February 15, 2007
5:30 p.m.
Airport Arrival /Departure Building
M inutes
M embers present: Chuck Brill, Dick Freeman, Joel Schwarze
M embers absent: Dave Skaar, Doug M cGraw
Others Present: Mayor Steve Cook, City of Hutchinson; John Olson, Public Works Manager, City of
Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation; Julie Neubauer; Joe Dooley; Brent
Reiner; Jay Heil; Shane Luthens; Daryl Luthens— Hangar tenants
M eeti ng cal I ed to order at 5:35 p. m. There was a quorum of members present.
1. Approve M inutes of December 21, 2006 and January 18, 2007 meetings
Motion made by Freeman, second by Schwarzeto approve minutes. Unanimous approval.
2. Review Priority order for Hangar Tenants
1) Review attached memorandum for potential corrections.
a. There was a significant amount of discussion by many present related to placement of
Skyview Dairy at position number 12 on the January 18 meeting. Brent Reiner questioned
whether Skyview had had a valid lease relationship with the City for the amount of time
indicated by their placement on the tenant priority list.
b. After a significant amount of discussion by several present, the decision was made by the
Commission to request documentation from Skyview (Daryl, Shane and /or Brandon,
included) of lease documents, payment documents or other items indicating the length of their
tenancy. City staff was also directed to see if any other documentation was available from the
City to help determine the length of Skyview'stenancy.
c. The A i rport Commission will review any documents available at the March 15 meeting and
make a final determination relative to Skyvi ew' s placement on the hangar tenant priority list.
3. Review Hangar Assignments upon Completion of Hangar #4
1) Review assignments for potential corrections. The map included with the agenda wi I I be used for
hangar assignments when Hangar #4 becomes available for occupancy.
2) There maybe changes to available hangar space, pending the resultsof the review of Skyview at the
March 15 meeting.
3) Olson indicated the potential for receiving atemporary certificate of occupancy in the very near future.
Airport Commission
M i nutes
February 15, 2007
Page 2
5. Operational Issues
1) Amateur Radio Club requests use of conference room for testing from approximately 10:00 a.m. to
noon on February 24, 2007. There are no known conflicts for use of the conference room.
2) Amateur Radio Club is proposing an emergency communications exercise at the airport on June 23 and
24, 2007. Amateur Radio Club personnel have spoken with the Civil Air Patrol and Hutchinson
Aviation and there are no known conflictswith that date.
6. Other Discussions
1) When Hangar #4 becomes available, the keyswill be distributed by Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation.
Thank you, Tom, for your assistance. Your help is appreciated.
New Business
1) There was no new business.
At 6:40, a motion to adjourn was made by Schwarze, second by Freeman. Unanimous approval.
NEXT MEETING: March 15, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in the Airport Conference Room