cp06-12-2012 cNo Council Workshop AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Peace Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS. DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 22, 2012 Action — Motion to approve as presented 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: onlyfor items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise ave een e egate tot the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 14014 - RESOLUTION TO APPROVE EXECUTION OF MN/DOT AGREEMENT NO. 01239 FOR TRUNK HWY 15 RETAINING WALL RECONSTRUCTION 2. ORDINANCE NO. 12 -0687 — AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING ENFORCEMENT OF HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 92.18 PERTAINING TO HOURS OF USE OF SOUND AMPLIFICATION EQUIPMENT FOR JAYCEE WATER CARNIVAL EVENTS ON JUNE 14 & 17, 2012 (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 3. ORDINANCE NO. 12 -0688 - AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING ENFORCEMENT OF HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 92.18 PERTAINING TO HOURS OF USE OF SOUND AMPLIFICATION EQUIPMENT FOR RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT ON AUGUST 3, 2012 (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING PARADE PEDDLER'S PERMIT TO GERALD JOHNSON TO SELL NOVELTY ITEMS ALONG WATER CARNIVAL PARADE ROUTE ON JUNE 17, 2012 (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE TO JAY MALONE MOTORS AT THE HUTCHINSON MALL PARKING LOT FROM AUGUST 10 — 20, 2012 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSE TO POWER PULL NATIONALS LLC AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS ON JUNE 15 & 16, 2012 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —JUNE 12, 2012 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE TO HTUCHINSON HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ON JANUARY 13, 2012. AT AMERICAN LEGION (I) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF UPPER MIDWEST ALLIS CHALMERS CLUB EVENT SIGNAGE REQUEST (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF GENERAL RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE FOR MINNESOTA CITIES (h) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6:00 P.M. (a) ASSESSMENT HEARING AND PROJECT AWARD FOR 2012 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PHASE 1 PROJECT - LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 12 -04 Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 9. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise po icy. Always looking toward the uture, not monitoring past) 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT AWARD FOR 2012 STREET SEAL COATING PROJECT — LETTING NO. 4, PROJECT NO. 12 -05 Action— Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DOWNTOWN ACTION PLAN CONTRACT WITH HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC. Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (c) COMMISSION IO AND O COMMITT O ES TERMS AND CITY POLICY O HINSONPOLICY NO. 1.1 — LICENSES AND PERMITS Action — (d) DISCUSSION OF CREATING A NUISANCE CODE OFFICER POSITION Action - 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizat Iona! performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY 2012 (b) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES FROM APRIL 25, 2012 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —JUNE 12, 2012 (c) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY 2012 (d) PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM APRIL 2, 2012 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. ayor teve oo c e t e meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Chad Czmowski, Bill Arndt and Eric Yost. Others present were Jeremy Carter, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION — Due to the absence of a pastor, the invocation was dispensed. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY Council Member Christensen thanked the volunteers that worked on the Harrington - Merrill House this past weekend. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 8, 2012 Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: onlyfor items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise ave een e egate to t e City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 14006 — RESOLUTION AMENDING 2012 FEE SCHEDULE (CEMETERY RATES) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 12 -0687 — AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING ENFORCEMENT OF HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 92.18 PERTAINING TO HOURS OF USE OF SOUND AMPLIFICATION EQUIPMENT FOR JAYCEE WATER CARNIVAL EVENTS ON JUNE 14 & 17, 2012 3. ORDINANCE NO. 12 -0688 - AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING ENFORCEMENT OF HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 92.18 PERTAINING TO HOURS OF USE OF SOUND AMPLIFICATION EQUIPMENT FOR RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT ON AUGUST 3, 2012 (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEM 1. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON PARKS DEPARTMENT TO ALLOW A BAND SHELTER/STAGE STRUCTURE IN THE FLOODWAY DISTRICT LOCATED IN WEST RIVER PARK WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT FINDINGS OF FACT RESOLUTION NO. 14007 AND RESOLUTION NO. 14008) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING CARNIVAL PERMIT TO J &K AMUSEMENTS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —MAY 22, 2012 ON JUNE 1 — 3, 2012, AT HUTCHINSON MALL (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTING AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT GRANTS (e) APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL MEMBER CHAD CZMOWSKI, CITY ADMINISTRATOR JEREMY CARTER AND MAYOR STEVE COOK AS CITY REPRESENTATIVES TO A COMMITTEE WITH HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVES TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE CHANGES TO THE ANNUAL TRANSFER FORMULA (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ANNUAL DAIRY DAY CELEBRATION (g) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACCEPTING ADDITIONAL ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE HISTORICAL REGISTER DESIGNATION FOR THE HARRINGTON- MERRILL HOUSE FOR THE PUBLIC RECORD Item 7(b)1 was pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, to approve consent agenda with the exception of Item 7(b) I Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(b)1 had further discussion. Council Member Yost noted that a canvass top is being proposed, however Council Member Yost asked if a more permanent roof structure would be requested, would the applicant have to go through the CUP process again. Dan Jochum, Planning Director, noted that a new CUP would not need to be applied for. This CUP is more for the structure itself. A different roof top would be approved by a building permit. Mayor Cook noted that on Resolution No. 14008, the first condition references an interim use permit and that language should be changed to read conditional use permit. Motion by Yost, second by Arndt, to approve Item 7(b)l. Motion carried unanimously 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 9. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise policy. A ways looking towar t e Lure, not monitoring past) (a) PRESENTATION OF HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE ANNUAL REPORT — DR. STEVEN MULDER Dr. Steve Mulder, presented before the Council. Dr. Mulder noted that the lease agreement between the City and HAHC require that an annual presentation be given to the City from HAHC. Dr. Mulder reviewed such items as the 2011 audited financial results, performance parameters, service areas, community contributions, volunteer opportunities, new providers, and a senior care update. Projects for 2012 include an integration between Hutchinson Health Care and Hutchinson Medical Center and a new electronic record implementation. Council Member Arndt asked about special care offerings that Harmony River Senior Care may provide in the future. Dr. Mulder responded that specialized care offerings may be offered by various institutions. Mayor Cook asked about Burns Manor. Dr. Mulder noted that the equipment inside Burns Manor is being considered to be disposed of in various ways. Dr. Mulder explained that the building itself is a joint asset between the City and HHC. Dr. Mulder explained that the City and HHC are considering proposals that have come forward. 2 (v�)- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — MAY 22, 2012 (b) DISCUSSION OF AMENDMENTS TO CITY CODE SECTION 94.45 CEMETERY — MONUMENTS AND MARKERS John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson explained that staff has been brainstorming ideas to make cemetery customers' experience of high quality. Part of that is providing customers as much information upfront as it pertains to monument dimensions. The proposed ordinance amendment includes language clarifying maximum sizes and provides staff with options to clearly communicate the monument requirements. Mayor Cook suggested changing the title of the proposed ordinance section to "Memorials (Monuments and Markers)" versus "Monuments and Markers" to reflect the amended language throughout the ordinance. Any other suggestions to the ordinance can be directed to John Olson. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AUTHORIZING PRESALE REPORT AND PROCEEDING WITH FINAL SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Bruce Kimmel, Ehlers & Associates, presented before the Council. Mr. Kimmel provided an overview of the presale report for a proposed refunding of current bond issues. This is solely to refinance at a lower interest rate. The City will see a net savings of $306,000 upon refinancing. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve Resolution No. 14009 to provide for the sale of $5,035,000 general obligation refunding bonds, series 2012B. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CITY OF HUTCHINSON POLICY NO. 1.13 — PETTY CASH - CITY DEPARTMENTS AND CONSIDERATION OF ABOLITION OF POLICY NO. 1.16 - FARMERS MARKET Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the policy pertaining to petty cash has some minor changes. These include striking out language that pertains to specific purchase dollar amounts and language pertaining to replenishing the petty cash fund as opposed to reimbursing the petty cash fund. The next policy pertains to the Farmers Market. The policy on record notes that the Farmers Market has ongoing approval of utilizing First Avenue SE next to Library Square on Saturday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. Because this is not current practice and the Farmers Market is in process of relocating to a permanent home not on First Avenue SE, Mr. Carter is proposing to strike this policy. If the relocation of the Farmers Market should fall through for any reason, a new policy would be drafted. Motion by Christensen, second by Yost, to approve Policy No. 1.13 and abolish Policy No. 1.16. Motion carried unanimously. (c) DISCUSSION OF CITY HUTCHINSON POLICY NO. 1.08 — BOARDS, COMMISSION AND COMMITTEES -TERMS AND CITY OF HUTCHINSON POLICY NO. 1.15 — LICENSES AND PERMITS Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter noted that Policy No. 1.08 deals with the terms of the various city boards and commissions. Language is proposed to be added to the policy indicating that an individual can serve two full terms, excluding the filling of an unexpired term. Mayor Cook suggested adding "consecutive" before "two full terms ". It was also suggested to add language that after two full terms, an individual must have a waiting period of one year and then can be appointed again. Mr. Carter shared a table showing discrepancies between City code and the proposed policy. Discussion was held on the Planning Commission. The ordinance establishing the Planning Commission states that the Mayor shall serve as an ex- officio member. Mayor Cook suggested striking that language from the ordinance. The Council agreed with this suggestion. The ordinance establishing the Tree Board holds language stating the City Forester shall serve as an ex- officio member. In practice, because the City no longer has a City Forester position, the Natural Resource Coordinator has been working with the Tree Board lam-) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — MAY 22, 2012 and has retained the duties of the City Forester. It was suggested to change the language in the ordinance to read Natural Resource Coordinator. Council Member Yost suggested language such as "Natural Resource Coordinator or equivalent" so that the ordinance wouldn't have to be changed each time the correlating position might change. Council Member Czmowski asked if a Council Member needs to be appointed to the Tree Board and Library Board. The Tree Board is evolving and the structure of it will continue to be discussed. Council Members felt that it was good to have a Council Member on the Library Board. It was also discussed perhaps the Head Librarian could serve as an ex- officio member with regular updates to the Council. Jeremy Carter will check with the librarian and will then add language to the ordinance reflecting that accordingly. Mr. Carter reviewed the Parks, Recreation, Community Education Board. The ordinance establishing the PRCE Board states it will have 13 board members, 10 being from the community, plus one council member, one school board member and one youth representative. However, current practice has been having a seven - member board with one council member, one school board member and no youth membership. Mr. Carter explained that school district staff and the PRCE Director meet with youth in the schools on a regular basis. Mayor Cook suggested that the PRCE minutes explain youth communication. The ordinance will be changed to reflect a seven - member board. Mayor Cook noted that a few years ago the Council approved no terms limits for the EDA Board. This language will be added to the policy. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission was discussed. Mayor Cook noted that the HUC may include a City Council Member as the policy states, however the City Council Member is appointed annually. That language will be added to the policy for clarification. Mr. Carter then reviewed Policy No. 1.15 — Licenses and permits. A majority of the licenses included in this policy require by ordinance Council action to issue a license. The Council needs to set direction as to what licenses they would like to delegate to a department for issuance, if any. Mayor Cook noted that the licenses that require Council action are nice to come to the Council for awareness. By bringing licenses to the Council agenda, it brings forth Council and public awareness. Discussion was held regarding the various licenses and what may or may not be delegated to staff. Feedback from Council Members may be directed towards the City Administrator and a revised policy will be before the Council at a future meeting. (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR JUNE 26, 2012, AT 4:00 P.M. (RIVER PRESERVATION AND WATERSHED DISTRICT DISCUSSION) Council Member Arndt noted that Diane Sander of Crow River Organization of Water should be part of this workshop. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to set Council workshop for June 26, 2012, to discuss river preservation and watershed district. Motion carried unanimously. 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Councige the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) CITY COUNCIL /HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION JOINT MEETING MINUTES FROM MAY 2, 2012 (b) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM APRIL 17, 2012 (c) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR APRIL 2012 (d) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM SPECIAL MEETING OF MAY 1, 2012 (e) JOINT PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM APRIL 18, 2012 4 U (p-) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — MAY 22, 2012 (f) CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR APRIL 2012 (g) CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR APRIL 2012 Mayor Cook raised some questions about the revenues in the water and sewer funds. Mayor Cook also questioned whether depreciation should be accounted for in the HATS fund. 13. MISCELLANEOUS Eric Yost—Council Member Yost announced he will not be running for another term as Council Member Chad Czmowski — Council Member Czmowski announced he will be running again for another term as Council Member. Jeremy Carter — Mr. Carter noted that the Council needs to set a public meeting for May 31, 2012, at 12:00 noon for the HUC Generation Plan presentation. Motion by Christensen, second by Arndt, to set May 31, 2012, at 12:00 noon at City Center for HUC Generation Plan presentation. Motion carried unanimously. The river fountain is proposed to be put in place this Friday, if all goes well. John Olson explained the repairs that have been made to the fountain. Mayor Cook — Mayor Cook mentioned that the lease amendment related to the Hutchinson Health Care /City of Hutchinson will be presented at the next Council meeting. A town hall meeting will be held the week of June 18` to discuss the proposed lease amendments. Motion by Arndt, second by Yost, to set June 18, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. as town hall meeting at City Center. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Cook noted that at the joint City Council /HUC meeting, the group briefly discussed vehicle /equipment and additional employee sharing amongst the two organizations. Mayor Cook asked Mr. Carter to follow up with HUC and the general manager about those potentials. Mayor Cook also noted he is putting a group together to discuss the vacant big box buildings on Hwy 15 South. Mayor Cook mentioned that a group will be formed to discuss updating the Downtown Plan. Council Member Czmowski will be the Council /EDA representative on that committee. Mr. Carter explained that the EDA is waiting for the phase 2 environmental study to proceed with the depot project. Mayor Cook commented on nuisance properties and asked that a report be generated with various categories, such as safety, aesthetics, structural, etc.; complaint- based, other and have information included on the Planning/Zoning/Building monthly report. Also, Mayor Cook mentioned perhaps a timeline of when properties are taken care of can be included, such as 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, etc. 14. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. LP (--) r_ TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer RE: Consideration for Approval of Resolution to Execute Mn/DOT Agreement No. 01239 for TH 15 Retaining Wall Reconstruction (Letting No. 5/Project No. 12 -06) DATE: June 12, 2012 City staff recently received the MnDOT Cooperative Construction Agreement for the proposed TH 15 Retaining Wall Reconstruction project. City staff has reviewed this document and believes that it accurately reflects previous discussions and understandings arrived at with MnDOT staff. Agreement conditions of note include the following: • MnDOT's full and complete lump sum cost for the retaining wall reconstruction, pedestrian ramp and sidewalk construction and associated construction engineering is $200,000. • City is responsible for design and construction engineering efforts and costs. • City has the right to reject all construction bids. • Contract construction will be under the direction of the City. • Future City maintenance requirements will include the sidewalk facilities and landscaping. Upon this agreement being executed with the associated Resolution, the City will be allowed to proceed withbiddingthis project. City staff has specified a mid - September to early November construction timeframe. We recommend approving the attached Agreement and Resolution. cc: Jeremy Carter— City Administrator 9�_)1 0""E'0,, Minnesota Department of Transportation District 8 Region Office m� 1800 East College Drive OF TP >� Marshall, MN 56258 May 23, 2012 Kent Exner Hutchinson City Engineer 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 Re: Cooperative Agreement No. 01239 SP 4304 -89 (TH 15) Office Tel: 507.537.6146 Fax: 507.537.3800 Toll Free: 1.800.657.3748 www.mndot.gov Enclosed please find three copies of the proposed agreement with the City of Hutchinson. The agreement provides for a lump sum payment for the State's share of the cost of the above- referenced project. Please present this agreement to the City Council for approval and execution. Also required will be a Resolution by the City authorizing its officers to sign the agreement. Once executed, please return all three signed copies to this office for further execution and processing. Thank you. Sincerely, Mel Odens District State Aid Engineer /AIDE 507 - 537 -2044 MO/ fb cc: Maryanne Kelly - Sonnek, MS 682 File An Equal Opportunity Employer a SOF �I eb 05 d U Minnesota Department of Transportation l Office of Project Management and Technical Support Cooperative Agreements Unit Mail Stop 682, Room 618 395 John Ireland Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55155 May 14, 2012 To: Mel Odens Agreement Coordinator, D -8 c - ` O n� From: Maryanne Kelly- Sonnek Municipal Agreements Engineer Subject: Proposed Coop. Const. Agree. No. 01239 City of Hutchinson S.P. 4304 -89 (T.H. 15) State Funds Office Tel: (651) 366 -4634 Fax (651) 366 -4769 State lump sum payment for T.H. 15 construction Transmitted herewith in triplicate is a proposed agreement with the City of Hutchinson. This agreement provides for a lump sum payment to the City of the State's share of the costs of the retaining wall reconstruction, pedestrian ramps, sidewalk and other associated construction to be performed along T.H. 15 within the corporate City limits. Present this agreement to the City Council for their approval and execution that includes original signatures of the City Council authorized City officers on the three copies of the agreement. Also required are three original copies of a resolution passed by the City Council authorizing its officers to sign the agreement on its behalf. A suggested form of such resolution is enclosed. The executed agreements and resolutions (three originals of each) should be forwarded to this office as soon as possible. A copy will be returned to the City when fully executed. Please send me a corgy of your letter transmitting the agreement to the City for approval. cc: File `l (9)1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO MN /DOT AGREEMENT NO. 01239 RESOLUTION NO. 14014 IT IS RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson enter into MnDOT Agreement No. 01239 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for payment by the State to the City of the State's share of the costs of the retaining wall reconstruction, pedestrian ramp and sidewalk construction and other associated construction to be performed along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 15 from 5th Avenue SW to 4th Avenue SW within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 4304 -89. