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No Workshop AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Our Savior's Lutheran 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 22, 2013 Action — Motion to approve as presented 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been e egate tot e City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 14099 — A RESOLUTION REVISING 2013 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FEE SCHEDULE PERTAINING TO AIRPORT, WASTEWATER AND STORMWATER FEES 2. RESOLUTION NO. 14107 — A RESOLUTION FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS OF TH 15 AND CSAH 115 FROM SOUTHERN CITY LIMITS TO DENVER AVENUE ALONG TH 15 AND 950 FEET WEST AND 1300 FEET EAST OF TH 15 ALONG CSAH 115 FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 3. ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0706 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 73.17 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE PERTAINING TO MOTORIZED SCOOTERS (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 4. ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0707 — AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 34 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE — ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTIES (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL REQUEST FOR DAN JOCHUM TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL PLANNING CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS APRIL 14 — 17. 2013 (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PRIVATE AIRPORT HANGAR LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND JAMES WECKMAN (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR TRUNK HWY 15 /CSAH 115 ROUNDABOUT PROJECT (LETTING NO. 4, PROJECT NO. 13 -04) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — FEBRUARY 12, 2013 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT REVERSE OSMOSIS MEMBRANE REPLACEMENT PROJECT (LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO. 13 -07) (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR RAILROAD DEPOT SITE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (LETTING NO. 8, PROJECT NO. 13 -08) (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR APRIL 17, 2013, AT HUTCHINSON CITY CENTER (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSES: - MCLEOD COUNTY PHEASANTS FOREVER ON MARCH 23, 2013, AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS MINNESOTA DEER HUNTERS ASSOCIATION ON APRIL 6, 2013, AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS - HUTCHINSON ROTARY FOUNDATION ON APRIL 19, 2013, AT CROW RIVER GOLF CLUB (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE TO HUTCHINSON CENTER FOR THE ARTS ON FEBRUARY 16, 2013 Q) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS /REAPPOINTMENTS TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON BOARDS /COMMISSIONS (k) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. -NONE 0 necessary (Purpose: to provide Council with information not monitoring past) (a) PRESENTATION ON POLICE OFFICER MEMORIAL PARK Action - 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO, 13- 0704 —AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING SECTION 123 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE PERTAINING TO FOOD VENDORS Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0705 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 93 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE — ANIMALS Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Counci an manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —FEBRUARY 12, 2013 process items.) (a) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES FROM JANUARY 2 AND 15, 2013 (b) HUTCHINSON LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 22, 2012 (c) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY 2013 (d) PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 3, 2012 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Chad Czmowski, Bill Arndt and Gary Forcier. Others present were Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION — Pastor Paul Baker, Bethlehem United Methodist, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Arndt congratulated the State Theatre on its 75t' Birthday. 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 8, 2013 Mayor Cook commented that the name of Fred Marlowe referenced in the minutes needs to be changed to Barlau. Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, to approve the minutes as presented with the correction of Fred Barlau's name. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose. only far items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have een e egate tot e City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 13 -702 -AN ORDINANCE REVISING CHAPTER 94— CEMETERIES (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO REBUILD THE MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE THRU ON THE EXISTING LOT AT 1098 HWY 15 SOUTH WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 14094) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE TO 3M CLUB ON MARCH 29, 2013 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE TO UPPER MIDWEST A -C CLUB ON JULY 28, 2013, AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS (e) APPOINTMENT OF JONNY BLOCK TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD TO DECEMBER 2018 (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR 2013 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT — LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 13 -03 (ORDERING PREPARATION OF �pc4�) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— JANUARY 22, 2013 REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT) (g) SUMMARY OF CLOSED MEETING PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SESSION HELD ON JANUARY 8, 2013 (h) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Items 7(a)l and 7(h) were pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(a) I had further discussion. Mayor Cook noted that a letter had been received by resident Stephanie Chappell. Ms. Chappell has been working on cataloging all of the interments for the cemetery with over 8000 entries placed for a web site called "Find Your Grave ". Ms. Chappell had concerns with the use of bicycles in the cemetery and the bicycles that do not stay on the paved roadway and the damage they can create when they go off the roadway. Mayor Cook suggested posting signage stating that bicycles need to stay on the roadway. In addition, Ms. Chappell also pointed out concerns with some of the military sites that do not have the military markers on them. Mayor Cook noted that Ms. Chappell should work with staff on these issues. Council Member Arndt commented that the cemetery should not be used as a playground as it is sacred ground. Council Member Arndt also commented that there are stickers available that state "here lies a veteran" and doesn't list the branch of military, but more generalized. John Olson, Public Works Manager, provided a copy of an example of a veteran marker that simply states "Veteran" in a star formation. Mr. Olson spoke of the process currently used by the cemetery when identifying a veteran. The Council urged the cemetery to continue to recognize veterans at their gravesite. Stephanie Chappell, 725 Century Ave. # 101, presented before the Council. Ms. Chappell noted the work she is doing on veterans' markers as well as locating all the grave sites within the cemetery. Council Member Arndt asked Ms. Chappell to speak at the American Legion on this topic. Discussion was held regarding the prohibition of pets in the cemeteries. John Olson noted that signage could be placed noting that pets are not allowed in the cemetery as well as bicycles having to be on roadway. The Council spoke about enforcement in the cemetery. Chief Dan Hatten noted that park patrol do monitor the cemetery but not as an extreme high priority. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to approve Item 7(a) with the condition of adding appropriate signage related to bicycles and pets. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(h) was pulled for separate discussion. Council Member Forcier noted he has a bill on the list so he would like to abstain from voting. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Item 7(h). Motion carried unanimously. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) JEFFERSON STREET SE RECONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 PROJECT — LETTING NO. 1, PROJECTNO. 13 -01 (ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS) Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner noted the project runs from Washington Avenue to Oakland Avenue. The bid opening will be held April 11, 2013, instead of March 14, 2013, as originally stated. The project consists of a full reconstruction of the existing roadway surface /section, full utility replacement/;upgrades, drainage /storm sewer improvements, draintile installation, cD (A_) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —JANUARY 22, 2013 signing /striping, street lighting, sidewalks and restoration. A portion of the project will be funded by the City's municipal state aid allotment, with the remaining being funded by City bonds and property special assessments. Mr. Exner reviewed assessments and general schedule and construction items. The total project is estimated at $1,980,000 with assessments funding approximately $310,000 of the project. Mr. Exner spoke in more detail to specifics of the project. A trail is included on the east side of the project. Neil Wagner, 574 Jefferson Street, presented before the Council. Mr. Wagner asked what determines the level of state aid. Mr. Exner explained that the City determines the amount. The City has an account based on its population and roadway system. The City is allocated approximately $500,000 per year and the city determines how those funds will be distributed throtout projects which are more major collector routes. Mr. Wagner asked if the amount being used towards this project is comparable to other projects. Mr. Exner noted that the funds being considered on this project may be lower than what has been appropriated to other projects. The amount of state aid funds will not adjust the amount of assessments. If more state aid funds are used, it lessens the amount of City bonding or contributions from water /wastewater /stormwater funds. Mr. Wagner asked about the thickness of the bituminous being used on this project, which is a truck route. Mr. Exner explained that a 4" overlay will be used on the project, however the real strength of the roadway comes from what is built below the surface. Upon completion of the project, the anticipated life of the street is 20+ years, with appropriate maintenance. Eric Piepmeier, 24 Jefferson Street East, presented before the Council. Mr. Piepmeier spoke of financial burdens and asked if the project could be delayed to a future year or if it is necessary to occur this year. Mayor Cook clarified that the assessments will be on the 2014 tax rolls. Mayor Cook also mentioned that projects are looked at as a whole and how they piece together with other projected projects. Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Exner noted that to the property owners of apartment buildings and commercial properties, there is a possibility of a six inch sprinkler pipe being constructed to those properties. Typically those assessments are deferred for 10 years. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve Jefferson Street SE Reconstruction Phase I Project — Letting No. 1, Project No. 13 -01. Motion carried unanimously. 9. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy, A ways looking toward t e lure, not monitoring past) (a) UPDATE ON ARMER RADIO SYSTEM Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter provided an overview on the ARMER project. The Council, in 2009, designated $50,000 each year for this project. This project is a statewide initiative to create one frequency used statewide for all emergency services personnel. Mr. Carter explained the expenditures paid to date by the City for the project which is approximately $287,423 with $127,976 coming from grant dollars. The work completed includes installation of a backup control station, antenna system equipment and labor for installation of consoles. A new generator is expected this month. Mr. Carter explained that a new generator is needed due to the output needed. The City didn't have another generator available for this need. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ACQUISITION AT #40 AIRPORT ROAD Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that this item has been in ongoing conversations with the property owners and is related to the roundabout project being constructed this year at Hwy 15 South and Airport Road. The proposal is to extend City main lines underground across the Walter and Linda Green property. The proposal is to place sanitary sewer facilities on the Green's land for the City to extend the City sanitary sewer services facilities which are adjacent to the intersection of State Hwy 15 and County State Aid Hwy 115. As part of the agreement, the Greens will connect to the 111 t) CITY COUNCIL WNUTES —JANUARY 22, 2013 City's sanitary sewer system and their private septic system will be removed by, and at the cost of, the City. Because the Greens' private septic system still has a remaining useful life, the City will pay the Greens $7700 for the remaining useful life. The Greens will pay a sanitary sewer availability charge in the amount of $2300. In addition, in consideration of the Greens' permitting the City to place sanitary sewer facilities on their land, the Greens will be entitled to discharge well water for their well into the City's sanitary sewer service system. The Greens will pay a monthly sanitary sewer bill generated by the City based on the amount of the Greens' well water discharged into the City sanitary system as determined water meter installed by the City. The Greens will grant the City an easement for construction right -of -entry and a permanent easement for the line. The City will be compensating the property owner for the permanent easement, septic system removal, tree values /removals, wagon removal and bird house removal, with a total compensation of $28,371.25. A statement will be added to the sanitary sewer service agreement that the agreement will be binding on its successors, heirs and assigns. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve drainage and utility easement and sanitary sewer service agreement, with the additional binding statement, with a total compensation of $28,371.25 for the acquisition at #40 Airport Road. Motion Gamed unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0704 — AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING SECTION 123 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE PERTAINING TO FOOD VENDORS (FIRST READING, SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR FEBRUARY 12, 2013) Mayor Cook noted that this item is mainly for discussion this evening and will be brought back later for consideration of a first reading. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora explained the City has had two food cart vendors in town recently. When the first one came to town a few years ago, the City didn't really have a license that fit this type of business and therefore a transient merchant license has been the license being used for this type of business. Staff has felt that perhaps the creation of a food cart vendor license would be more appropriate. Mr. Sebora noted that, in addition, the City has had an ice cream truck that has been in town that has been issued a transient merchant license. Mr. Sebora suggested adding a motorized vendor to the proposed ordinance as well, as perhaps food carts that prepare the food onsite, compared to prepackaged food as in the proposed ordinance. Mr. Sebora reviewed the proposed requirements of food cart vendors. Council Member Christensen asked about the garbage requirement— vendors own garbage receptacle or City receptacle? Mr. Sebora then reviewed the restrictions proposed in the ordinance. Mayor Cook suggested an exception to the festivals, fairs and civic events — if the vendor is invited by the organizer they should be allowed. The Council also discussed the restriction of being 100 feet away from a restaurant. Concerns were also raised with the proposed restriction of not operating on public rights -of -way, sidewalks, public parking lots and parks. Greg Jodzio, 549 Main Street South, Red's Hot, presented before the Council. Mr. Jodzio owns a hot dog food cart and commented on the generator requirement. He stated the requirements being proposed may be difficult to comply with and are not required by the State. Mr. Jodzio spoke of the signs being posted to the cart. He didn't have a real issue with this requirement, however he did express that if other brick and mortar businesses can apply for sandwich board signs, he would like the opportunity to do so as well. Mr. Jodzio commented that garbage waste is not a problem — he has always supplied receptacles with his business. Mr. Jodzio commented that he feels food carts bring character to the City. Council Member Czmowski voiced that he feels food carts should be allowed and not be so heavily regulated. Council Member Arndt asked of food trucks. Mr. Sebora noted that if food trucks are allowed in the ordinance, regulations will need to be put in place for them — such as parking restrictions, sound amplification, etc. Council Member Forcier commented this is a good starting point, but he feels food trucks need to be addressed as well. Mayor Cook also asked if restrictions need to be considered for distance to concession stands. Council 4 6 (0) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — JANUARY 22, 2013 Member Forcier asked if perhaps by gaining permission from a business, that may take care of any issues. Mr. Jodzio commented that perhaps a note to the restrictions is that a restaurant must be opened for the 100 feet distance restriction to apply (such as, many restaurants are closed on Sundays). Another addition should be all licensees must be in compliance with all City ordinances. The license is being proposed to follow the calendar year. Any further feedback can be provided to Marc Sebora. Food trucks should be included in the revised version that comes before Council. Council Member Arndt suggested inviting the other food vendor that was in town last summer, as well as the ice cream truck vendor to get their input on the ordinance. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to table this item. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0705 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 93 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE — ANIMALS (FIRST READING, SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR FEBRUARY 12, 2013) Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora explained that this ordinance is for discussion purposes. Mr. Sebora noted that over the past year or so, staff has been made aware of residents who house several animals. The proposed ordinance allows for animal limits per person be a combination of no more than four dogs and cats, with no more than three of which may be dogs or cats over three months old. This number was arrived at after the planning department and police department surveyed other communities. In addition, revisions were made to Section 93.18 requiring dogs and cats to be leashed on public property. The term "poundmaster" is also being proposed to be changed to "police department'. Section 93.24 is also proposing that barking or sounds from dogs which produce noises that reasonably disturbs the peace and quiet of the neighborhood rather than specific barking intervals which is difficult to enforce. Council Member Czmowski suggested allowing shock collars in lieu of a leash. Mayor Cook spoke to the dangerous animal requirements and the fact that state law regulates dangerous animals. State law actually has some additional penalties that the city does not include in its ordinance. Mr. Sebora commented that the city has been following state law with regard to its dangerous animal designations. Those statutory requirements should be incorporated into the ordinance. Mayor Cook also asked about 93.21(B) — notification of impounding. Mayor Cook feels that the language that is being proposed to be removed (written notice being posted at City Hall) should remain in the ordinance. Chief Dan Hatten commented that individuals come to the police department to inquire about their animals and that is why the posting notice requirement was removed. Language should be added in 93.44 prohibiting the riding of animals on city -owned trails. Council Member Arndt commented on farm animals at the Fairgrounds. Language will be added to the ordinance addressing farm animals at the fairgrounds. Council Member Christensen asked about the residents who currently are over the limit for the proposed number of dogs and cats. Marc Sebora noted that it is expected that all residents will be in compliance with the ordinance upon adoption. Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to table this item. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0706 —AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 73.17 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE PERTAINING TO MOTORIZED SCOOTERS (FIRST READING, SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR FEBRUARY 12, 2013) Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Marc Sebora explained that this ordinance is proposing to be amended to follow state law since it is completely encapsulated in Minn. Stat. 169.225. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to approve Ordinance No. 13 -706, setting second reading and �j CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — JANUARY 22, 2013 adoption for February 12, 2013. Motion carried unanimously. (e) OF ORDINANCE NO. IEEI 34 OF THE HUT HIN ONCITY CODE ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTIES ES ST READING, SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR FEBRUARY 12, 2013) Marc Sebora, City Attorney; presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora explained that in 2006, the City implemented an administrative citation program allowing the City to issue administrative citations for certain traffic offenses and code violations. The City then collected the entire fee and the offense did not g0 on the violator's driving record. Since 2006, the state has placed regulations on the program, including limiting the offenses that can be cited under such a program, capping the fine amount, etc. The program is no longer being used by the City because of these restrictions. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to adopt Ordinance No. 13 -707, repealing Chapter 34. Motion carried unanimously. 12. GOVERNANCE (purpose: toassesspastorganizational performance, developpolicythatguides the organization and Council manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2012 (b) SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2012 (c) CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR DECEMBER 2012 (UNAUDITED) (d) CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2012 (e) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 20, 2012, AND DECEMBER 18, 2012 (f) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 20, 2012 12(c) - Mayor Cook noted that approximately $70,000 from the HSA City contributions is being proposed to be used from the self - insurance fund. He asked if perhaps these funds could be used from fund balance or the capital projects fund instead. Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, noted that would be possible, however he wished not to make any transfers until the year -end entries are complete. 13. MISCELLANEOUS Kent Exner — Mr. Exner noted that the City's wastewater department is taking on excess water from the Buffalo Lake ethanol plant through appropriate permitting processes. To date, this has brought in an additional $30,000 in revenue with the potential of up to $100,000. Also, a draft of transportation plan will be presented at the next Council meeting. Discussion was held regarding the size of the roundabout proposed on Hwy 15 South. Mayor Cook talked about putting in place a tap room ordinance to address a brew pub that could come to Hutchinson. Mayor Cook also commented that perhaps a workshop should be held to discuss a pool upgrade. Jeremy Carter will speak to Dolf Moon to arrange a date for a workshop to be held. 14. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. �0 L) HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL City Of REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Public Works 2013 Fee Schedule Revisions Department: Public Works Meeting Date: Contact: Kent Erg er 2/12/2013 Item Type: Amount of Time Requested: 0 Minutes Consent Agenda Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUNDIEXPLANA TION OF AGENDA ITEM: Following the approval of the 2013 Fee Schedule, the Public Works Department would like to request the identified revis-lons/clarificatio.ns/"additions per the attached document. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of 2013 Fee Schedule changes Fiscal Impact: 0 Funding Source: N/A FTE Impact 0 Budget Mange: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $0 Total City Cost: 50 Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $0 Funding SOufce d N/A Additional Financier FTE Comments 0 . 11LOL-)l CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 14099 AMENDING 2013 FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is empowered by previously passed ordinances to impose fees for services, and WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of costs for providing the services for various city departments NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT THE FOLLOWING FEE SCHEDULES ARE ADOPTED AND THAT THESE FEE SCHEDULES REPLACE ANY FEE SCHEDULES PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL. 2013 Public Works Fee Schedule - Airport - Wastewater - Stormwater " Fee Schedule attached Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of February 2013 ATTESTED: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator Steve W. Cook Mayor () L(A-,1 C January 29, 2013 City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Operations & Maintenance 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234 -4219 Fax (320) 234 -6971 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council members From: John Olson, Public Works Manager Subject: Airport hangar rental fees An error was made in my final review of the 2013 Airport fee schedule prior to its adoption. It has been past practice to add fees of either $5 or $10 to the rental fees for those who do not pay property taxes to the City of Hutchinson. Historically, the concept behind additional charges was to account for the fact that a portion of the property taxes paid to the City of Hutchinson by property owners is used to offset costs of operating the airport. These additional fees were not separately identified in the 2013 fee schedule. Staff believes the portion of the schedule which identified these additional charges was inadvertently missed when the fee schedule was consolidated and reformatted. Additional monthly fees for those who do not pay property taxes to the City are distributed as follows: Hangar #1 (open hangar) $ 5 Storage space rentals $ 5 Hangars 2, 3, 4 & 5 $30 The amended fee schedule also includes notes to clarify fees that were in previous fee schedules. These amendments relate to Maintenance Hangar /Shop and Fuel flowage fees. Staff recommends amending the Airport fee schedule. The intent was to include these adjustments. These adjustments were intended to be included in the 2013 adopted fee schedule. Approving these modifications will not result in a material change to fees assessed to customers, as it simply continues existing practice. Attached are proposed corrections to the 2013 Airport fee schedule. `l(-Q,) ( Grading/Erosion Control /Drainage Permit Issuance Guide January 2, 2013 Summary The Grading/Erosion Control /Drainage Permit is used to track and monitor projects with potential to degrade public waters and City infrastructure. A wide variety of activities may require permit coverage and this guide is intended to clarify which activities need a permit. Scope Two different activities are covered by this permit. Its primary intended use is for permitting construction activities that disturb vegetation due to soil excavation or fill activities. These activities frequently require Erosion /Sediment Control (ESC) Best Management Practices (BMPs) that limit and control sediment and other contaminants from causing offsite impacts. The permit coverage for ESC activities includes, but is not limited to: • Excavations for building footings and foundations that are greater than 200 square feet. This includes houses, garages, commercial, and industrial excavations, and major additions to existing buildings. Residential deck footings do not require a permit. • Private utility excavation that is greater than 24" in depth. This includes new private water and sewer utility excavations. Irrigation systems do not require an ESC permit. • Dewatering activities that cause noticeable erosion at the discharge or that have a high likelihood of discharging turbid water. • Geothermal well installations. • Grading projects that exceed 200 ft2. • Any excavation that occurs within the City right of way. • Other excavations as determined by the City Engineer. The permit is also used for drainage connection projects that include but are not limited to: • Sump pump drainage connections to City street edge drains. Downspouts cannot be connected to street edge drains. PE Corrugated /Perforated lines cannot be used for sump discharges. Drainage connections to City storm water infrastructure such as catch basins, manholes, and pipes. These connections must be done in accordance to City infrastructure design standards. Installation of drainage swales /ditches that discharge to a City right -of -way, street or storm water infrastructure. Permit Costs • Drainage connection $35.00 < 5,000 ft2 disturbed $35.00 • 5,000 ft2 -1 acre disturbed $100.00 • 1 -5 acres disturbed $200.00 • > 5 acres disturbed $300.00 q tam I _i City of Hutchinson 2013 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2013 Fees Notes 2012 Fees �• Last Increase Chan e Public Works Engineering: • Design Review 3.00% Review of site and grading plans and/or plans and 3.00% 0.0% 2002 specifications prepared by developer, or pre-engineering of reconstruction plans. Final Design 6.00% Cost to complete plans and specifications in- house. 6.00% 0.0% 2002 Construction Review and Staking 6.00% Includes on -site and off -site services. Private developers 6.00% 0.0% 2002 must provide survey control and may complete this work with a consultant approved by the City and pay these costs directly. • Preliminary Development 1.00% Plan review and development, subdivision and /or 1.00% 0.0% 2002 development agreements, etc. Contact Administration 2.00% Assessment roll preparation, MN Statute 429 review, and 2.00% 0.0% 2002 contract administration and review. • Comprehensive Planning 1.50% GIS system mapping and database updates, comprehensive 1.50% 0.0% 2002 infrastructure planning. Topographic Mapping 1.50% For testing services completed by City. 1.50% 0.0% 2002 • Housing needs fund 1.00% Funding for HRA program supporting housing needs within 1.00% 0.0% 2002 the community. The HRA Board may waive this fee on projects meeting HRA Housing goals. Not applied to reconstruction or trunk utility improvements. Financial Services 1.00% Bond administration, property assessment input. 1.00% 0.0% 2002 • Legal Services 1.00% Title review, developmentisubdivision agreement 170% 0.0% 2002 development and review, bond fiscal review. Fiscal 1.00% Capitalized interest. 1.00% 0.0% 2002 Standard City Rate: Redevelopment/Newly Annexed 24.00% Redevelopment and newly annexed (does not include 24.00% 0.0% 2002 "Housing Needs Fund ") New Development 25.00% New development. The City retains the right to approve 25.00% 0.0% 2002 which projects will be completed utilizing municipal financing based on guidelines approved by the City Council. Developer Designed & Financed Rate 7.00% Minimum rate, including all items noted with asterisk (`). 7.00% 0.0% 2002 Projects utilizing more City services will be charged based on rates noted above. Hutchinson HRA may waive the 1% Housing Needs Fund fee based on low -income housing being included in the project. Engineering: Plans & Specs (paper) $80.00 Per set fee $80.00 0.0% 2002 Engineering: Plans & Specs (download set) $20.00 Per set fee $20.00 0.0% 2002 The City retains the right to engage a consultant to complete a portion of the Engineering and Project Administration. The developer shalt have the preliminary and final plat approved prior to work commencing on final design. Financial assurance/bonding may be required for improvement being completed by prt ats developers. The developer shall meet all design standards and financial surety requirements of the City. hFinance,NFEE SCHEDULESVO13 Fee Schedule12013 Fee Schedule 2 -12 -13 Page 1 of 6 2/8/2013 City of Hutchinson 2013 Fee schedule Fee Type 2013 Fees Notes 2012 Fees % Increase Last Change Typical Residential Improvement Assessment Rates: Total street reconstruction $80.00 Per adjusted front foot $80.00 0.0% 2010 Partial street reconstruction $65.00 Per adjusted front foot $60.00 8.3% 2010 Street rehabilitation $52.50 Per adjusted front foot $47.50 10.5% 2010 Mill/overlay of street $30.00 Per adjusted front foot $30.00 0.0% 2010 Water service lateral $3,000.00 replaced during construct/reconstruct $3,000.00 0.0% 2010 Sewer service lateral $3,000.00 replaced during constructtreconslruct $3,000.00 0.0% 2010 Water service lateral - new tap $1,425.00 tap into existing PVC water main $1,425.00 0.0% 2010 Sewer service lateral - new tap $2,135.00 tap into existing PVC sewer main $2,135.00 0.0% 2010 SAC (Sewer Availability Charge) $2,300.00 Residential per MCES criteria & Commercial /Industrial per MCES with initial unit+ 50% of additional units $2,300.00 0.0% 2011 WAC (Water Availability Charge) $1,750.00 Residential per MCES criteria & Commercial/Industrial per MCES with initial unit + 50% of additional units $1,750.00 0.0% 2011 Assessment Search $30.00 $30.00 0.0% 2011 Water Rates: Base charge $7.35 Per water meter $7.35 0.0% 2011 Usage (Residential, Retail, Commercial, Industrial) To 150,000 gallons per month $4.34 $4.34 0.0% 2011 151,000 to 3,000,000 gallons per month $3.18 $3.18 0.0% 2011 Over 3,000,000 gallons per month $2.36 $2.36 0.0% 2011 Water Service Repair $0.50 Per water meter per month $0.50 0.0% 2011 Bulk water $45.00 Deposit for key rental $45.00 0.0% 1 2011 Key rental fee (Month or partial month) $45.00 Month or partial month $45.00 0.0% 2011 Lost key $585.00 $585.00 0.0% 2011 Per load $20.00 South Park loaded by City staff $20.00 0.0% 2011 Per load $20.00 2 load /day, hydrant fills $20.00 0.0% 2011 Disconnect/Reconnecfing Accounts leaving for Winter, or foreclosures (scheduled) $30.00 $30 for disconnect; $30 for reconnect $30.00 0.0% 2011 Disconnect/Reconnect delinquent accounts $40.00 $40 for disconnect; $40 for reconnect $40.00 0.0% 2011 Reconnect after hours, weekends, holiday $100.00 $100.00 0.0% 2011 Water Meter Fees: 3/4"X 5/8" $140.00 Connections and flanges included $140.00 0.0% 2011 1" $235.00 $235.00 0.0% 2011 1 -1/2" $495.00 $495.00 0.0% 2011 2" $65.00 $65.00 0.0% 2011 2" Compound $1,600.00 Water department staff will approve or disapprove or require application of turbo or compound meters. $1,600.00 021 2" Turbo $825.00 $825.00 0.0% -2O 2011 3" Compound $2,150.00 $2,150.00 0.0% 2011 3" Turbo $1,175.00 $1,175.00 0.0% 2011 4" Compound $3,250.00 $3,250.00 0.0% 2011 4" Turbo $2,400.00 $2,400.00 0.0% 2011 I- ThanceTEE SCHEDULEM2013 Fee Schedule12013 Fee Schedule 2 -12 -13 Page 2 of 6 2/6/2013 City of Hutchinson 2013 Fee SchGdulle Fee -I-ype 2013 Fees I Notes I 2012 Fees I % In-crease Last Cha2Re_ 6" Compound $5,90o.00 ,900.00 2011 6" Turbo $3,700.00 S 3.700. DD -0.0% 0'07%' 2011 VVater meter testing fee $50-00 Plus all direct costs for testing by others $50-00 0-0% 2012 Tatecommuni"tions Application Fee: Single User per frequency pair S336.00 S336-00 0.0% 2012 Malt -user PCS S775.00 $775,00 0.0% 2012 Mult-user ESMR $1,059,00 0.00/0 2012 Lease rates Negotiated Negotiated Sower Rates: Base charge (CATEGORY A) $6.41 Per connection $6.41 0.0% 2011 Usage (CATEGORY A) $6-42 Based upon January/Febrjary 30 day avq water usage $6.42 0,0% 2011 Base charge �CATEGORY B) $6.41 Per connection MAI 0.0% 2011 Usage (CATEGORY B) $5-75 Based up o n j -anuaTyl Fe b rj a ry 30 day avg water usage $6.76 0w0% 2011 Load charges, Dochemical Oxyger Demand (B D) $0.43 Greater than 140 m g 11 $0,43 0.0% 2010 Total J edahl Nitrogen (T IC) $116 G deafer than 50 m. gA $1-16 0.0% ,Suspended Solids .$-0-.40 Greater than 310 Mg1l $0.40 0.0% 2010 Phosphorous (P) $5,82 G reater than 6 mg11 $5.82 0.0% 2010 Industrial Pretreatment Program Fees: New permit application fee 5100-00 Sewer users < 25.000 gals/day and Haulers 5100.00 0.0% 2006 S400.00 Sewer users > 25,000 galstday $400.00 0,0% 2006 Annual site Inspection fee 1 KOO 0,0% 2005 Annual Permit Fee Haulers S 100. Do per year $100-00 0-0% 2006 Sewer Users < 25,000 gals/day S700-OD par' year $700.00 0,0% 2005 Sewer Users 25,000 to 100,000 galsiday $1.400.00 per year S1.400.00 0-0% 2005 Sewer Users> 100.000 gals/day S2100.00 per year S2 100,00 0.0% 200' Sampling and Lab costs at Cost at Cost 2005 State and -egal Costs at Cost at cosi 20003 Limits Exceedance Fees 5150-00 Per P01111,11ant per sampling period $150.00 0.0% 200.3 Hauling Waste Fees Portable T131letSNaste Tuck tipping fee $6,00 per 100 gallons $6.00 0.0% M Un cipal WVVTP Sludge T-uck tipping fee $50.00 per truck load $50-00 $325-00 0.0% 0-0% 2G05 200.0 Sludge volume feie $325.00 per dry tDF1 I:Tinano&.FEE $CHED1Ji,,ES\2 01 3 Fee SchedL.,l.e\20j1 rce:Schedule2-12-13 Page 3 of 6 21612013 I City of Hutchinson 2013 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2013 Fees I Notes 2012 Fees % I Increase Last chto Local Option Sales Tax-. Ap ply to d e bt s ervice for water, wastewater pla nts Local Sales Tax Rate 0. 50% On reta I sales made within, or delivered Within, the city limits of Hutchinson. The tax applies tD the same items That are taxable under the Minnesota sales and use tax laws. ().50%: C-010/t; 2002 Local Excise Tax $20,00 Per vehicle sold within Hutchinson in lieu of Local Sales Tax Rate. $20,00 0-0% 2012 Storm Water Utility; Golf Course, Park, Open Space $4. i 3 $3.81 8.4% 2012 Single & Two-Family Residential x`3.17 $2,93 8,2% 2012 PublicJPnyate School & Institutional $16,02 $14,79 8.3% 2012 Multi-Family Residential & Church $22, 76 $21,01 8.3% 2012 Comrnerr,=al & Industral 4G.7 $37-60 8,3 2012 Lots 1 to 2 acres $5.51 $5,09 8,3% 2012 Lots 2 to 3 acres $9-62 $188 8.,3% 2012 Lots 3 t 4 acres $13.71 $12-66 81% 2012 Lots 4 to 5 acres $17,83 $16,45 8,46/o 2012 Lots over 5 acres See Resolulion No. 11637 n/a 2012 Drainage/Erosion Cor trol permit $35.00 Drainage connection $35-00 0,0% $35.00 < 5.000 ft 2 disturbed S35.00 U% 2012 $1()0,00 5,DOO ft 2 - 1 acre disturbed $100-00 0.0% 2012 $2N .00 1 to 5 acres disturbed $200-00 0.0% 2012 $300.00 M:)re than 5 acres disturbed $300-00 0.0% 2012 Garbage Rates: Standard service 30 -gallon cantainer $20-12 $20,12 0.01/0 2009 OD-gallon container $29.02 $29.02 0.0% 2008, 91)-gallon container S39102 $39.92 0.0% 2008 Weekly valet service 30-gallon container 528.46 S28.46 0.0% 2008 60-igallon QQntiaine'r 37.35 $37,36 0.0% 2008 90-gallon coMainef S 4 B. 2,6 $48.26 0,0% 2008 Se n or Citizens/Low Income Rate ii- weekly} standard service S14.16 130 - gallon container $14,16 0,0% 2008 8i-weekly valet serAce (low incDme) S 19.79 30-gallon container $19.79 0.0-1 o 2009 Senior rKizer reduced r (low income) $2.50 $2.50 0.0% 2008 Senior citizen reduced valet $10.84 $10.84 0.0% 2008 Senior ckizen reduced bi-weekly valet. $6.67 $6.67 0.0% 2008 Cemetery, Flush marker g rave space $750.00 $750-00 0.0% 2012 Upright memorial grave space $980.00 S98H)o 0.0% 2012 , Second right of interment $410.00 $410.00 0.0% 2012 1:%Finar TEE SLOHEDULEW013 Fee Schedute=13 Fee Schedufe 2-12-13 Paige 4 of 6 M12013 City of Hutchinson 2013 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2013 Fees Notes 2012 Fees % Increase Last Change Baby section grave space $135.00 $135.00 0.0% 2012 Flush marker cremation grave space $410.00 $410.00 0.0% 2012 Upright memorial cremation grave space $980.00 $980.00 0.0% 2012 Cremation grave space $410.00 $410.00 0.0% 2012 Columbarium Niches Unit G - (Upper 3 rows) $1,450.00 $1,450.00 0.0% 2012 Unit G - (Lower 2 rows) $1,295.00 $1,295.00 0.0% 2012 Unit E- (Upper 3 rows) $1,650.00 $1,650.00 0.0% 2012 Unit E - (Lower 2 rows) $1,295.00 $1,295.00 0.0% 2012 Replacement Bronze Plaque $360.00 $360.00 0.0% 2012 Weekday interment $750.00 $750.00 0.0% 2012 Weekend/Holiday interment $980.00 $980.00 0.0% 2012 Winter weekday interment $880.00 $880.00 0.0% 2012 Winter weekend/holiday interment $1,085.00 $1,085.00 O.Oh 2012 Weekday Baby interment $285.00 $285.00 0.0% 2012 Weekend/Holiday Baby interment $515.00 $515.00 0.0% 2012 Winter weekday Baby interment $570.00 $570.00 0.0% 2012 Winter weekend/holiday Baby interment $620.00 $620.00 0.0% 2012 Weekday cremation interment $360.00 $360.00 0.0% 2012 Weekend/Holiday cremation interment $570.00 $570.00 0.0% 2012 Winter weekday cremation interment $465.00 $465.00 0.0% 2012 Winter weekend /holiday cremation interment $670.00 $670.00 0.0% 2012 Vaulted cremains (additional charge) $230.00 $230.00 0.0% 2012 Late charges (funerals arrive after 4 pm) $205.00 $205.00 0.0 h 2012 Disinterment $1,550.00 $1,550.00 0.0% 2012 Holding vault fee $130.00 $130.00 0.0% 2012 Stone setting permit $80.00 $80.00 0.0% 2012 Cemetery deed transfer $15.00 Rate set by Statute $15.00 0.0% 2008 Chapel rental $260.00 Per 1/2 day $260.00 0.0% 2012 Chapel lease Varies Varies Memorial Bench Program $520.00 Single bronze plaque $520.00 0.0% 2012 Memorial Bench Program $725.00 Double bronze plaque $725.00 0.0% 2012 Memorial Bench Program $260.00 Engraved nameldate per space $260.00 0.0% 2012 Commemorative Bench Program $2,375.00 No memorial on bench; placed by Cemetery $2,375.00 0.0% 2012 Commemorative Bench Program $80.00 Recording fee $80.00 0.0% 2012 Affidavit of Ownership $80.00 Claim of ownership by decent of title $80.00 0.0% 2012 H.A.T.S. Facility: Building Service Charge (Hutchinson) $93,236.00 $89,650.00 4.0% 2012 Building Service Charge (MNDOT) $68,276.00 $65,650.00 4.0% 2012 Building Service Charge (McLeod) $68,120.00 $65,500.00 4.0% 2012 Building Service Charge (Transit) N/A N/A 2012 Fuel Charges $0.12 $0.12 0.0% 2009 1.*TinanwWEE SCHEDULES2013 Fee Sctiedule12013 Fft SMedule 212 -13 Page 5 of 6 M013 City of Hutchinson 2013 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2013 Fees Motes 2012 Fees % I erase Last h Airport; Maimenance Hangar Shop year City -awned han-gars- Hangars #1/9-1/18 ya4 1 .4,A0 e 11 Y4Jn4h. #i(+4# $5 for tef Ianl 71Whti/ d on 't t pa pI ope1 Yy taxes within City limits. Per month. .Add S 10 for tenants who don't pay property tees within City limits- $41-00 $71.00 11..O% 0.0% 2012 2012 Hangars #211-218 571.00 Hangars #3/2-3/4', 3(6-318 $119. 