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May 21, 2009
5:30 p.m.
Airport Arrival/Departure Building
Members present: Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Joel Schwarze; Juli Neuharth
Members absent: Dick Freeman, Mayor Cook
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation;
Others present: Janet Scharmer, Life Link III; Joe Dooley, tenant
Meeting called to order at 5:31 p.m. There was a quorum of members present.
1. Approve Minutes of March 19, 2009 and April 16, 2009 meetings
Motion made by Neuharth, second by McGraw to approve minutes. Unanimous approval.
2. Airport Commission
Doug McGraw (to 09/09, first full-term)
Chuck Brill (to 09/11, second full -term)
Juli Neuharth (to 09/13, first full-term)
3. Review Updated Hangar Assignments
Joel Schwarze (to 09/10, first full -term)
Dick Freeman (to 09/12, first full -term)
Steve Cook (Council representative)
There were no updates to the hangar assignments. There is one available open hangar.
4. Operational Issues (Open Proiects)
Olson reported that the advertisement for bids was approved at the City Council meeting on May 12, 2009.
The City also made a request to the City of Tracy Airport for $93,000 of AIP funding to be transferred to
our project. This should allow the entire project to be funded in the current year. A tentative schedule for
the project is:
May 12 —
Authorized advertisement for bids
June 18 —
Receive and open bids,
June /July —
Review bids, revise project estimates, approve supplemental construction management
agreement, receive federal grant.
Aug thru Oct —
Sept thru Nov —
Reimbursements received
Nov —
Construction complete
Dec to Mar `10
— Close federal grant
Approval of the project remains contingent upon receiving related federal funding.
5. Future Proiects
Minnesota 99's — Olson reported the Minnesota 99's are establishing a schedule for painting the compass
rose. Once they report their schedule, City staff will be putting together the necessary supplies. The
Commission agreed to supply volunteers with sandwiches on the day they are painting.
Crow River Amateur Radio Club — Olson reminded Commissioners of the annual field day sponsored by
the Crow River Amateur Radio Club is scheduled for the last weekend of June (6/27 & 6/28/2009)
Helicopter Operations — The various zones for the helicopter pad have been painted. Staff will be working
with TKDA engineers to establish correct taxilines. City staff will also be removing and painting any other
markings that are required.
Well &Septic System Decommissioning — City staff will be capping the well and decommissioning the
septic system on the south end of the airport. McLeod County Soil & Water Conservation District will be
participating in V2 the cost of capping the well.
4. Other Discussions/ New Business
LED Lighting — Schwarze reported he has been in contact with a potential supplier for LED lighting to
replace runway edge lighting, REIL lighting and taxiway signage lighting. Provided this project is feasible,
there would be significant energy savings to be realized.
WANAntenna — Dooley and Schwarze reported the hardware for the WAN antenna had arrived. These
gentlemen were given the information to contact the City's Facility Maintenance Lead to coordinate
installation of the antenna.
At 6:20, a motion to adjourn was made by Schwarze, second by McGraw. Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: regularly scheduled for June 18, 2009