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Administrator are authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement. Mayor City Administrator q (9-) 1 Mn/DOT Contract No: 01239 [.�IQI_Y_�[11,11t% 11`�I►1_�[.YIy 1�7 State Project Number (SP): Trunk Highway Number (TH): DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION And CITY OF HUTCHINSON COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT 4304 -89 15 Original Amount Encumbered $200,000.00 This Agreement is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Transportation ( "State ") and City of Hutchinson acting through its City Council ( "City "). Recitals 1. The City will perform retaining wall reconstruction, pedestrian ramp and sidewalk construction and other associated construction along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 15 from 5'" Avenue SW to 4`" Avenue SW according to City - prepared plans, specifications and special provisions designated by the City as City Project No. 12 -06 and by the State as State Project No. 4304 -89 (T.H. 15)(" Project"); and 2. The City requests the State participate in the costs of the retaining wall reconstruction, pedestrian ramp and sidewalk construction and the State is willing to participate in the costs of said construction and associated construction engineering; and 3. Minnesota Statutes § 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. Agreement 1. Term of Agreement; Survival of Terms; Plans; I.I. Effective date This Agreement will be effective on the date the State obtains all signatures required by Minnesota Statutes § 16C.05, subdivision 2. 1.2. Expiration date. This Agreement will expire when all obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled. 1.3. Survival of terms. All clauses which impose obligations continuing in their nature and which must survive in order to give effect to their meaning will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement, including, without limitation, the following clauses: 2.4. State Ownership of Improvements; 5. Maintenance by the City; 9. Liability; Worker Compensation Claims; Insurance; 11. State Audits; 12. Government Data Practices; 13. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Venue; and 15. Force Majeure 1.4. Plans, Specifications, Special Provisions. State - approved City plans, specifications and special provisions designated by the City as City Project No. 12 -06 and by the State as State Project No. 4304 -89 (TH. 15) are on file in the office of the City's Engineer and incorporated into this Agreement by reference. ( "Project Plans ") 2. Right -of -Way Use 2.1. Limited Right to Occupy. The State grants to the City (and its contractors and consultants) the right to occupy trunk highway right -of -way as necessary to perform the work described in the Project Plans. This right is limited to the purpose of constructing the project, and administering such construction, and may be revoked by the State at any time, with or without cause. Cause for revoking this right of occupancy includes, but is not limited to, breaching the terms of this or any other agreement (relevant to this project) with the State, failing to provide adequate traffic control or other safety measures, failing to perform the construction properly and in a timely manner, and failing to observe applicable environmental laws or terms Mn/DOT Contract No: 01239 of applicable permits. The State will have no liability to the City (or its contractors or consultants) for revoking this right of occupancy. 2.2. State Access; Suspension of Work; Remedial Measures. The State's District Engineer or assigned representative retains the right to enter and inspect the trunk highway right -of -way (including the construction being performed on such right -of -way) at any time and without notice to the City or its contractor. If the State determines (in its sole discretion) that the construction is not being performed in a proper or timely manner, or that environmental laws (or the terms of permits) are not being complied with, or that traffic control or other necessary safety measures are not being properly implemented, then the State may direct the City (and its contractor) to take such remedial measures as the State deems necessary. The State may require the City (and its contractors and consultants) to suspend their operations until suitable remedial action plans are approved and implemented. The State will have no liability to the City (or its contractors or consultants) for exercising its rights under this provision. 2.3. Traffic Control; Worker Safety. While the City (and its contractors and consultants) are occupying the State right -of -way, they must comply with the approved traffic control plan, and with applicable provisions of the Work Zone Field Handbook ( http: / /www.dot.st ate. mn. us /trafficeng /workzone /index.html All City, contractor, and consultant personnel occupying the State's right -of -way must be provided with required reflective clothing and hats. 2.4. State Ownership of Improvements. The State will retain ownership of its trunk highway right -of -way, including any improvements made to such right -of -way under this Agreement, unless otherwise noted. The warranties and guarantees made by the City's contractor with respect to such improvements (if any) will flow to the State. The City will assist the State, as necessary, to enforce such warranties and guarantees, and to obtain recovery from the City's consultants, and contractor (including its sureties) for non - performance of contract work, for design errors and omissions, and for defects in materials and workmanship. Upon request of the State, the City will undertake such actions as are reasonably necessary to transfer or assign contract rights to the State and to permit subrogation by the State with respect to claims against the City's consultants and contractors. 3. Contract Award and Construction 3.1. Bids and Award The City will receive bids and award a construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder, subject to concurrence by the State in that award, according to the Project Plans. The contract construction will be performed according to the Project Plans. 3.2. Bid Documents furnished by the City. The City will, within 7 days of opening bids for the construction contract, submit to the State's District Engineer a copy of the low bid and an abstract of all bids together with the City's request for concurrence by the State in the award of the construction contract. The City will not award the construction contract until the State advises the City in writing of its concurrence. 3.3. Rejection of Bids. The City may reject and the State may require the City to reject any or all bids for the construction contract. The party rejecting or requiring the rejection of bids must provide the other party written notice of that rejection or requirement for rejection no later than 30 days after opening bids. Upon the rejection of all bids, a party may request, in writing, that the bidding process be repeated. Upon the other party's written approval of such request, the City will repeat the bidding process in a reasonable period of time, without cost or expense to the State. 3.4. Direction, Supervision and Inspection of Construction A. The contract construction will be under the direction of the City and under the supervision of a registered professional engineer: however, the State participation construction covered under this Agreement will be open to inspection by the State District Engineer's authorized representatives. The City will give the District Engineer at Willmar a five day notice of its intention to start the contract construction. q(a)1 Mn /DOT Contract No: 01239 B. Responsibility for the control of materials for the contract construction will be on the City and its contractor and will be carried out according to Specifications No. 1601 through and including No. 1609 in the State's current "Standard Specifications for Construction ". 3.5. Completion of Construction. The City will cause the contract construction to be started and completed according to the time schedule in the construction contract special provisions. The completion date for the contract construction may be extended, by an exchange of letters between the appropriate City official and the State District Engineer's authorized representative, for unavoidable delays encountered in the performance of the contract construction. 3.6. Plan Changes. All changes in the Project Plans and all addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements entered into by the City and its contractor for contract construction must be approved in writing by the State District Engineer's authorized representative. 3.7. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, Regulations. The City will comply and cause its contractor to comply with all Federal, State and Local laws, and all applicable ordinances and regulations. With respect only to that portion of work performed on the State's trunk highway right -of -way, the City will not require the contractor to follow local ordinances or to obtain local permits. 3.8. Construction Documents Furnished by the City. The City will keep records and accounts that enable it to provide the State, when requested, with the following: A. Copies of the City contractor's invoice(s) covering all contract construction. B. Copies of the endorsed and canceled City warrant(s) or check(s) paying for final contract construction, or computer documentation of the warrant(s) issued, certified by an appropriate City official that final construction contract payment has been made. C. Copies of all construction contract change orders and supplemental agreements. D. A certification form, provided by the State, signed by the City's Engineer in charge of the contract construction attesting to the following: i. Satisfactory performance and completion of all contract construction according to the Project Plans. ii. Acceptance and approval of all materials furnished for the contract construction relative to compliance of those materials to the State's current "Standard Specifications for Construction ". iii. Full payment by the City to its contractor for all contract construction. E. Copies, certified by the City's Engineer, of material sampling reports and of material testing results for the materials furnished for the contract construction. F. A copy of the "as built" plan sent to the District Engineer. 4. Right -of -Way; Easements; Permits 4.1. The City will, without cost or expense to the State, obtain all rights -of -way, easements, construction permits and any other permits and sanctions that may be required in connection with the local and trunk highway portions of the contract construction. Before payment by the State, the City will furnish the State with certified copies of the documents for rights -of -way and easements, construction permits and other permits and sanctions required for State participation construction covered under this Agreement. 4.2. The City will convey to the State by quit claim deed, all newly acquired rights needed for the continuing operation and maintenance of the Trunk Highway, if any, upon completion of the Project, at no cost or expense to the State. 4.3. The City will comply with Minnesota Statutes § 216D.04, subdivision 1(a), for identification, notification, design meetings and depiction of utilities affected by the contract construction. Mn /DOT Contract No: 01239 5. Maintenance by the City Upon completion of the project, the City will provide the following without cost or expense to the State: 5.1. Sidewalks. Maintenance of the sidewalk construction, including stamped and colored concrete sidewalk (if any) and pedestrian ramps. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, snow, ice and debris removal, patching, crack repair, panel replacement, cross street pedestrian crosswalk markings, mowing grass boulevards (if any) and any other maintenance activities necessary to perpetuate the sidewalks in a safe, useable, and aesthetically acceptable condition. 5.2. Landscaping. The City will provide for the maintenance of the landscaping without cost to the State. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, weeding and pruning, and removal and replacement of all materials that fail to survive. 5.3. Additional Drainage. Neither party to this Agreement will drain any additional drainage into the storm sewer facilities constructed under the construction contract that was not included in the drainage for which the storm sewer facilities were designed, without first obtaining written permission to do so from the other ply. 6. State Cost and Payment by the State 6.1. State Cost. $200,000.00 is the State's full and complete lump sum cost for the retaining wall reconstruction, pedestrian ramp and sidewalk construction and associated construction engineering. 6.2. Conditions of Payment. The State will pay the City the full and complete lump sum amount or the total cost of the contract construction as shown in the awarded contract bid document plus an 8 percent construction engineering cost share, whichever amount is smaller, after the following conditions have been met: A. Encumbrance by the State of the State's full and complete State funded lump sum cost share. B. Approval by the State's Land Management Director at St. Paul of certified documentation, submitted by the City, for all right -of -way and easement acquisitions required for the contract construction. C. Execution of this Agreement and transmittal to the City, including a letter advising of the State's concurrence in the award of the construction contract. D. The State's receipt of a written request from the City for the advancement of funds. The request will include certification by the City that all necessary parties have executed the construction contract. 6.3. Limitations of State Payment; No State Payment to Contractor The State's participation in the contract construction is limited to the lump sum amount shown in Article 6. 1, and the State's participation will not change except by a mutually agreed written amendment to this Agreement. The State's payment obligation extends only to the City. The City's contractor is not intended to be and will not be deemed to be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement. The City's contractor will have no right to receive payment from the State. The State will have no responsibility for claims asserted against the City by the City's contractor. 7. Authorized Representatives Each party's Authorized Representative is responsible for administering this Agreement and is authorized to give and receive any notice or demand required or permitted by this Agreement. 7.1. The State's Authorized Representative will be: Name /Title: Maryanne Kelly - Sonnek, Municipal Agreements Engineer (or successor) Address: 395 John Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 682, St. Paul, MN 55155 Telephone: (651) 366 -4634 Fax: (651) 366 -4769 E -Mail: maryanne.kellysonnekastate.mn.us 9 LO-) I Mn /DOT Contract No: 01239 7.2. The City's Authorized Representative will be: Name /Title: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator (or successor) Address: 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Telephone: (320) 234 -4241 8. Assignment; Amendments; Waiver; Contract Complete 8.1. Assignment Neither party may assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior consent of the other party and a written assignment agreement, executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this Agreement, or their successors in office. 8.2. Amendments. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original Agreement, or their successors in office. 8.3. Waiver. If a party fails to enforce any provision of this Agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or the party's right to subsequently enforce it. 8.4. Contract Complete. This Agreement contains all prior negotiations and agreements between the State and the City. No other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 9. Liability; Worker Compensation Claims; Insurance 9.1. Each party is responsible for its own acts, omissions and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and will not be responsible for the acts and omissions of others and the results thereof. Minnesota Statutes § 3.736 and other applicable law govern liability of the State. Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 and other applicable law govern liability of the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend (to the extent permitted by the Minnesota Attorney General) the State against any claims, causes of actions, damages, costs (including reasonable attorneys fees), and expenses arising in connection with the project covered by this Agreement, regardless of whether such claims are asserted by the City's contractor(s) or consultant(s) or by a third party because of an act or omission by the City or its contractor(s) or consultant(s). 9.2. Each party is responsible for its own employees for any claims arising under the Workers Compensation Act. 9.3. The City shall require its contractor to carry insurance to cover claims for damages asserted against the City's contractor. 10. Nondiscrimination Provisions of Minnesota Statutes § 181.59 and of any applicable law relating to civil rights and discrimination are considered part of this Agreement. 11. State Audits Under Minnesota Statutes § 16C.05, subdivision 5, the City's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the State and the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this Agreement. 12. Government Data Practices The City and State must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to all data provided under this Agreement, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the City under this Agreement. The civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes § 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the City or the State. 9 �-)) Mn /DOT Contract No: 01239 13. Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Venue Minnesota law governs the validity, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this Agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 14. Termination; Suspension 14.1. By Mutual Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or by the State for insufficient funding as described below. 14.2. Termination for Insufficient Funding. The State may immediately terminate this Agreement if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source; or if funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Termination must be by written or fax notice to the City. The State is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination. However, the City will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if this Agreement is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. 14.3. Suspension. In the event of a total or partial government shutdown, the State may suspend this Agreement and all work, activities, performance and payments authorized through this Agreement. Any work performed during a period of suspension will be considered unauthorized work and will be undertaken at the risk of non - payment. 15. Force Majeure Neither party will be responsible to the other for a failure to perform under this Agreement (or a delay in performance), if such failure or delay is due to a force majeure event. A force majeure event is an event beyond a party's reasonable control, including but not limited to, unusually severe weather, fire, floods, other acts of God, labor disputes, acts of war or terrorism, or public health emergencies. [The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank] 6 I �) Mn /DOT Contract No: 01239 STATE ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION Individual certifies that funds have been encumbered as required by Minnesota Statutes § 16A.15 and 16C.05. Signed: Date: SWIFT Purchase Order: CITY OF HUTCHINSON The undersigned certify that they have lawfully executed this contract on behalf of the Governmental Unit as required by applicable charter provisions, resolutions or ordinances. By: Steven W. Cook Title: Mayor Date: 06/12/2012 M Jeremy J. Carter Title: City Administrator Date: 06/12/2012 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommended for Approval By: (District Engineer) Date: Approved: By: (State Design Engineer) Date: COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION (With delegated authority) Date: INCLUDE COPY OF RESOULUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING ITS EXECUTION. 