.00 75 0611629 120230 231430330 560 BROWN ST SW DAVID E & JEANETTE A LEE 18624730TH AVE DASSEL MN 55325 LOT &7.5' OF VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 4, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 76106 116 29 12 0240 231430340 570 BROWN ST SW NANCY R MURPHY TRUST 570 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4 & 7.5' OF VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 4, BONNI W ELLS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 77 06 116 29 12 0250 231430350 580 BROWN ST SW JAMES C& DEBORAH A PAULSON 580 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT &7.5' OF VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 4, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 78 06 116 29 12 0260 231430360 593 GROVE ST SW JOSHUA]DOSTAL 920GOLFCOURSERDNW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT 6 & 7.5' OF VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 4, BONNI W ELLS ADDITION 66 0 1 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 79 06 116 29 12 0270 231430370 583 GROVE ST SW ELIZABETH A GILBERTSON 583 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT &7.5' OF VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 4, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 80 06 116 29 12 0280 231430380 573GROVESTSW JOSEPH )WASSMAN &CEGI RFENSKE 573 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8 & 7.5' OF VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 4, BONNI W ELLS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 81 106 11629120290 231430390 569 GROVE ST SW MICHAEL & LINDA FIELD 569 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S48' OF LOT & 7.5' OF VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 4, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 48 0 48 $864.00 $864.00 82 06 116 29 12 0300 231430400 561 GROVE ST SW HANSW &CHEENA M WILDS 561 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT EX S48.5'& LOT 10 EX N66.5' & 7.5' OF VACATED ALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK4, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 47.47 0 47.47 $854.46 $854.46 83 06 116 29 12 0310 231430410 555 GROVE ST SW JEANNINE GEHLEN 555 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSONMN55350 N66.5' OF LOT 10 EX N16.5'& 7.5' OF VACATEDALLEY ADJACENT, BLOCK 4, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 177.5 127.5 50 $900.00 $900.00 84 06 116 29 12 0320 231430430 536 GROVE ST SW JASON DORTLOFF 536 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 NUDE LOT I, BLOCKS, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 6 0 6 $108.00 $108.00 85 06 116 29 12 0330 231430420 546GROVESTSW SCOTIA LINDELL 546 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1 EX N6'& 112 OFADJACENT VACATED ALLEY, BLOCKS, BONNIWEIISADDITION 83.3 0 83.3 $1,499.40 $1,499.40 86 06 116 29 12 0340 231430460 1564G ROVESTSW KARENAANDERSON 564GROVESTSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4& 112 OF ADJACENT VACATED ALLEY, BLOCK 5, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 74 0 74 $1,332.00 $1,332.00 87106 116 29 12 0350 231430480 566 GROVE ST SW RONALD &LUANN LUEBKE 566 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT EX W109', BLOCK 5, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 88 06 116 29 12 0360 231430490 586 GROVE ST SW GREGORY WEGNER 586 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 E112 OF LOT 6, BLOCK 5, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 89 06 116 29 12 0370 231430510 596 GROVE ST SW AMANDA IF HAAS 596 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 E112 OF LOT 7, BLOCK 5, BONNIWEIIS ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 90 06 116 29 12 0420 231440010 606 GROVE ST SW JEREMY B BLEIL 606 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1, BLOCK 6, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK SIX, BONNI W ELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 91 06 116 29 12 0430 231440020 616 GROVE ST SW LISA SCHROEDER 616 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2, BLOCK 6, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK SIX, BONNI W ELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 92 06 116 29 12 0440 231440030 626 GROVE ST SW BESSIE MSELLER 626 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK 6, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK SIX, BONNI W ELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 11629120450 231440040 636 GROVE ST SW DAVID& LISA HERGENRADER 636 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 6, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK SIX, BONNI W ELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 g9306 11629120460 231440050 405 MILLERAVESW TIMOTHVA &LAURA LMCDANIEL 405 MILLERAVESW HUTCHINSON MN55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 6, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK SIX, BONNI W ELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1188.00 $118800 11629120510 231450010 606 BROWN ST SW JEFF &REBECCA NELSON 606 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I, BLOCK 7, BONNIWEIIS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5104 LETTING NO. 3 1PROJECT NO. 13 -03 Grove Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15), Brown Street SW (Division to TH 15), Glen Street SW (5th Ave to Linden), Franklin Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15) and Division Avenue SW (Grove to Glen); roadway overlay /rehabilitation surface milling /removal, grading, Concrete Curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacina, restoration and ao 3urtenances COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: PVANDER VEEN $18.00 STREET COST/FF CHECKED BY: K EXNER NUMBER OF YEARS 10 INTEREST RATE: 1STHEARING 02/26/2013 ADOPTED: 04/23/2013 2ND HEARING 04/23/2013 CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FEET STREET ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT 96 06 116 29 12 0520 231450020 616 BROWN SF SW STEVEN & MELANIE BROWN 616 BROWN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2, BLOCK 7, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 97 06 116 29 12 0530 231450030 626 BROWN ST SW ERIC D& MELANIE J SHOCKEY 626 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK 7, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 98 06 116 29 12 0540 231450040 636 BROWN ST SW ROBERT &JUDY HAGEN 636 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 7, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 99 06 116 29 12 0550 231450050 646 BROWN ST SW LARRY M& JOLENE A ALBRECHT 646 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 7, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 100.06 116 29 12 0560 231450060 645 GROVE ST SW KENNETH & JILL SPARBY 645 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 7, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 101 06 116 29 12 0570 231450070 635 GROVE ST SW BRYCE B RUSCH 635 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 7, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 102 06 116 29 12 0580 231450080 625 GROVE ST SW DARIN K& STEPHANIE BAUMGARTEN 625 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 7, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 103 06 116 29 12 0590 231450090 613 GROVE ST SW