0D Per month . Add $10 for tenants who don't pay property taxes within City limits, $119= 0.0% 201 Hangars #3/1 & 315 $208,00 Per month- Add 10 for tenants who don't pay property taxes within City limits. $20&00 0 �0 2012 Hangars #4/1-4/8 4 Per month_ Add $10 for tenants who don't pay propert-� taxes within City limits. $119.00 0.0% 2012 C ity-e n-ed storage s pa ces ° H a n 9 a r #3 MA N/A---, 2011 City -owned storage spaces - Hangar # 41.00 3 r month- Arid for tenants who don't pay property saxes within City limits- $41.00 0.0% 201 Privately-owned han a,° spaces General Aviation $0.0346 per seq. ft. per year (n,;-,xi ad -justment in 014) $0.0346 0 -0% 2012 om mercia $0.1145 f sq. ft. per year (next adjustment in 201 4) SO-11-45 0.0% 2012 Fuel Sales -Avg a $0.07 pier gallon O.G7 1 0-0% _ 2011 Fuel Sales - JetA $0.07 per gallon $007 0.0% 2011 Operations & Maintenance. Labor rate 50.00 /hr - - 0 00 2 A.dm ilni strativ $50.00 $5000 0.0% 2010 Asphalt pawing material 5250.00 /ton P e r to n $250.00 /ton 0,0% 2012 Otter mater- a is Quoted Ouved Equipment rental rates See MOS' recent F E &1 rei m b u rsement rates % L%FinanceTE E SCHEDULESUDIS Fee S&eduI62013 roe Schedule 2-12-13 Page 05 of 6 2/612,013 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cily REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: N o Pa rk i ng Reso I ution for TIC 15 & CSA H 115 Roundabout Project Department: Public Works Meefirtg Date: Contact: K8nt Exner 2/12/2013 I Amount of Time Requested: 0 I Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A I BACKGROUNDIEXPLANA TION OF AGENDA ITEM: Item Type: Minutes Consent Agenda Attachments: Yes City staff requests that the City Council a p prove the attached Reso I tion as required by M n DOT to allow for their plan review of the above referenced project. The attached Resolution states that the City of Hutchinson bans the parking of motor vehicles along the project limilts of the proposed improvemcnts. I BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution Fiscal Impact: 0 Fu ndi n g So urce: N /A FTE Impact 0 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $0 Total Citv Cost: so Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $0 Funding Source: I Additional Financial/FTE Comments: RESOLUTION NO. 14107 CITY OF HUTCHINSON McLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS OF TH 15 AND CSAH 115 FROM SOUTHERN CITY LIMITS TO DENVER AVENUE ALONG TH 15 AND 950' WEST AND 1300' EAST OF TH 15 ALONG CSAH 115 FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the McLeod County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation has planned the improvement of TH 15 and CSAH 115 from the southern limits of the City of Hutchinson to Denver Avenue along TH 15; 950' west and 1300' east of TH 15 along CSAH 115. Which includes a roundabout at the intersection of TH 15 and CSAH 115; and WHEREAS, McLeod County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be expending HSIP Funds on the improvements on TH 15 and CSAH 115; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the City Council of the City of Hutchinson hereby bans the parking of motor vehicles on the following portions of TH 15 and CSAH 115: 1. Both sides of the roadway from the southern Hutchinson City Limits to Denver Avenue along TH 15 2. Both sides of the roadway from 950' west and 1300' east of TH 15 along CSAH 115. This resolution was adopted by the City Council of Hutchinson on the 12th day of February 2013, by a vote of _ Ayes and _ Nays. Steve Cook, Mayor Jeremy Carter, City Administrator () Lf�,);�, HUTCHINSONCITYCOUNCIL cily Cfl -�j REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION I Agenda Item: Ordinance No. 13-0706 - Amending Section 73-17 of City Code - Motorized Scooters Department: Legal Contact: Marc Sebora I Amount of Time Requested: 0 I Presenter/if Different than Contact; N/A I BACKGROUNDIEXPLANA TION OF AGENDA ITEM: Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type: Minutes Con t Agenda Attachments* 4. Yes This ordinance had its first reading at the January 22, 2013,, Council meeting. Staff is recommending that the ordinance currently in place be amended to follow state law, Minnesota Statute 169.225, regulating motorized scooters. I BOARD ACTWIV REQUESTED: Second reading and acloption Fiscal Impact-, 0 Funding Source: FTE Impact 0 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECTSECTION: Total Project Cost: $0 Total City Cost: so Funding Source: Remaining Cost: Funding Source: $0 I Additional Hnancial/FTE Comments: ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0706 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 73.17 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE PERTAINING TO MOTORIZED SCOOTERS THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON HEREBY ORDAINS: §73.17 MOTORIZED SCOOTERS MOTORIZED SCOOTER. A self pfopelled vehiele of power assisted flat surfaee. • highwa�y ef fight ef way, unless lieensed pufstiant te sta4e !a-,A,; or on publiely e"ed land assisted bieyeles of eler4fie personal assistive mability deviees as defined and regulated by s Peliee Sen,iees. The pefm4 shall be granted .. applieant's defnefistfa�ed need to operate a Fnetefized scooter fef fnedieal reasons. Penall�,. A vielmien of this seetieft shall be punished as a petty misdefneaaef.. Motorized .. Minnesota Statute 169.225 as amended from time Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 12 1h day of February, 2013, ATTEST: Steven W. Cook, Mayor Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator i L)3 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL City :ity -V REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Ordinance No. 13-0707 - Repealing Chapter 34 of City Code - Administrative Penalties Department: Lega I Meeting Date: Contact: Marc Sebora 2/12/2013 Item Type: Amount of Time Requested: 0 Minutes Consent Agenda Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A I Attachments: Yes BA CKGROUNDIEXPLA NATION OF AGENDA / TEM.' This ordinance had its fir reading at the January 22, 2013, Council meeting. Staff is recommending that Chapter 34 of the Hutchinson City Code, Administrative Penalties., be repealed. An administrative penalty program was o r igi na I ly p ut i n place by the City of H utc h i n so n in 2006. S i n ce 2006, the state has placed regulations on the p rogram, i nc lulling ., among other th 1 ngs, I I m Itil ng the offers ses that ears be cited under such a program, capping the fine amount, and requiring that one-third of the f ine amount be retained by the State. The program is no longer being used by the City because of these cost-prohibitive restrictiO115. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Second reading and adoption Fiscal Impact: 0 Funding Source: FTE Impact 0 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION.- Total Project Cost: $0 Total City Cost: $0 Funding Source. Remaining Cost: $0 Funding Source: Additional Financiall/FTE Comments: I Lc') 4 ORDINANCE NO. 13 -707 — AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 34 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE — ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTIES The City Council of the City of Hutchinson does hereby reveal the following ordinance: CI I A PTE 7A- A TIC P48TD A TAIP DCNi A T TIES �]1TlT1TTlC -T . � Ti . u� a .v ..�... swami _ DLO • 1_ 1111 ILL Amm 1_ • - • /. 1111 Rm • 1. 11 1 _ 1 1. 1 1. • _ • _ ■ 1. . • . • 1. 1111 ■ 1 1. Y. • 1_ 1111 ILL Amm 1_ • - Rm • 1_ 1 1 1 1 1 1. • _ • _ ■ 1. . • . • 1. 1111 ■ 1 1. Y. L) l ..._ ._ WFEWOMMEFA ..._ . Adopted by the City Council this Steven W. Cook, Mayor day of 2013. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator � taj� HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION I Agenda item* Out-of-State Travel Request for Planning & Zoning Director I Department: Administration Contact* Jeremy Carter I Amount of Time Requested: 0 M"Inutes I Presenter/If Different than Contact: N/A I BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type: Consent Agenda Attachments: Yes IF The Planning & Zoning Director is requesting out-of-state travel to attend the four-day National Planning Conference in Chicago, Illinois on April 14th -17th. The Director is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and to maintain this certification, 36 hours of continuing education is needed every two years. This conference will provide the hours needed to meet certifi cation requirements and will provide relevant topics,, networking, and collaboration. A national conference like this brings a broad spectrum of topics, people,, seminars, and workshops that will increase the knowledge of staff and provide current trends and concepts in the Planning and Zoning field. I BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Out-of-State Travel Fiscal Impact: 0 FundingSource., Planning Department IFTE Impact 0 Budget Change-. No Included in current budgeti. No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost. $0 Total 1 y Cost: $0, Funding Source; Remaining Cost. $0 Funding Source; Additional Fin anciall/FTE Comments: +0 Memorandum To: Jeremy Carter — City Administrator CC: From: Dan Jochum, AICP — Planning Director Date: 1/22/2013 Re: Out of State Travel Request Hello Jeremy, I am writing to request permission for out -of -state travel on April 14/15/16/17 to attend the 2013 National Planning Conference in Chicago, Illinois. The conference is titled "Plan Bit" and is offered by the American Planning Association (APA). I am a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), which is the professional certification for Planners. To maintain my AICP certification I need to complete 36 hours of Continuing Education every two years. This conference will help me obtain my continuing education credits and will also allow me to learn recent trends/concepts in Planning that may help Hutchinson. Conference tuition and travel expenses are budgeted for and would be covered by the Planning Department's travel/school/conference budget line item. Upon my return from the conference I will provide you with an overview of what I learned and how these things may relate to Hutchinson. If you have any questions or need additional information, please let me know. Thanks, Dan I)L�) HUTCHINSONCITYCOUNCIL City 0 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Private Airport Hangar Lease Agreement Department: Public Works Meeting Date: Contact: John Olson/Kent Ever 2/12/2013 Item Type: Amount of Time Requested: 0 Minutes Consent Agenda 0 Presenter/if Different than Contactr N/A Attachments, Yes BA CKGROUNDIEXPLA NATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The Airport Commission is recommending approval of a hangar lease with Mr. James Weckrnan,of 13195 230th Street., Hutchinson. Mr. Weckman"5 intent is to construCt a private hangar in the southernmost lot of the area under conditional use permit for construction of hangars d 1790 Butler Field Dr SW). The ha nga r wi I I be b u i It to th e com ran ercia I gra de, but wl I I n of have Ovate r/se-wer uti I Iti es con netted. As soon as wate r/s ewe r utl I ities are brought to within 50 feet of t h e building, M r. W ec k rna n wi I i be req u it d to con rye to uti I i t i es a nd begin pay i ng LOM ni erda I lease ra tes. to f f rev ii ews the fo I I owl rig !terns prior to preparing a lease document: statement of prop05ed use, con ce pt drawi ng, c ost e st i rn a te, letter of cred it, and statement of insurability, and satisfaction of Airport Minimum Standards. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Lease Agreement Fiscal Impact; 0 Fu ndin g So u rce: N /A FTE Impact 0 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $0 Total Citv Cost: so Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $0 Funding Source: N/A I Additional Financial/FTE Comments: 10 ti LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND JAMES WECKMAN This agreement, made this _ day of by and between the CITY OF HUTCHINSON (the "City ") and James Weckman (the "tenant "), is for the purpose of outlining the rights and responsibilities of the parties to this Agreement. The parties to this Agreement do agree as follows: f. Lease of airport property: The tenant leases from the City a private hangar lot, as described on a map available at the City Engineer's office. The lot is situated upon the Hutchinson Municipal Airport, Butler Field, an airport owned by the City. The lot is leased together with land and any improvements that may have been placed on it. The lot is described in an attachment to, and a part of, this Agreement. 2. Use of the airport: The tenant has the privilege of using public portions of the airport in common with other users. Use of the airport by the tenant is subject the rules and conditions as now exist or may be enacted in the future by the Federal, State or City governments. The tenant is subject to customary charges for such use as may be established from time to time by the Federal, State or City governments. 3. Term of this agreement: The term of this lease is fifty (50) years. The terms of this agreement begin the date on which this agreement has been signed and approved by the City Council. At the termination of this lease, if the tenant shall have desire to continue to have the above described premises, the tenant and City shall negotiate, in good faith, without obligating either party, to renew this lease at the same price or rent and upon the same terms and conditions as any person acting in good faith would offer to lease the above described premises. 4. Lease payments: The tenant agrees to pay to the City: A sum of 3.46 cents ($0.0346) per square foot, payable annually, as determined by the outside dimensions of the hangar and required appurtenances, to the nearest one -foot. Lease payments are due on or before November 1 of each year. When water and sewer utilities are available within fifty feet (50') of the tenant's hangar, the tenant shall begin to pay the commercial hangar lease rate in effect at that time and shall connect the hangar to water and sewer utilities. The City reserves the right to amend rates related to this lease no more than on a biennial basis. Rate revisions shall be reasonable and uniform as compared with other fees and rents charged at the City's airport. The City shall give rate revisions due regard to the value of the property leased, the improvements used, and the expense to the City of the tenant's operations. Biennial rate increases shall not exceed five percent (5 %). Any rate revisions shall be adopted by the City Council. 5. Construction of private hangars on leased property: A) The tenant agrees that hangars shall be constructed at no cost to the City. In the event the tenant has not completed construction of the hangar on the leased premises within eighteen (18) months from the date of this agreement, the City may terminate the lease without further obligation to the tenant. B) Any hangar built upon leased property shall be constructed in compliance with applicable building codes. The hangar and any attachments and appurtenances thereto, excluding required apron, ramps, parking areas, and driveways up to and associated with the hangar, must be located entirely upon the leased premises. () �C_ ) C) Tenants shall ensure hangars conform to design standards prescribed by the City. These design standards may include, but are not limited to, color, style, size, signs and placards, and other aesthetic requirements; as well as engineering requirements including, placement of the hangar upon the lot, drainage considerations, apron or approach design standards, prescribed floor elevations, placement of utility services, and firewalls. Construction and significant improvements may not begin before receiving written authority from the City. D) The tenant shall obtain the necessary regulatory authority and permits from the City. All construction shall be in a good and workmanlike manner and shall be in compliance with codes, ordinances, and other regulations applicable to the City and Hutchinson Municipal Airport, E) Prior to construction of any hangar located on leased property, the tenant shall furnish to the City, for review and approval, the plans for the building, and provide the estimated cost of completing the building. The tenant shall provide the City with a letter of credit, bond or other security with a surety satisfactory to the City conditioned upon the commencement, completion of and payment for the construction of the building; and against loss or damage by reason of mechanics lien. The City may specify the acceptable type of surety. F) During construction of the hangar, the tenant and /or tenant's contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance showing liability limits in an amount acceptable to the City and shall name the City as an additional insured. The City must approve insurance coverage before construction begins. The tenant and /or tenant's contractor shall protect the City from liability to persons or property for damages arising out of the construction or customary use of the building prior to obtaining an occupancy permit from the City. During construction, minimum liability coverage shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence with one million dollars ($1,000,000) aggregate. G) Tenants shall pay the entire cost of such construction, and shall pay the entire cost of utility services and other services for the hangar. The tenant shall pay all site improvement costs not provided by the City, including but not limited to, filling, grading, gravel, bituminous, concrete, utility installations, and any other improvements required to properly place the hangar on the leased property. H) Tenant shall construct a parking facility of approximately ten (10) feet from the front of each end of the building in a manner prescribed by the City of Hutchinson. 1) If the tenant allows a mechanic's lien to attach to the premises, such attachment of lien shall constitute a default. Tenant may post a cash bond with the City pending resolution of a mechanic's lien dispute. 6. Use and maintenance of leased property: Tenants, at their own cost and expense, shall take good care of the leased property and any hangar placed thereon. A) Any hangar constructed shall be used primarily for the storage of registered and/or leased aircraft and for related aviation purposes. Approved uses of hangars include aircraft and aircraft parts storage. In addition to the aircraft stored, tenants may store no more than three non - aircraft personally owned motorized vehicles in hangars. Use of the hangar for purposes other than those described herein shall be described in writing and be approved by the City. Uses other than those described herein that are not approved by the City shall constitute a default on the tenant's part. r) (C) B) Tenants shall keep and maintain the property in good order and repair and in a clean and neat condition. Tenants shall not permit any waste or nuisance on the leased property nor permit anything on the leased property to interfere with the rights of other tenants of the City or users of the airport. In the event the property is not properly maintained, the City may, after notifying the tenant, cause the property to be maintained. The costs of maintenance and an administrative fee will be billed to the tenant and become their responsibility. Unpaid billings may be certified to property taxes. C) Tenants may not store any property outside the building, except for property commonly stored outdoors, including but not limited to refuse containers, liquid petroleum tanks used for heating, etc., provided such property is properly secured. D) The cost for customary maintenance routinely performed by the City, related to areas affecting the value or use of leased properties are included in the lease costs charged for the property, including snow removal, grounds maintenance and maintenance of public apron areas. The City reserves the right to establish separate fees for these maintenance operations. E) The City performs snow removal throughout the City on a priority basis. The City reserves the right to perform snow removal functions in whatever manner it deems necessary. The City intends to provide service up to a reasonable and safe distance from the tenant's hangar. In any case, snow removal in front of hangars is the tenant's responsibility. The City is not required to perform any snow removal function on leased property, but may plow snow on or adjacent to leased properties to expedite other snow removal operations at the airport. F) Mowing and weed control immediately adjacent to the tenant's hangar are the tenant's responsibility. The City reserves the right to perform mowing and weed control functions in whatever manner it deems necessary. The City intends to provide service up to a reasonable and safe distance from the tenant's hangar. The City is not required to perform any mowing or weed control function on leased property, but may mow or perform weed control on or adjacent to leased properties to expedite other maintenance operations. G) The City shall establish the standards by which public apron, ramp areas, and other paved surfaces are maintained. The City intends to provide service up to a reasonable and safe distance from the tenant's hangar. In any case, the tenant is responsible for maintaining ramp areas and other paved surfaces immediately adjacent to the tenant's hangar. H) The tenant must allow the City to access to the hangar for the purpose of conducting inspections of the hangar to determine whether the tenant is complying with the provisions of this agreement. The occupant may be a party to any compliance inspection, and the City is required to notify the occupant, under Section 15 of this agreement, and make reasonable accommodation to the tenant before conducting compliance inspections. 7. Taxes, assessments, and other charges: A) In addition to other charges identified in this agreement, the tenant shall pay any taxes, assessments, licenses, fees, or other charges that may be levied or assessed upon the tenant's property or hangar or any activity of the tenant. Upon request by the City, the tenant shall provide proof of such payment. () LC-) B) The tenant shall establish their own accounts for utilities, and pay all rates and charges for any utility used or consumed in connection with or in the leased property during the term of this agreement. Upon request by the City, the tenant shall provide proof of such payment. C) In the event the tenant fails to pay the lease payments, taxes, assessments, fees, or other charges due, the City shall notify the tenant of the default. If the tenant fails to cure such default, the City shall have the right to terminate this lease in accordance with section 8 of this Agreement. 