7 &—) I ORDINANCE NO. 12 -0687 AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING ENFORCEMENT OF HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 92.18 PERTAINING TO HOURS OF USE OF SOUND AMPLIFICATION EQUIPMENT Findings of the City Council: That the Hutchinson Jaycees are hosting the 70 annual Water Carnival event from June 11 —June 17, 2012. That part of the schedule of events for the Jaycee Water Carnival includes outdoor concerts being held at Riverside Park on June 14, 2012, and June 19, 2012 until 11:00 p.m. That sound amplification equipment is used as part of these concerts. That pursuant to Hutchinson City Code §92.18 V(1)(d) this equipment may only be used until 10:00 p.m. Therefore, the Council of the City of Hutchinson does hereby ordain that Hutchinson City Code §92.18 or any other City ordinance pertaining to noise shall not be enforced until 11:00 p.m. for the outdoor concerts being held on June 14, 2012, and June 17, 2012, at Riverside Park as part of the 70` Annual Jaycee Water Carnival celebrations. Adopted by the City Council this 12` day of June, 2012. Attest: Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor rl (9�_)I ORDINANCE NO. 12 -0688 AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING ENFORCEMENT OF HUTCHINSON CITY ORDINANCE 92.18 PERTAINING TO HOURS OF USE OF SOUND AMPLIFICATION EQUIPMENT Findings of the City Council: That the 19' annual McLeod County Relay for Life event is being held on August 3, 2012, at West River Park. That part of the schedule of events for the Relay for Life event includes an outdoor concert being held at West River Park until 12:00 a.m. That sound amplification equipment is used as part of this conernt. That pursuant to Hutchinson City Code §92.18 V(1)(d) this equipment may only be used until 10:00 p.m. Therefore, the Council of the City of Hutchinson does hereby ordain that Hutchinson City Code §92.18 or any other City ordinance pertaining to noise shall not be enforced until 12:00 a.m. for the outdoor concert being held on August 3, 2012, at West River Park as part of the 19` Annual McLeod County Relay for Life event. Adopted by the City Council this 12 day of June, 2012. Attest: Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor ") t \2 cil Oa MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chief Dan Hatten DATE: May 18, 2012 RE: Consent Agenda — Transient Merchant License Application and Investigation A background check was conducted on Gerald Johnson for the purpose of obtaining a peddlers permit in the City of Hutchinson. Mr. Johnson plans to sell novelty items along the parade route at the Water Carnival Parade on June 17, 2012. Mr. Johnson does not have a criminal history. There are no wants or warrants for him and there is nothing remarkable about him in other databases. He applied for and was granted a permit in the years of 2002, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010, and 2011. It would be my recommendation to grant the transient merchant license /peddler permit to Gerald Johnson. /blm 2012 -01 -0012 1, �!l,� I I I Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587 -515 UFax.(320) 234 -4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS Application Type (choose ❑ Solicitor $125.00 Date of Application _��_ / C —�-' -- ❑ Transient Merchant $125.00 Date(s) of Event: _ ❑ Peddler $125.00 ,,LL-- -t- �Parade Peddler $30.00 fj (b) I Applic ant Information 2" X 2" Picture Required Name: Height: h t Weight: ; ' .5� Eye Color: — Driver's License Number: D-e State: / 4 Permanent Address: •- -4 /t „ C �Ca) Slate ZIP Permanent Telephone: ­ ZY � _ S 7Z — L 7 ,. Temporary Address: Cit stare zp Have you been convicted of any crime, traffic violations? ❑ yes 4r'no Temporary Telephone Access: misdemeanor, or violation of any municipal ordinance, other than If yes, state the nature of offense and punishment or penalty assessed therefore: fj (b) City of Hulchmson Appliealionfor Peddlers. Sohmors, and Transient Merchants Page 2 of J Location Information Location Name (CANNOT OCCUPY PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY) LocationAddress Cal Slate Zip 2 S" If the applicant is not the property owner, the property owner must sign below granting permission for use of said property: Property owner signature Property owner name Business Information Describe relationship between applicant and employer: Describe nature of business and describe item(s) offered: ry .� Describe method of deh',very: ._ Describe s97 of supply ' Supplier Nam .Suppler Phone Number Supplier Address City State Zip Supplier Name Suppler Phone Number Supplier Address Clty State Zip Supplier ,vane Suppler Phone Number Su lie, Iddress City State ZIP Reference Information Provide two (2) property owners (preferably in McLeod County) for character references. ti Property owner Name Property owner Phone Number uec i t - /L / 1 , '2 5C;) - F__1b Ciry ofHmchinson appiicatlonfor Peddlers, Sohorm's, and 7ransieru.Werchanls Page 3 of Ovner,Address Cin Stale Zip Property Owner Phone Number Cram V vner,gaaress List last (up to three (3)) previous city(ies) where you carried on same activity: z Ciry State Date(s) or Al ity L Ciry State Date(s) of Act Ciry SI to Date(s) of Activi[ Checklist The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Application /Investigation fee paid in full (check or money order): .J4 ❑ no Application completed in full and signed: 4�es ❑ no 1 hereby certify I have completely filled out the entire above application and that the application is true, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. t icant's Signature ' - Date Police ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: R /Liacnnes ipplicationvPeddl eq Solo.,, T,.rn, ,doc MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor & Council FROM: Chief Dan Hattent DATE: May 30, 2012 ������ RE: Consent Agenda — Transient Merchant License Application and Investigation A background check was conducted on James (Jay) Malone of Jay Malone Motors in reference to his obtaining a transient merchant license in the City of Hutchinson. Jay Malone Motors will be conducting a car sale at the Hutchinson Mall Parking Lot from 8/10/12 to 8/20/12. Mr. Malone has been applying for and has been granted this license since 2008. Mr. Malone does not have a criminal history. He does not have any warrants for his arrest. His last speeding ticket was on 11/20/10. In checking the in -house records, there have not been any recent complaints against Jay Malone Motors. It would be my recommendation to grant the transient merchant license to Jay Malone. fLo4'i4 2012 -01 -0013 9 ( C) 1 IF 1 I I Hassan Street Southeast Ilutchinson -MN $5350 (320)557- 515liFnv:(320)234 -4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS Application Type (choose one) - G Solicitor $125.00 Date of Application Transient Merchant $125.00 Date(s) of Event: ❑ Peddler $125.00 ❑Parade Peddler 530.00 L, Applicanr Information 2" X Pi cture Requi Name: < VfitNNLSG� Height: 5 I o Weight 22U Eye Colo[ f��U (✓ -- - s Driver's License *lumber State: /r� § frLd ice` Permanent Address JRdiioS 1?:1 11838200THST; t; HUTCHINSON AAIk�b;160t m � 3 Dew of Slrth 08-0!It Sec EYee ....jt'� _� can Snr� Gip p Permanent Telephone: `J� N BLU !1.„:y . ^_.�_ 0 ._........ -. Height Weight 5.10 220 �,i.. `�� 'Temporary Address: - - - -" ISSUED 082011 ,''6 E7w IFIE-09 S,(I -2015 f _, 41 /� (�_� Cih State Zip Temporary "telephone Access: Have you been convicted o$any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of any municipal ordinance, other than traffic violations? ❑ yes Ip ff-no If yes, state the nature of offense and punishment or penalty assessed therefore: M ir)(C� City ofl/utrhiroon 7,r ... wni Me,,haw, Page 2 of 4 is I.aculian Name (CANNOT OCCUPYPUBI, I( Rl(;117'OF- . JPAY) On State L,,can )n Adire,, --------- I r Lh ap ican t is (101 the property owner, the pr opert y Ow r mu sign below grunting permission for use o t 'g )w Sal - fV V� Prop wper gnatum ir t �� ���� Describe relationship between applicant and ei Describe nature of business and describe itern(s) ofTcred..-/ 4 4. ? 1 Describe method of delivery: Describe source ot'supply: Suppher'Awne slqlphmr 4ddrvs.0 SLpplrer,Vame A d ' 1 S S - -- Supple, flhone.Awnbe, Cm. se"Ie Ap Si,pplerNume \mnher /'jj -------- — — - ---- --- phr"eN, ... 'ber Oty Slaw Im Provide two (2) property owners (preferably in McLeod County) for character lcrercncQS- IC/ Ciq of HurchLOnn .tppLcafianfin I'rddlrrs. Snfie'nor's wed 7Yunsienr Al. rrLmiv Pug, 3 of t 1113 Leot- e, N.�.� t�cd�i��r� /yl,� z,�35�s i - -- H �y r!y Uvl cMddt a -. m' Srum b — — -- -- Prnyertr Ui nee :Norm Property Urner Pirone .Number I d (r 6 '/', '!�'t i1 File -, ,11 List last (up to three (3)) previous city(ies) where h)✓� LY1a you carried on same activity: 010) 2 0ri 2- __ -_ - to o f r ' Ca) 3_tYIL�� �_ Gdl Stale N Dulcte) Of Anivhv Zoio to .OY - -- Sla — 4 -- Daletsl of AUrvn) `, �' to _�- c, Stale —.—.—.------------ D Checklist The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order i'or the application to be processed: Application/Investigation fee paid in full (check or money order): O yes ❑ no A pplication completed in full and signed ❑ yes U no I hereby certify I have completely filled out the entire above application and that the application is true, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Peddlers, Solicitors, and "Transient Merchants Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000.D0 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case. the costs of prosecution. o" Dare S Jrgnatetre Internal Use Onl Police ❑ approved U denied Notes: City Council ❑ approved O denied Notes: I I . rc "'. yrpLop.rnz K, dIer. $oho;iv, T du C c) / 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 5 8 7- 5 1 5 11Fax: (320) 234 -0240 Short Term 3.2 Malt Liquor Fee: $125.00 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR SHORT TERM 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSE — ON SALE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code Chapter 112 All applications must be received at least 10 days before City Council Meeting in order to be considered Applicant Information P ON\ICiK Pull hc�uk LLC 3,4�o —8(. Y- y qo�y Business/Organization Name Phone Number �/(o7a3 49)"p) Sf Ge nCo /)'nJ SSA Business /Organization Address —A l&O_' at '( z PUJler-S F1sSa City State Zip (NTPA) T o Bus�iness/Or e ta " r I / Q La 1Va$1'ncWo� ( O.J 3,4) 46Y g9GZjJ Applicant Name Phone Number LIL ISO S4 (;&n tces �� MY j SS33(P Applicant Address city State zi Officer(s)/Owner(s) of the Or B izationusiness i a , necess list additional names on sep arate sheet l / ickv Robes 7'_ e4< Name Title Name Title Name Title 3.2 Malt Liquor Sales Information nop tool' On. Fawyou s .J(4,0 IS 1 h ; 24i.?, � }} ,, Location of Sales I Date(s) o LLJr b; n S m'1 —M N �/C �! ; KO / U Address Con act Person Checklist The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Application fee paid in full (check or money order): d ❑ no Application completed in full and signed by applicant: yes ❑ no The above listed business hereby applies for a license to sell short-term 3.2 MALT LIQUOR for consumption "ON' those certain premises in the City of Hutchinson described above and to that end represents and state as follows: That said applicant is a citizen of the United States; of good moral character and repute; and has attained the age of 21 years; that he/she is proprietor of this establishment for which the license will be issued if this application is granted. That no manufacturer of such non - intoxicating malt liquors has any ownership, in whole or in part, in said business of said applicant or any interest therein. C) (A) Ciry of Hutchinson Application for ShoriTerm 3.1 Malt Liquor License — On -Sale Page 2 of 2 That said applicant makes this application pursuant and subject to all the laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinances and regulations of said City of Hutchinson applicable thereto, which are hereby made a part hereof, and hereby agrees to observe and obey the same. Each Applicant further states that he/she is not now the holder of, nor has he /she made application for, nor does he intend to make application for a Federal Retail Dealer's Special tax stamp for the sale of intoxicating liquor. I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the informatip"ubmitted. ^ applicant Police hief Recommendation approved 0 denied Notes: -4d�7 , te-M - Po 9W Signature Date () t_�) 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, [YIN 55350 (320) 587 -515 I/Fax:(320) 234 -4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered Ap2lication T e Short Term Date(s) l �2(il !3 _ I /Z�o 3 Fee: $30.00 Mo tthlDa /Year – Month/Day /Year Organization Information Huhl ')'myn 14 0LAe v (320) 296 _ g4ol Name Phone Number //50 11w - 7 Uj /lui�ti:mon Mr/ S5.350 Address where regular meeting are held Sy,�; : -S I : City State Zip Day and time of meetings? 2 — od Wed d l J & n e,, - 7'-40 Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? �ff yes ❑ no `, How long has the organization been in existence? J How may members in the organization? 200 What is the purpose of the organization? �r t/ULJie In whose custody will organization records be kept? ,L �� z 7 4 0 e Tracy (320)29l. �� 0l n Name Phone Number ROY 594 �lu� L ncoh M,J 55350 Address City State Zip lesfGk / 64y)-M- - ?4yi H / / / /� Tru Name / / Phone Number 183 2- r,4ofe AL Tom( ",n —M 1 . Res nce Address City n State Zip / Date of Birth: 4 / f / 1970 Place of Birth: It P Ktz/ Mme! Month/day /year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes )<no If yes, explain: Ice-) City of Huichinson Application for Bingo Gambling Devices License Page 2 of 3 under Jill 4 "r o g ft (320) 23q -7472- True Name Phone Number 1/13 SW 40W,; txorn /0 tJ 5 350 Residence Address City State zip Date of Birth: 5 / /0 / / 975 Place of Birth: S tout . /� ofe Month /day /year City *nee Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes no If yes, explain: How tong have you been a member of the organization? HU•h:l, Jirntr;I L" 4;or1 Sl �(o (320�Sb7 .Zlo(o5 Name of tum where game will be played Phone Number gq Address of location where game will be played City State zip Date(s) and /or day(s) gambling devices will be used: �z // j through 1 z AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From do /PM , To 11 �M Maximum number of player: .224 Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? A money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? 5a yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? §d yes ❑ no Name of location where game will be Address of location where game will be played Date(s) and /or day(s) gambling devices will be used: Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From Phone Number City State Zip through AM AM PM To PM Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such r efreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no re m names on Name 19575 S10uu A/h GPJ riU &4;nSOn /ytil 55.35o Residence Address City State zip �r i C M a 11 a k :-a a S ure- Name /' / ' L Title 1 2.7 5 5 - >jwy �L Hach nSdn m14 55350 Residence Address City State zip^ 1Il City of Hnlchinson Applrcanon for Bingo Gambling Devices License Page 3 of 3 3e -kh uc Spur Y Name -Title / /L/5 WShfrt �� SW PAI 55.550 Residence Address City Stat Zip Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information ( necessa , list additional names on separate sheet Name Title Residence Address City State zip Name Title Residence Address City State zip Name Title Residence Address city State zi Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager p( yes ❑ no Jl�c Authorized Officer 9yes ❑ no Initial Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. l it ��Z () /Z /Z Date City Council ❑ approved organization manager of organization ❑ denied Notes: GG s /j0�� Date 1 (e) )a MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Daniel T. Hatten DATE: May 20, 2012 RE: Upper Midwest A -C (Allis Chalmers) Club Event Signage This memo is to advise you of a request I received from the Upper Midwest A -C Club to erect directional signage during their Orange Spectacular show taking place at the fairgrounds Wednesday, July 25 through Sunday, July 29, 2012. This is the first time the event is taking place at the fairgrounds and the signs would be used for directing truck traffic and camper traffic to the proper entrances to the fairgrounds. They are requesting to place the signage on city boulevards along Highway 15 at the intersections of Century Avenue and Denver Avenue, and possibly at the School Road and Highway 7 intersection. I have reviewed the club's request and recommend approval to the council. /csb 2012 -01 -0012 `1 C-0 Dan Hatten From: Larry Karg [acclub @hutchtel.net] Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 10:16 AM To: Dan Hatten Subject: Temporary Signs Chief Hatten, The Upper Midwest A -C Club is respectfully requesting permission to erect directional signs on city boulevards located along Highway 15 at the intersection of Century Avenue and Denver Avenue and possibly School Road and Highway 7 intersection. These signs on Century and Denver would be used for directing truck traffic and camper traffic to the proper entrances to the fairgrounds. They should be positioned by Wednesday, July 25 and will be taken down in the evening of Sunday, July 29 Our club would be willing to work with any department on placement and size of these signs. Being it is the first time for our show at the fairgrounds we believe these signs would be helpful to our attendees to navigate an unfamiliar area. If any department has any questions at all about this, please feel free to contact me at any time. Respectfully, V� Larry Karg, Treasurer (� Upper Midwest A -C Club Cell Phone: 320 -583 -6401 e -mail: acclubCa)hutchtel.net n A Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 320. 587- 5151/Fax 320 - 2344240 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator DATE: June 7, 2012 SUBJECT: Records Retention Schedule In 2002, the City Council adopted the 2002 State Records Retention Schedule. The City of Hutchinson adopted the State Records Retention Schedule as the City's records retention schedule. Since 2002, the State has updated its records retention schedule. Therefore, the City should update its schedule as well. With this action item, the City is approving the current records retention schedule and all superseding records retention schedules approved by the State of Minnesota. The retention schedule is on file in our office if you would like to review it. Printed on recycled paper - () L�) tW- e & 0 General Records • r i Schedule Minnesota for Cities HEN Mlesr a Hlnta aal SaCI Data In. I'ttor Rafe A ey efal Date 3 S /".? / 0 f/ General Records Retention Schedule for Minnesota Cities TABLE OF CONTENTS Administration ............................. ............................ADM FIR Assessing................................... ............................ASG CON Attorney................... ............................................... ATT Bonds... ................................................................ -BON Building Inspections ................... ............................BUI Cemetery.................................... ............................CEM FIR Contracts / Agreements ............. ............................... CON Courts...................................... ............................... CTS Elections.................................. ............................... ELE Financial /Accounting .................. ............................FIN Fire.......................................... ............................... FIR Health Services .......................... ............................HEA : Fire Housing and Redevelopment Authority ..................HRA &R Human Resources ...................... ............................HRS PAY Insurance..... ............................... ............................INS Library......... ............................... ............................LIB ............ PLZ Liquor......................................... ............................LIQ : Fire Parks and Recreation ................. ............................P &R Payroll..................................... ............................... PAY Permits and Licenses ................. ............................PER Planning and Zoning .................................. ............ PLZ Public Safety — Fire .......... ............................See : Fire Public Safety — Police ................. ............................POL Public Works — Engineering ....... ............................PWE Public Works — Maintenance /Operations ...............PWM Records Management ........... ................................. RMG Utilities ..................................... ............................... UTL Vital Statistics ............................. ............................VIT Waste Management ................... ............................WST CITY OF HUTCHINSON R55CKREG LOG22001VO Council Check Register 05/23/12 - 6/22/12 Check # Ck Date Amount Vendor/ Explanation Account Description Business Unit 170832 5/23/2012 15.00 BRUESEHOFF, CURTIS TREE APPLICATION /PERMITS PARK ADMINISTRATION 170833 5/23/2012 495.00 HOLT PETERSON CHARTER BUS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 170834 5/23/2012 1,339.00 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SELF INSURANCE FUND B/S 170835 5/23/2012 4,000.