GREGORY WITT, JAMES FAHEY &JEROME KARL 125 GLEN ST NW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 7, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 1 $1,188.00 104 06 116 29 12 0600 231450100 605 GROVE ST SW ALBIN & DOROTHY PLATH 605 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 7, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 105 0611629120620 231450110 606 GLEN ST SW RUSSELL V & IF ERICKSON 606 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1 EX W62'& N 112 OF LOT2 EX W62', BLOCK 8, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 99 99 0 $0.00 $0.00 106.06 116 29 12 0630 231450130 608 GLEN ST SW MICHAEL& DENNINE BEASLEY 608 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S 112 OF LOT2 & N 112 OF LOT 3, BLOCK 8, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 107 06 116 29 12 0640 231450140 636 GLEN ST SW SHANE NEPHEW& REBECCA LUEDLOFF 636 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4 &S112 OF LOT 3, BLOCK 8, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 99 0 99 $1,782.00 $1,782.00 108 06 116 29 12 0650 231450150 646 GLEN ST SW JAMES H& AUDREY A NYGAARD 646 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 8, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 109 06 116 29 12 0660 231450160 645 BROWN ST SW JAMES ALMQUIST 645 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 8, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 110 06 116 29 12 0670 231450170 635 BROWN ST SW JEFF L& DANA K MANDELKOW 20171 YORK RD HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 8, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 111 06 116 29 12 0680 231450180 625 BROWN ST SW BRANDON C SPEISER 625 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 8, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 112 06 116 29 12 0690 231450190 615 BROWN ST SW GERALD H BOIS &DAWN KNUFSOI -BOS 615 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 8, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 113 06 116 29 12 0700 231450200 248 MILWAUKEE AVE SW AVEYRON HOMES INC 2225TH AVE NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 8, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 1140611629120710 231450210 1606F RANKLINSFSW KRISTIN LIES 606 FRANKLIN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I, BLOCK 9, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 115106 116 29 12 0720 231450220 616 FRANKLIN SF SW DOUGLAS E &SFARRA KERR 616 FRANKLIN SFSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT2, BLOCK9, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 116 06 116 29 12 0730 231450230 626 FRANKLIN SFSW TINA M DUET] 626 FRANKLIN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK 9, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 117 06 116 29 12 0740 231450240 636 FRANKLIN SF SW DANIEL D& JENNY LINNEA BENFIELD 636 FRANKLIN SF SW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 9, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 118 06 116 29 12 0750 231450250 646FRANKLINSFSW WIWAMKWEIDE 55203 CO RD 38 BUFFALO LAKE MN 55314 LOT 5, BLOCK 9, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 119 06 116 29 12 0760 231450260 645 GLEN ST SW PATRICK ) & JOY IT MAY 645 GLEN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 9, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 1 $1,188.00 120 06 116 29 12 0770 231450270 635 GLEN SF SW ELENA KASHUBA 635 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 9, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 121 06 116 29 12 0780 231450280 625 GLEN SF SW ERIC A SCHUMACI 625 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 9, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 122 0611629120790 231450290 615 GLEN SF SW DAVID &TINA SEIFERT 615 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 9, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 123 06 116 29 12 0800 231450300 148 MILWAUKEE AVE SW BETTY DEWITFE 148 MILWAUKEE AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 9, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 124106 116 29 12 0810 231450410 706 FRANKLIN SF SW JOSHUA J WHITCOMB 706 FRANKLIN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 125 06 116 29 12 0820 231450420 716 FRANKLIN SF SW CHAD C CZMOWSKI &ELIZABETH RHAAS 716 FRANKLIN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 126 06 116 29 12 0830 231450430 726 FRANKLIN SF SW ]ON )& SUSAN LINDEKUGEL 726 FRANKLIN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 127 06 116 29 12 0840 231450440 736 FRANKLIN SF SW DAWN IT LIBOR 736 FRANKLIN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 128 06 116 29 12 0850 231450450 746 FRANKLIN SF SW DAVID IT GETZ 746 FRANKLIN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 129 06 116 29 12 0860 231450460 115 LINDEN AVE SW KILLER CONSTRUCTION & HOLDINGS LLC 3600 HOLLY LN, SFE 10 PLYMOUTH MN 55447 LOT 6, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 130 06 116 29 12 0870 231450470 727 GLEN SF SW STACIE DZIEMAN 727 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 131 06 116 29 12 0880 231450480 1725 GLEN SF SW RYAN M CLOUSE & CHARLENE T DALE 725 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 132 06 116 29 12 0890 231450490 715 GLEN SF SW AMANDA J THIESSEN 715 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 133106 116 29 12 0900 231450500 705 GLEN SF SW THOMAS &LYNN GIFFERSON 705 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 12, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 134 06 116 29 12 0910 231450510 706 GLEN SF SW SFIX &BRIX INC 307 N HOLCOMBE AVE LITCHFIELD MN 55355 LOT 1, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 135 06 116 29 12 0920 231450520 716 GLEN ST SW NET M BLOM REVOCABLE TRUST 55135 CO RD 38 BUFFALO LAKE MN 55314 SNOWBIRD ALTERNATE ADDRESS: NET M BLOM 2019 ALICANTE E MERCEDES TX 78570 LOT 2, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 136 0611629 120920 231450520 1716 GLEN ST SW NET M BLOM REVOCABLE TRUST 2019 ALICANTE E MERCEDESTX 78570 SNOWBIRD ALTERNATE ADDRESS: NET M BLOM 2019 ALICANTE E MIERCEDESTX 78570 LOT2, BLOCKI3, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 0 $0.00 $0.00 137106 116 29 12 0930 231450530 726 GLEN SF SW JEREMYTERLINDEN 726 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 138 06 116 29 12 0940 231450540 736 GLEN SF SW DANIEL] &BETH ATHEIS 736 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 139 06 116 29 12 0950 231450550 746 GLEN SF SW JEROME A & ELROSA MEYER 746 GLEN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 140 06 116 29 12 0960 231450560 745 BROWN SF SW LUCINDA M & AMBER M WOLLER 610 MINNESOTA SF NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 141 06 116 29 12 0970 231450570 735 BROWN SF SW CYNTHIA K &KIRK LARSON &JAMIE M MAHONEY 735 BROWN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 142 06 116 29 12 0980 231450580 725 BROWN SF SW JEFFREY& CYNTHIA BEADELL 725 BROWN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 143 06 116 29 12 0990 231450590 715 BROWN SF SW BRANDON J HOGREFE 715 BROWN SF SW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 144 06 116 29 12 1000 231450600 1705 BROWN SF SW TIMOTHY DUESFERHOEFT 57479 MEEKER RENVILLE LINE RD HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 13, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 