8. Termination Provisions: A) At the termination of this lease the tenant has the privilege of removing the hangar and associated properties placed upon the leased lot. The tenant shall obtain all required permits. The tenant shall have a period of ninety days (90 days) from the termination date to remove property. In the event the tenant cannot complete the removal within ninety days (90 days), the City may grant a reasonable extension of time, if the tenant can demonstrate the reasons for failure to remove property within the ninety-day (90 day) period are beyond the control of the tenant. If the tenant does not remove the property within the period granted by the City, the City shall retain ownership of remaining personal property for any municipal purpose or cause the personal property to be removed at the tenant's expense. B) If the leased premises becomes deserted, abandoned or vacated for a period of more than four (4) months, the City may terminate the lease. If the tenant's interest in the property is taken by process of law, the City may terminate the lease. If the buildings or properties on the premises are destroyed, the City or tenant shall have the right to terminate this agreement upon giving written notice, with response, to the other party. C) Should the tenant default in the performance of any terms, conditions or covenants of this agreement not otherwise specified, and should the default continue for a period of more than thirty (30) days after the City serves the tenant with written notice, the City may terminate the lease. Serving the tenant with written notice includes reasonable attempts by the City to contact the tenant, and may include use of certified mail with return receipt and /or personal service. This may be done with or without terminating this agreement and without prejudice to any other remedy for lease payments or breach of covenant. In any such event the City may terminate this agreement by giving written notice of the termination. The rights and remedies given to the City are, and shall be deemed to be, cumulative, and the exercise of one shall not be deemed to be an election excluding the exercise by the City at any other or different time of a different or inconsistent remedy. D) Should the leased property be declared condemned, either because the airport is closed to the public, or the property is needed for another municipal purpose, the City may reimburse the tenant for lease payments received in the preceding five (5) years. The City shall provide the tenant with at least ninety -days (90 days) notice of such action. n Lc,) 9.11-iability Provisions: A) The tenant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, including reasonable attorneys' fees, the City and all its agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or for loss of or damage to property or injury to persons occurring on or about the above described premises arising out of or by reason of the execution or the performance of the services provided in accordance with this agreement. The City shall not be liable to any extent for, nor will the tenant make any claim against the City for or on account of any injury, loss or damage resulting from the tenant's property or use thereof, including any claims by third parties. B) The tenant shall obtain and keep current a liability insurance policy with the City as a named additional insured and shall be in a form acceptable to the City. Inability to keep adequate insurance coverage shall be considered a default. After construction, minimum liability coverage shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence with one million dollars ($1,000,000) aggregate. C) The tenant shall obtain, and provide upon request verification of, all licensure requirements of the City of Hutchinson, State of Minnesota and /or the United States Government to legally comply with this agreement. 10. Transferrina. subletting, selling: The tenant shall not transfer, sublet or sell any interest in this agreement or in the improvements located on the property without first obtaining the written consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld provided the proposed assignee, subtenant or purchaser can demonstrate the ability and sufficient business record that it can carry out the terms of this agreement and has not been in any situation or condition that the City finds objectionable. Failure to obtain written consent shall be sufficient grounds for terminating this agreement without obligation of the City to the tenant. 11. Amendments: This agreement shall not be amended except by written document signed by all parties to this agreement. 12. Discrimination provision: The tenant, in the use of the Hutchinson Municipal Airport, shall not discriminate or permit discrimination against any person or group of persons on the grounds of race, color, or national origin or in any manner prohibited by Part 21 of the Regulations of the Office of the United States Secretary of Transportation, and the tenant further agrees to comply with any requirement made to enforce such regulation which may be demanded of the City by the United States Government under authority of said Part 21. 13. Laws, rules and reaulations: The tenant shall abide by and conform with all laws, rules, and regulations, including future amendments thereto, controlling or in any manner affecting the tenant relative to the use or occupancy of the tenant. 14. Recordina the Lease: Upon completion of the building, a survey will be conducted and a legal description will be attached hereto and become part of the agreement. The lease will be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder's Office, and such fees as are required shall be paid by the tenant. 15. Venue for causes of action: The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern this lease and the venue for any causes of action shall be McLeod County, Minnesota. 16. Notices: All notices under this agreement shall be sent to the following addresses. Tenant is responsible for notifying the City of mailing address changes. q LC-) If to the City: City of Hutchinson Airport Manager Hutchinson Municipal Airport — Butler Field 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 If to the tenant: James L. Weckman 13195 23e Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 CITY OF HUTCHINSON: 0 Attest: TENANT: James L. Weckman: Dated: Dated: (Steve Cook, Mayor) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 2013 Notary Public of the State of Minnesota My commission expires: (Jeremy Carter, City Administrator) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 2013 Notary Public of the State of Minnesota My commission expires: Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 2013 Notary Public of the State of Minnesota My commission expires: 6 q CC-) The tenant is leasing Private Commercial Hangar Lots #5, the southernmost commercial lost in the first row of private commercial hangar lots, identified by the City. Appurtenances required for utility provision shall be placed upon leased space in a manner consistent with existing regulations. See attached map. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Marc A. Sebora Hutchinson City Attorney 111 Hassan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587 -5151 Attorney ID N 0251239 Tax Statements for the real property described in this instrument should be sent to: Tenant f^J HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL alvf REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION WT I Agenda Item: Items for TH 15 & CSAH 115 Roundabout Project Getting Igo. 4/Project N o - 13-04) DePartment: Public Works Contact: Kent Exner I Amount of Time Requested: 0 I Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A BA CKGROUNDIEXPLANA TION OF AGENDA ITEM: Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type; Minutes Consent Agenda I Attachments: Yes City staff requests that the Ci ty Council a p prove the a pprop ruts Resolutions to set a Public Hearing for the above referenced letting at their March 12th meeting. I BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions & Publication Fiscal Impact: () FundingSource: N/A FTE Impact 0 Budget Change.- No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost, 320,000 Total City Cost: $3200000 Funding So urce.- WW, Wa te r, Bo n d in Remaining Cost. $0 Funding Source; N/A Additional F�nanclal/FTE Comments: Project proposed scope and funding reviewed by Resource Allocation Committee. RESOLUTION NO. 14100 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO.4 /PROJECT NO. 13 -04 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: TH 15 & CSAH 115 Roundabout; by construction of grading, select granular, aggregate base, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous/concrete surfacing, storm sewer /drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, trails, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances; and WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement, called Letting No. 4 /Project No. 13-04, be referred to the Engineer for study and that that person is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost -effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. Adopted by the Council this 12th day of February 2013. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter �) Lot) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center /111 Hassan St SF/Hutchinson Iv1N 55350- 2522(320 - 234- 4209/FAX 320 - 234 -4240 ENGINEERING REPORT & FEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer DATE: February 12, 2013 SUBJECT: Letting No. 4 /Project No. 13 -04 I have studied the following proposed improvements and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed: L4/P13 -04 TH 15 & CSAH 115 Roundabout; by construction of grading, select granular, aggregate base, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous/concrete surfacing, storm sewer /drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, trails, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances ESTIMATED COST TOTAL Construction Cost $250,000 Enulneerina $37500 Administration $15,000 FlscaULa alAntunt $7,500 Engineering Services $10,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL $320,000 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Costs $0 Stats Aid ; $0 City - Bondlina $90,000 C - Water Funds $100,000 City - Wastewater Funds $130' 000 City '- Stonnwater Funds $0 ESTIMATED TOTAL $320000 � �J RESOLUTION NO. 14101 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO.4IPROJECT NO. 13 -04 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted February 12th, 2013, a report has been prepared by Kent Exner, Public Works Director /City Engineer with reference to the following proposed improvements: TH 15 & CSAH 115 Roundabout; by construction of grading, select granular, aggregate base, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous/concrete surfacing, storm sewer /drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, trails, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances; and said report was received by the Council on February 12th 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street(s)s in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $320,000.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 12th day of March, 2013, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 12th day of February, 2013. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter � [a) HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL city0f REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item; Items for WTP Reverse Osmosis item brane Replacement (L�etti ng No. 7/Proa ect No. 13-07) b Department: Public Works Contact: Kent Exner I Amount of Time Requested: 0 I Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A BACKGROUNDIEXPLANA TION OF A GENVA ITEM: Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type: Minutes Consent Agenda Attachments: Yes it staff requests that the City Council approve the appropriate Resolutions to set a Public Hearing for the above referenced letting at their March 12th meeting. I BOARD ACTION REQUESTED.-, ,Ap pro I of Resoluti ons & Pu bi ication Fiscal Impact: 0 Funding Source: N/A FTE Impact 0 Budget Cha n,ge: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECT101V: Total Project Cost: $350,,000 Total City Cost: $3500000 Funding Source: Water and/or Bonding Remaining Cost: $0 Funding Source. N/A Additional FinanciaVFTE Comments; Project proposed scope and funding reviewed by Resource Allocation Committee. 7 fie) RESOLUTION NO. 14103 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 7 /PROJECT NO. 13 -07 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: WTP Reverse Osmosis Membrane Replacements; by procurement of specified membrane units for reverse osmosis treatment process at the Hutchinson Water Treatment Plant and appurtenances; and WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement, called Letting No. 7 /Project No. 13 -07, be referred to the Engineer for study and that that person is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. Adopted by the Council this 12th day of February 2013. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter lS) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center /1l l Hassan St SE/Hutchinson MN 55350 - 2522/320 - 234- 4209/FAX 320-234-4240 ENGINEERING REPORT & PEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer DATE: February 12, 2013 SUBJECT: Letting No. 7 /Project No. 13 -07 I have studied the following proposed improvements and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed: 1-7/P13 -07 WTP Reverse Osmosis Membrane Replacements; by procurement of specified membrane units for reverse osmosis treatment process at the Hutchinson Water Treatment Plant and appurtenances ESTIMATED COST TOTAL, . Construction Cost $300,000 Engineering $22,500 Administration- $8000 Flscal/L Iflnterest $45 Engineering Services $14,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL $350,000 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Costs State Aid $0 CI - Bondi CI • Water Funds $350 000 CI - Wastewater Funds: Su City . - Stormwater Funds 50 ESTIMATED TOTAL F $350,0001 ir) cam) RESOLUTION NO. 14104 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 7 1PROJECT NO. 13 -07 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted February 12th, 2013, a report has been prepared by Kent Exner, Public Works Director /City Engineer with reference to the following proposed improvements: WTP Reverse Osmosis Membrane Replacements; by procurement of specified membrane units for reverse osmosis treatment process at the Hutchinson Water Treatment Plant and appurtenances; and said report was received by the Council on February 12th 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street(s)s in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $350,000.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 12th day of March, 2013, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 12th day of February, 2013. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter Le-) HUTCHiN5ON CITY COUNCIL City af REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Items for Railroad Depot Site Improvements Project (Letting No. 8/Project No. 13-08) Department: Public Works Contact: Kent Exner I Amount -of Time Requested: 0 I Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A I BACKGROUNDIEXPLANA TION OF AGENDA ITEM: Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type: Minutes Consent Agenda I Attachments: Yes City staff requests that the City Council approve the appropriate Resolutions to set a Public Hearing for the above referenced letting at their March 12th asst ing. I BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions & Publication Fiscal Impact: 0 FTE Impact 0 Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $727,200 Total City Cost: 5 4341200 Remaining Cost: $ 293;000 I Additional Tina n dill /FTE Comments: Funding Source: N/A Budget Change: N-o Funding source: Bonding,, Water & Wastewater Funding source: DEED G rant Project proposed scope and funding reviewed by Resource Allocation, Committee. (-f—) RESOLUTION NO. 14105 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 8 1PROJECT NO. 13 -08 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: Railroad Depot Site Improvements; by construction of grading, soil disposal, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous/concrete surfacing. Class 5 aggregate, storm sewer /drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, trails, landscaping, restoration and; WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement, called Letting No. 8 /Project No. 13 -08, be referred to the Engineer for study and that that person is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. Adopted by the Council this 12th day of February 2013. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center /111 Hassan St SE/Hutchinson MN 55350- 2522/320 - 234- 4209/FAX 320 - 234 -4240 ENGINEERING REPORT & FEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer DATE: February 12, 2013 SUBJECT: Letting No. 8 /Project No. 13 -08 I have studied the following proposed improvements and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed: 1-8/P13 -08 Railroad Depot Site Improvements; by construction of grading, soil disposal, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous/concrete surfacing, Class 5 aggregate, storm sewer /drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, trails, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances ESTIMATED COST TOTAL. Construction Cost $623,000 Engineering - $49,500 Administration $19,800 Fiscal/Legatfintervet $8900 En Ineerin Services $25000 ESTIMATED TOTAL $727,200 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Costs $0 DEED Grant $293,000 CI -Bondin $384200 CI - Water Funds - $10,000 City - tNastewater Funds $60,000 CI - Stormwater Funds 0 ESTIMATED TOTAL $727,200 RESOLUTION NO. 14106 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 8 1PROJECT NO. 13 -08 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted February 12th, 2013, a report has been prepared by Kent Exner, Public Works Director /City Engineer with reference to the following proposed improvements: Railroad Depot Site Improvements; by construction of grading, soil disposal, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous/concrete surfacing, Class 5 aggregate, storm sewer /drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, sidewalks, trails, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances; and said report was received by the Council on February 12th 2013 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street(s)s in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $727,200.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 12th day of March, 2013, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 12th day of February, 2013. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Jeremy J. Carter q L-C-) HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Set Local Board of Appeals Meeting Department.: Administration Contact: Jeremy Carter Amount of Time Requested: 0 Presenter/if Different than Contact-, N/A BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type: Mi notes Consent Agenda Attachmeats* Yes McLeod ,County has sent out the City of Hutchinson Date for the local Board of Appeals. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Set Board of Appeals Meeting for April 17th, 2013 P 4:30pm in the Council Chambers Fiscal Impact: 0 Funding Source: FTE Impact 0 Budget Change: No Included in current bud get& No PROJECT SECTION; Total 'Project Cost: $0 Total City Cost: $0 Funding Sourced Remaining Cost: $0 Funding Source: Additional Financial/FTE Comments; 1. lip Sue Schulz COUNTY ASSESSOR January 23, 2013 Office of McLeod County Assessor Court House 2383 Hennepin Ave N Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 TO THE CLERK OF CITY OR TOWN BOARD TELEPHONE 320 - 864 -1254 FAX 320- 864 -3268 Enclosed is the notice of time set for the meeting of your local board of appeal. Also enclosed are the necessary notice blanks, which must be posted and published at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. If this meeting date and time set for your jurisdiction conflicts in some way, please let this office know at once so that a new date may be set. This is important because all "Notices of Assessment and Equalization" forms that are mailed to the taxpayers will include the meeting date and time on them. A review date cannot be changed after the notices are mailed. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. Thank you Since ly, Sue Schulz McLeod County Assessor Enc: Equal Opportunity Employer q ) OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR TO THE CLERK OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON McLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the 17th day of April 2013 at 4:30 o'clock P.M., has been fixed as the date for the meeting of the Board of Appeal in your City for said year. This Meeting should be held in your office as provided by law. Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 274.03, you are required to give notice of said meeting by publication and posting, no later than ten days prior to the date of said meeting. Given under my hand this 23rd day of January 2013 Sue Schulz, ounty Assess r McLeod County, Minn a Filed in my office this day of 120 Clerk I HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Short-Term Gambling Licenses Department: Administration Contact: Jeremy Carter Amount of Time Requested: 0 Presenter/If Different than Contact: N/A BACKGROUNDIEXPLA NATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type: Minutes Consent Agenda Attachments: Yes Three short-term gambling license requests have come in to administration for review and processing. McLeod County Pheasants Forever,, NIN Deer Hunters Assoc. and Hutchinson Rotary Foundation have filled out applications and all pertinent information has been received. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Req uest Ap p rova I of Short -term ga m bil i ng Ii nses Fiscal Impact: 0 Funding Source: IFTE Impact 0 Budget Change: No Included in current budget, No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $0 Total City Cost: $0 Funding Sourse: Remaining Cost: $0 Funding Source; Addit'lonal Fins ancilal/FTE Comments: ()Cl; Gkq of 1 I I Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 234 -4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered A lication T e ❑ Short Term Date(s) Z / — Z ? 7k-3- Fee: $30.00 c� rJ Month/ /Year — Month/D /Year (o l3 ✓! Organization Information Mc Le vt8 ✓ I Name Phone Number n,/�1 ,�,..-,� / Address where regular meeting are held City State Zip Day and time of meetings? h �(i (} / v %(/Irl /v( %• (JU pK'i Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Wyes ❑ no How long has the organization been in existence? 