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF MISCELLANEOUS ATM MACHINE 170836 5/23/2012 96,932.65 MEDICA DUE TO EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S 170837 5/23/2012 753.69 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR CEMETERY 170839 6/12/2012 1,357.45 ACE HARDWARE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMPOST FUND B/S 170840 6/12/2012 1,149.00 ACOUSTICS ASSOCIATES INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE! EVENTS CENTER ADM. 170841 6/12/2012 250.50 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170842 6/12/2012 480.94 ALDEN POOL& MUNICIPAL SUPPLY EQUIPMENT PARTS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 170843 6/12/2012 161.04 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170844 6/12/2012 134.17 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S 170845 6/12/2012 6.55 AMERICAN MESSAGING COMMUNICATIONS INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 170846 6/12/2012 68.77 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170847 6/12/2012 49.02 ANDERSON, JENNIFER & MONTGOMER IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS LET #111-01 School Rd NW Imp 170848 6/12/2012 213.61 ANDERSON, ROGER TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 170849 6/12/2012 20.00 APWA OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY ENGINEER 170850 6/12/2012 1,083.12 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170851 6/12/2012 514.00 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170852 6/12/2012 262.43 ARROW TERMINAL LLC EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 170853 6/12/2012 3,910.00 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK PROPERTY INSURANCE AIRPORT 170854 6/12/2012 1,226.02 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 170855 6/12/2012 160.00 AWWA- MINNESOTA SECTION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WATER ADM 170856 6/12/2012 132.46 B & H PHOTO - VIDEO -PRO AUDIO SMALL TOOLS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 170857 6/12/2012 133.75 B. W. WELDING CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 170858 6/12/2012 322.23 BAILEY NURSERIES, INC LANDSCAPE MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS 170859 6/12/2012 960.00 BCA/TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INVESTIGATION 170860 6/12/2012 375.00 BEIHOFFER, ROGER LAND CEMETERY 170861 6/12/2012 276.33 BELLBOY CORP COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170862 6/12/2012 371.16 BERNICK'S 170863 6/12/2012 1,877.26 POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION BETTER HALF EMBROIDERY 170864 6/12/2012 810.00 FREIGHT- IN BIG COUNTRY 100.1 FM 170865 6/12/2012 106.18 LIQUOR OPERATIONS BLACK BOX CORPORATION 170866 6/12/2012 7.48 COST OF SALES -WINE BOCK, CINDY 170867 6/12/2012 1,006.51 POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION BRANDON TIRE CO 170868 6/12/2012 987.50 OPERATING SUPPLIES BRAUN INTERTEC CORP 170869 6/12/2012 267.19 SELF INSURANCE FUND B/S BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION COMPA 170870 6/12/2012 10,630.37 OPERATING SUPPLIES BRYAN STREICH TRUCKING 170871 6/12/2012 1,606.13 POLICE ADMINISTRATION BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS 170872 6/12/2012 106,979.17 C & L DISTRIBUTING 170873 6/12/2012 46.69 C.A.R. SHOP INC 170874 6/12/2012 448.44 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIE 170875 6/12/2012 480.00 CARLOS CREEK WINERY 170876 6/12/2012 56.83 CARROT -TOP INDUSTRIES INC. 170877 6/12/2012 444.28 CARSON PATROL SHOP LLC 170878 6/12/2012 92.27 CARTER, JEREMY 170879 6/12/2012 491.42 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 170880 6/12/2012 107.73 CENTRAL MCGOWAN 170881 6/12/2012 295.00 CIVIL AIR PATROL MAGAZINE 170882 6/12/2012 412.46 COMDATA CORPORATION 170883 6/12/2012 850.00 CONCORD SINGERS 170884 6/12/2012 190.98 COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE 170886 6/12/2012 1,185.24 CREEKSIDE SOILS 170887 6/12/2012 1,237.62 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 170888 6/12/2012 145.89 CROW RIVER FLORAL & GIFTS 170889 6/12/2012 8,737.00 CROW RIVER OFFICIALS ASSN 170890 6/12/2012 105.00 CROW RIVER PRESS INC 170891 6/12/2012 447.69 CROW RIVER SIGNS 170892 6/12/2012 182.49 CUSTOM PRODUCTS & SERVICES 170893 6/12/2012 213.75 DARWIN MONUMENT 170894 6/12/2012 15,025.95 DAY DISTRIBUTING 170895 6/12/2012 1,388.52 DPC INDUSTRIES INC 170896 6/12/2012 1,112.38 DROP -N -GO SHIPPING, INC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP WATER ADM ADVERTISING LIQUOR OPERATIONS SMALL TOOLS POLICE ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CLOSED BOND FUNDS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION FREIGHT- IN COMPOST MANUFACTURING CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN POLICE ADMINISTRATION COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR AIRPORT EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE SMALLTOOLS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMPOST FUND B/S OPERATING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION OPERATING SUPPLIES SELF INSURANCE FUND B/S REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS UNALLOCATED GENERAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE! CITY HALL MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS MISCELLANEOUS POLICE ADMINISTRATION OTHER CONTRACTUAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING OPERATING SUPPLIES CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINT COST OF SALES -BEER CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED TOURNAMENTS SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER CEMETERY ENAN CEMETERY LIQUOR OPERATIONS WATER ADM REFUSE FUND B/S TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE! WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S EQUIPMENT PARTS 170897 6/12/2012 33.47 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR DUENOW, TYLER FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION 170898 6/12/2012 505.41 OPERATING SUPPLIES DYNA SYSTEMS SMALL TOOLS 170899 6/12/2012 8,387.82 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN STREETS & ALLEYS E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC PAYROLL FUND B/S 170900 6/12/2012 47.94 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN RECREATION BLDG. & POOL EARL F. ANDERSEN, INC POLICE ADMINISTRATION 170901 6/12/2012 131.46 ECOLAB PEST ELIM 170902 6/12/2012 120.00 ELLEFSON, SAM 170903 6/12/2012 238.00 ENGINEERING AMERICA, INC. 170904 6/12/2012 690.02 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOC 170905 6/12/2012 307.08 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT 170906 6/12/2012 330.14 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 170907 6/12/2012 55.43 FASTENAL COMPANY 170908 6/12/2012 2,391.59 FRED HOLASEK & SON INC 170909 6/12/2012 87.46 G & K SERVICES 170910 6/12/2012 92.25 GRAINGER 170911 6/12/2012 212.60 GRANIT BRONZ 170912 6/12/2012 750.00 H & R CONSTRUCTION CO. 170913 6/12/2012 554.12 H.A.R.T. 170914 6/12/2012 250.82 HACH COMPANY 170915 6/12/2012 1,485.00 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION 170916 6/12/2012 2,200.00 HENDRICKSON HEATING INC 170917 6/12/2012 2,834.48 HEWLETT - PACKARD CO 170918 6/12/2012 140.48 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON 170919 6/12/2012 750.00 HOLMQUIST, ORVILLE & BARBARA 170920 6/12/2012 769.16 HOLT MOTORS INC 170921 6/12/2012 603.00 HRA 170922 6/12/2012 101.86 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 170923 6/12/2012 245.00 HUTCH CAFE 170924 6/12/2012 3,248.28 HUTCH SPORT SHOP 170925 6/12/2012 7,333.32 HUTCHINSON CO -OP 170926 6/12/2012 5,768.89 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITO 170927 6/12/2012 6,900.00 HUTCHINSON GIRLS SOFTBALL ASSN 170928 6/12/2012 2,978.34 HUTCHINSON LEADER �^ 170929 6/12/2012 722.00 HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 170930 6/12/2012 91.00 HUTCHINSON SELF STORAGE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE! WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S EQUIPMENT PARTS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION OPERATING SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION EVENTS CENTER ADM. REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE' WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE! PARK ADMINISTRATION OPERATING SUPPLIES REFUSE& RECYCLING SMALL TOOLS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CEMETERY CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN STREETS & ALLEYS ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP PAYROLL FUND B/S OPERATING SUPPLIES WATER ADM CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN RECREATION BLDG. & POOL SMALL TOOLS POLICE ADMINISTRATION CLEANING SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL LAND CEMETERY CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE! WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT RECREATION ACTIVITY FEES PRINTING & PUBLISHING RENTALS OPERATING SUPPLIES GIRLS FASTPITCH SOFTBALL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION UNALLOCATED GENERAL GIRLS FASTPITCH SOFTBALL CITY ENGINEER TOURNAMENTS INVESTIGATION 170931 6/12/2012 240.00 HUTCHINSON SENIOR ADVISORY BOA OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 170932 6/12/2012 74,806.69 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES UTILITIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 170933 6/12/2012 443.15 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMPOST FUND B/5 170934 6/12/2012 264.73 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINN EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 170935 6/12/2012 200.13 JACOBSEN, SEPTEMBER OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 170936 6/12/2012 235.96 JEFF'S ELECTRIC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 170937 6/12/2012 1,367.95 A TAYLOR DIST OF MN COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170938 6/12/2012 99.00 JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE BUILDING REPAIRS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 170939 6/12/2012 1,565.00 JOANIE'S CATERING OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 170940 6/12/2012 49,384.71 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170941 6/12/2012 400.00 1ORDAHL, JIM OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 170942 6/12/2012 11,111.57 JUUL CONTRACTING CO CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 170943 6/12/2012 266.00 KDUZ KARP RADIO ADVERTISING LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170944 6/12/2012 251.45 KLOSS, TOM OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 170945 6/12/2012 31.50 KOBOW, BECKY OFFICE SUPPLIES REFUSE& RECYCLING 170946 6/12/2012 1,340.12 L & P SUPPLY CO CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR CEMETERY 170947 6/12/2012 233.00 LITIN PAPER COMPANY RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMPOST FUND B/S 170948 6/12/2012 44,272.95 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 170949 6/12/2012 24,930.50 LUDWIG, JOSEPH & BEVERLY LOAN ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S 170950 6/12/2012 1,584.87 LYNDE & MCLEOD INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMPOST FUND B/5 170951 6/12/2012 334.52 M -R SIGN SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS 170952 6/12/2012 155.00 MACA TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 170953 6/12/2012 131,687.14 MACH, DAVID LOAN ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S 170954 6/12/2012 11,987.59 MAYLAND, JOE LOAN Downtown Grant Program 170955 6/12/2012 129,689.00 MAYLAND, JOE & AMANDA LOAN ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S 170956 6/12/2012 35.00 MCELFISH, JAN PARK FEES PARK ADMINISTRATION 170957 6/12/2012 32.07 MCLEOD COOP POWER ASSN UTILITIES AIRPORT 170958 6/12/2012 120.00 MCLEOD COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITL MISCELLANEOUS ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S 170959 6/12/2012 120.00 MCLEOD COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITL MISCELLANEOUS ENERGY LOAN FUND B/5 170960 6/12/2012 600.00 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA OTHER REVENUES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 170961 6/12/2012 300.00 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA OTHER REVENUES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 170962 6/12/2012 400.00 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA OTHER REVENUES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 170963 6/12/2012 300.00 MCLEODCOUNTYCOURTADMINISTRA OTHER REVENUES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 170964 6/12/2012 500.00 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA OTHER REVENUES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 170965 170966 170967 170968 170969 170970 170971 170972 170973 170974 170975 170976 170977 170978 170979 170980 170981 170982 170983 170984 170985 170986 170987 170988 170989 170990 170991 170992 170993 170994 170995 170996 170997 170998 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 1� 1� 46.00 299.00 299.00 46.00 57.50 46.00 20.00 508.70 171.84 269.10 48.00 7,473.00 56.55 904.12 60.00 400.00 195.00 246.00 575.40 160.07 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA, OTHER REVENUES MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER MISCELLANEOUS MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER MISCELLANEOUS MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER MISCELLANEOUS MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER MISCELLANEOUS MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER MISCELLANEOUS LVACK 1011ZK11110 117aXKI1:117 : MEHR, BRIAN MENARDSHUTCHINSON METRO SALES MILLNER HERITAGE VINEYARD & WI MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH MINNESOTA DEPT OF NATURAL RESO MINNESOTA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATI MINNESOTA DEPT OFTRANSPORTATI MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG MINNESOTA SPORTS FEDERATION MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOC MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB MOMAR, INCORPORATED ■AFANITIN&W17_1 35.00 MUDGE, SHELLY 225.00 MWOA 5,567.75 NATIONAL BARK SALES 432.00 NCPERS LIFE INS. 290.00 NEW FRANCE WINE 395.00 NICOLLET COUNTY COURT ADMIN 257.27 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES 400.05 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 120.45 NORTHERN SAFETY & INDUSTRIAL 338.16 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY 41.67 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 36.85 NORTROM, ALICIA MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE LANDSCAPE MATERIALS OFFICE SUPPLIES COST OF SALES -WINE OTHER CONTRACTUAL STATE WATER TESTING FEE SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PERMITS PERMITS MISCELLANEOUS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS OTHER CONTRACTUAL OPERATING SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS PARK FEES TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE COST OF SALES -WINE OTHER REVENUES CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS POLICE ADMINISTRATION ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL MAINTENANCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS INVESTIGATION WATER ADM PARK ADMINISTRATION LET #111-01 School Rd NW Imp CITY ENGINEER CITY ENGINEER MENS SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL LEGAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS MENS SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL PARK ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COMPOST FUND B/S PAYROLL FUND B/S LIQUOR OPERATIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION OPERATING SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS SAFETY SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE' STREETS & ALLEYS SMALL TOOLS HATS OPERATIONS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION COMMUNICATIONS 170999 6/12/2012 4,127.33 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE NU- TELECOM COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 171000 6/12/2012 64.08 PUBLIC SITE B/S OFFICE DEPOT CEMETERY 171001 6/1212012 177.03 FREIGHT- IN PAULSON,JOHN SMALL TOOLS 171002 6/12/2012 582.33 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 171003 6/12/2012 2,793.00 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN LIQUOR OPERATIONS PEAT INC. LEGAL 171004 6/12/2012 26,222.20 HCDC -EDA PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS EVENTS CENTER ADM. 171005 6/12/2012 1,089.00 PLOTZ, GARY D 171006 6/12/2012 935.73 POSTCARD MANIA 171007 6/12/2012 1,500.00 POSTMASTER 171008 6/12/2012 80.00 PRIEVE LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARE 171009 6/12/2012 3,158.72 PRIMROSE OIL CO 171010 6/12/2012 1,467.39 PRO CARE SERVICES INC 171011 6/12/2012 192.72 PRO -BUILD 171012 6/12/2012 9.64 PROMAXX TRUCK PARTS 171013 6/12/2012 1,552.28 QUADE ELECTRIC 171014 6/12/2012 107.14 QUILL CORP 171015 6/12/2012 850.45 R.J.L. TRANSFER 171016 6/12/2012 6,281.00 RAMSEY COUNTY 171017 6/12/2012 125.00 RATIKE, WILLARD 171018 6/12/2012 289.00 READY WATT ELECTRIC 171019 6/12/2012 2,381.39 REFLECTIVE APPAREL FACTORY INC 171020 6/12/2012 10,119.84 REINER ENTERPRISES, INC 171021 6/12/2012 1,068.75 RUNNING'S SUPPLY 171022 6/12/2012 2,234.89 S & T OFFICE PRODUCTS 171023 6/12/2012 1,315.48 SAM'S TIRE SERVICE 171024 6/12/2012 475.80 SCHAEFFER MFG CO 171025 6/12/2012 1,610.76 SCHMELING OIL CO 171026 6/12/2012 64.13 SCOTTS WINDOW CLEANING SERVIC 171027 6/12/2012 25.15 SEBORA, MARC 171028 6/12/2012 3,879.89 SEH 171029 6/12/2012 389.08 SEPPELT, MILES -- 171030 6/12/2012 4.80 SHOPKO 171031 6/12/2012 73.13 SHRED -IT USA INC- MINNEAPOLIS 171032 6/12/2012 141.50 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP COMMUNICATIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL COMPOST MANUFACTURING POSTAGE COMPOST MANUFACTURING POSTAGE STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN LIQUOR OPERATIONS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS HATS OPERATIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN HATS OPERATIONS OPERATING SUPPLIES PUBLIC SITE B/S EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION CLEANING SUPPLIES POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS OPERATING SUPPLIES PUBLIC SITE B/S UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP CEMETERY CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SAFETY SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS FREIGHT- IN COMPOST MANUFACTURING SMALL TOOLS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION OPERATING SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS PARK ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN LIQUOR OPERATIONS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE LEGAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LET #6 12 -07 WATER TOWER REHP CAR ALLOWANCE - TRAVEL HCDC -EDA OFFICE SUPPLIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN EVENTS CENTER ADM. 171033 6/12/2012 236.63 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR CEMETERY 171034 6/12/2012 24,433.13 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 171035 6/12/2012 2,334.42 SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS CITY ENGINEER 171036 6/12/2012 152.75 SPS COMMERCE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMPOST FUND B/S 171037 6/12/2012 222.04 STANDARD PRINTING PRINTING & PUBLISHING POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 171038 6/12/2012 718.42 STAPLES ADVANTAGE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 171039 6/12/2012 130.00 STAR TRIBUNE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 171040 6/12/2012 40.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA LICENSES AIRPORT 171041 6/12/2012 25.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPT OF PUB PERMITS AIRPORT 171042 6/12/2012 119.49 STEPP MFG CO INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 171043 6/12/2012 1,048.24 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT OPERATING SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 171044 6/12/2012 125.00 TELECKY, JENA UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP STREETS & ALLEYS 171045 6/12/2012 1,591.14 TESSMAN COMPANY CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS PARK ADMINISTRATION 171046 6/12/2012 174.40 THE LODGE AT BRAINERD LAKES TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WATER ADM 171047 6/12/2012 468.67 THOMSON WEST OPERATING SUPPLIES LEGAL 171048 6/12/2012 2,939.42 TITAN MACHINERY RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMPOST FUND B/S 171049 6/12/2012 93.00 TKO WINES COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 171050 6/12/2012 278.50 TNL CREATIONS EQUIPMENT PARTS CEMETERY 171051 6/12/2012 35.97 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN WATER ADM 171052 6/12/2012 2,316.00 TRAFFIC MARKING SERVICE INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN STREETS & ALLEYS 171053 6/12/2012 23,775.58 TREBELHORN & ASSOC MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS HATS OPERATIONS 171054 6/12/2012 141.62 TRI COUNTY WATER OPERATING SUPPLIES COMPOST MANUFACTURING 171055 6/12/2012 1,490.00 TRIPLE G COMPANIES OPERATING SUPPLIES PUBLIC SITE B/S 171056 6/12/2012 123.55 TRUE FABRICATIONS COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 171057 6/12/2012 181.73 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 171058 6/12/2012 1,249.60 USPS - HASLER POSTAGE MOTORVEHICLE - ADMINISTRATIC 171059 6/12/2012 1,775.00 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN RURAL FIREFIGHTERS 171060 6/12/2012 39.93 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 171061 6/12/2012 69.95 VERTECH SOLUTIONS & SERVICES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN EVERGREEN BLDG ADM 171062 6/12/2012 26,339.48 VIKING BEER COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 171063 6/12/2012 616.10 VIKING COCA COLA FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION EVENTS CENTER ADM. 171064 6/12/2012 1,983.63 VINOCOPIA INC COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 171065 6/12/2012 1,570.38 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE - RECYCLING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 171066 6/12/2012 48,148.98 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE - LANDFILL CHARGES REFUSE& RECYCLING 171067 6/12/2012 7,802.00 LIQUOR OPERATIONS WEBB PALLET 171068 6/12/2012 200.00 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS WEIS- COBLENTZ, KAYLA 171069 6/12/2012 880.92 RECREATION BLDG. & POOL WENDLANDT TREE SERVICE INC. 171070 6/12/2012 125.00 WICHTERMAN, KEN 171071 6/12/2012 5,959.95 WINE COMPANY, THE 171072 6/12/2012 286.50 WINE MERCHANTS INC 171073 6/12/2012 31,589.59 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 171074 6/12/2012 8,312.50 WM MUELLER & SONS 171075 6/12/2012 22,600.83 WM MUELLER & SONS 171076 6/12/2012 36,180.29 WM MUELLER & SONS 171077 6/12/2012 4,983.33 WORK CONNECTION, THE 171078 6/12/2012 61.00 WRIGHT, HEATHER 171079 6/12/2012 807.98 XEROX CORP 171080 6/12/2012 255.60 HAWKINS INC Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 1,176,789.68 Total Payme 1,176,789.68 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMPOST FUND B/S RENTS - BLDGS OTHER EVENTS CENTER ADM CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN STREETS & ALLEYS UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP STREETS & ALLEYS COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN STREETS & ALLEYS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENAN STREETS & ALLEYS IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS LET #111 -01 School Rd NW Imp OTHER CONTRACTUAL COMPOST MANUFACTURING OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL COPY MACHINE FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS WATER ADM PAYROLL ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS $55,110.34 $11,285.49 $39,557.78 $2,115.32 $6,182.89 $575.00 $1,440.00 $1,230.00 $636.35 $0.00 $118,133.17 PAYROLL DATE: 06/01/2012 Period Ending Date: 05/26/2012 IRS - Withholding Tax Account Federal Withholding Employee /Employer FICA Employee /Employer Medicare MN Department of Revenue State Withholding Tax Public Employee Retirement Association Employee /Employer PERA/DCP Contributions TASC Employee Flex Spending Deductions TASC Employee Contributions to Heath Savings Account MNDCP Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp ING Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp ICMA Retirement Trust Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp MN Child Support System Employee Deductions MSRS - Health Savings Plan Employee Deductions to Health Savings Plan Total Electronic Funds Transfer C - ) o) C TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer RE: Assessment Hearing and Project Award for 2012 Pavement Management Program Phase 1 Project (Letting No. 3 /Project No. 12 -04) DATE: June 12, 2012 The City received bids (see attached Bid Tabulation) for the 2012 Pavement Management Program Phase I project letting on Thursday, April 26". The apparent low bidder is Wm Mueller & Sons Inc. of Hamburg, Minnesota, with a bid of $583,365.90 (substantially lower than the Engineer's Estimate). City staff will provide a brief overview of the project scope, bids and associated special assessments prior to opening the public communication portion of the Assessment Hearing. City staff has worked closely with adjacent property owners as this project has proceeded to address any construction and assessment issues. The final Assessment Roll and necessary Resolutions (bid amounts noted) to award this project are attached to this memorandum. We recommend approving the attached Assessment Roll and Resolutions. cc: Jeremy Carter— City Administrator %(P-)- RESOLUTION NO. 14011 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5101 LETTING NO. 3/PROJECT NO. 12 -04 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and waiver of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of: Ash Street NE (Northwoods to McLeod), Oak Street NE (9th to Northwoods), Maple Street NE (Northwoods to College), TH 15 Service Road #1, 11 th Avenue NE (Main to Elm) and Northwoods Avenue NE (Maple to approximately 11 9' West of Walnut); roadway rehabilitation /reconstruction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of storm sewer, drain tile, watermain, sanitary sewer, surface reclamation /removal, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over period often (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2013 and shall bear interest at the rate of _ percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 2012, until the 31st day of December 2013. To each subsequent installment when due, interest shall be added for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Finance Department, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 2012; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Finance Department the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 12th day of June 2012 Mayor City Administrator M60 COMPILED BY: PVANOERVFEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5101 LETTING NO. WROJECT NO. 12-04 Ash Street NE (Northwoods I MCLeod), Oak Stmat NE (1111 to Nollhwaods), Maple Street NE (Nolthwoods to Cogeg.), TH id Service Read p1, 11th Avenue HE (Main "Elm( is and Northwoo Avenue NE (Maple to approximately 112 West W Walnut); roadway me bllgagorllrecanehuction and Wgty 1nhaeWCW Ie Inatellallons by eonaWCgml a stoml sealer, drain tile, watemlaln, sanitary se ner, sulfa.. mC4matloNmmoval, grading, aggregate Cu and Inoue ' u tin ra 'on IM tea COST VER FRONTFOOT: COMPUTED BY PVANDERVEEN STREETCOSTFF CHECKED eY: K EYNER NUMBER OF YRS EA m 1ST HEMIND: 03776012 END HEARING: ONi24KI11 06/12/2012 ie CM1R14 mW1Yb Yt INIMIIT/LWrF eMR111IM WriLI0Yl0 Aeaaaava .ol T ly r $4. 1 31- 1929 - -024MW 231W 0010 ]S 11TH AVE NE CRYSTALLUTTER 751'ITH AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS. BLOCK 1, HANSEN S NORTH HIGH ADDITION 90 0 90 S.m 2 31 -117- 2642-0090 231050090 651ITH AVE HE TIMOTHY & LINDA VIGIL REVOCABLE ITRUST 6511TH AVE HE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9, BLOCK I, HPNSEWS NORTH HIGH ADDITION 00 0 80 $3800.00 S..M.W 3 31- 71725@ -0100 231680100 5511TH AVE HE MOM V PETERSON DARCY BOLSTER - LIFE ESTATE 5511 TH AVE HE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1O BLOCK T HPNSEN'S NORTH HIGH ADDITION 1 0 80 SS.SWYD 4 31- 19- 2902 -0110 231680110 4511TH AVE HE JIEUN KAPINUS 1210 W I T ER AVE APT 203 HONOLULU HI MOM LOT 11. BLOCK 1, HANSEN'S NORTH HIGH ADDITION 80 0 80 400.00 5 31- 11729-02 -0120 23 106 0120 3511TH AVE HE JON N a JONI L THMPLDSEN 351ITH AVE HE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 12, BLOCK I. HANSEN S NORTH HIGH ADDITION 80 0 80 6 31- 1142002 -0130 23IM01M 2511THAVENE DANIELJ MI 2511 TH AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I3, BLOCK 1, HANSEN'S NORTH HIGH ADDITION 80 0 80 ES3 7 31 -117- 2902 -0030 23100 0140 1511TH AVE NE MICHAEL J OLSON 16959100TH ST SHMNTON MN 55312 LOT I4, BLOCK I, HANSEN'S NORTH HIGH ADDITION 1449 132 12 9 "1115 8 -29 31417022540 23104 M70 1410TH AVE NE R.. LINDA NYSTROM 1410TH AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT7E%W10' BLOCK /, WILLMO'SSUBOIVISION 110 110 0 9 3411729004550 231040080 411TH AVE HE PHILLIP 600REEN BURKS IIITH AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 6 &WLY 10 OF LOT 6 S W10' OF LOT 7. BLOCK 1, WILURD'SSUBOINSION 12773 12273 0 SOHO "560 10 31- 117 - 2902-0930 23 104 0100 1040 ELM ST NE GENE L WILENIUS JR & DONETTE M WILENIUS 1040 ELM 5T HE HUTCHINSON MN 553M LOT L BLOCK 2, WILLARD'S SUBDIVISION 30 0 90 54.275.00 SD0 11 31 117 - 2902 -0910 231W 0110 IN 11TH AVE HE JAMES 5 JOANN OLSON 64 11TH AVE HE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT? BLOCK 2, WILLARD S SUBDIVISION 80 0 50 $3,80S00 ".am.DO 12 3119- 29022920 1 23 104 0120 5411 TH AVE HE WILMATHUNSTROM 5411 TH AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS. BLOCK 2. W IL-AAO'S SUBDIVISION 80 0 60 $3,800.00 "A00.00 13 31- 1474SKSK930 231.0130 NIITHAVENE SHIRLEY ZACKRISON LES: TIMOTHY ZACKRISON ETAL 4411THAVENE HUTCHINSON MN 55311 LOT4.81-OCK2,WILLARD'65UBOIVISION W 0 80 S3.800.00 "Amm 14 31-19 -29-07 -0010 23102 0010 300 NORTHWOCOS A LAWRENCE D 6 BENIAMA N HAAS, 300 NORTHW000S AVE HE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1. NYBERG'S FOURTH ADDITION 82 0 82 1.085.00 "4"40 15 3141 7 - 29-07.0020 23IC2 W20 AS$ASH 6T HE MILAN B MERVA WHICH 855 ASH ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS 2& 3, NYBERG'S FOURTH ADOPTION 000 0 US "54.00 "A"I 18 31- 117 - 29074030 231026030 835 ASH ST HE RYAN OBERGER 855 GROVE 5T SW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4. NYBERG 5 FOURTH ADDITION 70 0 70 53325.00 1325.00 9 31 -1172 7-0MO 23100 0000 825 ASH ST HE JANICE HALL 825 ASH ST HE HUTCHINSON MN 553W LOT I, BLOCK 3. NYBERG'S SECOND ADDITION 75 0 75 $3.552.50 311SD IS 31- 117- 29L7M50 231000090 815 ASH ST NE ROGER E& PEGGY DEMEYER 307 GRIFFIN AVE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT BLOCK 3. NYBERG'66ECOND ADDITION 75 0 75 13.552.50 5110 19 31- 1174SHOOK 0 231000100 307 GRIFFIN AVE NE ROGER& PEGGY DEMEYER M7 GRIFFIN AVE HE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3. BLOCK 3, NYBERG'S SECOND ADDITION 75 75 0 3000 "AB 20 31- 19- 2907M0O 23100 W70 245 GRIFFIN AVE HE SHAWN L GORACKE 245 GRIFFIN AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5. BLOCK 2, WBERG'6 SECOND ADDITION E6 BE 0 $000 50.00 21 31- 1172907-0210 231000000 BW ASH ST NE MARCUS&SHIRIEYAJAKES 800 ASH ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 2. NYSERG'S SECOND ADDITION 75 0 75 $3.56250 assaw M 31 -117- 2907 -02ID 231000030 III ASH ST HE THOMASJBCHERY- GLAESER 820 ASH ST HE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT /, BLOCK 2. NYBERG'S SECOND ADDITION 75 0 75 5356250 1 23 31- 1172927 -0230 231010110 GO ASH ST HE JEFFREY M& TERESA K SCHMIDT 030 ASH ST HE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5, BLOCK 2 NYBERG'S THIRD ADDITION 70 0 70 $3.325m aaanLaD 24 31- 117 - 9074240 1 23 101 01M TWO ASH 5T NE BERNARD B LAURA KAGZMAREK PO BOX im SILVER LAKE MN 5 5 3 61412 8 LOT 6. BLOCK 2, NYBERG'S THIRD ADDITION 75 r 0 75 5352.50 1"1" 25 31- 117 - 29-97-0150 231010130 850 ASH 6T NE ROI O& JULIE M MOSES 850 ASH ST HE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT T, BLOCK 2, NYBERG'S THIRD ADDITION 75 0 75 33,582.50 "1" 26 31- 194907-0260 231010140 BBOASHSTNE JASON M& HOLLY M GREGOR 660 ASH ST HE HUTCHINSON MN 55300 LOT S. BLOCK 2, NYBERG S THIRD ADDITION et 0 81 33,54750 1 T." 27 31- 19- 2907 4980 23MNW M5 COLLEGE AVE NE MORE RUSCH LES'. JAMES VERMIN& DEBRA RUES 245 COLLEGE AVE NE HUTCHINSON AN 55350 E03' OF LOTS 6& IF BLOCK 5. COLLEGE ADDITION 132 132 0 $000 saw 11 7- 2 9 074EW 23 088 0440 730 ASH ST HE NJNEZIPF 730 ASH ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 8. BLOCK S COLLEGE ADDITION BE 0 66 $2135.DO 113&00 2 1-172907 -1060 23 We W50 740 ASH ST HE DAVID B.000CHOUS 740 ASH ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 9&6T OF LOT 10. BLOCK 5, COLLEGE ADDITION 60 0 60 f323D.03 1 1- 117-29-07 -0Ot0 230880480 246 GRIFFIN AVE NE SCOTT D& CYNTHIA A MCKEE 248 GRIFFIN AVE HE HUTCHINSON MN 55300 Ne4' OF LOT IO. BLOCK 5. COLLEGE ADDITION I 64 W 0 1000 Sam wvu -ryPln4 COMPILED BY: P VANDEN VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5101 LETTING NO. WROJECT NO. 124M Ash Street NE (Northwood. W Mcleod), Oak Street NE (Mh W Na thwoodes), Maple Stmt NE (Norfhwoods to College), TH 15 Service Road a1, 11th Avenue NE (Main to Elm) and Narmwoods Avenue NE (Maple W approximately 112 Wast 4H Walnut); roadway mhabllNatloWmone on and utility IlThiebuelMfe installation. by construction M storm MWCr, drain hie, watermaln, seminary sewer, surface miama nfremoval, grading, Neuman! base, concrete MNer, biturnimOur bass, blourninwe surf icing. nummotion es COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTEDBY: PVANDERVEEN "T.W STREEFCOSDIFF CHECKED BY: K MEN NUMBEN W YEARS 10 1ST HEAPING: 0141751012 INTEREST RATE: 2 HEAPING: 06/132013 ADOPTED: 06 i1 12 i� i aFTY H4YMI5YA�s 6MMRM'gaR6 LB4LO�YW uFRVxM1wYY0 n C4gr !I 4 &2,192 ,14226-90 IOLYAWFYOR 31 31- 11] -29-0] -1070 230680520 77 MCLEOD AVE NE CITIZENS STATE BANK NYA PC BOX 789 NORWOODNOUNG AMEBIC MN 55358L 0]]8 LOT 66 LOT] EX EX WV BLOCK B. COLLEGE ADDITION as 0 98.8 1089300 6!3,00 32 31- 117- 2307-1080 23088 W30 628 ASH ST NE CITIZENS STATE BANK NYA PO BOX 788 NORWCCWYOUNG AMERIC ON 55368- 077. LOT 8&N20 OF LOT], BLOCK 5, COLLEGE ADDITION Tai 0 79< 1 $3]7150 AT/1.W 33 31- 117 -2947 -1090 230880540 636ASHSTNE CONY OERSHEM 636 ASH ST HE HUTCHINSON AN OGSO LOTS, BLOCKS, COLLEGEADOITION 58.4 0 594 $2.62150 3q 3119- 294] -1100 23 NO 05M 24B COLLEGE AVE HE RANDALL C ERICKSON 3902 LIONHEAAT OR JACKSONVILLE FL 32216 LOT IO, BLOCK 6. COLLEGE ADDITION 584 0 59.4 $2.82150 M 1.00 35 31- 117-290] -1110 230680060 304 COLLEGE AVE NE BARRY 6 JANET OLSON 300 COLLEGE AVE NE HU ICHINSON MN 55350 LOT i 6 LOT 2E BOB BLOCK], COLLEGE ADDITION 1122 1122 0 $ON Sp,W 36 31- 11]- 290]4120 23 08805]0 E35 ASH ST NE MITCHEL A R LANG B NATPLIE A DALE 835 ASH ST NE HUTCHINSON ON 553M LOT 3&56.6' OF LOT 2. BLOCK 7, COLLEGE ADDITION 66 0 W $3,13500 53ANUM 37 31 -19 -2947 -1130 23 WB OSBO 63 MCLEOD AVE NE DAVID A LARSON 83 MCLEOD AVE BE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS 465 EX ESP. BLOCK 7, COLLEGE ADDITION 1166 110.8 0 $000 I WAX, 38 31- 19-2907-11W 23066 W40 755 ASH ST BE GERALD PAUL 7. ASH ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I, BLOCK 8, COLLEGE ADDITION W W O 1003 5pps 39 31- 117 - 2907-1200 23088 W50 743 ASH ST NE CRAIGA1ITZLO1F 743 ASH ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2. BLOCK S. COLLEGE ADDITION 66 0 66 $3,13500 OcasDe 40 31- 117- 29074210 230880660 727 ASH ST BE ELIZABETH LITFIN RASH ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 553W LOT 3, BLOCK S. COLLEGE ADDITION 66 0 W $3,13500 5]15100 41 31- 194907-1220 23 JOB W70 715 ASH ST NE SCOTT S SCHINDER 715 ASH ST HE HUT1HIN60N MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCK 8. COLLEGEADDITION AS 0 65 53,135M 5;1" 42 31 -117 -2947 -1230 23068 WBO 705 MIT ST HE PAJUNEABIPES ]W ASH ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOTS, BLOCK S. COLLEGE ADDITION M 0 66 $3, 135 DO 55,135,00 43 31- 117-29080110 230000170 420 NORTHWOODS AVE BE LARRY J& STACIE A HOFFMAN 420 NORTHWOCDS AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I, BLOCK 3, HILLCREST ADDITION 120 120 0 low 50 44 31- 117 - 29-08-0323 230900390 400 NORTHWOODS AVE NE MEOER L& JOANN IRVIN 400 NORTHNOOOS AVE NO HUTCHINSON ON NOW LOT 23 &PART OF STREET. BLOCK 3, HILLCREST ADDITION 120 120 0 .0.00 50.00 i5 31 -19-09 LN4O 23 ONNOO 8% SPRUCE BI NE LORALL 8 ANITA DALLMANN BSS SPRUCE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN NOW LOT I, BLOCK4, HILLORESTADDITION 120 120 0 V, WAB 46 31- 1P49030i80 23 0500050 855 SPRUCE ST NE LORALL aAWTA OALLMAN M55PRUCE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 14. W' X 90' OF LOT 18 ADJACENT TO LOT 1 & 44.W' X 75' OF LOT IB ADJACENT TO LOT B. BLOCK 4, HILLCREST ADDITION PPS 0 11.55 $2.116.13 ML11a.13 47 31- 117-29-08-0500 230900000 405 NORTH HOODS AVE NE RUSSELL W MERKINB 405 NORTHWOODS AVE BE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 1 EX 6T, BLOCK 5. HILLCREST ADDITION 9O D 90 $4275. CO N !Y4 48 31- 117 - 29064510 2300000]0 415 NORTHMWDS AVE BE ADAM N SREITBAATH 415 NORTHWOODS AVE NE HUTCHINSON ON 55350 LOT 2, BLOCK S HILLCREST ADDITION 75 0 75 $3,552 SO pN2 49 31- 19-28080020 2309005M 425 NORTHNOOC6 AVE BE ROGER a JUDY HACKBARTH 425 NORTHNWOS AVE BE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3, BLOCK 5, HILLCREST ADDITION 75 0 75 $3,55250 ,1,66200 50 31- 117-29090530 230900050 435 NORTHNOOgS AVE BE DONALD a JUDITH GREENMAN 435 NORTHWCOD6 AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 4, BLOCKS, HILLCRESTADDITION 75 75 1],56200 sLL' W 51 31- 117Q90305W 60 2309000 445 NORTHWOOD. AVE NE RONALD B KERN 445 NORTHWOODS AVE NE HUTCHINSON AN 55350 LOT 5. BLOCK5, HILLCRESTAODINON 75 0 75 $3,5G2.W !03,10 52 31- 11]- 29080550 23 WO W10 455 NORTHWOODS AVE NE MATMEW J LYNAUGH B TERI L BEA6LEY 455 NORTHWOODS AVE BE HUTCHINSON AN 55350 LOT 6. BLOCKS, HILLCRESTAOOITION 74M 0 ]4.00 S3,SW.35 $Byes 53 M 31- 117 - 29050]10 232325210 700 MAIN STN MINNESOTA CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS 7384 KIRKWOOD COURT MAPLE GROVE ON 55369 30 ACRES OF ELY W OF LOT 22, AUDITORS PLAT 512 BECTON 30& N 12 SECTION 31 -19 -23 242 0 242 511495.00 $11 !YO 55 31-117 29-1 1 -10 23 ON W10 546 MAIN STN BRUCE &".DNA R NELSON 548 MAIN STN HUTCHINSON ON 55300 LOT 2, BLOCK 6. AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 6 IN NORTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON Be 0 1 W 13.13500 pI 1 56 31- 1172311 -20 23wsw20 540 MAIN STN JONATHAN B MONICA NEHLER 540 MAIN STN HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 3. BLOCK 6. AUDITORS PLAT OF REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK B IN NORTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 00 0 W $3,13500 j11]sD0 S] 31- 11]29-11430 230650030 536 MAIN STN RANWLEONARDULHICH 536 MAIN STN HUTCHINSON MN NOW REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 6 I NORTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON 103 0 103 54622.50 Sc 31- 117- 29474070 231020040 317 GRIFFIN AVE BE JOYCEAKIRCHOFF 16W CA RD 45 SOUTH HAVEN MN 55383 ELY7600 OF LOT 5. NYBERG'6 FOURTH ADDITION 90 SO 0 $000 W.W 816 MAPLE ST BE ALLAN B LYNDA NYMAN 116 MAPLE 3T NE HUTCHINSON ON 55310 LOT 6, NYBERG'S FOURTH ADDITION 75 0 75 $ONG.50 "NEW tl�-7-80 626 MAPLE ST NE JANET O PLATE! ETAL 126 MAPLE ST HE HUTCHINSON MN553W LOT], NYBERG'6 FOURTHADDITION 75 0 75 $3.58250 1].10200 636MMLE ST NE RAV RHAlI6lPDE N 836 MAPLE 6T NE HUTCHIN50N MN 55300 LOT B. NYBERG'S FOURTH ADDITION 75 0 75 1359250 BsaW aw I.IIcuana ASBAnlw lynx¢xxrssaHlxxryrc uAxusewxACU!A4fo1 Lwfu -gpxax COMPILED BY: P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6101 LETTING NO. NPROJECT NO. 12-06 Ash Street NE (Norfhwoods to McLeod(, Oak Street NE (9th to N6rmwood6(, Maple Street NE (NoMwoods W College(, TH 15 Service Road 111, 11th Avenue NE (Main to Elm( and Northwood! Avenue NE (Maple W approximately 119' West M Walnut(; roadway rehabllitatiONreDonstrucDon and utility inhafWG1Mre lnftaNadollf by CenstNegon of stor1119ewer, drain tile, watemaln. SRI sewer, surface mclamatbNn:moval, grading, aggregate base Concrete curl, and oufter. bituminous base bitun su Shia, restontion and appurtenances Celt PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: P VANDER VEEN 147.50 STREET COST/FF CHECKED BY: K EKNER NUMBER OF VEARS 10 1ST HEARING: OM]f2012 INTEREST RATE: END HEARING: 041128012 ADOPTED: 9517412 g Y6 WYxYItO NvOsR, WYr PM4 VOMrr s.M,M�4aW M u IOTK 44 MK4WSMBr fit 31- 11]240] -0110 231020080 US MAPLE ST NE FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION SON PLAHO PKWY CARROLLTON TX 75010 LOT 9, NYBERG'5 FOURTH ADDITION 75 0 75 4355250 113,36250 63 31117247 -0120 231020090 854 MAPLE ST NE IJUSTIN J HAVEMEIER 1308 BAYARD AVE OT PAUL MN 55116 555]5' OF LOT IO, NYBERG'S FOURTH ADDITION 5575 0 5575 1 $2640.13 $2,680.0 W 31- it]- 24504121 23102 W95 855 MAPLE ST NE JOSEPH T &AMIE DAIBEC 056 MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 553M LOTIOEXS65.75', NYSEAG'S FOURTH ADDITION 54.22 0 54.22 $252545 8315.43 651 31- 1172950 -1240 1 23 NO WIN 315 COLLEGE AVE NE JEFFREY &LORYOLSON 315 COLLEGE AVE NE HUTCHINSON ON 55350 LOT 6666 OF LOT], BLOCK 8, COLLEGE ADDITION 5276 0 5270 E2SW 05 U 66 31- 112-2902-1250 23 WE WOO ]M MAPLE ST NE MARSHALL &LOTS BOWERS 2457623OTH ST HUTCHINSON ON 55350 NOD OF LOT 7 & E 12 ADJACENT VACATED ALLEY, BLOCK S. COLLEGE ADDITION 80 O 60 1205000 U. M" 67 31 -0t]- 29014250 230980710 236 MAPLE ST NE ORI IT LUCILLE BURGHART IN MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON ON 553M LOT 8, BLOCK S. COLLEGE ADDITION M 0 68 53135.W 0135.80 68 31- 1172&OZ1220 23 ON OM 246 MAPLE ST NE RICHARD& SUSAN JORGENSEN PO BOX 452 HUTCHINSON MN553W LOT 9, BLOCK S. COLLEGE ADDITION 05 1 0 66 $3.13500 53 69 31- 112- 2907-1200 230800730 756 MAPLE ST NE STANLEY &LORMINE RONNEI ISO MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 10. BLOCK B, COLLEGE ADDITION NO NO 0 low E6L6 70 31- 112 - 29-00-0230 230500200 405 COLLEGE AVE NE MARIE MCKEE 405 COLLEGE AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I3, BLOCK3, HILLCRESTADDITION 96.50 96.50 0 $ILW MAD ]1 31- 112 - 29087240 230900350 725 MAPLE ST NE WAYNE& BARBARA WCKA 725 MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55WO LOT 14, BLOCK 3, HILLCREST ADDITION 20 0 20 5332500 5],35540 72 31- 1172"I-02W 235000310 745 MAPLE ST NE "NL & SHE ILA M ORTLIP 245 MAPLE $T NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I S. BLOCK 3, HILLCREST ADDITION 20 0 70 $3.325. 