02-11-2002 CHCMCharter Commission Minutes February 11, 2002 Members Present: Chair Chuck Carlson, Jean Peterson, Roger Petersen, Steve Auger, Don Glas, Linda Remucal, Walt Clay and Carl Bretzke. Members Absent: Mike Cannon, Ron McGraw and Virgil Voigt Others Present: Dick Schieffer, Legal Counsel and Melissa Starke, Recorder Chair Chuck Carlson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Motion by J Peterson, second by Auger, to approve minutes from December 17, 2001. Minutes were approved as presented. Chair Carlson thanked Melissa Starke, Recorder, for detailed minutes taken from the Public Hearing on January 31, 2002. Section 11.05 — Transfer of Utility Funds Motion by Clay, second by R Petersen to approve the revisions remain as proposed by Charter Commission. Chapter 12 — Power and Duties of HAHC Mr. Steve Cook and Mr. Mike Ribich requested at the Public Hearing that the same provisions apply to HAHC as they do to the Utilities regarding a public vote of the sale of the Utilities. These gentlemen would like a section in this chapter that would also require a public vote of the citizens for the sale of HAHC. Mr. Schieffer asked the Commission their feelings on adding this provision to the other enterprise funds. Mr. Clay felt that not all enterprise funds would need voter approval regarding the sale of such entities due to the fact that they are directly supervised by the City Council. Motion by Glas, second by Remucal to add a like section to Chapter 12 regarding the sale of HAHC. This section will read exactly as Section 11.09, however "Utilities" will be replaced with "HAHC ". Motion carried unanimously. The Commission addressed the issue of changing the percentage required for a petition from 20% to 10 %, as presented by Mr. Steve Cook and Mr. Mike Ribich. Motion by R Petersen, second by Bretzke, to have the percentage requirement remain at 20 %. Motion carried unanimously. Chair Carlson noted that these gentleman may bring this as a petition to the citizens of Hutchinson. The Commission addressed the proposed ordinance of having "designated" seats on the Council, also presented by Steve Cook and Mike Ribich. Mr. Petersen expressed an option that a candidate may announce whom they are running against, as opposed to running in an official designated seat. Ms. Remucal paralleled this proposed ordinance to the way the last School Board election was held, which was in a similar way. She felt that good candidates were passed over because they had to designate a specific seat they were running in. Motion by Bretzke, second by Auger to deny the proposed ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Schieffer noted that Duke Addicks, League of MN Cities Legal Counsel, would most likely be able to review this Charter for any obvious revisions that should be made. The City Council may need to make the request, as opposed to the Charter Commission. Motion by Clay, second by R Petersen to request the League of MN Cities to review the revised Charter. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Clay, second by Clay to authorize Chair Carlson to forward the corrected Charter to the City Council for final review. Motion carried unanimously. The last step will be for the Charter Commission to meet with the City Council. Walt Clay excused himself. Chair Carlson commended both Dick Schieffer and Melissa Starke for their hard work, as well as all of the Charter Commission members. Motion by Glas, second by R Petersen to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.