27 -F . How may members in the organization? What is the purpose of the organization? Akt h, 6 ,1 l✓PSlr4l1 116-rl In whose custody will organiza Ion records be kept? fi'la`lt / elrrel f 32y-b6V-,3(?S Name Phone Number 10,�V3 155' St- Nk). 53-33& - Address city State zip Officer of the �2,o -e& L&32,17 Phone Number Residence Address City State Zip Date of Birth: 3 / 9 / (er) Place of Birth: — %, IUA) - Month/day /year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes )dno If yes, explain: r�c�) Cory of Hutchinson Application jor Gambling Devices License Page 2 of 3 1, - - .() S ,>7 /' h 3�-1 6 2 True Name Phone Number 1�2y lrc&lci Rj � Residence Address — State Zip Date of Birth: 2 x / /7 �l t Place of Birth: rO 1j)eY 11 Monlh/day /year iry State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes ,(no If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Game Information Location # 11 1� IYL act() Name ofllocation where game will be played / L y�,P��h�o�ne Number act() 1 D v2 ktiyAPE 5t ( �7C/ /(t 11L15(Jt+ t .5-�2,36 Address of location where game will be played City State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: _3— 2 3—t3, through 3 j3-/Z_ AM APA Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From j ('(� t I�y 1 To Maximum number of player: 32Y Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? 'yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? es ❑ no Game Information Location #2 Name of location where game will be played Phone Number Address of location where game will be played City State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: A�hrough AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From PM To PM Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no � N) City of Nwchinson Application for Gambling Devices License Page 3 of 3 Officers of the (if necessary, list additional names on separate sheet ��Organization —r Name Title ll �) pcat b adV% ti I L Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address city State ZIP Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information (i necess , list additional names on se arate sheet) Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address Ciry State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zt Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager yes ❑ no Authorized Officer t 'Fes ❑ no ttal ii Initial I declare that the information 1 have provided on this application is truthful, and 1 authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 1 14.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. d -?� /3 Date 201 Signature Signature ofgambling manager of organization Date City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: N) City of III Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587 -5151 Fax: (320) 2344240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered Application Type Short Term Date(s) (0 2© ) Fee: $30.00 ont D /Year - Mon !t /Year Or anization Information /A!A14507-4 dJ£!V? IIVAIZ Y5 09"ne -Ii9 7,0 oAl —1J W RI L2W "gle4 r C/,WPnsP Name Phone Number / flcu 22- L/76l/F /6' L IVM 55350 Address where regillar meeting are held city State zip Day and time of meetings? Fi t/ Tiles e< 1AC.4 l MnArry 725 Re Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? V yes ❑ no How long has the organization been in existence? 2/ ya e How may members in the organization ?_. p f What is the purpose of the organization? &=&R Eyr oo- d Z6 itt- 0E3R #1jm -7-1n1 6 In whose custody will organization records be kept? NRao�a Luuo /.r/ �zo- ��.3 -z��7 Name Phone Number 209602 49004�1 AVM_ LMAI Address city State zip Information t304S /1/3LL IZO -587 3824 - True Name Phone Number Residence Address city State zip Date of Birth: 014:3 p( 11941 Place of Birth: /{UTC/llAtco y _A-IAI T Month/ day /year city State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes Frio If yes, explain: � ck) City of Hutchinson Application for Gambling Devices License Page 2 of 3 Statute N R 0 Z n LUAIn /Ai 320 -6 2.7,37 True Name Phone Number Z0602 6100 Rv'6 1 /TG//F7LZp MAt 55355 Residence Address City State Zip Date of Birth: o S z a / 19 / Place of Birth: L /TG/l FIELLI � Month/day /year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes ).no If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Game Information Location #I M OD COUA-I T y F.4 ZZ(�E ?OLWID.S 320 587 -249 Name of location vhere game will be played Phone Number 34,0 CErz /7-Z,12�r Al-x-z 51,J o v NIxv 5535 Address of location where game will be played City State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: 4�%�20I through /r% Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From 30 pM To //; 00 Maximum number of player: 4o f> Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money Xmerchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? gyes ❑ no(G'ATE. ,&M If yes, will a char a be made for such refreshments? ❑ es ❑ no 115 Game Information Location #2 Name of location where game will be played Phone Number Address of location where game will be played City State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From PM To PM Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no C)L�) ly /%TG/,� Crry of Hutchinson Application for Gambling Devices License Page 3 oJ'3 Officers of the Organization (if necessarR list additional names on separate sheet Name Title 676AS 4224. 4224. X57" D6ji? Mn/ 5532 Residence Address City State zip 'Bo'g .4/R L L co- C/./,9 )'R Name Title 3 45 M ON120 E J7�UTGJiIN.SO.V MN .553.5 Residence Address City State zip �E72cy Acres ns� r/ VP Co- c,+f,¢ilz Name Title Slo/ DfiLE ST Sw jfuT Jf�JA!tof /toff �' .L 5� 3S? Residence Address Cio, State zip a Officers ar Qth@F Rargens p*id fer-gepAae&jnfonRatiou if necessary, list additional names on separate sheet �iA/ZDG1) IZ,,kz»A/ '77?aV5VRz9R Name Title 2ob01 CnOOYL llv� /JTr,�� /EZ1� N 5535 5 Residence Address City State zip Name Title Residence Address City State zip Name Title Residence Address city Stale zip Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager ' ages ❑ no 91e-- e- Authorized Officer Ryes ❑ no P q . Initial Initial declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. of authorized officer of organization manager of organization Use City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: Date 1 -�F —/3 Date 11 .: 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587- 5151/Faz: (320) 234-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered A` lication Type W Short Term Date(s) TlYe Fee: $30 .00 4—AD Mont DMont D ear rhs 0t) " organizationInformation / � 6 --h`-7 -�' /S Name Phone Number VIS C rvrcteD Sf'reel— fiC2 tCil,g'fo -1 M - >S3Sa Address where regular meeting are heldd City State Zip // Day and time of meetings? / /'y elcz 5 is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? 0 yes ❑ no How long has the organization been inexistence? 000/ How may members in the organization? ys What is the purpose of the organization? U ,� cl', Sl`f dD j1e m v e In whose custody will organization records be kept? 0.� ✓ ",T v c ses 17ct�1 Sray set 5 j'7-� /So Name Phone Number / S.i�%TN 11't /aZ,J Si f� ✓TGNS.�10 -) /y ro -'as-35-0 Address City State zip 3Zo zo z29 4 True Name Phone Number 'Z - 7vJ7--/1- 14vze 5el m'J s3zr Residence Address q City 11 State zip Date of Birth: L�2'y / Z Place of Birth: L1i�i"6�1? n� Month/day /year I City tote Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes U<o If yes, explain: City of Hutchinson Applicalion far Bingo Gambling Devices License Page 2 of CQrl(L R81nn1dS12* s97 -,?77 -7 + True Name 11 Phone Number l G(e l l7 #-aVt ri VTCk". -S /V►I'r _ SS3S'o Residence Address City State Zip Date of Birth: /Z / /O / S q Place of Birth: R V C I N a Month /day /year Citp State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes ® no If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Game Information Location #1 C!'Ow i�,ye -' Lcl+ Cw%j S S�'7- 300 Name of location where game will be played P Phone Number /TUizHFN.k�a " "i -Ts- 3.So Address of location where game will be played City S State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: y� /�/ 1.3 t through "111911-3 AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From 7 ",.�c2 -'VO T To /U: Vy Maximum number of player. 3S--' Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? A money ® merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? Q Q yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? I@ yes ❑ no Game Idforn tifioa Location #2 Name of location where game will be played P Phone Number Address of location where game will be played City S State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: t through AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From pM T To PM Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no Pre 5"Jelt Name Title ZZ god - -Jas T`r />t'nLr t3 C,s5 -d /",-j S53Z. Residence Address City State Zip kelA #-2"ke 5 e %C% Name Title 3b� S( O')` (ZOti 56 41 Sr'5Jn7 /_ Residence Address City State Zip ���\ City of Hulchinson Application for Bingo Gambling Devices License Page 3 of 3 ID Name cc —fires, .el eel+ Title j City Slate Zip isf additional' names on separatesheed Title Residence Address City State Name Residence Address City State Zip Zip Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Authorized Officer d yes L) no Gambling Manager 7 y ❑ es no —� - --- Initial ynitia! I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. Of Signature ofgaAling manager of organization Tnt real Use Only City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: Date Date Y� Lh) HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION I Agenda item: Temporary Liquor License I Department: Administration I Contact: Jeremy Car-ter I Amount of Time Requested: 0 I Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A I 8A CKGROUNDIEXPLANA TION OF AGENDA ITEM. Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type: Minutes Consent Agenda Attachments: Yes The Center for the Arts is requesting a temporary liquor license for February 16, 2013. The location of this eve nt wi I I b e in the I a rge ope n ga I lery s pace a ind th e Ce nter fo r the Arts will I be co nt racti ing I iquor services through Zell as Restaurant. An insurance rider policy is provided by the Center for the Arts through Citizens Insurance Agency, I BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Request approval of temporary liquor license Fiscal Impact: 0 Funding Source: FTE Impact 0 Budget Change: No Included 'in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $0 d Total City Cost: so Funding Source. Remaining Cost: $0 Funding Source: � Additional Fin anciall/FTE Comments: Minnesota Department of Public Sufcty ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suite 133, St. Paul MN 55101 -5133 (651) 201 -7507 Fax (651) 297 -5259 TTY (651) 282 -6555 W W W.DPS.STATE.MN.US APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A I TO DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE I ®rJ4 I Y I'C VK YKIN 11Nr VKMAI IV N NAMEOFO GA, ATION DATE RGA IZED TAXEXEMPTNUMBER ItSO& jabm 237 �D3S STREET ADDDR.CSS li-Cll l� �% �'s CITT I �wckn STATE r-/w Z.IPC'ODE 57!�3s ME OF PEkSON MAKING APPLICATION BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD �) 1&113 TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME 1 �' �a� 1761 y- 2 0 � , {u�� ,v��3� O AN TION OFFIC R'S NAME ADDRESS ore S v ,�crl tea 320 3 � N �� A1N 3 3�0 ORGAN TION OFFICER'S NAMtLl ADDRESS Location license will be used. If an outdoor area, describe Will a pli ant con tr for it oxicaungluVrservicel If , give the name and address of the liquor licensee providing pie service. Will the applic nt liquor liabili insurance? If w. pl ase provide the carrier's name and amount of covtr ge. WtL°tQ a-A Q � APROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT 1 CITY/COUNTY DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT 4k 'NS • 6D LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID SIGNATURE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT ., a� vAAaaaa NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward appincassun incurs, uy cur smwv- --ex ............--- above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Earonemeat Division will return Ibis application to be used as the license for the event PS- 09079(05106) f�ct) HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C111 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Appointments/Reappointments to City Boards and Commissions Department: Administration Meeting Date: Contact: Jeremy Carter 2/12/2013 Item Type: Amount of Time Requested: 0 Minutes Consent Agenda Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A Attachments: No BA CKGROUNDIEXPLANA TION OF AGENDA ITEM: The following individuals have shown interest in being appointed/reappointed to the foil owing boards and Mayor Cook has considered their interest: -APPOINTMENT: MATT BUTLER TO IC BOARD TO AUG. 2014 (1ST UNEXPIRED TERM) - R EAPP I NTM E NTS: JAY BARTHO LOM Ems'' TO PR CE BOA R D TO AUG, 2015 (2 N D FULL TE R M); DO N .NCH ROE DE R AN D BARB PETERSON TO SEN IOR ADVISORY BOARD TO JAN, 2016 (1ST FULL TERMS).. LAIC K r RCL MAN TO Al RPORT COM MISSION TO 5 EPT. 2017 (2 N D FU LL TERM); LOUAN N HOLMQUIST TO H RA BOARD TO AUG. 2017 (I ST FU LL TERM)AU DREY H OLLATZ TO PU BLIC ARTS COMM ISSION TO AUG. 2015 (2ND FULL TERM).-BRANDON FR R TO CREEKSIDE ADVISORY BOARD TO OCT. 2015 (2ND FULL TERM) BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Ratify appointments/reappointments Fiscal Impact: 0 FTE Impact 0 Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $0 Total City Cost: 50 Remaining Cost: $0 AddRionall Fiinanciall/FTE Comments: Funding Source: Budget Change: No Funding Source: Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON R55CKREG LOG22001VO Council Check Register Check Date 1/29 - 2/12/13 Check # Ck Date Amount Vendor/ Explanation 174249 1/29/2013 90.85 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 174250 1/29/2013 552.65 H.A.R.T. 174251 1/29/2013 788.38 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMER 174252 1/29/2013 960.00 MINNESOTAPUBLIC EMPLOYEESAS 174253 2/12/2013 151.67 A & K REPAIR 174254 2/12/2013 6,000.00 ABDO, EICK & MEYERS 174256 2/12/2013 505.93 ACE HARDWARE 174257 2/12/2013 707.69 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC 174258 2/12/2013 803.80 AG SYSTEMS 174259 2/12/2013 155.60 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO 174260 2/12/2013 90.85 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 174261 2/12/2013 6.55 AMERICAN MESSAGING 174262 2/12/2013 4.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN 174263 2/12/2013 350.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN 174264 2/12/2013 179.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOC. 174265 2/12/2013 73.10 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES 174266 2/12/2013 44.25 ANDERSON, ROGER 174267 2/12/2013 50.00 APA MN ADMINISTRATORS 174268 2/12/2013 182.68 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC 174269 2/12/2013 459.00 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO 174270 2/12/2013 63.47 ARROW TERMINAL LLC 174271 2/12/2013 1,648.34 AUDIO & SECURITY ENGINEERS 174272 2/12/2013 664.78 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE 174273 2/12/2013 3,123.63 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO 174274 2/12/2013 130.00 B. W. WELDING 174275 2/12/2013 267.37 BAY WEST 174276 2/12/2013 1,665.76 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS 174277 2/12/2013 1,569.72 BELLBOY CORP 174278 2/12/2013 3,195.00 BENCHMARK LEARNING 2/6/2013 Account Description ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE ACCRUED UNION DUES CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR AUDIT & FINANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE COMMUNICATIONS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS VOID VOID VOID DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS COST OF SALES -BEER EQUIPMENT PARTS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR OTHER CONTRACTUAL RECEIVED NOT VOUCH ERED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174279 2/12/2013 1,932.20 BERNICK'S COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 174280 2/12/2013 50.00 BISHOP, CRAIG OTHER REVENUES 174281 2/12/2013 165.04 BLACK BOX CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 174282 2/12/2013 1,806.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174283 2/12/2013 393.30 BUSHMAN, RAQUEL FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION 174284 2/12/2013 3,033.46 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 174285 2/12/2013 42,639.03 C & L DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 174286 2/12/2013 357.00 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 174287 2/12/2013 315.00 CANNON RIVER WINERY COST OF SALES -WINE 174288 2/12/2013 4,380.89 CARGILL INCORPORATED CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174289 2/12/2013 544.00 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC SAFETY SUPPLIES 174290 2/12/2013 3,183.81 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC DUE FROM UTILITIES 174291 2/12/2013 5,262.72 CHEMISOLV CORP CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 174292 2/12/2013 310.20 COMDATA CORPORATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 174293 2/12/2013 1,102.37 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 174294 2/12/2013 166.53 CROW RIVER GLASS & SIGNS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 174295 2/12/2013 1,992.00 CROW RIVER OFFICIALS ASSN OTHER CONTRACTUAL 174296 2/12/2013 116.63 CROW RIVER PRESS INC PRINTING & PUBLISHING 174297 2/12/2013 23,313.72 CUMMINS NPOWER, LLC MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 174298 2/12/2013 2,359.11 CURTIS 1000 INC - MN PRINTING & PUBLISHING 174299 2/12/2013 3,685.45 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 174300 2/12/2013 181.69 DIGITAL ALLY, INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 174301 2/12/2013 1,492.95 DPC INDUSTRIES INC CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 174302 2/12/2013 28.95 DRIVERS LICENSE GUIDE CO DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 174303 2/12/2013 799.39 DROP -N -GO SHIPPING, INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 174304 2/12/2013 343.18 DYNA SYSTEMS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 174305 2/12/2013 270.11 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174306 2/12/2013 114.30 EBERT, PAT TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174307 2/12/2013 51.70 ECONO FOODS MEETINGS 174308 2/12/2013 500.00 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174309 2/12/2013 205.20 ELECTRO WATCHMAN CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174310 2/12/2013 481.82 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR ({' 174311 2/12/2013 35.00 ENGINEERING MINNESOTA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS �� 174312 2/12/2013 113.22 EPIC PRODUCTS INC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 174313 2/12/2013 30.00 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 174314 2/12/2013 2,936.79 FAHEY SALES AGENCY, INC. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174315 2/12/2013 189.70 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 174316 2/12/2013 260.40 FASTENAL COMPANY RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 174317 2/12/2013 99.00 FENSKE, BRUCE SAFETY SUPPLIES 174318 2/12/2013 1,919.48 FENSKE'S STUMP REMOVAL CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174319 2/12/2013 252.60 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE S OFFICE SUPPLIES 174320 2/12/2013 136.91 FOSTER MECHANICAL CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174321 2/12/2013 445.00 G & K SERVICES OPERATING SUPPLIES 174322 2/12/2013 15,214.50 GARICK CORPORATION RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 174323 2/12/2013 96.65 GRAINGER EQUIPMENT PARTS 174324 2/12/2013 2,216.91 GURSTEL, STALOCK & CHARGO PA ACCRUED GARNISHMENTS 174325 2/12/2013 1,525.46 H &L MESABI CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 174326 2/12/2013 555.60 H.A.R.T. ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP 174327 2/12/2013 1,504.34 HACH COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 174328 2/12/2013 360.35 HAWKINS INC CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 174329 2/12/2013 21,642.85 HCVN -TV CABLE TV 174330 2/12/2013 1,800.00 HENKE COMPANIES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174331 2/12/2013 295.71 HENRYS FOODS INC FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION 174332 2/12/2013 80.16 HENRY'S WATERWORKS INC METERS & METER PARTS 174333 2/12/2013 20,578.72 HEWLETT - PACKARD CO MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 174334 2/12/2013 1,794.17 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON CLEANING SUPPLIES 174335 2/12/2013 320.00 HR DIRECT ACCRUED COMMISSIONS PAYABLE 174336 2/12/2013 1,457.00 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE 174337 2/12/2013 30,000.00 HUTCHINSON CENTER FOR THE ARTS CONTRIBUTION 174338 2/12/2013 5,122.51 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITO LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT 174339 2/12/2013 200.00 HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ASSOC. DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 174340 2/12/2013 1,658.75 HUTCHINSON LEADER DUE FROM UTILITIES 174341 2/12/2013 1,671.37 HUTCHINSON PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174342 2/12/2013 1,195.11 HUTCHINSON SENIOR ADVISORY BOA OTHER CONTRACTUAL 174343 2/12/2013 140,357.50 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES UTILITIES 174344 2/12/2013 782.20 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE RECEIVED NOTVOUCHERED 174345 2/12/2013 5.