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04-16-2009 APM+HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION April 16, 2009 5:30 p.m. Airport Arrival/Departure Building Minutes Members present: Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Dick Freeman, Juli Neuharth, Mayor Cook Members absent: Joel Schwarze Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation; Others present: Andy Nissen, tenant; Tim Miller, Air Methods Meeting called to order at 5:32 p.m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Approve Minutes of March 19, 2009 meeting Minutes from the March 19 meeting were not available for approval. 2. Airport Commission Doug McGraw (to 09/09, first full-term) Chuck Brill (to 09/11, second full -term) Juli Neuharth (to 09/13, first full-term) 3. Review Updated Hangar Assignments Updated map Updated priority list Hangar activity: One hangar available #1 -14 4. Operational Issues (Open Proiects) Joel Schwarze (to 09/10, first full -term) Dick Freeman (to 09/12, first full -term) Steve Cook (Council representative) 2009 project estimate & drawings were reviewed. Discussion surrounded location, cost, and other aspects of the project. Recommendations included reducing size of the apron in front of the hangar and checking height of the bi -fold door. Recommended timeline changes at this point were to approve advertisement for bids at the May 12, 2009 City Council meeting, with approval of the project contingent upon receiving related federal funding. Staff was directed to determine if federal stimulus funds were available. Staff also was directed to work with TKDA on a revised estimate. Staff was asked to determine what building setback is necessary for LPV and GPS approaches. 5. Future Proiects Minnesota 99's — Offer to paint a compass rose at the airport. Motion by Freeman, second by Cook to have the Minnesota 99's paint a compass rose on the apron just south of the intersection with Taxiway C. City will provide paint, supplies, and box lunches for participants. Unanimous approval. Crow River Amateur Radio Club — Annual field day at the airport is scheduled for the last weekend of June (6/27 & 6/28/2009) 6. Other Discussions/ New Business Helicopter operations — A meeting was held last Thursday evening to discuss the nature of Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operations. While it was recognized that these operations are time critical and mission critical operations, and that HEMS operations are unique in nature, it was in the best interest of all pilots to identify a specific area on the apron that would be adequate for HEMS operations. Standard procedure will be to have all HEMS operations take place on an identified area on the SW corner of the apron. The emphasis was to focus on safety for fixed and rotary wing operations. Instructors and students involved in flight training were encouraged to make contact with Life Link III/Air Methods staff to learn about their operations at the airport. A motion was made by McGraw, second by Neuharth to approve the helicopter parking area pad in the SW corner of the apron, as noted on the drawing provided and direct City staff to prepare appropriate pavement markings for the site. Life Link III Lease —Attached is a draft of lease language for Life Link III. The lease document will be amended to reflect the new location of the flight office and the site of the helicopter parking area pad. A motion is in order to have City staff prepare and execute a lease document for the new office site, use of the hangar and construction of parking area concrete pad by September 30, 2009. Other - 1) A few pieces of equipment parked in the parking lot have not moved in several months, these vehicles should be moved, the parking lot should not be used as a storage lot. 2) Olson reported the septic tank was not working for a period this late winter /early spring, as the pipe going to the mound system was frozen. The septic tank is now working. Staff is considering adding more cover in the drainage Swale to avoid this situation in the future. This issue will be monitored in the future. If we have this problem again we may have to address our septic system, as use of water on the airfield increases. 3) Olson reported Brent Reiner had contacted City staff and asked to not remove snow off his asphalt area. Also, the small intake froze and caused water to run over his apron. City staff intends to modify snow removal accordingly next season. 4) Olson reported that the PAPI is now operable. A broken wire was repaired and operational checks indicate PAPI is fully operable. At 6:50, a motion to adjourn was made by Neuharth, second by McGraw. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING: regularly scheduled for May 21, 2009