cp05-08-1984 c- 'JTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR 0 WEEK OF )Iav 6 TQ May 12 '"34 A WEDNESDAY -91 SUNDAY 1911 NATIONAL HOSPITAL WEEK MAY 6 -12 THURSDAY -10- MONDAY -7- 8:00 P.M. - Fire Department Meeting at Fire Station FRIDAY -11- Joint City Council and County Commissioners Meeting Pending Confirmation from County TUESDAY -8- 4:00 P.M. - City Council Work- shop at City Hall 7:30 P.M. - City Council at City Hall SATURDAY -12- • ! AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1984 .1. Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. �. Invocation - Jj. Consideration of Minutes - Bid Openings of April 24, 1984 and May 1, 1984 and Regular Meeting of April 24, 1984 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended 4. Routine Items V(a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Building Official's Report - April 1984 2. Parks & Recreation Board Minutes dated April 4, 1984 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing 1,/(b) Consideration of Application for License to Sell Cigarettes At Retail At Roberts Park Concession Stand Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license - Motion to waive fee V�c) Consideration of Request for Finance Director and City Engineer to Attend Financial and Management Capability Workshops On May 15 -16, 1984 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve )(d) Resolution No. 7746 - Resolution for Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 5. /Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. !(a) Improvement Project 83 -02 Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve project - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution �b) Improvement Project 84 -07 Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve project - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7747 COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 8, 1984 t/(c) Assessment Roll No. 193 - Project 84 -01, Part II, Hilltop Addition (Hearing Adjourned April 24, 1984) Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve assessment roll - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 6. Communications, Requests and Petitions .,(a) Consideration of Request by Green Giant Company to Use Library Square Park On June 22, 1984 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve V(b) Update On Library Addition by John Korngiebel Action - V(c) Consideration of Request to Hold "Angel Flight" Road Race from Hutchinson Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve �(d) Consideration of Application by Hutchinson Jaycees for Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquor License On June 17, 1984 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license J(e) Discussion of Carnival Location and Parade Route for 1984 Jaycee Water Carnival (Requested by Commodore Pete Kasal) Action - 7. Resolutions and Ordinances J(a) Ordinance No. 5/84 - An Ordinance Amending Section 560:10 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson Entitled "Temporary Water Use" Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt t/(b) Ordinance No. 6/84 - Ordinance Amending Section 235:05 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, Entitled Hospital Board Relating to Appointments And Terms Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt J(c) Resolution No. 7732 - Resolution of Appreciation for Elden "Bud" Willard Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt -2- 0 0 0 COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 8, 1984 Ad) Resolution No. 7733 - Resolution of Appreciation for Stanley Koehler Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt J(e) Resolution No. 7745 - Transferring $55,786 from 1980 Tax Increment Debt Service Fund to 1981 Parking Improvement Fund Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. Unfinished Business J(a) Consideration of Compensation for Joint Airport Zoning Board (Requested by Wayne Oliva) (DEFERRED APRIL 24, 1984) Action - J(b) Consideration of Awarding Bid for 1984 Stump Removal (DEFERRED MAY 1, 1984) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to award contract 9. New Business J(a) Consideration of Project No. 83 -09 - Assessment Roll No. 189 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to order preparation of assessment roll and set hearing for June 11, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions ,/(b) Consideration of Deferred Assessments for Sidewalk In Sidewalk District - Supplement to Assessment Roll No. 171 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to order preparation of assessment roll and set hearing for June 11, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions �c) Consideration of Activating Deferred Assessments On Schmidtbauer's Property and Schmidtbauer's First And Second Addition - Assessment Roll No. 194 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to order preparation of assessment roll and set hearing for June 11, 1984 at 8 :00 P.M. - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions J(d) Consideration of Activating Deferred Assessments On Bethke's Rolling Greens First And Second Addition - Assessment Roll No. 195 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to order preparation of assessment roll and set hearing for June 11, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions -3- COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 8, 1984 \/(e) Consideration of Activating Deferred Assessments On Lewis Avenue Between Larson Street and School Road - Assessment Roll No. 196 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to order preparation of assessment roll and set hearing for June 11, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions ✓(f) Consideration of Stop Signs Installed On Clinton Avenue Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance and set second reading for May 22, 1984 ✓(g) Consideration of Consulting Services for Personnel Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve proposal ✓(h) Consideration of 1974 Ordinance Code Recodification Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize City Attorney to obtain codification costs V(i) Consideration of Appointment of Airport Zoning Administrator Action - Consideration of Perpetual Easement from City for South 30 Feet of Lot 17 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to grant preliminary approval %(k) Consideration of Request from Hutchinson Public Schools Regarding Water Lines Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve ,I) Consideration of Renewing Special Use Permit for Swanke Motors, Inc. Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue permit 10. Miscellaneous a) Communications from City Administrator 11. /Claims Appropriations and Contract Payments ,/(a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds J12. Adjournment 0 -4- 0 0 0 MINUTES BID OPENING TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1984 . The bid opening was called to order by City Administrator Gary D. Plotz at 11:30 A.M. Present were: City Administratior Gary D. Plotz, Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill, and Bonding Consultant Bill Fahey. Administrator Plotz dispensed with the reading of Notice of Sale, $2,565,000 General Obligation Bonds, City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. The following bids were opened and read: First Natl. Bank of Mpls. The Northern Trust Company Cronin & Marcotte, Inc. NET INTEREST NET INTEREST COST RATE $1,955,717.50 8.8374% 1,972,244.50 8.9120% 1,983,892.50 8.9647% The bids were referred to Consultant Fahey for a recommendation at the City Council meeting scheduled for this evening. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:40 A.M. ■ • i MINUTES BID OPENING TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1984 The bid opening was called to order by Director Bruce Ericson at 2:00 P.M. Present were: Director Bruce Ericson, City Forester Mark Schnobrich, and Ad- ministrative Secretary Marilyn Swanson. Mr. Ericson dispensed with the reading of Publication No. 3234, Advertisement for Bids. The following bids for 1984 stump removal were opened and read: Stump Cutter 6 Ken's Landscaping $1.40 /lnch Glencoe, MN $4,900.00 Otto's Tree Service $1.55 /Inch Lester Prairie, MN $5,425.00 Midwest Stump Removal $1.45 /Inch Anoka, MN $5,075.00 Lo-Cost Stump Removal $1.89 /Inch Annandale, MN $6,615.00 The bids were referred to City staff for review and a recommendation to the City Council. There being no further business, the bid opening adjourned at 2:05 P.M. 6:�f • • MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1984 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Stearns. The following were present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Marlin Tor - gerson, Alderman Pat Mikulecky, and Mayor Robert H. Stearns. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering Marlow V. Priebe, and City Attorney James Schaefer. 2. INA70CATION The invocation was given by the Reverend David Natwick. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the bid opening dated April 10, 1984 were approved as presented, and the minutes of the regular meeting dated April 10, 1984 were approved as amended. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT - MARCH 1984 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED APRIL 3, 1984 There being no discussion, the report and minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 193 - PROJECT 84 -01, PART II, HILLTOP ADDITION (HEARING ADJOURNED APRIL 10, 1984) Alderman Mikulecky stepped down from the Council table and joined the audience. Mayor Stearns called the adjourned hearing to order at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Pat Mikulecky, 385 Connecticut Street, reported the Hilltop Addition neighborhood had met and arrived at an unanimous decision. None of the property owners felt they should be held to a subdivision agreement not everyone was knowledgeable of. An alternative was presented in the form of a petition which proposed that the project be assessed the same as other City assessments. Four property owners would pay $1,373.60 each, six property owners would pay $1,116.05 each, and the five property owners on Shady Ridge Road would be assessed nothing, with the City picking up N COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 the cost of $13,800. It was requested that the Council approve assess- ment roll No. 193 and proceed with the project as requested. During lengthy discussion, it was pointed out that the assessments were being decreased. The citizens of the City would be charged $13,809 ad valorem tax for the assessments dropped from assessment roll No. 193. Alderman Torgerson made the motion to continue the hearing on project 84 -01 until the May 8, 1984 Council meeting. Motion seconded by Alder- man Carls and unanimously carried 4 -0. 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR PARADE PERMIT FOR ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY PARADE ON MAY 28, 1984 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve and issue the parade permit and to waive the permit fee. Motion approved unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT ON THIRD AVENUE NORTHWEST A request was received from Hutchinson Computer Industries, Inc. that oil be placed on the street in front of their building on Third Avenue North- west. The City Engineer recommended the request be granted inasmuch as the street was oiled prior to construction in the area. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Torgerson to approve the street improvement on Third Avenue Northwest. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously passed. (c) CONSIDERATION OF COMPENSATION FOR JOINT AIRPORT ZONING BOARD (REQUESTED BY WAYNE OLIVA) Mr. Wayne Oliva stated that although the Joint Airport Zoning Board had completed its task, the board would still continue to exist. It was his opinion that the board members should be compensated for the meetings they attended. County Commissioner Howard Christensen reported he had been contacted re- garding pay per diem. The County would pay a similar board $25 per diem plus necessary expenses. Since the County was asked to appoint someone to serve on the Joint Airport Zoning Board, the City of Hutchinson should pay the compensation inasmuch as they own the airport and requested the zoning. Mr. Melvin Kobow, Chairman of Hassan Valley Township, commented there bad been a total of 11 meetings attended, and be felt the board should be com- pensated. They had put in much time and accomplished their goal. 0 -2- 0 COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 • City Administrator Plotz stated the zoning on the airport dated back sev- eral years to a previous board that had been appointed. The board was re- formed and the membership changed. He pointed out that some cities pay their various boards and commissions while others do not. The City of Hutchinson does not compensate its boards and commissions, with the ex- ception of the Utilities Commission. It would involve a policy change and set a new precedent. Mr. Plotz commented that the airport zoning ordinance had been adopted, and therefore, the Board of Adjustment would hold very few meetings. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson made the motion to defer the item until the May 8, 1984 City Council meeting for additional input and infor- mation. Alderman Mikulecky seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. City Administrator Plotz was directed to survey other communities regard- ing their policy for compensation of boards and commissions and to deter- mine what costs the Joint Airport Zoning Board members incurred. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR JAYCEE WATER CARNIVAL PERMITS: 1. PARADE PERMIT 2. DANCE PERMIT 3. FIREWORKS PERMIT 4. PERMISSION TO CLOSE STREETS AND USE LIBRARY SQUARE After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to approve and issue the requested permits and to waive the fees. Motion approved unanimously. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 7718 - RESOLUTION RESCINDING A PORTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 7633 ENTITLED "RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT" Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7718. Mo- tion unanimously carried. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 4/84 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1(C) OF ORDINANCE NO. 673 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LICENSING OF PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANS- IENT MERCHANTS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF" After discussion, Alderman Carls moved to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 682. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously passed. -3- COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 (c) RESOLUTION NO. 7708 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE Alderman Mikulecky moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7708. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar. Director Bruce Ericson requested to amend the Resolution for Purchase to include purchasing the following for the parks concession stand: echo sno -cone ($420.00), Nachto's chip warmer ($180.00), corn dog fryer ($459.00), and butter dispenser ($199.95) for a total of $1,258.95. Alderman Mikulecky moved to amend the motion to include the above items. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously for the amend- ment. Motion unanimously approved. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 7723 - RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR JULIE HAAG Mayor Stearns read the Resolution of Appreciation and presented it to Julie Haag with best wishes in her new job. It was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to adopt Resolution No. 7723. Motion carried unanimously. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING SALE FOR PURCHASE OF BONDS AND ADOPTING RESOLUTIONS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 7709 - RESOLUTION RELATING TO $1,050,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1984, $750,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION LIBRARY BONDS OF 1984 AND $765,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PARKING IM- PROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS OF 1984; AWARDING THE SALE THEREOF Mr. Dick Ehlers, President of Ehlers & Associates, stated that three bids were received today, and it was his recommendation to award the sale of the 1984 General Obligation Bonds to First National Bank of Minneapolis. He also stated the amount of the general obligation parking improvement refunding bonds of 1984 was amended from $765,000 to $780,000 since the bond issue was increased. Mr. Ehlers explained the refunding procedure. It was his suggestion that City officials meet with Moody representatives on May 2 when they were in the Twin Cities. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7709 as amended. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and approved unanimously. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 7710 - RESOLUTION RELATING TO $1,050,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1984; FIXING THE FORM AND DETAILS, PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION, DELIVERY AND SECURITY THEREOF AND LEVYING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF 0 -4 • COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 After discussion, lution No. 7710. carried. 0 Alderman Torgerson moved to waive reading and adopt Reso- Alderman Mikulecky seconded the motion, and it unanimously 3. RESOLUTION NO. 7711 - RESOLUTION RELATING TO $750,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION LIBRARY BONDS OF 1984; FIXING THE FORM AND DETAILS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY THEREOF AND SECURITY THEREFOR Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alder- man Mlinar, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7711. Motion unani- mously passed. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 7712 - RESOLUTION RELATING TO $765,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PARKING IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS OF 1984; FIXING THE FORM AND DETAILS, PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION, DELIVERY AND SECURITY THEREOF After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Ald- erman Mikulecky, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7712 and to amend the amount to $780,000. Motion approved unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF LAWSUIT STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT WITH JAMES G. DEMEYER: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 7713 - RESOLUTION RELATING TO INTER -FUND LOAN AUTHORIZED ON JULY 19, 1979 City Attorney Schaefer explained he had transferred the stipulations of settlement into resolutions and reviewed their contents. Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7713. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and passed unanimously. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 7714 - RESOLUTION RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT AREA FOUR OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NUMBER FOUR OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alder- man Mlinar, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7714. Motion unani- mously carried. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 7715 - RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE REFUNDING OF THE PARKING IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF AUGUST 1, 1981 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7715. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and approved unanimously. -5- COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 4. WARRANTY DEED FOR S & L REHAB After discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve signing the warranty deed. Motion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously passed. 5. !±ARRANTY DEED FOR CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. It was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve signing the warranty deed. Motion carried unanimously. 6. WARRANTY DEED FOR EMMET MCCORMICK Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to approve signing the warranty deed. Alderman Carls seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved. City Attorney Schaefer reported the stipulation of dismissal for James G. DeMeyer had been signed by the former, and it would be signed by the City Attorney, which would dismiss the case. (c) CONSIDERATION OF CONTOUR MAPPING FOR CITY During discussion the suggestion was made to advertise for bids on the con- tour mapping work. City Attorney Schaefer referred to the municipal con- tracting statute and stated the law did not require this type of contract to be let out for bids. Alderman Carls moved to defer action for the City Engineer to prepare a report on references of companies that offer contour mapping services. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING NEW HEARING DATE FOR PROJECT NO. 83 -02 It was reported that the Dorsey & Whitney law firm had notified the City of the necessity to set a new hearing for project No. 83 -02. The project was approved on June 28, 1983 by a 3 -2 vote, but a four - fifths vote of the Council membership was required by law. In addition, six months had elapsed since the hearing was held. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to approve the hearing for May 8, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. and to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 7724. Alderman Torgerson seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS -6- • E COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 0 No one was present to request an extension of the payment period. Upon motion by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, it was moved to authorize discontinuation of service at noon on April 30 unless special arrangements had been made. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF ON -SALE NO*:- INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSES: 1. PIZZA HUT 2. J'S PIZZA GARTEN 3. GOLD COIN CHINESE RESTAURANT 4. GODFATHER'S PIZZA 5. CHRISTY'S 6. T. L. SCALAWAGS 7. LITTLE CROW BOWLING LANES 8. CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar to approve and is- sue the malt liquor licenses. Alderman Mikulecky seconded the motion, and it unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF-OFF-SALE NON - INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSES: 1. HUTCHINSON WAREHOUSE GROCERY 2. HUTCHINSON TOM THUMB FOOD MARKET 3. SOUTHTOWN MOBIL 4. MIKE'S MOBIL 5. ERICKSON'S BIG "D" SUPERMARKET 6. ONE -STOP GAS 'N GROCERY 7. GEORGE'S FOOD AND FUEL After discussion, Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Carls, moved to approve and issue the off -sale malt liquor licenses. Motion approved unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY DALE LEE ROSS WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Dale Lee Ross submitted an application for a variance to allow a front yard setback for construction of a garage at 706 Hassan Street. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mikulecky to approve the variance and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7720. Alder- man Torgerson seconded the motion, and it unanimously passed. (e) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR LIBRARY SQUARE EAST SUBMITTED BY RICHARD LARSON BUILDERS WITH FAVORABLE RECOM- MENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION -7- COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 Mr. Richard Larson submitted an application for a preliminary and final plat for Library Square East. It was the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the plat. After discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the preliminary and final plat and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7721. Alderman Mlinar seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY HAVTI WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH CONTINGENCIES The Hutchinson Area Vocational Technical Institute requested a condi- tional use permit to allow moving in an additional portable training unit at the school site. A similar request for a training unit was granted in 1982. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the conditional use permit, contingent upon the renewal of the former conditional use permit, that there be 10 feet between the units, and that the permit be reviewed each year, beginning in June of 1985. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to approve the permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7719 with contingencies. Motion approved unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF RENEWING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO HAVTI FOR PLACEMENT OF PORTABLE TRAINING UNIT WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COM- MISSION In February of 1982 a conditional use permit was granted to HAVTI to allow moving in a portable training unit on the school property. The Planning Commission recommended approval of renewing said permit, with the permit to be reviewed and renewed each year beginning in June of 1985. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Torgerson to approve the re- newal of the conditional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 7722. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION OF REMOVING METER POSTS AND SELLING METER HEADS Director Ralph Neumann requested permission from the Council to remove parking meter posts and to advertise for bids on the meter heads. Following discussion, Alderman Carls made the motion to approve and auth- orize advertising for bids on the meter heads. Alderman Mlinar seconded the motion, and it unanimously passed. (i) CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO CONTRACT WITH SOIL EXPLORATION COMPANY FOR LIBRARY ADDITION M-z • • COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 1] During discussion Mayor Steams suggested taking soil borings at the Lin- den Park site in conjunction with the borings at Library Square. It would save the City money to have the company do both at the same time. Alderman Torgerson moved to approve and authorize entering into a con- tract with Soil Exploration Company for two soil borings at Library Square and three soil borings at the Linden Park site. Alderman Carls seconded the motion, and it unanimously carried. (j) CONSIDERATION OF HELLAND'S FIFTH ADDITION, PROJECT NO. 84 -07 The City Engineer reported that in accordance with the subdivision agree- ment, project No. 84 -07 included sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and gravel base on School Road from Seventh Avenue to the north line of the plat. In order to proceed with the project, it would be necessary to order the report at an estimated cost of $28,600 and to call for a hearing on May 8, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alder- man Mlinar, to approve project 84 -07, set the hearing for May 8, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 7725 and No. 7726. Motion approved unanimously. (k) CONSIDERATION OF POLICY CHANGE FOR CONSTRUCTION WATER RATES It was recommended by staff that the City of Hutchinson change its policy on the water rate for temporary and construction water supply from $15 per month to $5 per day of service, with a minimum charge of $15. Following considerable discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torger- son to approve the policy change and waive first reading of Ordinance No. 5/84 and set second reading for -May 8, 1984. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried, with Alderman Mikulecky voting nay. (1) CONSIDERATION OF CIVIC ARENA HEATING SYSTEM Director Bruce Ericson reported two bids were received for a Civic Arena heating system in the bleacher area. It was his recommendation to accept low bid from Specified Mechanical Systems in the amount of $6,936. In addition, the company had given a price of $1,800 to heat the lobby area, with a written guarantee on the price until next year. The City would be under no obligation to purchase at that time. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Mikulecky, to approve the heating system at a cost of $6,936. Motion unanimously approved. COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 (m) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT PRELIMINARY LAWCON APPLICATIONS Director Bruce Ericson requested authorization from the Council to sub- mit two preliminary LAWCON applications. The first application would be for a renovation project of the ball field at Tartan Park. The second application would provide a surfaced parking lot at the arena site, to include additional parking and fencing necessary for future expansion. The two projects would be on a cost sharing basis with a 50/50 split. Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar made the motion to approve and waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 7716 and No. 7717. Alderman Mikulecky seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. (n) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING CHIEF OF STAFF TO HOSPITAL BOARD AND AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE, SECTION 235:05 It was reported the City Ordinance, Section 235:05, stated the Chief of Staff of the hospital was an ex- officio, non - voting member of the Hospital Board. The Hospital Board requested an amendment to the Ordinance to al- low the Chief of Staff to serve as a voting member of the board. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Ald- erman Mikulecky, to ratify the appointment of Dr. William O'Brien, Chief of Staff, as a voting member of the Hospital Board and to waive first read- ing of Ordinance No. 6/84 and set second reading for May 8, 1984. Motion carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz stated the Fire Department would be honoring five retiring firemen at a recognition dinner Saturday night. Therefore, the City Council was requested to adopt Resolutions of Appreciation for Har- land Emans, Sheldon Nies, Wayne Karg, Myron Johnson, and Lowell Peterson. Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the recognition and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 7727 through No. 7731. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and approved unanimously. Mr. Plotz informed the Council that it would need to appoint an airport zoning administrator in the near future. The position could be filled by the City Engineer, Building Official, City Attorney, or the City Adminis- trator. The Council was told that the April 25 workshop had been canceled. In the past the City Council had met annually with the County Commissioners stela • COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 24, 1984 11 12 0 0 and Utilities Commission to discuss mutual concerns. After discussion of dates, May 8 at 4:00 P.M. was selected for the Council workshop and the evening of May 11 for a joint meeting with the County Commissioners. Mention was made that the first Council meeting in June would be on the opening date of the League of Cities Conference in Duluth. It was the consensus of the Council to reschedule the City Council meeting for Mon- day night, June 11. Mr. Plotz reported that Brown's Greenhouse had requested a temporary sign permit for the month of May. It would be a portable sign and placed on property owned by Northland Beverage. Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the temporary sign permit. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously passed. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR Mayor Stearns commented on the department head and City Council meeting held last week. He stated it was a worthwhile meeting. After discussion, it was decided to change the meeting time to 4:30 P.M. on the third Tues- day of the month. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN MIKE CARLS Alderman Carls inquired about the line item regarding tax increment on the county's tax statement. Administrator Plotz reported he had contacted the county treasurer, and it was her understanding the matter had been handled correctly. Ms. Lorraine Lindeman will contact the Department of Revenue,as well as other counties,regarding this matter. Alderman Carls felt the issue should be clarified. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Alderman Carls made the motion to approve the claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unani- mously carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:37 P.M. -11- F.2-j 05422 D.Y.B. 14e. 053.-X34: A; c:ai Expires Jure:9c• Fc RV C -404 - � Period in which . - _ n -a -n t permits issued AFR 7L 1 S5 4 PLEASE MAIL ON OR BEFORE THE 4TH DAY OF THE MONTH U.S. DEPARTMENT COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE E CENSUS (Please correct any errors in name or address) REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION - 0103500 41 9 9999 085 8 81 26 - _ _ 0 2730 CENSUS USE ONLY _ HOMER PITTMAN 9LDG OFF CITY HALL 37 WASHINGTON AVE TEST HUTCHINSON X:N 55350 Has the geographic coverage of this permit system changed during this period? Fjj No ❑ Yes — Explain in comments If no permits weri issued during this - MAIL THIS Bureau of the Census °lease rtadiheinstructions before period, enter (X) in box and return form ❑ COPY TO 1201 East Tenth Street Jeffersonville, Ind. 47132 completing form. For further help, toll collect (301) 763 -7244. - Section I — NEW RESIDENTIAL HOUSE- PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED _ Number Valuation of Number Valuation of KEEPING BUILDINGS AND Item MOBILE }:OWES - No construction (Omit cents) construction (Omit cents) uildings Housing Buildings Housing u its (a) (bl unjts (cl (d) (e) �f (g) One- family houses, detached - 101 3 3 S 247.271 One- family houses attached, each unit separated from adjoining unit(s) by a _ wall that extends from ground to roof 102 _ Two - family buildings 103 Three -and four - family buildings - - -- 104 Five -or -more family buildings 105 TOTAL (Sum of 101 -105) 109 3 3 $ 247,271 Mobile homes 112 Section II - NEW RESIDENTIAL NON- - - PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of HOUSEKEEPING INe BU I L DINGS Buildings Rooms construction (Omlt cents) construction (Omit cents) Buildings Rooms (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) It) Iql Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins intended for transient accommodations 213 Other nonhousekeeping shelter 214 Section III — NEW NONRESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Numb; . Valuation of BUILDINGS Item No. construction (Omit cents) construction (Omit cents) Buildings ousing units Building ousing units ta) (b) (c) (d) (e) 10 (gl- Amusement and recreational buildings 316 Churches and other religious buildings 319 Industrial buildings 320 'x' =7 Parking garages (open to general public) 321 Service stations and repair garages 322 ­ Hospitals and other institutional buildings 323 Office, bank, and professional buildings 324 Public works and utilities buildings 1325 'as- -s- Schools and other educational buildings 326 Stores and other mercantile buildings 327 Other nonresidential buildings 326 7 $ 7 490 Structures other than buildings 329 4 "s' - S 14.800 — Section IY — ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS t c c An increase in the number of housing �= units (in the housing units column, `o 'w enter only the number of additional a units) 433 _ 'oc No change in the number of " housing units 434 35 = S 82,832 = r' ze « A decrease in the number of housing m units (in the housing units column, W= enter only the number of decreased C m units) 435 Residential garages and carports w (attached and detached) 436 19,322 All other buildings and structures 437 4 �A__ Z 34 550 Oki 1- Moving Permit PLEASE CCNTINUEO /tEVERRS SIDF,.. -C Section V - CONVERSIONS P PRIVATELY C CIA _ PUBLiC LY Okn ED Nu -.bet N Valuation of - Nc -.bet Va4 -= "un of Item _ No. H Housing c c :,ns truction c Housing cc ^s! uct�on Buildings B (Omit confs) g Buildin s H (,^'f cenra) (a) ( (b) (c) - -. (d) ( (e) Ifl ( (g) Nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings to housekeeping buildings 5 540 - - Housekeeping buildings to nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings 5 541 - - °- Section VI - DEMOLITIONS AND ..e..m�..�.�.. ° Section VII - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUAL PERMITS OF $500,000 OR MORE Please provide in the space below, additional information for each individual permit valued at S500.000 cr more entered in sections 1 through V. Item No. Ownership Valuation of Number of Number from - Name and address of Description -. ktark (X) construction housing of Sec. - - - - -- owner or builder one (Omit cents) units_ buildings 1 -V (a) - - (b) (c) (d) (e) Kind of building - -- ------- --- --- --- ❑Private - - -- -- ---- --- ----- - Site address - - - -- - _ -._.._ - - - - - - - ________________ Public - S Kind of building— ...._.__.. --- ----- ---- --- --- ❑Private Site address ---------------------- c Kind of building . . :- _,.._ _ l --- --- ---- -- - -- - -- ❑Private Site address -- - - ______________ _________ ❑Public - Kind of building. -- ------ -- ---- - --- ❑ Private -------- --- --- - -- _ Site address _ ___________ ________ ___ ❑Public Kind of building _ ------------------------ E] Private Site address ___ --- __________________ 0Public Kind of building - --- -- --------- - -- ---- ❑Private --- -- --- ---- --- - Siteaddress ___ _________ ❑Public Kind of building _______________________ ❑ Private . , Site address. _______________ �j Public -- I 0Private -a address ................. 0 Public -__ _ __ _ _ El Private -- - --- -- !ileatldress _______________________ F-1 Public Comments -- Name of person to contact regarding this report Homer Pittman Telephone - Araa coda Number - - -- i 6" 587 -5151 210 Kind of building - --- -- --------- - -- ---- ❑Private --- -- --- ---- --- - Siteaddress ___ _________ ❑Public Kind of building _______________________ ❑ Private . , Site address. _______________ �j Public -- I 0Private -a address ................. 