cp01-10-2012 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Faith Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 27.2011 (b) SPECIAL MEETING OF JANUARY 4, 2012 Action — Motion to approve as presented 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been de egate to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13956 - RESOLUTION APPOINTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13957 - RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 3. RESOLUTION NO. 13954 — DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS AND INSTITUTIONS 4. RESOLUTION NO. 13955 — RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA (b) SELECTION OF COUNCIL'S VICE PRESIDENT — BILL ARNDT (c) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS: 1. AIRPORT COMMISSION — Eric Yost 2. CREEKSIDE ADVISORY BOARD — Steve Cook 3. HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. BOARD (EDA) — Chad Czmowski and Mary Christensen 4. HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (HRA) —Bill Arndt 5. JOINT PLANNING BOARD — Bill Arndt 6. LIBRARY BOARD — Mary Christensen CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 10, 2012 7. MID - MINNESOTA COMMISSION — BillArndt 8. PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD — Mary Christensen 9. PLANNING COMMISSION —Bill Arndt 10, PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION — Mary Christensen 11. TREE BOARD — Steve Cook 12, HUFCHINSON SAFETY COUNCIL —Bill Arndt (d) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO OTHER COMMITTEES: I. HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION — Chad Czmowski 2. FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION — Jeremy Carter, Brad Emans, Steve Cook 3. RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE — Chad Czmowski and Steve Cook 4. WAGE COMMITTEE — Chad Czmowski and Mary Christensen 5. CITY - SCHOOL DISTRICT JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE — Chad Czmowski and Steve Cook 6. RADIO BOARD — Steve Cook 7. SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE — Bill Arndt (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2012 CITY CALENDAR (f) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS /COMMISSIONS - ROGER VACEK TO PIONEERLAND LIBRARY BOARD - GARY PLOTZ TO SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE - WARREN SCHUFT AND JUDY KLAWITTER TO SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD TO JANUARY 2015 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL FOR DICK NAGY, WATER SUPERINTENDENT, TO ATTEND THE AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 2012 MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE & EXPOSITION FROM FEBRUARY 27 —MARCH 1. 2012, IN GLENDALE, ARIZONA (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2012 MOSQUITO CONTROL CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT, INC. (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE TO UPPER MIDWEST ALLIS CHALMERS CLUB ON JULY 29, 2012, AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 10, 2012 0) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 9. COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Always looking toward t e uture, not monitoring past) 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSFERRING FROM WATER, WASTEWATER, STORMWATER, AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION TO 2011 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND AND 2011 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND TO GENERAL FUND & CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FOR ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION FEES — ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13948 Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AUTHORIZING SALE OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY TO VET VISIONS, LLC —256 AND 264 4T" AVENUE NW (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 12 -0682 FOR JANUARY 24, 2012) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizationalperformance, developpolicy that guides the organization and Council an manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) LIQUOR HUTCH QUARTERLY REPORT FROM OCTOBER — DECEMBER 2011 (b) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2011 (c) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 30,2011; DECEMBER 5, 2011; AND DECEMBER 15, 2011 (d) CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2011 (e) CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2011 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2011 CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Steve Coo cal ed the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Bill Arndt, Chad Czmowski, and Eric Yost. Others present were Jeremy Carter, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney, 2. INVOCATION — Due to the absence of the pastor, the invocation was dispensed. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 2011 Motion by Christensen, second by Arndt, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been de egate to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13949 — RESOLUTION TO SELL SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13953 - INTERFUND LOAN RESOLUTION FOR TIE DISTRICT 4-11 (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL TWO-LOT PLAT OF HAAG ADDITION SUBMITTED BY JEFF HAAG, .APPLICANT, WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13947) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR 5" AVENUE NW IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 12 -01) (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND HISTORIC HUTCHINSON (e) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Items 7(a)2 and 7(d) were pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted U(5) ) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 27. 2011 above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(a)2 had further discussion. Mayor Cook noted that the Resolution doesn't identify which fund the monies will be transferred into. Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, explained that the Resolution for consideration is for TIF District 4 -11 which is to transfer out non -TIF related revenues that are in this fund into the City's capital projects fund. TIF dollars have been received to replenish what was originally used when setting up the TIE District. The intent of the Resolution is to authorize moving those initial dollars back into the capital projects fund. A revised Resolution will come forward identifying that the dollars will be transferred into the capital projects fund. Motion by Yost, second by Czmowski, to approve Item 7(a)2. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(d) had further discussion. Mayor Cook expressed that he feels there should be more context included in the Memo of Understanding. Mayor Cook thought the Memo was rather vague and that the expenses should be better outlined as well as use of the property. It was also noted that the Memo of Understanding should attempt to include use of the Harrington-Merrill property. Motion by Yost, second Cook, to table Item 7(d). Motion carried unanimously. S. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. — NONE 9. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Always looking toward the future, not monitoring past) (a) UPDATE ON HUTCHINSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE /CONVENTIONS & VISITORS' BUREAU — BILL CORBY Bill Corby, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce /CVB, presented before the Council. Mr. Corby distributed material for the Council to review related to the types of marketing that the CVB takes part in. Mr. Corby also provided an update on the lodging tax collected as well as a name change that will be taking place to Chamber of Commerce & Tourism. A revised budget was distributed this evening as well. Some line items in interest had to be removed from the initial budget that Mr. Corby had provided. Mr. Corby then provided an update on the Bring it Home campaign and its urging of having residents to spend their money locally. (b) TENKSOLAR PROJECT Mayor Cook noted that a meeting was held prior to the Council meeting with representatives from a company in reference to a solar project. A tax credit can be utilized for a City solar project if some sort of action is taken by the end of the year. TenKSolar is the company, that approached the City regarding a solar project. A federal tax credit is available for a solar project that is initiated in 2011. John Paulson, Environmental Specialist, presented before the Council. Mr. Paulson introduced the representatives from TenKSolar. This project includes 1603 Treasury which is a credit in lieu of tax. Joel Cannon, TenKSolar, presented before the Council. Mr. Cannon explained that his company makes a low -cost energy conservation system. His company was made aware of Hutchinson's interest in a solar project. There is a federal grant available that is a credit in lieu of tax and TenKSolar would only need a consensus of the Council that they are somewhat serious about considering a solar project in order to reserve a grant application by the end of the year. Mr. Cannon explained that the simple life cycle per kw, is 6.5/7 cents per kwh. Simple payback is around 15 years without counting the demand value of the power. The company is willing to apply for the grant on their dollar if the Council has firm interest in such a project. Motion by Christensen, second by Yost, to set a special meeting for Wednesday, January 4, 2012, at 5:30 CP () CITYCOUNCIL MINUTES — DECEMBER 27, 2011 p.m. to discuss the TenKSolar project. Motion carried unanimously. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2012 FEE SCHEDULE —ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13936 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that a few revisions were made to the fee schedule from the last Council meeting. These include fines for ordinance violations which are administered by the court system. A couple of the ordinance violation fees were not included on the last fee schedule but have been added to this fee schedule. A couple of fees have been revised from the last fee schedule as well, such as the snow emergency parking ordinance reduced from $100 to $50. Mr. Carter suggested pulling the Animal Attack ordinance violation from the fee schedule and have it be a mandatory court appearance. In addition, the revised fee schedule includes the last increase year to the Public Works fee schedule which was in 2002. Discussion was held on the fact that the City only retains 1/3 of the ordinance violation fine amounts. The breakdown of the fees is that 1/3 goes to the City, 1/3 goes to the County and 1/3 goes to the State. It was noted that some of the fine amounts do not even come close to covering the city's costs. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve 2012 fee schedule with removing the attack by an animal from the fee schedule and have it be a mandatory court appearance as well as the other revisions noted. Motion carried unanimously 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRUNK HWY 15 RETAINING WALL RECONSTRUCTION MN /DOT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT RESOLUTION AND ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that City staff has been reviewing the possibility of addressing the Trunk Hwy 15/Main Street retaining wall that is on the westerly side from 4`h Avenue SW to 5`h Avenue SW. This wall is in need of significant reconstruction and has been determined to be on Mn/DOT's highway right -of -way. Because of this, a cooperative project has been discussed and the final project cost - sharing formula should be very favorable to the City. The estimated project design work is estimated at $26,600. There are funds available in the Cooperative Agreement fund for 2012 that have been set aside for this project. This project will also include improvements to existing sidewalks, vehicle sightlines and left -turn movements will be addressed. Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to approve Trunk Hwy 15 Retaining Wall Reconstruction Mn/Dot Cooperative Agreement Resolution and Engineering Services Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING 2012 COMPENSATION PLAN - ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13933 Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing explained that the compensation plan includes a 2.0% annual market adjustment that has been incorporated into the 2012 budgeting process. This market increase adjusts the pay grid but does not result in a comprehensive across the board market increase for all regular employees. Other language changes have been made throughout the document. Other changes include the removal of the Grade 1 PT Water Maintenance Worker position. This position is vacant due to a retirement. Staff is proposing to create a Grade 3 position of PT Water Maintenance Technician to address the maintenance needs of the department. The Grade 4 position of Parks Maintenance Specialist has been administratively reclassified to a Grade 5 position to reflect the additional duties and responsibilities from a department staff position taking on additional duties of the forestry function. Lastly, a Grade 5 position of Server/Network Technician has been added per the discussions at previous Council workshops to address server maintenance and other departmental staffing needs. Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to adopt 2012 compensation plan, adopting Resolution No. 13933. lJ L1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES- DECEMBER 27, 2011 Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING 2012 CREEKSIDE FUND BUDGET -ADOPT RESOLUTION NO, 13937 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the Creekside fund budget is being proposed to be set at revenues of $2,103,629 and expenses of $2,141,289. This is a cash flowing budget. Mayor Cook asked that as things become clearer in 2012 with Creekside's budget, that staff consider an inflation rate to Creekside's transfer to the general fund. Council Member Arndt commented on the amount of services that Creekside provides to city and county residents at no cost. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve 2012 Creekside fund budget, adopting Resolution No. 13937. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING 2012 REFUSE FUND BUDGET - ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13938 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the Refuse fund budget is being proposed to be set at revenues of $1,169,100 and expenses of $1,113,610. The refuse rate to the residents is not increasing, and has not since 2007. There is also a cash flow in this budget. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve 2012 Refuse fund budget, adopting Resolution No. 13938. Motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING 2012 LIQUOR FUND BUDGET - ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13939 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the Liquor Fund budget is being proposed to be set at revenues of $5,183,226 and expenses of $5,201,374. This includes a $420,000 transfer to the City's general fund. Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to approve 2012 Liquor fund budget, adopting Resolution No. 13939. Motion carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING 2012 WATER BUDGET -ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13940 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the Water fund budget is being proposed to be set at revenues of $2,715,517 and expenses of $3,590,734. A conservative forecast of $252,000 is included in the revenues from the new local sales tax that is going into effect January 1, 2011 Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, to approve 2012 Water budget, adopting Resolution No. 13940. Motion carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTNG 2012 SEWER BUDGET - ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13941 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the Sewer fund budget is being proposed to be set at revenues of 53,636,017 and expenses of $5,463,882. The local sales tax revenue is also included in the sewer budget in the amount of $348,000. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve 2012 Sewer budget, adopting Resolution No. 13941. Motion carried unanimously. (-a-) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — DECEMBER 27. 2011 (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING 2012 STORM WATER UTILITY BUDGET - ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13942 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the Storm Water Utility fund budget is being proposed to be set at revenues of $615,250 and expenses of $795,500. Motion by Christensen, second by Czmowski, to approve 2012 Storm Water Utility budget, adopting Resolution No. 13942. Motion carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING 2012 HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TAX LEVY - ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13943 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority 2012 tax levy is proposed to be set at $140,000. The HRA is authorized to levy at a maximum of $157,902 per statute. Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to approve 2012 Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Tax Levy, adopting ResolutionyNo. 13943. Motion carried unanimously. (j) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING 2012 HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TAX LEVY - ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13944 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the Economic Development Authority tax levy is proposed to be set at $154,174. The EDA is authorized to levy at a maximum of $154,744. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve 2012 Hutchinson Economic Development Authority Tax Levy, adopting Resolution No. 13944. Motion carried unanimously. (k) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING 2012 GENERAL FUND BUDGET - ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13945 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the City of Hutchinson General fund budget is being proposed to be set at $10,339,050 which is a balanced budget. This includes a 0% tax levy. Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to approve 2012 General Fund budget, adopting Resolution No. 13945. Motion carried unanimously. (1) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2012 TAX LEVY - ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13946 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the City of Hutchinson tax levy is being proposed to be set at $6,454,224. This includes the total general fund levy and total improvement bonds. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve 2012 City of Hutchinson tax levy, adopting Resolution No. 13946. Motion carried unanimously. (m) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSFERRING FROM WATER, WASTEWATER, STORMWATER, AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION TO 2011 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND AND 2011 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND TO GENERAL FUND & CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FOR ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION FEES — ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13948 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that this is an annual transfer made relating to the construction projects that were completed. Mayor Cook asked if excess LGA E CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — DECEMBER 27, 2011 could be used instead of transferring from the Sewer Fund. Mr. Carter noted that he would like to have an opportunity to review the funds to determine if that could be the case. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to table this item to January 10, 2012. Motion carried unanimously. 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose. to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2011 (b) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 15, 2011 (c) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 18, 2011 13. MISCELLANEOUS Motion by Christensen, second by Arndt, to set January 12, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at the Hutchinson Center for Arts for an appreciation event and annual meeting as a public meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to set January 6, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. at the American Legion for the Hutchinson Leader Backdoor Party as a public meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Bill Arndt — Council Member Arndt asked for an update on the South Grade Road Bridge. Kent Exner, City Engineer, noted that the bridge has been inspected. After plans are developed, they will move forward to the bridge bonding program. Mr. Arndt asked that a landing be part of the project before the bridge plans are finalized. Eric Yost — Council Member Yost noted that a citizen asked what the city could do for parking on the street near Kwik Trip. It appears that all the street parking is being taken by Kwik Trip employees. Mr. Exner noted that the employees are more than likely parking on Montreal Street. The parking situation could be reviewed after a snowfall event. Mr. Exner may have a conversation with Kwik Trip representatives to address any parking issues. Kent Exner — Mr. Exner noted that a public hearing will be held related to the Trunk Hwy 15 retaining wall project due to the project using 429 bonds. Mayor Cook — Mayor Cook asked if an update could be provided on housing quality, vacancy registration program, foreclosures, etc. He suggested perhaps a workshop be held in the near future on this topic. 14. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 6 r ,, 1.5t) MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 2012 — 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor teve oo ca e t e meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Bill Arndt, and Chad Czmowski. Member absent was Eric Yost. Others present were Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SOLAR ENERGY PROJECT WITH TENKSOLAR Mayor Cook mentioned that at the last Council meeting, representatives from tenKsolar approached the Council and staff about a potential solar project for the City of Hutchinson. As part of the project, a federal grant (tax credit) is available to aid in funding the project. Joel Cannon, tenKsolar, presented before the Council. Mr. Cannon noted that the federal government had a grant available that expired at the end of 2011. tenKsolar reserved the grant on the City's behalf and therefore the City is not under an urgent time constraint to make a decision on the project. Mr. Cannon explained that the City of Willmar had recently reviewed a project presented by tenKsolar with use of the federal grant funds. Willmar had to decline the project due to other administrative issues. Since grant dollars were available, tenKsolar researched other cities that might be interested in a project and they found Hutchinson. Mr. Cannon introduced Dallas Meyer, CFO of tenKsolar. Mr. Meyer explained the engineering details of the solar panel that tenKsolar produces. The solar panel is called the RAIS Wave System. Mr. Cannon provided information on tenKsolar, Inc. which has its headquarters in Bloomington, MN. The system designed by tenKsolar is highly proficient and used by some high profile companies. The cost to the city would range from $1.3 - $1.5 million in 2012 and may be staged over the construction time. There is very little maintenance costs to a solar generation system. tenKsolar has reserved a 1603 tax grant for a total project cost of $2.2 million. $0.06 cost /kWh lifetime is based on 25 years. With tenKsolar's system, 20% more kWh and 60% less space is required than a conventional system. The federal grant will cover 30% of the project and tenKsolar will contribute 10 %. City pays only 60% of cost plus the interconnection costs. City would assume ownership after five years with a warranted performance life of 25 years. The City would utilize the energy for its own consumption and not to produce energy for sale. Funding options for this project include the community improvement fund. Council Member Czmowski raised a couple of concerns: 1.) He is concerned with a 25 -year warranty from a four -year old company; 2.) He expressed that a payback of 9 -12 years is not so great. Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, reminded the Council that the project would need to go through the formal bid process. Council Member Arndt expressed that perhaps it would be better for Hutchinson Utilities Commission to delve into this project as opposed to the city. The Council expressed that it is important to have Hutchinson Utilities Commission part of these project discussions. Council Member Christensen expressed that she likes thinking green and looking at alternative energy sources. The Council conceded that they would like to continue discussions with tenKsolar on the solar project and include HUC on future discussions. 3. