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cp12-13-1983 c
Z %1111zll /l C'Ty CAI_c" nDAR V!cc#< OF December 1.1. To December 1.7� .. �..� ur4 a_➢ DN'ESDAY -1.4- 10 SUNDAY -11.- ►reeting of the Season THURSDAY -15- MONDAY -1.2- 2:00 P.M. - Open Bids for Improvement Project: FRIDAY -16- REMAIN TUESDAY -13 4:00 P.M. - Meeting of Director and City Council at City Hall 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meetin at City Hall 0 SATURDAY -17- . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1983 V/1. Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. X22/. Invocation - Reverend Robert Lounsbury, Bethany Baptist Church J3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of November 22, 1983 and Special Meeting of November 29, 1983 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended vi. Public Hearing None 5. Communications, Requests and Petitions J(a) Presentation by Attorney Robert Halvorson Regarding Mayor DeMeyer's Concerns Action - J(b) Consideration of Request for Street Light At Highway 7 West and Third Avenue Northwest Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and refer to Hutchinson Utilities 6. Resolutions and Ordinances /(a) Resolution No. 7573 - Transferring $30,000 from Liquor Store to General Fund Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt J(b) Resolution No. 7574 - Resolution for Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 7. Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions Ja) Building Official's Monthly Report - November 1983 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing COUNCIL AGENDA DECEMBER 13, 1983 ✓(b) Minutes of Airport Zoning Board dated August 25, 1983 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing Ac) Minutes of Library Board dated November 22, 1983 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ..(d) Minutes of Nursing Home Board dated October 20, 1983 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing J(e) Minutes of Parks and Recreation Board dated October 5, 1983 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing 8. Unfinished Business ,/(a) Consideration of Hook -Up for Water Sprinklers In Building Located At Main Street North and Washington Avenue West (Requested by Lorraine Meyer) DEFERRED NOVEMBER 22, 1983 Action - ✓(b) Discussion of Water Line Between W. 0. Swenson and Mike Schmidt On Garden Road In Clifton Heights Action - ✓(c) Consideration of Sewer and Water Service to Liepke Auto Repair Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and set hearing date for January 10, 1984 ✓(d) Consideration of Recommendation from Parks and Recreation Board Concerning Recreation Facility Action - Motion to reject - Motion to refer to Public Facility Task Force 9. New Business Aa) Consideration of Continued Support of Region E Drug Investigation Unit Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize contribution ✓(b) Consideration of Final Plat Filing for Lipke Addition and Mac's Bluff Addition Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and order plat filing t • -2- 0 0 COUNCIL AGENDA DECEMBER 13, 1983 V(c) Consideration of Setting Assessment Hearing for 1984 Public Improvements (Assessment Rolls No. 178 - 185) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve assessment rolls and set hearing - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution(s) d) Consideration of Application for Wine License by Jim McClure, LeBistro Cafe jJ / Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and set public hearing v(e) Presentation by City Administrator Of Survey for Street Maintenance Action - Af) Consideration of Snow Removal of Parking Lot On Northeast Corner of Second Avenue and Glen Street (Requested by Aldermen Mike Carls, John Mlinar, Ted Beatty, and Kenneth Gruenhagen) Action - J(g) Consideration of Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Lot 10, Block 13 S 1/2 City (S & L Site) to Hutchinson S & L Rehab, Limited Partnership Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and waive first reading of Ordinance No. 23/83 and set second reading for December 27, 1983 ,/(h) Consideration of Signing Resolutions for Canvassing Election Returns and Tax Increment Fund Transfer (Requested by Aldermen Kenneth Gruen - hagen, John Mlinar and Mike Carls) Action - �/(i) Consideration of Application for Snow Removal Permit: 1. Gene C. Betker - Betker Const. 8. Bud Reinert 2. Carl Christensen 9. Robert Rubischko 3. Thomas Dahl 10. Richard Smykalski 4. Richard Ewert 11. Clarence Starks 5. Don Glas 12. Dale Sturges 6. Curt Paulsen 13. Howard Telecky 7. Randy Peterson 14. Homer Wass Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue permits -3- COCNCIL AGENDA DECE "FBER 13, 1983 V(j) Consideration of Parks and Recreation Board Recommendation to Discontinue Pickup Service for Storm Damage Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve Ak) Consideration of Request to Purchase Additional Micro Computer (Word Processor) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve purchase ✓(1) Consideration of Four -Unit Apartment In R -2 Zone Action - Motion to reject - Motion to refer to City Attorney /m) Consideration of Approving Plans and Specifications for Project 84 -03, Stoney Point Addition, and Ordering Advertisement for Bids Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve plans and specifications and call for bids on December 27, 1983 at 2:00 P.M. - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7575 ✓(n) Report On Business Establishments'Concerns Regarding Discount As Reported Offered To A Certain Business Establishment Regarding Purchases At the Hutchinson Municipal Liquor Store (Requested by Mayor DeMeyer) - Action - 10. Miscellaneous , (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Pavments ,/(a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 112. Adjournment -4- :t 0 0 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1983 1. Mayor DeMeyer called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., with the following present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Kenneth Gruen - hagen, Alderman Ted Beatty and Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Keith E. Duehn. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of November 8, 1983 were approved as pre- sented upon motion by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and car- ried unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARING None 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR MAYOR -ELECT ROBERT STEARNS TO ATTEND MINNESOTA MAYORS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE DECEMBER 9 -10, 1983 Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen to approve the request. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and approved unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN RETAIL ASSOCIATION TO USE LIBRARY SQUARE AND ADJOINING SIDE STREETS FOR CHRISTMAS SLEIGH /HAY RIDES The Hutchinson Downtown Retail Association requested permission to use Library Square and adjoining side streets for Christmas sleigh /hay rides on November 26, December 5 and December 11. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve the request for use of Library Square. Motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY HUTCHINSON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO POST HIGHWAY SIGNS REGARDING TRANSIENT MERCHANT ORDINANCE It was requested by the Retail Committee of the Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce that the City post signs at the entrance to the City on High- way 7 East and West, Highway 15 North and South and Highway 22 South to -' COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 1983 alert transient merchants of the ordinance in place. Following discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to authorize posting said signs, subject to approval from the Minnesota State Highway Department. Alderman Carls seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF HOOK -UP FOR WATER SPRINKLERS IN BUILDING LOCATED AT MAIN STREET NORTH AND WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST (REQUESTED BY LORRAINE MEYER) Lorraine Meyer informed the Council that she was in the process of install- ing a sprinkler system in her building located at the corner of Main Street North and Washington Avenue West to comply with the City fire code. The lower level will be rented to the Masonic Temple Lodge No. 59. Juul Con- tracting had told her it would cost more money to run a water line across Main Street than to hook up to the line in the alley behind the building. The estimated cost to bring the water service to her building was $5,630. It was her contention that the City was obligated to provide water service to the lot line. Ms. Meyer also raised a question regarding ownership and maintenance of the line and asked if the building next door could hook in- to her line. City Engineer Priebe stated that all service leads to property lines are assessed to the property owner. He pointed out that when Main Street was redone the present codes were not in effect, and it was not common 15 years ago to install sprinkling systems. Engineer Priebe commented he was not in favor of a line from the alley and recommended placing the proposed line under the sidewalk in front of the building. This would eliminate the need for easements and would make repair work easier. He also recom- mended two 10" lines instead of one 20" line. It was pointed out that a franchise agreement would be required to go across the alley with a serv- ice line. Following lengthy discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty to defer to the next Council meeting and to instruct the City Engineer to prepare a report on the location and size of the water main lines and to make a recom- mendation on hook -up to the building in question. Motion seconded by Ald- erman Mlinar and approved unanimously. (e) PRESENTATION BY ATTORNEY ROBERT HALVORSON REGARDING MAYOR DEMEYER'S CONCERNS Mayor DeMeyer requested to defer this item since inclement weather had prevented Attorney Halverson from attending the meeting. (f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR BROWNIE GIRL SCOUT TROOPS TO USE LIBRARY SQUARE ON DECEMBER 18, 1983 After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve the request. 0 -2 0 v COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 1983 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 7568 - TRANSFERRING $126,995 FROM 1983 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BOND FUND TO GENERAL FUND FOR ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION FEES Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7568. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and unani- mously approved. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 7569 - TRANSFERRING $44,000 FROM FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND TO CENTRAL GARAGE FUND Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill presented a report on the transfer of funds. After discussion, Alderman Beatty made the motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7569. Alderman Mlinar seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 7570 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alder- man Carls, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7570. Motion ap- proved unanimously. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 7571 - TRANSFERRING $51,362 FROM 1980 TAX INCREMENT DEBT SERVICE FUND TO 1981 PARKING IMPROVEMENT FUND After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7571. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried, with Aldermen Carls, Mlinar, Gruenhagen and Beatty voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT - OCTOBER 1983 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (b) MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION DATED OCTOBER 18, 1983 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (c) MINUTES OF HOSPITAL BOARD DATED OCTOBER 18, 1983 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. -3- COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 1983 Vice -Mayor Gruenhagen assumed Chairmanship while Mayor DeMeyer left the room due to a bad cold. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF RELOCATION FOR CAMEO CLEANERS (DEFERRED NOVEMBER 8, 1983) Attorney Roger Gilmer and Pat Smith appeared before the Council to resume discussion of relocation for Cameo Cleaners. Attorney Gilmer stated that tenant Pat Smith had provided the City with a Notice of Intention to Move from the City -owned premises of the Plowman building in accordance with the relocation guidelines. At the last Coun- cil meeting his client had been requested to provide firm figures of re- location costs. Mr. Smith had subsequently prepared a bid proposal list in the amount of $21,864.67, copies of which were provided to Council members. In his concluding remarks, Attorney Gilmer stated the lease - had been extended for one month to December 31, 1983, but the Council needed to reach a conclusion regarding the relocation benefits to Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith commented that the former owner had given him an oral agreement for a three -year lease extension. Therefore, his drycleaning equipment had been installed for permanent residency, but now the City was forcing him out of the building. Vice -Mayor Gruenhagen remarked that some of the relocation figures pre- sented were for remodeling costs in the new location. He didn't feel the City should pay for this expense. Discussion followed regarding the amount of money in the parking fund. In the absence of the City Attorney to answer legal questions, it was the consensus of the Council to hold a special meeting to resolve this issue. Alderman Carls moved to set a special meeting for November 29, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. regarding Cameo Cleaners. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously approved. (b) CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT 84 -01, HILLTOP ADDITION (DEFERRED NOVEMBER 8, 1983) City Engineer Priebe presented a report on Project 84 -01, Hilltop Addition. It was his suggestion to notify all the affected property owners of the intended cost in the public hearing notice. Following discussion, Alderman Carls moved to approve assessing the 15 par- cels in Hilltop Addition on the basis of the subdivision agreement, with the assessed amount to be included in the public hearing notice. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously. • -4 • 0 0 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 1983 Alderman Beatty noted that the public hearing notice should be corrected to delete the word "abutting" property and changed to read "benefited" property. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to set a public hearing on Project 84 -01 for December 27, 1983 at 8:00 P.M• and to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 7572. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and approved unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REFUNDS ON ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS FOR CEDAR ACRES SUBD. PARKS AND PLAYGROUND CONTRIBUTIONS (DEFERRED NOVEMBER 8, 1983) The Director of Engineering reported that two property owners had made additional payments for parks and playground that would require repayment in accordance with the Council action of October 25, 1983. Said repay- ments would be $350 to John W. Korngiebel and $425 to G & H Co. - Partner- ship. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Mlinar to approve refund payments. The motion carried, with Alderman Gruenhagen abstaining from voting. Mayor DeMeyer resumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting. (d) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED SIDEWALK FOR PARK TOWERS RESIDENTS (DEFERRED NOVEMBER 8, 1983) Director Priebe stated that the HRA Commissioners recommended acquisition of the land on the north side of the City parking lot in question and in- stallation of a sidewalk from the alley to Franklin Street at that loca- tion. Also, the Commissioners recommended that the steps on the Park Towers site be removed and a ramp constructed down to the level of the alley at the point where the new sidewalk would be located. Following discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to follow HRA's recommendation and instruct the City Engineer to obtain the cost figures and contact the property owners regarding an agreement of putting in a sidewalk on the north side of the parking lot. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS Realtor Cheryl Faye Dooley requested an extension on payment for account No. 09- 0545 -2 -00 (945 Osgood Avenue). The previous owner of the property moved to Florida in July, and she would need additional time to try to col- lect the over -due amount. Ms. Dooley expressed concern regarding the length of time involved before accounts become delinquent. This has cre- ated problems in the past for realty closings. -5- COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 1983 City Administrator Plotz stated that the new water billing system recently put into effect would reduce the amount of time by one month. He further pointed out that the State law required a hearing for delinquent accounts. It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen to discontinue service on November 29, 1983 at Noon, with the exception of account No. 09- 0545 -2 -00, with a one month extension. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar. Alderman Gruenhagen amended his motion to discontinue service on November 28, 1983 at Noon. Amended motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. Mo- tion approved unanimously. Alderman Carls directed the City Administrator and Finance Director to study the method of water /sewer billing and report back to the next Coun- cil meeting. Alderman Mlinar seconded the motion, and it unanimously car- ried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO CONTRACT WITH MN /DOT FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (HUTCHMOBILE) 1984 It was requested that the Council adopt Resolution No. 7563 for renewal of the annual contract with the State of Minnesota Department of Trans- portation for Hutchmobile service. The 1984 contract covered a total ex- penditure of $91,480, with a local share of 40 percent. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to enter into a contract and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7563. Motion unanimously approved. (c) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES PERMIT 1. CYNTHIA BEADELL 2. LEONARD RIEMANN Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the applications and issue permits for Christmas tree sales. Motion seconded by Alderman Carla and carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF CHARLES BAILLY & COMPANY FOR 1983 YEAR -END AUDIT City Administrator Plotz reported the City's auditing firm of Thorsen, Campbell, Rolando & Lehne had merged with the firm of Charles Bailly & Company. Although the name changed, the same employees would work on the City audit. It was proposed that the 1983 audit fee would not ex- ceed $18,870. Mayor DeMeyer commented on his concerns and recommended a State procedural and compliance audit of the City's books. 0 -6 r COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 1983 Alderman Mlinar stated the Council had requested the Mayor to put some of his concerns in writing, but to date this information had not been provided to them. After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to approve the Bailly firm for the year -end audit and to enter into an agreement. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried, with the Chair voting nay. The Mayor requested the records to show that he believed legal processes were in- volved, and the City was in need of a State audit. (e) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 84 -01, NORTH OF HILLTOP ADDITION, AND PROJECT 84 -02, SIDEWALK SECTION AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS City Engineer Priebe reported the plans and specifications had been com- pleted for Projects 84 -01 and 84 -02. It was his recommendation to approve same and set a bid date for December 12, 1983. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alder- man Beatty, to approve the plans and specifications for Projects 84 -01 and 84 -02 and call for bids on December 12, 1983 and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 7566 and No. 7567. Motion approved unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF POSTING STREET SIGNS CONCERNING BICYCLE RIDING ON DOWNTOWN SIDEWALKS The Hutchinson Safety Council expressed concern regarding bicycle riding on the sidewalks in the downtown area and the safety hazard it created. It was the recommendation of the Safety Council to post street signs pro- hibiting bicycles in designated areas. It was the opinion of both the Police Chief and Maintenance Operations Director that additional signs in the downtown area would not solve the problem. Chief O'Borsky suggested referring the issue to him for a joint effort with the Safety Council to resolve the matter. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Ald- erman Carls, to refer the bicycle riding issue to the Chief of Police. Motion unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF UPDATING POLICY ON SAFETY SHOES It was recommended to change the safety shoes policy to allow reimburse- ment of $20 for safety shoes or $30 for safety boots, with purchase of boots every third year or after a pair of boots had been worn for two years. Winter safety boots would receive the same reimbursement, with replacement time every fourth year or after three years had expired. W0 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 1983 Following discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to accept for policy change on safety shoes. Motion seconded by unanimously approved. (h) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR SNOW REMOVAL PERMIT 1. DOUGLAS PETERSON 2. HAROLD JUUL - JUUL CONSTRUCTION 3. JAMES HAASL 4. OTTO TEMPLIN - ERICKSON & TEMPLIN the recommendation Alderman Mlinar and After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Ald- erman Beatty, to approve and issue permits. Motion carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY MCDONALD'S TO EXTEND SIGN PERMIT 30 DAYS McDonald's requested a 30 -day extension on a sign permit for a temporary non - flashing,lighted portable sign. It was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to ap- prove the extension. Alderman Beatty stated the City Zoning Ordinance required a 60 day waiting period before a temporary sign permit could be reissued. Alderman Mlinar moved to amend his motion and deny the request. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and approved unanimously. (j) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR WATER AND SEWER HOOK -UP AT LIEPKE'S AUTO REPAIR City Engineer Priebe reported there was no water /sewer service to the property in question. It would be included in the 1984 improvement proj- ects and assessed accordingly. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls to refer the request to City staff for consideration in the 1984 improvement program. Alderman Mlinar seconded the motion and carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz commented on the letter received from the Parks and Recreation Grants Unit, Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Development, regarding lack of compliance to post the required sign ack- nowledging federal /state participation in park funding for West River Park. He stated the necessary sign would be installed. -8- 1 0 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 1983 Reference was made to a letter written by the City Attorney regarding an on -sale liquor license and its conditions for Scalawags. Mr. Schaefer is trying to determine whether or not the license issued to the new owner, Allan Otremba, authorizes the serving of alcoholic beverages on the prem- ises of the Hutch Bowl. Mr. Plotz reported that the City's insurance consultant, Dwight Tange, had submitted a preliminary feasibility report on group health insurance for the employees of Burns Manor. It was reported that a response had been received from the State Parks and Recreation Grants Section regarding the questions posed on the West River Park program and acquisition of lots. Senator John Bernhagen responded that he concurred with the City Council's Resolution regarding cable television rates and has worked toward that end to pass legislation. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The verified claims were approved for payment from the appropriate funds upon motion by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried, with Mayor DeMeyer abstaining from voting. 12. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:08 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and approved unanimously. f 0 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1983 The special meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Vice -Mayor Gruenhagen. Present were: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Kenneth Gruen - hagen, and Alderman Ted Beatty. Absent: Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Also present: Citv Administrator Gary D. Plotz and City Attorney James Schaefer. City Attorney Schaefer commented on the Minnesota State Statutes 117.52 regarding uniform relocation assistance. He stated it was clear that the City acquired property by means of negotiation, but the question was whether or not Pat Smith, dba Cameo Cleaners, became displaced as a result of the acquisition. Attorney Schaefer reported there was no case on the law books that dealt with lease hold- ers being terminated or relocation expense for business property. He pointed out the City would have good argument in court if it reached that point. How- ever, Pat Smith likewise would have good argument. If the City lost the court case, it could cost the City attorney fees in addition to relocation expenses. Alderman Carls inquired if the League of Cities had been contacted regarding the matter. Attorney Schaefer responded that the League had no information avail- able. The Dorsey law firm was also contacted, and Attorney Jerry Gilligan came to the same conclusion that both sides had good argument for the case. Mr. Gilli- gan would not commit himself on a directive opinion. Alderman Carls asked if a verbal agreement had to be honored. Attorney Schaefer answered that it did not have to be honored. Attorney Roger Gilmer stated that at the last Council meeting his client, Pat Smith, had presented a list of relocation costs in the amount of $21,864.67. Subsequent to that time he and Mr. Smith had met with Attorney Schaefer to dis- cuss settlement. Inasmuch as the Council had shown reluctance to pay remodeling costs in the new location, Mr. Smith had eliminated some of the costs where he could do the work himself. The total amount being requested was $8,587, which in- cluded moving, plumbing and electrical work. City personnel would not be used to help move the drycleaning equipment. It was also requested that the City waive the building permit fee. After lengthy discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to accept the settlement and award to Cameo Cleaners $8,587 as the maximum amount for relocation, with no City per- sonnel involved, and to waive the building permit fee, with the relocation money to come from the downtown parking fund. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Mr. Charles Pulkrabek submitted an application for a Christmas tree sales permit. Upon motion by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion carried unanimously to approve and issue said permit. The meeting adjourned at 7:37 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and approved unanimously. 19 0 LAW OFFICES GISLASON, DOSLAND, HUNTER & MALECKI A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION STATE AND CENTER STREETS SIDNEY P. GISLASON P.O. BOX 458 C.ALLEN DOSLAND NEW TILM, MINNESOTA 56073 DONALD F. HUNTER,P.A. 507-354 -3111 JAMES H.MALECXI DANIEL A.GISLASON ROBERT M. HALVORSON C.THOMAS WILSON JAMES B. WALLACE DAVID D.ALSOP RUTH ANN WEBSTER BARRY G.VERMEER WILLIAM A.MOELLER TIMOTHY P. TOBIN Hutchinson City: Hall Hutchinson, Gentlemen: City Council MN, 55360. 220 WOODBRIDGE PLAZA 10201 WAYZATA BOULEVARD MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA 55363 612 - 544 6035 November 18;.19831 4 N0Vi983 ��n^ +EClVVED N BYi, �ti� V E; REPLY TO New Ulm Re: Concerns of Mayor DeMeyer Our File No. 10192 -001 I represent Mayor James DeMeyer. Mr. DeMeyer and I have reviewed a number of matters concerning Hutchinson City:Government._ We nave talked at length aoout now these ;natters snould oe Aandled,:and wnetner a lawsuit snould,De commenced to challenge the City' s actions on each of the items set forth below.. I nave told Mr.- DeMeyer that ne would nave a good claim against the City for illegal actions taxen,.but Lie and I.nave also discussed the possibility:of resolving all of this without the necessity of a lawsuit.- Mr. DeMeyer would rather attempt to resolve these items iirst,.without tine lawsuit,.out if they cannot De resolved,.he nas autnurized we to commence litigation immediatelyi The matters about which Mayor DeMeyer is concerned,.and which would,be the subject of a lawsuit that will be initiated if we cannot resolve tnem,.are as follows: 1. Parxina Improvement Bonds, The original Resolution authorizing parxing improvement oonds,.wnicn is Resolution No. 6875 adopted on June 30, 1981;. provides for the issuanca.of Donds in the aggregate amount or $1,250,000.. Under the Statutes involved in the issuance of this type of bond,.a minimum 50 percent assessment must oe made bacx against the parxing district, This was not done.- In fact,.tne total levy:is closer to 25 percent than 50-percent, A1so,.I understand that after hearings were closed,.numerous cnanges were made by the Council 0 GISLASON, IIOSLAND, HUNTER & MALECKI 2 PAGE Hutchinson City Council November 18,.19831 (excluding the Mayor from these changes), thereoy.eliminating public input into the cnanges._ vie oelieve that this procedure is completely illegal and invalid under the Statutes, 26 'Pax Increment financing. Development District 41was estaolisned as a ;Redevelopment Project,, in accordance witn a series of factual determinations made by.tne Council._ These factual determinations ,.nowever,.ignored completely the fact that the shopping mall was to ouilt directly wicnin the area designated as ',ulignted." There can De no question about the Councils Knowledge of the snopping center,.as the lawsuit over the center.naa just oeen concluded against the City:at that time._ This was the City',,s action in attempting to deny - Industrial Revenue bonds tnat nad previously:oeen designated for construction of the shopping mall.. We Delieve that the Council's findings,.which ignore the pending construction of the snopping mall and adopt findings that are cotally:inconsistent with this development,.are improper and do not constitute a satisfactory oasis for estanlisament of a "Redevelopment Project." 