145106 116 29 12 1010 231450610 706 BROWN SF SW DAVID M &BETH AJAHN 706 BROWN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 146 06 116 29 12 1020 231450620 716 BROWN SF SW ROGER &CLARA BEWER 716 BROWN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 147 06 116 29 12 1030 231450630 726 BROWN SF SW MARY KONERZA 726 BROWN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 148 06 116 29 12 1040 231450640 736 BROWN SF SW GERALD D BROWN 736 BROWN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 149 06 116 29 12 1050 231450650 746 BROWN SF SW TAMMY )& JOSEPH JORGENSEN 746 BROWN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 150 06 116 29 12 1060 231450660 743 GROVE SF SW MAKSIM &ELENA VOLKOV 743 GROVE SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 22 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 151 06 116 29 12 1070 231450670 735 GROVE SF SW DANA LINDEMAN 735 GROVE SF SW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT 7, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 152 06 116 29 12 1080 1231450680 725GROVESFSW BEVERLY KOSEK 725 GROVE SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 153 06 116 29 12 1090 231450690 1717G ROVESFSW DENNIS & CAROLYN BAH 717 GROVE SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 154106 116 29 12 1122 2 22 7056RDIVE SF SW MARIA DE LOSANGELES HAACK 705 GROVE SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10, BLOCK 14, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 155 06 116 29 12 1110 231450710 410 MILLER AVE SW LAWRENCE & MARIAN KREBS 410 MILLER AVE SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1' BLOCK I5, BONNIWEIIS SECOND ADDITION 165 132 33 $594.00 $594.00 156 0611629121180 231450780 746 GROVE SF SW JAIME P & JILL D BARRALL 746 GROVE TSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 L0TS7 &8EXN60', BLOCK 15, BONNIWELLS SECONDADDITION 105 0 105 $1,890.00 $1,890.00 1157106 116 29 12 1190 231450790 732 GROVE SF SW KENNETH ALBRECHT 1732 GROVE SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 1 N60'OF LOTS 7 & 8, BLOCK 15, BONNIWELLS SECOND ADDITION 1 60 0 60 $1,080.00 $1,080.00 COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5104 LETTING NO. 3 1PROJECT NO. 13 -03 Grove Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15), Brown Street SW (Division to TH 15), Glen Street SW (5th Ave to Linden), Franklin Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15) and Division Avenue SW (Grove to Glen); roadway overlay /rehabilitation surface milling /removal, grading, Concrete Curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacina, restoration and ao 3urtenances COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: PVANDER VEEN $18.00 STREET COST/FF CHECKED BY: K EXNER NUMBER OF YEARS 10 INTEREST RATE: 1STHEARING 02/26/2013 ADOPTED: 04/23/2013 2ND HEARING 04/23/2013 CITY PID NO. COUNTY PID NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FF CREDIT FF TOTAL FEET STREET ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT 158 06 116 29 13 0140 232070090 806 FRANKLIN SF SW ROBERT MEUN 806 FRANKLIN SF SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 N104' OF E132' OF LOT 11, AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 -116 -29 104 0 104 $1,672.00 $1,872.00 159 06 116 29 13 0150 232070080 818 FRANKLIN ST SW FAY FANDRICH 818 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 66'X132'OF LOT 11, AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 -116 -29 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 160 06 116 29 13 0160 232070070 1826F RANKLINSTSW MARGUERITE BENTZ - FLAL 826 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S81.46' OF E132' OF LOT 11, AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 -116 -29 81.46 0 61.46 $1,466.26 $1,466.28 161 0611629130170 232070120 828 FRANKLIN Sf SW RITA M BENTZ 826 FRANKLIN STS HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 12 EX W41.25', AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 -116 -29 100 0 100 $1,600.00 $1,800.00 162 06 116 29 13 0230 232180010 805 BROWN ST SW MATTHEW M ROBERTS & KELLY] HARMS 805 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06- 116 -29 68 0 66 $1,224.00 $1,224.00 163 06 116 29 13 0240 232180020 815 BROWN ST SW ROBERT &JOAN HENDRICKS 815BROWNSTSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLATS 112 SECTION 06- 116 -29 61 0 1 61 $1,096.00 $1,098.00 164 06 116 29 13 0250 232180030 825 BROWN ST SW MARLYN KRUEGER 825 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3 & N10' OF LOT 4, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06- 116-29 71 0 71 $1,276.00 $1,278.00 165 06 116 29 13 0260 232180040 835 BROWN ST SW KEITH &STACY MESSNER 835 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 S51' OF LOT 4 & LOT 5, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OFAUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 -116 -29 112 0 112 $2,016.00 $2,016.00 166106 116 29 13 0270 232180050 225 HWY 15S MYRON &MARY FISHER 225 HWY 15S HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS 6 & 7, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 -116 -29 75.75 0 75.75 $1,363.50 $1,363.50 167 06 116 29 13 0281 232180070 864 BROWN ST SW WILLIAM & ELAINE SCHIEBEL 864 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSONMN55350 LOT 9 EX W48.85'& LOT 10 EX W40.85', AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLATS 112 SECTION 06 -116 -29 60 0 60 $1,060.00 $1,080.00 166 0611629130290 232180080 854 BROWN ST SW MARY ELLEN FELIX 435 HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 11, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 116 -29 60 0 60 $1,060.00 $1,080.00 169 06 116 29 13 0300 232180090 844 BROWN ST SW GORDON & MYRTLE LBAUER 844 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 12, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 116 -29 60 0 60 $1,060.00 $1,080.00 170 06 116 29 13 0310 232180100 834B OWN STSW MARK P SCHREINER 834 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 13, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 116 -29 60 0 60 $1,060.00 $1,080.00 171 106 11629130320 232180110 824 BROWN ST SW GERALD &CINDY HENNING 824 BROWN ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 14, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLAT S 112 SECTION 06 116 -29 60 0 60 $1,060.00 $1,080.00 172 0611629 130330 232180120 804 BROWN ST SW DALE &JOANNERKAUTZ 312 OLIVERAVE NW PO BOX 118 SILVER LAKE MN55381 LOT 15, AUDITORS PLAT OF LOT 19 OF AUDITORS PLATS 112 SECTION 06 116 -29 128.63 128.63 0 $0.00 $0.00 173 06 116 29 13 0350 231550010 800 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON CHURCH OF GOD 800 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS 1& 2, BLOCK I, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 150 132 18 $324.00 $324.00 174 06 116 29 13 0360 231550020 820 GROVE ST SW STEVEN E& DEBRA A FITZLOFF 820 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK I, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 75 0 75 $1,350.00 $1,350.00 175 06 116 29 13 0370 231550030 830 GROVE ST SW GREGORY DEWITTE &BELL PALMER 830 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK I, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 75 0 75 $1,350.00 $1,350.00 176 06 116 29 13 0380 231550040 840 GROVE ST SW ELVERA TIMM 840 