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 13956 APPOINTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR FOR 2012 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the following appointment to the indicated executive office of the City of Hutchinson is made for the period of one year. Compensation shall be continued as agreed upon by separate Council action: City Administrator Jeremy Carter Adopted by the City Council this 10`h day of January, 2012. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator rli \ RESOLUTION NO. 13957 DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, The Hutchinson Leader be designated the official newspaper during the calendar year of 2012 for the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council this 10`h day of January, 2012. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator 1 (P�011 RESOLUTION NO. 13954 DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the following named banks and institutions, which are authorized to do a banking business and act as depositories in Minnesota, be and they hereby are designated depositories of the Public Funds of the City of Hutchinson in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, by the City Council of said City, for the term commencing January 1, 2012 for one year: CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, HUTCHINSON, MN FIRST MINNESOTA BANK, HUTCHINSON, MN HOME STATE BANK, HUTCHINSON, MN WELLS FARGO, HUTCHINSON, MN 4 M FUND - LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY - ST PAUL OFFICE, MN EDWARD JONES - HUTCHINSON OFFICES WELLS FARGO ADVISORS - MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE, MN UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC - WAYZATA OFFICE, MN Upon terms and conditions following, to -wit: THAT this designation is subject to the right of said City of Hutchinson, Minnesota to modify, vacate, or revoke the same according to law, and also subject to any depository agreement executed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 118.01 and Section 475.66, and lI RESOLUTION NO. 13954 page 2 THAT the City Administrator and City Controller are authorized to sign documents authorizing transfer of City of Hutchinson funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT the City Controller of the City of Hutchinson is hereby authorized and directed to deposit in said banks and institutions in special funds to be known as "City of Hutchinson" all monies that may come into his hands. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT a copy of this resolution is to be filed by the City Controller with each of the banks and institutions so designated. Adopted by the City Council this 10`" day of January 2012. Steven W. Cook Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator I6)-0) CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13955 RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS the Citizens Bank & Trust Co. of Hutchinson, a City Depository, has presented collateral as follows for the City of Hutchinson. SECURITY AMOUNT MATURITY 3133XUK93 1,000,000.00 09/14/2012 313371QH2 2,000,000.00 05/29/2013 313374Y61 2,000,000.00 08/28/2013 912828PU8 2,000,000.00 11/15/2013 31331KAH3 2,000,000.00 02/27/2014 TOTAL BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota that the Treasurer be authorized to accept said securities as collateral and that said collateral be deposited for safekeeping. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of January 2012 Steve W. Cook Mayor ATTESTED: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator r)6\ k-.ity or "utunnson, Minnesota City 6overnment Calendar L Sri C1rrY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR January 2012 January IFIC.I"Lday-Nevvy-ear'� SCR -oo*.urceAlloc4tion Special City QUA 61 ._A:F'RC E Advisory Boar - ,Flrc Department Mom- IManagernent TpAm . - i ty Admi n istrator Ri ac ity Council Miaebnq 2012 Page I of I < < lost 11111101 N 31� Ti 7- RIPEN lHoliday - Dr- Martin I. JHRA Board tJo.int Planning Board �AFpoft Carnrikssicri I Polloe Comrnission 1plannina COMMA Shin Va nagem-ent Yea nn I jCity C o uacAl M. -eeti nq t-.H CDC/E DA GQa rd 91-i bra ry Board Commission 6HO;hinson Safely C. ':Employee Safety Co bManagement Team f tree Board -e, -96,) h Up./A.mw. c i.hut h inson. inn, us/c itycal. pl, p?,-no= I & yr=2012 1/5/2012 U I ItY Ot Hutchinson, Minnesota City Government Calendar pa-cyt� e I of I CITY GOVE RN M E NT CALE N DA R February 2012 February 2012 _T Co 7da V Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdaY RIC ,5Vian aoeme-nt Tea m f .�R e s%ov roe Alloostiw� APRCE Advisory Bcai IFIre Departmont Managernant Tea m BC I ty C ouncill Me-et rig Joint P lean i ng Boa rd iirpnrl Comm' s stjcm I 1110fi-day - P resi don I H RA Board .jHCDCiEDA Board ,,.Police Cornmission V.Plannft CCam missi.0 H utQri i n soTi Safety C - Employe-e Safety CO .0 1111 tia S CommiGs i-o n Ima ri nge meat Tea m is IC ity C-o�in cl I Me eting Ribfary Boa rct ITTee Board Print Calendar 9 I'ttP://www.ci.hutc11insoll-ill11;us/citycal,plip?nio-2&yi,=201--? 1/50,0 12 ) �-.Ily or Hutch inson., Minnesota City (Jovemi-nent Calendar Page I of I CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR March 2012 TO . daY March Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thumd., �,Managenient Ti-ani _Resourcca Allocation V�PRCE Advisory Boni DFIrfa nepartment 9Ma wage merit Team I §C Ity Cound I M eeO ng anagemer)t Team f,..-.HRABird Wolni. P18nning Board .-Planning Cornirnissio c 4 Poli . e C ornmi ss ion h ut cii i n so ri Saf ety C i =mpioy ee Baru Co :.'H C D CiE DA Board M a r) ag ement Team I IC ity Council Meeti n 9 U 1i I I [i es Commission --Tree- Board "A if port C 0M mission Print Calendar 2012 Lin] E L I littp'//Www.ci.hutchiiison.t-nii.Lis/cl'tyeal,plip?ii,io=--)'&yr=2012 City ot- Hutchinson, Minnesota City Govenimemt Calendar Page I of I .1 OFFICE'ROURS J00 SEARCH COWACT us LINX5 i. CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Print Calendar April 20:12 Today April' 2012 1P Migina9ement Tearn V AlEuuatjori 'PIECE Advisory B( w JFife QQp;jukment a nag ern&nt Ti earn I &C I ty G ou ncil M eeting a nagernant Team I jH R A Ro2r-r A rport Comm i &si o n I O'Craa I ,!Police Commission Noint Planning Soo rd :PI-an ning Commissio ,'Managemant Team t.-'Er-npbv-ee Safety Co'-`H DGiED►A Board "Library ward IC i ty C, ou nci I TO e eb n tiIities C or•wission �,,.Hutchlsson Safety C; :-'fW-aOageMe�M Team'[ Tr Board tti)-�,rlv� ,vw,ci.liutchinsoii,iiiii,us/citycal- ph p?mo,=4&yr=20 1? ify w ritim in son, Minnesota C ity (jovemmen t Cai endar c� I of I CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR rid ay Monday Tuesda , y jMaflagemenl Tearn I Vily Council Meeting APR CE Advisory Co-ai Pine Department .f6tr Vaoagtnieni i'earn I ?%H RA Board .Police C.-.0rnmi,;-,inn .Police Cornnii�sio LJ P1 ii] t Cd le r] (j.1 r May 2012 i Su i Thursday. Friday Saturday ;,-"Joint Planning. Boar' i.-Airpart �orromlsslan I Management Tea rn I &Cily C 0 un-c 11 Meatin g :";H C DO/E DA Board lHoliday - Mernorikal L'41Employae Safety Go frUtilities Cornmission [Hut Oinson Safety C IMan age meat I earn I kLibrary Board I ree Boam http: / /www.c1,1 UtCh Unso 11.11111,u /ci tycal -ph p'? mo---5&y 1- -20 12 1 . 1:� .� � : ; , - 12 L ) iyy of hutcnmon Minnesota City Cioveminjent Calendar .11 1 v. No, CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR June 20IL2 T-oday] June Sunday Monday Tuesday, Wed nerd aY771 Thum JPOan aQemen t Ten nn t J SOU n Allocation IPRCE Advisory Scat I'Fire DapaFtmej-it Management reary, j Icity Council me�e�na i6,'Ma;n agement Tern I iFi RA So a rd s.,Jolnt P lann 1 n!g Board :m.,"Air port Com m is:sion I I-Po4ce G-ornmisslorl ...Planning Commisslio n,,'Hutchirisoin Saf:ety C j.-,.Et-Apj0yee Safety Co -'HCL)CIEDA Board -Ma nape ent Team P fC ity C ou ricki Beall nq Util i I ies C o mmi salon :,,-Lbrary Board . 'T'ree Bowd 201-2 Page I of I Print Ca lends ir http://�vww.c L hutch ]nSoll' ill i-l' USA CityCari.php2i-no-6&yi-=?-O 12 1 /i/X) I ? ) CA Y cat Hutchinson, Minnesota it Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR pac-ye I of 1 6 Print Ca I endar July 2012 Today July 2012 F; 31 PAanageman t Tea rn f -R esou rce Al Its m on .JPRCE A:dvisory Boar Vire Department naotame. nt Tea m I IC ity Council Meefw g IM K., IM n-agew,(:,-r,, L Tea.,r I "-IH RA B earl WCreek si-de Advisory Irp()ft CoInmi%sirm I !P anning Commissio Jojnt Planning Board JiMarag ernent Team I IC ity Cou nc! I Meet ng �,`H C DCJE CA Board . 5 11-ib(ary Saari 'f as Cornrriis>!�ioi) ,cWtIlifie lHutchinson Safety C -.!Employee SafeN Co an a geme:n t Tea nn I jTree Board 11 ttP: //w w w - c I . 11 ut c 1 i 11 s on, 1-n n. -us /city a 1, p h p?m o-7 &y r=2 0 12 1/5/201,) City of Hutchinson, Minnesota City Goveinment Calendar CITY GOVERN M ENT CALENDAR August 2012 =Tcday August 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday uric ini w " 6iia I E 2managerar-ent Team I j-Rewurce Allocation NPR GE Advisory R<).ai ;,,,F'r@ Department `� "Mari agem-ent Tea r'1 I ICity Coun cl I Meeting i J-0 i nt P la n n4 Rg Board -Ai rpcprt Coin rnission I 4-managemer)t Team I -HRA Board ...HCDCr EDA Board -'.'police COMMISsIoR _Pla!nninq Commissio -'Utilites Commission Hutchi nso n Sa fety C ��.Ernploy-ee Safety Go Ma riagernant Teairn I IC 1 ty C ou no I Me eti ng Board :�'� Free Board Page I of I Print Calendar Saturday ittp-� /www.ci,hutcliiiisoii.iiiii -us/citycal,plip' iii o--8&yr=20 I? 0 U-5 /2 0 1 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota City GovernniQnt Calendar Pa-ge I of I September 2-012. September 2012 T Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FrIc Sunday Monday JPRCE AdWsory Boar 4I-ir� Department &Mamigement T-eam (ACoy caunw Meefing jManagemen t Tea M I';H RA 8-o af(J 6W Planning Board rport Commission :.Planning C-0makizia . Police Conirnisslaill &LACtililson ;gaiety Q ZjEmpioyee Safety Co JHCDD'EDA L�uard I-Mailagernen t TearTI f IC ity Cou nci I M eeti r1 g tzUtl I itie % C ommlss jorj gLi bra ry Boaro ilree Board Print Calendar : :S a t :ur d:a lyr: htIp.'Hw ww.6 Jiulch inson - 11111. US/C i tyLal . pIip?iflo=9&y r=2012 9(-) 1/5/2012 C I it cat Hutchinson, Minnesota City Government Calendar page I of I CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR October 2012 Tod-ay -October 2012 W art agennent T104R (TI �%'Re&o urce Alloce do n ;.,PR CE Advisory Boar r iDeps ftmerit c7 Ama nagemein t Tpa m r JC i jy C, oLj ncl I MPetri ng M nagerneat Tea rn iY.A Board �G r&ekside Ad v i &��Fy E A, I r pu F t 0 Mmission I I ­F'�anTi[ng C-ornmissio Planning Board "policp. Commicm,ion Nanagement Tearn i lGity Cou ncill Meeting ,,HCDC IEDA Board .`Library Board h utchinsorl Safety C. j E mp loyee Safa, ty Co ­kjli I I tie:s corlIMISSIO n Management Team I ;Tree SQard POnt Calendar littp-://www,c Lhutch I FIS011. m 11. Us/eitycal php?m.o= 10& y i­z2012 r 1/5/2012 City ot H utch irison , M J irinesota it Government Calendar r CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Page I of I I November 2012 Today Novarnber 21)12 E>> Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday IM a ag e rnen t Tea 4-n t k n Lego-, rf%-R- Alin,-Mi"on -&-PRCE Advisory Boar IFire Dppartrne-nt -r- 7 ;P-Ma n agement Tea rr I lCity C ouncil M sebno -,,,,Airp m ort Comission 1 M ro MON"- MMIN IManagernent Team t H RA Board Joil rat Pla n ni fig Board Police Cc)mmis-aion -:E mploy-ee Safe ty C,0 "-�HC DC I E DA Board 1H utchi n n sQ Safety C v an agerrient Team I IC Ity C ou no I M eeting U til I tie:s Corrrn I ss Ion Library' Board iTr Board 11 tt V w w - C', 11 U tc 11 i 11 SO 11, 11111 - U S/C it a] - ph p-?m o= I I & y r =2-01 1 /5/2 01 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota City Governmem CalerLdar by I OFFICE HOURS J OR S RC H CONTACT LIS UN KS SEARCH CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Pace I of I P r i nt Ca le n r E ---� i-- December 2012 LLO—d8y I December 2012 '60 4 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdaV nag e ri wnk Team I coe Milo ion VPROF AdVisoiry Boar ;Fire D-ep,@Mrrent �Mariaqement Team f lCity 0aullcil Meeting r1agement Team F '-`HRA Board Joint P-1 anniq Sv-srd ` Nrporl Coairni ssOn I tP - AP lanai ng Cofnmissio Variagement Tearn I ,,E mp*yee Safety Go 11-11GUGIE UA 8 M rd Ljbf-sry Board #C-ity C-Duncil meeting jUtilities CamrNssion �Hullch inso n :5-afely C Management Team I !Tree Bo af d Jjtrtp.