January 21, 2010
5:30 p.m.
Airport Arrival /Departure Bui I ding
M inutes
M embers present: Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Dick Freeman, Joel Schwarze, Juli Neubarth
Membersabsent: Mayor Cook
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation
Meeting cal I ed to order at 5:31 p.m. There was a quorum of members present.
1. Moment of Silence
Chairman Brill requested a moment of si I ence in memory of Joe Dooley, a former Commission member,
excel I ent pi I ot, and good fri end.
2. Approve M inutesof December 17, 2009 meeting
Motion made by McGraw, second by Neubarth to approve minutes. Unanimous approval.
3. Airport Commission
Joel Schwarze (to 09/10, first full -term) Chuck BriI I (to 09/11, second ful I -term)
Dick Freeman (to 09/12, first full -term) Juli Neubarth (to 09/13, first full -term)
Doug McGraw (to 09/14, second full -term) Steve Cook (Council representative)
4. Review Updated Hangar Assignments
Updated map —see attached
Updated priority list
Hangar activity: No hangars available
Hangar leasing policy draft language clarifying provisions of special use hangars, existing hangar tenants
relating to advertisement of available space was presented by Olson. A I so included was eliminating
reference to enclosed versus open hangars and to fees for applying for the waiting I ist. Motion made by
Schwarze, second by Neubarth to adopt changes in the Airport Hangar Leasing Policy identified.
Unanimous approval. An updated version of the policy is attached.
Motion made by Neubarth, second by McGraw to request documentation in accordancewith hangar lease
documents for hangar #04 -06. Unanimous approval.
Olson reported that plans for this year are to repair another hangar door on building #03. This year, the
intent would be to repair door #03-08 after the wi nter season.
5. Operational Issues(Open Projects)
a) 2009 Airport Improvements— Hangar
a. Trench drain location. Olson informed Commission that the location of the trench drain
in the building would be moved to approximately 8 feet from the door, in order to
mai ntai n a 2% grade from the edge of the door to the drai n. This was necessary because
the previously discussed location of the trench drain resulted in an approximate 5%
grade, whi ch was determi ned to be too steep for easi I y movi ng ai rcraft.
b. Bui I ding code issues are sti I I being reviewed by State BuiI ding Off icia 1. No written
notice is yet available. No changes in the project will be initiated until written notice is
recei ved.
b) 2010 Agricultural leases (Luthens, Rickeman)
a. Olson reported that agricultural leases with Skyview Dairy & Rickeman are on the City
Council's agenda for January 25.
b. Discussion was held by the Airport Commission regarding the agricultural lease with
David Kirkpatrick. Because of i ssues rel ated to re seeding the small fields and applying
biosolids, K i rkpatri ck's lease was for 5 years. City staff recommended considering
extendi ng K i rkpatri ck' s I ease for two years i n order to get a1 I agri cul tural I eases on the
same schedule. Commissioners informed Olson to request a two -year extension of
K i rk patri ck' s lease.
c. A small parcel of land on the west side of the ditch is owned by the City, but is part of
another field. Olson will be working with the adjacent property owner /tenant farmer to
address this small I parcel of I and and get a I ease agreement to cover that parcel also.
c) Fuel System
a. Olson and Parker reported that the ai rport fuel system wi I I need to be upgraded by July 1,
2010, i n order to comply with credit card company requirements for security of credit
card transactions. It maybe possible to use recently purchased software for the HATS
Facility to address this need, reducing the cost. Olson and Parker and other City staff will
be meeti ng with vendors i n the near future. According the one fuel vendor M n /DOT is
aware of this issue and may be able to provide some funding assistance.
6. Future Projects
Pavement Maintenance— Transverse cracking. Currently the Al P funding for 2010 is less than the full
amount of $150,000. Available funding is $81,401 for 2010, until further action is taken by the federal
South Taxi lane Ditch. Project ison Engineering Department's schedule for topography work.
4. Other Discussions) New Business
General was held discussing the need to cleanup airport grounds once the hangar project is completed.
Any items that are not necessary will be removed. Discussion regarding the T33 aircraft was held. Work
has been done on the aircraft. Commissioners agreed that it would be desirable to have the aircraft moved
at least once per month and have the area under the plane mowed as it is being worked on.
At 6:20, a motion to adjourn was made by Schwarze, second by Neubarth. Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: regularly scheduled for February 18, 2010
The Ci ty of H utchi nson i s respond bl a for management, general operati ons, mai ntenance and repai r of
H utchi nson M uni ci pal Ai rport — Ken Butl er Fi el d. The Ci ty of H utchi nson has constructed, at Federal,
State and Ci ty expense, a seri es of ai rcraft storage hangars that are avai I abl e f or I ease to house ai rcraft.