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF LICENSES & TAXES 174346 2/12/2013 1,761.52 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF UTILITIES 174347 2/12/2013 2,040.33 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES COMMUNICATION MAINTENANCE 174348 2/12/2013 120.00 INTERNATIONAL ASSC OF CHIEFS 0 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 174349 2/12/2013 891.68 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINN EQUIPMENT PARTS 174350 2/12/2013 1,464.33 JAY MALONE MOTORS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 174351 2/12/2013 345.24 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. ACCRUED COMMISSIONS PAYABLE 174352 2/12/2013 250.53 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN COST OF SALES -BEER 174353 2/12/2013 17.40 JOCHUM, DANIEL TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174354 2/12/2013 48,239.74 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF SALES -WINE 174355 2/12/2013 200.00 JORDAHL, JIM OPERATING SUPPLIES 174356 2/12/2013 4,944.50 JUUL CONTRACTING CO REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 174357 2/12/2013 125.00 KDUZ KARP RADIO ADVERTISING 174358 2/12/2013 49.84 KLOSS, TOM COMMUNICATIONS 174359 2/12/2013 141.82 KOSEK, ANDREW TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174360 2/12/2013 528.90 L & P SUPPLY CO CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 174361 2/12/2013 20.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174362 2/12/2013 1,337.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST GENL LIAB.- INSURANCE 174363 2/12/2013 139.00 LEXISNEXIS OTHER CONTRACTUAL 174364 2/12/2013 925.57 LIGHTINGHOUSEUSA INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 174365 2/12/2013 34,568.15 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF SALES -BEER 174366 2/12/2013 2,550.00 LUEDTKE CONTRACTING LLC SNOW REMOVAL 174367 2/12/2013 300.08 MADDEN, GALANTER, HANSEN LLP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174368 2/12/2013 150.00 MADINA HOSPITALITY GROUP LLC MEETINGS 174369 2/12/2013 48.32 MAIN STREET SPORTS BAR OPERATING SUPPLIES 174370 2/12/2013 131.41 MARIPOSA PUBLISHING OPERATING SUPPLIES 174371 2/12/2013 13.25 MATHESON TRI -GAS INC RENTALS 174372 2/12/2013 185.00 MCKAY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174373 2/12/2013 332.32 MCLEOD COOP POWER ASSN UTILITIES 174374 2/12/2013 355.81 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA OTHER REVENUES 174375 2/12/2013 250.00 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA OTHER REVENUES 174376 2/12/2013 138.00 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174377 2/12/2013 695.00 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER RECEIVED NOTVOUCHERED 174378 2/12/2013 275.00 MCPA TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174379 2/12/2013 334.00 MDRA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 174380 2/12/2013 736.32 MENARDSHUTCHINSON SMALL TOOLS 174381 2/12/2013 19.81 MESSNER, KEITH TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174382 2/12/2013 600.21 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 174383 2/12/2013 27.68 MINI BIFF RENTALS 174384 2/12/2013 52.80 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF OTHER CONTRACTUAL 174385 2/12/2013 35.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH MISCELLANEOUS 174386 2/12/2013 6.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICL MISCELLANEOUS 174387 2/12/2013 1,988.16 MINNESOTA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174388 2/12/2013 590.00 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174389 2/12/2013 145.00 MINNESOTA ICE ARENA MANAGERS A LICENSES & TAXES 174390 2/12/2013 400.00 MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMIN HEAR IMPROVEMENTS TO LAND 174391 2/12/2013 140.00 MINNESOTA RECREATION & PARK AS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174392 2/12/2013 50.00 MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174393 2/12/2013 290.00 MINNESOTA SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATIO TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174394 2/12/2013 30.00 MINNESOTA SPORTS FEDERATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 174395 2/12/2013 4,061.80 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB OTHER CONTRACTUAL 174396 2/12/2013 6,166.48 MMC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174397 2/12/2013 2,958.47 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY /CO SURCHARGE 174398 2/12/2013 60.00MN SECTION CSWEA TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174399 2/12/2013 56.00 MN STATE PATROL LICENSES & TAXES 174400 2/12/2013 80.16 MODERN TOWING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174401 2/12/2013 193.68 MORGAN CREEK VINEYARDS COST OF SALES -WINE 174402 2/12/2013 2,532.29 MOTION INDUSTRIES INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 174403 2/12/2013 25.00 MPCA - FISCAL SERVICES LICENSES & TAXES 174404 2/12/2013 163.57 M -R SIGN SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS 174405 2/12/2013 7.81 MUCHOW, CHAD TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174406 2/12/2013 74.20 NARTEC INC. OPERATING SUPPLIES 174407 2/12/2013 512.53 NASH FINCH COMPANY CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174408 2/12/2013 400.00 NCPERS LIFE INS. ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE 174409 2/12/2013 1,044.00 NEOPOST GREAT PLAINS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174410 2/12/2013 410.00 NORTH SHORE ANALYTICAL INC OTHER CONTRACTUAL 174411 2/12/2013 380.46 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 174412 2/12/2013 25.43 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC EQUIPMENT PARTS 174413 174414 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 319.98 NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT 4,104.25 NU- TELECOM CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR COMMUNICATIONS 174415 2/12/2013 3,137.90 OCCUPATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTE OPERATING SUPPLIES 174416 2/12/2013 116.78 OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOG COMMUNICATIONS 174417 2/12/2013 363.13 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 174418 2/12/2013 1,132.43 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO COST OF SALES -WINE 174419 2/12/2013 4,488.75 PEAT INC. RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 174420 2/12/2013 38,569.24 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 174421 2/12/2013 1,500.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 174422 2/12/2013 1,467.39 PRO CARE SERVICES INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174423 2/12/2013 7.95 PRO -BUILD OFFICE SUPPLIES 174424 2/12/2013 1,237.50 QUADE ELECTRIC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 174425 2/12/2013 88.65 QUILL CORP OPERATING SUPPLIES 174426 2/12/2013 4,785.59 R & R EXCAVATING IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 174427 2/12/2013 732.31 R & R SPECIALTIES INC EQUIPMENT PARTS 174428 2/12/2013 1,748.10 R.J.L. TRANSFER FREIGHT 174429 2/12/2013 12,131.81 RAPIDS PROCESS EQUIPMENT INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174430 2/12/2013 685.91 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 174431 2/12/2013 40.00 REGION VI CHIEFS ASSC DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 174432 2/12/2013 60.00RENVILLE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174433 2/12/2013 675.00 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174434 2/12/2013 1,441.97 RUNNING'SSUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES 174435 2/12/2013 1,369.92 SAM'S CLUB FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION 174436 2/12/2013 59.99 SCHERMANN, SHANNON UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 174437 2/12/2013 14,086.00 SCHIMMEL CONSTRUCTION LLC HOUSING REHAB LOANS 174438 2/12/2013 19,076.00 SCHIMMEL CONSTRUCTION LLC HOUSING REHAB LOANS 174439 2/12/2013 26,414.04 SCHMELING OIL CO MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 174440 2/12/2013 36.00 SCHUTT, KIM OTHER REVENUES 174441 2/12/2013 64.13 SCOTT'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVIC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174442 2/12/2013 16.95 SEBORA, MARC TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174443 2/12/2013 2,229.91 SEH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174444 2/12/2013 328.51 SEPPELT, MILES TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174445 2/12/2013 8,400.00 SHAKOPEE, CITY OF DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 174446 2/12/2013 44.80 SHRED -IT USA INC- MINNEAPOLIS REFUSE - RECYCLING 174447 2/12/2013 1,583.64 SIMONSON LUMBER CO OPERATING SUPPLIES r �� 174448 2/12/2013 740.99 SKARPOHL PRESSURE WASHER SALES CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 174449 2/12/2013 17.80 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 174450 2/12/2013 9,444.63 SOUTHERN WINE &SPIRITS OF MN COST OF SALES-LIQUOR 174451 2/12/2013 2,386.07 SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS 174452 2/12/2013 915.03 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES 174453 2/12/2013 25.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPT OF PUB PERMITS 174454 2/12/2013 62.15 STOTTS, CASEY TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 174455 2/12/2013 868.23 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT OPERATING SUPPLIES 174456 2/12/2013 57.91 SUBWAY WEST OPERATING SUPPLIES 174457 2/12/2013 25.00 TAPS -LYLE SCHROEDER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 174458 2/12/2013 2,086.61 THOMSON WEST OPERATING SUPPLIES 174459 2/12/2013 560.00 TITAN MACHINERY VOID VOID VOID 174460 2/12/2013 2,714.40 TKO WINES COST OF SALES -WINE 174461 2/12/2013 28.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION SAFETY SUPPLIES 174462 2/12/2013 2,660.00 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEM CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174463 2/12/2013 106.56 TRI COUNTY WATER OFFICE SUPPLIES 174464 2/12/2013 750.00 TRICK & SHEER CONSTRUCTION BUILDING REPAIRS 174465 2/12/2013 641.20 TRI -STATE BOBCAT CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 174466 2/12/2013 31.27 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 174467 2/12/2013 162.90 USA BLUE BOOK UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 174468 2/12/2013 1,512.83 USPS - HASLER POSTAGE 174469 2/12/2013 39.90 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 174470 2/12/2013 21,659.25 VIKING BEER COST OF SALES -BEER 174471 2/12/2013 658.70 VIKING COCA COLA FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION 174472 2/12/2013 859.50 VINOCOPIA INC COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 174473 2/12/2013 233.94 WAL -MART COMMUNITY OPERATING SUPPLIES 174474 2/12/2013 1,513.67 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE - RECYCLING 174475 2/12/2013 880.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT- WINSTED REFUSE - HAULING 174476 2/12/2013 28,054.00 WEBB PALLET RECEIVED NOTVOUCHERED 174477 2/12/2013 54.00 WECKMAN, LINDA OTHER REVENUES 174478 2/12/2013 7,000.00 WESTAFER ENTERPRISES OTHER CONTRACTUAL 174479 2/12/2013 10,302.35 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF SALES -WINE 174480 2/12/2013 708.55 WINE MERCHANTS INC COST OF SALES -WINE 174481 2/12/2013 28,661.20 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 174482 2/12/2013 14,182.37 WM MUELLER & SONS - SEPARATE C IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 174483 2/12/2013 174484 2/12/2013 174485 2/12/2013 174486 2/12/2013 Payment InstrL Check Total Total Payment 43.81 WOODLANE FLOWERS 6,357.15 WORK CONNECTION, THE 1,727.74 XEROX CORP 640.18 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 812,963.80 Grand Total ment Totals 812,963.80 812,963.80 MISCELLANEOUS OTHER CONTRACTUAL COPY MACHINE EQUIPMENT PARTS PAYROLL ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS PAYROLL DATE: 1/25/2013 Period Ending Date: 1/19/2013 $54,085.16 IRS - Withholding Tax Account Federal Withholding Employee /Employer FICA Employee /Employer Medicare $10,355.92 MN Department of Revenue State Withholding Tax $38,357.97 Public Employee Retirement Association Employee /Employer PERA/DCP Contributions $2,291.23 TASC Employee Flex Spending Deductions $10,983.41 TASC Employee Contributions to Heath Savings Account Employer Contributions to Heath Savings Account $525.00 MNDCP Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,340.00 ING Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,230.00 ICMA Retirement Trust Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $162.89 MN Child Support System Employee Deductions $0.00 MSRS - Health Savings Plan Employee Deductions to Health Savings Plan $119,331.58 Total Electronic Funds Transfer 1 " ) PAYROLL ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS PAYROLL DATE: 02/08/2013 Period Ending Date: 02/02/2013 $54,822.66 IRS - Withholding Tax Account Federal Withholding Employee /Employer FICA Employee /Employer Medicare $10,406.66 MN Department of Revenue State Withholding Tax $38,347.80 Public Employee Retirement Association Employee /Employer PERA/DCP Contributions $2,291.23 TASC Employee Flex Spending Deductions $10,983.41 TASC Employee Contributions to Heath Savings Account Employer Contributions to Heath Savings Account $525.00 MNDCP Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,340.00 ING Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,230.00 ICMA Retirement Trust Employee Contributions - Deferred Camp $162.89 MN Child Support System Employee Deductions $0.00 MSRS - Health Savings Plan Employee Deductions to Health Savings Plan $120,109.65 Total Electronic Funds Transfer HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ciry -of REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION I Agenda Item: Ordinance N o. 13-0704 - Adapting Se ct io n 123 of City Cade Pertaining to Food Venders Department: Legal Contact: Marc Sebora I Amount of Time Requested: 0 I Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A I BA CKGROUNDIEXPLANA TION OF AGENDA ITEM: Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type: Minutes Unfinished Business Attachments: Yes This ordinance was first reviewed at the January 22., 2013, Council meeting. Based on Council feedback at that meeting, suggested changies have, been incorporated into the attached draft for review and disrtission- I BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Rpmew and d I ir 's.,usston Fiscal Impact-, 0 Funding Source: FTE Impact 0 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECT101V: Total Project Cost: $0 Total City Cost: so Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $0 Funding Source: I Add 1tional Fi nary ciall/FTE Comments: ORDINANCE NO. 13 -0704 — AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING SECTION 123 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE PERTAINING TO FOOD VENDORS The City Council hereby ordains: Section 123 — Food Vendors 123.01. Derinitions. (A) Mobile food cart: A non - motorized cart from which prepackaged or ready -to -eat foods are sold to the public. (B) Mobile Food Vehicle: A self - contained vehicle or trailer used to prepare and serve food or ice cream novelties that is readily movable without disassembling 123.02. License required. (A) It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business of selling items from a mobile food cart or food vehicle in the City of Hutchinson without having obtained the proper license therefore except as stated herein. 123.03. Requirements (A) All persons applying for a mobile food cart or food vehicle license shall first have obtained all proper licenses from the State of Minnesota and submit conies of said licenses to the City Hutchinson for review during license application process. (B) All mobile food eart licensees shall be properly insured naming the City as an additional insured for liability imposed by law arising out of the ownership maintenance or operation of such cart or vehicle in amounts of at least $50,000 for the injury or death of one person $100,000 for the injury or death of two or more persons and $10,000 for damage to propert y. (G) All fflobile food aAs ..hall have a elf a nta a generater ti,• h is ser-eefied r (C) (-D) All food Bait licensees shall have a waste receptacle available to patrons and are responsible for all litter and waste generated by the food cart or food vehicle operation. No tables or chairs are permitted. (D) (E-) All feed eaet signage shall be affixed to the food cart or food vehicle only 6 6) (F) All mobile food carts or food vehicles shall prominently display all relevant state and local licenses and permits. (F) In areas where parking spaces are delineated no food vehicle shall occupy more than two parking spaces and shall otherwise comply with all parking regulations. 123.04 Restrictions. (A) It is unlawful for any mobile food cart or food vehicle licensee to engage in the following activities: 1.) To operate a mobile feed e within 100 feet of a restaurant that is open for service without the written consent of the restaurant owner. 2.) To operate a-feed-eaft within 500 feet of any festival, fair or civic event except when authorized to do so by the event sponsor in writing. 3) To operate on public property or adjacent parking lots where a concession stand is open and operating. of nuisance statutes or ordinances. 4.) To operate a Fnebile feed ian on any publie Fight of wety, sidewalk, public parking lot, public sidewalk or trail of park. 5) To operate in such a way as to impede normal traffic flow. 6) To permit smoking within 15 feet of the food cart or food vehicle. 7) To operate within five feet of any crosswalk access ramp, handicapped parking space or in a manner that would impede access to any adjacent business. 8) To sell or distribute alcoholic beverages. 9.) To disobey any order of the Hutchinson Police Department. 123.04. Violations (A) Violations of any portion of this section are punishable as a misdemeanor and are grounds for the suspension or revocation of the mobile food cart license in accordance with section 110.03 of the Hutchinson City Code. U(9� Adopted by the City Council this day of 2013. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator I () x) HUTCHINSOIV CITY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Ordinance No. 13-0705 - Amending Chapter 93 of the City Code Department: Legal Contact: Marc Sebora Amount of Time Requested: 0 Presenter/if Different than Contact: N/A BACKGROUNDIEXPLA NATION OFAGENDA ITEM: V I 3 I W I Meeting Date: 2/12/2013 Item Type: Minutes Unfinished Business Attachments: Yes This ordinance was first reviewed for revisions at the January 22, 2013 Council meefing. Based on Council feedback and further review of State Laws, suggested changes have been 'incorporated into the attached draft for review and discussion. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Review & Discussion Fiscal Impact: 0 Funding Source: FTE Impact 0 Budget Charage: No Included in current budget.- No PROJECTSECTION; Total Project Cost: $0 Total City Costs 6 $0 Funding Source: Remaining Cost. $0 Funding Source: Additional Financial/FTE Comments: [)RDINANC� NO, 13 -0745 -I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 93 OF THE HUTCHIN541tii CITY CODE — A1tiiIMALS "I hereby The City Counci General Provisions 93.01 Animal waste-' removal required 93--02 Dangerous ecininials 93.03 Dangerous animal requirements Dogs and Cats 93.15 De[initians 93-16 Exceptions; police dogs, service animals 93-17 Am"11111all tAmlllit-N X3.1 S Running at large prohibited 93.19 -5 License required 93.�0}� License issuance fees; Lag reyuired 930 Impoundment" notice" release 93. Seizure by citizen �3.?1 * M- M animal of 93 0 ' }� Unlawful acts 93.E s Summary destruction; grounds 93.��,� Rabies control; bile5, quarantine, reporting 93.?7� Ani*mals 'in heat 93-b 8 Additional grounds for impoundment Animals and Fowl 93.44 I. Def ons niti 93.41 Keeping restric.lions 93-42 Transport restrictions 93.43 Treatment and housing 93.44 Trespasses prohibited I ROVISIONS GENERAL P I. § 93,.01 ANIMAL WASTE.,, REMOVAL REQi]IRED. (A) Defini'ti'ons. For the purpose of this section, the i'ollawing definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning-. animal. ANIMAL. A dog,, cat ar other animal. OWNER. Any who teeds 0 or has custody of an (B) Unlawful acts. It is u for any owner to: � `J (1) Suffer or permit an animal to defecate upon public property, or the private property of another, without immediately removing the excrement and disposing of it in a sanitary manner; (2) Suffer or permit an animal to be upon public property, or the private property of another, unless the animal is in the custody of a person of suitable age and discretion having in his or her possession equipment and supplies for excrement removal; or (3) Permit animal excrement to accumulate for a period in excess of seven days on premises occupied by him or her without removal and sanitary disposal. ('89 Code, § 10.08) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 93.02 DANGEROUS ANIMALS. (A) Attack by an animal. It shall be unlawful for any person's animal to inflict or attempt to inflict bodily injury to any person or other animal whether or not the owner is present. This section shall not apply to an attack by a dog under the control of an on -duty law enforcement officer or to an attack upon an uninvited intruder who has entered the owner's home with criminal intent. (B) Destruction of dangerous animal. The Animal Control Officer shall have the authority to order the destruction of dangerous animals in accordance with the terms established by this chapter. (C) Definitions. For the purpose of this division, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. (1) DANGEROUS ANIMAL. An animal which has: a) Caused bodily injury or disfigurement to any person on public or private property; (b) Engaged in any attack on any person under circumstances which would indicate danger to personal safety; (c) Exhibited unusually aggressive behavior, such as an attack on another animal; (d) Bitten one or more persons on two or more occasions; or (e) Been found to be potentially dangerous and/or the owner has personal knowledge of the same, the animal aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans or domestic animals. (2) POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ANIMAL. An animal which has: (a) Bitten a human or a domestic animal on public or private property; (b) When unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public property in an apparent attitude of attack; or (c) Has engaged in unprovoked attacks causing injury or otherwise threatening the safety of humans or domestic animals. r.