August 19, 2010
5:30 p.m.
Airport Arrival/Departure Building
Members present: Chuck Brill, Dick Freeman, Juli Neubarth;
Members absent: Doug McGraw, Joel Schwarze, Mayor Cook
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation;
Others present: Dave Skaar, CAP; Andy Nissen, tenant; Tim Miller, Air Methods; Janet Scharmer,
Life Link III
Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. There was a quorum of members present.
1. Approve Minutes of July 15, 2010 meeting
Motion made by Neuharth, second by Brill to approve minutes. Unanimous approval.
2. Airport Commission
Joel Schwarze (to 09/10, first Lull-term)
Dick Freeman (to 09/12, first full-term)
Doug McGraw (to 09/14, second full -term)
3. Review Updated Hangar Assignments
Updated map — see attached
Updated priority list
Hangar activity: No hangar activity
4. Operational Issues (Open Proiects)
a) 2009 Airport Improvements — Hangar
Chuck Brill (to 09/11, second full -term)
Juli Neuharth (to 09/13, first full-term)
Steve Cook (Council representative)
Brian Brice added to waiting list.
a. Plans for placing of Life Link III building. Olson explained that Excelsior Homes will coordinate
the project. The area will be staked, piers will be installed, and utilities will be moved. Once that
is done, staff and contractor will work with Life Link III on a schedule and plan for the actual move
and restoration of service to the office /quarters.
b. Life Link III will be coordinating the communication lines and conversion of appliances in the
office /quarters to natural gas.
c. City will be coordinating electrical service and will install the electrical to the helicopter parking
area at that time.
d. Water and sewer services to the new location will be coordinated by Excelsior Homes.
b) Joseph P. Dooley Terminal
a. Signage and photos were installed. Commissioners had a positive report relating to the recent air
show and dedication ceremonies.
b. Thank you from the Commission to everyone involved in making the air show and dedication a
successful, meaningful event.
c) Fuel System
a. Fuel system upgrade. A separate computer was added to manage fuel data. The fuel system
upgrades and installation project is complete. Olson will notify the vendor of a report that was
received at the meeting regarding a discrepancy between the total gallons registering on the pump
and receipt.
d) FBO Contract
a. In response to some questions that had been received, Olson provided information to the
Commission that the current FBO contract expires on April 26, 2011 (around 8 months left).
5. Future Proiects
2011 Airport Improvements — A crack sealing project is planned for 2011. If approved by Mn/DOT, Olson
indicated he would work with a spray injection patching contractor on a demonstration project using spray injection
crack repair, at City expense, to determine whether the process would be feasible to use next year. The goal of this
effort would be to minimize use of AIP funds, if the spray injection system works, which would make more available
for future development. The project will be described to FAA and Mn/DOT during open -house meetings for AIP funds
scheduled for September 29 at the Mankato Airport.
South Taxilane Ditch. Landscape Concepts has agreed to provide culvert materials at cost.
6. Other Discussions/ New Business
Tim Miller, representing the Aviation Explorer Post, requested that the City consider at least a partial
reimbursement to the Explorer Post for $660 of trucking costs related to moving materials for the south
taxilane ditch project that were incurred by the Post. Olson and Miller were directed to make appropriate
At 5:56, a motion to adjourn was made by Freeman, second by Neuharth. Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting: 09/16/10.