There are not surf i ci ent hangars to accommodate a1 I who wi sh to I ease hangars. Therefore, the Ci ty
desi res to establ i sh a pol i cy governi ng the offeri ng of avai I abl a hangars for I ease to i nterested parti es.
To assi st wi th management of the Ai rport, the Ci ty has establ i shed an Ai rport Commi ssi on and the Ci ty
Counci I has del egated the duti es and respond bi I i ti es outl i ned i n thi s pol i cy to the Ai rport Commi ssi on.
When the A i rport Commi ssi on i s unabl a to perform descri bed duti es and respond bi I i ti es, the duti es and
respond bi I i ti es revert to the Ci ty Cound 1.
Disclaimer, This policy describes intended procedures for offering available hangar space for lease.
The City Council and /or Airport Commission may deviate from this policy at anytime to offer
available hangar space in a manner deemed most beneficial to the Airport or City. Leasesfor
available hangar space are made only by the Airport Commission. Lease agreements are valid only
after having been approved by theAirport Commission. The City Council hasfinal authority on
any matter rel ati ng to thi s pol i cy.
Special Use Hangars
The Ci ty may deli gnate certai n hangars for sped a1 use. General I y, these hangars are not charged I ease
rates or are charged reduced I ease rates. Tenants of sped al use hangars are not el i gi bl a to accept any
other avai I abl a hangar space wi thout approval f rom the Ai rport Commi ssi on and then must enter i nto a
payi ng I ease agreement at f ul I rates. The vacated sped al use hangar becomes avai I abl a to others when
vacated by the sped a1 use tenant.
Available Hangar Space. Hangar space usually becomes avai 1 abl a when an existing hangar tenant
vol untari I y termi nates thei r I ease wi th the Ci ty. Avai I abl a hangar space can al so resul t f rom evi cti on of
an exi sti ng tenant, ei ther f or non -comp) i ance wi th the I ease agreement or by other acti on of the Ci ty
deemed to be in the best interest of the A i rport or City.
Al I avai I abl a hangar space wi I I be reported to the Ai rport M anager and the Ai rport Commi ssi on Chai r.
Wri tten noti ce of avai I abl a hangar space wi I I be posted i n a promi nent pl ace or pl aces at the Ai rport.
Avai I abl a hangar space wi I I be f i rst offered to exi sti ng hangar tenants, then to persons or enti ti es on the
wai ti ng I i st, and f i nal I y to the general publ i c.
The Ai rport M anager may, at hi siher di screti on, use the avai I abl a hangar space f or any muni ci pal purpose
or may offer any avai I abl a hangar f or short -term rental f rom the ti me i t i s vacated unti I i t i s I eased by
another tenant.
Existing Hangar Tenants No tenant may lease more than two hangars without permission from the
Airport Commission. Specific authorization granted by the Ai rport Commission for more than two
hangars may not exceed one year.
Exi sti ng hangar tenants shad I have f i rst pri on ty to move i nto avai I abl a hangar space. U pon posti ng noti ce
of a vacancy, exi sti ng hangar tenants wi I I have unti I the next Ai rport Commi ssi on meeti ng to make
appl i cati on for the avai I abl a hangar. I f noti ce of the vacancy i s posted I ess than one week pri or to the
next Ai rport Commi ssi on meeti ng, the dead) i ne wi I I then be the fol I owi ng Ai rport Commi ssi on meeti ng.
The Ai rport Commi ssi on wi I I revi edv al I appl i cati ons for avai I abl a hangar space at thei r next regul art y
scheduled meeting or at an advertised meeting open to the public. Advertised hangars and meeting dates
wi I I be posted on the Ai rport' s bul I eti n board.
Shoul d more than one exi sti ng hangar tenant make appl i cati on for the same avai I abl a hangar space,
pri on ty wi I I be given to the existing tenant with the longest lease relationship with the Ai rport. If
I ongevi ty pri on ti zati on i s unabl a to be determi ned, the A i rport Commi ssi on wi I I determi ne an appropri ate
manner for sel ecti on, consi deri ng the best i nterest of the Ai rport.
U pon sel ecti on for the avai I abl a hangar, exi sti ng hangar tenants must si gn a I ease document and provi de
al I necessary documentation. The tenant must prepay one month I ease rate on the new hangar before
vacati ng thei r exi sti ng hangar. I f prepayment i s not made wi thi n two (2) weeks, the hangar wi I I agai n be
consi dered vacant. Tenants wi I I have no more than two (2) weeks to move out of thei r of d hangar i nto the
new hangar.
NoApplication from Existing Hangar Tenants If no existing hangar tenant makes application to
move to the avai I abl a hangar space, the hangar i s then consi dered to be avai I abl a to persons or enti ti es
whose names appear on the hangar wai ti ng I i st mad ntai ned by the Ci ty.