//WWW.Cj j,UtCjj insoll.iiiii.us/cityeal,plip?iiio= 12&,yrz---20 12 I - 1/5/2012 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer RE: Consideration of Out -of -State Travel Request for Dick Nagy to attend the American Water Works Association 2012 Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition from February 27 to March 1, 2012, in Glendale, Arizona DATE: January 10, 2012 Due to the complexity and evolving technology associated with the reverse osmosis treatment method utilized at the Water Treat Plant, City staff should stay current on the evolving aspects of membrane development and appropriate utilization. Also, per the current City Capital Improvement Plan, City staff anticipates administering a membrane replacement project (estimated cost of $375,000) in early 2013. Thus, we recommend that Dick Nagy be authorized to attend the American Water Works Association 2012 Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition as described on the attached document. Mr. Nagy has attended this event in the past (most recently 2005) during the WTP design efforts, and he has found it to be very informative. Lastly, this expenditure was included within the 2012 Water Fund budget and a written report regarding Mr. Nagy's conference findings and information gathering will be provided to the City Administrator. We recommend that the above described Out -of -State Travel Request be approved. cc: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator Kent Er Subject, 0 FW Register early and save! From: AWVVA/A MTA Membra ne Te ch n o I ogy Cc riference F, Ex posido n [ rna i Ito: cults vcC� avvvva.o1-g] Sent: Wed nesda y, Decem b 0 7f 2-0 t 1 5:58 PM TO: Dick Nagy Subject: Register early and save, � AA A P "FA r Register by January 24,, 2012, for the best registration rates. With North America/ s ever-increasing thirst for high-quality water supplies, AWW A and AMTA have united to capitalize on their combined strengths to showcase the eff ectiveness of membrane technologies. The 2012 Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition will be the event of the year to attend. The technical sessions will, enlighten attendees on the latest developments and research in both potable water and wastewater applications. Attend this event if you are interested in ultrariltration, microfiltration, nanofiltration, MBR, and all desalination technologies, Including reverse and forward osmosis. Technical Sessions This year the program features an outstanding line-up with 108 technical papers, 40+ poster presentations, and 3 opportunities to network with membrane colleagues from all over the world. Check out a few of the highlighted sessions to Conners fi Dates Feb,ruary 27 — March 1, 2012 Renaissance Glendale Hotel Glendale, Arizona Quiclx( Ljx�ks Conference Home Annowicen ill I& come. Tuesday— February 28.r 2012 3:30-5:00 SESSION T-1B: Low - Pressure Membranes 3:30-4: 00 P.M. New Cheap Ceramic Vl'embranes for Ultrafiltration DDe-yeong Jeong, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute 4:00-4:30 p.m. Comparison of Fouling Potential and Cteaning Efficiency of Ceramic and Polymeric Membranes for Water Treatment Applications Katle Guerra, PE, US Bureau of Recla mation 44.30-5.,00 p.m. Coagulation by Novel High-Basicity poly- Aluminum Chloride Effectively Reduces Ceramic Membrane Fouling and Residual Aluminum Mdsooki Kirriurair Hokkaido University Wednesday—February 29F 2012 10:30 a,m.-noon SESSION W-1A: Contaminant Remova 1 10:30-11-00 a.m. Removal by High-Pejection RO Membranes and Oxidation to As+5 Prior to R0 John E. i3alfiC4IVI FE, El Paso Water Utilities 11:00-11-a 30 a.m. Innovative Use of Gas Permeable Hydrophobic Membranes to Remove VOCs, MtBE 'Et BE, Rctdon, TIM s From Drinking Water Robert F, Raczkoil PE, United Water 11:30 a.n-i.-noon Choosing a E-e,qiseer Onlljn�g Registration Form Hotel information .Exh-lbitodSponsorship Opportunities are still available! Pre-Conference Workshops Register by Jan. 24 and save $100-1 Learn more MON01 Pre-Conference 1: Back to the Basics PO/NF 8LOO I a.m.-noon M 02 Pre-Conference 2: AZAWWA Concentrate Management 8:00 a.m.-noon MONO3 Pre-Conference 3: SWMOA Obtaining Practical Knowledge of Membrane Systems for Operators 9100 a.m.-3-30 p.m. (full day, includes lunch) M 04 Pre-Conference 4: Back to the Basics MF/UF 1:00-4:45 p.m. MOLDS Pre-Conference 5: RG/NF Computer Modeling 1:00-4.-45 p.m. Facility Tours ,A separate $45 ticket is required. Wednesday, I-ebruary 29, 2012 7:30 - 10:00 a.m. T1 City of Scottsdale, Water Campus Facility This is an advanced wastewater treatment facility with a 30-rd pressurized UF system of 8 " and 16 r, PO skids. Thursday, March 1., 2012 7:30 - 10:00 aiim, T2 City of Goodyear, Bullard Water N Reverse Osmosis Membrane for Indirect Potable Reuse Eric Sn-piffi, PE, CD M, Inc. Thursday — d: v,--h i, 2012 1:30-3:00 P.m. SESSION TH- 2A:Technologles Comparison 1:30-2:00 p.m. Comparing Two Adjacent Full-Scale Drinking Water Membrane Plants Treating the Same Source Water Barbara Siembida-Ldsch, PhD, University of Waterloo 24.00-2.-30 p.m. Apples to Apples. How to Conduct Fair Cost Comparisons Between Different Membi-an e Tech nologje5 Roger Noack., PE, H DR Egg i neon n g, In c. 2- 30-3- 00 p.m. Wastewater Reuse and Seawater Desalination in China: Two Case Studies Frans Knops, Pentair X- Flow d but iji n spnp n, u s MgnozeEmail _eDd n ces � Q ns u tg r be Campus RO Treatment Facility This facility is a 355'-mgd RO facility that tre-at-c; brackish groundwater from three wells for use in the cft y's potable water system. Follow Al WA on... ckk hers You NOTICE Unless r-estricted by law, e-mail correspondence toand from the C-Ity of Hutchinson or Hut ch-inson Utilities may be public data subject to the Minnesota Data Practices Act and/or may be disclosed to third parties. 9 December 14, 2011 City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Operations & Maintenance 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234 -4219 Fax (320) 234 -6971 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council members From: John Olson, Public Works Manager Subject: 2012 Mosquito Control Contract Staff is recommending approval of the 2012 contract with Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. (Clarke) for mosquito control services. In 2009, after the voter - approved levy was adopted, the City entered into a 3 -year contract with Clarke for mosquito control services. A new one -year contract is proposed for 2012 because this coming year is the last year of the voter - approved levy. The 2012 contract continues pricing contained in the in the 2009 -2011 contract. The only proposed change for 2012 is to plan for two barrier control treatments during community events. The contract identifies various components of the City's integrated pest management program, including: r] N 2009-2011 2012 Community Events Barrier Control ($450 per application) $ 450 $ 900 Larvacide (paid for by Storm Water Utikry) (50 sites at $25 each) $ 1,250 $ 1,250 Surveillance & Monitoring (2 light traps for 3 months) $ 1,650 $ 1,650 Scheduled ULV Treatments (6 weeks at $2,600 per week for 100 street mi.) $15,600 $15,600 Additional ULV Treatments, As Needed (6 weeks at $2,600 per week for 100 street mi.) $15,600 $15,600 $�'"4 550 $35,00, r] N 2012 City of Hutchinson Contract • Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. Professional Services Outline For 2012 The City of Hutchinson Environmental Mosquito Management (EMM) Program Part I. General Service A. Computer System and Record Keeping Database B. Public Relations and Educational Brochures C. Mosquito Hotline Citizen Response — (800) 942 -2555 D. Comprehensive Insurance Coverage naming The City of Hutchinson additionally insured E. Program Consulting and Quality Control Staff F. Periodic Advisories and Annual Report G. Regulatory compliance on local, state, and federal levels Part II. Surveillance and Monitoring A. Arbovirus Surveillance: • 1. Clarke New Jersey Light Trap Network: Operation of Two (2) traps within The City of Hutchinson to monitor and evaluate adult mosquito activity weekly at a price of $275.00 per trap per month for June, July and August. is Part III. Larval Control A. Larval Site Monitoring: One inspection 1. One (1) complete inspection of up to Fifty (50) sites as outlined by most recent Clarke GIS Survey. B. Prescription Larval Control with Altosid® 150 Day Briquettes. 1. The program provides for inspection and treatment at the beginning of the season @ $25.00 per site (based on 50 sites). Treatment using Altosid ®150 Day Briquettes. Page 1 of 4 ��h7) 2072 City of Hutchinson Contract jzc • Part IV. Adult Control A. Adulticiding in mosquito harborage areas: 1. Two (2) backpack barrier treatments with a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the Folk Festival (Special Event) in the West River Park for residual control of adult mosquitoes at a price of $450.00 per application. B. Adulticiding in Residential Areas: 1. Six (6) community -wide truck ULV treatments of up to 100 miles of streets with Biomist® or synthetic pyrethroid insecticide. Any additional authorized community ULV treatments will be priced at $2,600.00 per treatment. C. Adulticiding Operational Procedures 1. Notification of community contact. 2. Weather limit monitoring and compliance. 3. Notification of residents on Clarke Call Notification List. 4. ULV particle size evaluation. 5. Insecticide dosage and quality control analysis. • 2012 EMM Payment Total Cost for Parts I, II, III, IV $19,400.00 * *NPDES Permit: A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is necessary for the execution of the work for mosquito control effective October 31, 2011. Any additional costs associated with activities and /or services that may be required by Clarke in order to comply with an NPDES permit are not included in this proposal. Page 2 of 4 • • • 2012 City of Hutchinson Contract Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. Client Agreement and Authorization 2012 The City of Hutchinson Environmental Mosquito Management (EMM) Program Program Payment Plan: For Parts I, II, III, and IV as specified in the 2012 Professional Services Cost Outline, the total for the 2012 program is $19,400.00. The payments will be due on June 15, July 15 and August 15 according to the payment schedule below. Any additional treatments beyond the core program will be invoiced when the treatment is completed. PROGRAM PAYMENT PLAN Month 2012 June 15 $7000 July 15 $6,650 August 15 $5,750 TOTAL $19,400 Minnesota sales tax is not included in above pricing and will be added at time of invoicing. When making payment up front in full please add 6.875% for tax II. Approved Contract Period and Agreement: Please check one of the following contract periods: ❑ 2012 Season ❑ 2012 thru 2014 Season (New areas to be covered in 2013 - 2014 will be pro -rated to the program cost at the rates in effect at the time.) For The City of Hutchinson: Sign Name: Title: For Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc.: Name: + \ Title: Rob Olson Date: Control Consultant Date: 12 -13 -11 Page 3 of 4 2012 City of Hutchinson Contract Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. Client Authorization 2012 The City of Hutchinson Environmental Mosquito Management (EMM) Program Administrative Information: Invoices should be sent to: Name: Address: City: State: Zip _ Office Phone: Fax: P.O. # E -mail Address: * *In an effort to be more sustainable, we ask that you provide us with an e -mail address that the invoices should be sent to. ** Treatment Address (if different from above): Address: City: Contact Person for The City of Hutchinson: Name: Office Phone: Home Phone: Fax: Cell: Title: Alternate Contact Person for The City of Hutchinson: Name: Office Phone: Home Phone: Fax: Cell: State: E -Mail: Pager: Title: E -Mail: Pager: Please sign and return a copy of the complete contract for our files to: Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc., Attn: Rob Olson 20061 Edison Circle East, Clearwater, MN 55320 or Fax at (320) 558 -2223 Zip 1 • • Page 4 of 4 • 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, NIN 55350 (320) 587-515 1 /Fax: (320) 234 -4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered A lication T e I ❑ Short Term Date(s) ;,7 rf - p 1,R - 7- 9 - O? Fee: $30.00 Month /Day /Y'ear - Month/Day /Year Organization Information (iPPUti MII)WrSi )LIbLIS - ( -WJ- t R5 CLG8 Sao -SS7 -32'7 Name Phone Number aq3 boo`s 3 -ftarci -iI 1!3e)1,1 JW 5 350 Address where regular meeting are held City State Zip Day and time of meetings? 