07-30-2001 CHCMHutchinson Charter Commission Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 30, 2001
Members Present: Chuck Carlson - Chair, Linda Remucal, Don Glas, Mike Cannon, Carl
Bretzke, Roger Petersen, Jean Peterson
Members Absent: Ron McGraw, Virgil Voigt, Steve Auger, Phil Graves and Walt Clay
Others Present: Dick Schieffer, City Attorney and Melissa Starke, Recorder
Chair Carlson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Motion by Bretzke, second by R. Petersen to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed
Chair Carlson asked for clarification in Chapter 2 Section 2.09: Section 2.09 on ballot from
election in 2000 is different than what is presented in the draft. The second paragraph on the
ballot is not included in the draft of Section 2.09. Mr. Schieffer, city attorney, stated that the
draft is a condensed version of what was voted on and that it covers all the language that was on
the ballot, other than the 30 day notice of filing. Conversation was held in regards to the
wordiness of the Section on the ballot. It was decided by the group to keep the Section as it was
voted on, with the exception of changing the word "person" to "elective officer" as indicated in
the draft. Some discussion was held in regards to the Mayor making the appointment in case of
tie outcomes.
Linda Remucal addressed the fact that the Minutes from the July 16, 2001, meeting stated that in
Section 2.04 the words "elected" or "appointed" needed to be added. It was decided that those
words did not need to be added and this section would be left as originally drafted.
Chair Carlson asked for an update from the sub - committees. Don Glas introduced the work that
the HAHC sub - committee had done. Dick Schieffer, City Attorney, handed out a draft that the
sub - committee had created and reported on the language they created. He stated that much of
the language was used from the "Hospital and Nursing Home Board " Ordinance. The draft
consists of seven sections:
Establishment: defines the services provided and items included to provide health care services.
Explains that HAHC is an enterprise of the City.
Control and Management: Explains that HAHC is governed by the Board of Directors
Powers and Duties: Explains the Board's power in setting rules and regulations and the
management and operation of the health care enterprise.
Appointment and Terms: Explains composition of Board of Directors and terms of each
member. There is some clarification needed by Phil Graves, HAHC CEO, in regards to the
sentence, "Elected Directors shall be appointed to a maximum of two consecutive four -year
terms exclusive of the fulfillment of an unexpired term ". It was suggested that the word
"maximum" be removed so that this language reflects flexibility. It was also suggested to have
Mr. Graves clarify how the Chief of Staff's term coincides with other Board members terms.
Chief Executive Officer and Other Emplovees: Explains Board's role in appointing CEO
position. The word "experienced" will be replaced by "qualified" in describing the CEO.
Corporate Affiliation: Explains Board's authority to enter into management contracts.
Names: Explains names of facilities.
Roger Petersen raised the questions as to how the liquor store fits into the Charter. Mr. Schieffer
stated that they are enterprise just like the hospital. The Compost Facility would also be
categorized in this group. Mr. Schieffer also noted that many Charters do not include chapters
on liquor stores. But it was recommended that possible sections be created to address these two
enterprises. Chair Carlson will speak to Mayor Torgerson and Gary Plotz in regards to these two
subjects. Don Glas will also acquire Grave's and Plotz's input on the draft and will bring it back
to the next Charter meeting.
Mike Cannon reported on his sub - committee's findings in regards to Section 6.02, Subd. 3. Jean
Ward, HRA Executive Director and Christie Rock, HCDC/EDA Executive Director, were
interviewed to get their input on how they feel the City Administrator's role is with their agency.
They both felt that their agency is formed by the City. However, the HRA is constructed by the
Mayor and Council appointing the HRA Board and the Board hires director. Ward feels she is
an employee of the HRA. HRA budget is approved by City Council by the account of the City
Council approving the levy that funds the HRA. The City Administrator is not involved in any
way of the HRA's operations. In regards to the HCDC/EDA, Rock felt she is a director hired as
an employee of the City. She is under the City pay plan and feels that she should be supervised
by the City Administrator. She feels she currently receives most of her direction from the
HCDC/EDA Board Director. However, as new people acquire the Board Director role, they may
not have the time that the current Board Director has to direct the Executive Director. The
HCDC/EDA Board approves budget and it is then approved by City Council. Downtown loan
funds and TIF money is the major funding. The sub - committee's opinion is that the word
"agency" be removed and that the HCDC/EDA would be categorized under "department ".
Mr. Schieffer stated that he would verify with the statutes to make sure there aren't other
responsibilities of the HRA. Much of their direction is received from the State. It was discussed
whether or not that separate chapters actually had to be created to cover the liquor store and
compost facility as stated earlier, if they are solely supervised by the City Administrator and
categorized as a department. The hospital and utilities are separate from the actual City office.
More discussion will be held with Mayor Torgerson and Gary Plotz, City Administrator. They
will be discussed at the next meeting.
Section 6.04 — Discussion was held in regards to the word "employees" replacing the word
"subordinates ". Clarification is needed as to whether or not the council actually creates positions
or just approves the budgetary results of new positions. It was also noted that in Section 6.03,
"ordinance" should be changed to "resolution ". Mr. Schieffer also noted that the last sentence in
Section 6.04 should be added to the end of Section 6.03. The title of Section 6.04 will be
changed to Citv Emolovees. This section will now read "There shall be city employees
subordinate to the City Administrator as the council may see fit ". This verbage relates back to
Section 6.02 Subd. 2. which shall now read "all heads of departments and employees" (remove
"subordinates ").
Linda Remucal asked if Chair Carlson had checked with the Mayor in regards to the Charter
Commission deadline to complete the revisions by August. Chair Carlson stated that he had
spoken to the Mayor and the Mayor has been informed that the Charter Commission will not be
able to meet the deadline as requested by the City Council.
The next meeting date of the Charter Commission will be August 6, 2001 at 4:00 p.m. at the
City Center.
Mr. Schieffer again raised the point in regards to the verbage used in filling vacancies. He
compared the accepted Resolution to the voted amendment. He suggested revisiting this
language at a later meeting. Mr. Schieffer recommended using the language from the ballot in
the Charter.
The Charter resumed with Chapter 7.
Section 7.06 — Remucal recalls a recommendation to eliminate dates listed in this section, due to
the fact that legislature can change those from year to year. "Not later than the first week of
October" removed. Also removed "not later than October 10 ". These recommendations were
made by the City Council.
Section 7.07 — It was questioned as to whether or not the City Administrator has the power to
transfer monies from one fund to another if all the funds have not been expended in one account.
This gives the City Administrator great flexibility. This section will be addressed at the next
Section 7.08 — This section will also be reviewed at the next meeting.
Section 7.09 — Ken Merrill, Finance Director, had previously stated that there are really no such
things as "emergency debt certificates ". There are other ways to raise funds to cover such
expenditures. Chair Carlson suggested researching this section further from previous meeting
A good majority of Chapter 7 needs to be reviewed and discussed at a future meeting.
Chapter 8 — no changes
Chapter 9 — no changes
Motion by Jean Peterson, second by Don Glas to approve Chapters 8 and 9.
Roger Petersen motioned to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at