W aiti ng L ist. The City maintains awaiting I i st for applicants. It is the City's intent to use the wai ti ng
I i st to determi ne el i gi bi I i ty for avai I abl a hangar space. The Ci ty reserves the ri ght to establ i sh procedures
other than those descri bed herei n they deem necessary and benef i ci al to Ai rport operati ons.
A ppl i cants for the wai ti ng I i st may be i ndi vi dual s, corporati ons, f I yi ng d ubs, non -prof i t organi zati ons,
and enti ti es other than pri vale i ndi vi dual s.
N ames are added to the wad ti ng I i sts when appl i cants noti fy the Ci ty of H utchi nson of thei r desi re to be
pl aced on a wed ti ng I i st for an avai I abl a hangar, provi de contact i nformati on and other requi red
i nformati on establ i shed by the Ci ty of H utchi nson.
Names are removed from waiting lists once applicants leases a hangar. Names are removed from the I i st
when appl i cants vol untari I y withdraw their names. Names are removed when a person/enti ty refuses to
rent a hangar three consecuti ve ti mes. N ames may a1 so be removed by acti on of the Ci ty Counci I f or any
reason deemed to be i n the best i nterest of the Ai rport or the City.
Exi sti ng hangar tenants wi th one hangar are d i gi bl a to reappl y to be on a wai ti ng I i st as soon as they I ease
thei r f i rst hangar. U pon I easi ng a hangar, tenants desi ri ng a second hangar wi I I be requi red to reappl y to
be on a wai ti ng I i st. U pon appl i cati on, thei r name wi I I be I i sted on the wai ti ng I i st by the date of thei r
reappl i cati on, not thei r on gi nal date of appl i cati on. Once a tenant has two hangars, they are i nel i gi bl a to
reappl y for pl acement on a wai ti ng I i st.
Waiting List Prioritization. Applicants are listed on waiting lists i n ascending order by the date on
which their application was made. Priority for available hangars is generally given to the person/enti ty
whose name has been on a wai ti ng I i st the I ongest ti me.
Offering Available Hangar Space to the PersonslEntitieson the Waiting Lists In priority order, by
date of appl i cati on, persons or enti ti es on the wai ti ng I i st wi I I be offered avai I abl a hangar space.
Reasonabl a attempts wi I I be made by Ci ty staff to contact appl i cants, usi ng contact i of ormati on suppl i ed
by the appl i cant.
Applications for available hangar space are made to the Ai rport Commission. The Ai rport Commission
wi I I revi ew appl i cati ons f rom wad ti ng I i st appl i cants at thei r next regul arl y schedul ed or adverti sed
meeting open to the public. The Ai rport Commission may acceptor deny the application.
Thi s process wi I I conti nue unti I the avai I abl a hangar space i s I eased, or unti I the names on the
resi dent/property owner I i st are exhausted.
NoApplication from Waiting List Applicants, If no waiting list applicants leasethe available hangar
space, the hangar i s then consi dered avai I abl a to the publ i c.
Offering Available Hangar Space to the Public. The Ai rport Manager will advertise the available
hangar to the general publ i c i n any manner deemed reasonabl e. The Ai rport M anager may offer the
hangar to any person or entity able to comply with lease provisions. The A i rport Commission may
authorize an incentive reduction to lease rates for the available hangar, provided the lease rate does not
drop below seventy -five percent (75 %) of the existing lease rates for comparable hangar space and
provided that offer does not last more than one year.
As a I ast resort, the Ci ty Counci I may authorize I easi ng hangar space f or uses other than ai rcraft storage
on a month -by -month basi s unti I the hangar i s abl a to be used i n a manner compl y ng wi th the standard
hangar I ease agreement.
Hangar Trades. Existing hangar tenants may make application to the Ai rport Commission to trade
hangar space. Applications shall i ndi cafe agreement by both parties. The A i rport Commission retains the
authority to a1 I ow or deny hangar trades, based on the A i rport Commission's consideration of issues
surrounding the proposed trade.
Rules and Regulations All persons and entities on waiting lists shal I comply with rules and regulations
establ i shed by the Ci ty of H utchi nson and other government agenci es wi th j uri sdi cti on over ai rport
operati ons. Fai I ure to compl y wi th rul es and regul ati ons may i nd ude, but not be I i mi ted to, forfei ture of
the pri vi I ege of remai ni ng on the wad ti ng I i sts.
N o Property Right. N othi ng i n thi s pol i cy shat I be construed as creati ng any property ri ght, under any
State or Federal I adv, by any i ndi vi dual or enti ty appl i cant by vi rtue of i ncl usi on on or exd usi on f rom any
wai ti ng I i sts or offeri ngs for hangar space at the H utchi nson M uni ci pal Ai rport — Ken Butt er Fi el d.