36 Armory Sale. All sales of real estate in Hutchinson must be done by: Ordinance. As the Council is aware,.this is a part of the City Cnarter._ When the Armory was sold to Emmett McCormicx and the Citizens Banx and Trust Company,.despite requirements of the Ordinance a deed was delivered oefore the Ordinance was adopted.. Tnereafter,.an Ordinance was adopted and objected to by:Mayor DeMeyer because the Ordinance was adopted after the fact. In part,.tne Ordinance provides tnat the City- ,oy.this Ordinance does sell' and convey all rignt,,title and interest it may hold in that certain piece of property:legally described as . . ." This cannot be correct,.since the sale had already:taxen place pursuant to a deed that nad previously:Deen delivered Dacx on February 14, 19836 The Ordinance must,.in order for the Ordinance procedure to maKe any. sense,.precede delivery:of• any deed._ 4: Transfer of Funds. Prior to Mayor DeMeyerls term in office,.the Council toox approximately $90,000_( *nich includes accrued interest),.from the Cityls sewer and water fund for improvements at the Municipal Liquor Store. We Delieve tnat such a transfer of funds is illegal,.and resulted -in overcharges for sewer and water witnin the City. If an of GISLASON, IIOSLANI7, HUNTER & MALECKI PAGE 3l Hutchinson City Council oovember 18, 1983 excess was allowed to develop in the City sewer and water would indicate tnat the residents nave been overcnargedp tnat excess continued the overcnarge._ 5. S'& L Project. fund, .it removal of As witn the sale of the Armory, .tne S & L`lProject property was sold without benefit or an ordinance. Again,.we feel that this was an illegal sale._ In order to comply:witn the Cuarter,.tne Ordinance would had to nave been adopted prior to the sale being made._ 6', arking Lots. Several parking lots nave been removed from:the City31s municipal parking system._ Nevertneless,.tne City continues to maintain tnose lots,.including snow removal and the like._ An answer needs to De provided as to why tnese lots are continuing to be maintained Dy:tne City:_ It nas previously oeen determined tnat these lots were not necessary :for the overall parking program; if they had Deen considered as Deing necessary;.they snould not nave Deen eliminated from the municipal parking system. We believe that public maintenance of tnese lots after they nave been eliminated from the parking system is entirely:inconsistent._ I.intend to be present at the Hutchinson City Council meeting on the evening of Tuesday,. Novemoer 221 1983, in order to discuss Mayor DeMeyerl;s concerns, We would like to attempt to arrange a settlement of this overall situation on a basis that would De in the public interest,.and would eliminate the necessity:for a lawsuit._ If such a settlement cannot De arranged,.Mayor DeMeyer will immediately.proceed with nis action. RMHajid cc: Mr. James Schaefer I look forward to meeting with you. Very.truly. yours,. 4414 Robert M.-Halvorson ,612) 587 -5151 k -- CITY dr i1U`/ "Ciril'JSQI'c! 371 .!ASKING TON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, M1NN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: December 7, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Street Light Attached is a request for a street light at Highwy 7 West and Third Avenue N.W. for your consideration. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /PV attachment Hutch Computer Industries WXMXYj Xr)rii)OXX 555 Third Avenue NW Hutchinson,.Winnesola 55350 November 8, 1983 Mr. Marlow Priebe City Engineer 37 W. Washington Avenue Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Marlow: Telephone 612 -587 -2940 I'd first like to thank you for your effort for getting in the curb and gutter for our new building. I am now asking for your consideration for a street light, probably up by the intersection of Highway 7 and Third Avenue. - It is very dark in that particular area, and the intersection is hard to find, and of course, coming around the corner the stop sign is very hard to see. The biggest problem for us is that people are not able to find the intersection coming off of the highway. When the curb and gutter was installed, the street was widened approximately 30 feet, and what we now have is 30 feet of gravel in front of our building. Of course it is too late in the year to ask for a permanent street, but if we could get some oil worked into the street, it could eliminate some of the mud problems until a permanent street could be installed. I would appreciate your efforts in this matter. your help. Best Regards, Jerry Cornell JC:clm Thanks again for Fund. 9 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7573 TRANSFERRING $30,000 FROM LIQUOR STORE TO GENERAL FUND BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT $30,000 is hereby transferred by the Liquor Store to the General Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of December, 1983. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk James G. DeMeyer Mayor • RESOLUTION NO. 7574 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR No. 1 Diesel 1,039 Engine Operation Street Yes Schmeling Oil Co The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM Date Approved: Motion made by: Seconded by: COST PURPOSE I DEPT. I BUDGET 1 VENDOR Resolution submitted for Council action by: '1!512) 587 -5151 In CITY OF NUTCl-i'lAISON i Pf 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: December 1st, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Building Official RE: November 1983 Building Report Attached is the November 1983 Report of Building Permits Issued and Local Public Construction. There were 3 Demolition Permits, 5 Mobile Home Permits, 8 Sign Permits, 3 Plumbing Permits and 23 Building Permits, for a total of 42 permits issued during the month of November, with a construction valuation of $586,659.00. Homer Pittman Building Official HP /pv attachment 7a. I X 'ii ^ • 57 No. 0607- rJ094: Apom%al Expires June 1934 Foov. C -404 Period in which -�— ` -" permits issued N3VE"BER 19E3 PLEASE MAIL ON OR BEFORE THE 4TH DAY OF THE MONTH U.S. DEPARTMENT of coMMeace EVGFAU O OF L4E CENSUS (Please correct any errors in name or address) REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 61:1,3500 41 9 9999 085 8 81 26 0 2730 CENSUS USE ONLY HONER PITTMAN BLDG OFF CITY HALL 37 WASHINGTON AVE WEST Has the geographic coverage of this permit HUTCHINSON MN 55350 system changed during this period? LX-, No Yes - Explain in comments -_ If no permits were issued during this Bureau of the Census MAIL THIS Please read theinstructions before period, enter (X) in box and return form rr� 1201 East Tenth Street COPY TO Jeffersonville, Ind. 47132 completing form. For further help, call collect (3D 1) 763 -7244. - --rL� Section I - NEW RESIDENTIAL HOUSE- PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of KEEPING BUILDINGS AND Item MOBILE HOMES No. construction construction uildings Housing Buildings Housin ou unpits (Omit cents/ tt sg (Omit cents) (a) (b) tc) (d) (e) (fl (g) One- family houses, detached 101 One- family houses attached, each unit separated from adjoining unit(s) by a wall that extends from ground to roof 102 1 2 92,820 Two - family buildings 103 2 4 187,914 Three- and four - family buildings 104 Five -or -more family buildings 105 TOTAL (Sum of 101 -105) 109 3 6 1 280,734 Mobile homes 112 S 5 1 - - - - - -- Section II - NEW RESIDENTIAL NOH- PRIVATELY CWFED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of HOUSEKEEPING INO Buildings Roams Buildings Rooms BUILDINGS construction (Omit cents) construction (Omit cents) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins intended for transient accommodations 213 Other nonhousekeeping shelter 214 Section III - NEW NONRESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of BUILDINGS Nc construction fomi7 cents) construction (Omit cents) Buildings Housing units Buildings ousmg units (a) (b). (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Amusement and recreational buildings 318 Churches and other religious buildings 319 - Industrial buildings 320 Parking garages (open to general public) 321 Service stations and repair garages 322 Hospitals and other institutional buildin s 323 Office, bank, and professional buildings 324 Public works and utilities buildings 325 Schools and other educational buildin s 326 Stores and other mercantile buildings 327 Other nonresidential buildings 328 2 1 575 Structures other than buildings 329 Section IV - ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS c An increase in the number of housing 10� units (in the housing units column, N — c enter only the number of additional a . d units) 433 N t No change in the number of m N housing units 434 13 80 6SO v.°_ A decrease in the number of housing T units (in the housing units column, v t, enter only the number of decreased M I units) 1435 Residential garages and carports - (attached and detached) 436 1 7.000 All other buildings and structures 437 1 4 217,700 Signs - 8 Total Cost Fvaluation - $586, 659.00 PLEASE CONTINUE ON REVERSE SIDE �� Section V — CONVERSIONS PRIVATELY OWNEC PUBLICLY OWNED __- Item Number Valuation of Number Val uaton'bf,, Buildings Housing units No. Housing construction Buildings units !Omit cents) construction (Omit cents) (a) (b) Ic) (d) (e) (f) - (g) Nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings to housekeeping buildings 540 Housekeeping buildings to nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings 541 Section VI — DEMOLITIONS AND RAZING OF BUILDINGS One- family buildings attached and detached 645 1 1 Two - family buildings 646 Three- and four - family buildings 647 - Five -or -more family buildings 648 All other buildings and structures 649 2 2 - - "_ - - --- Section V11 — ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUAL PERMITS OF $500,000 OR MORE Please provide in the space below, additional information for each individual permit valued at $500,000 or more entered in sections I through V. Item No. from -: - -- Description - Name and address of Ownership Mark rX) - - Valuation of construction Number of housing Number of Sec- - - owner or builder (Omit Cents) - units buildings f —V - .one (a) (b) Ic) (d) (d- Kind of building -- - -- - - E] Private - _____ _ Site address ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Public S Kind of building ------------------------ E3 Private - Site address ______ _______ ___ __ _____. ❑Public Kind of building E] Private Siteadd —re ss _ ___________ E] Public Kind of building -------- _-- ______ -- ❑Private Site address ___ __________,❑Public Kind of building ------ ------ -- -- -- ❑Private --------------- - Siteaddress _______________________ Public Kind of building _______ ❑Private ____________________ Site address _ ____________ ___ _______ L] Public Kind of building - ----- ----- -- -- - --- ❑Private --- --------------- Siteaddress --- __ - -__ ❑Public _. Kind of building ❑Private Siteaddress ___ __ ___________ _____ __ ❑Public - Kind of building - -- -- ---- ---- - - - --❑ Private --------------- -- Site address - ------------ ------ ---- E:] Public Comments Name of person to contact regarding this report - - Telephone Area code ...:` Number __..:.. Extension - - - Homer Pittman - Title - ( _ -. -. ..: ._ Building Official 612 587 -5151 210 FORM C -108 11-8 -811 e • Minutes Airport Zoning Board - Continued Public Hearing Thursday, August 25, 1983 The recessed hearing of the Airport Zoning Board was reconvened at 8:05 P.M., August 25, 1983 by Chairman Robert Carney. Members Present: LeRoy Olson, Don Pankake, George Quast, Norbert Shimek, Melvin Sprengler, Jerold Wright and Chairman Carney. Absent: David Buser and Doug Hedin. Also present: Ray Strege (TKDA), City Engineer Marlow Priebe, City Administrator Gary Plotz. A printed sheet of changes for the proposed zoning ordinance as discussed at the Airport Zoning Board Workshop on August 17, 1983, was presented by Mr. Strege. The Board reviewed and took action on each of the possible changes as follows: After discussion, Mr. Olson made a motion to add the words "For the purpose of promoting health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, general welfare and for conserving property values and encouraging the most appropriate use of land," at the beginning of Section IV:C.Boundary Limitations. Seconded by Mr. Pankake, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wright made a motion to add the same words, "For the purpose of promoting health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, general welfare and for conserving property values and encouraging the most appropriate use of land," to Section V:C.Boundary Limitations. Seconded by Mr. Pankake, the motion carried unanimously. After discussion, Mr. Wright made a motion to change the wording in Section VIII as follows: "Section VIII: Certificates of Compliance A. Future Uses: Except as specifically provided in Paragraph 1 and 2 hereunder, no material change shall be made in the use of land and no structure shall be erected, altered, or otherwise established in any zone hereby created unless a certificate of compliance shall have been issued by the Airport Zoning Compliance-Administrator hereinafter provided for .... If such determination is in the affirmative, the certificate of compliance shall be granted." Seconded by Mr. Quast, the motion carried unanimously. After discussion, Mr. Wright made a motion to change the term "permit" to "Certificate of Compliance" in Section VIII: A: 1. Seconded by Mr. Olson, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wright made a motion to insert words "or permit a nonconforming use, structure, or tree to become a greater" before "hazard to air navigation... ". Seconded by Mr. Pankake, the motion carried unanimously. After discussion, Mr. Quast made a motion to substitute present wording in Section VIII:C with "Nonconforming uses abandoned, deteriorated or destroyed: ", and to add as the last sentence of C, "All permit applications for the replacement of a destroyed nonconforming structure or tree shall be granted provided that the replacement structure or tree is of no greater hazard to air navigation, nor occupies a greater area than it did on the effective date of this ordinance." 