53,8540 73 31- 11729-08-0250 23030 WID 755 MAPLE ST NE DAVID& KIMBERLY STREICH 755 MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I6. BLOCK 3. HILLCREST ADDITION 75 O 75 S35O2SO EE,Y w 74 31 -117- 29000220 23 NO OMD 765 MAPLE ST NE DARYL IT SUSAN ROIGER 765 MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON ON 55350 LOT 17 . BLOCK 3. HILLCREST ADDITION 25 0 75 S3,SO2.'A mN m 75 31- 117 - 2900-0280 230900340 805 MAPLE ST NE DEBORAH K &MICHAEL BREWER WS MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN ES350 LOT 18, BLOCK 3, HILLCREST ADDITION 25 0 75 S3,562SO 806 w 76 31 -112- 29080290 23 ON 0350 015 MAPLE ST NE EDWARD L KARL REV TRUST 015 MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I9, BLOCK 3. HILLCREST ADDITION 75 1 0 75 IC, SAG N $3,562W 77 31- 112 - 29080350 23090 OWO 825 MAPLE ST NE RALPH& PHYUJS BLUM 825 MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 20. BLOCK 3, HILLCREST ADDITION 25 0 75 $358250 n6 m 78 31 -it]- 29060310 1 230m 0370 B35 MAPLE ST NE CHIYOKO J HAYASHI K5 MAPLE ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 2I, BLOCK 3. HILLCREST ADDITION 75 0 75 $355250 P. ft 79 31- 117- 29060320 23 ON ONO 045 MAPLE ST NE GEORGE &SALLY RESIDING 045 MAPLE ST ME HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT BLOCK 3. HILLCREST ADDITION 75 0 75 $3 SIG 50 $3.58SAIN 80 31 -112- 2908-0330 23 ON ONO 480 NCRTHN000S AVE NE MEXKER L& JOANN IRVIN 450 NORTHWOOOS AVE NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 23&PART OF STREET. BLOCK 3. HILLCREST ADDITION 90 0 90 $4275.50 5110 61 31- 11]- 29@415]0 23235=0 0990AKSTNE SHIRLEY E MORAN NO OAK ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT I. BLOCK 2, ACADEMY ACRES IST ADDITION SO 0 BO 5388050 lq 82 31- 11]- 2902-0980 232350030 NO OAK ST NE ROSIEANELSON P860AHSTNE HUTCHINSON MN 553506035 LOT 2. BLOCK 2 ACADEMY ACRES IST ADDITION 7336 0 7339 53.465.55 S],YSM 83 31- 117490220690 23235 WIO 882 OAK ST NE DAVID L WILL& ANNE E GRACHEK 882 OAK ST NE HUTCHINSON ON 55350 LOT3BLOCK 2, ACADEMY ACRES IST ADDITION 7330 0 73.30 11.55 3S 84 31- 117 - 8002 -0700 23235 SON 87801 ST HE MATTHEW T &DEANAD SHAW 878 OAK ST NE HUTCHINSDN MN 55]50 LOT 4. BLOCK 2. ACADEMY ACRES IST ADDITION 2335 O 7338 $340555 EEN5.55 85 31 -117-2980 -0710 23235WEO 874 CARD ST NE JARRODPEDERSON 874 OAK ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT 5. BLOCK 2. ACADEMY ACRES I ST ADDITION 23M 0 7338 $34BSN ES,YS56 00 31-11]d9-02 -0]20 23235 W70 aS NCRTHW0005A KENTM&flENNE LGLE &SING 45NORTHW000SAVENE HUTCHINSON MN 553M LOT 6, BLOCK 2 ACADEMY ACRES IST ADDITION ON O 00 ISSNW asUmmum B] 31 TT'ZLO2 4790 23234 W70 649TH AVE NE PAUL& ROBERTA BARCENAS 112 SHADY OAK CIR OEU CMN 55320 LOT], BLOCK I, ACADEMY ACRES 79 O 79 $375250 10,711150 01178 -WW 2J 234 WM 887 OAK ST NE CURTIS A FORSETH 887 OAK ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 553M LOT 8, BLOCK I. ACADEMY ACRES 74 O 74 $35ISDO ,51Sn0 3 f]- 2Af12-0010 23234 W90 803 OAK ST NE MARJORIE RUZICIU 9630. AT NE HUTCHINSON ON 55350 LOT 9. BLOCK I. ACADEMY ACRES 74 0 74 $351500 5;513.W 1- 11]4902-0020 232.JIM 079 OAK ST NE MICHAEL&CONNIECAMPA 879 OAK ST NE HUTCHINSON MN 55350 LOT IO, BLOCK I. ACADEMY ACRES 71 0 74 5351500 9,51540 91 31 -It] -2432-0830 232340110 075 OAK ST NE ROBERT& ARLENE BENSHOOF B25 DAK ST NE HUTCHINSON MN OWN LOT II, BLOCK I. ACADEMY ACRES ]4 1 7 4 fJ.515.W 80.51540 ovxs[ xfWxxx ¢LSwuaswlnusxo,- Lyfxmmnwveun Manw 'ouxxaaF»xnouwalm Lm,xpsy.aa• EOMRLEIer: Pv NDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6101 LETTING NO.5IPRO+ECT NO. 12-00 Asti Street NE (Northwoods to McLeod), Oak Street NE (8th to Nodhwoods(, Maple Sheet NE (NoMwoods to College(, TH 15 Service Road 81, 11M AVenw NE (Main to Elm) and NoMwoods Avenue NE (Maple W approximately 11W Wet) 0 Walnut); roar way rehabilbationkeconstruction and Itilby InhasWSWreinstallations by construction M storm sewer, drain tge, watermaln, sanitary ..,.surIA a reclamationdremoval , 0rading, aggregate 6 c c cln rests a .m mmg COST PER FRONT FOOT: STREET C08WF COMPMD" PVANOERVEEN CHECKED ar: R MER NUMBER OFYFARS 10 1STREARING: awr7=2 2ND HEARING: .1=12 OL1Y 12 CO arvNawl. wYnrOtl IOSnvMm waaR aMaMWY ���� rr � r$3 92 31 -117- 2&02 -0M 2323/0120 65 NORTMOOMA MICMPEL& PEGGY CHRISTENSEN 65 NORTWNOOOSAVE NE HI1C.NSON MN 55350 LOTI2 BLOCHI, ACP EMYACRES W 0 80 VEMO e TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO.5101 T10r� v1a.21 aiw.ae O2r5p m ,n„�_P�.d. RESOLUTION NO. 14012 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO.31PROJECT NO. 12 -04 Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of: Ash Street NE (Northwoods to McLeod), Oak Street NE (9th to Northwoods), Maple Street NE (Northwoods to College), TH 15 Service Road #1, 11th Avenue NE (Main to Elm) and Northwoods Avenue NE (Maple to approximately 119' West of Walnut); roadway rehabilitation /reconstruction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of storm sewer, drain tile, watermain, sanitary sewer, surface reclamation /removal, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, restoration and appurtenances; and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Amount Bid Wm Mueller & Sons Inc of Hamburg MN $583,365.90 Duininck Inc of Prinsburg MN $593,078.55 Knife River Corporation of Sauk Rapids MN $663,259.45 Chad Monson Excavating of Willmar MN $673,654.05 and whereas, it appears that Wm Mueller & Sons Inc of Hamburg MN is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Wm Mueller & Sons, Inc of Hamburg MN in the amount of $583,365.90 in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 12th day of June 2012. City Administrator E E CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 3 1PROJECT NO. 12 -04 2012 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT PHASE 1 BID OPENING: 04/26/2012 AT 10:30 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $874,321.00 COMPLETION DATE: 09/2812012 Wm Mueller & Sons Inc Duininck Inc Knife River Corporation Chad Monson Excavating, LLC 831 Park Ave, P 0 Box 747 408 6th St 4797 Shadow Wood Dr NE 7600 Hwy 71 S Hamburg MN 66339 P O Box 208 Sauk Rapids MN 56379 Willmar MN 56201 p coryh mm @wueller.mm Prinsburg MN 56281 KRCMN.SUB000TES@(NIFE monson@wedigdirtcom Lu y ITEM DESCRIPTION z F 952.467 -2720 estimator�duininckcom RIVER.COM 320-995.6703 Z fax 952467-894 320.9788011 320 258 - 2943 fax 320 - 995 - 6783 H N 7 320-21511-21411 _ C3 _fax ID PRIC BID TOTAL BID PRIC BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL $583,365.90 $593,078.55 $663,259.45 1 $673,654.05 1 2104.501 REMOV WATERMAIN LF 81 $2.001 $162.00 $2.001 $162.00 $2.00 $162.001 $5.00 $405.00 2 2104.501 REMOVE STORM SEWER PIE LF 1151 $5.001 $575.00 $5.00 $575.00 $5.00 $575.00 $3.00 $345.00 3 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LF 25901 $3.45 $8,935.50 $215 $5,827.50 $2.90 $7,511.00 $1.50 $3,885.00 4 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SY 2601 $5.50 $1,430.00 $7.95 $2,067.00 $11.00 $2,860.00 $3.00 $780.00 5 2104.505 REMOVE B MINOUS DRiTEWAY PAVEMENT SY - 0 16 $8.00 $128.00 $7.25 $116.00 $5.00 $80.00 $5.00 $80.00 6 2104.509 REMOVE GATE VALVE 2 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $800.00 7 2104.509 REMOVE DRANT EA 2 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $350.00 $700.00 $400.00 $800.00 8 2104.509 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EA 1 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $300.00 $300.00 SAW ING CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT (FULL 9 2104.511 DEPTH) LF 182 $9.00 $1,638.00 $6.35 $1,155.70 $8.50 $1,547.00 $6.00 $1,092.00 10 2104.513 _717 SAWING BITUMINOUS (FULL DEPTH) LF 410 $2.00 $820.00 $4.25 $1,742.501 $4.50 $1,845.00 $3.00 $1,230.00 11 2584.537 SALVAGE & RE- INSTALL SIGN EA 1 $250.00 $250.00 $200.00 $200.00 $350.00 $350.00 $50.00 $50.00 12 2104.603 ABANDON 4" WATER MAIN LF 650 $4.00 $2,600.00 $4,00 $2,600.00 $4.00 $2,600.00 $3.00 $1,950.00 13 2104.603 ABANDON 6" WATER MAIN LF 300 $5.00 $1,500.00 $500 $1,500.00 $5.00 $1,500.00 $3.00 $900.00 14 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION ( (P) CY 997 $11.90 $11,864.30 $8.35 $8,324.95 $11.50 $11,465.50 $6.00 $5,982.00 15 2105.525 SELEC IL BORROW (LV) CY 165 $62.00 $10,230.00 $19085 $3,242.25 $17.00 $2,805.00 $30.00 $4,950.00 16 2105.533 SALVAGE AGGREGATE (E7 (P) CY 2380 $10.55 $25,109.00 $425 $10,115.00 $10.00 $23,800.00 $6.00 $14,280.00 17 (A 5 2105.541 BACKFILL) (EV) CY 25 $28.00 $700.00 $39.35 $983.75 $20.00 $500.00 $50.00 $1,250.00 U R A E E CL 7 18 2105.541 BACKFILL)(EV) CY 893 $15.50 $13,841.50 $17.95 $16,029.35 $12.00 $10,716.00 $22.00 $19,646.00 19 2105.604 G ALE FABRIC TYPE5 SY 4481 $1.65 $7,360.65 $160 $7,137.80 $1.50 $6,691.50 $1.00 $4,461.00 20 2112.502 SUB E /BASE PREPARATION BY 14608 $1.12 $16,362.08 $145 $21,183.05 $1.50 $21,913.50 $4.70 $68,662.30 21 8 LA 2211.500 PRODUCTION SY 14809 $0.60 $8,765.40 $140 $20,452.60 $2.10 $30,678.90 $0.50 $7,304.50 22 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 7 (C ( CY 1487 $7.90 $11,747.30 $6.55 $9,739.85 $24.50 $36,431.50 $10.00 $14,870.00 23 2357.502 BI I UMINVUb MATERIAL FOR A K COAT GA 91 $3.20 $2,924.80 _ $2.40 - $2,193.ro $2.45 $2,239.30 $245 $2,239.30 TYPE 40 N - R 24 2360.503 STREET (IV') SY 14609 $6.20 $90,575.80 $6.80 $99,341.20 $7.00 $102,263.00 $7.25 $105,915.25 230 MiXTURE-STRE 25 2360.503 (2h") SY 14609 $10.30 $150,472.70 $11.35 $165,812.15 $11.50 $168,003.50 $12.00 $175,308.00 35 PIPE TOP HALF PERF. (IN & 26 2502.541 BENDS) LF 8365 $5.85 $48,935.25 $5.85 $48,935.25 $5.85 $48,935.25 $7.20 $60,228.00 4 N IN GS. CAPS & CUR 27 2502.573 TUNNELING) EA 17 $175.00 $2,975.00 $175.00 $2,975.00 $175.00 $2,975.00 $110.00 $1,870.00 MRAIME SERVICE (INCL. PIPE, 28 2502.573 , GRATE, & CURB TUNNELING) EA 76 $175.00 $13,300.00 $175.00 513,300.0 $175.00 $13.309.00 $286.00 $21,736.00 29 2503.511 12" RC PIPE STORM SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LF 120 $35.00 $4,200.00 $35.00 $4,200.00 $35.00 $4,200.00 $40.00 $4,800.00 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EA 1 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $300.00 $300.00 e 30 1 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER STRUCTURE EA 1 2 $950.001 $1,900.00 $950.00 $1,900.00 $950.00 $1,900.00 $200.001 $400.00 CONNECT DRAIN TILE TO EXTG. STORM SEWER 2503.602 STRUCTURE EA 32 $125.00 $4,000.00 $125.00 $4,000.00 $125.00 $4,000.00 $182.00 $5,824.00 33 2503.603 CLEAN AND TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER LF 1 52111 $1.001 $5,21t001 $1.00 $5,211.00 $1.00 $5,211.00 $1.20 $6,253.20 34 2504.601 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE LS 1 1 $500.001 $500.001 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO.3 /PROJECT NO. 12 -04 2012 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT PHASE 1 BID OPENING: 04/26/2012 AT 10:30 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $874,321.00 COMPLETION DATE: 09/28/2012 Wm Mueller A Sons Inc Dulninck Inc Kntie River Corporation Chad Monson Excavating, LLC 831 Park Ave, P O Box 247 408 6th $1 4787 Shadow Wood Dr NE 7600 Hwy 71 S Hamburg MN 55339 P O Box 208 Sauk Rapids MN 56379 Willmar MN 56201 corylu@vanmueller.eom Prinsburg MN 56281 KRCMN.SUB000TES@KNIFE monson@wodigdirLcom O Z U r- 952467 -2720 estimator@dduininck.com RIVER.COM 320 - 996-6703 w ITEM DESCRIPTION z z fax 9624673894 320-9784011 320 - 258 -2943 fax 320-995-6783 W ? F ID PRIC BID TOTAL BID PRIC BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL $583,365.90 $593,078.55 $663,259.45 $673,654.05 35 2504.602 1" CORPORATION STOP EA 17 $275.00 $4,675.00 0 $4,675.00 $275.00 $4,675.00 $196.00 33,332.00 36 2504.602 6" MJ HYDRANT EA 2 $4,155.00 $8,310.00 00 $8,310.00 $4,155.00 $8,310.00 $3,021.00 $6,042.00 37 2504.602 6 "GATE VALVE EA 3 $1,400.00 $4,200.00 00 $4,200.00 $1,400.00 $4,200.00 $1,267.00 53,801.00 38 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EA 3 $600.00 $1,800.00 00 $1,800.00 $600.00 $1,800.00 $458.00 $1,374.00 39 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EA 4 $350.00 $1,400.00 00 N$3,5OO�00 $1,200.00 $300.00 $1,200.00 $150.00 $600.00 40 2504.602 8" WATERMAIN OFFSET EA 1 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $4,449.00 $4,449.00 41 2504.602 1" CURB STOP AND BOX EA 17 $275.00 $4,675.00 00 $4,675.00 $275.00 $4,675.00 $202.00 §3,434.00 42 2504.603 1" COPPER SERVICE PIPE LF 510 $18.00 $9,180.00 00 $9,180.00 $18.00 $9,180.00 $21.00 $10,710.00 43 2504.603 6" DIP WATERMAIN LF 36 $45.00 $1,620.00 00 $1,620.00 $45.00 $1,620.00 $29.00 $1,044.00 44 2504.803 S" DIP WATERMAIN LF 45 $51.00 $2,295.00 00 $2,295.00 $51.00 $2,295.00 $39.00 $1,755.00 45 2504.608 D UCTILE IRON FITTINGS COMPACT 153 LBS 230 $7.00 $1,610.00 $7.00 $1,610.00 $7.00 $1,610.00 $8.00 $1,840.00 45 2506.501 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN EA 5 $1,660,001 $8,300.00 $1,660.00 $8,300.00 $1,660.00 $8,300.00 $2,400.00 $12,000.00 47 2506.501 MANHOLE DESIGN 484020 $2,325.00 $2,325.00 $2,325.00 $2,325.00 $2,325.00 $2,325.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 48 2506.503 RECONSTRUCT MANHOLE /CATCH BASIN $1,250.00 $2,500.00 $1,250.00 $2,500.00 $1,250.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 49 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY $860.00 $3,440.00 $860.00 $3,440.00 $660.00 $3,440.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 50 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING MANHOLE $700.00 $12,600.00 $600.00 $10,800.00 $600.00 $10,800.00 $500.00 $9,000.00 51 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN 8618 $13.44 $34,809.60 $12.90 $33,411.00 $15A0 $39,886.00 $15.90 $41,181.00 52 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT W2355 $41.80 $13,292.40 $38.75 $12,322.50 $46.00 $14,628.00 $46.00 $14,628.00 53 2531.507 8" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT $52.09 $937.62 $49.25 $886.50 $53.50 $963.00 $53.50 $963.00 54 2563.801 TRAFFIC CONTROL $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $5,200.00 $5,200.00 $13,500.00 $13,500.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 55 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION $100.00 $3,300.00 $150.00 $4,950.00 $7 5.00 §2,475.00 $100.00 $3,300.00 56 2573.540 FILTER LOG TYPE ROCK $4.00 $420.00 $8.00 $840.00 $4.00 $420.00 $11.00 $1,155.00 57 2575.505 HYDRO SEEDING $0.60 $1,413.00 $0.75 $1,766.25 $0.701 $1,848.50 $0.70 $7,648.50 TOTAL LETTING NO.3 /PROJECT NO. 12 -04 $583,365.90 $593,078.55 $663,259.45 $673,654.05 Paget of 2 C TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer RE: Project Award for 2012 Street Seal Coating Project (Letting No. 4 /Project No. 12 -05) DATE: June 12, 2012 The City received bids (see attached Bid Tabulation) for the 2012 Street Seal Coating project letting on Tuesday, June 5'". The apparent low bidder is Pearson Bros., Inc. of Hanover, Minnesota, with a bid of $247,708.80 (slightly lower than the Engineer's Estimate). City staff will provide a brief overview of the project scope and bids at the City Council meeting. City staff has specified a schedule for this work to occur between the Water Carnival and County Fair events. The final necessary Resolutions (bid amounts noted) to award this project are attached to this memorandum. We recommend approving the attached Resolutions. cc: Jeremy Carter— City Administrator 06-) RESOLUTION NO. 14013 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO.4IPROJECT NO. 12 -05 Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement forbids forthe furnishing of all laborand material forthe improvement of: 2012 Street Sealcoating; application of bituminous material and crushed aggregate, clean- up and appurtenances within specified sections of 1 st Ave NW, 1st Ave SW, 2nd Ave NW, 3rd Ave NW, 5th Ave NE, 9th Ave NE, Calgary Ln SE, Calgary Ln SW, Cedar Ave NW, Clark St NE, Denver Ave SE, Echo Cir SE, Echo Dr SE, Edmonton Ave SE, Franklin St NW, Franklin St SW, Glen St NW, Glen St SW, Goebel Cir SW, Goebel St SW, Grant Ave SE, Griffin Ave NE, Harmony Ln SW, Hassan St SE, Jorgenson St SE, Kay St SW, Lincoln Ave SW, Maple St NE, Milwaukee Ave SW, Oak St NE, Ottawa Ave SE, Prospect St NE, Selchow Ave SE, Service Rd -2 (NW), Sherwood St SE, Southfork Dr SE, Summerset Ln SE, Sunburst Way SE and Toronto Blvd SE; and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Amount Bid Pearson Bros Inc of Hanover MN $247,708.80 Allied Blacktop Co. of Maple Grove MN $254,864.83 Caldwell Asphalt Co. of Hawick MN $271,562.24 and whereas, it appears that Pearson Bros., Inc of Hanover MN is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Pearson Bros., Inc of Hanover MN in the amount of $247,708.80 in the name of the City of Hutchinson, forthe improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 12th day of June 2012. Mayor City Administrator 1 I L) CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320 - 234 -4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO.4 /PROJECT NO. 12 -05 2012 STREET SEALCOATING BID OPENING: 06/0512012 AT 10:30 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $256,900.00 COMPLETION DATE: 08/0812012 Pearson Bros, Inc Allied Blacktop Company Caldwell Asphalt Co., Inc 11078 Lamont Ave NE 10503 89th Ave N 24060175th St HE Hanover MN 55341 Maple Grove MN 55368 Hawkk MN 56273 chrispbl@aol.com naomI&Illedblacktopmn.com cakhwllasphalt@hotmall.com Z U ITEM DESCRIPTION F- z f z 763 -479-3332 78342541575 320. 2434023 W y � 7 fax 783-425.1048 fax 320- 2434023 t OF BID PRICE F BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL $247,708.80 $254,864.83 $271,562.24 1 SEALCOATING SV 183,488 $1.35 $247,708.80 $1.389 $254,864.83 $1.48 $271,562.24 TOTAL LETTING NO.4/PROJECT NO. 12 -05 $247,708.80 $254,864.83 $271,562.24 Pagel of 1 C TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, Planning Director RE: Downtown Action Plan Contract with HKGI DATE: June 12, 2012 Please see the attached contract, which outlines the scope of services for completion of a Downtown Action Plan. The purpose of this Plan is to continue the revitalization efforts that have been occurring Downtown and develop a Plan to shape the future of Downtown and the River Corridor in Hutchinson. Staff recommends that this contract for the Downtown Action Plan be approved by City Council. cc: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator 1) 00 ) Creating Places that Enrich Peoples Lives Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. May 30, 2012 Dart Jochum, AICP Plarming Director City of Hutchinson, MN I 1 I Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 RE: An Aprenent between the L'itV of Hutchinson, Airuresota and Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. (HKCi) to prepare an Action Plan /or Dowvtowv Hutchinson, surroundirrg ueighbarhoor /s and dre Highway 7 comrlor x /trig der Crow River. Dear Mr. Jochum: This contract outlines a Scope of Services, Fee Schedule and other elements which together constitute am agreement between the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the CLIENT, and Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT for preparation of an Acton Plan for the Downtown, smTOmtding neighborhoods arid Highway 7 Corridor along the Crow River, hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT. The CLIENT and CONSULTANT agree as set forth below: A. BASIC SERVICES The CONSULTANT'S basic services for the PROJECT are as provided in Attaclunent "A" - Work Prograrn. B. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The CONSULTANT and the CLIENT may agree in writing to amend this Contract for additional services related to the PROJECT and compensation for such services. The following services have not been requested by the CLIENT but are available upon written authorization. L Meetings in addition to those specified in Paragraph A above. 2. Services or Deliverables not specifically identified in Paragraph A above. C. FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The CONSULTANT agrees to complete the scope of work contained in Paragraph A in exchange for professional fee compensation as noted below. The CLIENT agrees to Pay the CONSULTANT for PROJECT services rendered as follows: 1. For the CONSULTANT'S Basic Services described in Paragraph A above, a fee based on the CONSULTANT'S current hourly rate schedule (see Attachment B) not- to-exceed niuet) -one thousand, four hundred dollars ($91,400). 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401 -1659 wnvw.hkgixom Ph (612) 338-0800 �) ('6) Contract for Services — Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan May 30, 2012 2. For the CONSULTANT'S Additional Services described in Paragraph B, a fee based on the CONSULTANT'S current hourly mic schedule plus incidental expenses or a negotiated fee. 3. Statements will be submitted to the CLIENT on a monthly basis as work is completed :aid shall be payable witluu 30 clays in accordmnce with this Agreement. 4. The CONSULTANT reserves the right to suspend services if the CLIENT is delnnqueut ur making payments hi accordance with this Agreement. D. CLIENTS RESPONSIBILITY The CLIENT shall be responsible for the following 1. Assembly of background information including, but not hrruted to digital copies of all files, pertinent plans, aerial photographs, base maps, inventory clata, available GIS a nd CAD mapping, limited to those that are reasomibly available. 2. Arrangements mid notification for public meetings. 3. Reproduction grid distribution of Project reports as deemed necessary mid not otherwise specified in paragraph A. E. INSURANCE CONSULTANT shall maintain insurance of the kind and in the amounts shown below for the life of the coutma. Certificates for General Liability Insurance should state that the CLIENT, its officials, employees, agents mid representatives are Additional Insureds. The CLIENT reserves the right to review CONSULTANT'S hnsunanice policies at airy time to verify that contractual requirements have been met. 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 general aggregate $50,000 damage to rented premises $5,000 medical expenses 2. Umbrella Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence $1,000,000 general aggregate $10,000 self - insured retention 3. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability a. Worker's Compensation per Minnesota Statutes b. Employer's Inability $500,000 per aexideut; $500,000 per employee; $500,000 per disease policy linut. I. Professional Liability Insurance $1,000,000 per claim 2JPa1c o bb) Contract for Services — Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan May 30, 2012 32,000,000 annual aggregate F. COMPLETION SCHEDULE The services of the CONStLTANT will begin upon CLIENT approval mid will, absent of causes beyond the control of the CONSILTANT, be completed by April 30, 2013. G. NONDISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT agrees not to discrunivate by reason of age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or handicap unrelated to the duties of a position, of applicants for employment or employees as to terns of employment, promotion, demotion or transfer, necmiuneut, lavoll or temunation, compensation, selection for mating, or participation in recreational and educational activities. H. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY During the performance of this Couract, the CONSULTANT, ill compliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Order 11375 and Department of Labor regulations 41 CFR Part 60, shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The CONSULTANT shall take allumative action to insure that applicants for emplovment are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regal to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Such action shill include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer; recruitment or recrnitmennt advertising; layoff or termunation, rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The CONSULTANT shall post in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment notices to be provided by die Govenument setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. The CONSULTANT shall state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The CONSULTANT shall incorpoate the foregoing requirements of this paragraph u, all of its subcompacts for program work, mid will require all of its subcontractors for such work to incorporate such requirements in all subcontracts for program work. I. INDEMNIFICATION CLIENT agrees to indemnity, defend and hold CONSULTANT harmless from and against ary and all claims, liabilities, suits, demands, losses, costs and expenses, including, but not Ginned to, reasonable attorneys' fees and all legal expenses mid fees urcuraed through appeal, mid all interest thereon, aceruuig or resulting to ary and all persons, firms or mny other legal entities on accoutit of any damages or losses to property or persons, including uijimes or death, or eeouornic losses, arising out of the PROJECT and/or this Agreement, except that the CONSULTANT shall not be entitled to indemnification to the extent such damages or losses are found by a court or forum of competent jurisdiction to be caused by CONSULTANT's negligent errots or omissions. 311'ag c. i) N) Contract for Services — Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan May 30, 2012 J. TERM TERMINATION. SUCCESSORS AND /OR ASSIGNS I. The Term of this Agreement shall be concuiTeut with the erork authorized aid shall be in accordance with the schedule to be established between the CLIENT and the CONSULTANT. 2. Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party at its address by certified mail at least ten (10) days prior to the date of termination. 