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK I, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 75 0 75 $1,350.00 $1,350.00 177 06 116 29 13 0390 231550050 850 GROVE ST SW SCOTT E& RACHELE A WRASPIR 850 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6, BLOCK I, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 75 0 75 $1,350.00 $1,350.00 176 06 116 29 13 0400 231550060 1860G ROVESTSW JOHN &SYBILJENNINGS 1570 ADAMS ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 7, BLOCK I, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 75 0 75 $1,350.00 $1,350.00 179106 116 29 13 0410 231550070 870 GROVE ST SW SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT C/O MICHAELSON, CONNER &BOUT 4400 WILL ROGERS PKWY, SUITE 300 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73108 LOTS 8& 9, BLOCK I, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 126.84 0 126.64 $2,263.12 $2,283.12 180 06 116 29 13 0510 231550170 805 GROVE ST SW DONALD G& SHARON J SCHROEDER 805 LINDY LN NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I, BLOCK 2, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 66 0 66 $1,166.00 $1,188.00 181 06 116 29 13 0520 231550180 815 GROVE ST SW MILDRED BRAUN 815 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2, BLOCK 2, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 182 06 116 29 13 0530 231550190 825 GROVE ST SW RANDALL G & EDITH A CARLSON 825 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK 2, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 66 0 1 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 183 06 116 29 13 0540 231550200 835 GROVE ST SW PAUL M SCHERMANN 835 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 2, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 184 06 116 29 13 0550 231550210 845 GROVE ST SW ETNA KVACEK 1975MILWAUKEEAV E SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 1 LOT 5, BLOCK 2, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 185 06 116 29 13 0560 231550220 855 GROVE ST SW DAVID &MARY BERGER 1855 GROVE ST SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 1 LOT 6 &N1JPOF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 77 0 77 $1,386.00 $1,386.00 186 06 116 29 13 0570 231550230 875 GROVE ST SW RONALD F WALTZ TRUSTEE & DIANA M WALTZ TRUSTEE 875 GROVE STSW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT . & LOT 7 EX NFL, BLOCK 2, ANDERSONS SUBDIVISION 139.625 0 139.625 $2,513.25 $2,513.25 187106 116 29 14 0520 123 1510010 1835 FRANKLIN ST SW CURTIS & CONNIE DAHL 1835 FRANKLIN ST SW H UTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 11, BLOCK 19, BONNIWELLS 3RD ADDITION 66 0 66 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 1880611629140530 123 1510020 1825 FRANKLIN ST SW ANDREA KOLSON 1825 FRANKLIN ST SW 1HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 12, BLOCK 19, BONNIWELLS 3RDADDITION 66 0 66 1 $1,188.00 $1,188.00 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5104 14195.06 1525.99 12669.07 $228,043.30 1 $228,043.30 RESOLUTION NO. 14139 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO. 3 /PROJECT NO. 13 -03 Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids forthe furnishing of all labor and material forthe improvement of: Grove Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15), Brown Street SW (Division to TH 15), Glen Street SW (5th Ave to Linden), Franklin Street SW (5th Ave to TH 15) and Division Avenue SW (Grove to Glen); roadway overlay /rehabilitation surface milling /removal, grading, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Amount Bid Duininck Inc of Prinsburg MN $233,838.20 Knife River Corporation of Sauk Rapids MN $248,041.60 Wm Mueller & Sons Inc of Hamburg MN $266,655.63 Hardrives Inc of Rogers MN $303,667.95 and whereas, it appears that Duininck Inc of Prinsburg MN is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Duininck Inc of Prinsburg MN in the amount of $233,838.20 in the name of the City of Hutchinson, forthe improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 23rd day of April 2013. Mayor City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y -f Aa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Presentation and Support of Crow River Fishing Pier Project Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Jeremy Carter Reviewed by Staff ❑ Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 15 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Representatives from the Hutchinson Chamber Leadership Development Institute - Outdoor Project Group will be present at the Council meeting to provide an overview of the Crow River Fishing Pier project that they are spearheading. The group has received some financial commitments already and will be working with the City to apply for a grant through the Burich Foundation, as well will be soliciting other donations from businesses and private citizen donors. The EDA has committed $3,000 and the Hutchinson Downtown Association has committed $200. The City Council may wish to consider making a financial commitment towards this project as this project is on the list of ends statements the Council has established to be completed within 1 -2 years. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: No action required. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: April 5, 2013 Mayor Steve Cook Councilman Bill Arndt Councilman Chad Czmowski Councilwoman Mary Christensen Councilman Gary Forcier City Administrator Jeremy Carter Greetings Distinguished Hutchinson City Leaders, We are currently participants in the Hutchinson Chamber Leadership Development Institute. As you may know, during the course of this program, the class is broken up into project groups that are tasked with developing a plan to complete various civic projects to benefit the City of Hutchinson. Our group was assigned to the Outdoors as a basis for our project. While researching potential possibilities for our ultimate project, it coincided with the Imagine Hutchinson Campaign while they were compiling their priorities. After seeing some of these priorities, we decided to research and pursue the idea of placing a fishing pier in the Crow River near downtown. Throughout this process, we have contacted a number of groups and individuals to discuss our project and have heard nothing but overwhelming support and praise for our intentions. Attached with this letter, we are providing a synopsis of our project along with quotes, prices, pictures, and partnerships we have garnered to this point associated with our project. We are requesting that you take a look at our project as a whole and provide us with your feedback relating to whether or not you deem this a worthwhile project to continue pursuing. We do believe that after you take a look, you will as well find that this is something that would benefit the community as a whole. We realize that there is much more work that is needed to make this project a reality, but we want to assure you that we are fully prepared to follow through in our commitment to have this as a community asset. We welcome any suggestions you may have as well as any assistance you may be able to provide. In advance we would like to thank you for your time in your careful consideration of our project and hopefully you find this as