1 After discussion, Mr. Olson made a motion to change "four" months to "two" months in Section IX. Seconded by Mr. Pankake, the motion carried unanimously. After a lengthy discussion about who the airport zoning compliance administrator might be, Mr. Olson made a motion to replace "Airport Zoning Administrator" with Airport Zoning Compliance Administrator" in the heading of Section XI, and to replace "Hutchinson City Administrator" with "Hutchinson City Official ". Seconded by Mr. Pankake, discussion followed. The motion carried with Mr. Olson, Mr. Pankake, Mr. Wright and Chairman Carney voting "aye" and Mr. Quest and Mr. Shimek voting nay. Mr. Wright made a motion to replace Section XI wording with, "It shall be the duty of a Hutchinson City Official to administer and efnorce the regulations prescribed herein. Applications for permits shall be made to the govenmental entity having permitting jurisdiction over the property utilizing the procedures currently in effect for the subject governmental entity. Permits requiring Certificates of Compliance as set forth in Section VIII of this Ordinance shall be referred to the Airport Zoning Compliance Administrator and shall be promptly considered and a certificate of compliance shall be issued or denied by him in accordance with the regulations prescribed herein. Airport Zoning variances applications relative to the regulations decribed herein shall be submitted directly to the Airport Zoning Compliance Administrator and transmitted by him for action by the Board of Adjustment hereinafter provided for." Seconded by Mr. Olson, the motion carried with Messrs. Wrightp Olson, Pankake, Carney, Shimek and Sprengler voting aye and Mr. Quast voting nay. After discussion, Mr. Shimek made a motion to add the words "and qualified" to Section XII:A, so that it reads "is duly appointed and qualified." Seconded by Mr. Pankake, the motion carried unanimously. Discussion about listing the qualifications followed. Mr. Shimek made a motion that the wording "and be a 2 year resident of the areas pertaining to and affected by this Airport Zoning Ordinance" be inserted in Section XII:A. Seconded by Mr. Olson, the motion carried unanimously. After discussion, Mr. Shimek made a motion to change wording in Section XII:C:1 to "Airport Zoning Compliance Administrator" from "Zoning Administrator ", and to change wording in Section XII:C:3 to "variance from this Ordinance" from "variation in this Ordinance." Seconded by Mr. Quast, the motion carried unanimously. Discussion concerning the authority of the Airport Zoning Board to amend the ordinance followed. Mr. Shimek made a motion to direct Mr. Strege to change Section XVIII to "Amendments ", which will state the right and authority of the Airport Zoning Board to amend this Ordinance. Seconded by Mr. Quast, further discussion followed as to the necessity of such a section. After discussion, the motion carried unanimously. It was noted that the original Section XVIII, would now become Section XIX. Discussion followed concerning the new exhibit A. Mr. Strege explained that Land Use Zoning will not affect Hutchinson or Acoma Townships. Mr. Shimek raised the question of having a survey done of the land in Zones A and B. Mr. Ed Duesterhoeft of Lynn Township added that he felt the zoning I, • 2 • A* 0 0 administrator would know much better what is in A, B or C if it is marked. Following discussion, Mr. Shimek made a motion that the Board ask the City of Hutchinson to make a survey of the land in zones A and B. The motion was seconded by Mir. Quast. Discussion followed. Mr. Marlow Priebe, City Engineer, noted that the best time to do a survey would be during the winter period. Above ground markers could be placed with the approval of the land owner. After discussion, the motion carried unanimously. Discussion followed about existing easements in Zones A and B and the possibility of new easements being drawn up. Chairman Carney asked if the state requires land to be purchased immediately after the ordinance is adopted. It was Mr. Strege's opinion that they possibly won't ask for anything until a request to expand the airport is made. Mr. Priebe commented that land acquisition is tied to construction. It was noted that the state has recommended that the City go ahead with land purchase as laid out in the Airport Master Plan. There was a recess at 10:30 P.M. The hearing reconvened at 10:45 P.M. Mr. Shimek explained a question he had about correct staking. Discussion followed. Mr. Quast made a motion to close the hearing at 11:05 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Olson, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Quast made a motion to adopt Resolution for Submitting Revised Proposed Ordinance to the MN /Dot for a Commissioner's Order of Approval. Seconded by Mr. Pankake, the Chairman called for a roll call vote. The motion carried unanimously with Messrs. Quast, Olson, Shimek, Pankake, Sprengler and Carney voting aye. The Secretary was directed to set a meeting after the ordinance has been considered by the commissioner and is returned. The meeting should be scheduled for a Wednesday evening, to begin at 8:00 p.m. W 0 E November 22, 1983 The library board met on November 22, 1983 with the following members present: Ralph Bergstrom, John Horrocks, Albert Linde, Elaine Clay, Paul Ackland, Kathy NcGraw.Barb '•�hitienberg and city council representative John Mlinar were also present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Ralph Bergstrom met with Gary Plotz on November 9 (Day after election). 1. Sell bonds - 30 -90 days 2. Things board must do: Consultant (flat fee) (hourly basis) and architect. Calls received from Lindberg & J. Korngiebel. Archi- tects - 5% to 7%. It will take architect 60 -90 days to draw up final plans. There is a vacancy on the board (Paul Barcenas) and replacement should be made by December. There are two applicants. Oil company for 1984 is Schmeling Oil (Fritz Schmeling). Mation was made by Elaine Clay and seconded by Paul Ackland to call them. Mtion carried. Motion by Paul Ackland, seconded by Albert Linde, to pay 525.00 from Library Book Sale for Christmas decorating. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 3:30. Secretary Pro Tem ORNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSIAP HOME Minutes - October 1983 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, October 20, 1983, at Burns Manor, 5:30 P.M., President Leslie Linder presiding. All members present. David Jensen, Financial Advisor, gave a detailed report of Earnings and Expenses for the nine month period ending September 30, 1983 and the same nine month period actual earnings and expenses. The impact of the 4% Legislated Income Reduction was discussed and the steps that were taken to adjust operational expenses for the reduction in income. The third quarter net gain does not reflect the bond payment due December, 1983. Burns Manor is in the process of contracting with Hutchinson Community Hospital for payroll computer services. Final welfare rate has been recieved retro - active to January, 1983. Skilled - $43.55, ICF $38.92 A motion was made by Larry Graf to bill private pay patients retro- active to July --1,1983. Motion seconded by Esther Kuehl. Motion carried. Eldred Miller discussed purchase of a freezer. It was decided to ask for two more bids on a freezer. A motion was made by Mike Carls and seconded by Larry Graf, to purchase the freezer after it has been let out for more than one bid, at the lowest comparable price. Motion carried. Copies of the Goals and Objectives of the Task Force were recieved by the board for review. Joint meeting with the boards will be held Monday, October 24, 1983, 7:30 P.M. large conference room at the hospital. Thorsen Campbell Rolando & Lehne, Certified Public Accountants are combining their accounting practice with Charles Bailly & Company. Charles Bailly & Company has extensive work in the health care field. The firm of Thorsen Campbell Rolando & Lehne plan to perform an audit at Burns Manor the week of October 24th. The forms for completion of Minnesota Department of Public Welfare Rule 50 have not been received. 7-" Minutes October 1983 Page 2 Budgeting for 1984 was discussed. There being no further business, a motion was made by Larry Graf and seconded by Keith Duehn, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The Burns Manor Board of Directors will meet Thursday November 17, 1983 at 5:00 p.m., in the Annex sun porch at Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home. Respectfully Submitted: ° c Mavis J. Geief/,'Secretary ATTEST: Leslie L. Linder, President 0 0 MINUTES • Parks 6 Recreation Board • October 5, 1983 Members Present: Roy Johnsen; Chairman, Lyle Block, Rollie Jensen, Kathy McGraw, Don Falconer and Mike Carls. Also present were Bruce Ericson, John McRaith, Karen McKay and Mary Haugen. Minutes The minutes dated September 7, 1983 were approved by a motion made by Lyle Block, and seconded by Rollie Jensen. The board unanimously agreed. A letter of gratitude was read by Rollie Jensen addressed to the Parks & Recreation Board members from Ken Prihoda, Principal of the Elementary School, for their con- tribution in the purchase of the playground equipment at North Park. Bruce mentioned tothe board that the $12,000 budgeted for flooring at the arena was left in the budget for 1984 along with $6,000 for natural gas heating and a board brush also for the arena. $1,000 was also in the budget for picnic table frames. video of Swimming Pools at Cloquet, .Mike Carls suggested that Bruce for the 1983 season. Mike also desirable location for a pool. other service groups (clubs) to Dog Ordinance Shakopee and Elm Creek get the operating figures from Cloquet and Shakopee stated that the Bass Pond area was not the most It was also suggested that the video be shown to get the interest level up. Bruce is going to check with Dean O'Borsky, Police Chief regarding lease law, and dogs allowed in the picnic areas. Results of the Arena Tests The report was back from Twin City Testing, it suggested insulating the pipes and walls around the trench, and watch the slab for more severe cracking. Recreation Sub Committee The committee came up with two options the first would be to have a bond issue to fund a new recreation facility. The second option would be to have a private dev- eloper build the facility and the city would lease it. Exercise Trail at Roberts Park The exercise trail at Roberts Park will consist of the "Vita Course ". The price included delivery. The Vita Course offerred more large structures and redwood signs. Saturday, October 8th is the scheduled day for construction. The park crew will be supervising the construction. Thursday, October 13 at 6:30 p.m. is the scheduled grand opening during Wellness Week. Wellness Week October 10 -14 is Wellness Week sponsored by the Hutchinson Community Hospital and the Chamber of Commerce. The Parks S Recreation Department will be sponsoring a program for women that will consist of a speaker on nutrition and mental health and an exercise program. Day care will also be proveded for women attending the program. There is no cost involved for the women attending. The Senior Citizens Hiking Club will be passing out "Fitness is Ageless" buttons on Tuesday 6 Thursday. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. by a motion made by Don Falconer, and seconded by Roy Johnsen. 7 �i _ ,612) 587 -5151 • vv/ 37 V✓ASHiNGTONAVENUE VEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: December 6, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Enginering RE: Watermain Report Central Commercial District Attached is a map of the water distribution system in the Central Commercial District. I have shown in red, the addition to the system approved for 1984. In green, is recommended additions in the future. Ile should try to complete these in the next 5 years. Is The system additions necessary to provide service for sprinkler systems is shown in yellow for 1984 and brown for the future. The cost data for the line extension to serve the building Lorraine Meyer owns is as follows: Summer Winter Construction Cost $5,735.00 $6,935.00 Adminstration 8 Engineering 975.00 975.00 Capitalized Interest 460.00 460.00 TOTAL ------------------------- $7,170.00 8,370.00 Assessment Costs: Lorraine Meyer -- - - - - -- Summer Winter S 1/3 of Lot 5, Block 50, Main - 1,621.67 $2,596.67 N 1/2 City Service Lead - $2,295.00 $2,520.00 Total - -- $3,916.67 $5,106.67 McBrad, A Partnership - Main - $1,621.67 - Center 1/3 of Lot 5, Block 50, DEFERRED N 1/2 City Alice Lovald----- - - - - -- Main - $1,621.67 - N 1/3 of Lot 5, Block 50, N 1/2 DEFERRED City Cost reported by Lorraine Meyer at last Council meeting was for summer construction. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv 0612) 587 -5157 -- - -•- i �l i 1' ( jJ E_i -b i_ ri f 37 WASHING TON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: December 8, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Sewer 4 Water Service Liepke Auto Repair To provide sewer and water service, it will be necessary to construct a sanitary sewer line on First Avenue N.E. from Hassan Street West to the alley. The cost is as follows: Construction Cost $ 3,130.00 Administration and Engineering 530.00 Capitalized Interest 250.00 TOTAL ---------------------------------- $ 3,910.00 Assessable Cost $ 1,710.00 City Cost $ 2,200.00 If this is acceptable, a hearing could be held on January 10, 1984. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP/PV (�-'i 1® � (612) 587 5151 HUTCflf' c® y 0,- >ti' U % °C 1- ,fit j.S ©iV —� W 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson, Parks & Recreation Director DATE: December 8, 1983 SUBJECT: LAWCON Grant /Public Facilities Task Force The Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Development has informed us that we did not receive any funding for either Girl Scout Park or the Bass Pond. The proposed Swimming area at the Bass Pond was not an eligible facility since they no longer fund any type of ponding areas. They did say that they were very impressed with the development along the river thus far and although they felt the pro- posed swimming area was a good idea, it was not eligible for funding. The Parks & Recreation Board felt that this sheds new light on the "recreation facility problem" and recommends that the Public Facility Task Force meet again to discuss the current situation in order to make some recommendations to the council. klm 9—j" • • ,:. DRUG INVESTIGATION UNIT 308 E. 2nd St. •Redwood Falls, Minnesota 56283 • (507) 637 -2433 DEC�[19v3 (ZN December 1, 1983 Zace City Council I?utchinson, Ian. 55350 Gentlemen: The Region E Drug Investigation Unit is again requesting your continued support of the unit through financial contributions. As you know, the Unit is funded solely by Ironies obtained from the counties and cities within Region E, however, we have been in the process of obtaining a tax exemption in order to elicit fiends from private foundations. The Drug Investigation Unit has been very active this past year in investigation and prosecution of drug dealers throughout the Region. The cooperation of law enforcement officials relating to these cases and the prosecution rate has been extremely encouraging. We are therefore more anxious than ever to continue the successful work of the D.I.U. The Unit has also been very involved in educational programs throughout the Region. If you have any questions about the Drug Investigation Unit please contact me at the above number or you might talk with your County Sheriff or Chief of Police. I would be willing to attend your meeting for further discussion if you so desire. The amamt of contribution we are asking of you is $200.00. Thank you. Sincerely, Chet Wiener Director 9 -Q, DATE December 5, 1983 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO Mayor and City Council FROM Chief Dean M. O'Borsky WW_ - SUBJECT Drug Investigation Unit recommend that the City continue to support the Region 'E' Drug