�O -) (3) PROPER ENCLOSURE. Securely confined indoors or in a securely locked pen or structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to provide protection for the animal from the elements. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house, garage, or other structure that would allow the animal to exit of its own volition, or any house or structure in which windows are open or in which door or window screens are the only barriers which prevent the animal from exiting. The enclosure shall not allow the egress of the animal in any manner without human assistance. A pen or kennel shall meet the following minimum specifications: (a) Have a minimum overall floor size of 32 square feet. (b) Sidewalls shall have a minimum height of five feet and be constructed of 11 -gauge or heavier wire. Openings in the wire shall not exceed two inches, support posts shall be 1' /< -inch or larger steel pipe buried in the ground 18 inches or more. When a concrete floor is not provided, the sidewalls shall be buried a minimum of 18 inches in the ground. (c) A cover over the entire pen or kennel shall be provided. The cover shall be constructed of the same gauge wire or heavier as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two inches. (d) An entrance /exit gate shall be provided and be constructed of the same material as the sidewalls and shall also have no openings in the wire greater than two inches. The gate shall be equipped with a device capable of being locked and shall be locked at all times when the animal is in the pen or kennel. (4) UNPROVOKED. The condition in which the animal is not purposely excited, stimulated, agitated or disturbed. (D) Designation as potentially dangerous animal. The Animal Control Officer shall designate any animal as a potentially dangerous animal upon receiving evidence that the potentially dangerous animal has, when unprovoked, then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a person or a domestic animal as stated in division (C)(2). When an animal is declared potentially dangerous, the Animal Control Officer shall cause one owner of the potentially dangerous animal to be notified in writing that the animal is potentially dangerous. (E) Evidence justifying designation. The Animal Control Officer shall have the authority to designate any animal as a dangerous animal upon receiving evidence of the following: (1) That the animal has, when unprovoked, bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a person or domestic animal as stated in division (C)(1). (2) That the animal has been declared potentially dangerous and the animal has then bitten, attacked, or threatened the safety of a person or domestic animal as stated in division (C)(1). (F) Authority to order destruction. The Animal Control Officer, upon finding that an animal is dangerous hereunder, is authorized to order, as part of the disposition of the case, that the animal be destroyed based on a written order containing one or more of the following findings of fact: 1 r�O) (1) The animal is dangerous as demonstrated by a vicious attack, an unprovoked attack, an attack without warning or multiple attacks; or (2) The owner of the animal has demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to control the animal in order to prevent injury to persons or other animals. (G) Procedure. The Animal Control Officer, after having determined that an animal is dangerous, may proceed in the following manner: The Animal Control Officer shall cause one owner of the animal to be notified in writing or in person that the animal is dangerous and may order the animal seized or make orders as deemed proper. This owner shall be notified as to dates, times, places and parties bitten, and shall be given 14 days to appeal this order by requesting a hearing before the City Council for a review of this determination. (1) If no appeal is filed, the Animal Control Officer shall obtain an order or warrant authorizing the seizure and the destruction of the animal from a court of competent jurisdiction, unless the animal is already in custody or the owner consents to the seizure and destruction of the animal. (2) If an owner requests a hearing for determination as to the dangerous nature of the animal, the hearing shall be held before the City Council, which shall set a date for hearing not more than three weeks after demand for the hearing. The records of the Animal Control or City Administrator's office shall be admissible for consideration by the Animal Control Officer without further foundation. After considering all evidence pertaining to the temperament of the animal, the City Council shall make an order as it deems proper. The City Council may order that the Animal Control Officer take the animal into custody for destruction, if the animal is not currently in custody. If the animal is ordered into custody for destruction, the owner shall immediately make the animal available to the Animal Control Officer. If the owner does not immediately make the animal available, the Animal Control Officer shall obtain an order or warrant authorizing the seizure and the destruction of the animal from a court of competent jurisdiction. (3) No person shall harbor an animal after it has been found by to be dangerous and ordered into custody for destruction. (H) Stopping an attack. If any police officer or Animal Control Officer is witness to an attack by an animal upon a person or another animal, the officer may take whatever means the officer deems appropriate to bring the attack to an end and prevent further injury to the victim. (I) Notification of new address. The owner of an animal which has been identified as dangerous or potentially dangerous shall notify the Animal Control Officer in writing if the animal is to be relocated from its current address or given or sold to another person. The notification shall be given in writing at least 14 days prior to the relocation or transfer of ownership. The notification shall include the current owner's name and address, the relocation address, and the name of the new owner, if any. Penalty, see § 10.99 § 93.03 DANGEROUS ANIMAL REQUIREMENTS. oCIL) (A) Requirements. If the City Council does not order the destruction of an animal that has been declared dangerous, the City Council may, as an alternative, order any or all of the following: (1) That the owner provide and maintain a proper enclosure for the dangerous animal as specified in § 93.02(C)(3); (2) Post the front and the rear of the premises with clearly visible warning signs, including a warning symbol to inform children, that there is a dangerous animal on the property as specified in M.S. § 347.51, as may be amended from time to time; (3) Provide and show proof annually of public liability insurance in the minimum amount of $300,000; (4) If the animal is a dog and is outside the proper enclosure, the dog must be muzzled and restrained by a substantial chain or leash (not to exceed six feet in length) and under the physical restraint of a person 16 years of age or older. The muzzle must be of a design as to prevent the dog from biting any person or animal, but will not cause injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration; (5) If the animal is a dog, it must have an easily identifiable, standardized tag identifying the dog as dangerous affixed to its collar at all times as specified in M.S. § 347.5 1, as it may be amended from time to time, and shall have a microchip implant as provided by M.S. § 347.151, as it may be amended from time to time; (6) All animals deemed dangerous by the Animal Control Officer shall be registered with the county in which this city is located within 14 days after the date the animal was so deemed and provide satisfactory proof thereof to the Animal Control Officer. (7) If the animal is a dog, the dog must be licensed and up to date on rabies vaccination. If the animal is a cat or ferret, it must be up to date with rabies vaccination. (B) Seizure. As authorized by M.S. § 347.54, as it may be amended from time to time, the Animal Control Officer shall immediately seize any dangerous animal if the owner does not meet each of the above requirements within 14 days after the date notice is sent to the owner that the animal is dangerous. Seizure may be appealed to district court by serving a summons and petition upon the city and filing it with the district court. (C) Reclaiming animals. A dangerous animal seized under division (B), may be reclaimed by the owner of the animal upon payment of impounding and boarding fees and presenting proof to animal control that each of the requirements under division (B), is fulfilled. An animal not reclaimed under this section within 14 days may be disposed of as provided under § 93.02(F), and the owner is liable to the city for costs incurred in confining and impounding the animal. (D) Subsequent offenses. If an owner of an animal has subsequently violated the provisions under § 93.02 with the same animal, the animal must be seized by animal control. The owner may request a hearing as defined in § 93.02(F). If the owner is found to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the Animal Control Officer shall order the animal destroyed in a proper and humane manner and the owner shall pay the costs of confining the animal. If the person is found not to have violated the provisions for which the animal was seized, the owner may reclaim the animal under the provisions of § 93.03(C). If the animal is not yet reclaimed by the owner within 14 days after the date the owner is notified that the animal I °0e) may be reclaimed, the animal may be disposed of as provided under § 93.02(F) and the owner is liable to the animal control for the costs incurred in confining, impounding and disposing of the animal k'93.04 Stanitory Regulation of Dangerous (A) The Animal Coiitrol Officer may =ulate dangero.Lis dogs . n.acc rdance with Minnesota Statute §347.50 to 347.56 or as mav be amended from time to time. DOGS AND CATS 93-15 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply Unless the context clearly indicates or requircs a different meaning. ANIMAL. A dog or cat. DANGEROUS ANIMAL An animal which has caused damage to property or injury to a person, or which animal, by its actions, exhibits a propensity for causing imminent danger to persons. DOG. Both male and female and includes any animal of the dog kind. 0". To have a property interest in, or to harbor, feed, board, keep or possess. OWNER. A person who owns an animal hereby regulated. ('89 Code, § 10.06) § 93.16 EXCEPTIONS; POLICE DOGS, SERVICE ANIMALS. The provisions of this sub ehapter shall not apply to the ownership or use of see dogs by blind persons, or dogs used in police activities of the city, such as Canine corps or tracking dogs used by or with the permission of the Police Department. If the animal owned is a service animal which is capable of being properly identified as from a recognized school for seeingeye, hearing ear, service or guide animals, and the owner is a blind or deaf person, or a person with physical or sensory disabilities, then no license shall be required. ('89 C.ode, § 10-06) 93. 17 Ani mat Limits. Except for a suate licensed hUrnane soci=, no n&ircui F%W;L household shall own, harbor, keep or have custody of a combination of more than four dogLc; and eats, no more than three of which may be dogs or cats over three months. § 93-184-7 RUNNING AT LARGE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for the dog or at of any person who owns, harbors, or keeps a dog or cat., to run at large, A person, who owns., harbors, or ke-eps a dog or cat which runs at large shall be gui It of a misdemeanor. Dogs or cats on a I each and contro I led by a reasonabi e pers on shah I be pennitted in streets or on pubficland unless prohibited with signs reading "Dogs and is Prohibited"'. Dogs or cats wlio are tinder the control and direction of a responsible person so as to be effectively restrained LQA1:"1:SqPU -hal I be by leash or aii electronic control device s Permitted only on private property at the consent of the property owner or in a public area -ems on a hX? a *NAQr-QAJJ desigmited as such I n4lpw- fl, trg:� 'na 124 r� n 1:4 f Q rp UnAn c ,,, 1A] a "'nx-14 i ReeTE)MA A Y" 'LH4.fi4 11 %P1 E-4 hL1 A M t f el ec-44 on qfJ FA iii I-PA A L4 %-p A A %@P %'e-L JL160 9WO F-JL 7 %.FJL I JL I JL 44 JL IL %.JL f.4),J Y %e I A A L 4L 4 1 %h %-& k A A .7 Wffl X%oPLX-714- L-YA-IMULN L-.;%- stfeets of on nuhlie JL 164 t3 d::b + 01dolvikv r1pin :In a in * Q- -tLA P-Il N 4 h " 4, - n- AA91th d " Awwo iz6glll 1LI&L11 431 %kekq"7 11L40 q,41A VV ItAL 015LAO 1%,'1L4%&11JLj5 9�11,150 1-11 1-1%,&VO .1 A LJLAJ 91rO'EWL.PJLA"JLJL jAgapk XMX1 tj; *:jQjQ n p _pM1F;51q5" pf thia fmuniav-anL Q pin tlqia Mriaffll!ies k*%�o %w L A L%w 4�,& ML.0 L�F %A� A %4A 46-46 JM*4A 5%rl� 1WrT.L1LJLL IFLAT4W FW 44 WJL� ILILK%W VIP TV IAW A kA A A 4 %W �,J L.,? A qL A 1-t 7-,Ir 1 X V I I wW YA %10A.M.M at L"LJL%.e pa"n;Gnad A A'i th -*,a a m A tar. 1 0 Ownefoai %4, JLI,.-Lw 1661;lj, n e- I es af;e %-0 NJ A A -L 11 J.'kw %.% F W J. A JL W ('89 Code, § 10-06) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 93.19-1-COr LICENSE REQUIRED. It is unlawful for the owner of any animal, six months of age or more, to fall to obtain a license therefore from the city. ('89 Code., § 1 O.06) Penalty, see 10.99 93.204-9 LICENSE ISSUANCE; FEES; TAG REQUIRE, D. (A) Licen:se issuance, tenn and renewal. All animal licenses shall be issued only upon presentation of a certificate issued by -a veterinarian, licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this state, showing rdbies immunization of the animal for at least the term of the license. All animal licenses shall expire on December 3 1. Application for license renewal, accompanied by a veterinarian's certificate, shall be made at least 30 days prior to expi*ration of the license. (B) Adoption of fees. A11 fees for the 1i een in , impounding and maintenance of animals., including penalties for late application, may be fixed and determined by the Council, adopted by ordinance, and uniformly enforced. The fees may from time to time be amended by the C'ouncil by ordinance. A copy of the ordinance setting forth currently effective fees shall be kept on file in the office of the City Administrator and open to t* i nspect on during regular business hours. (C) Tag required. All licensed animals shall wear a collar and have a tag firmly affixed thereto evidencing a current license. A duplicate for a. lost tag may be issued by the city upon presentation of the recel'pt showing the payment of the duplicate license fee. Tags shall not be transferable, and no refund shall be made on any license fee because of leaving the it or death of the animal before the expiratl'on of the license. (" 89 Code, § 10.06) Penalty, see § 10,99 § 93.)12-0 IMPOLNDMENT; NOTICE- RELEASE. (A) Animal pound. Any animal found in the city without a licensee tag., running at large, or otherwise in violation of this subchapter, shall be placed in the animal pound, and an accurate record of the time of placement shall be kept on each animal. Any Animal Control 0 fficer or po I ice o f c e r may i mpound any do g or other ant mal fo and unI i c en std or any animal found running at large and shal I give notice of the i'mpoundiniz to the owner of the dog or other animal, if known. All animals conveyed to the pound shall be kept, with humane trcatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort., at least five regular business days, unless the animal is a dangerous animal in which case it shall be kept for seven regular business days or the times specified, and except if the animal i ruelly-treated animal in which case it shall be kept for ten regular business days, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners or keepers as provided by this section. In case the owner or keeper shall desire to reclaim the animal from the pound, the following shall be required, unless otherwise provided for in this code oTestablished from time to time by resolution of the it Council.- (i) Payment of the release fee and receipt of a release permit as established by ordinance, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time. c' (2) Payment of maintermce costs, as provided by the pound, per day or any part of day while animal 'is in the pound; and (3) If a doh is unlicensed, payment of a regular license fee as established by ordinance, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time, and valid certificate of vaccination for rabies and distemper shots is required. (4) For the purpose of this section, the follo van g definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. REGULAR BUSTNESS DAY. One during which the pound is open for business to the public for at least four hours between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (5) Impoundment records shall be preserved for at least three � -months and shall show: (a) The description of the animal by species, breed, sex, approximate age and other dis tin guishi'ng traits; (b) The location at which the animal was seized; (c) The date of seizure,4 (d) The name and address of the person from whom any animal three months of age or over was received; and (e) The name and address of the person to whom any animal three months of age or over was transferred. (6) If unclaimed, the animal shall be humanely destroyed and the carcass disposed of, unless it is requested by a licensed educati-onal or scientific institution under authority of M. S. § 35. 71, as it mav be amended from time to time. Provided, however, that if a tag affixed to the animal, or a statement by the animal's owner after seizure specifies that the ani mal should not be used for research, the animal shall not be made available to any of this type of institution but may be destroyed after the expiration of the five-day period. (B) Notice of impounding. Upon the impounding of- any animal, the owner shall be 11g4tiala Jaall notified by the most expedient means. —.9 OF- i f th%e No 1A - nt,e F -L s -% A 1LcX- LnL -%, ) 30T, -L "i FILTO P-RW'%FL A 76F A & A V Ike %41&Lj LP LJL16 LA j.%pp N%�, A VWT A -1 464�A L VL%�o LJ %�e J 5 L A 1%� " L I L 1 0 1 L,& I L;-,LA M�* 1� K k%.e V I L4%e 7� IL41 I %A 111 L I %.d %J A S" ZNL & A A9. (C) Release from animal pound. Animals shall be released to their owners., as follows: (1) If the animal is owned by a resident of the city, after purchase of a ficensel, W if unlicensed, and payment of the impounding fee, maintenance and immuni zation fee; or (2) If the animal is owned by a person not a resident of the city, after immunization of the animal for rabies-, and payment of the impotind ire g fee and maintenance- (89 Code, § 10-06) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 93.'2_224 SEIZURE BY CITIZEN. It is lawful for any person to seize and impound an animal so found running at large and 12 F-1 the person shall within six hours thereafter notify the Police DepartmentA, of the sei ure. It shall be the duty o f the Pol ice Departme nt UNIAN111-A-114-ma seer s- tO P1 ace the ani m a] i n the City Pound. If the name of the owner of the animal so seized is known to the person who first takes the animal into custody, he or she shall inform the Poilce De pant illelit P.Ou mud mastef of the name of tote owner, and the address if known. ('89 Code, § 10.06) § 93.232,2- IMMOBILIZATION OF ANIMAI..,. For the purpose of enforcement of this subehapter, any peace off cer or person whose duty 'is animal control may use a so-called tranquilizer gun or other 'instrument for the purpose of immobilizing and catching an animal. ('89 Code, § 10.06) 93._'424 UNLAWFUL ACTS. It is unlawful for the owner of any animal to- (A) Fail to have the license tag issucd by the city firmly attached to a collar worn at all times by the licensed animal; (B) Interfere with any police officer, or other city employee in the performance of hi, or her duty to enforce this subchapter-, (C) Dogs disturbing the peace. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, have in possession, or harbor any dog which by frequent and habitual liowling, yelping, barking., or otherwise, produce noise that unreasonably diStUrbsthe peace, quiet, or repose of a person or persons of ordinary sensibility, provided that the provisions of this section shall not appiv to duly K;Ar,&1A AV lanvbor a authonzed h.ospl* I als or c I i ni c.s conducted for the treatm eii t o F -.�;mal I a ii I Teal s. . %. %-e 0-c 1, J IL iF I I L L A^__"mChj6 hArJ,:jz lar uviiaq UAL R I . bparl-i n a-.Q 4�411 _Lia J ia& mad Q c ha Ar3*3 a f,A:r NA "I. AVL7 W -K %W4. 4 A A " %J t L &A&A I ILJ kA I 19L. 11 15 LL A a k, %4%' A JL A AL" %4 4L46.7 qj L4 I EIL 9 L L& Al VU j I %dv qz;_� r IQ Qf ■ IIJ ]$Jar AX ri th n Q330 r4j • T n " It6a n -KVV q El -L V RL4 A %J %JF JL q_L 4. A %," LJF 1v I L V %x IL I JL& JL.L ua 1.