1J b, dC( IJ�-d by fhF- bLorA me,Yr bc,r13 Is this organization organized under the laws of the State f Minnesota? Oyes ❑ no How long has the organization been in existence? G L j . How may members in the organization? -q y j What is the purpose of the organization ? - o cgal eA In whose custody will organization records be ept? r f)rw r1 c r-s P,0 3.D %- 557-:3771 Name Phone Number 43 o'r+ STRftT CIYCHItiSON, �� 55350 Address City state Zip Duly Authorized Officer of the Organization Information LA(,, A K�8G 3�0 -!;37 -3771 True Name Phone Number ! ,}.01.;2. r-13 a2 DOT_ jT! ?fE 1 �'11 Tr ld IC: I+ i A� sci�i,� J,J JC•i Residence Address City rate Zip Date ofBirth: ttClGtSi l �� l 19q(v PlaceofBirth: Month day /year City state Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes '*no If yes, explain: r) 6) City of Hutchinson Application far Bingo Gambling De vices License Page 2 of 3 Designated Gambling Manager ( uaTi aed under Minnesota Statute §329) LARKvj kARC, 3 t% 537 3��1 �— True Name Phone Number L4 2C0� S�RciLrrCHIrVsD/1' 5535c% Residence Address City S ate Zip Date of Birth: 8LIGUS'T' / -�8 Ll Ls PlaceofBirth: {�l {jCif /r� -Dnt Month /day /year City ate li Have you ever been convicted of anv crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes *o If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Game Information Location 41 , % cb oo CuGnlrsl rAIRGRcQNDS 3aC-52 7 -A10V Name of to ation where game will be played Phone Number ,�-jo CrN--rurV Aviv -- Sw/ M 1 55 -350 Address of location where game will be played City Sate Zip Date(s) and /or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From ?3 ��C pM To lc DO �1 Maximum number of player: UPo'KtvOti�v11� �1�RrFLL� Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ginoney A merchandise (13C i H) Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? 17 yes ❑ no Game Information Location #2 I Name of location where game will be played Phone Number Address of location where game will be played City State Zip Date(s) and /or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From pM To PM Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no Officers of the Organization (ifnecessary, list additional names on separate sheet) &fAI,' L RR 0 J (r sin IV Name Title I 4n— 3 Ho CfjteP UtA- FALis ti��L 54 9 Residence Address City State Zip ALILSDf,f �1iC �RESiD�Ni Name Title 1t-s"'r Residence Address City tate Zip City of Hutchinson . Ipplicalionfor Bingo Gambling Devices License Page 3 of LPRP,� krtsc ftStlRE;R Name Title aZ 3 aoo MN 55350 Residence Address City State zip Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information (if necessary, list additional names on se crate sheet) Name Title Residence Address City State zip I Name Title I Residence Address City State zip Name Title Residence Address City State zip Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager yes ❑ no Authorized Officer ,yes ❑ no Initial Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also; I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. Internal Use Ord City Council 13 approved ❑ denied Notes: �ANLtflR 5 �C +� Date •�ASL�lt3f�y aC /�� Date 9 6 ) CITY OF HUTCHINSON R55CKREG LOG22001VO Council Check Register 1/10/2012 Check # Ck Date Amount Vendor / Explanation 168749 1/10/2012 100.00 10,000 LAKES CHAPTER 168750 1/10/2012 207.66 ACE HARDWARE 168751 1/10/2012 1,054.77 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC 168752 1/10/2012 231.63 AIR HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS 168753 1/10/2012 100.00 AMEM 168754 1/10/2012 121.44 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO 168755 1/10/2012 124.45 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 168756 1/10/2012 6.55 AMERICAN MESSAGING 168757 1/10/2012 71.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN 168758 1/10/2012 74.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOC. 168759 1/10/2012 65.34 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL 168760 1/10/2012 595.00 APWA 168761 1/10/2012 48.33 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE 168762 1/10/2012 225.56 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC 168763 1/10/2012 1,012.50 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO 168764 1/10/2012 3,125.00 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK 168765 1/10/2012 21.16 ATHLETIC METRO SUPPLY 168766 1/10/2012 198.91 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE 168767 1/10/2012 4,498.37 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO 168768 1/10/2012 93.64 BELLBOY CORP 168769 1/10/2012 2,320.00 BENCHMARK LEARNING 168770 1/10/2012 189.66 BERNICK'S FOOD SERVICE 168771 1/10/2012 109.99 BOTZET, LARRY 168772 1/10/2012 661.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP 168773 1/10/2012 1,721.66 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS 168774 1/10/2012 32,911.25 C & L DISTRIBUTING 168775 1/10/2012 238.00 CANNON RIVER WINERY 168776 1/10/2012 227.50 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC 168777 1/10/2012 61.98 CARTER, RON Cl 1/5/2012 Account Description DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT PARTS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE COMMUNICATIONS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SHOP MATERIALS COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS COST OF SALES -BEER GENL LIAB.- INSURANCE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS EQUIPMENT PARTS COST OF SALES- LIQUOR TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS SAFETY SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE COST OF SALES -BEER COST OF SALES-WINE CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 168778 1/10/2012 194.33 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 168779 1/10/2012 145.00 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168780 1/10/2012 136.69 CENTRAL MCGOWAN RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168781 1/10/2012 684.00 CHAPPELL CENTRAL INC. CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 168782 1/10/2012 9,563.25 CHEMISOLV CORP CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 168783 1/10/2012 24,462.00 COALITION OF GREATER MN CITIES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168784 1/10/2012 50.00 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 168785 1/10/2012 25.38 CREEKSIDE SOILS LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 168786 1/10/2012 104.20 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 168787 1/10/2012 3,144.00 CROW RIVER OFFICIALS ASSN OTHER CONTRACTUAL 168788 1/10/2012 731.11 CURTIS 1000 INC - MN OPERATING SUPPLIES 168789 1/10/2012 6,102.55 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 168790 1/10/2012 125.00 DEHN, PETER SAFETY SUPPLIES 168791 1/10/2012 448.88 DOMINO'S PIZZA OPERATING SUPPLIES 168792 1/10/2012 5,701.88 DPC INDUSTRIES INC CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 168793 1/10/2012 92.00 DYNA SYSTEMS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 168794 1/10/2012 678.08 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 168795 1/10/2012 116.44 ECONO FOODS OPERATING SUPPLIES 168796 1/10/2012 250.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSN OF M DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168797 1/10/2012 137.19 ECONOMIST, THE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168798 1/10/2012 192.00 ELECTRO WATCHMAN CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 168799 1/10/2012 1,200.00 FACILITY DUDE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168800 1/10/2012 2,766.25 FAHRNER ASPHALT SEALERS, LLC IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 168801 1/10/2012 458.54 FASTE NAL COMPANY RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168802 1/10/2012 103.99 FENSKE, BRUCE UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 168803 1/10/2012 222.00 FIRE SAFETY USA, INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 168804 1/10/2012 54.21 G & K SERVICES OPERATING SUPPLIES 168805 1/10/2012 403.00 GEB ELECTRICAL INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 168806 1/10/2012 85.08 GODFATHER'S PIZZA TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 168807 1/10/2012 220.00 GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICES ( TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 168808 111012012 535.88 H.A.R.T. ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP 168809 1/10/2012 1,359.51 HACH COMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES 168810 1/10/2012 10.00 HANSEN GRAVEL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 168811 1/10/2012 663.53 HARPER BROOMS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 168812 1/10/2012 77.13 HED, MARILYN POSTAGE 168813 1/10/2012 258.64 HEWLETT- PACKARD CO DUE FROM UTILITIES 168814 1/10/2012 454.41 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON CLEANING SUPPLIES 168815 1/10/2012 962.75 HJERPE CONTRACTING CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 168816 1/10/2012 4,539.49 HRA DUE FROM HRA 168817 1/10/2012 602.00 HUTCHINSON AREA UNITED WAY ACCRUED UNITED WAY 168818 1/10/2012 31.62 HUTCHINSON CO -OP REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 168819 1/10/2012 5,219.27 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITO LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT 168820 1/10/2012 96.95 HUTCHINSON LEADER DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168821 1/10/2012 7,099.00 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES DUE FROM UTILITIES 168822 1/10/2012 289.57 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE OPERATING SUPPLIES 168823 1/10/2012 794.17 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF UTILITIES 168824 1/10/2012 3,000.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF MISCELLANEOUS 168825 1/10/2012 434.78 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF MISCELLANEOUS 168826 1/10/2012 1,293.72 INNOVATIVE FOAM BUILDING REPAIRS 168827 1/10/2012 281.51 INTEGRATED FIRE & SECURITY CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 168828 1/10/2012 225.40 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINN EQUIPMENT PARTS 168829 1/10/2012 782.33 J & N TACTICAL OPERATING SUPPLIES 168830 1/10/2012 276.53 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 168831 1/10/2012 48.90 JAKE'S PIZZA OPERATING SUPPLIES 168832 1/10/2012 649.01 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. ACCRUED COMMISSIONS PAYABLE 168833 1/10/2012 1,647.95 JEFF'S ELECTRIC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 168834 1/10/2012 10,913.43 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF SALES -WINE 168835 1/10/2012 93.25 KARP FM RADIO PRINTING & PUBLISHING 168836 1/10/2012 93.25 KDUZ KARP RADIO PRINTING & PUBLISHING 168837 1/10/2012 712.50 L & M SUPPLY ADVERTISING 168838 1/10/2012 131.35 L & P SUPPLY CO REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 168839 1/10/2012 220.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 168840 1/10/2012 45,622.50 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST GENL LIAB.- INSURANCE 168841 1/10/2012 181.40 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES SAFETY SUPPLIES 168842 1/10/2012 22,814.05 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 168843 1/10/2012 57.27 M -R SIGN SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS 168844 1/10/2012 165.21 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC EQUIPMENT PARTS 168845 1/10/2012 150.00 MADINA HOSPITALITY GROUP LLC MEETINGS r-- 168846 1/10/2012 75.00 MCLEOD COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITL MISCELLANEOUS 168847 1/10/2012 46.00 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 168848 1/10/2012 46.00 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER MISCELLANEOUS 168849 1/10/2012 46.00 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER MISCELLANEOUS 168850 1/10/2012 6.60 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER UTILITIES 168851 1/10/2012 334.00 MDRA DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168852 1/10/2012 98,179.12 MEDICA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 168853 1/10/2012 144.74 MENARDS HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 168854 1/10/2012 12,818.05 VIES - MIDAM SMALL TOOLS 168855 1/10/2012 10,294.40 MIDWEST MACHINERY CO RENTALS 168856 1/10/2012 385.65 MILLNER HERITAGE VINEYARD & WI COST OF SALES -WINE 168857 1/10/2012 150.00 MINNESOTA COUNCIL OF AIRPORTS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168858 1/10/2012 33.49 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & IND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 168859 1/10/2012 1,228.38 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & INDU BLDG PERMIT SURCHARGES 168860 1/10/2012 5,094.