3. Neither the CLIENT nor the CONSULTANT shill assign, sublet or transfer its interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other. 4. The time schedule shall not apply and/or tune extensions will be allowed for auy circumstances bevond the control of the CONSULTANT. 5. This Agreement shall be governed by all applicable laws. 6. Upon temu nation, Consultant sluall be entitled to fees eamed through the effective date of termination. K. DISPUTES Iii the event the CLIENT ail CONSULTANT are wrable to remli agreement corder the terms of this contract, disputes sladl be resolved using alternative dispute resolution (ADR). L. If this agreement is not signed and accepted by both parties within 90 days of the cout act date, it shall become null and void. 41Pase �) o') Contract for Serviced — Hutchinson Dow7lown Action Plan Mav 30, 2012 M. AUTHORIZATION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The CLIENT' utd the CONSULTANT have made .uul executed this Agreement for Professional Services, Tlus day of 2012 CLIENT City of Hutchinson, Minnesota N. Title CONSULTANT Hoismgton Koegler Group Inc. Nwne: Mark Koegler President 51Pacc 11 tx) Attachment A— Work Program Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan — Creatinp, a Destination May 30, 2012 Project Understandine /Overview The City of Hutchinson desires to create and establish a strategic vision for the future of the downtown, the surrounding downtown neighborhoods and the Highway 7 corridor along the Crow River to north of the downtown (see Attachment C— Study Area Map) by developing a "Action Plan" that builds upon the existing assets of the downtown and the surrounding elements of the community. The Downtown Action Plan should be rooted in a clear, concise and unified implementation strategy with the primary goals of strengthening Hutchinson's sense of community, expanding the range of livability factors, improving and diversifying the local economy and enhancing Hutchinson as a destination. Key elements of this effort include exploration of appropriate land uses, redevelopment opportunities (particularly along the Crow River), trail connectivity along the riverfront (Luce Line Trail and the Dakota Rail Corridor) as well as the integration of public art with public improvements throughout the downtown district, including the exploration of a potential art walk along the Crow River. Market research is another key component to the Action Plan. The market research will examine the viability of downtown retail, hospitality and nightlife, and other related items that will strengthen the downtown for both Hutchinson residents and tourists visiting the community. In addition to examining commercial opportunities, the market research component will also review the community -wide housing analysis, currently being completed by Maxfield Research Inc., with particular attention to housing alternatives in the downtown. The Action Plan will be highly graphic in an effort to generate excitement, articulate a combined community vision and assist in marketing the appeal of the downtown as a destination for both existing residents and visitors to the community. The Action Plan will also build upon the relevant elements of previous planning efforts such as the Downtown Revitalization Master Plan (2003) and the Highway 7 Corridor Plan (2007). In the end, the Action Plan will be implementation focused, provide a unified vision for the community, yet be grounded in reality for achievable results for the City of Hutchinson. Project Approach / Work Plan The HKGi team anticipates an approximate 10 month process to complete the planning effort for the Action Plan. The work plan for the project includes: Phase 1— Understand What Exists Today It is important that the first stage of the effort establish an agreed -upon foundation of project information, knowledge and expectations. In this stage we will collect background information, solidify the roles and responsibilities among Hutchinson City staff and the HKGi team and determine the project schedule. Specific tasks include: Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan— Work Program 1.1 Conduct Kick -Off Meeting with City staff. Key discussion topics to include, but not limited to: • Verify Schedule and Work Plan • Verify Public Engagement Process & Establish Key Stakeholders • Establish a project Steering Committee • Determine public outreach strategy • Project Newsletters • Project Website • Web Survey (Survey Monkey) • Social Media Posting (Facebook /Twitter) • Open Houses — formats, location, preferred times • Coordinate Charrette logistics - space, agenda, outcomes • Discuss final product expectations 1.2 Collect all relevant background materials, primarily in GIS or CAD format including but not limited to parcel data, land use, zoning, utilities, trails and sidewalks, parking, building footprints, conditions and type and compile the information into a set of project background information maps & base maps. 1.3 Review existing master plans, redevelopment studies, recent project submittals and other planning documents to extract their relevant elements, identifying what elements still hold merit, what initiatives have been achieved and what elements need further study. Specific documents include: • 2003 Revitalization Master Plan for Downtown Hutchinson • 2007 Highway 7 Corridor Plan 1.4 Evaluate city -wide housing study currently being conducted by Maxfield Inc. with specific focus on downtown housing options. 1.5 Collect, review and evaluate relevant information from the Census, State Demographer, and other sources including but not limited to population, housing, employment, demographic changes and retail /entertainment needs and trade area. (W -ZHA) 1.6 Conduct preliminary on- the - ground reconnaissance on market potential including but not limited to: (W -ZHA) A. Site visit to examine the project area as well as to other locations that may compete with or complement potential development opportunities. B. Interviews with local property owners, real estate brokers, property managers, developers, appraisers, public officials, and other parties that may offer insight and experience in local market conditions. 1.7 Conduct Site Tour with City staff. • Combined Driving Tour and Downtown Walking Tour (same day as Kick -off Meeting) 1.8 Collect site photos and compile them onto an existing conditions status board and for use in the Action Plan document. 1.9 Create an updated "Opportunities and Observations" graphic illustrating key physical issues surrounding Downtown from an outsider's point of view. 1.10 Establish and conduct Steering Committee Meeting #1 to verify project goals and objectives and to determine what additional stakeholder input should be sought. 1.11 Prepare and coordinate a citizen survey related to downtown, with input from the Steering Committee with the intent to target specific interests such as downtown businesses, regular downtown customers, non - downtown customers, millennials, and out -of -town tourists. 1.12 Prepare an initial set of project goals and objectives as a basis for the Downtown Action Plan exploration and evaluation throughout the course of the project. Hoisington Koegler Group Inca 2 1 P a g e � \ ot), Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan — Work Program Deliverables: - Project calendar - Project base maps and photography - Public Outreach #1 (Either a Newsletter, Website update, or Social Media Posting) - On -line citizen survey related to downtown (Survey Monkey) - Meeting Summaries - Draft project goals & objectives Meetings: - Kick -off Meeting & Site Tour o HKGi will spend a full day in Hutchinson to familiarize team members with the study area and changes in the downtown and surrounding areas such as the Highway 7 corridor since the 2003 Revitalization Master Plan. For efficiency, HKGi proposes to conduct the project kick -off meeting; staff led community and downtown walking tours and additional team reconnaissance as part of this day -long session. - Steering Committee Meeting #1 - Meetings and conference calls with City staff as necessary Phase 2 - Establish /Confirm Project Goals and Objectives (Community Visioning) The purpose of this task will be to verify project goals and objectives and to establish a consensus of guiding principles that will underpin the Action Plan. Based on initial project goals and objectives defined in Phase 1, additional input will be received and used to tailor these guiding statements to meet the needs of the project. 2.1 Meet with Focus Groups (up to 5) such as the Economic Development Authority, Hutchinson Downtown Association, Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitors Bureau and public art groups to discuss project goals and objectives and review issues and opportunities relevant to the downtown and individual groups. 2.2 Meet with the City staff to review feedback from Focus Groups and to review project goals and objectives and to agree on the framework for Community Open House #1. 2.3 Conduct Community Open House #1- This initial open house /workshop will be a focused on the Downtown area but open to all interested area residents and businesspersons. This initial session will be designed to accomplish a number of objectives. First, it will serve as a venue to inform the public about the Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan. Additionally, it will be used to help define the "Vision" for the project. HKGi will work with City staff to design a participatory process for the community open house /workshop as well as appropriate methods to advertise the meeting to promote resident and businessperson involvement. Key aspects of the session will be documented with photos and other graphics and used as part of the desired public outreach mechanism. 2.4 Meet with the Steering Committee to review the feedback from the Focus Groups and Key Interview Sessions and input from Community Open House #1. Discuss and agree on project goals and objectives. Deliverables: - Materials for Community Open House #1 - Meeting summaries Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 3 1 Pa g e )(I� Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan— Work Program - Public Outreach #2 (Either a Newsletter, Website update, or Social Media Posting) Meetings: • Focus Group Meetings (up to 5) • Community Open House #1 • Steering Committee Meeting #2 • Meetings and conference calls with City staff as necessary Phase 3 — Understand the Market Potential Building on the initial on- the - ground market investigations in Phase 1, W -ZHA will provide market research and analysis to assist in the preparation of the Downtown Action Plan. Two objectives will be targeted: 3.1 Projection of reasonably likely types and volumes of development. While grounded in prevailing market and financial realities, such projections will also reflect potentially attainable results as influenced by the implementation of a well- conceived plan. 12 Identification of shorter -term "catalyst" development sites and projects that would be feasible from the pragmatic perspective of a private investor /developer, and that might also spur other positive investments in the area. To meet these objectives, an efficient, focused approach will be used. Preliminary inquiries will narrow the scope of relevant markets and developments; subsequent tasks will focus primarily on those sectors offering potential for future development. Research and analytical tasks beyond Phase 1 investigations will include: • Reviews of existing plans, market studies and other literature. The evaluations prepared pursuant to this project will build upon (rather than rebuild) this base of knowledge. • Examination of regional economic figures, local demographic trends and projections, local demographic income- and spending profiles, emerging market trends, and other such issues relevant to reasonably likely types of development. • Additional data collection involving commercial, retail, hospitality, and residential types of properties as relevant to this analysis. • Performances at existing developments or districts that may be comparable, competitive with, or complementary to existing or prospective developments in the area. • Comparative evaluations of the corridor's competitive position for development. In order to help ultimately determine highest and best use, competitive market positions will be analyzed within the area vis -a -vis market opportunities in other parts of the local and regional markets. • For likely development prospects, the key issues that may enhance or constrain the realization of development opportunities will also be identified. In addition to basic supply /demand issues, such issues may involve future amenities, site visibility, price points and developer returns, and other such issues. This analysis will also identify the positive "catalyst" influences that such developments may exert in attracting further development interest. Hoisington Koegler Group Inca 4(Page iQ Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan —Work Program To summarize the output of these tasks, a memorandum will be prepared that will identify the type(s) of development that may be able to draw upon market support sufficient to generate acceptable returns to private developers. W -ZHA will present underlying market fundamentals and identify the general cost and revenue thresholds that will determine development feasibility. Where prospective projects do not appear feasible, W -ZHA will identify the most likely development types, as well as the key issues to be addressed in achieving such development. Deliverobles: • Market findings memorandum — Preliminary • Market findings memorandum —Final • Public Outreach #3 (Either a Newsletter, Website update, or Social Media Posting) Meetings: • Meetings and conference calls with City staff as required Phase 4 — Explore the Possibilities This phase will explore and critique a refined master plan (based on the 2003 plan) for the downtown and develop catalyst site alternatives for key projects identified in the study area. The catalyst site alternatives will suggest varying approaches for potential redevelopment including both, city owned and privately owned property, property along the Crow River, and existing commercial areas along Highway 7. Refinements and modifications to the 2003 Revitalization Master Plan will also be developed. These refinements will explore a systemic approach to land use, public infrastructure, open space and amenities and public art opportunities for the entire downtown study area. Combined, these urban design explorations will allow the team to evaluate varying approaches as well as allow the Steering Committee, City staff, Planning Commission, key stakeholders and the general public an opportunity to compare and critique them. Specific tasks include: 4.1 Facilitate a workshop with City department representatives to identify top - priority downtown capital projects including streets and utilities, streetscapes, parks, trails, wayfinding, public art, etc. (This would occur just prior to the Design Charrette) 4.2 Facilitate a 2 -3 day, on -site Design Charrette (HKGi & W -ZHA) to identify and prioritize projects, initiatives and opportunities. Part of the Design Charrette will be to conduct an update to the 2003 Downtown Revitalization Master Plan by exploring varying land uses, development densities and magnitudes, automobile and pedestrian circulation patterns, and park and open space opportunities. Evaluation of the 2003 plan's streetscape typologies and building frontages will also be conducted. In addition, innovative design approaches for storm water treatment and integration of public art features will be explored along with more detailed articulation of key catalyst projects. This session will begin with reviewing the findings of the initial community open house and a preliminary overview of the market potential to set the course for design exploration. At the end of the session, the Steering Committee, Focus Groups, Planning Commission and City Council members and members of the general public and key stakeholders will be invited to critique the outcomes of the effort. 4.3 Provide a summary of all key stakeholder and public comments at the conclusion of the Design Charrette for public outreach. 4.4 Assemble the outcomes of the Design Charrette and stakeholder and public feedback into a comprehensive depiction of projects, priority actions, budgets and funding sources. Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 5 1 P a g e ) (A)) Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan— Work Program 4.5 Refine materials from Design Charrette and prepare an outline for the Downtown Action Plan document with key master plan graphics and catalyst site redevelopment scenarios (up to 3) rooted in the outcomes discussed during the Charrette. 4.6 Critically evaluate the master plan graphics, catalyst site concept alternatives, and priority projects and initiatives in a general way to understand their implications on market potential, land use, traffic and infrastructure, financial feasibility as well as alignment with project goals and objectives. 4.7 Review concepts and team evaluation with the Steering Committee and City staff, refine concepts, projects, priorities and initiatives based on feedback. Deliverables: • Summary of Design Charrette • Draft downtown master plan graphics and key catalyst site alternatives (up to 3) • Comprehensive depiction of projects, priority actions, budgets and funding sources • Critical evaluation of the draft master plan and catalyst site alternatives • Public Outreach k4 (Either a Newsletter, Website update, or Social Media Posting) • Meeting summaries Meetings: • 2 -3 Day Design Charrette with public and key stakeholder review • Meetings with the Steering Committee, City staff and Planning Commission (workshop) • Meetings and conference calls with City staff as required Phase 5 — Prepare a Draft Downtown Action Plan This phase will use the input gathered during the Design Charrette and evaluation tasks of Phase 4 to establish the implementations steps and success metrics and complete a draft of the Downtown Action Plan to be reviewed. 5.1 Identify "success" criteria for downtown Hutchinson and the measurement techniques to be employed in determining progress over time. 5.2 Draft policy statements and identify potential regulatory changes and incentives needed to set the stage for plan implementation 5.3 Identify short, medium and long term action steps, their associated budgets and responsible parties. 5.4 Work with City staff to identify project budgets and possible funding mechanisms for priority projects. 5.5 Coordinate with City department representatives to review and troubleshoot the priority - project assessment. 5.6 Facilitate an "Action Plan Summit" with the City staff, Steering Committee, Focus Groups, Planning Commission and City Council members to review the input gathered during Phase 4 and the draft materials outlined through tasks 5.1— 5.6 above, to set the course for the development of the Draft Downtown Action Plan. 5.7 Prepare a preferred Draft Downtown Action Plan. 5.8 Meet with Steering Committee to review the draft Downtown Action Plan and modify as needed. 5.9 Meet with City staff to review the draft Downtown Action Plan and modify based on feedback. Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 61Page �o� Hutchinson Downtown Action Plan — Work Program 5.10 Facilitate Community Open House #2 to present the draft plan and recommendations to the community. Deliverables: • Action Plan Summit materials • Draft of Downtown Action Plan (10 copies & electronic) • Public Outreach #5 (Either a Newsletter, Website update, or Social Media Posting)) • Meeting summaries Meetings: • Action Plan Summit • Meetings with City staff & Steering Committee • Community Open House #2 • Meetings and conference calls with City staff as required Phase 6 - Prepare the Final Downtown Action Plan The final phase of the project completes the documentation of outcomes and presents them to the community as well as seeking approval from City leadership. Specific tasks include: 6.1 Assemble project materials into a final Action Plan Report and review with City staff for edits. 6.2 Present final Action Plan and community input to the Steering Committee and to the Planning Commission for feedback and recommendations to the City Council. 6.3 Modify Action Plan based on Steering Committee and Planning Commission input. 6.4 Present Action Plan to City Council for review and approval. 6.5 Deliver final report to City staff in both digital and hardcopy formats. Deliverables: Digital format Action Plan report • 10 bound final report copies • Large Format boards for display at City Hall and events (up to 3) • Public Outreach #6 (Either a Newsletter, Website update, or Social Media Posting) Meetings: • Meeting with Steering Committee • Meeting with Planning Commission • Meeting with City Council Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 7 1 P a p, e WO ATTACHMENT B HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC. 2012 -2013 HOURLY RATES Principal ........................ ............................... $145- 175/hr Associate $100- 145/hr Senior Professional ........ ............................... $90- 150/hr Professional II ................. ............................... $80- 100/hr Professional I ................... ............................... $50 -80/hr Technical ........................... ............................... $40 -60/hr Secretarial .............................. ............................... $55/hr Litigation Services ............... ............................... $190/hr Testimony ............................ ............................... $250/hr Incidental Expenses Mileage ...... ............................... current federal rate /mile Photocopying BW ................. ............................15¢ /page Photocopying Color .................. .....................$1.00 /page Outside Printing ................... .........................Actual Cost Large Format Scanning ........ .........................Actual Cost B/W Bond Plots .............. ............................... $5.00 each Color Bond Plots ........... ............................... $20.00 each Photo Paper Color Plots ............................... $40.00 each \ � [,)D) III 91 fill, MlWwFL --sA-m 4IM 1 4 im 111111110111111111111111P IF F 10, r IF '40 O row . Ir. I m I LA 40 40 Owl ■ , k - o r MW Ar owe ip avokni POP 40 Aga Y � Ift .0; Aw 04 Policy No. 1.08 CITY OF HUTCHINSON POLICY -CITY COUNCIL - BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES - TERMS NO. 1.08 (2 pgs.) DATE 1988; 2000: 2012 SOURCE COUNCIL ACTION Unless otherwise regulated by state statute, charter, ordinance, or resolution, the maximum length of stay on boards, commissions or committees shall not exceed two consecutive full terms, exclusive of any appointments to fill an unexpired term, but shall be again eligible for such service following a break in service of not less than one year, except city council representation on boards, commissions and committees. NO. OF MONTH NAME OF BOARD MEMBERS APPOINTED LENGTH OF TERM SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD 7 January 3 years PLANNING COMMISSION 7 March 5 years *6 residents + 1 Council Member. City Attorney serve as ex- officio members. CITY TREE BOARD 5 April 3 years *4 at large + 1 Council Member. Natural Resource Coordinator, or equivalent position, serves as ex- officio member. LIBRARY BOARD 7 April *6 at large + 1 Council Member POLICE CIVIL SERVICE 3 years COMMISSION 3 May 3 years PARK/RECREATION/ 7 August 3 years COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD *7 at large + 1 Council Member + 1 School Board Member HRA 5 August 5 years *4 residents + 1 Council Member AIRPORT COMMISSION 6 September 5 years *5 at large + 1 Council Member. Planning Commissioner serves as ex- officio member. UTILITIES COMMISSION 5 December 5 years *One member may be a City Council Member appointed annually. 11 (C) Policy No. 1.08 POLICY -CITY COUNCIL- BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES - TERMS NO. 1.08 (2 pgs.) DATE 1988: 2000: 2012 SOURCE COUNCIL ACTION Unless otherwise regulated by state statute, charter, ordinance, or resolution, the maximum length of stay on boards, commissions or committees shall not exceed two consecutive full terms, exclusive of any appointments to fill an unexpired term but shall be again eligi for c, �h cAr" rP fnllawinn a break i service of no less than one year except city council CITY OF HUTCHINSON representation on boards, commissions and committees. NO. OF MONTH NAME OF BOARD MEMBERS APPOINTED LENGTH OF TERM W.R.A ,6THROARD SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD 7 January 3 years PLANNING COMMISSION 7 March 5 years *6 residents + 1 Council Member. City Attorney serve as ex- officio members. CITY TREE BOARD *4 at larae + 5 April 3 years LIBRARY BOARD 7 April *6 at large+ 1 Council Member POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 3 May 3 5 years 3 years PARK/RECREATION/ 7 44 August 3 years COMMUNITY EDUCATION & 4 SsbeeEBeard ADVISORY BOARD &1 Youth *7 at large + 1 Council Member + 1 School Board Member HRA 5 August *4 residents + 1 Council Member AIRPORT COMMISSION 6 September 5 years 5 years o (C) CHARTER COMMISSION 12 August 4 years EDA BOARD 7 January 6 years (no term limits per Ordinance No. 09 -0524) *5 at large + 2 Council Members PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION 7 August 3 years *6 at large + 1 Council Member. Planning Director and PRCE Director serve as ex- officio members. CREEKSIDE RENEWABLES 7 October 3 years ADVISORY BOARD *6 at large + 1 Council Member. City Administrator and Compost Facility Manager serve as ex- officio members. RESOURCE ALLOCATION BOARD 4 Annual Term of employment *Board consists of Mayor + 1 Council Member + City Engineer + Finance Director + City Administrator . BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS June 2 years Building Official serves as ex- officio member. 0 Lam) "5 at large + 1 Council Member. Planning Commissioner serves as ex- officio member. UTILITIES COMMISSION 5 December Septeftw 5 years 'One member may be a City Council Member appointed annually. COMM & I H6VPl reP CHARTER COMMISSION 12 August 4 years EDA BOARD 7 Janua 6 years (no term limits per Ordinance No. 09 -0524) '5 at large + 2 Council Members PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION 7 August 3 years '6 at large + 1 Council Member. Planning Director and PRCE Director serve as ex- officio members. CREEKSIDE RENEWABLES 7 October 3 years ADVISORY BOARD 6 at large + 1 Council Member. City Administrator and Compost Facility M anager serve a s ex- officio members. RESOURCE ALLOCATION BOARD 4 Annual Term of employment "Boa consists of Mayor + 1 Council Member + City Engineer + Finance Director + City Administrator . BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS June 2 years Building Official serves as ex- officio member. � (C) Policy No. 1.15 CITY OF HUTCHINSON POLICY -CITY COUNCIL- LICENSES AND PERMITS NO. 1.15 (2 pas.) DATE 1988; 2000; 2012 SOURCE ADMINISTRATION To streamline specified license /permit procedures, the authorization to issue such licenses /permits is delegated from the city council to staff. Responsibility has been assigned as follows. LICENSE /PERMIT Off - Street Parking (free sticker) Motorized Golf Cart Permit Bicycle License Dog License Building - related Permits CONTACT Administration and /or Police Department Police Department Police Department Police Department Building Department o tc) Policy No. 1.15 CITY OF HUTCHINSON POLICY -CITY COUNCIL- LICENSES AND PERMITS NO. 1.15 R p9s.) DATE 1988; 2000; 2008 SOURCE ADMINISTRATION To streamline specified license /permit procedures, the authorization to issue such licenses /permits is delegated from the city council to staff. Responsibility has been assigned as follows. LICENSEIPERMIT Off - Street Parking (free sticker) Motorized Golf Cart Permit CONTACT Administration and /or Police Department Police Department Bicycle License 0.4ninr Veh OAG6 Police Department Dog License Police Department Building - related Permits Building Department Land 1 _ 1 6P PGFMit6 R ng De r .t n t ti (G) � � ��� Memorial Day To: Hutchinson Fire District Citizens From: Brad Emans, Fire Chief Date: 06/0112012 Re: Monthly Update on the Activities of the Hutchinson Fire Department for May 2012 Fire Department Response: The Fire Department responded to 41cals for service in the month of May. Fite Ricer Only response: A "fire officer only" responded to 8 calls in May saving the Hutchinson Fire District the cost of a "general" alarm estimated at $1,456.00 for the month. F'.espon.se Time (First Emergency Vehicle Out of the Door): May — 3 minutes 55 seconds. Example of a Few of the Calls: • The FD responded to a call of a one vehicle roll over with victims and was now on fire. Fortunately, the driver was pulled to safety by a witness to the accident; • A Fire Officer responded to two calls were a person was trapped in an elevator, • The FD responded to smoke filling a basement in the rural fire district. Firefighters were able to locate the appliance that malfunctioned and then ventilate the smoke from the structure; • The FD responded to two "out of the ordinary" rescue/medical calls in May. First a person indicating that they were going to jump from the Main Street bridge and second a child fell from the window /screen in an apartment building in the northeast part of the city; • The FD responded to motor vehicle victim extrication when the driver lost control and struck a tree; • The FD responded mutual aid to the Silver Lake FD with an engine and water to a rural single family structure fire. The fire started in the attached garage and spread into the house; • The FD responded to "smoke coming from the ceiling vents" in the Hutchinson Library. Firefighters using the thermal imaging camera were able to locate a motor on the air conditioner burning, The building was Geared of smoke: Fortunately, the library employees were still working during this incident! 1 • The FD responded mutual aid to the Buffalo Lake FD with an engine and water to a rural barn fire that spread to the house; • The FD responded to a lightning strike to a single family home in the southwest part of the city. Firefighters using the thermal imaging camera checked the entire house for any smoldering fires in the attic or behind the walls; The FD responded to an air plane crash at the Hutchinson Airport. The 911 call came in as a plane crashtfire. The passengers suffered only minor injuries. Breakdown of the Calls for the Month: City Type of Call Number for the Month Residential 1 Commercial / Industrial 5 - Commercial/Industrial Mufti-Family 4 School 0 Grass 2 Medical 7 CO 2 Rescue 4 Haz -Mat LeaW 'II 5 Vehicle 0 S Warn 0 Mutual Aid 0 Total 30 Structure Fires 2 Arson 0 Rural: Type of Cali Number for the Month Residential 1 Commercial / Industrial 0 School 0 Farm Building 0 Grass 0 Medical 5 CO 0 Rescue 2 Haz-Mat Leak/Spil 0 Vehicle 1 Mutual Aid 2 Total 11 Structure Fires 3 Arson 10 • Page 2 Training: Firefighters Trained on the Following Topics /Equipment: • Firefighters trained on electrical safety on the job and on the some; • Firefighters trained on the next generation response to structure fires designed to improve on scene set-up and activation; • Firefighters trained on head trauma, and seizures as part of their emergency medical training. Fire Prevention / Public Relations 1 Other Information: • The FD started the hiring process for new paid -on -call firefighters. We are currently 50% complete with the hiring process; • The FD instructed the employees of McLeod County Solid Waste fire safety on the job including a hands -on fire extinguisher training; • The FD participated in the annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony; Measurements: 1. Number of calls that required more than one engine, and four firefighters in May: 10 2. Number of Calls that required more than "required by law investigation' in May'. 3 3. Estimated dollars "saved" in property (building and contents) I& the fine department response for the month of May: $2,350,000 4. Estimated dollars 1 %21r in property (building and contents) to fire in May: $3,000 • Page 3 MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Bordson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Dwight Bordson, Vice President Craig Lenz; Secretary Leon Johnson; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Michael Kumm. Approve Minutes of March 28, 2012 Regular Meeting The minutes of the March 28, 2012 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Vice President Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve the minutes. Motion was unanimously carried. 2. Ratify Payment of Bills for March 2012 The March 2012 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Vice President Lenz, seconded by Secretary Johnson to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $5,559,611.98 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. 3. Approve Financial Statements /Budget Year to Date GM Kumm presented the March 2012 financial statements /budget year -to -date. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, seconded by Secretary Johnson to approve the financial statements /budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously carried. 4. Approve HUC Resolution #1008 Relating to Public Utility Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A GM Kumm presented HUC Resolution #1008 Relating to Public Utility Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A. On April 24, City Council authorized HUC to proceed in this process. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Morrow to approve HUC Resolution #1008 Relating to Public Utility Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A. Motion was unanimously carried. (Resolution #1008 attached.) 5. Approve Changes to Policies and Requirements Booklet GM Kumm presented changes to the policies and requirements booklet, sections: natural gas service requirements and charges; temporary service; and natural gas meter requirements and placement. Recommended changes were made due to past practice and for clarity. In section natural gas service requirements and charges, the Board recommended changing the verbiage 'overbuilt' to 'built over by customer'. A motion was made by Secretary Johnson, seconded by Vice President Lenz to approve the changes to the policies and requirements booklet, sections: natural gas service requirements and charges; temporary service; and natural gas meter requirements and placement to include the Board recommended change to section natural gas service requirements and charges. Motion was unanimously carried. (Policies attached.) 1 6. Review Exempt and Non - Exempt Handbooks GM Kumm presented exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: Section 2 — administration of personnel policies; savings clause; and equal employment opportunity. This is part of HUC's policy review and no changes are requested at this time. 7. Approve Requisition #4863 for Ammonia Tank for New Unit 5 Steve Lancaster presented requisition #4863 for ammonia tank for new unit 5. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to approve requisition #4863 for ammonia tank for new unit 5. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) Discuss Banking Requests for Proposals GM Kumm discussed HUC's interest in submitting requests for proposals in the next month to seek increased interest rates for money in the bank. 9. Division Reports Electric — Steve Lancaster • Ad for bid in the Leader for Units 3 & 4 RICE Rule Compliance Modifications; bid opening May 17. • Bids for mechanical and electrical to install new unit 5. • HUC received a second Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) award from APPA. HUC is in the top 5 percent nationally. • Last month, attended the factory acceptance test for new unit 5. Gas — John Webster • Attended and gave presentation at the Midwest Energy Association Learning Summit. • Attended and gave presentation at the MNOPS Safety Conference at Cragun's last week. • Starting to work on 5 Avenue next week. Putting in new plastic main on north side of 5 Avenue. • Working with Ryan Ellenson to rectify a discrepancy on ownership of a pipeline with Northern Border Pipeline. • Receiving bids Monday for three casings in town. • Continuing to work on United Farmers Cooperative deal. Business — Jan Sifferath • Awarded HUC /MMUA Tom Bovitz $500 Scholarship to Hutchinson High School senior Robert Rasmussen, for submitting a paper on "Municipal Utilities — Good for all of Us ". • Sponsoring ten high school graduate photos in the Hutchinson Leader again this year. • HUC received the 2012 Tree Line Award; HUC's fifth year in a row. `�Ltb) Finance — Jared Martig Nothing to report GM Kumm gave an update on HUC working to provide natural gas services to the City of Brownton. GM Kumm mentioned that prepays are returning for natural gas and HUC would like to work through MMGA to realize a potential savings of approximately $90,000 per year. 10. Legal Update Attorney Sebora gave an update on the condemnation lawsuit served by Great River Energy involving two properties in Sibley County along the HUC pipeline. Attorney Sebora attended the condemnation hearing and reported Great River Energy will work something out to protect HUC's pipeline. Unfinished Business Discuss Potential Capacity Sale GM Kumm and Steve Lancaster are continuing to work on the potential capacity sale. Discuss Joint Meeting with City GM Kumm discussed his presentation for the Joint HUC /City meeting. Vision Statements Two and Three GM Kumm discussed he will be reviewing the business plan portion with the commissioners. New Business None There being no further business, a motion was made by Vice President Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 4:34 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. Leon Johnson, Secretary ATTEST: Craig Lenz, Vice President 3 1A) Planning, Zoning, and Building Dept. Monthly Report May 2012 Buiidin%_Department Permit Activities Planning, Zoning, and Building Department— Other Activities Facilities Management/Maintenance Activities: Evergreen Meals served in May, 2012 u Park Silver Week Of Hutchinson Towers Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 5/2011 5/2012 2011 Year to Date 2012 Year to Date Total Number Inspections 91 115 280 418 Building Permits Issued by Type Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Commercial new 0 0 1 - $1,450,000 0 Commercial Additions/ Remodels 5-$47,000 12 - $149,100 28 - $274,100 31 - $1,219,100 Industrial (new) 0 0 0 0 Industrial Additions /Remodels 0 1-$225,000 0 1 - $850,000 Fire Sprinkling 0 0 1- $134,800 2-$1,600 Total New Residential Units (Single Family, twins, townhomes) 0 1-$139,140 0 1-$139140 Residential misc. additions, repairs, remodels, etc 8-$26,220 16 - $71,850 53 - $284,862 48 - $267,514 Set fee permits reside, reroof, window replacement, misc. * 55 73 130 196 HRA Permits 1 2-$23,275 5 - $200,000 11 -$80,946 Subtotal Building Permits: $73,220 $608,365 $2,343,762 $2,558,300 Mechanical 13 - $1,920,674 17 - $321,920 71 - $1,981,205 57 - $457,571 Plumbing* 5 6 19 27 Signs* 5 2-$108 29 46-$108 Total Permits issued and valuation 92- $1,993,894 130 - $930,393 337 - $4,324,967 421 - $3,015,979 * Set fees not included in valuation Planning, Zoning, and Building Department— Other Activities Facilities Management/Maintenance Activities: Evergreen Meals served in May, 2012 u Park Silver Week Of Hutchinson Towers Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 5/5-5/5 194 123 56 115 47 49 5/6-5/12 224 174 71 139 70 75 5/13-5/19 323 163 81 138 45 68 5/20-5/26 245 175 72 153 40 69 5/27-5/31 172 102 41 90 53 34 Total 1158 737 321 635 2551 295 Total Meals served in May -3,404 Other Building Inspection Activities: May 22, SW Chapter Meeting Planning, Zoning, and Building Dept. Monthly Report for March, 2012 Page 2 Planning and Zoning Monthly Activities MonthNear: May, 2012 Q C n Activity Number Additional Info. Number of Planning Applications Reviewed and 6 Amend ZO - Tattoo Establishments Processed Amend ZO - Dog daycare Variance - garage addition setbacks Preliminary and final one lot plat Conditional use permit - garage sq. ft. Conditional use permit - Farmers Market in I/C district Number of Joint Planning Board Applications 1 Conditional use permit- garage in front yard Reviewed and Processed Number of Planning Commission Meetings 2 Regular PC Meeting and Special Meeting Number of Joint Planning meetings 1 Number of Zoning Reviews for Building Permits 10 Number of Land Use Permits Issued 26 Number of Zoning Review for Sign Permits 2 Family Dentistry Pride Solutions Number of Predevelopment/Pre Application 2 Met with developers Meetings Number of Misc. Planning Meetings 16 2 - Management Team , Resource Allocation, Transportation Plan Update, Housing Study, 3 -Met with property owners, Fleet info meeting, Project Prioritization, Met with surveyor, 2 -City Council meetings, Land Use Training - Brainerd, Public Arts, Wellness Committee Number of Zoning Enforcement Cases Sign violations 18 Nuisance properties Number of Walk -In Customers Served 444 Site Visits 30 1820 Prairie View Dr, 1190 West Shore Dr,720 Roberts Rd,435 Kay St, 805 Lindy LN, West River Park Stage 511 and 529 Monroe St.,22 - nuisance properties MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board April 2, 2012 Members present were Jim Waldron, Eric Opland, John Rodeberg, Mary Christensen, Troy Scotting and Jay Bartholomew. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by John Rodeberg and seconded by Eric Opland to approve the minutes dated February 6, 2012. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Public Art/Art Center — The Art Center has been in its current location for about one year and is looking to move to a new location. The space behind the old Hutchinson Leader office is available to rent for the same fee and double the size of the current Art Center. The owner will build to suit the new tenants. The Art Center Director will be leaving in September. Trail Updates — The Luce Line Trail is highly recommended for funding of improvements east of Hutchinson, not west. NEW BUSINESS DNR Grant. Forestry — Mike Bahe, Natural Resource Coordinator, applied for a $25,000 grant to fund tree planting in public locations such as city parks and schools. 3M has been a corporate sponsor for planting in "Mining Park" across from Adams Street. The local volunteers have been a very supportive group. Student Activity Fees — The current Middle School activity fee is $95 per sport per season with a family cap. There has been a shortfall of funds with the move to the Wright County Conference due to more contests, buses and ref fees. There is a proposed $10 increase raising the fee to $105 which would affect 450 -480 athletes. The last increase was four years ago. More details will be shared with the Board as they become available. A decision should be made in July. Facility Improvements — The City formed a Facility Improvement Committee of six staff members including Mary Haugen, PRCE Facility Manager. They will identify and prioritize issues related to city buildings such as roofs, parking lots, the arena refrigeration system, Roberts Park lighting. Two to three major projects will be addressed per year. 2013 Budgets — The School Board will be reviewing the Community Education budget April 23 or 30. The budget should be approved by the board at the first meeting in June. Annual Registration — The kickoff of summer program registration is scheduled for May 1 st in the Recreation Center Gym. There will not be a regular board meeting in May as board members are invited to help with the distribution of registration forms and cashier. A notice will be emailed closer to the date. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS John Rodeberg updated the board with proposed improvements for Riversong this summer. The addition of a metal roof on the stage in Masonic West River Park is planned. The design is being worked on, and they are hoping for completion of the roof this year. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:12 pm by a motion made by John Rodeberg and seconded by Mary Christensen. The Board unanimously agreed.