0 Public -__ _ __ _ _ El Private -- - --- -- !ileatldress _______________________ F-1 Public Comments -- Name of person to contact regarding this report Homer Pittman Telephone - Araa coda Number - - -- i 6" 587 -5151 210 0 ML':ulES Parks 6 Recreation Board April 4, 1984 Members Present: Roy Johnsen, Kathy McGraw, Don Falconer, Lyle Block and Rollie Jensen. Also present were Bruce Ericson, John McRaith and Karen McKay. The Minutes The Minutes dated March 7, 1994 were approved by a notion made by Don Falconer and seconded by Lyle Block. The board unanimously agreed. Guest Judy Simons was introduced to the board representing "The Congressional Award" in recognition of voluntary Community Service and Personal Achievement. The program is for ages 14 -23 who do volunteer work. Awards are given when goals are reached for a certain number of hours worked in several catagories. The board agreed that it sounded like a good program for youth to be participating in. Bruce mentioned to the board that the City Council will be adopting a Resolution of Appreciation` to several skaters that volunteered over 300 hours, helping teach skating lessons. Update on Recreation Facility Bruce told the board that the City Council will be having a special meeting on the Recreation Facility. Bruce will be giving the council prices for a 7,000 square foot pool and a gymnasium. The City Council wants to start action on these projects. Tartan Park Bruce reported to the Board that there was a great deal of water standing on the in- field on the baseball field. 1984 LAWCON Grants Grant applications for 1984 are due by the end of April. Bruce told the board that this year an application will be filled out for improving the baseball field at Tartan Park. Improvements would inclpde lighting and bleachers. Bruce also mentioned that perhaps an A.A.L. group might be interested in a project at the park. A grant will also be submitted to put a permanent surface on the parking lot at the Civic Arena and some landscaping. Summer Program The spring gymnastics program will begin on Saturday. April 7th at the Elementary School. There won't be a summer soccer program this year; instead itwill run in the spring with Mini Soccer (grades 1 -3) beging played on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings and Striker Soccer (grades 4 -6) being played on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings at Linden Park. The summer schedule was drawn out for the board. A new program this year will be a swimming class for the mentally handicapped. The first day to register will be Saturday, May 5th atthe Civic Arena between 9 :00 am and 12 noon. Adjournment A motion was made by Lyle Block to adjourn the meeting at 6 seconded by Kathy McGraw. The board unanimously agreed. 30 pm. The motion was ,/ -a 6a)_ 0 a te of (-rifillic5otar County 01 _._McLeod - City_ 0 No., Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at Retail The undersigned resident..._. of the_ -- _.._.....__.... .......... ---- cit-y- of Hutchinson .... .............. .. .. . . ... ..... .. .... in the county of ........ McLeod ........................... --------- ...... . . State of Minnesota, HEREBY MAKE .... R1`PLIC.f- TION FOR LICENSE to be issued 10 Ci. ty_ of Hutchinson --- ........... ... ..... .. ........ ...... .. ............ . ................................ to sell eigaret"" and cigarette papers and wrappers af retail at.. _Roberts ... �Par.k --- C-o.nc.e-s..s-.i�y.n.�..Stand- ........_..........._. ........ ........... ...................... ................ ................... ..... .................... - I -- ------- . . ....... . ...... .. . I ..... ......... .... .............. ---- ....... .......... --- in the... ....... ..... City .............. ....... -- ---- of -------- Av..t-Cbin.5,Qn ..................... ........ _in said county and state for the term of ............. flive-moatbs ............ ... ............... beginning with, the ...... atb. .... ... ...day of ---- �MqY-s . .......... --- - - . ............ . . .............. , 19 84 subject to the laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinances and regulations of said .................................... thereto, and herewith deposit ................. .... of ..... __._ jj!�tchinson .... ............ $ FEE WAIVED ............. ...... -------------- in payment of the fee. t4refor. Dated. .... 3.0 ..................... . .............. I 19.84 -,.- ..1`_..._. . ...... . { Z/... ...----- _------ -------- .._...._ 587 -5151 F CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHING TONAVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 3, 1984 TO: —Mayor & City Council — ----------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, Finance Director -------------------------- - - - - -- SUBJECT: Financial & Management Capability Workshops -- r------------------------ - - - - -- The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is holding a two day workshop May 15 and 16 regarding step two and three municipal wastewater treat- ment facilities. The two day workshop does not require any money for registration of the workshop. The City cost would be staff time and mileage. Marlow Priebe and myself would like to attend this two day workshop. It would be requested of the Council to authorize the enrollment of this workshop. /ms j ATTACHMENT FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT CAPABILITY WORKSHOP The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is pleased to announce the presentation of a two -day workshop designed to assist potential grant applicants in analyzing and implementing financial and management capability policies. Because award of a construction grant is contingent upon an approved financial capability demonstration, attendance at this workshop is of significant benefit to all present and potential grantees. The %:orkshop will be presented by the U.S. Environmental Agency (EPA) and the MPCA. DATE & TIME: May 15, 1984 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. May 16, 1984 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. LOCATION: McGuire's inn 1201 V.I. County Road E Arden Hills, Minnesota (Located one -half mile south of Hwy. 694 at. Lexington Ave.) (612) 636 -4123 There will be no registration fee for the workshop. For more information or questions concerning the workshop, contact Patricia M. Chabot a (612) 296 -7732. A limited number of rooms have been reserved at McGuire's Inn for workshop participants. The rates are $40 /single and $45 /double room, and government rates are S38 /single and $43 1double room. Please arrange all accomimodation,$ directly with the hotel. Reservations should be made as soon as` possible. t;_ To register for the workshop, please complete this form and return it by May 4, 1984 to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Grants Section, Division of Water Quality, 1935 W. County Rd. B -2, Roseville, Minnesota 55113.. Registration Form EPA /I.1PCA Financial Capability Workshop McGuire's Inn Arden Hills, Minnesota May 15 =16, 1984 NAME /TITLE ORGANIZAITON ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE RETURN TO: MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY GRANTS SECTION /DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 4935 W. COUNTY ROAD B -2 ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55113 • RESOLUTION NO. 7746 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON RFSOIUfiION FOR` ;RASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Water Meters (102) @$59.95 6,114.9 Resale & Replacement Units Water Yes Water Products Adhesive 2,173.5 Attach New Flooring Civic Yes MN Playground Arena The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM Date Approved: Motion made by: Seconded by: COST PURPOSE I DEPT. IBUDGET I VENDOR Resolution submitted for Council action by: P blis':ad in the Ha.•rson La: r on ' h..r day, Ai.ril -:Gth, 1984, and on Thursday, Vay 3rd, 1934. NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 83 -02 Publication No. 3236 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on the 8th day of May, 1984, to consider the making of an improvement on: Sanitary Sewer on Oakwood Lane from County Road 12 to South Termini and on County Road 12 from Oakwood Lane to 1,000' Southeasterly in 1983; Storm Sewer on California Street from School Road to 1,400, South on School Road from California Street to County Road 12, on County Road 12 to 1,600' Northwesterly from County Road 12 to Oakwood Lane and on Oakwood Lane in 1983; Grading, Gravel Base and Curb and Gutter on Oakwood Lane from County Road 12 to South Termini in 1984, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is the affected property. The estimated cost of such improvement is $240,000.00. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. City C1 ��is Dated: April 25th, 1984 PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. Published in the Hutefiinson Leader on Thursday, Aprll6th, 19842 and on Thursday, May 3rd, 1984. NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 84 -07 Publication No. 3235 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8 :00 P.M. on the 8th day of May, 1984, to consider the making of an improvement on School Road from Seventh Avenue to the North line of the Plat by the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer, Gravel Base and Appurtenances, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is the affected property. The estimated cost of such improvement is $281600.00. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Wd',_"- City Clez�k— Dated: April 25th, 1984 PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. RESOLUTION ORDERING IYPR0VE19ENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT NO. 84 -07 Resolution No. 7747 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 24th day of April, 1984, fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed improvement of School Road from Seventh Avenue to the North Line of the Plat by the construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer, Gravel Ease and Appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 8th day of May, 1984, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: p y proposed in the council 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as ,. resolution adopted the 24th day of April, 1984. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Clerk Adopted by the council this 8th day of May, 1984. Mayor 0 • a�v .a,. 12) 587.5151 • N <` 37 LNASHINGTONAVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: April 30th, 1984 TO: `•Savor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Hilltop Addition Project 84 -01, Part II According to the cost of the project, based on bids received and the street assessment policy for properties not in a new subdivision and covered by a Subdivision Agreement, the costs would be as per my memo of November 15, 1983 and as follows: Four (4) Lots @ $1,373.60 =$ 5,494.40 Six (6) Lots @ $1,116.05 = $ 6,696.30 City Cost @ $13,809.30 = $13,809.30 TOTAL ----------------- $26,000.00 It appears that the petition is rejecting the assessment as proposed by the City. Based on said petition, an action to reject the project for 1984 construction should be considered. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv The Pillsbury Company Green Giant Company April 30, 1984 City Council 37 Washington Ave. W. Hutchinson, Minnesota, 55350 Dear City Council: 0 101 WEST 8TH STREET G �E wcoE. MN 55336 lt";ptY 1984 By I am writing in behalf of the Pillsbury /Green Giant Company in Glencoe. In an effort to encourage people from your area to apply for summer work with Green Giant, I am organizing a recruitment program that includes your city. With your approval, I would like to utilize the east side of Library Square Park on June 22, 1984, from approximately 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. During that time a mobile home unit would be brought in and set up as a satellite employment office. This date, location and time would be publicized in area newspapers. Interested applicants would be asked to stop by the van to fill out an employment application and talk with a company representative. I would appreciate your support in this effort. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 1- 864 -3151. KB:kib Sincerely, GREEN GIANT COMPANY A�i•� /i,cc,yn/� Kim Burnes Personnel Supervisor � —e�& • of SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS' 10001 WAYZATA BLVD. • MINNETONKA, MN 55343 • 612 -545 -8894 !