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATI PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 168861 1/10/2012 145.00 MINNESOTA ICE ARENA MANAGERS A DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168862 1/10/2012 1,090.00 MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 168863 1/10/2012 812.80 MINNESOTA NURSERY & LANDSCAPE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168864 1/10/2012 609.14 MINNESOTA PETROLEUM SERVICE OPERATING SUPPLIES 168865 1/10/2012 1,543.00 MINNESOTA RECREATION & PARKAS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168866 1/10/2012 175.00 MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSN TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 168867 1/10/2012 360.00 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE DEPT ASSN DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168868 1/10/2012 200.00 MINNESOTA STATE HORTICULTURAL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168869 1/10/2012 1,828.20 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB OTHER CONTRACTUAL 168870 1/10/2012 145.08 MOTION INDUSTRIES INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168871 1/10/2012 172.00 NADA APPRAISAL GUIDES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168872 1/10/2012 35.91 NELSON, STEPHANIE MISCELLANEOUS 168873 1/10/2012 360.80 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES OPERATING SUPPLIES 168874 1/10/2012 10.00 NORTH DAKOTA DEPT OF AG DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 168875 1/10/2012 410.00 NORTH SHORE ANALYTICAL INC OTHER CONTRACTUAL 168876 1/10/2012 115.10 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 168877 1/10/2012 19.23 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC SMALLTOOLS 168878 1/10/2012 3,994.43 NU- TELECOM COMMUNICATIONS 168879 1/10/2012 105.38 NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168880 1/10/2012 178.55 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS EQUIPMENT PARTS 168881 1/10/2012 114.83 OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOG COMMUNICATIONS 168882 1/10/2012 2,315.90 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO COST OF SALES -WINE 168883 1/10/2012 4,070.37 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 168884 1/10/2012 5,474.25 POLICE CENTRAL INC DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 168885 1/10/2012 380.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 168886 1/10/2012 1,500.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 168887 1/10/2012 242.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 168888 1/10/2012 234.38 PRIDE SOLUTIONS, INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168889 1/10/2012 243.51 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 168890 1/10/2012 1,333.80 PRO CARE SERVICES INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 168891 1/10/2012 10,964.00 QUADE FAMILY PARTNERSHIP & SCH LOAN 168892 1/10/2012 5,983.53 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 168893 1/10/2012 33.99 QUARTERMASTER UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 168894 1/10/2012 83.32 QUILL CORP OFFICE SUPPLIES 168895 1/10/2012 75.50 R & R SPECIALTIES INC EQUIPMENT PARTS 168896 1/10/2012 500.00 R. ALEXANDER ASSOC, INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168897 1/10/2012 1,532.55 R.J.L. TRANSFER FREIGHT 168898 1/10/2012 848.74 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. 168899 1/10/2012 243.38 REFLECTIVE APPAREL FACTORY INC SAFETY SUPPLIES 168900 1/10/2012 850.00 REINER ENTERPRISES, INC FREIGHT- IN 168901 1/10/2012 851.85 RUNNING'S SUPPLY UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 168902 1/10/2012 9,100.00 S & S TREE SPECIALISTS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168903 1/10/2012 177.95 SALTMAN LLC EQUIPMENT PARTS 168904 1/10/2012 574.00 SAM'S CLUB EMPLOYEE FUND REVENUE 168905 1/10/2012 91.95 SCHIR00 ELECTRICAL REBUILDING RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 168906 1/10/2012 4,733.89 SCHMELING OIL CO OPERATING SUPPLIES 168907 1/10/2012 13,072.46 SCHWEISS BI -FOLD DOORS OTHER CONTRACTUAL 168908 1/10/2012 64.20 SCOTT'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVIC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 168909 1/10/2012 16.65 SEBORA, MARC TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 168910 1/10/2012 124.32 SEPPELT, MILES CAR ALLOWANCE - TRAVEL 168911 1/10/2012 100.00 SHAW, KAREN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 168912 1/10/2012 200.00 SIBLEY COUNTY COURT ADM INISTRA OTHER REVENUES 168913 1/10/2012 5,000.00 SKYVIEW DAIRY INC PREPAID EXPENSES 168914 1/10/2012 786.43 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS 168915 1/10/2012 155.39 SOUTH DAKOTA DEPT OFAGRICULTU 168916 1/10/2012 900.06 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN 168917 1/10/2012 2,276.92 SPRINT 168918 1/10/2012 1,674.19 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 168919 1/10/2012 78.00 STAR TRIBUNE 168920 1/10/2012 26.81 TARGET BANK 168921 1/10/2012 131.41 TITAN MACHINERY 168922 1/10/2012 2,660.00 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEM 168923 1/10/2012 10.63 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC 168924 1/10/2012 235.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 168925 1/10/2012 11.26 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES LLC 168926 1/10/2012 14,126.10 VIKING BEER 168927 1/10/2012 438.40 VIKING COCA COLA 168928 1/10/2012 1,157.75 VINOCOPIA INC 168929 1/10/2012 927.85 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN 168930 1/10/2012 391.80 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC 168931 1/10/2012 2,124.02 WINE COMPANY, THE 168932 1/10/2012 6,911.74 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 168933 1/10/2012 2,633.85 WORK CONNECTION, THE 168934 1/10/2012 1,643.20 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 473,424.84 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 473,424.84 Total Payments 473,424.84 L� CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS COST OF SALES - LIQUOR COMMUNICATIONS CLEANING SUPPLIES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE RENTALS COST OF SALES -BEER COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS COST OF SALES - LIQUOR REFUSE - RECYCLING CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES- LIQUOR OTHER CONTRACTUAL CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PAYROLL ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS PAYROLL DATE: 12/23/2011 Director's Retro Pay Period Ending Date: 12/10/2011 $4,095.01 IRS - Withholding Tax Account Federal Withholding Employee /Employer FICA Employee /Employer Medicare $778.60 $2,840.28 $0.00 $0.00 $7,713.89 MN Department of Revenue State Withholding Tax Public Employee Retirement Association Employee /Employer PERA/DCP Contributions TASC Employee Deductions Health Savings Account MSRS - Health Savings Plan Employee Deductions to Health Savings Plan Total Electronic Funds Transfer PAYROLL DATE: 12/23/2011 Period Ending Date: 12/10/2011 Director's Retro Pay FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY - ELECTRONIC TRANSFER DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAGE AMOUNT ACCT# NAME DESCRIPTION $1,881.61 9995.2034 WITH. TAX Employee Contribution - Federal Tax ACCOUNT $673.14 9995.2240 Employee Contribution - Soc. Security $273.28 9995.2242 Employee Contribution - Medicare $2,828.03 Sub -Total - Employee Contribution $993.70 9995.2240 Employer Contribution - Social Security $273.28 9995.2242 Employer Contribution - Medicare Per Journal Entries Difference Fica $ 1,666.84 $1,266.98 Sub -Total - Employer Contribution Medicare $ 546.56 Withholding $ 1,881.61 $4,095.01 Grand Total - Withholding Tax Account Total $ 4,095.01 $0.00 $778.60 9995.2035 MN DEPT OF REVENUE State Tax $ 778.60 $0.00 $1,272.35 9995.2241 PERA Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $1,567.93 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan $2,840.28 Sub -Total - PERA $0.00 9995.2243 PERA -DCP Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $0.00 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan Pera $ 2;840.28 $0.00 Sub - Total - DCP DCP $ - $2,840.28 GRAND TOTAL - PERA Total $ 2,840.28 $0.00 �J� PAYROLL ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS PAYROLL DATE: 12/30/2011 Period Ending Date: 12/24/2011 $48,624.90 IRS - Withholding Tax Account Federal Withholding Employee /Employer FICA Employee /Employer Medicare $10,018.62 MN Department of Revenue State Withholding Tax $37,701.84 Public Employee Retirement Association $0.00 MSRS - Health Savings Plan Employee Deductions to Health Savings Plan $107,394.28 Total Electronic Funds Transfer 9 L�) Employee /Employer PERA/DCP Contributions $2,064.76 TASC Employee Flex Spending Deductions $5,212.28 TASC Employee Contribution to Heath Savings Account $475.00 MNDCP Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,365.00 ING Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,230.00 ICMA Retirement Trust Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $701.88 MN Child Support System Employee Deductions $0.00 MSRS - Health Savings Plan Employee Deductions to Health Savings Plan $107,394.28 Total Electronic Funds Transfer 9 L�) CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13948 TRANSFERRING FROM WATER, WASTEWATER, STORMWATER, AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION TO 2011 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND AND 2011 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND TO GENERAL FUND & CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FOR ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT, $156,554 is hereby transferred from the Water Fund to the 2011 Construction Fund. THAT, $54,023 is hereby transferred from the Sewer Fund to the 2011 Construction Fund. THAT, $50,000 is hereby transferred from the Storm Water Fund to the 2011 Construction Fund. THAT, $5,747 is hereby transferred from the Airport Construction fund to the 2011 Construction Fund. THAT, $404,445 is hereby transferred from the 2011 Construction Fund to the General Fund for Engineering Fees. THAT, $76,593 is hereby transferred from the 2011 Construction Fund to the General Fund for Administration Fees. THAT, $76,592 is hereby transferred from the 2011 Construction Fund to the Capital Projects Fund for the purpose of Comprehensive Planning and Topography mapping. THAT, said transfers are hereby effective and to apply to the 2011 fiscal year. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of December 2011 Steve W. Cook Mayor ATTESTED: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator I () a-)- ORDINANCE NO. 12 -0682 PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. That the municipally owned real property legally described as follows: North Half of Lot 1, North Half City of Hutchinson AND Lot 2, Block 25, Townsite of Hutchinson, North Half, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for McLeod County, Minnesota, excepting therefrom that part lying southerly of a line drawn from a point on the east line of said Lot 2, distant 119.50 feet north of the southeast comer thereof, to a point on the west line of said Lot 2, distant 116.97 feet north of the southwest corner thereof, and there terminating. for good and valuable consideration is hereby transferred and conveyed to Vet Visions, LLC. Section 2. The City Administrator, Jeremy J. Carter, or his designee is authorized to sign any and all documents on behalf of the City to effectuate the closing of this transaction. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 24`" day of January, 2012. Steven W. Cook Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator � L4L) IN P 101614111 LTA 14 City of Hutchinson Sale of City -owned lots Legal Description: N 1/2 OF LOT 1 NORTH HALF OF CITY OF HUTCHINSON COUNTY OF MCLEOD, STATE OF MINNESOTA (PID 31 -117- 29 -12 -0640) and LOT 2 EX STY 118.24' (PID 31- 117 -29 -12 -0660) Full Legal: Lot 2, Block 25, Townsite of Hutchinson, North Half, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for McLeod County, Minnesota, excepting therefrom that part lying southerly of a line drawn from a point on the east line of said Lot 2, distant 119.50 feet north of the southeast corner thereof, to a point on the west line of said Lot 2, distant 116.97 feet north of the southwest corner thereof, and there terminating NORTH HALF CITY OF HUTCHINSON, COUNTY OF MCLEOD, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Property Address: 256 & 264 4u` Avenue NW (Hwy7), Hutchinson, MN 55350 * ** Bids are due by 4:00 PM on Friday, December 30`h, 2011 * ** Late bids will not be accepted. Information required of bidder: Name: 74nim(,(, 44Ldtf6, -t d t C�rvul ei vc-r kn i �� 3/C /�✓ 416d 00 0 00 d tron�/� �f1r14 Address: 1� Ladwiq� fk(fl,AIk1) n/V 5535 / Telephone: 320— 5J'7— 116,,1y The bidder must sign the "Bidders Certification" below. The bidder hereby agrees to pay the following price for the above described land parcel: (v BID AMOUNT: $ l y� (, �JO '� (minimum bid is $14,000) Bidders Certification I have reviewed the documents included in this bid document, including the bid procedure attached hereto, and I agree to the terms contained therein. I hereby agree to execute a purchase agreement for said property, if the City of Hutchinson accepts the bid. It is agreed and understood that the City will award the bid to the highest qualified bidder as determined by the City. The City retains the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informalities and irregularities. X 12130/// Bidder's Sig ature Date I� t) BID RESULTS City of Hutchinson Sale of City -owned lots Bid Opening: 4 PM, December 30, 2011 Bidder Bid Amount 1) 6" ii ,1 /4.jicj C.. V,✓ $ I'-1,600! 