10-15-2001 CHCMCharter Commission Meeting October 15, 2001 Members present: Chair Chuck Carlson, Roger Petersen, Phil Graves, Don Glas, Jean Peterson, Mike Cannon, Carl Bretzke, Steve Auger, Linda Remucal, and Ron McGraw. Members absent: Walt Clay and Virgil Voigt Others present: Attorney Dick Schieffer and Recorder Melissa Starke Motion by Cannon, second by Glas to approve meeting minutes from September 24, 2001. Motion carried unanimously. Section 7.07 of Draft #3 was reviewed. Language needs to be added to exclude HAHC and Hutch Utilities. Also clarification will be added that HAHC and Hutch Utilities are not departments within the city. Section 7.08 - Title needs to be changed to "Alterations in the Budget' as opposed to "Alternations ". Section 11.0 — No additional changes Section 11.08 — No additional changes The HAHC Sub - committee presented on the changes to Chapter 13 (this will be changed to Chapter 12 in the final draft of the Charter). A draft of the changes was presented to the Charter Commission. Phil Graves reviewed the specific changes in each section. A comment was made by an HAHC Board member that 13.02 and 13.03 have apparent conflicts between the language. The sentence regarding compensation in Section 13.04 needs to be added to the Charter. Discussion was held in regard to the process of boards and commissions receiving compensation. Mr. Schieffer feels that if compensation is addressed in the Charter, it needs to have a definite decision stating so. If compensation regulation is not stated in the Charter, it would need to be implemented via ordinance. Language will also need to be created to add language regarding the "staggering" of terns for board members. It was the feeling of some members of the group that what is decided for one Board/Commission regarding compensation, should be the same for the other Board/Conunission, in terns of the HAHC Board and Utilities Commission since they are both enterprises. Chair Carlson asked for a hand vote regarding the wording of compensation for both Boards. A unanimous vote was given to include the language "... may receive compensation..." for both the HAHC Board and Utilities Commission. Dick Schieffer commented on Section 13.03 of the draft from the HAHC Sub-committee. He suggested that the word "title" be excluded from this sentence and leave this sentence as originally written. Mr. Schieffer will review this wording with Paul Dove, partner in his law firm, to determine whether or not this should be specified with the word "title'. Section 13.01 — This sentence needs to be broken into two parts. The first sentence will define that the City has established HAHC by ordinance. The second sentence will determine the services that HAHC provides. Mr. Graves questioned whether or not the Utilities Commission should be informed of the change in the compensation language in their section. Various suggestions were given in regard to language that should or should not be in the Charter in terms of compensation. It was suggested that Clarence Kadrmas, General Manager of Hutch Utilities and Marlin Torgerson, Mayor, be present at the next Charter Commission meeting to discuss compensation issues. The nest meeting is scheduled for October 29, 2001, at 4:00 mm. at the Citv Center. Marlin Torgerson and Clarence Kadrmas will be in attendance. The only issue left to discuss is the compensation issue. Motion by McGraw, second by Remucal to direct Dick Schieffer to draft another revision of the Charter with all changes and present it at the nest meeting. Motion by McGraw, second by Petersen to strike the motion of including the language of the Utilities Connuission and HAHC Board "...may receive compensation..." Roger Petersen presented information to the Charter Connuission in regard to the Council passing items by resolution and by ordinance. He has done research and does not have as many_ concerns as he did previously. Motion by J Peterson, second by Cannon to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.