12-01-2003 CHCMChamer CWnun6Mujj
Deceniber 1, 2003
NWIMS NesenU Cl air Mike Chnnon, Roger Poems; UK Remuul "Wah Clay, [)oj°t
Unt and We Auger-
Menibers.Ahsent: Chuck Carlson, Ron McGraw, Jolul NbIler, Virgil Qigl. and Phil
Whers pregeni: Marc Schora, is AJWmIWY,, John RodehQrg. Direclor of
Englevi-ingMullic Works; Min (Axon. AsAwnt Publitr 'Wor'ks, F)ireolor; Da%1t!Skaa1,7,
Airport Cc- snpnission:; Cluick Bri!14 Air port Cbminission; JOR'LUX, Airport Conunission;
Brenda E',wing.. E)iructor of Ilurnmi Resoumus; mid Saidra Flaischrrmn. Reamder
Milcc (2eirtrion caHed the inecOng to Wer at 41K) pip,
Nlo6on b_-vl \Vall My, sectind byLi.i-itia RCMUK to WOM rnhuxten Wn Septen-thcr 29,
203, Charter Connnission Mee inn, Nlk)Li(�rjj crr-rja d Lit i.,juililou Sly.
Dave skaar Inive a pawavoint presontation i-eganAng the prhate b2ngar consmueban
exmided lease proposa].
The airlyrri, has had seveml individuals ovid corpc=Wris haeresod in Mling pdvate
Wngns, Ile itdiastruciijre and 01r 4 gn is in p lace to rrrpport SUC] I ( I I cZj i lard
We chy charar is sm-up IS only Wyear Wse. arid, C01-pl')ratiolis ,LFQ less
HkAy to s"nd a large sr: n of nion, to hudd hW1j,LiFS (U.S;1LRl1),`$ I 00,()t)) jj''tjjc
cannot get a lorigMenn lease agrainient P9 yems "as (1iscussed). Due b) this, the
ahpnn has lost several interew�d inclkiidlials and ccuj�ornfions.
There sTre scvcral pictures of tic Wyni shown to explain '.111cre dic hang"ars Could
he built �Mld how IN akpom nould hok, Ile Sport is cirrrenfly set-up, tc:,p . perffiy, � I
needed Mcdons, excqt tic longwlenn We and the Jet A, Fuel' ni al
Inibrniatim cmi odier anjorts was given iix-
4 (HouNa has Wyer services but tiflurg kliag teriii haligar rcipal (99i yQars),
0 Wbswd has sold all My owned hmgam and ,,ru excavalin- t-or inore prh,t tcly
o,,viied han,�,�,rrs.,
+ Litdhfi d airpaa and scrAces are SO& Wn6cal to ours but th� y arc oilbring
99-year I cases at a W a year and are ex ravating Rr rnmim p0me hanguy At Ole
etul of Wase (99 vears, ille lessee cmi lakQ die: huilding off or ibr it it) [,e
# 10- year lcasc vs. a 20-yeat tcrlsc Cilables therri to ad'vernse,
only1mbHc hmd 0101 PAM hWhiduak and empomdons can build on,
IA wouk:d help wilh, the tcotloniy onore 17013ULUM[ItS, 110ill,CS, c1C
6 An asm%s ahort rimitHeriance to hangar (runway', uixi%va�,y, a[W011. QIc')
0 The cost %vould lic eqtu.,il� to
0 Once the harig• is bW It it beconjes peES(.)jlaI property ai.id ir; mxa o bl ,
as soch
* ATMWY QW1 i n t2XCS WOUld Pay Rw airport upkeep instead of it cxnn ing pul cyj�•
the Cil,,,,
4' ('Urrum in�,.liwenmwu vaos au-c part �%Iilh rcnt2f
0 Additional tax revenues could cover die Costs so runis couhl be used fbr othet,
0 SIAN hangat, rgrai nt rund, is no
Isar Ihtil niellance
+ [LSsei� Wdl he wpansib[C I' is �11,i CCWS
0 Ile ahpoo addsmy conit'Ms,sion qprovcs buil(ling designs
The Sport emmilissicyn, 1-eic,,oinmends this as d1c., bc.sj J,L) (je�.ro,,10j) lbe
"FIR co=dflee fliCrl proceedcd to dianw the
Dan Uas asked Mdlat a SaMPIC WSC YYLdCi 1001, like. 3ohn CMmn Italy' ([w, LitchfiWd
tll,,i,t could b0 LiSed as a ternplau, Their consam is $1 a year lcme whil a
section (in assesmselats. AL Q end oFthe 10dm L: Te Apart cam decide, wfint to (lo %�Pjt]3
ha nga:F (Le, OW (e"gsq take We butllug dmvn, etQj,, M(.)L.[gbt s 1 a war,
10;,ise was not C�Jlougji. Jolm Rod,c2'1)erg swed Nie goal of the AtTim is to com die com,
not 1wecssarHy to make
C11ay asked wl'io %vill niahaln and cAhme tll�- licasc- Jkibll Olsoll rephecl fll2lt therc
wwdd be a cKarly whHen PrOvAnn in the lease about what can be keo inside and
outside Au hangar arid how the haqWx shodd lie maintained. Wit is not Whig used or
m,,,-d, nAa.hied Per the lei sc, 1111',1 the GYM comnihion can give a -xartling (ir Scllnao'nQ
to niainwiin th; hang at; Inn Me lessee wolld be thiled fbr the rumunt. If it imp scill is not
nlain.tairied, it is, 't Ill."cach of (,',Otitr lct all d the Id asu c m bt canucled.
John Olson said Unit dw amizge cost Q a leasc hs about S. 13, a squ�3n�. z�bot. A,� p,a�-t
ClIQ lease, flicy %%;,olild m-LICtUrC in, an escalator to alknv Wr hunmioq but would also Set a
AS sn At Ow lease cc' uhJ not excewl a cerWin ammmt,
John Olson discussed o1hur opHons Ar awl oll expansiorr. I ;) Nlrlf)ot prt�mgrzuri, 2)
Inca ase, geneml Aid to bAd WAS Sir hangar conaractiou or 3) Take inomies filyll
other' utility full(JS,
"The proposed chaWr amendnam change W be dmile ill, qh(� Ibrlii clf,arl Can -dinarlcu and.
wdl only refleo the change to the Imse Kn0h (99 ycms0- 'I he City ALtol"ricy and the ciiy
en-Weering staff N vill wolk oti, th:e wordi�ng of the ordinatim"Ind bring it, to a Chaw r rter
Cmillilissicin meeting for teview,
I-he Airport (7onmAsian "Ill drA a lhase docuiriera for the C,'ity Cnitnei I (,o co new idw-,
Motion, 1.)y Wdt Clyq second by ROMOF Petsm Io bave le sal counsel to draR charter
amaidment language Or thu convaimion to consider nrid to prepare legral vQfl,�iage to
coincide w4th 5ection I M02 of Ow eNcirtei- tai allokv fcvrr 99-�year lease, '%4u-.)IJ;aka CInTied
It was announccd that Rqper Steams W MU the POWn held fan �vicnvly by Bob Sfeari.n�,
He W be swom in at the next councH moing.
Nfike: Canri.on, Ycj,:)orled di-at he iij)dated [lie city council On the 9?29/20,03 charter
animInvA. There was only one object[on. presented u) we Cj I ChmnAk Steve An
%vas in fii,vor of paying a The to tic: (`(.,�,tincil nienib!er on the JILIC". Council agreQd
runendmcm and wi I I be oii, the I DW03 Cj q Council agenda Ir approvA
Me Cammi adjourned the ni.ecting ,it 4:45 p.m.