Investigation Unit. We have received direct benefit from the unit through the use of equipment as well as investigative assistance. I assume that we may continue to count on the unit for expertise in the area of drug enforcement. DMO:nb • +i 2) 587 -5151 7 MY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHING TON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 December 1,,)`1983 / C Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Clerk HUTCHINSON CITY HALL Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Lipke Addition and Mac's Bluff Addition Dear Gary: c., fc ��c `Yz^�o 0 St I am enclosing a copy of a letter received from Anne Stoeckman on November 14, 1983. As you can see from Anne's letter, both plats were not filed within ninety (90) days after the date of their approval. Anne would like some sort of council action indicating that approval of the plats has not been withdrawn prior to her filing the documents. Could you please set this as an agenda item for the next city council meeting. Sincerely yours, SCHAEFER LAW OFFICE BY/ l Ji Schaefer Hutchinson City Attorney JHS:dlp Enclosure 9 P, OFFICE OF McLEOD COUNTY RECORDER CARMEN OSTLIE ANNE STOECKMAN DEPUTY and ABSTRACTER REGISTRAR OF TITLES ABSTRACTER GLENCOE, MINNESOTA P14ONE 664-6551 Ext. 216 P.O. BOX 66 ZIP 55336 AREA CODE 612 November 14, 1983 James H. Schaefer City Attorney 105 -2nd Avenue S.W. P.O. Box 363 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Jim: I The Official Plat for 'LIPKE ADDITION' was received for filing by this office, in August of 1983. The date of approval by the Council was August 24, 1982. Also the Official Plat for 'MAC'S BLUFF ADDITION' was received for filing by this office, on November 8, 1983. The date of approval by the Council was July 26, 1983. Effective July 1, 1983 the statute requires that the turrent real estate tax be paid before a plat can be filed. Both plats were held, until the current tax was paid. However, the approval for the 'LIPKE ADDITION' was August 24, 1982. According to Hutchinson Ordinance No. 235, Section 5 (b) Final Plat, paragraph 4, the Final Plat is to be filed within 90 days after the date of approval, or the approval shall be considered void. Please advise if approval has been withdrawn, or if the plat are entitled to be filed. Thank you for your cooperation, and if you have any questions, please call. VeCr trul urs, Anne Sto c man EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Q / //j612) 587.5151 qW . cl i Y 0:= UYCj .lit1S0iV 37 WASHINGTON A VENUE (NEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: December 7, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Assessment Rolls 178 thru 183 Bids will be received on December 12th, 1983, for some of our 1984 improvements. The assessment rolls will be ready for a Public Hearing on January 10, 1984. I recommend approval of said rolls and set hearing, Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv 9 -c: `41 � Form 0PS9114-5 -75 • • STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY LIQUOR CONTROL DIRECTOR APPLICATION FOR COUNTY OR CITY ON SALE WINE LICENSE NOT TO EXCEED 14% OF ALCOHOL BY VOLUME This application and the bond shall be submitted in duplicate. To Be sold 7 days a week Whoever shall knowingly and wilfully falsify the answers to the following questionnaire shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering the following questions ".APPLICANTS" shall be governed as follows: For a Corporation one officer shall execute this application for all officers, directors and stockholders. For a partnership one of the "APPLICANTS" shall execute this application for all members of the partnership. EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED 1. 1, James M. McClure for and in behalf of ,as Officer (Vice President) (Individual owner, officer, or partner) Cafe of Hutchinson, Inc. Wine License to be located at 101 Main Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (Post Office Address) County or City of Hutchinson hereby apply for an On Sale State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340, commencing December 1 S , 19 83 , and ending , 19 —. 2. Give applicants' date of birth 25 August 1949 (Day) (Month) (Year) Birthdates of Partners 25 August 1949 (Day) (Month) (Year) or 26 April 1946 (Day) (Month) (Year) Officers of Corporation (Day) (Month) (Year) 3. The residence for each of the applicants named herein for the past five years is as follows: Richard L. McClure, 522 Shady Ridge Road, Hutchinson, MN 55350 James M. McClure, 1301 Campbell Lane, Hutchinson MN 55350 4. Is the applicant a citizen of the United States? Yes If naturalized state date and place of naturalization If a corporation, or partnership, state citizenship status of all officers or partners. Tnmpa M_ MrClur'e U itizen Richard L. McClure U.S. Citizen 5. The person who executes this application shall give wife's or husband's full name and address Janet Ruth McClure, 1301 Campbell Lane, Hutchinson, MN 55350 q-&, 6. What occupations have applicant and associates in this application followed for the past five years? Richard L. McClure — Construction 7.am.G M. M7.('ltire — Construction 7. If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnership If a corporation, date of incorporation 6/10/82 , state in which incorporated Minnesota , amount of authorized capitalization $10,000 , amount of paid in capital $1 0 if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so state give purpose of corporatior name and address of all officers, directors and stockholders and the number of shares held by each number and street or lot and block) (City) James Michael McClure, 1301 Campbell Lane, Hutchinson, MN 100 Shares (N:�mel (Address - number and street or lot and block) (City) (Name) (Address- number and street or lot and block) (City) (Name) (Address- number and street or lot and block) (City) If incorporated under the laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this State? Number of certificate of authority If this application is for a new Corporation include a certified copy of Articles of Incorporation and By -Laws. If this application is for a RENEWAL of license state whether any changes have been made in the Articles of Incorporation and By -Laws since the last issue of Licensc 8. On what floor is the establishment located, or to be located? Lower Level 9. Describe the premises to be licensed. Approximately 7,400 square feet of lounge, dining room, meeting room and kitchen on lower level. 10. Is the establishment located near an academy, college, university, church, grade or high school? No . State the approximate distance of the establishment from such school or church 6 blocks 11. State name and address of owner of building Hutchinson S & L Rehabilitation, Limited Partnership po Box 246, Hutchinson, MN 55350 yes Has owner of building any connection, directly or indirectly, with applicant? 12. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent? No 13. State whether applicant, or any of his associates in this application, have ever had an application for a Liquor License rejected by any municipality or State authority; if so, give date and details Nn • • t` � �" . 14. Has the applicant or any of his asso*s in this application, during the five years im ately preceding this application ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked for any violation of such laws or local ordinances; if so. give date and details 15. Stare whether applicant, or any of his associates in this application, during the past five years were ever convicted of any Liquor Law violations or any crime in this state, or any other state, or under Federal Laws, and if so, give date and details No 16. Is applicant, or any of his associates in this application, a member of the county board of the county or council of the city in which this license is to be issued' so, in what capacity? If applicant for license is the spouse of a member of the governing body, or inhere other family relationship exists, such member shall not vote on this application. 17. State whether any person other than applicants has any right, title or interest in the furniture, fixtures, or equipment in the premises for which license is applied, and if so give name and details Fbrt h' n n 4 R i RphAhIlitntinn Limited Partnership owns and leases equipment and furniture to the restaurant. 18. Have applicants any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota ?, Nn Give name and address of such establishment 19. Furnish the name and address of at least three business references, including one bank reference Citizens Bank & Trust Co., Hutchinson, MN First National Bank, Hutchinson, MN First State Federal Savings & Loan Association, Hutchinson, MN 20. What is the seating capacity of this establishment? 191 Lounge & Dining, 200 Meeting Room 21. During what hours will food be available? 11 : 00 A.M. to 11:00 P. M. 22. State name of person who will operate restaurant 23. State name of person who will operate bar 24. State number of people restaurant will employ 40 James Michael McClure Richard Lee McClure 25. Will food service be the principal business of this establishment? 26. State trade name to be used. LeBistro Cafe Yes 27. If this restaurant is in conjunction with any other business (such as resort, etc.) describe such business. 28. How many years has this business been in operation under this ownership? 29. State whether applicant has, or will be granted, an "On -sale Non - Intoxicating Malt Beverage" (3.2) and /or a "Set -up" License in conjunction with this wine license? 30. Does applicant intend to sell wine to other than the consumer? NO 31. How many months of the year will this establishment be open? 12 32. Applicant, and his associates in this application, will strictly comply with all the Laws of the State of Minnesota governing the taxation and the sale of wine, rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Control Director; and all laws of the county; and I hereby certify that I have read the fore-pine questions and that the answers to said questions are true of my own knowledge. James Michael McClure �i (Signature of applicant) f/ Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Q:':.��s , I9 V OF (Notary Public) My co ssionezpires'�"��" —: ELN: :N.l A. R _rKE N]TARY PUBU2- .SDTA "ti ��r. �� Cc E�pime Y_ 4t1, 1986 REPORT ON APPLICANT OR APPLICANTS BY SHERIFF'S OFFICE OR POLICE DEPARTMENT This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, the applicant, or his associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota, or Municipal Ordinances relating to the sale of non - intoxicating malt liquor or intoxicating liquors, except as hereinafter stated. It is my judgement that the applicant will comply with the laws and regulations relating to the conduct of this business should a license be granted. �v- 3O, /99-3 Date L County Chief City .i • • FAIRMONT - 10,751 SURVEY ON FINANCING STREET MAINTENANCE DECEMBER 7, 1983 0 The City Administrator reports that general upkeep of the street is done from the City budget (general fund). Fairmont has no levy limit problems at this time. Fairmont has a sealcoat program whereby there is a special assessment over three years for sealcoat that is performed every five years. Old streets with no gravel base are left to deteriorate, until landowners request re- construc- tion. FARIBAnT - 16,595 The city engineer reports that the City budget finances both general upkeep and, the annual seal - coating program. The seal- coating program is getting more and more expensive and the engineer anticipates that the City will need to go to special assessments for seal- coating. Older streets with no gravel base are left to deteriorate, with the present Council feeling to let them further deter- iorate until the landowners request complete street re- construction. The city engineer stated that the Council is anticipated to take a more aggressive approach and set hearings by neighbor area to provide citizens with three alternatives on a cost /benefit. 1. Continue a no maintenance policy on old streets 2. Install an over -lay with a minimal life span 3. Re- construct the street BRAINERD - 11,667 The city engineer says street maintenance is funded by a combination of a one - third mill levy by charter, the City budget (general fund) and state aid funds ($30,000 /year). The City is decreasing their state aid construction monies by diverting 20 percent of their annual allocation to street maintenance and repair. Older streets are not a great maintenance problem because the City's soil condi- tion is sand. NORTHFIELD - 12,562 The city administrator reports that both general repair and seal- coating are fi- nanced out of the City budget (general fund). The City has no levy limit prob- lems at this time. After discussing our situation in Hutchinson of older unimproved SURVEY ON FINANCING PAGE 2 streets, it was the administrator's suggestion to establish a "maintenance street district" similar to the state approved "storm sewer district" option. FERGUS FALLS - 12,443 The city engineer reports that general street maintenance and seal- coating are financed out of the general fund. There are no levy limit problems. In older areas the City intends to provide street improvement alternatives to landowners on a neighborhood (8 -10 square block) area. NEW ELM - 13,051 The city manager stated that general street maintenance and seal- coating are fi- nanced from the City budget (general fund). Levy limits are not a problem. Only substantial re- construction or new construction is assessed to property owners WILLMAR - 13,632 The city clerk stated that general street maintenance is financed approximately 50 percent from the City budget and the balance of funding from the State street aid allocation. Willmar intentionally assigns streets in a poor condition to the state street aid system to obtain maintenance monies. Seal- coating is done on an every four -to -five year basis, at which time about 35 blocks are completed. Council Minutes wove -,ber 25, 192,0 = . Following discussion, the notion was made by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously, to approve the 1981 Shade Tree application and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6,642 entitled Resolution Giving Approval of Ap- plication for 1981 Diseased Shade Tree Program Sanitation /Re- forestation Grant -In -Aid. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported he had received a memorandum from the Chief of Police requesting a shooting range site. He and the City Engineer had reviewed the site and the City Ordinance Book re- garding municipal shooting range. There was nothing in the Ordinance Book on shooting ranges; therefore, it would require temporary ap- proval from the Council. (o) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY ORVILLE MARTIN 'WITH FAVORABLE RECOiiMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6643 entitled Resolution Granting Conditional Use CD Permit under Section 6.07, C.5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to Allow An Addition to A Non - Conforming Structure In A R -2 Zone. The mot- ion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried. < (p) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR REZONING SUBMITTED BY THE CITY OF HUTC!;INSON WITH FAVORABLE RECOhMENOATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION City Administrator Plotz explained the vacant lot located on the northeast corner of Second Avenue and Glen Street was being re- , zoned to C -3 and will be used by the City as a public parking lot, with the owner's permission. r Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried unanimously, to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 464 Concerning Zoning Regulations In the City of Hutchinson and the Official Zoning Map and set the second reading for December 9, 1980. (q) CONSIDERATION OF LAND TRANSFER TO LORRAINE A. MEYER City Attorney Schantzen requested this item be deferred until he had reviewed the matter. It was moved by Alderman Lueneburg to defer action until the next Council meeting. Seconded by Alderman Peterson, the motion un- animously carried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported he had received a memorandum from the Chief of Police requesting a shooting range site. He and the City Engineer had reviewed the site and the City Ordinance Book re- garding municipal shooting range. There was nothing in the Ordinance Book on shooting ranges; therefore, it would require temporary ap- proval from the Council. V 0 PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 23/83 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS: Lot Ten (10), Block Thirteen (13), South Half of the City of Hutchinson. THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: WHEREAS, The city of Hutchinson on the 20th day of May, 1982, entered into an Option Contract with Park Square Co., a General Partnership, to purchase land legally described as Lot Ten (10), Block Thirteen (13), South Half of the City of Hutchinson, and WHEREAS, on December 3rd, 1982, said Option Contract was exercised and the real property so described was conveyed to the City of Hutchinson by Warranty Deed from Park Square Co., and WHEREAS, pursuant to action of the Hutchinson City Council, on December 3rd, 1982, documents necessary to effect transfer of title to said property from the City of Hutchinson to Hutchinson S & L Rehah, a Limited Partnership were executed, NOW THEREFORE: THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON HEREBY ratifies and affirms the documents of transfer executed by appropriate duly elected public officials and by this Ordinance does ratify said transfer, and does hereby sell and convey all right, title and interest it may hold or may have held in that certain piece of property legally described as Lot Ten (10), Block Thirteen (13), South Half of the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the Council this day of , 1983. Attest: Gary D. Plotz, City Clerk 9 -G f/, (612) 587 -5151 Ciry OF lff J 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson, Parks & Recreation Director DATE: December 8, 1983 SUBJECT: Storm Damage In the past few years our policy regarding storm damage is that if the damage is placed on the boulevard within two days following a storm, we will pick it up free of charge. We encounter many problems with this such as: A) When does bad weather become a storm. b) Elderly persons unable to take care of their damaged tree within the two day limit. ' c) Residents on vacation and return home after our two day deadline has expired. d) Another storm occurs before the debris from the previous storm has been completely picked up. In addition to the problems associated directly with a storm, res- idents observe city trucks picking up storm damage and then proceed to trim their trees and throw the branches on the boulevard regularly for city crews to pick up. In order to avoid continuously picking up brush on the boulevard, which is the case now, there are some alternatives. a) During the spring, summer and fall months, city crews pick up brush.one day per month (i.e. the first working day of each month). b) One day each month (see i.e. above) the tree dump would be open, with supervision, for residents to utilize. Here city crews would be responsible for city trees only. c) The city discontinues service completely except for city trees (boulevard and parks). d) The service be continued for a fee. 9� Mayor 6 City Council December 8, 1983 Page two Also, options A, B & D will probably get much more than just storm damage (i.e. residents trimming their trees). I don't feel this will increase our volume greatly since in most cases when a storm damages a tree, the residents need to trim that tree to even it out. However, these options would allow city crews to plan ahead and have less interruption of their work schedules. Recommendation At the December meeting of the Parks & Recreation Board, the board recommended, "that the city discontinue this service" (option C). Note: Members present voting "aye" were Ward Haugen, Kathy McGraw, Rollie Jensen and Roy Johnsen, Mike Carls voted "nay ". 0 • # 0 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 9, 1983 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO: Mayor and City Council FROM- Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant SUBJECT: Purchase of Micro Computer During the budget process for 1984 we reduced the capital request for several micro computers stating we may be able to make the purchase yet this year. It would be the request at this time to purchase an additional micro computer HP 150 and software at a cost of $7,000. The system is a larger, faster system than what we have currently but would be able to do all the same func- tions as the old HP 125 word processing visicalc. The systems have been evalu- ated by LOGIS,and staff feels the system is quite satisfactory and represents the next logical progression in the system. There currently is not money budgeted for this expenditure but due to a larger transfer then expected from the bonds of 1983, there appears to be money avail- able. A request for authorization of this purchase, not to exceed $7,000 for a HP 150 and software, is being made. /ms 1-,';1f6 W 12) 587 -5151 ,k "U1 i i . r� l 37 WASHING TONAVEN WEST f,. NUTCNINSON, M.:'N. 55355 0 M E M 0 DATE: December 8, 1983 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: 4 Unit Apartment R -2 Zone I have been informed that the structure on the West Half of Lot 10, Block 31, South Half of City, located at the S.E. corner of Third Avenue S.W. and Glen Street is being utilized as a 4 unit apartment building. This is a R -2 Zone which does not permit same. Also, the lack of on -site parking is creating a parking problem in the area. The problem should be reviewed by the City Attorney for recommendations. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv 587.5151 — — • J/ 7" 37 WASHING TON A ENUc WEST HUTCHINSO% MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: December 7, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Project 84 -03 Stoney Point Addition The plans and specifications have been completed for the above - referenced project. I recommend approval of same and set a bid date for 2:00 P.M. on December 27th, 1983. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PROJECT NO. 84 -03 Resolution No. 7575 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the council on October 25th, 1983, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of Boulder Street from School Road to Roberts Road by the construction of Bituminous Base, Bituminous Wear Course and Appurtenances; and on Boulder Circle from Boulder Street to West Termini by the construction of Grading, Bituminous Base, Bituminous Wear Course and Appurtenances, and has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper and in the Construction Bulletin, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 2:00 P.M. on December 27th, 1983, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Hutchinson, Minnesota, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the clerk for 10 per cent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 13th day of December, 1983. 0 0 r (612) 587 -5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 9, 1983 TO, —Ralph—Neumann — —----- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Dick Nagy -------------------------------- SUBJECT- Well Maintenance - Well #5 --- ------------------------ - - - - -- Attached are bid sheets and specifications for work to be done on well #5. I recommend that the job be awarded to Thein Well Company, Inc. and work to begin as soon as possible. This is a budgeted item. T0: MAYOR AND CITY CCu3CIL FROM: RALPH NEUMANN Well #5 was last rejuvinated in 1978. Normal complete maintenance should be done every 3 to 5 years. This is a planned expenditure in our 1983 budget. BIDS RECEIVED: L T P Enterprises $10,300.00 Keys Well Drilling $8,937.50 Thein Well Co. $7,557.50 ,.M • • REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WATER $ SEWER FUND *State Treasurer *U. S. Postmaster *U. S. Postmaster Hutch warehouse grocery Boustead Electric David Norton Norwest Bank Mpls. American Payment Center Brandon Tire Central GarageFund Coast to Coast Envirex Inc. Feed Rite Controls Inc. Fitzloff Hardware Farm $ Home Forbes Auto Store GTC Auto Parts G F, K Services Hutch Utilities Hutch Utilities Ind. School Dist. 423 Junker Sanitation Juul Contracting Mn. Mutual Life Ins. C. Finley Mix McLeod Co. Sanitary Landfill Mn. Valley Testing Lab. Nalco Chemical Co. Plaza OK Hardware Power Process Equipment Quades RCM Water Products Co. Commissioner of Revenue GENERAL FUND *State Treasurer *Mn. State Treasurer *County Treasurer *Mn. State Treasurer *Motor Vehicle Dept. *Mn. State Treasurer Earl Haarstad Mark Larson Orlin Henke Harland Emans John Mlinar Wally Hombach Charles Pulkrabek Mike Fogg Darrell C. Haugen December 13, 1983 PERA 100 stamps water bill postage distilled water etc. repairs % safety shoes interest F, service fee 3 months rental repairs repair jobs supplies supplies acid supplies supplies supplies supplies uniform rental bulbs electricity $ gas gasoline refuse watermain repair Dec. life ins. %safety shoes dumping charges testing chemicals supplies 3 mos service contract repairs professional fees meter sales tax PERA snowmobile reg. fees drivers license fees for county snowmobile reg. fees title 4 transfer plates snowmobile reg. fees %safety glasses % safety glasses fire chief meeting $ intown mileage custodian fees League convention refund gas key deposit Christmas tree basketball referee basketball referee $ 341.81 13.00 132.72 14.97 575.30 20.00 7185.50 47.00 10.00 1536.96 80.04 336.00 281.03 12.88 64.62 2.34 33.36 82.80 48.00 11,577.03 644.33 18,642.00 424.00 44.02 20.00 7.00 276.00 7198.20 14.53 316.50 685.12 2757.04 6114.90 1244.46 60,295.93 $3740.13 204.00 128.00 257.00 7.50 132.00 31.00 40.00 52.06 210.00 80.48 30.00 25.00 20.00 10.00 //- Q . _ _� 2 • 0 Stan Hardt basketball referee $ 40.00 Robert K. Hicks basketball referee 40.00 Greg Hartwig basketball referee 20.00 Paul Linder basketball referee 20.00 BNT Implement parts 29.40 Ben Franklin Store decorations 7.90 Central McGowan Inc. supplies 5.65 Communications Auditors parts 4 repairs 152.58 Display Sales Inc. decoration supplies 394.63 Dept. of Transportation carrier permit fee 60.00 Georges Food £, Fuel head lite 6.99 Grams Ins. Agency notarial bond -Bentz 20.00 Glencoe Enterprise airport hearing notice 26.92 J.W. Hanson Construction replaced settled curb $ gutter 1142.00 Haworth Press Inc. book -sr. center 16.95 Hilton F. Schuette Const. office shelves - library 170.00 Interiors Unlimited 2 carpet samples 1.00 Litchfield Ind. Review 1 yr subscription 10.00 Mr. Donut meeting supplies 8.85 Mn. Rec.-Sports Fed. 4 rule books 12.00 Mn. State Armory Bldg. Com. bldg. Rental 280.00 POTENTIALS Development Inc. publications 25.40 Security State Bank parts 65.56 Tys Metal Finishing Inc. plaque repair 15.00 Tupa Excavating digging 2 graves 140.00 USA Today 13 week subscription 16.25 Hickory Lane rug for ice machine 10.60 State of Minnesota arena license 42.00 MRSF state registration fees 168.00 AB Dick copy machine supplies 208.96 Amoco Oil Co. gasoline 30.95 Allen Office Products supplies 110.17 Acme Wash Inc. car washings 24.00 Am. Welding Supplies welding gas 12.54 Big Bear supplies 31.24 Brandon Tire Co. repairs $ supplies 1061.20 Brinkman Studio film etc. 13.50 Borchert Ingersoll Inc. parts 27.78 Central Garage Fund vehicle rent for 1983 56,218.00 Central Garage Fund repair jobs 7065.38 Carr Flowers plant & furneral bouquet 34.50 Chapin Pub. Co. publications 580.80 Crow River Vet Clinic boarding animals 45.50 Coast to Coast supplies 141.04 Coca Cola Bottling arena supplies 69.00 Copy Equipment Inc, supplies 75.18 Culligan Water Cond. salt $ monthly service 31.30 Condons Supply Co. cups 34.00 Crow River Press Inc. 500 sheets paper 26.38 Div. of Boiler Inspection 3 boiler licenses 20.00 Dostal $ Oleson Oil Co. solvent 34.85 Dyna Systems tools 39.47 Crow River Glass Co. repairs 413.20 Erickson 4 Templin snow removal 1381.25 Family RexallDrugg supplies 311.43 First Bank of Mn. supplies 75.39 Commissioner of Revenue arena sales tax 468.19 r _3 • • G,$ K Services uniform rental 376.68 Great Plains supplies 1314.93 Farm $ Home supplies 117.36 Floor Care Supply cleaning supplies 103.10 GTC Auto Parts supplies 1500.44 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 183.40 Pamida Inc. supplies 140.10 Holmsten Ice Rinks Inc. supplies 400.00 Home Bakery Inc. meeting expenses 32.08 Hutch Com. Hospital laundry 27.00 Hutch Drug supplies 50.91 Hutch Fire Dept. reimbursement for training 213.50 Hutch Iron & Metal tubing $ pipe iron 21.00 Hutch Leader publications 735.92 Hutch Medical Center physicals £, rabies vaccine 550.00 Hutch Police Dept. supplies reimbursement 191.74 Hutch Utilities street lighting $ bulbs 1878.79 Hutch Utilities electricity $ gas 14,571.68 Hutch Wholesale supplies 323.79 Hutch Fire $ Safety extinguisher inspections 268.20 Ind. School Dist. 423 custodian fees $ bldg. supervisor 261.05 Ind. School Dist. 423 gasoline 4833.29 Ink Spots Inc. supplies 79.00 Jahnkes Red Owl supplies 47.35 Johnson Super Value arena groceries 39.26 Juul Contracting Co. repairs 634.45 James De Meyer dec. office expense 300.00 Kokesh supplies 49.73 L & P Supply repairs f, supplies 70.08 Lamberts Hi Way Service car maintenance 9.00 Logis computer charges 2894.99 Mn. Tora Inc. parts 432.01 Mn. Mutual Life Ins. Dec. life ins. 450.12 3M copy paper 209 146.31 MacQueen Equipment parts 82.76 Mankato Mobile RAdio repairs 90.00 McLeod Co. Power Assn. electricity airport 489.01 Miller Davis Co. binders 14.75 Kenneth Merrill mileage 24.15 Mn.Chief of Police Assn. 1984'dues 30.00 Midwest Bus. Products supplies 36.62 McGarvery Coffee Inc. coffee police 50.40 Northern States Supply supplies 141.24 Plaza OK Hardware supplies 34.02 Gary Plotz mileage $ intown mileage 213.49 Plowmans Inc. repairs 116.51 Popps Electrical parts 49.20 Marlow Priebe meeting mileage 296.03 Pikal Music Store 3 LPs 21.55 Quades Inc. supplies $ repairs 70.39 Rannow Electric ceiling fan installation 252.64 Road Machinery parts 648.49 Rockite Silo Inc. supplies 6.83 Rutz Plbg. $ Htg. Co. repairs 92.14 State Theatre Dec. office rental 325.00 Ruffridge Johnson Equipment parts 89.80 St. Paul Book F, Stationery supplies 95.58 -a- • Schmeling Oil Co. fuel oil etc. 2176.62 Shell Oi1Co. gasoline 365.39 Sorensen Farm Supply parts 20.39 Sharstrom Plbg. repairs 30.29 James Schaefer i dec. fees 846.37 Tri Country Water Cond. 80# salt 16.50 Treas. STate of Mn. notary fee -Bentz 10.00 Wigen Chev. Co. vehicle F, parts 8577.34 Wm. Mueller