beneficial as we do. It is our sincerest hope that we can work together to accomplish this goal for the benefit of the community. Sincerely, Hutchinson Chamber Leadership Development Institute - Outdoor Project Group Shannon Brice, Jake Mason, Randy Johnson, Kayla Mages, Ben Erlandson Fishing Pier Overview Team Members Hutchinson Leadership Institute • Shannon Brice (3M) • Ben alandson (Hutchinson Police Department) • Randy,bhnson (Hutchinson Technology Inc) • Kayla Mages (Rdgewater College) • Jake Mason (3M) Project Goal • To research, order, and place a fishing pier on the Crow Fiver in the summer of 2013. Pier will be placed near Downtown and will provide a safe and comfortable alternative to fishing from shore and will also provide a structure for limited boat docking for citizensto access Downtown by boat. Proposed Location • Cedar Park, located on the south shore of the Crow Fiver, west of the Main a Dam. (Included map) Quote #1 $23,748.09 • Pier Genius Inc. • Dimensions - ;j into lake with ,4� rq-gfishing platform • Roating • Constructed of galvanized frame and railing and GeoDock Composite Decking (No Lumber) • 20 year warranty on GeoDock Decking • 25 %Community Discount amounting to $5,937.02 savings from total cost • No railingson ramp portion to accommodate docking of boatsfor accessto Downtown • Current selected and proposed quote (attached) Quote #2 $21,798.73 • Pier Genius Inc. • Dimensions- ,4� into lake with s� rq-gfishing platform • Roating • Same galvanized frame and railing and GeoDock Composite Decking • 25% Community Discount amounting to $5,449.68 savings from total cost Quote #3 $20,090.23 • Minncor Industries • Dimensions: ;J into lake with ,4� Eq-gfishing platform • Floating • Constructed of galvanized frame with treated lumber decking and railings *all of thequotesarefor piersthat areinstalled and secured by largegalvanized postsdriven intothe lake bed. All three have the ability to be left in place, even throughout the winter ice season, however that will need to be based on the water level, flow rate, and amount of ice to eliminate potential damage. * *At this point we are proposing to move forward with Quote #1 from Pier Genius Incfor the following reasons: • Total cost including Community Discount • GeoDock Composite Decking as opposed to treated lumber construction • Ability to allow boat docking for citizen access to Downtown Partnershipsto this point • City of Hutchinson o Use of Cedar Park to place pier o Pier identified as priority in recent Imagine Hutchinson Campaign =►�I iTOT— _0"� 1]011V o In preliminary discussions, stated they would be willing to construct and install pier when it arrives o Provide maintenance o Would remove and re- install seasonally if required o Would be willing to enter a cooperative agreement with City of Hutchinson for these purposes • Newly formed Crow Ewer Lake Association o Interested in pier that would allow boat docking ability to access Downtown on foot o Interested in assisting with potential funding and additional fundraising efforts o Have identified pier as a priority • Hutchinson Economic Development Authority o Met within February and also suggested other potential funding sources o Committed $3000 towards project • Hutchinson Downtown Association o Committed $200 towards project Condusion • At this point moving forward, we plan to continue pursuing potential funding sources in an effort to secure necessary funds • We appreciate any assistance and suggestionsyou can provide • Feel free to contact uswith any further questions or concerns • Thank you again for taking the time to consider our project and look forward to hearing from you 8. Z 12 F 0 49 gj,, la . 9 A E I 34 1 E rl+I - _ - .-- Jm _ 1 •lw- + r ��-- Lev - • Nr - _ f ` _ 151T.•1T ■ 1 i _ �fi� .. L I • r T 11 - - _ 1 PIER GENIUS ANTI-SWAY FLOATING DOCK FRAME ANALYSIS WODEN, IOWA A] A� Am I Consulting Engineers P.A. 91 Main Street Superior, WI 54880 PH: (715) 718 -2193 / FAX (877) 761 -7058 PIER GENIUS ANTI -SWAY FLOATING DOCK FRAME ANALYSIS AMI Project 121194 WODEN, IOWA January 28, 2013 Contents AMI CONTACT: Adam Marksteiner Mechanical EIT Adam. marksteineraamienaineers.com Ph: (715) 718 -2193 Ext. 22 Fax: (877)761 -7058 AMI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. Purpose AMI Consulting Engineers, P.A. (AMI) was contacted by Pier Genius to model their anti -sway floating dock frame, as well as a dock frame representative of their competitors' frame to compare their performance. FIE Model Overview The frames were modeled in Solidworks 2013 using weldments made of structural members. The member sizes and the framing dimensions were provided by Pier Genius, with the Pier Genius frame incorporating a diagonal member under the decking. Each dock was made of three 4 foot by 8 foot frames joined together to create a dock 4 feet wide and 24 feet long. The model was supported by a hinge connection at the shore end to allow it to pivot vertically. A spring connection was added to the 4 foot by 4 foot bay furthest from the shore on each 4 foot by 8 foot frame section to replicate the buoyancy forces of the floats. Each spring connection was given a spring constant of 78.116 pounds per inch of displacement to replicate the buoyancy forces of the floats used by Pier Genius. The analysis also included the weight of the frames so spring preload was used to level the dock frames when under a no load condition. All steel framing components are constructed with A513 material, but were modeled with A36 material. This variance will not affect the analysis output since both materials have the same Young's Modulus of Elasticity as A513 steel. Decking materials and mooring lines or posts were not included in the analysis. Analysis A finite element analysis was conducted for various loading scenarios. The design guidelines used were from the "ASCE planning and Guidelines for Small Craft Harbor" which are regularly used as design criteria for DNR projects. Vertical End Loading Guideline: "When a 400 pound load is applied in the center of a finger dock, 2 foot from the outer end, there shall be no more than 4 inches loss of freeboard at the end of the dock." Results: When loaded with 400 pounds as specified the total loss of freeboard at the end of both the Pier Genius dock and the competitors dock was 3.8 inches. Comparison: The two docks performed similarly in this test. The main contributing factor to the results of this loading scenario is the performance of the float. For this analysis both docks were modeled with identical floats which are based on the float used by Pier Genius. AMI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. Vertical Corner Loading Guideline: "When a 200 pound load is applied to one outer corner of a finger, there shall be no more than 2 inches of difference in freeboard across the end of a 3 foot wide finger, and proportionally more on wider fingers and end of mainwalks." With a 4 foot wide dock the allowable freeboard difference becomes 2.7 inches. Results: The software reported a difference in height between the dock ends of 1 inches for the Pier Genius dock, and 1.8 inches. for the competitors dock frame. Comparison: The competitors frame deflected 70.8% more than the Pier Genius frame under the corner load. This deflection is what Pier