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August 20, 2009
5:30 p.m.
Airport Arrival/Departure Building
Members present: Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Dick Freeman, Joel Schwarze; Juli Neuharth
Members absent: Mayor Cook
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation;
Andy Nissen, tenant; Janet Scharmer, Life Link III
Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. There was a quorum of members present.
1. Approve Minutes of July 9, 2009 meetings
Motion made by Neuharth, second by Brill to approve minutes. Unanimous approval.
2. Airport Commission
Doug McGraw (to 09/09, first full-term) Joel Schwarze (to 09/10, first full -term)
Chuck Brill (to 09/11, second full -term) Dick Freeman (to 09/12, first full -term)
Juli Neuharth (to 09/13, first full-term) Steve Cook (Council representative)
Mr. McGraw stated he would be willing to serve a second term. Olson will notify appropriate City
Administration regarding the second term.
3. Review Updated Hangar Assignments
Updated map — see attached
Updated priority list
No hangar activity
4. Operational Issues (Open Proiects)
2009 Project— Olson reported the current status of the Hangar project, including:
A change order for a 70' x 80' building has been processed and the contractor is aware of and planning for
the increased size of the building.
The City Council has already approved the project. The federal grant was received this week and is ready
for signature by the Mayor & City Attorney.
The State will be sending out a separate agreement that allows them to be the conduit for the federal funds.
This will require Council action and must be returned to the State prior to any reimbursements.
KUE Contractors have submitted almost all of the shop drawings required for the project and are finalizing
their foundation design. They have also ordered most building components.
Once the federal grant is signed and returned, contract documents will be sent to the contractor and a pre -
construction meeting will be scheduled.
5. Future Proiects
Well &Septic System Decommissioning - The well has been capped. The next step is to receive a well
closing certification from McLeod County. Once the certification is received, decommissioning of the
septic system will be ordered.
CIP Development Meetings. - Olson reported that on September 23, FAA & Mn/DOT will be hosting CIP
meetings for area airports in Hutchinson. Olson indicated that pavement maintenance on the runway to
address cross - cracking should be scheduled. This subject has been discussed over the past several months.
On request from Commissioners, Olson traveled with Andy Nissen to Little Falls to see the work done
there last season. The material used by Little Falls was a slurry coat product.
There are a wide variety of options for pavement maintenance. The first goal is to determine a method that
accomplishes the desired affect without hindering future, more aggressive means of maintenance.
Slurry coat, like that used in Little Falls, is one option, but it may be less compatible with future, more
aggressive pavement work than some other methods.
Olson is investigating use of spray- injection patching to address transverse cracking, then following up
with seal coat, and finishing the surface using a fog seal.
Olson indicated there are examples of spray injection patching in the City. This season Highway 15 north
of Hutchinson, Dale St SW south of Century Avenue and Golf Course Rd NW just north of School Rd NW
were maintained with this method. To see an example of seal coat followed by fog seal, people can travel
Bluff St NE north of Highway 7.
4. Other Discussions/ New Business
Airport Budget. The budget submitted for the airport for 2010 remains identical to this year's, with the
exception of public hangar rental, which staff proposed increasing an average 1.6 %, and the addition of
$5,000 per year for pavement maintenance.
Maintenance Hangar Shop
2409 2010,
1,250.00 1,250.00
Unit: % change
perannurn 0.0%
City-owned hangars (Hangars #1/9-1/18
per mo. tenant 1.3%
City-owned hangars (Hangars #2/1 -2/8
per mo. tenant 1.5%
City-owned hangars (Hangars #3/2 -4; 6 -8
per mo. tenant 1.8%
City-owned hangars (Hangars #3/1 & 3/5
per mo. tenant 1.6%
City -owned hangars (Hangars #4/1 -4/8
per mo. (tenant) 1.8%
City-owned storage spaces (Hangar #4
per month 0.0%
Privately-owned hangar s aces General Aviation
per s . ft./ ear 4.8%
Privately-owned hangar s aces Commercial
per s . ft./ ear 4.8%
Fuel Sales - Av as
per 1,000 gal. sold 0.0%
Fuel Sales - JetA
per 1,000 gal. sold 0.0%
Agricultural Lease (Cropland) renew Jan `10
per acre 0.0%
Agricultural Lease (Cropland) renew Jan `10
per acre 0.0%
Agricultural Lease (Hay only) renew Jan 11
per acre 0.0%
Aircraft Dealers License. Discussion was held regarding a proposal that David Pulkrabek and Jim
Weckman presented to City staff earlier by telephone and email. The state requires anyone with a dealer's
license to receive local airport approval as part of the licensing process. The gentlemen indicated their
intent to engage in aircraft sales on a very limited basis, expecting no more than two aircraft at a time for
resale, with most activity occurring during non - winter months. They indicated most customer contacts
would be by telephone, with a few final inspections of the aircraft at the airport.
Airport Commissioners reviewed the airport's minimum standards and concluded that the standards were
intended for a more permanent, large -scale aircraft dealerships, not limited part-time operations as
indicated by Mr. Pulkrabek and Mr. Weckman.
Neither Mr. Pulkrabek nor Mr. Weckman was in attendance at the meeting. Several Commissioners had
specific questions that they wanted answered.
A motion to table approval of the aircraft dealer's license until the September meeting was made by
Freeman, second by McGraw. Unanimous approval.
In the time until the September meeting, Olson was directed to put together potential amendment language
to the minimum standards that would address standards for very part-time businesses that relate to
appropriate categories within the minimum standards.
Agricultural Aircraft Operations — Discussion was held regarding agricultural aircraft operations at
Hutchinson. Of particular concern was any potential for conflict with Life Link III operations, since both
types of aircraft routinely use non - standard patterns.
Olson indicated that Mn/DOT had recently provided local airports with guidance to implement a program,
including an agreement, to address any agricultural aircraft operations that may be hosted by the airport.
Information provided by Mn/DOT will be used to draft a proforma agreement addressing various issues
specific to the Hutchinson Airport that can be used by any agricultural aircraft operations wishing to
operate. The proforma agreement will be available at the September 17 meeting.
Life Link lll — Janet Scharmer indicated the electrical service to the helicopter pad is not working properly,
so the helicopter is being plugged in closer to their office until the service is repaired, which will be done
concurrently with the hangar construction project. Scharmer reported that Life Link III will be installing a
security camera on their office, which will be streamed to their dispatch center in the Twin Cities. Life
Link III may also be using fixed wing aircraft under certain conditions, so a question was raised regarding
the suitability of the runway /taxiways for that size of aircraft. Some of the Commissioners were familiar
with the specific fixed -wing aircraft that may be used and indicated the aircraft and many like it routinely
fly out of Hutchinson.
Miscellaneous Items — Olson indicated City staff had performed routine maintenance on the hangars and
had painted wheel marks for the CAP hangar.
At 6:35, a motion to adjourn was made by Freeman, second by Schwarze. Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: regularly scheduled for September 17, 2009