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February 19, 2009
5:30 p.m.
Airport Arrival/Departure Building
Members present: Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Joel Schwarze, Mayor Cook
Members absent: Dick Freeman
Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation; Joe Dooley, Tenant;
Andy Nissen, Tenant; Janet Scharmer, Life Link III; Kate Severson, Life Link III /Air
Meeting called to order at 5:34 p.m. There was a quorum of members present.
1. Approve Minutes of January 15, 2009 meeting
Motion made by McGraw, second by Neuharth to approve minutes. Unanimous approval.
2. Airport Commission
Doug McGraw (to 09/ 09, first full -term)
Chuck Brill (to 09/11, second full -term)
Juli Neuharth (to 09/13, first full -term)
3. Review Updated Hangar Assignments
Updated map was reviewed
Hangar activity for the period included:
Hangar 44 -8 vacated by Fuzzy Flyer (Heisel)
Hangar 44 -8 filled by Air Nissen
Hangar #1 -11 filled by John Clauson (3/1/09)
Hangar 41 -14 filled by Robert Bergquist (3/1/09)
One available hangar = #1 -16
Joel Schwarze (to 09/10, first full -term)
Dick Freeman (to 09/12, first full -term)
Steve Cook (Council representative)
Motion by McGraw, second by Neuharth to approve Steve Walling to move to Hangar #1 -11 and aassign
Jon Clauson Hangar 41 -13. Unanimous approval.
4. Operational Issues (Open Proiectsl
2009 Project — Olson reported the grant for Architectural/Engineering costs has been approved by FAA.
City Council will be approving /executing the grant at their Feb 24 meeting.
There is still no specific information on the status of FAA funding for the remainder of this fiscal year,
however FAA staff continues to expect full funding soon. The City's current balance of AIP upon full
approval would be $341,000. The architectural /engineering costs, however, will be covered by existing
grant funds.
5. Future Proiects
Life Link III installed a double -wide mobile office on the SW corner of the open space south of the existing
maintenance hangar. The structure is approx. 28' wide, with its long axis parallel with the roadway. Water
and sewer connections were made without disturbing existing paved areas by connecting utilities on the
east side of the existing maintenance hangar.
This mobile office will allow enough space for a 66' X 70' hangar w /60' door to be constructed between
the buildings.
Discussion was held regarding the concrete pad for helicopter operations and its location. Olson informed
Commissioners that there will be a concrete pad in front of the hangar, to allow for drainage, and that a
helicopter pad is also identified for the southwest corner of the apron area, as it was discussed and
identified at earlier Airport Commission meetings.
4. Other Discussions/ New Business
Mn/DOT Aeronautics `Airport Economic Impact Calculator" Special recognition was given to Andy
Nissen who prepared the economic impact information. The report shows a direct economic impact from
the airport of $1.24 million, and 35.92 jobs. This was calculated with information provided by the City and
others at the airport. THANK YOU! to Andy for his work!
The report will be provided to the City Council at their February 24 meeting. Olson requested that if
anyone from the Airport Commission would like to be at the City Council meeting when the report is
presented, that would be greatly appreciated.
General discussion included identification of many other economic impacts at the airport that are not
included in this report, such as the economic activity of visiting pilots and passengers and of those based at
HCD that are using their aircraft for business purposes.
Airport Minimum Standards — The Airport Commission reviewed information about Heisel's Flight
Training LLC as they relate airport minimum standards HCD. Current practices are not in compliance with
Airport Minimum Standards.
Motion by Schwarze, second by McGraw to inform Heisel's Flight Training LLC that they must cease and
desist from activity that is not in compliance with Airport Minimum Standards. Unanimous approval.
Commissioners directed Olson to prepare a notice to Heisel's Flight Training LLC.
Other - Commissioner McGraw requested that City staff look into requirements for helicopter operations
at the airport.
At 6:45, a motion to adjourn was made by McGraw, second by Schwarze. Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: regularly scheduled for March 19, 2009