Genius refers to as "sway" in their dock design. Horizontal Wind Load The ASCE guideline does not provide specific guidelines on wind loading, but instead provides some recommendations to allow the engineer to determine how to analyze a floating dock based on the location and use of the dock. The analysis performed by AMI was not for a specific location so a wind speed of 75 mph. was chosen for the analysis. Using the formula provided in the ASCE manual a load of 15 pounds per square foot was calculated. This wind load was projected on a boat the full length of the pier and 7 feet above the water line. The height of 7 feet was chosen as a representative estimate of the height for a typical boat using this type of dock, and using the full pier length was given as one method by the ASCE manual. A total wind load of 2520 pounds was calculated. The modeling software only allowed for this force to be applied at the intersection nodes of the frame so fourteen 180 pound forces were applied, one to the top member and one to the bottom member, every 4 feet across the length of one side of the dock. Results: The wind loading scenario resulted in a lateral displacement of 0.9 inches at the end of the Pier Genius dock and 4.3 inches at the end of the competitors dock. Comparison: The analysis showed that the Pier Genius frame was substantially stiffer laterally then the competitors frame. The deflection of the competitors frame is 363% more than the deflection of the Pier Genius frame. This number is conservative because the software analysis makes the assumption that the frames will continue to behave elastically. In reality the steel will only allow elastic behavior up to the yield point of the material, after which the material will deform permanently, possibly to the point of failure of the structure. The high peak stresses shown in the competitors frame indicate that under a similar load an actual dock of this design would most likely sustain permanent damage, possibly failing entirely. AMI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. Summary The simulations showed that the Pier Genius dock met the ASCE guidelines for corner loading and end loading. The simulation also showed that the Pier Genius dock provided a substantially stiffer dock then the competitors dock in both the wind loading scenario and the corner loading, or "sway" scenario. Additionally the Pier Genius dock offered a considerable weight reduction with the competitors frame weighting 15.9% more than the Pier Genius frame. Dock Section Comparison 1,3,5 Wind Load (2) Corner Load (2001b.) End Load (400 Ib.) Weight Lateral Displacement At End of Dock (in.) Peak Stress (PSI) (4) Lateral Displacement (in.) Vertical Displacement (in.) Per 8' Section (Ibs) Pier Genius Frame 0.9 43,907 1.1 3.8 138 Competitors Frame 1 4.3 192,999 1 1.8 1 3.8 160 % difference ((Comp.-P.G.)/P.G.) 1 363% 1 340% 1 70.8% 1 0.0% 15.9% 1. Calculations based on frame only, no decking included in analysis 2. Wind load based on 15 psf x height (7ft) x length of dock (24 ft) = 2520lbf distributed along length of dock 3. Analysis assumes fully welded joints 4. Peak stress as reported by FEA software 5. Effects of local buckling an plastic behavior not considered in analysis Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Respectfully Submitted, �g4 t Adam D. Marksteiner Reviewed By, MAWMA Chad W. Scott P.E. AMI CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y -f Aa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Resolution Designating Animal License Fees and Pet Program Fund Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Jeremy Carter Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Discussion was held at the last Council meeting and a draft Resolution was presented relating to designating animal license fees to certain funds and establishing related pet programs. From that discussion, staff has developed the attached Resolution which designates the collection of animal license fees and allocates them in a tiered approach. The first $2500 collected will be designated to the police department. $2500 - $17,500 will be evenly divided between the police department and a pet program fund to be used for specific programs. Any fees collected in excess of $17,500 will be applied 100% to a pet program fund to be used for specific programs. The pet programs identified were development /maintenance of a dog park, as well as a microchip credit program and a spay /neuter credit program, and any other programs that may be considered by the Council. Staff is proposing that the credit programs will be applied to the animal owner's animal license fee. Specifically, after adoption of the attached Resolution, when an animal owner applies for an animal license and submits proof that their animal is spayed /neutered or microchipped, the animal owner will receive a $5.00 credit toward their animal license fee. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 14133 - Resolution Designating Animal License Fees and Establishing a Pet Program fund Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Resolution No. 14133 A Resolution Designating Animal License Fees and Establishing a Pet Program Fund Whereas, pursuant to Hutchinson City Code Sections 93.19 and 93.20, owners of animals within the City of Hutchinson shall obtain a license for their animals, accompanied by a license fee set by the City Council; and, Whereas, a portion of the license fees collected for animals shall be used to fund enforcement of the animal regulations code, which include, among other things, impound and veterinarian fees; and, Whereas, a request for animal programs has been communicated to the City of Hutchinson, such as dog park development/maintenance, microchip credit program, spay /neuter program credit program, etc.; and, Whereas, any animal owner who obtains an animal license after the date of the adoption of this Resolution, shall receive a $5.00 credit to the animal license fee upon submitting proof of the animal's spay /neuter procedure or microchip implant; and, Whereas, additional animal license fees can be used to fund pet program costs; and, Whereas, the City deems it proper to designate the collection of animal license fees in a tiered approach, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson that a pet program fund is created and collection of animal license fees shall be applied in the following manner: 1. First $2500 collected will be designated to the police department. 2. $2500 - $17,500 will be evenly divided between the police department and a pet program fund to be used for programs described above. 3. Any fees collected in excess of $17,500 will be applied 100% to a pet program fund to be used for programs described above. Adopted by the City Council this ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator day of , 2013. Steven W. Cook, Mayor HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y -f Aa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: CGMC Greater Minnesota Economic Development Partnership Program Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 4/23/2013 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Jeremy Carter Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: At the last Council meeting, Mayor Cook brought forth information pertaining to the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities Greater Minnesota Economic Development Partnership Program. This program's proceeds are directed to research, development, and advocacy of the CGMC Greater Minnesota Economic Development Partnership Program, which includes A Greater Minnesota Jobs Training Program, Greater Minnesota Internship Program, Expansion of the Angel Investment Tax Credit for Greater Minnesota. Partnership programs are available in gold, silver and bronze levels. Mayor Cook had suggested the City of Hutchinson become a bronze member for a membership amount of $500. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve bronze membership in the amount of $500 to CGMC Economic Development Partnership Program Fiscal Impact: $ 500.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Hutchinson City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Lofdahl at 5:32 p.m. with the following members present: Raymond Norton, Christie Rock, Bill Arndt, Dave Johnston and Chairman Lofdahl. Absent: Jim Fahey and Dean Kirchoff Also present: Dan Jochum, Planning Director, Kent Exner, City Engineer, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Consideration of Minutes dated March 5, 2013. Mr. Norton moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Johnston. The consent agenda was approved unanimously 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WALGREENS ADDITION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR DRIVE THRU SERVICE LOCATED AT 945 HWY 15 S b) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT OF WALGREENS ADDITION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW LOCATED AT 945 HWY 15 S Mr. Jochum commented on the requests by James Family Properties for a preliminary and final plat to create a two lot plat from the former Runnings property. A site plan has also been applied for to construct a 14,820 square foot Walgreens Store with a drive through pharmacy on the western most lot. The drive through requires a conditional use permit. At this point, there are no plans to develop the easterly parcel, however the parcel is zoned C -4 and is developable. He explained there was a one stop shop for the development on January 14th and an additional staff meeting to review the applications. Mr. Jochum reported they have presented a nice looking building for the area and the building meets all requirements. He commented on the setbacks which appear to be met. The most recent site plan is updated from the plan in the packet. The two way traffic is noted. He commented on the changes and reported the developer responded well to staff recommendations. He explained this is not a perfect site to work with but it is a good looking site plan. Mr. Jochum reported the lots to be platted are both larger than one acre and meet the lot size requirements. A parkland contribution will be required at the time of building permit application. He commented on the building size and appearance and the drive through service. He noted sign permits will be needed for signage on the property as noted on the building elevation plan. Mr. Jochum commented on regulations for the number of parking spaces required. He explained 60 spaces will be adequate based on the requirements set forth in the ITE manual which allows for 3 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. Walgreens is showing 4 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. Minutes Planning Commission — March 19, 2013 Page 2 Mr. Jochum reported on the access points to the property. He commented on exiting and the significant improvements on the entrance from Hwy 15. He explained the easements that are necessary to facilitate site circulation. He commented on the size of the parking stalls and that the vehicle overhang area will help to meet the ordinance. Actual parking space is 18 feet with a 2 foot overhang which will make the 20 foot required length. There are no plans for Lot 2 development. Discussion followed on the ease of developing the second lot. Mr. Jochum stated the first step is to demolish the existing building. He explained access off Echo Drive will aid in the development of the second lot. Discussion followed regarding the demolition of the building. There was discussion on two way traffic through to Echo Drive. Mr. Exner stated the two way road on the South side of Lot 1 would be divided by a median. He stated a two way road on the south side of Lot 2 through to Echo Drive should be avoided. Mr. Jochum explained there will be a site plan for the second parcel when that is to be developed. Mr. Oxborough, representing James Family Properties, commented on the traffic flow planned for the property and anticipation of future traffic flow. He stated City staff has been helpful in the process for development of the property. Mr. Jochum explained there will be several cross access easements required for this property. Cross access easement rights will need to be negotiated with Mid - Country Bank on the northern portion of the property. In addition, easement rights will need to be extended on the southern portion of the property with the City of Hutchinson to extend the access easement all the way to the east to Echo Drive. The City will be consulting with Hutchinson Health on the extension of this easement as well. All of these easements will need to be recorded with McLeod County as a condition of approval for this project. He stated staff has concerns with site circulation for this project. He also commented on the landscaping and lighting plans for the site. He explained that the Conditional Use Permit is required for the drive through. He reported eighty feet of stacking is required and the site plan appears to accommodate stacking space. Discussion followed on the intersection traffic stop. Mr. Jochum commented on changes to the recommendation as follows: number 5 should be deleted, add language to #3, "from when the building permit is issued ". Clarify #11 to read "areas within the Walgreens property" Add language to #12 noting the use shall be considered started after the building permit is issued. Mr. Oxborough explained he is not sure how long it will take to begin or finish the development. Mr. Jochum explained it is one year after the building permit is issued. Mr. Jochum commented on the following staff recommendations 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C -4 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 3. The existing building on the site must be demolished within 180 days. 4. The interior lot line setback of 6 feet on the northern property line from parking lot/circulation drive must be met. 5. Two -way traffic will not be allowed along north side of proposed building. One -way traffic going westbound along the north side of the building will be allowed. A do not enter sign shall be placed on the curb bump out near the northwest corner of the building. Minutes Planning Commission — March 19, 2013 Page 3 6. The width of the driving lane on the south end of the lot exiting to the TH 15 Frontage Road must be at least 14 feet wide. 7. Dedicated easement rights must be established with Mid - Country Bank on the northern portion of the property to allow cross access and storm sewer configuration. 