F, Sons pea rock 944.85 121,534.03 BOND FUNDS Bonds of 1980 1st National Bank of Mpls. interest $ service fee 21,171.60 Bonds of 1983 Aero Asphalt construction costs 692.72 Buffalo Bituminious construction costs 12,971.55 J.W. Hanson Construction construction costs 17,704.25 JUUL Contracting construction costs 49,587.91 Hutch Utilities electricity- street lighting 3,913.87 84,870.30 1981 Parking Rev. Bonds Hutch Utilities electricity - Plowman Bldg. 28.89 Bonds of 1976 Norwest Bank Mpls. interest $ service fee 12,524.40 Nursing Home Bonds American National Bank principal $ interest $ service fee 84,877.50 Hospital Bonds 1st National Bank of St. Paul interest $ service fee 32,633.03 Off Street Parking Hutch Liquor Fund principal $ interest 2,621.75 Fed. REv. Sharing Health Plan & Mgment Resources Elderly Plan 21684.48 Public Sites John Korngiebel refund 350.00 G $ H Co. Partnership refund 425.00 775.00 Ll -s- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Quality Wine Spirits Co. Griggs Cooper $ Co. Twin City Wine Co. Ed Phillips $Sons Griggs Cooper $ Co. Old Peoria Co. Ed Phillips $ Sons Mn. Sheriff City of Hutchinson Quades Electric KDUZ HutchAgri Tech Electro Watchman Inc. American Linen Supply Co. City of Hutchinson Hutch Telephone Co. Friendly Beverage Co. Triple G Coca Cola Bottling Co. Locher Bros. Bernick Pepsi Cola Bottling Co Lenneman Beverage Inc. 0 wine $ liquor wine $ liquor wine $ liquor wine $ liquor wine $ liquor wine & liquor wine & liquor advertising payroll bulbs advertising ice melt alarm qtr. chrg. towell service Nov. Health ins. Nov. telephone service beer beer mix beer mix beer $ mix 1772.12 1674.12 1317.89 2341.95 2407.82 1682.54 3701.40 80.00 4031.24 22.38 245.00 55.00 93.00 17.20 1022.64 54.26 1686.80 8235.70 372.75 7167.25 63.00 12,631.85 46,974.51 0 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 9, 1983 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant SUBJECT: Water -Sewer and Refuse Billing . The typical billing cycle in the past has been as follows: Meter read end of October Bill mailed 10th of December Delinquent notice mailed 10th of January and 10th of February Notice to appear before Council mailed to appear at last meeting in February (March they will receive bill for new quarter) The cycle on the new billing system, which is still in the conversion process, is as follows: Meter read end of October Bill mailed 10th of November Delinquent notice mailed approximately the 25th of November Second notice 30 days later will also be mailed It is planned to have the notice to appear before the Council to be either at the 30 -60 or 60 -90 time frame, clearing the matter before the next bill. Closing bills where the party has moved will now be mailed out not later than 8 days after the notification of moving has been received. Previously this could have been as long as 45 days. All of this is now being implemented with the new system, which will soon be fully operational. If there are further questions or explanations, this might be a matter to be covered at a workshop. �,. 96 ^ - MUNICIPAL FINANCE I! OFFICERS ASSOCIATION CONGRESS RECESSES, In its rush to get home for Thanksgiving, Congress left a full slate of unresolved issues that affect state and local governments. LEAVES MANY ISSUES A notable exception is general revenue sharing: The renewal pilgrimage ended as both houses agreed to a conference report FOR NEXT SESSION and sent the bill to the president for his signature. The biggest turkey of the session was S.R. 4170, the Tax Reform Act of 1983. The bill introduced a number of loophole - closing measures and new restrictions on industrial development bonds. In the final hours, the House of Representatives narrowly rejected a rule governing floor debate on the bill that would have prevented an amendment on the controversial IDS volume caps. Here is a summary of legislation pertinent to finance officials: MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS The House and Senate failed to extend single - family mortgage revenue bonds past their December 31, 1983, sunset date. The unsuccessful House Ways and Means tax bill included a provision to extend the housing bonds for five years. The Senate was con- . sidering a $150 billion spending -cut and revenue - raising measure that also dealt with the mortgage bond program; but all work stopped when it became apparent that there would be no House action on taxes. The extension has widespread support in both houses of Congress, with 77 Senate and 330 House co- sponsors. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT n BONDS jA laundry list of new restrictions on industrial development bonds, including volume caps, will receive Congressional attention in January. Rep. Daniel Rostenkowski (D -IL), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said he will not relent; the compromise to ease restrictions on multifamily housing, including moving this class of bonds out from under the cap, is his final offer. In the Senate, the staff of the Finance Committee, Joint Tax Committee and Treasury Committee have been instructed to draft aworking tax bill by February 15, 1984. LEASING GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FIVE-YEAR PAY9UT The leasing legislation that has been before Congress since early summer also is affected by the logjam in both houses. From the beginning, the leasing proposals have been inextricably linked to the mortgage revenue bond program. One proposal will raise revenues by closing an alleged loophole, and the other will raise the federal deficit because it is an unbudgeted expenditure. The intensive lobbying efforts against this legislation dissipated as attention turned to other tax bill provisions; but it is expected that new life will be given to these efforts over the two -month congressional recess. House and Senate conferees met to iron out differences in the bills, extending this vital program for three additional years. Senate negotiators refused to meet House demands for an increased funding level, resulting in the continuation of an annual $4.6 billion allocation. The audit requirements for jurisdictions receiving more than $100,000 in revenue sharing finds have been changed from once every three years to annually. The bill has been sent to the White House for the president's signature. No problems are expected. Built into A.R. 4170 are amendments to the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) provision that requires nonspousal beneficiary benefits to be distributed within the five years after a plan participant's death. The changes would have liberalized the distribution rule of Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9)(B). Because of the stalled tax bill, however, this TEFRA provision will take effect as originally written, on January 1, 1984. d5578g�� �3 .y M Minnesota State Punning Agency e�c� 101 Caaitol Square Building ( - I 550 Cedar Street s�IV tttL ' I`\ f1 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 9�S25�EZ��w °J Lv ! ! Phone (F19)9Qr -9SS7 November 30, 1983 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Clerk 37 Washington Avenue W. Hutchinson, Minnesota 55 SUBJECT: Municipal Board Date of Order: Donna t;ahl Hutchinson Township Clerk Route 1, Box 76A 350 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Docket No. OA- 2456 -18 October 5, 1983 Dear Mr. Plotz and Ms. Wahl: In accordance with M.S. 414.01, Subdivision 14, as amended in Laws of 1980, the State Demographer estimates population as follows: Hutchinson City Present population Annexed /detached area population Adjusted population Hutchinson Township Present population Annexed /detached area population Adjusted population i 9,481 (Source: 1982 Office of State Demographer +2-- stimate) 9,4A3 1,001 (Source: 1982 Office of State Demographer -2 Estimate) 999 If no comments or corrections are received within ten days, the adjusted populations will be effective as of the date of the Municipal Board Order. Sincerely, l R. Thomas Gillaspy State Demographer RTG:dlg cc: Wallace 0. Dahl, Department of Revenue Terrence A. Merritt, 1unicipal Board Gordon Fay, Department of Transportation Emil Anderson, Department of Co,-,�merce AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MINUTES Fire Department - officers' Meeting Monday, 'November 14, 1983 FOR YOUR INFOROTION Chief Henke brought the November meeting to order at 9:16 P.M. Dick Popp read a letter from the NFPA dealing in 44 1/2 interviews from leaders in the fire service. The programs will be aired on Cable T.V. A motion was made to contact Cable T.V. in town to see if they can record the programs for us. The motion carried. Tim Schloeder brought up the Scout Explorer group again. A motion was made to have Tim continue on setting it up if he can get commit- ments from other firemen to help him. The motion passed. Chief Henke said he thought the McLeod County Fire Chiefs Assn. is starting out very well. They purchased a mobile cascade system that Glencoe is maintaining. Now they are working on a county -wide mutual aid agreement. At the December meeting, two men will have completed oneyear of i service. They are Mark Christensen and James Bryant. Dick talked about putting a restroom in the fireman's park. It will be discussed further at the December meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Randy Redman, Secretary • • FOR YOUR INFORMATION . x,-- `;*'-- .�'•- +7n�r.-�7-•-- „';,. ...:- ter,.,- ..�.- .'.^•*�� ,t I „ I n . 4 /S i of n Jt' uu17 r'I Ali r /r�3•.__ � � -W� _�'!�' ✓.. _I! /yif /.. _.LI(RJ'._ _._. 1 f � ° , •' �.. -•t` v:i ' - 7•Z2 ... 4 a. — 47 ii ,,:i'• u 44 , LI . '-iI '.i � I � ��' � �1 r �f'` • k k ' I '. k I EILB I J I 'I�'1L.1:.,Iltleir.U- 1U' _j1A, I I -�” ♦1 _ I �I _ �-- �t i. iJ� 1 " y� -{ y�� 'ra / 1 i r ad II I I III I ll __- lit 1 cd ".t� e Ali di j I k r/ lit it kl� l� _ _ 1 ;.�7_r1�771_ -�"� I. __ "� �� -_.I i. tea !GI J �tl� it 71 t I �r I 7, I '4 I d� �1� x !8 Ilx aa^ il.' T; i �. / _ r :_e ao! , • `}` ,� �, II � i t x ra, •kkf I' 1 rn II ,I' I I I i11 . � 1 e Cf, 1 U__!] !G ¢!�- �1T1 :II I1 I-k' y,� /� Ifi III I ° � 1_ xd S '!° � 1 4 'A ' ;. I 99 Y� L ' L J° 1 ; It .gyp ld III °.l I 111 II il. ii i' —, 1p8 ,t I „ I n . 4 /S i of n Jt' uu17 r'I Ali Me FROM: S,.3JECT: CITY OF Hl'iCHI';s0,, Yo1.1.Cr: r�� ".'�.i�•?�.rn• _ �. , ,• - i vT Du� TJer -- .983 IP:TR.a- U "PARiri�NhLOriti �4�.�ulit�4 -- __ -- ALL A -- - -- — - - - - - -- Chief O'Borsky Resignation Ms. Donna Bauer has tendered her resignation effective December 31, 1983. I intend to accept and recommend the same to the Council. A search for a replacement is already in progress. _ �r G7 Donna M, Bauer 844 Merrill Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 December 5, 1983 City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN 55350 ATTN: Mr. Dean O'Borsky Please accept this letter of resignation from my position as police dispatcher for the city of Hutchinson effective December 31st, 1983. I appreciate very much the opportunity of working with the Hutchinson Police Department. I have enjoyed my work and I will miss very much my association with the police officers and my co- workers. Thank -you for all of your consideration. Sincerely, Donna M. Bauer � ent ES - Fire Deparcrent - F.e "ular *fee..,_n9 ber 7, 1983 FOR YOUR INFOWATION Chief Henke brought the reular meeting to order at 9:08 P.M. Minutes of the October meetings were read and approved. Roll call and fines were collected. George reported that fire prevention week went well. Larry Thompson reported that the Centennial Committee had a meeting and set up the following smaller committees. Dance - Kim Meyer, Publicity - Eric Smith, Marlin Torgerson, Parade -Mike Monge, History - Mark Christensen, Old Equipment -Lloyd Schlueter. They also discussed a permanent centennial patch to be worn on our uniforms. They will also ask the City Council to make September 23 -30th fire department week. The nominating committee gave a report of the following candidates running for office in 1984: Chief, Orlin Henke; Asst. Chiefs, Clint Gruett and Dick Popp; Secretary, Mark Christensen; Treasurer, Gary Henke; Company 231 captains, Randy Redman, Wes Greve; Captain 233, Jim Brodd, Lt., Jon Burks; Captain 237, Brad Emans, Lt., Loren Larson; Captain 239, Mike Monge, Lt. Conrad Helgemo; Captain Rescue, John Reynolds. Dale McLain stated he is trying to contact people at Jostens about a fire department ring. The following bills and runs were ordered paid from their proper accounts: City Budget General Account Hutch Snyder Drug $ 15.08 Dan Zieman 30.00 Fitzloff Hardware 2.38 Corvuso Processing 25.00 Hutch Fire S Safety 11.00 Oliver Schmidt 99.64 Fabricate Cleaners 5.35 HFD Auxiliary 25.00 Mankato Mobile Radio 82.88 FIAM 50.00 11 It 30.00 Litchfield Fire Dept. 28.00 Family Rexall Drug 15.39 Red Owl 11.70 Red Owl 16.28 Rural Account Orlin Henke 119.27 Richard Popp 84.62 Orlin Henke 20.25 Clint Gruett 139.84 City of Hutch 515.00 MN Instuct'l MILS Center 20.00 Coast to Coast 30.82 Crane Mfg. $ Plastics Corp. 26.98 Myron Johnson 14.25 Sheldon Nies 4.50 Fires - Dale Kenning, 10-4; Scott Anderson, 10 -9; Ed Markgraf, 10 -21; Maplewood 10 -23; Charles Anderson, 10 -27; Russ Dannell, 11 -3; Tom Callier, 11 -4; Bob Fratzke, 11 -4; 2 drills It Fire Department Minutes - November %, 1983 Page 2 Greg Wagner was voted on from the reserves to active firefighter. Chief Henke wants to look at completing the work that Mike Monge, Jim Brodd, Lloyd Schlueter and Brad Emans starting developing operating procedures for the department. Memos were read from Donna Cooper, Learning Hutch Director expressing the need for more involvement during fire prevention week helping to educate the children. A $500 check from 3M was also contributed to the department. Chief Henke named the following fire people to have physicals in November: 'Mark Christensen,. Dave Franzen, Cal Lee, John Madson, John Marvin. Jim Brodd stated that 3M's new policy of paying for employees' physicals is as follows: For those under 40 years of age, they will pay $50.00 every three years. For those over 40 years of age they will pay $100.00 every year. Chief Henke showed a patch that the police department has and asked if the Centennial Committee can go ahead and develop a similar patch for the Centennial. A motion was made and passed to allow the Centennial Committee to continue. There was a motion made and passed not to accept the lockers the high school has to offer. Dick Popp gave some dates of National Fire Academy classes coming up. February 11 -12- Duluth, March 10 -11 Dakota County. Be also urged everyone to write to his congressman to try to get a national fire academy school in Rochester, MN. ' Dick Popp wanted the feeling of the members as how we can get the people short of training hours up to the minimum required. Some Brad Emans commented that we go through this every year and still don't do what the bylaws say. Ed Homan said that a person short of training hours should not be allowed to run for an officer's position. Chief Henke said that training hours was not the only problem. People are meeting training hours but not going to fires which is the main objective. November 9th is the meeting of the McLeod County Chiefs Association to be held in Hutchinson. The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 P.M. Randy Redman, Secretary • M 0 0 Ili mutes Centennial Celebration Committee Monday, October 31, 1983 Date - September 29th and 30th, 1984 FOR YOUR INFORMATION The meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Thompson at 8:10 P.M. Members present: Chairman Larry Thompson, George Field, Lloyd Schlueter, Karen Hoff, Mark Christensen, Mike Monge, Kim Meyer, Chief Orlin Henke, Dale McLain. Co=ittees set: Dance - Kim Meyer Publicity - Eric Smith, Marlin Torgerson Parade - Mike Monge History - Mark Christensen, Eric Smith Historian - Old Equipment - Lloyd Schlueter Open House - Food Relief Association - It was discussed as an idea to have the 1984 dance ticket have the date of the centennial celebration printed on them. A suggestion was made to use the Hutchinson Police Department Badge (shoulder patch) and put in Hutchinson Fire Department 1884 -1984. The parade route was discussed and will be left to the parade committee to make recommendations. A suggestion was made to have the Hutchinson Leader incorporate the words, "Hutchinson Fire Department Centennial 1884 - 1984" somewhere in the front headlines. It was decided that the Council and Mayor should be kept informed by Larry Thompson, Chief Henke and George Field at the directors' meetings. Suggestion was made to have council declare the week of September 23rd to September 30th, 1984 "Fire Department Week" by proclamation. It was suggested to check with the Historical Society for information that could be used during the publicity of the event. Chief Henke said he would like to see Fire Department make a contribu- tion or addition to Fireman's Park in the form of rest rooms that would be open to the public -- this will be brought before the total Fire Department. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Dale McLain *0W RIVER RiZIONAL LIBRARY B04-0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION November 111, 1983 Present: Wayne Hebrink, Renville Representing: Kandiyohi County Dorothy Hins3th, Sunburg it Kandiyohi County Orlynn Mankell, New London " Yandiyohi County Lilah Buhr, Stewart " McLeod County Steven George, Darwin ° Meeker County Jeanne Lundstron, Cosmos " Meeker County —�Ilen Moench, Eden Valley ° Meeker County =Ilas Lundstrum, Bird Island " Bird Island -ionel Barker, Glencoe " Glencoe Horrocks, Hutchinson " Hutchinson :a_pres Condon, Litchfield " Litchfield --. Ulrich, Renville " Renville Sam Malone, iillmar " Willmar -a=cy Sanders, Willmar " Willmar ton Sundberg, Director Kathy Mptson, Assistant Director Absent: Jean Stranberg, Atwater* Representing: Kandiyohi County Melvin Dose, Glencoe- " McLeod County Kathleen KuIasch, :•7insted* " McLeod County Albert Linde, Hutchinson* " Hutchinson Jeanette Buchanan., tiillmar* " Willmar 1 unfilled position " Litchfield * Excused absence The Crow River Regional Library Board met at Willmar on November 14, 1983. Chairman Mankell called the meeting to order at 9:45 p.m. Horrocks/'Moench moved to approve the minutes of the October meeting. Carried. George /Sanders moved to accept the treasurer's report for October. Carried. Director's report -- ?!-e statistical reports show an increase in circulation. Luristrom%r =nseth moved that the bills bn paid. Carried. Committee and project reports and updates - None. Communications -- Board members received the Public Library Newsletter and the MLA Newsletters. Unfinished business -- The staff has been asked to estimate hours of work in December, and no new materials have been ordered. The anticipated balance of funds on December 31, 1983; will be between $1:0,000 and $115,000, primarily in amortization funds. New business: a. Ulrich /Hebrink moved that the title to all property held by CRRL be transferred to PIS, effective January 1, 1984. Carried. b. Malone /Hinseth moved to approve December 24 and December 26 as holidays for all employees. Carried, 13 -1. Mileage reports were filed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Lilah Buhr Secretary PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM Hq.: 410 West Fifth Street Willmar, MN 56201 Burion L Sundberg. Director PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM Treasurer's Report JF Phone No. 612/235 -3162 FOR YOUR INFORMATION November 1983 Sue Nelson, Treasurer Balance November 1, 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,635.15 RECEIPTS: State Continuing Aid (2nd Quarter) . . . . $42,000.00 Interest earned in November . . . . . . . 169.55 Total receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 42,169.55 Total receipts & balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66,804.70 DISBURSEMENTS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,000.00 Balance November 30, 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,804.70 CHECKS To BE ISSUED IN DECEMBER, 1983 Date Check # Payee Amount 12/13/83 cc:05 New Life Communications (printing) $ 284.06 12/13/83 cc:06 Speed O Print Corporation (supplies) 45.36 12/13/83 cc:07 Melsa (TI -820 Maintenance Contract) 1,302.72 12/13/83 cc:08 MSI (Health Insurance) 2,216.00 $3,848.14 • 0 PIONZ&iLAID LIBRARY SYST:YI BOARD • 11over±ber 14, 1983 40 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Present: Stan �Tacobson, Cranite Falls Representing: Chippewa County Wayne Hebrink, Renville ° Kand yahi County Dorothy Hinseth, Sunburg " Kandiyohi County Orlynn t:ankell, New London " Kandiyohi County Lilah Buhr, Stewart " McLeod County Steve George, Darwin " Meeker County Jeanne Lundstrom, Cosmos " Meeker County Ellen Moench, Eden Valley " Meeker County Curt Johnson, Appleton If Appleton Dpllas Lundstrum, Bird Island it Bird Island Z=eal Barker, Glencoe " Glencoe Jc` Horrocks, Hutchinson " Hutchinson Shirley Schutt, Kerkhoven ° Kerkhoven DECI!cires Condon, Litchfield " Litchfield e Maguire, Madison ° Madison Gladys Nelson., Ortonville 't Ortonville T.4�da Ulrich, Renville a Renville Sam _'alone, Willmar If Willmar L3oy Sanders, I?illmar " Willmar Burton Sundberg, Director Bob Boase, Associate Director Kathy Matson, Associate Director Absent: Ja-ies Phalan, C-racaville Representing: Big Stone County Steve Bcehlka, Montevideo " Chippewa County Bob Lurdborg, Milan ° Chippewa County Jean Stranberg, Atwater " Kandiyohi County Melvin Dose, Glencoe It McLeod County Kathleen Kubasch, Winsted 11 McLeod County Sue Nelson. Benson " Benson Phil Gulst�d, Dawson " Dawson Rod Gaffney, Graceville " Graceville Albert Linde, Hutchinson " Hutchinson Jeanette Buc::a man, Willmar " Willmar 1 unfilled position If Litchfield The Pioneerland Libra7y System Board met at the library in Willmar at 7 p.m. for a CLSI demor_st:atior.. CLS- is an automated catalog and circulation system. Chairman LeRoy Sanders called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. JacobsonAundstrom .Loved to approve the minutes for October. Carried. Malone% %oench moved that the financial report be accepted. Carried. Director's report: a. Clippings from area newspapers were circulated. b. Hutchinson voters approved a $750,000 bond issue for building a new library with a margin of L to 1. c. Each library has brochures giving information about the Pioneerland Library System. Included in this brochure are a map of the service area, member libraries, history, funding, benefits, services, and library board members. Pioneerland Library System has received the second - quarter state aid check for $42,000. Crow River will receive $30,912 and Western Plains $11,088. Moench/,Tankell roved these checks be paid. Carried. The signature plate for the Pioneerland Library System has the signatures of LeRoy Sanders, Phil Gulstad, and Sue Nelson. Committee reports: a. Personnel -- The cor..mittee is working on a salary schadule listing levels and steps, and provisions for lon -term employees. b. Operational -- The committee presented the policies on fines, loans, and amnesty. The board ::rill vote on these in December. c. SATT'IE — The Plum Creek Library System has asked the Pioneerland Tdbrary board to discuss its memo on closing the SAITMffE office during July and August. After discussion, Lundstrom/Gecrge moved that we favor continuing SAN -IIE as a 12 -month operation. Carried. Communicati_.rs: a. OPLTC -- ?he second- quarter state aid payment has been received from OPLIC. b. Oove: - ==s =its and the 19811 budget -- All governing boards have approved the FY84 budget e=e-T '- 'ee'ser County which is paying only the minimum amount required to remain eligible fcr state aid. c. Urcominz meetings -- An all -staff meeting will be held December 8 at Kerkhoven. System di- ec_c_s are meeting in St. Cloud November 21 to discuss the state -aid formula. d. Meeker 0-qty -- Discussion centered on the action the board should take if Meeker Count- does not approve the budget request. It was suggested that the chairman write the i!ec3er County Board asking its members to consider the ways in which their action affects tha other libraries in t10 system. The director and the chairman are authorized to neet with the Meeker County Board to further explain our position. If reductions in service are made, these should affect the entire county. Unfinished business: a. Policy concerning new island cities -- Tabled. b. Video disc project -- George/Kaguire moved that the proposal of 4lestern Plains to begin the project with their own funds be approved. Carried. If Western Plains begins the project, Picneerland library System will provide $1,000 in 1984 to support it. New business: a. Health ins Wra me -- The personnel committee recommended accepting the HSI plan at a cost of appror. nately - 23,700 for about 25 employees. Provisions include a $100 deductible, health ins,--a-=e, and life insurance. Buhr/Barker moved to accept the committee's reco =-endatior_. Carried. b. Persor_le! marsal — Bo= ^d members received copies of the revised draft o_�r'personnel rules. Action will be taken at the December meeting. Other: a. Library automation -- Cost and ways of funding were discussed. need all the features demonstrated and bids could cone in at a lower $100,000 estimated. Local needs should be analyzed. . b. The next meeting will be in Willmar on December 12 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 9:110. Lilah Buhr Acting Secretary • 0 The system may not price than the M E M O R A N D U M 0 DATE: November 23, 1983 -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — TO: Mayor and City Council — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM : Marilyn Swanson, Administrative Secretary — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: Special Meeting of City Council SPECIAL MEETING HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, November 29, 1983 7:00 P.M. - City Hall The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the issue of relocation benefits for Cameo Cleaners. cc: Pat Smith Atty. Roger Gilmer Julie Haag, The Hutchinson Leader Russ Mancl, KDUZ 9 ss. 117.52 EMINENT DOMAIN 117.52 Uniform relocation assistance In all acquisitions undertaken by any acquiring authority and - in all voluntary rehabilitation carried out by a person pursuant —_ to acquisition or as a consequence thereof, in which, due to the lack of federal financial participation, relocation assistance, services, payments and benefits under the Uniform Relocation —'. Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, 84 Stat. 1894 (1971), 42 United States Code, Section 4601, et seq., are not available, the acquiring authority, as a cost of ac- quisition, shall provide all relocation assistance, services, pay- __ ments and benefits required by the Uniform Relocation Assist- ance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto by the United States De- partment of Housing and Urban Development, except that with respect to acquisitions for highway purposes or acquisitions for which the state department of transportation performs reloca- tion assistance services for the department of administration, the regulations of the United States department of transporta- tion may be applied, as of the date of enactment of sections 117: 50 to 117.56, to all displaced persons who would otherwise be eli- gible for such relocation assistance, services, payments and bene- fits thereunder but for the lack of federal financial participa- tion. This section shall not apply in the case where federal financial participation for provision of relocation assistance, services, payments and benefits in connection with an acquisition has been procured or committed pursuant to section 117.51 and has then been withdrawn by the United States, unless the acquiring authority subsequently determines to proceed with the acquisi- tion in question using non - federal funds. Laws 1973, c. 604, § 3. Amended by Laws 1976, c. 166, § 7. Library References Eminent Domain P267. C.J.B. Eminent Domain 1395. Notes of Decisions I. Construction and application fore allocable to the year of assess. _ Although property taxes are desig- ment for purposes of determining _ nated by the year in which they be- whether seller must be reimbursed come payable, they relate to the year for taxes paid prior to sale to state. in which they are assessed and there- Op.Atty.Gen., 474-1, April 8, 1975. ss. APPLICATION FOR_T!.jSjt�ns_TREE PERA41T 5ALT9 TO the .........CITY COUNCIL ................................. of the ......... C.ITY ......... .... 1. ..... - I ... I-- .... ........ MCI,EOP ... ............. ............ H. UT.C. H..I N. -S.O.. N ..... I ....... .......... ....... ......................in the County Of State of The undersigned owner whose address is .....d.._. ................_CHRISTMAS_ TREES_......_................. ......._............._......... 6--z' ) .....hereby applies for a permit upon that certain tract of land described as follows: Lot. ... - ... - - .... ; Block_.._._... plat or addition. . .....-WITHI.N.-C-ITY .... LIMITS address..._..._........__ _..___ ........ - SELL ............ .. which is of the following size and area; width .,feet; length feet; area.... .. ...... .... - -- .. ..... ... ...... ................ - - . . - . 11 1 ; and hereby agrees that, in case such permit is granted, that all work which shall be done and all materials which shall be used shall comply with the plans and specifications therefor herewith submitted and with all the ordlna-g�'ZraW S�X CITY ....................... ............................... applicable thereto. 'Q .4pplicant follows: assessments at the time and in the amounts specified as ......................... - .......... ...... -.... ........................... ... .......... ........ - ..... . - . ...... �eZ N Owner FEE $5.00 RUDY BOSCHWITZ MINNESOTA Dear Friend: • • ,Xnifebfafes Q'ienafe WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 November 18, 1983 P »a3 t,ov V* ka VYD (D FOR YOUR INFORMATION We finally did it! We cleared the last major obstacle yesterday in our effort to reauthorize revenue sharing! The Senate and the House have both put their stamps of approval on a bill that will continue the revenue sharing program for three more years at $4.6 billion with no formula changes. There's just one step left ... the Pres t has to sign it, which he is expected to do soon. ccor ingly, the January payments will go out on time. I'm delighted to be able to bring �/ou good ews on this, our last day in session for 19VO We just barely made it, but I'm sure glad we did. It's reat pro ram, and I always enjoy seeing the community imvements hat it makes possible as I travel around Minnesot Sincere ly Bosdhwitz V