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01-15-2009 APM+HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION January 15, 2009 5:30 p.m. Airport Arrival/Departure Building Minutes Members present: Chuck Brill, Doug McGraw, Dick Freeman, Joel Schwarze; Juli Neuharth; Members absent: Mayor Cook Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation; Others present: Tim Miller, Andy Nissen, Joe Dooley, Steve Walling, tenants Meeting called to order at 5:31 p.m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Approve Minutes of December 11, 2008 meeting Motion made by McGraw, second by Neuharth to approve minutes. Unanimous approval. 2. Airport Commission Doug McGraw (to 09/ 09, first full -term) Joel Schwarze (to 09/10, first full -term) Chuck Brill (to 09/11, second full -term) Dick Freeman (to 09/12, first full -term) Juli Neuharth (to 09/13, first full -term) Steve Cook (Council representative) Mayor Cook was reappointed to the Airport Commission for 2009. 3. Review Updated Hangar Assignments Updated map was provided Hangar activity: Motion by Neuharth, Second by McGraw to make the following hangar assignments. Unanimous approval. Hangar 44 -6 vacated by Chuck Brill — assigned to Skyview Aviation Hangar 44 -5 vacated by Juli Neuharth — assigned to Jay Heil Hangar 43 -7 vacated by Skyview Aviation — assigned to Tim Cox Hangar 43 -6 vacated by Jay Heil — assigned to Jesse Demmers Hangar #1 -14 vacated by Tim Cox — assigned to Steve Walling Hangar #1 -16 vacated by Jesse Demmers — available Joe Dooley announced he will vacate Hangar 42 -5 as of January 16. Olson reported that he had checked the date for Fuzzy Flyer (Karl Heisel). Dates indicated on the hangar map may not specifically correspond to the dates on the lease agreements, but they are in the month and in the order that rental agreements were received. Commission recognized Tri -Pacer as being higher on the priority list than Jay Heil. Tim Miller reported that Tri -Pacer will be having a meeting later in January. If both of their aircraft fit into Hangar 43 -6, they would be interested in leasing that hangar. They may make a request for Hangar 43 -6 and give up Hangar 42 -6 and 41 -9 if they can fit both of their aircraft. If that is their decision, then Hangar 43 -6 would be assigned to Tri -Pacer and Jesse Demmers would be assigned to Hangar 42 -6 These actions resulted in availability of two hangars, 42 -5 and #1 -16. Advertisements will be posted on January 16, allowing requests until January 30, 2009. 4. Operational Issues (Oven Proiects) 2009 Project— Olson reported that architectural /engineering costs have been submitted as one grant. FAA funding will cover these costs. There is no specific information on the status of FAA funding for the remainder of this fiscal year, however FAA staff continues to expect full funding and perhaps even more funding soon after the inauguration of President Obama. 5. Future Proiects Life Link III will be installing a double -wide mobile office on the SW corner of the open space south of the existing maintenance hangar. The structure will be approx. 28' wide, with its long axis parallel with the roadway. Water and sewer connections will be able to be made without disturbing existing paved areas by connecting utilities on the east side of the existing maintenance hangar. When the water is shut off for this project, it is our intent to facilitate replacement of a leading valve in the CAP office. The project is scheduled for early next week, but cold weather may delay installation of utilities. This mobile office will allow enough space for a 60' wide hangar to be constructed between the buildings. Commissioners requested that Olson investigate with TKDA whether a building could be built with a 60 foot door opening, which would require the building to be wider than 60 feet. At a minimum, the door should be no less than 55 feet in width, but a 60 foot door is much more desirable. Man doors should be put in on the NW and SW corners of the hangar. A man door on the SE corner of the hangar should accommodate potential breezeway off of the Life Link III office. A man door on the NE corner of the hangar should be aligned with the man door on the SE corner of the existing maintenance hangar to facilitate construction of a breezeway between the two hangars. The Commission discussed the options for setting the building back approximately 12.5 feet off the apron versus putting the building directly adjacent to the apron. It would be acceptable to offset the building, if that results in less cost. 4. Other Discussions/ New Business Administrative Fee —Late Hangar Pavnzents - The City incurs costs to restrict access to hangars that are in arrears for rent payments. City staff locks hangar doors or otherwise restricts access to hangars when payments are late. This has proved to be a successful method of ensuring payments is made in a timely manner. Olson discussed assessing an administrative to each hangar that needs to be locked up. This fee would offset some of the costs of administration, finance and the cost of installing and removing the locks. Motion made by Schwarze, second by Neuharth to assess the administration fee if locks are installed and the account is in arrears 90 days. Motion passed. Roll call vote: Brill — Aye; McGraw — Nay; Freeman — Aye; Schwarze — Aye; Nuebarth — Aye. De -icing Chemicals Olson reported that during a recent storm, a request was made for de -icing chemicals. The request was denied by City staff. City staff has not put de -icing chemicals down at the airport because of the lack of staffing and equipment to de -ice runways and ramps in a manner consistent with the needs of light aircraft. Commissioners recommended that City staff continue with its current practices, identifying the potential issues related to providing de -icing services, including aircraft corrosion and potential costs. Commissioners noted that the recent storm resulted in unusually icy conditions, but the ramp, taxiways and runways were cleared of most ice within 48 hours. Tim Miller also reported that some modifications were made to the helicopter tug that allowed turning movements on the ice. Mn/DOT Aeronautics `Airport Economic Impact Calculator" Olson requested that a volunteer among the Airport Commissioners or friends of the airport work on the calculator to determine a reasonable economic impact of the Hutchinson Airport. The report would be made to the Airport Commission, and be forwarded to the City Council. This data can be accessed on Mn/DOT's website at http: / / aero /avoffice /econimpactcalc.html . Commissioners recognized Andy Nissen for his willingness to take on this project. Thank you, Andy! WIFIAntenna Schwarze requested, on behalf of a group of hangar owners /tenants, permission to install a WIFI antenna on the arrival/departure building. This installation would allow the WIFI signal to be available in hangar structures on the airfield. Commissioners recognized the willingness of owners to make the improvement at no cost to the City. Motion by McGraw, second by Neuharth to allow installation of the WIFI antenna. Unanimous approval. Airport Courtesy Car Olson reported that the courtesy car had been damaged severely in the recent accident and that the car was totaled. A replacement courtesy car will be provided, once Public Works staff has the time to prepare another vehicle. Olson requested that the vehicle be available to Public Works staff when needed for transporting multiple staff at a time. The Commission recognized this as a cost - savings for the City. AWOS System errors Parker reported that he had been in contact with Mn/DOT Aeronautics (Bob Milton) regarding the AWOS system errors. There is an error in the connection between the weather equipment and the monitor in the flight planning room. The company contracted to repair the AWOS has not responded, so Mn/DOT is planning to hire another contractor to address the problem. Parker reported he had been able to make the system work, but that the fault reappeared within a few hours. JetA Fuel Hose Reel Parker reported the hose reel switch on the JetA tank was faulty. City staff will address the issue. At 6:40, a motion to adjourn was made by Schwarze, second by McGraw. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING: regularly scheduled for February 19, 2009