8. Dedicated easement rights must be granted to Mid - Country Bank along the north property line to allow Mid - Country Bank access to Echo Drive. 9. Easement rights need to be extended along the south property line with the City of Hutchinson to allow access to the southeast entrance to the Walgreens lot and Echo Drive. 10. Any reconstruction of existing infrastructure within City of Hutchinson easement areas shall be the developer's responsibility, including improvements and associated costs. This work shall meet all of the City's engineering standards and be approved by the City. 11. Maintenance (including pavement surfacing, street sweeping, snow removal, etc) within roadway and utility easement along south property line will be the property owner's responsibility. 12. There must be emergency service access around the building. Fire hydrants must be located no farther than 400 feet from the building. 13. Exterior refuse collection area must be fully screened. 14. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. 15. If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. There was discussion on the lot surface once the building is demolished. Mr. Exner stated the lot surface must be stabilized. Mr. Oxborough stated the plan is to stabilize the surface. Mr. Exner commented on the stormwater drainage from the property. He explained the drainage will be improved by the Walgreens development. Motion by Mr. Arndt to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Johnston the hearing closed at 6:17 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the request with the modifications discussed. Seconded by Mr. Norton to approve with modifications, the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting March 26, 2013. 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Mr. Jochum gave an update of the Imagine Hutchinson Downtown plan which was presented to the City Council on March 12, 2013, and will be on the April 9, 2013, for formal adoption. He explain the Comprehensive Plan process will resume when the new EDA Director comes on board. He reported there will be an open house to review the plan. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:23 p.m. PUBLICATION NO. 7985 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 10 PROJECT NO. 13 -10 YZGI'irt: 6151 Y i p XV&@1G] Z [d 4 :4: F Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN, at 6:00 pm on the 14th day of May, 2013, to consider the making of an improvement of Letting No. 3 /Project No. 13 -01, an improvement of: 2013 City Parking Lot Improvements: City Parking Lot B - Franklin St SW 11 st Ave SW /Glen St SW across from Park Elem. City Parking Lot J - 125 Jefferson St SE — Evergreen Apartment Fire Dept. - 246 Adams St SE /205 3rd Ave SE School District locations: Administration Bldg - 30 Glen St NW High School - 1200 Roberts Rd SW West Elementary - 825 School Rd SW Hutchinson Health: West Parking Lot — 3 Century Ave SW and others to be determined, by construction of pavement surface, reclamation /removal, grading, aggregate base, drain tile, storm sewer, lighting, pavement markings, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is the benefited property, for which property owners shall receive mailed notice. The estimated City cost of said improvement is $470,000.00 and an estimated Assessable cost of $500,000.00, for the total estimated cost of $970,000.00. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessment will be available at the hearing. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: 0 412 3/2 01 3 Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF ATRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24TH, 2013 AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 1ST, 2013. RESOLUTION NO. 14136 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 10 /PROJECT NO. 13 -10 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: 2013 City Parking Lot Improvements: City Parking Lot B - Franklin St SW 11st Ave SW /Glen St SW across from Park Elem. City Parking Lot J - 125 Jefferson St SE — Evergreen Apartment Fire Dept. - 246 Adams St SE /205 3rd Ave SE School District locations: Administration Bldg - 30 Glen St NW High School - 1200 Roberts Rd SW West Elementary - 825 School Rd SW Hutchinson Health: West Parking Lot — 3 Century Ave SW and others to be determined, by construction of pavement surface, reclamation /removal, grading, aggregate base, drain tile, storm sewer, lighting, pavement markings, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement, called Letting No. 10 /Project No. 13 -10, be referred to the Engineer for study and that that person is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost- effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. Adopted by the Council this 23rd day of April 2013. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter RESOLUTION NO. 14137 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 10 /PROJECT NO. 13-10 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted April 23rd, 2013, a report has been prepared by Kent Exner, Public Works Director /City Engineer with reference to the following proposed improvements: 2013 City Parking Lot Improvements: City Parking Lot B - Franklin St SW /1st Ave SW /Glen St SW across from Park Elem. City Parking Lot J - 125 Jefferson St SE — Evergreen Apartment Fire Dept. - 246 Adams St SE /205 3rd Ave SE School District locations: Administration Bldg - 30 Glen St NW High School - 1200 Roberts Rd SW West Elementary - 825 School Rd SW Hutchinson Health: West Parking Lot — 3 Century Ave SW and others to be determined, by construction of pavement surface, reclamation /removal, grading, aggregate base, drain tile, storm sewer, lighting, pavement markings, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and said report was received by the Council on April 23rd, 2013 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street(s)s in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $1,032,000.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 14th day of May, 2013, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 23rd day of April, 2013. Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter 13 Lo) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGENEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center/1 I I Hassan St SE/Hutchinson MN 55350- 2522f320- 234-4209/FAX 320- 234.4240 ENGINEERING REPORT & FEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer DATE: April 23, 2013 SUBJECT: Letting No. 10 /Project No. 13 -10 I have studied the following proposed improvements and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed: L10/P13 -10 2013 City Parking Lot Improvements: City Parking Lot B - Franklin St SW /1st Ave SW /Glen St SW across from Park Elem. City Parking Lot J - 125 Jefferson St SE — Evergreen Apartment Fire Dept. - 246 Adams St SE /205 3rd Ave SE School District locations: Administration Bldg - 30 Glen St NW High School - 1200 Roberts Rd SW West Elementary - 825 School Rd SW Hutchinson Health: West Parking Lot — 3 Century Ave SW and others to be determined, by construction of pavement surface, reclamation /removal, grading, aggregate base, drain tile, storm sewer, lighting, pavement markings, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances. 13 La)