%pe L..7 VV.L%,.K.K LALL-LIAL %JIJL%-, L1L11JLL411,%.,, The barking must also be audible off of the owner's or caretaker'.4; premises. ('89 Code, § 10.06) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 93-2524 SUMMARY DESTRtI 'TI ON; GR.OtYNDS. If an animal is diseased, vicious, dangerous, rabid or exposed to rabies and that animal cmmot be impounded after a reasonable effort or cannot be impounded without serious risk to the person attempting to impound, the animal may be destroyed in a humane m anner- ('89 Code, § 10.06) § 93.2625 RABIES CONTROL; RITPS, QIJARANTINF,, RFPORTING, (A) Rabies control. (1) Every animal which bites a person shall be promptly reported to the Chief of Police or desigince Pnmuinwdmastef and shall thereupon be securely quarantined at the direction of the Chief o f Police or d e s i nee P etflaadaf =L.L&Q.4...r- for a period of 14 days, and shall not be released 1,r m quarantine except by written permission of the city. In the discretion of the Chief of Police, the quarantine may be on the premises of the owner or at the veterimary hospital of hi s or her choice. If the animal is quarantined on the premises of the owner, the city shall have access to the animal al any reasonable time for study and observation of rabies symptoms. In the case of a stray animal or in the case of an animal whose ownership 'is not known,, the quarantine shall be at the animal pound, or at the discretion of the Chief of Police the animal may be confined in a veterinar y hospital designated by him or her. Da3-slag] (2) The owners, upon demand made by the Po 11 c e Department L %Y %.ILAL�-L or by any other city employee empowered by the Council to enforce this subchapter, shall forthwith surrender any animal which has bitten a hum n, or which is suspected as having been exposed to rah ies, for the purpose of supervised cluarantine- The expenses of the quarantine shall be borne by the owner and the animal may be reclaimed by the owner if adjudged free of rabies ) t)( ) upon payment of fees set forth in this subchapter and upon compliance with licensing provisions set forth in this subchapter. (3) When an animal under quarantine and diagnosed as being rabid or suspected by a licensed veterinarian as being rabid dies or is killed, the city shall immediately send the head of the animal and rabies data report to the State Health Department for pathological examination and shall notify all persons concerned of the results of the examination. (4) The city shall issue proclamation and take action when rabies is suspected or exists as is required by Minnesota Statutes. (B) Reports of bite cases. It is the duty of every physician, or other practitioner, to report to the Chief of Police the names and addresses of persons treated for bites inflicted by animals, together with other information as will be helpful in rabies control. (C) Responsibility of veterinarians. It is the duty of every licensed veterinarian to report to the Chief of Police his or her diagnosis of an animal observed by him or her as a rabies suspect. ('89 Code, § 10.06) § 93.2726 ANIMALS IN HEAT. Except for controlled breeding purposes, every female animal in heat shall be kept confined in a building or secure enclosure, or in a veterinary hospital or boarding kennel, in a manner so that the female animal cannot come in contact with other animals. ('89 Code, § 10.06) § 93.2827 ADDITIONAL GROUNDS FOR IMPOUNDMENT. Any animal found without adequate food or water, or any animal kept in a condition endangering the health or safety of the animal, may be impounded by the city, then held pursuant to the terms of this subchapter. ('89 Code, § 10.06) (Ord. 90 -17, passed 3- 13 -90) ANIMALS AND FOWL § 93.40 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. ANIMALS. Includes farm animals and all other animals, reptiles and feathered birds or fowl except dogs, cats, gerbils, hamsters and caged household birds. FARM ANIMALS. Cattle, horses, mules, sheep, goats, swine, ponies, ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens, guinea hens, honey bees and mink. ('89 Code, § 10.07) § 93.41 KEEPING RESTRICTIONS. It is unlawful for any person to keep or harbor any animal, not in transit, except: (A) Farm animals kept in that portion of the city zoned for agricultural purposes; (B) Animals kept in a laboratory for scientific or experimental purposes; or (C) Animals kept in an animal hospital or clinic for treatment by a licensed veterinarian. I too (I ) Animals i2resent at events or otherwise kept at the McLeod County Fairgrounds ('89 Code, § 10-07) Penalty, see § 10-99 § 93.42 TRANSPORT RESTRICTIONS. It is unlawful for any person to transport animals unless they are: (A) Confined within a vehkle, cage or other means of conveyance,; (B) Farm animals being transported in the agricultural portion of the city; or (C) Restrained by n3 cans of bridles, halters, ropes or other means of individual restraint. ('89 Code, § 10.07) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 93.43 TREATMENT AND HOUSING. (A) Treatment. It is unlawful for any person to treat any animal as herein defined, or any other animal., in a cruel or Inhumane manner. (B) Housing. It is unlawful for any person to keep _n animal as herein defined, or any other animal, in any structure infested by rodents, vermin, flies or insects, or inadequate for protection against the elements, (' 89 Code, § 10. 07) Penalty, see § '10. 99 § 93.44 TRESPASSES PROHIBITED. It is unlawful for any person to herd, drive or ride any animal over and upon any grass, turf, boulevard, c I ty park, c it t ral- I -, cemetery, garden o r to t wl tho ut spec 1 fic perm i s s io n there for frorn the owner.. 89 Code, , § 10.07) Penalty., see § 10.99 Adopted by the City Council this day of Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: ,2013. Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, January 2, 2012 (December Regular Meeting) Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Bordson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Dwight Bordson; Vice President Craig Lenz; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Michael Kumm. Absent: Secretary Leon Johnson 1. Approve Minutes of: November 26 and December 13, 2012 Special Meetings and November 28, 2012 Regular Meeting The minutes of the November 26 and December 13, 2012 special meetings and November 28, 2012 regular meeting were reviewed. The Board recommended changing the word 'would' to 'could' in the second paragraph of the November 26, 2012 special meeting minutes. A motion was made by Vice President Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve the minutes with the Board recommended change to replace the word 'would' with 'could' in the second paragraph of the November 26, 2012 special meeting minutes. Motion was unanimously carried. 2. Discuss HCVN No discussion held. 3. Ratify Payment of Bills for November 2012 The November 2012 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Vice President Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $2,986,675.29. (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. 4. Approve Financial Statements /Budget Year to Date GM Kumm presented the November 2012 financial statements /budget year -to -date and the updated work order sheets for natural gas and electric utilities. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Vice President Lenz to approve the financial statements /budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously carried. GM Kumm presented a Nuclear Waste Storage Refund Agreement in which HUC will receive a settlement of $198,351.14. GM Kumm requested the Commission approve authorization for President Bordson to sign this agreement. The money will be put in the rate stabilization fund. A motion was made by Vice President Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve President Bordson to sign the Nuclear Waste Storage Refund Agreement. Motion was unanimously carried. (Agreement attached.) 1 ka-L) GM Kumm discussed HUC received approximately $200,000 from MRES related to Ottertail exercising their option on one of three easements with Big Stone II. GM further explained the funds received will be used to pay down debt. 5. Approve Changes to Policy on Payments of HUC Payables GM Kumm presented the changes to the policy on payments of HUC payables. The date was changed from 2012 to 2013 in the second to last paragraph. This is a part of HUC annual review of policies. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve the changes to the policy on payments of Hutchinson Utilities Commission payables. Motion was unanimously carried. (Policy attached.) 6. Review Parallel Generation Policy GM Kumm presented the parallel generation policy. This is part of HUC's policy review schedule and no changes were recommended by staff. 7. Approve 2012 Industrial Rebate This agenda item was tabled until the January regular meeting. 8. Approve 3M Natural Gas Transportation Agreement John Webster presented the 3M natural gas transportation agreement for 2013. A motion was made by Vice President Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve the 3M natural gas transportation agreement. Motion was unanimously carried. (Agreement attached.) 9. Approve HTI Natural Gas Transportation Agreement This agenda item was tabled until the January regular meeting. 10. Approve BP Agreements John Webster presented the renewal of the annual agreements with BP for natural gas services. A motion was made by Commissioner Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve the BP agreements. Motion was unanimously carried. (Agreements attached.) 11. Review Policies and Requirements Booklet GM Kumm presented changes to the policies and requirements booklet, sections: • Inserts with Utility Bills • Inaccessible Utility Equipment/Meters • Identity Theft — Red Flag Program No changes were recommended. 12. Approve Changes to Exempt and Non - Exempt Handbooks GM Kumm presented changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: • Disability Insurance (exempt only) • Promotions & Transfers • Layoffs • Voluntary Leave of Absence 2 'i aL) The word 'cost' was replaced with 'premium' on the disability insurance policy (exempt only) due to the change in the disability insurance. The changes to promotions & transfers; layoffs; and voluntary leave of absence were to clean up verbiage and to provide clarity. A motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Vice President Lenz to approve the changes to the exempt and non- exempt handbooks, sections: disability insurance (exempt only); promotions & transfers; layoffs; and voluntary leave of absence. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 13. Discuss PILOT Workshop Discussion held regarding scheduling the next PILOT workshop to discuss transfer items, natural gas transport and electric wholesale sales. 14. Discuss Criteria for New Commissioner Candidates Discussion held regarding HUC establishing more specific criteria for future Commission candidates. President Bordson requested Attorney Sebora distribute a sample Hutchinson Hospital board matrix to the Commissioners. The Board will review and discuss in January's regular commission meeting. 15. Communication from the City Administrator City Administrator Carter discussed outcomes of the truth in taxation, budgets and levies. City Council made a conscious effort to keep levies flat and keep rates flat. 16. Approve Requisition #5156 for Unit 5 Emissions and Performance Testing Steve Lancaster presented requisition #5156 for unit 5 emissions and performance testing which was budgeted. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve requisition #5156 for unit 5 emissions and performance testing. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) 17. Division Reports Electric — Steve Lancaster • Started unit 5 on December 15. It misfired which put natural gas into the exhaust, resulting in an explosion which was contained within the exhaust system. No one was hurt. The emission testing was delayed two weeks. Repair for damages are part of the installation warranty. • Discussion held regarding posting internally for an engineering tech. • Discussion was held regarding HUC safety. GM Kumm will coordinate an HUC safety program presentation for January's regular meeting. • There was no interest in the internal posting for the plant electrician position; will now advertise the position. Finance — Jared Martig • Heating and air conditioning improvements to HUC office building are complete. HUC received a $1,000 energy conservation rebate. 3 ia(-a)- Gas — John Webster • Conducting second interviews today for the welder service position. Business — Jan Sifferath • Energy conservation information sent out in billing and will be posted on HUC web site this week. • Total year -end revenue recapture of outstanding bills was approximately $31,000. 18. Legal Update Nothing to report Unfinished Business • Update from City Attorney on Patent for the Real -Time Auto - Suggestion for Nodal Delivery in Energy Networks GM Kumm provided patent attorney the flow chart and examples of how HUC has used the model. President Bordson requested Attorney Sebora follow up with the patent attorney on this item. Discussion Regarding Pre -Pay for Natural Gas GM Kumm reported no update. • Discuss Credit Card Payments Jan Sifferath reported no update. New Business None There being no further business, a motion was made by Vice President Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 4:26 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Dwight Bordson, President 4 Leon Johnson, Secretary laLO � )_ MINUTES Special Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Tuesday, January 15, 2013 Called to order at 12:00 p.m. Members present: President Dwight Bordson; Vice President Craig Lenz; Secretary Leon Johnson; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; General Manager Michael Kumm. Members Absent: Attorney Marc Sebora Guests: Jeremy Carter (City), Mayor Steve Cook, and Council Member Chad Czmowski. President Bordson explained this PILOT presentation meeting is for discussion purposes only. PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) is an acronym which means portions of funds Hutchinson Utilities Commission transfers to the City of Hutchinson. GM Kumm presented a recap of the problems in natural gas utility with the existing 2.75% PILOT. GM Kumm recommended alternatives to the existing PILOT formula for the natural gas utility. (Presentation attached.) After discussion, President Bordson thanked GM Kumm for the presentation. A motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 12:47 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Dwight Bordson, President Johnson, Secretary 1-4 ) Hutchinson Public Library Board Minutes Monday October 22, 2012 Present: Guy Stone, Roger Vacek, Jon Ross, Stacey Nass, Abby Dahlquist, Mary Christensen and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio. Excused: Dianne Wanzek Guy Stone called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last meeting were read. Mary Christensen made a motion that the minutes be approved and Stacey Nass seconded the motion. Motion passed. Roger gave a brief report on the October 1, 2012 PLS Policy committee meeting. The Confidentiality Polity & Patron Code of Conduct Policies were discussed with changes proposed to the policies for further clarification. Old Business: 1. Roof Replacement. The roof repair project is still only % done because of wind & rain delays. 2. Legacy programs for fall. Mary spoke with Chad Lewis who does programs on haunted buildings & ghosts but he is booked for this year. We might consider inviting him next spring. Mary also spoke to Roman Bloemke of the local Photography Club. We thought of asking the club to do a program for 'point & shoot' cameras, camera phones & other devices, and also software enhancement of photos. It looks like we can set up a date in late November with November 26th being chosen with the 29th or 28" chosen as backup date. This would give the library time to procure Legacy Funding & to do some publicity for the event. This program will target the teen & adult crowds. 3. MN Library Association Conference Oct 3 -5. Mary attended the conference & heard the keynote speaker. She said that overall there was more technology related exhibits than emphasis on the books themselves. Mary made contact with Julie Kramer who is considered for a future author visit. Roger was unable to attend. New Business: 1.Children's Summer Reading Program Wrap -Up. Sherry reported that 436 kids participated in the Summer Reading Program. This number was down from last year but more kids finished the program. Also more kids participated in the contests. Stories in the park had a higher attendance & the partnerships with 4 -H, the museum & Legacy Funds worked well. Next year's program is called Dig In -Read. 2. City Appreciation Dinner Oct. 25. Board members were reminded it was the last day to sign up for the appreciation dinner. 3. Other. Stacey made a comment on the PLS website. Mary told us that PLS is developing a template for each library to personalize the website so patrons can get updates on events, etc. Stacey also suggested that we might want to look into using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. to get the word out to patrons on library activities Roger Vacek made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Stacey Nass seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned Our next meeting will be November 26, 2012. Submitted by Abby Dahlquist, Secretary. Planning, Zoning and Building Dept. Monthly Report Januarty 2013 Building Department Permit Activities Total Number Inspections % of Inspetction done within 24 HRS Total Number Plan Review % of Plan Reviews completed in 21 Day! Building Permits Issued by Type Commercial (new) Commercial ( additions /remodels) Total Commercial Industrial (new) Industrial (additions /remodels) Total Industrial Fire Sprinkling New Residential Residential misc (additions /remodels) Set Fee permits (reside, reroof, window) HRA Permits Subtotal Building Pen Mechanical HRA Mechanical Plumbing HRA Plumbing Signs Total Valuation *Set fees not included in valuation Commercial New 01/2012 01/2013 2012 Year to Date 48 396 1381 N/A 100% N/A N/A 12 N/A N/A 100%: cn W Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & '. Valuation - Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation 0 43 0 1/13 -1/19 1 0 5 4 $468,000.00 6 $108,300.0011 4 $468,000.00 41 5468.000.00. 6 S11,08-30M001 4 $468,006.00 50,061 01 $0.00 1 Hutchinson € Silver Lake Glencoe 1 0 1/1-1/5 138 100 39 82 3 $76,000.00 cn W :: ' $56;700.00 3 s 43 ?4 1/13 -1/19 332 5 2 $22,000.00 #) _; _ .; ;; 2 15 $566,000.00 ' 26 49 $6$ 00000 15 12 $32,500.006 39 ,' , 736.00 12 Total 1035 Z 275 623 213 2 6' 2 PI1: 1Commercial Remodel 725 Baltimore - remodel for Fantastic Sams $23000 / 1220 Bradford - repairs after fire $28000 235 Eastgate Dr - cut and patch floor $43000 New Single Family Other Building Inspection Activities January 24th SW Chapter Mtg Facilities Management /Maintenance Activities Fvpr¢reen Meals served in January Week of Hutchinson Park Towers Silver Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 1/1-1/5 138 100 39 82 32 27 1/6 -1/12 241 169 63 155 43 87 1/13 -1/19 332 184 72 148 33 74 1/20 -1/26 204 189 62 150 49 70 1/27 -1/31 120 1 113 39 88 56 42 Total 1035 1 755 275 623 213 300 Total Meals served in January 3201 Dates Closed January 1 and 28th Planning and Zoning Monthly Activities Month/Year: January, 2013 Activity Number Additional Info. Number of Planning Applications Reviewed and 1 Lot Split - HTI Processed Number of Joint Planning Board Applications 0 Reviewed and Processed Number of Planning Commission Meetings 1 Conditional use permit and Site Plan Review McDonalds USA Number of Joint Planning Meetings 0 Number of Zoning Reviews for Building Permits (Compliance with Zoning Code) 13 Number of Land Use Permits Issued - (Fences, 1 small sheds, patios, driveways, detached decks, etc.) Number of Zoning Review for Sign Permits 8 Number of Predevelopment/Pre Application 1 One Stop Shop - Old Runnings Site Meetings Number of Misc. Planning Meetings 20 Resource Allocation, Management Team -3, Maxfield Report meeting, 2013 Planning Commission Work Plan, Planning Staff, Council Workshop, Public Arts Commission, Wellness Committee - 2, Planning Commission meeting, Comprehensive Plan Staging Map, Depot Site Plan, City Council meeting, Directors meeting, Ice Arena meeting - 3, Law Enforcement Park Number of Zoning Enforcement Cases 2 Number of Walk -In Customers Served 258 Site Visits 2 Hutchinson Health Signs Burns Manor Site Dan Jochum attended the Land Use Training Session in St. Louis Park- 1 -30 -13 )aL) MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board December 3, 2012 Members present were Jim Waldron, Jay Bartholomew, Elizabeth Hanninen, and Eric Opland. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by Eric Opland and seconded by Elizabeth Hanninen to approve the minutes dated November 5, 2012. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Luce Line Trail —The paving project of the Luce Line Trail is moving forward and will be funded by contributions from the City, County and DNR, and other sources. The City will be contributing $750,000. Bandstand West River - A proposed diagram of the permanent cover for the bandstand at West River Park was reviewed. The council approved spending up to $35,000 for the construction. Actual cost could be up to $75,000. Parkland dedication money and community donations could make up the difference. Mountain Biking Course — User feedback for the mountain biking course has been positive. The park is located on % acre with chainsaw -cut natural material and heavy duty hardware. There are three lines: beginner /novice, intermediate, and extreme. Chad Czymowski is checking into having the International Bike Association do a story on the park in the spring. NEW BUSINESS Aquatic Center — The City Council will discuss and prioritize a variety of projects at the December 11 council meeting including the aquatic center, Luce Line Trail, Depot, and infrastructure. Art Walk/Hutchinson Center for the Arts — The City may provide $15,000 annually for three years to sustain the Hutchinson Center for the Arts. The Center is trying to gain membership rather than having to rely on fundraisers. An "Art Walk" is planned for six sites during May — September along the Luce Line Trail from Riverside Park to the pedestrian bridge near Shopko. Artwork would be on display for sale with the City receiving a commission for each sale. Forestry Report — In 2012, Mike Bahe oversaw the planting of 130 energy trees on private property and 200 trees in the city parks. He received $25,000 from a DNR grant for 2013 and $30,000 from Hutchinson Utilities for the energy tree planting. \aW) PRCE Advisory Board December 3, 2012 Page two Crow River Watershed — A meeting was held recently to investigate the formation of a homeowners association for residents along the Crow River, Otter Lake, and Campbell Lake. This association would work on projects such as rip- rapping for shore stabilization and erosion. Issues that may be worked on include creating a taxing authority and providing compensation to farmers for keeping river /lakeshore land inactive. City staff that would be included in this association would be the City Engineer, the Natural Environment Specialist, and the PRCE Director. January Meeting — The PRCE Advisory Board will not meet in January due to the New Year's holiday. The next meeting will be Monday, February 4, 2013. PRCE staff will be attending this meeting to present 2013 goals and 2012 accomplishments. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 6:12 pm by a motion made by Jim Waldron and seconded by Jay Bartholomew. The Board unanimously agreed. Ia(A)