3) $ 4) $ 5) $ ��La�) To: Mayor and Council From: Candice Woods, Liquor Hutch Director Date: 01/02/12 Re: Quarterly Report October - December 2011 2011 2010 Change Year to Date Sales: $5,098,647 $5,042,670 1.1% increase Liquor $1,685,239 $1,656,094 1.8% increase Beer $2,498,062 $2,502,696 0.2% decrease Wine $ 807,213 $ 785,052 2.8% increase Note: December Holiday Sales increased by 3% over 2010 resulting in two new Liquor Hutch Sales Records: Highest Sales Single Day Business Single Month Sales exceeding $600,000 Year to Date Gross Profit Dollars: $1,263,927 Customer Count: 220,322 Average Sale per Customer: $23.14 YTD Gross Profit Percentage: 24.79% Friday, December 23rd 2011 = $72,280.51 December 2011 = $605,863.41 $1,246,147 1.4% increase 219,488 834 increase $22.97 $0.17 increase 24.71% (Note: Industry Benchmark for GP %= 23 %) Fourth Quarter Store Activity Highlights: • Nine Liquor Hutch employees received product knowledge training and reviewed new holiday items at the Quality Wine and Spirits Holiday Show • A Riedel Glassware Wine Tasting Event held with Zellas resulted in sales of $1,020 • Three Grapevine wine tasting events resulted in sales of $2,982 • Fall Pub Club beer tasting event featuring Sierra Nevada brews attended by 87 members • Participated with 4 tables and 8 vendors at the Chamber Holiday Showcase • Participated with a wine tasting table and giveaways at the Taste of Home Cooking School Event • An Antinori Italian Wine Dinner held with Zellas resulted in sales of $1,850 • A Christmas Wine Dinner held with Zellas resulted in sales of $1,674 • Newspaper advertising done for Christmas and New Year Holidays • A Bourbon tasting held with Zellas resulted in sales of $825 Further details of all statistics have been provided to the Administrative Department. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or requests for additional data. 1�-L) r Happy New Year... It is going to be a good one! To: Citizens of the Hutchinson Fire District, Web -Site Visitors, and Our Face Book Friends From: Brad Emans, Fire Chief Date: 01/03/2012 Re: Monthly Update on the Activities of the Hutchinson Fire Department for December 2011 Fire Department Response: The Fire Department responded to 58 calls for service in the month of December. Fire Officer Only Response: A "fire officer only" responded to 12 calls in December saving the Hutchinson Fire District the cost of a "general" alarm estimated at $2,184.00 for the month. Response Time (First Emergency Vehicle Out of the Door): December -5 minutes 07 seconds. Example of a Few of the Calls: • The FD responded to a fatal residential "twin home" fire on Christmas Eve, The FD was notified of a possible fire when smoke entered the adjacent unit. Firefighters entered the burning structure to search for the unaccounted resident and located the woman lying on the floor in the kitchen. Despite the rescue and the attempt to revive by firefighters, the occupant did not survive. This is the first fire fatality in Hutchinson in the past nine years; • The FD responded to a four unit apartment structure fire. Upon arrival the incident commander saw heavy black smoke coming from the structure, lights on in the other units, and nobody standing outside. Firefighters quickly searched all of the units and fortunately found no victims. The fire was contained to just one unit of the structure. Cause: While in the process of moving in the renter put the television on the kitchen stove accidentally turning the stove on, thus consuming the television, causing the heavy black smoke throughout the building; • A FD officer responded to a call regarding a "Peat" fire in the northeast part of the fire district. If a peat fire is not extinguished it can burn and smoke until all of the peat ground is consumed, which could take up to several months. Obviously this is a quality of life issue for the neighbors thus the DNR was contacted and in conjunction with the property owner, they were able to work the peat ground until it was finally out; • The FD responded to a two vehicle partial head -on collision in the southeast part of the fire district. Firefighters extricated the vehicle from the victims. Due to the injuries already suffered in a high speed collision, it is the FD's job to remove the vehicle from around the victim so they can be safely removed without suffering any more trauma, �ac�� • A FD Officer responded to what was called in as carbon monoxide detector activation, upon investigation high levels of propane were detected in the house. The family was evacuated, the propane turned off, and the house ventilated, • The FD responded to a fire alarm /smoke in the building in a large multi - family building in the northeast part of the city. Evacuation had already taken place upon arrival. Cause of the fire was burning food on a stove from an accidental activation of the range burner. The smoke was ventilated from the building and the residents were allowed to return to their homes, • The FD responded to a two vehicle side impact collision in the southeastern part of the city. The driver of one of the vehicles was pinned in the vehicle, firefighters using high pressure extrication tools were able to free the individual; • The FD responded to a farm building fire in the northwest part of the fire district. The building was a total loss, however, some equipment inside the building was able to be salvaged. The most likely cause of the fire was a wood stove, • The FD responded to a call of sparks coming from a chimney, hitting the trees and landing on the roof of a residential property. The FD using the thermal imaging camera determined that the fire did not spread from the chimney; • The FD responded to a call of possible CO (carbon monoxide) in the home. A high concentration of CO was found, the residence were evacuated, the fuel supply turned off, and the house ventilated. Breakdown of the Calls for the Month: City Type of Call Number for the Residential _Month 3 Commercial/Industrial _Multi-Family $ School _ _5 0 Grass Medical 0 -- - - 15 -- C - 3 _CO Rescue 6 �- Haz -Mat Lea_k_!S Vehicle - Sky -Warn Mutual Aid 0 - - 0 0 -- - Total Structure Fres -- 44 -- 2 i Arson 0 • Page 2 1 aC6) Rural: Type of Call Number for the Month Residential 1 Commercial / Industrial 0 School 0 Farm Building 1 Grass 2 Medical 6 CO 1 Rescue 3 Haz -Mat Leak/Spill 0 Vehicle 0 Mutual Aid 0 Total 14 Structure Fires 1 Arson 0 Training: Firefighters trained on the following topics /equipment: • Firefighters completed the monthly operation of all of the small gas powered tools in an effort to keep them in the ready mode, • Firefighters completed the OSHA required Hazardous Material Awareness refresher with a focus on MSDA (material safety data sheets), DOT Hazardous Material Guide Book, and the mission of the State Duty Officer, • Firefighters completed the final team building opportunity for 2011. We understand the importance of 'getting to know" your fellow firefighters outside the normal training and response situations; • Fire Officers held the annual planning meeting for 2012. Items discussed included training goals, equipment needs, and new policies. Fire Prevention / Public Relations / Other Information: • Congratulations to Battalion Chief Jim Popp on his retirement after 27 years of service to the Hutchinson Fire District. Chief Popp rose through the ranks from Firefighter, Lieutenant, Captain, Fire Inspector, Fire Marshall, to Battalion Chief. Job well done Chief Popp, • Congratulations to Firefighter Jeff McKay for completion of the National Firefighter I course. FF I is 140 hours of classroom and hands -on training demonstrating the skills and knowledge necessary needed to operate in the overall fire service, Congratulations to Firefighter Greg Peller' on the completion of the EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) curriculum. EMT is120 plus hours of classroom and hands -on medical training PLUS several more hours doing the "ride- along" with the ambulance service in Hutchinson. • Page 3 X2-(6) Measurements: 1, Number of calls that required more than one engine, and four firefighters in December: 16 2. Number of Calls that required more than "required by law investigation" in December: 5 3. Estimated dollars "saved" in property (building and contents) by the fire department response for the month of December: $175,000 4. Estimated dollars "lost' in property (building and contents) to fire in December: $156,600 Next Month, 2011 in Review Will be Available on this Page • Page 4 i aLD) Regular Meeting November 30. 2011 Members present: President Robert Hantge; Vice President Paul Nordin; Secretary Dwight Bordson; Commissioner Donald H. Walser; Commissioner Craig Lenz; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Michael Kumm President Hantge called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The minutes of October 26, 2011 regular meeting. November 10, 2011 special meeting and the summary of closed meeting proceedings for the General Manager's interim performance review sessions held on August 31, 2011 and October 26, 2011 were reviewed. A motion was made by Secretary Bordson, seconded by Vice President Nordin to approve the minutes of October 26, 2011 regular meeting, November 10, 2011 special meeting and the summary of closed meeting proceedings for the General Manager's interim performance review sessions held on August 31, 2011 and October 26, 2011 as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The October 2011 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Bordson to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $2,926,847.90 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. GM Kumm presented the October 2011 financial statements /budget year -to -date. A motion was made by Vice President Nordin, seconded by Commissioner Walser to approve the financial statements /budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously carried. President Hantge explained Item 4, Employment Agreement with General Manager was not available for approval. Attorney Sebora presented changes to exempt and non - exempt handbooks, section: administration of personnel policies, explaining the verbiage 'or other employment contract' was added to the third paragraph to recognize any future separate employment contract with Hutchinson Utilities Commission personnel. A motion was made by Vice President Nordin, seconded by Commissioner Walser to approve changes to exempt and non - exempt handbooks, section: administration of personnel policies. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) Attorney Sebora presented the leave credit in lieu of compensation policy, explaining in 2002 HUC recognized an issue with the Minnesota Governor's salary cap. HUC wants to retain and attract qualified employees therefore requesting the leave credit in lieu of compensation policy be adopted. This policy allows an employee to bank leave hours equal to the portion of salary above the Governor's salary cap. Compensation is then paid out at a capped hourly rate when the employee's employment ends with HUC. A motion was made by Secretary Bordson, seconded by Vice President Nordin to approve va_Cc) leave credit in lieu of compensation policy. Motion was unanimously carried. (Policy attached.) GM Kumm presented the 2012 budget. After discussion, recommended changes and corrections will be made before the December 2011 special meeting. GM Kumm presented policies and requirements booklet, sections: disconnection of residential services by HUC; disconnection of commercial services by HUC; and landlord acknowledgement. No changes were recommended. Jan Sifferath presented changes to exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: life insurance; health /dental insurance; disability insurance (exempt only). Recommended changes were made due to current practice and to clean up verbiage. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Bordson to approve changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: life insurance; health /dental insurance; disability insurance (exempt only). Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) GM Kumm presented change order No. W -001 to Wartsila contract. GM Kumm explained the change order is due to the downsizing of the tanks from when HUC originally went out for bids on project. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Nordin, seconded by Secretary Bordson to approve change order No. W -001 to Wartsila contract. Motion was unanimously carried. (Change order attached.) GM Kumm presented the advertisement for bids for plant 1 building modifications — unit 5. The building modifications are to increase the size of the current opening of the building to accommodate the installation of the new generator. This is part of the original project estimate and is in the 2011 budget. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Bordson to approve the advertisement for bids for plant 1 building modifications — unit 5. Motion was unanimously carried. (Advertisement for bids attached.) GM Kumm presented the Midwest Dental Benefits Master Administrative Services Agreement for 2012. There is no increase from 2011. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Nordin, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to approve Midwest Dental Benefits Master Administrative Services Agreement for 2012. Motion was unanimously carried. (Agreement attached.) Steve Lancaster presented requisition #004634 for conductor from Border States for a total of $27,105. This is for inventory for 2012 projects. These items will be added to the electric long -term agreement. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Walser, seconded by Vice President Nordin to approve requisition #004634 for conductor from Border States for a total of $27,105. Motion was unanimously carried. (Requisition attached.) ►a(c-) A motion was made by Vice President Nordin, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to declare the HUC Recognition /Holiday party scheduled for December 16, 2011 as an open meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. Discussion held regarding dates for the HUC /City joint meeting. GM Kumm suggested it be held in March 2012 after the rate study is complete. Division Reports Electric — Steve Lancaster • Switchgear — unit 5 bid specifications in Leader today; bid opening on December 20 at 2:00 p.m. • General Electric doing overhaul on unit 1 • Reviewing applications for mechanic position Natural Gas — John Webster • 2011 work order update • Purchased natural gas today at $4.625 for November 2012 through October 2014 • Working with United Farmers Cooperative on a natural gas transportation agreement Business — Jan Sifferath • HUC conducting a'mini' health fair on December 14 • Medica quoted a 12.5% increase for 2012 health insurance plan due to high claims in 2011. Discussed opportunity to cap 2013 increase. Will distribute Medica insurance information at next commission meeting. Finance — Jared Martig • Received two $5,000 checks from League of Minnesota Cities as property insurance refund for operations maintenance pilot incentive for the last two years. • Working on renewal with League of Minnesota Cities • Update on 3% withholding law Legal Update Nothing to report Unfinished Business • Joint Action Agency, Electronic File Access for Commissioners, City /HUC — Human Resources and Legal Shared Services GM Kumm suggested these items be moved to the HUC 2012 "to do" list. New Business • A motion was made by Commissioner Walser, seconded by Vice President Nordin to schedule a special commission meeting for December 5, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. Motion was unanimously carried. I�-(C-) There being no further business, a motion was made by Secretary Bordson, seconded by Vice President Nordin to adjourn the meeting at 4:31 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Robert Hantge, President Dwight Bordson, Secretary I�L(C-) Special Meeting December 5. 2011 Members present: President Robert Hantge; Vice President Paul Nordin; Secretary Dwight Bordson; Commissioner Donald H. Walser; Commissioner Craig Lenz; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Michael Kumm President Hantge called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Secretary Bordson presented the Hutchinson Utilities Commission General Manager Employment Agreement. The Board recommended striking 'an enterprise fund' from the first paragraph to match the City Charter. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Nordin, seconded by Secretary Bordson to approve the Hutchinson Utilities Commission General Manager Employment Agreement with Board recommended changes to strike 'an enterprise fund' from the first paragraph (Employment agreement attached.) There being no further business, a motion was made by Secretary Bordson, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 a.m. Motion was unanimously carried. G1121111*111111 Robert Hantge, President Dwight Bordson, Secretary 1a-(C) Special Meeting December 15, 2011 Members present: President Robert Hantge; Vice President Paul Nordin; Secretary Dwight Bordson; Commissioner Donald H. Walser; Commissioner Craig Lenz; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Michael Kumm President Hantge called the meeting to order at Noon. Agenda item #1: Approve 2012 Budget was moved to agenda item #2; Agenda item #2: Approve 2012 Medica Health Insurance Contract was moved to agenda item #1. GM Kumm presented the 2012 health insurance quotes. The Medica renewal quote is at a 12.5% increase due to high claims in 2011. This year, Medica is offering the CORE+ program which is a proactive health management program offering incentives for employees to participate which would result in a reduction of the 2013 rate increase. The objective is to have over 90% employee participation which would result in a 6.0% reduction off rate cap. GM Kumm recommends the approval of 2012 Medica health insurance contract to include the CORE+ plan. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Walser, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to approve the 2012 Medica health insurance contract to include the CORE+ plan. Motion was unanimously carried. (Quotes attached.) GM Kumm presented the 2012 budget. President Hantge commended GM Kumm and staff on a great job on the budget. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Bordson, seconded by Vice President Nordin to approve the 2012 budget. Motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Bordson to adjourn the meeting at 12:23 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Robert Hantge, President Dwight Bordson, Secretary 1 a'(C) November 30th, 2011 1,839,757.04 209,993.74 1,930,609.94 2,041,763.00 111,153.06 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 NOVEMBER NOVEMBER MONTH OF NOVEMBER ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENT DESCRIPTION: YTD NOVEMBER YTD BUDGET REMAINING USED TAXES 2,073,927.61 - 2,142,863.09 4,491,446.00 2,348,582.91 48% LICENSES 57,651.04 1,250.00 51,679.06 51,300.00 (379.06) 101% PERMITS 249,306.34 15,688.29 163,896.07 246,600.00 82,703.93 66% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 1,333,47248 11,003.49 1,200,968.65 1,144,277.00 (56,691.65) 105% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,232,001.80 70,995.69 1,159,933.39 1,843,596.00 683,662.61 63% FINES & FORFEITS 39,338.25 4,039.17 42,395.70 45,000.00 2,604.30 94% INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 13,135.11 - 27,422.71 70,000.00 42,577.29 39% REIMBURSEMENTS 368,328.44 7,257.51 347,887.99 568,385.00 220,497.01 61% TRANSFERS 1,175,369.13 7,164.00 1,221,094.53 2,161,535.00 940,440.47 56% SURCHARGES 3,885.87 522.22 1,328.10 400.00 (928.10) 332% FUND BALANCE - - - 15,000.00 15,000.00 0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 6,546,416.07 $ 117,920.37 $ 6,359,469.29 $10,637,539.00 $ 4,278,069.71 60% 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES BY NOVEMBER MONTH OF NOVEMBER ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENT DEPTARTMENT: YTD NOVEMBER YTD BUDGET REMAINING USED MAYOR &CITY COUNCIL 37,311.09 2,419.58 34,024.41 51,866.00 17,841.59 66% ADMINISTRATION 355,064.93 28,126.10 449,447.36 385,766.00 (63,681.36) 117% ELECTIONS 14,785.27 2,258.01 3,694.60 10,000.00 6,305.40 37% FINANCE DEPARTMENT 434,300.27 27,862.97 375,683.46 381,614.00 5,930.54 98% MOTOR VEHICLE 245,803.76 17,87012 260,661.72 252,887.00 (7,774.72) 103% ASSESSING 60,911.00 60,911.00 60,911.00 61,911.00 1,000.00 98% LEGAL 188,857.69 16,072.06 194,093.99 234,519.00 40,425.01 83% PLANNING 113,065.95 11,866.59 141,224.11 170,830.00 29,605.89 83% INFORMATION SERVICES 279,087.65 27,951.67 311,731.93 360,943.00 49,211.07 86% POLICE DEPARTMENT 2,648,303.51 281,900.46 2,626,853.46 3,029,871.00 403,017.54 87% EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 16,086.32 3,395.02 13,47231 10,000.00 (3,472.31) 135% SAFETY COMMITTEE 12,071.99 - 9,281.04 13,450.00 4,168.96 69% FIRE DEPARTMENT 416,950.53 25,018.61 439,151.05 460,763.00 21,611.95 95% PROTECTIVE SERVICES 205,899.39 11,946.63 139,98336 155,350.00 15,366.24 90% ENGINEERING 393,802.98 35,467.27 449,094.23 463,959.00 14,864.77 97% STREETS & ALLEYS 1.213,368.75 85,701.82 1,424,651.18 1,437,814.00 13,162.82 99% CITY HALL BUILDING 110,569.43 10,006.84 99,137.36 131,427.00 32,289.64 75% PARK/REC ADMINISTRATION 195,75913 14,655.64 190,468.74 211,546.00 21,077.26 90% RECREATION 220,807.58 8,088.60 203,561.33 218,893.00 15,331.67 93% SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER 69,674.07 5,165.56 59,681.38 72,990.00 13,308.62 82% CIVIC ARENA 288,418.49 48,127.85 307,376.84 331,624.00 24,247.16 93% PARK DEPARTMENT 620,608.20 40,158.26 673,918.89 720,738.00 46,819.11 94% RECREATION BLDG & POLL 124,284.99 10,825.27 166,580.13 185,393.00 18,812.87 90% EVENT CENTER 190,644.93 16,682.92 175,051.69 224,688.00 49,636.31 78% EVERGREEN BUILDING 14,541.64 1,27528 10,261.15 13,130.00 2,868.85 78% LIBRARY 178,458.11 3,169.87 179,584.59 183,759.00 4,174.41 98% CEMETERY 112,65010 8,161.57 153,103.77 112,511.00 (40,592.77) 136% AIRPORT 133,166.99 4,675.48 92,873.98 101,314.00 8,440.02 92% UNALLOCATED GENERAL EXP. 678.577.15 12,875.93 373,096.75 647,983.00 274,886.25 58% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 9,573,832.49 $ 822,636.98 $ 9,618,656.21 $ 10,637,539.00 $ 1,018,882.79 90% 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 NOVEMBER EXPENDITURES BY NOVEMBER MONTH OF NOVEMBER ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENT FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT: YTD NOVEMBER YTD BUDGET REMAINING USED GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,839,757.04 209,993.74 1,930,609.94 2,041,763.00 111,153.06 95% PUBLIC SAFETY 3,299,311.74 357,727.99 3,228,741.62 3,669,434.00 440,692.38 88% STREETS & ALLEYS 1,607,171.73 95,708.66 1,873,745.41 1,901,773.00 28,027.59 99% PARKS & RECREATION 1,903,197 74 133,493.61 1,966,484.74 2,162,761.00 196,276.26 91% MISCELLANEOUS 924,394.24 25,712.98 619,074.50 861,808.00 242,733.50 72% $ 9,573,832.49 $ 822,636.98 $ 9,618,656.21 $ 10,637,539.00 $ 1,018,882.79 90% ( � (A) \ 1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORTS (NOVEMBER 2011 AS OF 1211512011) INVESTMENT REPORT November 30, 2011 $ 10,609,000.00 I DC-e-) Date Date Interest of of Institution Description Rate Purchase Maturity Amount Smith Barney CD's 1.400% 1/22/2010 1/23/2012 496,000.00 Smith Barney CD's 1.400% 1/27/2010 1/27/2012 248,000.00 Smith Barney CD's 2.75 % -3.15% 5/20/2009 5/29/2012 350,000.00 Smith Barney CD's 2.450% 7/22/2009 7/23/2012 500,000.00 Smith Barney CD's 3.3 % -3.4% 6/10/2009 6/10/2013 300,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB 1.250% 9/27/2011 9/28/2018 500,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB 2.000% 10/25/2011 11/1812019 550,000.00 Edward Jones FFCB 4.875% 5/13/2011 1/17/2017 500,000.00 Wells Fargo FNMA - Step 1.500% 10/5/2011 10/5/2018 1,500,000.00 Wells Fargo FNMA - Step 2.125% 10/28/2010 10/28/2020 1,250,000.00 Wells Fargo FHLB - Step 2.000% 8/24/2011 8124/2021 515,000.00 Wells Fargo FHLB - Step 2.250% 8/25/2011 8/25/2021 1,500,000.00 Wells Fargo FHLB - Step 2.000% 9/30/2011 9/30/2021 900,000.00 UBS Financial SLG 5.300% 11/24/2010 1/1/2014 500,000.00 UBS Financial FHLB - Step 2.000% 3/23/2010 3/23/2016 500,000.00 UBS Financial FNMA - NTS 1.500% 9/21/2011 9/21/2016 500,000.00 $ 10,609,000.00 I DC-e-)