± PR 1984 25 April 1 084 City Clerk Hutchinson 1zg$ Gear Sir, I am as'inc permission to hold the second "Angel Flight" road race from the City of Hutchinson. The race will be shorter this year and will be at the very edge of Hutchinson. The race would start at vlaplewood Academy North on 15 to CR 76 West to C.A.S.H. 12 which becomes Fifth Ave. N.W.. back to the Academy on 15. This time we will not be using any private land such as the Country Club. Last year 130 participated in this race and the resluts were published in the local newspaper. We would again request that an officer from the police dept. be present at the beginning of the race to help direct any traffic that may be present. T1,,ank you so ^uch. Ernest Dobkins, race director Time; Sunday, the 10th of June at 4 o'clock a.m. ; -v' ANNOUNCING THE SECOND ANNUAL ANGEL FLIGHT ROAD RACE Last year 130 runners (end a few walkers) took part in the first Angel Flight. More than forty trophies were awarded and everyone received a gold on blue T -shirt with angels flying in a circle. The new Angel Flight T -shirt will carry the emplem pictured on this form. This year, in addition to the trophies, ONE OUNCE OF PURE SILVER will be awarded to the first three men and first two ladies to cross the finish I' no matter what age group they run in. , The race will again be run in Hutchinson, Minnesota, starting on the beautiful campus of Maplewood Academy. The Academy is located two blocks north of the stop light on highway seven (7). This is also highway fifteen (15) and North Main Street. About one hour west of the Cities. s The day of the race will be Sunday, June 10th., at 9 o'clock a, m.. Register the day of the race starting at 8:15 or mail this form to the addresses below. The race will be 3,5 miles in leng and will be run at the edge of the city in mostly open country. (THERE IS ALSO A ONE MILE FUN RUN FOR' BEGINNERS AND NON- RUNNERS WHO WISH TO BE INVOLVED -THERE WILL-BE TROPHIES FOR THE FIRST THREE MALE AND FEMALE RUNNERS) 3 5Nmikr Ar cke anya„e C_CtK YUN. There will also be a trophy for the oldest, .r r ® mwp-- youngest, and heaviest runners in tl There will be trophies for the first walkers in the 3.5 mile. There will for the first three finishers in all the 3.5 race for men and ladies, 39 NAME r three be trophies divisions of trophies and five ounc silver will be awarded. MEN: 15 and under. 16 -19 20 -29- 30 -39 40 and over. WOMEN: • 15 and under 16 -19�_ 20 -29 30 and over FEMALE ADDRESS CITY ZIP I UNDERSTAND THAT BY SIGNING THIS REGISTRATION FORM AND PAYING MY ENTRY FEE OF $5, THAT I AM EXEMPTING THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MAPLEWOOD ACADEMY, ANY PRIVATE LAND OWNER, ANY PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL HELPING WITH THIS RACE, THE SEVENTH -DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH AND ALL ITS ENTITIES, AND ANY OTHER ORGANIZATION OR INDIVIDUAL NOT NAMED, FROM ANY LIABILITY DUE TO MY PARTICIPATION, NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. Ernest Dobkins, race director 10001 Wayzata Blvd. Minnetonka, MN. 55343 (545 -8894) SIGNATURE or parent or legal guardian Maplewood Academy Hutchinson, Minnesota 5535 (587 -2830) REGISTRATION FEE IS $5 CITY OF HUTCHI1SON POLICE DEPARTMENT INTRA- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0:_U�-- - - - - -- — FROM: < j /; ✓"C- DtT - -- SUBJECT: ,(�t/ILAP �d�f' -A _a ' DATE r W If r � , 1 I � I i hr.�l it �► ' � ' - / /.. � . . i •uj.� � _ to . . • RETAIL "Oil SALE" • 'Nate of Pr imie�rota, McLeod COI1J1'TY OF.-...--.. - -------- Council Hutchinson To the .............. y............... ................. - -• .......of the.........,.. city...... •- •- .-- ........of---... ........son.................... ........ ...... ....................... ..........................State of Minnesota: Hutchinson Jaycees - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- hereby appl Q &_for a license for the term. of..- . -All4' -day .--- ...-- .------- ..- - - - - -- - - --- 17th.. - - - Bay of - - - June,- — - ..... - - -- -• 1884 -, to sell At Retail Only,'ron- Infwdcating llfalt Liquors, as the same are defined by law, far ccr�u.mp'i.on "OA "' those certei.n premises in City _1 Hutchinson dcaoriird as follows, to-wit... - _...._McLeod County Fairgrounds at which place said applicant ...... perates .... the business of -.an_. afternoon .... dan .e ...... -------- - -- - -- and to that end represents. and states-as follows: ritizen..._._ a the Onitzd Statcs • o aid moral character That card applicant_.... ......s._8......._ --- f f d said ._. tor.._._.o the and repute; and ha ... S..._.. attained the age of 21 years; that- ...... ._ ........................... .................._... -. FTOP -1e f establishment for which the license will be Lensed if this application is granted. That no manufacturer of sash non - intoxicating malt liquors has any ownership, in whole or in part, in said business of said applicant-..or any interest therein; That said applicant ...... ma1 zS...this application pursuant and subject to all the Iares of the State of Afinncaota and the ordinances and regulations of said - ._._ ...... - _..._City__- ._— ____-- - - - - -- applicable therdo, which are hereby made a part hereof, and hereby a dree......to observe and obey the same; - - - ._._......._....- - - --- - ._...- -- can r � vi.r ra'J..- ,.n,.spu .w. nt loel � -•�- -- Each applicant farther states that he is root now the holder of, nor has he made applioatian for, nar does he 'intend to make application for a Federal Retail Dcalzr's Spea'al tax stamp for the sale of intozioatsnp ligaor. Dated April 20 I8 84 Hutchin on Jaycee By: Pete Kas 1 dppliunt_ P. O. dddre�s- I A," ,�1fr 1°® 0 �. �. CM) k 1;HEREAS, Elden "Bud" Willard has served the City well as Building Official from February 1973 to August 1980; 11HEREAS, Elden 'Bud" Willard has served faithfully and diligently giving of his time and talents toward the enrichment of the City, 1191 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHIN'SON, MD rESOTA: THAT, deep appreciation is hereby expressed to Elden "Bud" Willard for his aforementioned services and the gratitude of Hutchinson and the citizens thereof is hereby expressed. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of May, 1984. Vi Wlf7L .ry D. Plotz City Clerk - - Mayor 7—e, • �Aa J Aj CJ a r G 11HEREAS, Stanley Koehler has served the City well as Custodian /Engineer for the past six (6) years and six (6) months; 11HEREAS, Stanley Koehler has served faithfully and diligently giving of his time and talents toward the enrich,cent of the City, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FESOLVED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EUTCHI27SOH, MINNESOTA: THAT, deep appreciation is hereby expressed to Stanley Koehler for his aforementioned services and the gratitude of Hutchinson and the citizens thereof Is hereby expressed. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of May, 1984. ry D. r10Lz City Clerk �i Robert H. Stearns Mayor fa �MbYf �4 r 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7745 TRANSFERRING $55,786 FROM 1980 TAX INCMLENT DEBT SERVICE FUND TO 1981 PARKING Ii-1PROVEMENT FUND BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT $55,786.00 is hereby transferred by the 1980 Tax Increment Debt Service Fund to the 1981 Parking Improvement Fund for the City's portion of the parking assessment. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of May, 1984. Robert H. Stearns Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk V_ 1e_ (612) 587 -5151 lTY OF HUTCHINSON VASHING TON AVENUE WEST .HINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE; May 3, 1984 TO; Mayor & City Council FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, Finance Director SUBJECT: 1981 Parking Assessment In order to complete the project of refunding the 1981 parking bonds, the Resolution No. 7745 transferring the 1984 City portion of the assessment must be passed at this time. Bill Fahey of Ehlers, I believe, had reviewed this matter prior to the refunding. We also are requesting authorization to issue a check of $480,822.13 to the trustee who will be refunding this bond issue. With this transfer and authorization for payment, we will have the refund-" ing completed on May 17, 1984. The money remaining in our 1981 parking bonds will be the amount needed to complete the parking program. /ms 0 T2) 587 5T 51 4iTY OF HU I GlMUSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 8, 1984 TO: Mayor 6 City Council FROM: Mark Schnobrich, City Forester -------------------------- - - - - -- SUBJECT: City Stump Contract The 1984 stump removal contract received four bids. Ken's Landscaping of Glencoe was lowest bidder at $1.40 per inch. Low -Cost Stump Removal out of Annandale was highest at $1.89 per inch. Hutchinson Landscaping was mailed a bid proposal and specifications but never returned a bid. The stump contractor would perform stump grinding and cleanup of elms and other trees on City boulevards and parks. I would like to recommend Ken's Landscaping of Glencoe for approval for the 1984 stump removal contract. /ms i • BID TABULATION CITY OF NUTCNINSON PROJECT 1984 Stump Removal DATE May 1, 1984 - 2:00 P.M. BIDDER SURETY AMOUNT DELIVERY Otto's Tree Service Lester Prairie, MN 10% $1.55 /Inch $5,425 Midwest Stump Removal Anoka, MN 10% $1.45 /Inch $5,075 Lo -Cost Stump Removal Annandale, MN 10% $1.89 /Inch $6,615 Stump Cutter /Ken's Landscpg. Glencoe, MN 10% $1.40 /Inch $4,900 aN 0: "W'CHINSON CITY 0. 40 ,41 37 WASHING TON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: April 30th, 1984 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Assessment Rolls The following assessment rolls are submitted for setting a public hearing. Roll No. 189 - Third Ave. N.W., Project 83 -09 -Curb and Gutter Roll No. Supplement to 171 - Deferred Assessments for Sidewalk in Sidewalk District Roll No. 194 - Activating Deferred Assessments on Schmidtbauer's Property and Schmidtbauer's 1st and 2nd Add. Roll No. 195 - Activating Deferred Assessments on Bethke's Rolling Greens 1st and 2nd Add. Roll No. 196 - Activating Deferred Assessments on Lewis Avenue Between Larson Street and School Road The following resolutions need to be adopted: Resolution Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assessment Resolution for Hearing on Proposed Assessment I recommend the hearing be set for June 11, 1984, the firstmeeting in June. ;11f4, � Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP/PV RESOLUTION NO. 7735 0 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 189 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of Third Avenue N.W. by the construction of Grading, Gravel Base, Curb and Gutter and Appurtenances, and the bid price for such improvement is $6,591.05, and the ex_enses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $1,608.95, so that the total cost of the improvement will be $8,200.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $5,000.00, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $3,200.00. 2. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION NO. 7741 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 189 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 8th day of May, 1984, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving Third Avenue N.W. by the construction of Grading, Gravel Base, Curb and Gutter and Appurtenances, AND 'WHEREAS, the Clerk, has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 12th day of June, 1984, in the Council ' Chambers at City hall at 8 :00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by sueb assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing.on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. City Clerk May 0 0 rG3',iS ED iN is c iUii S N — R, HU1Cr.i';Si , L,.. SOFA, ON Tr.�RSDP.Y, ';AY 17TH, 1984. 0 0 NOTICE OF HrARI`vG ON FROrvSED ASSESSMENT PUBLICATION NO. 3243 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 189 Hutchinson, Minnesota May 9th, 1984 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Council will meet at 8 :00 P.M. on the 12th day of June, 1984, in the Council Chambers at City Fall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to pass upon the proposed assessment for the improvement of Third Avenue N.W. by the construction of Grading, Gravel Base, Curb and Gutter and Appurtenances. The proposed assessment against benefited property is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting, but the Council may consider any objection to the amount of the proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. Under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral or payment of this special assessment on his property. The total cost of the improvement is $8,200.00. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Hutchinson, Minnesota ,apiled By: Marlow V. Priebe PROJECT NO. 3 -09 COST PER UNIT $3,200.00 '---Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe GRADING, CURB & GUTTER & GRAVEL BASE & APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice THIRD AVENUE N.W. NO. YRS. SPREAD : 10 UNIT USED : Per Lot ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 189 ACCT. PARCEL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION OR SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK FRONTAGE LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT 36- 117 -30 -1 -01 1 $ $ Duane Hoverstein & Gerald Cornell c/o Hutch Computer 555 -3rd Ave. N.W. .79 Ao. NE 1/4 SE 1/4 S of T.H. 1 3080 Hutchinson, MN 55350 7 EX E 167.61 See. 36- 116 -30 32200.00 $ 3,200.00 • City of Hutchinson 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 • Total Principal... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... \� M • • RESOLUTION NO. 7734 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT SUPPLEMENT TO ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 171 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of Jefferson Street from Washington Ave. to Third Ave. S.E.; Washington Ave. S.E., First Ave. S.E., Second Ave. S.S. and Third Ave. S.E. from Hassan St. to Adams St. and Adams St. from Washington Ave. S.B. to Fair Ave. by the construction of Sidewalk and Appurtenances, and the bid price for such improvement is $44,936.00, and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $13,480.80, so that the total cost of the improvement will be $58,416.80. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $48,858.80, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $9,558.00. 2. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. Mayor City Clerk q4-, RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION NO. 7740 SUPPLEMENT TO ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 171 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 8th day of May, 1984, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving Jefferson Street from Washington Ave. to Third Ave. S.E.; Washington Ave. S.E., First Ave. S.E., Second Ave. S.E. and Third Ave. S.B. from Hassan St. to Adams St. and Ada-:!s St. from Washington Ave. S.E. to Fair Ave. by the construction of Sidewalk and Appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, the Clerk, has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 12th day of June, 1984, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 8 :00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. City Clerk Mayor 0 0 r'. SIS'HED -N THE cJTCdi':SONi LF DER, WOTC: I`S ^N, N,71 :'dESOTA, ON T iiRSDAY, MAY .1 7TH, 1984. • NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PUBLICATION NO. 3242 SUPPLE14ENT TO ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 171 Hutchinson, Minnesota May 9th, 1984 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Council will meet at 8 :00 P.M. on the 12th day of June, 1984, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to pass upon the proposed assessment for the improvement of Jefferson Street from Washington Ave. to Third Ave. S.E.; Washington Ave. S.E., First Ave. S.E., Second Ave. S.E. and Third Ave. S.E. from Hassan St. to Adams St. and Adams St. from Washington Ave. S.E. to Fair Ave. by the construction of Sidewalk and Appurtenances. The proposed assessment against benefited property is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting, but the Council may consider any objection to the amount of the proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. Under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it. would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral or payment of this special assessment on his property. The total cost of the improvement is $58,416.80. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Hutchinson, Minnesota Compiled By: Marlow V. Priebe Paul Janousek COST PER UNIT Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe PROJECT NO. 83 -01 -19 SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice SIDEWALK & APPURTENANCES NO. YRS. SPREAD CD: Roger & B. Janousek UNIT USED 1 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO Supplement to 171 ACCT. PARCEL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION OR REM SW CONST Off SERVICE TOTAL NO NO OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK $_0.39 SW $1.69 LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT 305.0 305.0 lYYGi Cf"i f1Yi}/61 .. Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... 1 208.00 Paul Janousek CD: Roger & B. Janousek 16 Adams St. So. 1 0034 Hutchinson MN 55350 S 1/2 City 2 6 $118.95 $515.45 D 06-11 -29 -03 -0040 .330.0 330.0 Aldrich S. Carlson Elmer & Mary Ann Carlson 30 Adams St. So. 2 0036 Hutchinsonp MN 55350 Lot 4 EX 181 x 34' S 1/2 City 6 128.70 557.70 I 06-116-29-03-0740 2 •9 268.9 Jerome & Karen Swenson 121 -1st Ave. S.E. E 77' of S 1/2 of Lot 4 & E 77' of 3 3598 Hutchinson MN 55350 Lot 59 Blk. 14 1/2 City 14 104.87 454.44 1 06-116-29-03-0950 59.5 59.5 LeRoy E. h Alice Gehrke 144 -2nd Ave. S.E. 4 0142 Hutchinson MN 55350 S 1/2 City 1 26 23.20 100.55 1 06-116-29-03-1030 oo -5 600.5 Bertha Steinke 209 Hassan St. 5 0151 Hutchinson MN 55350 S 1/2 City 10 26 234.19 1 014.84 1 06-116-29-03-0900 100.0 100.0 Curtis W. & Mary Paulsen 236 Adams St. 6 0136 Hutchinson MN 55350 S 1/2 City 4 25 39.00 169.00 06-116-29-03-0080 104.2 104.2 Emil A. & Evelyn Germer 25 Jefferson St. 7 0041 Hutchinson, MN 55_350 S 1/2 City 8 6 40.64 176.10 lYYGi Cf"i f1Yi}/61 .. Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... 1 208.00 uompixea ny: marrow v. rrieoe W5T YEN UNIT Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe PROJECT N0. 83 -01 -19 SERVICE LEAD s Checked By: Cal Rice SIDEWALK & APPURTENANCES NO. YRS. SPREAD UNIT USED s ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. Su lement to 171 ' ACCT. PARCEL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION OR REM SW CONST 41, SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK $ 0.39 SW $1.69 LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT o6-116-29-03-012O 190.0 190.0 Agnes M. Fimon 16 Jefferson St. Lot 1 EX N 511 & N 22, of 8 0044 HutehinsonLMN_ 55350 Lot 2s_ S 1/2 City -- -- 7 $ 74.10 $321.10 Deferred $ 395.20 06- 116_29 -03 -0130 77.5 77.5 Mabel Boelter 18 So. Jefferson St. 9 0046 Hutchinson, MN 55350 S 44, of Lot 29S 1/2 City 7 30.22 130.97 Deferred 161.'1 Harland H. & Harriet Emans 24 Jefferson St. 10 0047 Hutchinson, MN 55350 S 1/2 City 3 7 66.96 290.17 Deferred 357.13 $4,591.15 Total Principal... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... • i RESOLUTION No. 7736 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 194 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for activating the Deferred Assessments for the irprovement of Schmidtbauer's Property and Schmidtbauer's 1st and 2nd Additions by the construction of Curb and Gutter, &itu• inons Surfacing, Trunk Storm Sauar, Sanitary Se,;er, i;ater-ain and A ?purt::ances, 2nd the total cost of the improve -,ant to date is $62,309.52. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $ -0 -, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property, owners is declared to be $62,309.52. 2. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. Mayor City Clerk 9- c, N ACfit i %.0 SB....=IvTS n- S,)T.U'I'l0N NO. 7742 ASSESS' NT ROLL NO. 194 :,HER =AS, by a resolution .-.sed by the Co ncil on the 8th day of May, 1984, the City Clerk was di----c'--d to prepare a proposed assessment of the de_ °ter rod C ^_St5 iGr t1:_ i'!:yI J-C c.: ?;it Of $C!LL irtbaucrl9 Property and _st and 2nd by ...,.. =s'-ruction of Curb and = utter, �_..::r, F....'_`.ary $ "�8r, n.te.':_�ain and AND --F- R,EAS, the Clerk, hes notified the Council that such proposed assessm=nt has been cc-3p'_eted and filed in his office for „:blic insp- ection, NOW, IHE?,EFO:RE, BE IT R-ESOLVED BY THE CITY F HUTCH NSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 12th day of June, 1984, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 8 :00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. -m Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. City C1 Mayor r 3 ' ED _N IFE NUjo '.:� N �'1ER, HiFrCr'I'7S'�4, M_' ;h'SOTA, ON ?�RS�r ^.Y, '. ?AY 171 H, 1984. NOTICE OF HEART_NG ON ACTIVATING DEFERRED ASSESS },ENTS PUBLICATION NO. 3244 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 194 Hutchinson, Minnesota May 9th, 1984 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Council will meet at 8 :00 P.M. on the 12th_ day of June, 1984, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to pass upon activating the deferred assessments for the improvement of Schmidtbauer's Property and Schmidtbauer's 1st and 2nd Additions by the construction of Curb and Gutter, Bituminous Surfacing, Trunk Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenances. The proposed assessment against benefited property is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting, but the Council may consider any objection to the amount of the proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. Under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral or payment of this special assessment on his property. The total cost of the improvement is $62,309.52. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Hutchinson, Minnesota .Compiled By: Computed By: Checked By: ASSESSMENT R ACCT. P NO. 07-116-29-06 1 2 07 -11 -11 4 7_ Marlow V. Priebe ACTIVATING DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS Marlow V. Priebe FOR SCHMIDTBAUER'S PROPERTY AND Cal Rice SCHMIDTBAUER'S 1ST AND 2ND ADDITIONS L NO. 194 COST PER UNIT s SERVICE LEAD s C NO. YRS. SPREAD UNIT USED "EL NAME & ADDRESS ADDITION Oft 79(.u( B SURF 813.75 6% IMPROVE- 1,472.88 INTEREST INTEREST TOTAL 900.24 OF OWNER SUBDIVISION 474.56 LOT BLOCK MENT BASE COST RATE ;TO DATE ASSESSMENT 050 C & G 390.00 6% 315.90 705.90 Richard & Nancie Waage,. B SURF $ 6% 850.50 10900.50 Rt. 1 TR ST SEW 360.00 C & C 276.25 6% 223.76 500.01 Mrs. Richard McCormick T oAT B SURF 743.75 6% 602.43 1,346.18 Rt. 3 TR ST SEW 229.50 6% 275.40 504.90 050 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sohmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 5 1 3 2,351.09 060 C & G 276.25 6% 223.76 500.01 Richard & B. Sohmidtbauer B SURF 743.75 6% 602.43 1046.18 Rt. 3 TR ST SEW 229.50 6% 275.40 504.90 051 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sohmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 6 1 $ 2,351-09 070 Ronald J. McGraw C & G 276.25 6% 223.76 500.01 Citizens Bank Building B SURF 743.75 6% 602.113 1,346.18 Box 108 TR ST SEW 229.50 6% 275.40 504.90 052 _Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sohmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 7 1 $ 2,351.09 080 C & G 351.84 6% 284.99 636.83 Richard & B. Sohmidtbauer B SURF 947.27 6% 767.29 1,714.56 Rt. 2 TR ST SEW 292.30 6% 350.76 643.06 053 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sohmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 8 1 $% -2-,9-9T-.W5- Richard & B. Sohmidtbauer up 944.04 79(.u( B SURF 813.75 6% Rt. 2 1,472.88 TR ST SEW 409.20 6% 491.04 900.24 5 4054 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sohmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 9 1 TR ST SEW 474.56 6% 569.47 % 11044.03 49 07- 116_29 -06 -0100 C & G 390.00 6% 315.90 705.90 Richard & Nancie Waage,. B SURF 19050.00 6% 850.50 10900.50 Rt. 1 TR ST SEW 360.00 6% 432.00 792.00 6 4056 Dasael_ MN 55825 Snhmidthanwrfn 2nd AAd_ 1 P T oAT Richard & B. Sohmidtbauer Rt. 2 C & Gs Curb & Gutter; B SURF: Bituminou S SEW & WM: Sanitary Sewer & Watermain) R.L.S. No. 1, Tract Q Except West 7' of North 150' ng; TR ST SEW% Trunk Storm S y 4 V avc.c7 up 944.04 79(.u( B SURF 813.75 6% 659.13 1,472.88 TR ST SEW 409.20 6% 491.04 900.24 S SEW & WM 11112.28 6% 1,001.05 29113.33 Total Prinoipal... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... fir Compiled By: Computed By: Checked By: ASSESSMENT R ACCT. P NO. 07-116-29-07 a FL 10 D7_ ce 19 Richard & B. Sohmidtbauer Rt. 2 2660 Hutchinson. MN 55450 Fred H. & Margaret Sorenson 92 Century Ave. 2661 Hutchinson. MN 55350 Richard & B. Schmidtbauer Rt. 2 2662 Hutchinson. MN 55350 Michael J. Beaker 56 Century Ave. 4046 Hutchinson, MN 55350 0020 Richard & B. Schmidtbauer Rt. 2 ACTIVATING DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS FOR SCHMIDTBAUER'S PROPERTY AND SCHMIDTBAUER'S 1ST AND 2ND ADDITIONS COST PER UNIT SERVICE LEAD NO. YRS. SPREAD UNIT USED s OR IMPROVE- INTEREST INTEREST TOTAL ON & 0 276.25 LOT BLOCK MENT BASE COST RATE ;TO DATE ASSESSMENT 743.75 6% 602.113 1046.18 Rt. 2 TR ST SEW 229.50 6% 275.40 504.90 13 4048 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 3 1 C & G 344,50 6% 279.05 623.55 -00 0 B SURF 927.50 6% 751.27 11678.77 C & G 276.25 6% 223.76 500.01 TR ST SEW 254.40 6% 305.28 559.68 .uer's 1st Add. 1 1 Ave. TR ST SEW 229.50 $$_21862.00 504.90 14 4049 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 4 1 C & G 331.50 6% 268,51 600.01 & Gutter; B SURF: Bituminous Surfacing; TR ST SEW: Trunk Storm Sewer; B SURF 892.50 6% 722.92 1,615.42 Total Interest.... TR ST SEW 254.26 6% 305.11 559.37 .uer's 1st Add. 2 1 2,77 C & G 341.25 6% 276.41 617.66 B SURF 918.75 6% 7114.18 1,662.93 TR ST SEW 349.32 6% 419,18 768.50 uer's 1st Add. 3 1 3,0 9.09 C & G 351.84 6% 284.99 636.83 B SURF 947.27 6% 767.29 1,714.56 TR ST SEW 292.30 6% 350.76 643.06 uer's 2nd Add. 1 1 $ 2- 99T -.W5 C & G 276.25 6% 223.76 500.01 B SURF 743.75 6% 602.43 1046.18 TR ST SEW 229.50 6% 275.40 504.90 mer's 2nd Add. 2 1 $ 2,351-09 07- 116 -29- 06_0030 C & 0 276.25 6% 223.76 500.0 Richard & B. SohmidtbaUer B SURF 743.75 6% 602.113 1046.18 Rt. 2 TR ST SEW 229.50 6% 275.40 504.90 13 4048 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 3 1 2,351.09 07 -11 -29_0 -00 0 C & G 276.25 6% 223.76 500.01 Eugene L. & Jeanette Bening Ali B SURF 743.75 6% 602.43 1,346.18 38 Century Ave. TR ST SEW 229.50 6% 275.40 504.90 14 4049 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Schmidtbauer's 2nd Add. 4 1 $ 2,351.09 (C & G: Curb & Gutter; B SURF: Bituminous Surfacing; TR ST SEW: Trunk Storm Sewer; Total Principal... S SEW & WM: Sanitary Sewer & Watermain) Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... P. \Ar (C & G: Curb & Gutter; B SURF: Bituminous Surfacing; TR ST SEW: Trunk Storm Sewer; Total Prinoipal... S SEW & WM: Sanitary Sewer & Watermain) Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... By: Marlow V. Pr!,ebe ACTIVATING DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS COST PER UNIT _Compiled Computed By: Marlow V. Pr!Hbe FOR SCHMIDTBAUER'S PROPERTY AND SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice SCHMIDTBAUER'S 1ST AND 2ND ADDITIONS NO. YRS. SPREAD UNIT USED : ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 194 ACCT. PARCEL NAME ,& ADDRESS ADDITION OR IMPROVE- INTEREST INTEREST TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK MENT BASE COST RATE TO DATE ASSESSMENT 07-116-29-07-0050 C & B $ 325.00 6% $ 263.25 $ 5 .25 B SURF 875.00 6% 708.75 1,583.75 Richard & B. Sohmidtbauer TR ST SEW 440.00 6% 528.00 968.00 Rt. 2 S SEW & WM 1,196.00 6% 1,076.40 2 272.40 15 2658 Hutchinson MN 55350 R.L.S. No. 1 Tract R 5 12. 0 07-116-29-07-0060 C & G 11170.00 947.70 2,117.70 B "SURF 39150.00 6% 2,551.50 51701.50 Richard & B. Sohmidtbauer TR ST SEW 11200.00 6% 1,440.00 2,640.00 Rt. 2 S SEW & WM 4,305.60 6% 3,875.04 8 180.64 16 2659 Hutchinson, MN 55350 R.L.S. No. 1, Tract S $1' (C & G: Curb & Gutter; B SURF: Bituminous Surfacing; TR ST SEW: Trunk Storm Sewer; Total Prinoipal... S SEW & WM: Sanitary Sewer & Watermain) Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... 0 r RESOLUTION N0. 7738 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 195 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for activating the Deferred Assessments for the improvement of Bethke's Rolling Greens 1st and 2nd Additions by the construction of Watermain and Appurtenances, and the total cost of the improvement to date is ;8,151.21. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $ -0 -1 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $8,151.21. 2. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. City Clerk d' RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON ACTIVATING DEFERRED ASSESSMSENTS RESOLUTION NO. 7743 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 195 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 8th day of May, 1984, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the deferred costs for the improvement of Bethke's Rolling Greens Ist and 2nd Additions by the construction of hatereain and Appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, the Clerk, has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 12th day of June, 1984, in the Council Chambers at City'Hall at 8 :00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. Mayor City Clerk J i ! U C: _',�h 'JiR, n�1•:H : SJN, N.:1 :o30_A, ON 'tri` =5D , MAY 17TH, 1984. � • NOTICE OF HEARING ON ACTIVATING DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS PUBLICATION NO. 3245 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 195 Hutchinson, Minnesota May 9th, 1984 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Council will meet at 8 :00 P.M. on the 12th day of June, 1984, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to pass upon activating the deferred assessments for the improvement of Bethke's Rolling Greens 1st and 2nd Additions by the construction of Watermain and Appurtenances. The proposed assessment against benefited property is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting, but the Council may consider any objection to the amount of the proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. . Under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.1952 the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral or payment of this special assessment on his property. The total cost of the improvement is $8,151.21. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Hutchinson, Minnesota J • Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe Checked By: Cal Rice ACCT. PARCEL NAME k ADDRESS DEFERRED WATERMAIN ASSESSMENT COUNTY ROAD 12 i SERVICE LEAD N0. YRS. SPREAD : 10 UNIT USED : Front Foot Bethke Construction Rt. 3 Bethke's Rolling Greens 1 2982 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Townhouse Addition 1 1 166.67 2,253.38 29253.38 Bethke Construction Rt. 3 Bethke's Rolling Greens 2 2982.050 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Second Townhouse Addition 1 1 436.23 59897.83 5,897 83 Total Principal... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... - • i RESOLUTION NO. 7739 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF DEFERRED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 196 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for activating the Deferred Assessments for the improvement of Lewis Avenue between Larson Street and School Road by the construction of Gravel Base and Appurtenances, and the total cost of the improvement to date is $2,578.50. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $ -0 -, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $2,578.50. 2. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. Mayor City Clerk 9--e--. RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON ACTIVAT -NG D'--?ERRED ASSESSMENTS RESOLUTION NO. 7744 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 196 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 8th day of May, 1984, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the deferred costs for the improvement of Lewis Avenue between Larson Street and School Road by the construction of Gravel Base and Appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, the Clerk, has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 12th day of June, 1984, in the Council!' - Chambers at City'Fall at 8:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing oa the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. Be shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. I,. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of May, 1984. Mayor City Clerk j;i,iS-WD IN 7HE n i _S 'ON L= ' -.'eR, :iJTC .';iON, cSOTA, ON NAY 17TH, 1984. . . r NOTICE OF HEARING ON ACTIVATING DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS PUBLICATION NO. 33246 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 196 Hutchinson, Minnesota May 9th, 1984 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Council will meet at 8:00 P.M. on the 12th day of June, 1984, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to pass upon activating the deferred assessments for the improvement of Lewis Avenue between Larson Street and School Road by the construction of Gravel Ease and Appurtenances. The proposed assessment against benefited property is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting, but the Council may consider any objection to the amount of the proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk; however, no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any individual assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. Under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated.for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral or payment of this special assessment on his property. The total cost of the improvement is $2,578.50. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Hutchinson, Minnesota Compiled By: Marlow V. Priebe ACTIVATING COST PER UNIT Computed By: Marlow V. Priebe DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS SERVICE LEAD Checked By: Cal Rice ON LEWIS AVENUE NO. YRS. SPREAD O UNIT USED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 196 ACCT. PARCEL NAME. & ADDRESS ADDITION OR IMPROVE- INTEREST INTEREST TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK MENT LINE COST RATE TO DATE ASSESSMENT 01- 116 -30 -03 -0100 �uaaa�t��ia :i�: Datlof & Phyllis Weseloh 1109 Lewis Ave. West 80' of Lot 5, Auditor's 3 2539 Hutchinson MN 55350 Plat NW 1/4 See. 1- Tl16N -R30W GRAVEL 450.00 72 409.50 $ 859.50 2 Total Prinoipal... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... Douglas & D. Schutz West 150' of East 300' Lot 6, 1117 Lewis Ave. Auditor's Plat NW 1/4 See. 1- 1 2541 Hutchinson MN 55350 T116N -R30W GRAVEL 450.00 7% $ 409.50 $ 859.50 o1 -11 -30 -03 -0090 Robert & Gladys Hall 1113 Lewis Ave. East 150' of Lot 61 Auditor's • 2 2540 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Plat NW 1/4 Sao._l- T116N -R3OW GRAVEL 450.00 7% 409.50 $ 859.50 �uaaa�t��ia :i�: Datlof & Phyllis Weseloh 1109 Lewis Ave. West 80' of Lot 5, Auditor's 3 2539 Hutchinson MN 55350 Plat NW 1/4 See. 1- Tl16N -R30W GRAVEL 450.00 72 409.50 $ 859.50 2 Total Prinoipal... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... TO FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Mayor and Council Dean M. O'Borsky, Chief of Police SUBJECT Stop Signs Installed on Clinton Avenue I`J DATE April 25, 1984 On April 23rd we received a complaint from Mr. Tom Barker, who lives at 865 Merrill Street. His residence is on the northeast corner of the intersection of Merrill Street and Clinton Avenue. This is an unmarked intersection. He stated that since the New Mall has opened he has observed a few "near misses" at that intersection. He wants a stop sign placed either on Merrill Street or Clinton Avenue. An officer took a look at the intersection and agrees with him. Clinton House Apartments are located on the southeast corner of the intersection, making it difficult for anyone going west on Clinton Avenue to see south as they near the intersection. Merrill Street is also a direct entrance into the south entrance of the Mall parking lot. Mr. Barker told me that there are usually vehicles parked on the north side of Clinton Avenue before you reach the intersection, making it difficult to see to the north. I would like to see stop signs installed on Clinton Avenue, leaving Merrill a through street. DMO:nb 9_ , • • ORDINANCE NO. 7/84 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 710:10 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED "STOP STREETS" BY ADDING SUBDIVISION NO. 17 THERETO, RELATIVE TO "TRAFFIC, LOCAL REGULATIONS" THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 710:10 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutch- inson, entitled "Stop Streets" is hereby amended by adding thereto Subdivision No. 17, which shall be as follows: Subd. No. 17. That the following named street to -wit: Clinton Avenue at the intersection of Merrill Street be and the same is hereby declared, established and made a stop street. Section 2. Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a penal offense and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300) or by.imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. Adopted by the City Council this 4WK day of May, 1984. Robert H. Stearns Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk 9 -� r, 587.5151 F CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTONAVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 April 25, 1984 1�� MEMORANDUM TO: GARY \ 9 FROM: HAZEL d RE: CONSULTING SERVICES FOR PERSONNEL I met with Robert Fjerstad on April 20 and presented him with the attached memo outlining our needs in personnel, as you and I had discussed them. I also brought along sample job descriptions and other information similar to that presented to Dale Johnson (3M, New Ulm) at the earlier meeting. We reviewed Hutchinson's personnel system as a whole. I felt that we had a good meeting and that Fjerstad is in tune with what we need. He is open to the idea of presenting any work he does for us (after completion) at a council workshop where there would be good opportunity for questions by the council. Fjerstad's proposal was received today and is also attached. I do believe he is offering as low a fee as we can expect anywhere for the amount of assistance we will get. From my past experience with him, I respect his advice and good judgment. I hope the council will want to consider this proposal. cc: Mayor Stearns �- G (d I2 587.5451 f' J 3i INASFIlNG TON AVENUE MST HUTr_HINSON, !: ^ „NN. 55350 April 20, 1984 M E M 0 R A N D U TO: ROBERT FJERSTAD FROM: HAZEL SITZ, PERSONNEL COORDI14ATOR A RE: CONSULTING SERVICES The City of-.Hutchinson is considering some updating of our personnel system. he request your proposal for providing consulting services to. help accomplish this. We would do as much of the work as feasible ourselves and would hope to work closely with our consultant. Perhaps,, final presentation of the materials developed should be made to the City Council by the consultant. Our needs (in order of priority): 1. Format for effective performance review of 14 department heads. (We presently use the very simple form attached) 2. Determine appropriate salary ranges for 14 department heads. City Administrator Fire Marshal Director of Engineering Building Official - DTrector Parks/Recreation Personnel Coordinator Director of Maintenance _ City Forester Director of Finance Civic Arena Manager_ Chief of Police Recreation Program Supervisors (2) Liquor Store Manager 3. General review of existing pay plan - comparable worth issue 4. Advise City Council on best uniform method of considering annual cost of living adjustment in January Attachments: 1984 Pay Plan Resolution Sample Job Descriptions Performance Evaluation Form Organizational Charts s Y` n Human Relations Consulta 1908 First Bank Place West, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Phone. (612)333 -3038 RAM L Fjnsfad Rnid`d - Hazel Sitz Personnel Coordinator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. (Jest Hutchinson, MN 55350 0 April 23, 1984 In response to your memorandum of April 20, 1984, we agree to provide you with a fornat for effective performance review of 14 department heads (which we have already provided at no charge). He will also provide you with a job evaluation system and work with you to evaluate the jobs and determine appropriate salary ranges for these 14 department heads. The 1934 legislature passed legislation which requires all cities, counties and school districts to pay comparable worth for all jobs by 1987. Accordingly, we would show you how to tie the new job evaluation system into the present system you have which was developed as an educational project in 1975 by you under my supervision at Metropolitan State University. In addition, we would be willing to advise as to the development of a continuous method of determining future increases for city employees. Because of my previous knowledge of the Hutchinson Job Evaluation System and relying on considerable work by you, we would be able to perform the above. for the limited amount of $1,200.00. If necessary, we could make a personal presentation to the City Council at a workshop. Enclosed is a brochure for your information. ,If you have any questions, please call. RF /lf encl. Yours very truly, A5�7� Robert L. Fje stad ' h1tt i k Mail ILL Iii LLi I�.�ti t1. r " as. %ev Ih p�( 'i x �JI of .may lwQil, U I``1y I.�(�'pJj L�@.tlA iiY ��.�J Poe } i44^..r llw.ill.�/1 r r 1. `j•�1(�'+ rM1 Y.W'riil��W+ 4Ar% ` U ,' re ra +cuts Ion ears of In de tth Knba•rt t., ficl t u!, C'raclilunwl 1.l' i, h1 t, 1 cu a. `��fl 11 I : ii G.� �l�'.t.L �..l,a lwr WL. .I •.L'Ar 4+0 experience In all aspech, of the personnel: h.,, Iwrr 30 yt uy uxp,',iuna In .111 , { . ' 'm:ut.11;enu,ut fielLl, of I,•1•. lalnt'IIVL1i1,1j'C1A11 nt 111, I;L.iJ', ,.. d..; c• ,I ul•1n 11,of• of a 3.5 pur:anr 1".1 f h,•'I ,11 , • repo en Li tine ly, sound pu:ionnt I man- l.1„ mi Imej , at Notiheri, `jlalc'.i i ' y Ile, 1 a- st.`)micil'✓"niagc1li1'ilQ aglr 1111. ill il'Sp1,11 1'4 ili tilt- r.Vl!r elI 111ljlllg }; nvrinmorlllaw un1 ,dn I V lu,Iddiu,lnll, lla uvt'rlwrnl + r .:and,l}',ulatiun.,. Inlc1 .,,,.'11utl(.Indu:tu11 let , ,. 't' ' 1TI,I'e St'iltS Ulph'I•$la Wald bll' Irl'd 11111'111 ,u) 1111 l 1 i. u1ty )t t he Llnl Of 1.1 Illpll \ 151.0.1 ,nd II ahn,ll,It.S ;,111.11 dti 1,1. .1,Id II 11111(1'{ d v 111 11 III 11 I 1 j `r I 1 Analy U Valilf 1 {IOII Jih 1, r Li 111 t III In, ui 4Vh1111 IF 11 q.11 Ililn 1.111 111 l ct f'It Ilal 1 4111h'Ir , With Special I:rtrprlasis w nI1Ll I)! to ' i) �Cllo ,I I'll 11' . , 1. I, 1 1Ma11a enivili :md htl lervihlo }-, I � repr1.. VIIIS sita( t lVC II'dliling for ` r I �Iltdll I)�l'l': ;Iilal lllpl!rvl$UI'S 111 t'i)nd UCililg .In L111 i,'T'A"d 1.1 v1.1 t {rltlllit!� 711: it 1110,Illln)i1tll evafllanull t`+lllllpymem I� I1, I ILL•.L t1. hdn .IIpU I,e,.!Il boni uI Ilu 1!at'Idty.il PA, .1 i. � } Cf feclive,Lul;al,l:nlpl1T111e'1l 11110 Vll'4V IIa1 II'Ik'l`t5 [,LL) gllldPlllle '. I Inl,'OI Ily 'dlLq 11'- Illtr 1r d rccporl'nuv1L1. 111i1te ,1rLul+,vari,urpenll.,,,,,. • htivi- vil_'wllli 111111C`I .1'�N'Cil L:de:llll,•f tVl1,d 11',.,14 l., arepresents Cl PcHtll•I1111111 V Apprai5af of let live training ill, iulnlh rd•; ill studcnt.l. p A t f ct,nmolinl; tct lluiyuc!1 to helpentpluyrrh l 1 Illllu,', Inl•nlbar of Ill, Mu,ro 11",11 ?. f7i 111)t ll'V I!;'ll "y 11Jt'(lU "; '1'a'lllalll II'udw(llve, - I I ❑1'I IIII'1111'11111aI i'G1LI I1. t'5 �. 1111111/1 ..I, n1. I i.r � Ir ,'d, Ilh. iIISI Cfl ll l'nL1111d 1111 - � . [ , fanpluycc (- 1)un�ieGn} re n'c:wlits elit•t live trnlnin In lhv 1 g' vc Ivla tropolitan i;n,l'lov.v 1 arl.ulllln'arflce of' ptnnaging..peuplc l'nlr,(ouncil.•ltic:•crxl -, to in[rGl;•e pn xiucliviPY o,w,rn hire 1 :round IIMII 1, .1. ill11Ai l,Il , Illai Jfnrn ltn1. 1.1 1..:I I .td �rpert. n1. } 'ec:;i ut11 5alaty and re ni r uiL know-how ut` I 1 'polar m Intl' il,pr u il vtd t for IiIr1 ur1 rinploycr I II dtnlnul duwli lac 1 Irth 11 ,Ir1'� 1.Y y� Pay fo • I'rtfu,•ttlditCl' C'rttf'rain5. ' y , � y . �.l,t'I .In m.lntc t,1 n };l.ul)s h.1 1,11. t1. 111n, , popn k,1. p1 t•rl 11 •'1 .11 I nlnlh 1 al , u( sr lnln u::. i represent•, hole lvhcn you tteed'it ` P i, I len,lad it, alnnl,lhutint',.III 11, rhI Aill I t111 Society Ai I ei4o 1.l, I \,110 <: I :Ir.l(lm (A WA) honalbWk xrir ^, un 9fi I I'1•rmennel and Indu,tiial Rt farina w,1.. n 17908 First limik I'lace West, uuhur 1,f III,aly Ill her p1. I,unucl '10 it It' p 111• I11,Id,I .1 liad,elorn and Ma:.It l s , ; . r - 'i'blirtneapolis, Miimesuta 55402 ' lit-lit the University of mi llilo"cl.1 ill Telephone (612)333-3038 ndustrial Itclatiuns and Is ASJPA 11.111111 l .111 Acrl•('d,It•al fixt.'Cllhvt! Ul 1 (h 12) 587 -5151 CifY ter *F`ptUi'`CNM! ®N 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 April 25, 1954 ?Mayor Robert H. Stearns and Members of the City Council RE: 1974 Ordinance Code Councilmembers: The ordinances of the city of Hutchinson were last completely revised and compiled in 1974. In the last ten years many additions, deletions and amendments have been made to that ordinance code. Some sections have been amended many times with each change resulting in new additions to the ordinance code. Any one who closely examines our ordinance book will see that in many sections it is difficult to determine exactly what the current status of the law is. I would suggest that it is time to have our entire ordinance code revised. There are several professional businesses that will review our entire ordinance code and make sure that it is up to date and internally consistent. They will also make sure that the ordinances we have in effect are compatible with state rules and regulations. When our ordinances had been reviewed in this manner, they will be recodified. This will result in an ordinance code that is easy to use in that all revisions and modifications made in the last ten years will be incorporated into the main body of the text and not as additional multiple inserts. Since this is not an item budgeted for 1984, I would like permission to inquire into the costs involved in having our ordinance cods recodified with a view towards having the work done in the end of 1984 and billed in 1985 or in the alternative performed in 1985. This work would also include the zoning ordinances and the subdivision ordinances. Hopefully this matter can be placed on the council agenda some time in May so that I may begin investigation promptly. If you have any questions concerning this matter or what it would encompass, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely yours, SCHAEFER LAW OFFICE Sy/ + James H. Schaefer JHS:dlp Hutchinson City Attorney 0 • J.W. Hanson Construction Company Sidewalks • Curb &Gutter • Driveway Paving Highway 22 South Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Telephone: 6121587.2475 May 3, 19FZ 56 i p N City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue Z:'est Hutchinson, Hinnesota Honorable Mayor Stearns and Members of the City Council At the present time our Lot 13 of Lot G Subdivision of Lot G along Highway 22 South does not have a legal access from any side of the lot. Since 1953, access to Lot 13 has been by a driveway off of Highway 22 South crossing City Lot 17 of Park Subdivision (Old Railroad ril-ht way) on the South end. It is our desire to obtain a perpetual easement from the City of Hutch- inson for the South 30 feet of Lot 17. Upon preliminary approval of this request, I will proceed with the prover description and language of the ease- ment for your approval. Shank you ! Sincerely yours C4James 1. Hanson, Owner Encl: Map of Plat o Ii 3 4s e2 C 5 9 10 II ,U&2 E �i' 16 14 2251a e9� bi 17 13 Jop qp 6 IS 4 12 0 O 0 0 '00/ 13 G 1 99 3 TO 2 CD 0 17 72 iP 4 16 9 s2 Z 0 pe 15 Or 14 8 13 10 10 4 12 10 0 11 May 9 km.s 13 8 0 '5S 3 7IS fiA N 7 s. 14 s EVE o Ii 3 4s e2 C 5 9 10 II ,U&2 E �i' 16 14 2251a e9� bi 17 13 Jop qp 6 IS 4 12 0 O 0 0 '00/ HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS ��3' 1� 4SS> ti INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 423 ti yIAY l °84 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350Fj�TET3 N ISO May 1, 1984 The Honorable Robert Stearns Office of the Mayor Hutchinson City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Stearns: The enclosed map locates the general area of the water lines on the high school site. Please note that the north -south water line runs under a building connection link. The school board has implemented a plan of selling the High School Vocational Center to the State and using the funds to construct a similar type facility onto the high school. The sale of the building has been completed through the legislative process. It is intended that the new facility at the high school site would be located in the area of the existing north -south water line, therefore, the north -south water line needs to be vacated. Several years ago, during previous city - school district planning, it was intended to extend the.current east -west water line from School Road to Ray Street. The school district has extended the water line from School Road east to the fire hydrant located near the tennis courts. Therefore, it is the request of the school district that the city extend the east -west water line from its current end near the tennis courts east to Ray Street, and that this water line extension work be completed this summer as construction of the proposed Vocational Center Building is planned to begin in August of 1984. It is also requested that the school be authorized to vacate the north -south water lines. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Oa G1�M to Superintendent of Schools CC: Marlow Priebe, City Engineer_ Warren Hallberg, School District Mechanical Engineer Enc - 1 DISTRICT OMCES AREA VOCATIONAL - TECHNICAL INSTITUTE SOGI.Street Nosh 200C*w.0 A... Pb.. (612) 657.2560 Ph. (612) 547 -36]6 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL VOCATIONAL CENTER Robe Reo6 9802e Avenue Soatheat Phove(612)537 -2151 Phove(612)547.1910 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Rebv Rno6 Ph.. (612) 547.2356 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 100 GUn Sven P6oes(612) 587.27377 ,j (� [ AjP ' � •E of E �iSTr.Lt• t.a+9're .t.. ice ay •I }OILER ROOM --�305 _ 1 aN1YY1N0 ►006 1 9 �., yao•, j cu6ioouN op c3 I ;t� Sol jApp jjf4 E>ACa' 1 i IFIji I,•. AGO M �I�,�� Mh�p.•+GS�v c O O q03 lar 9 1l I . I CIO ]OP 0Y iinslE ,._. ....... .... �. j nnnt rxl•- rc— RINFRI'llill, llH I _ -+I .. or., 'i a F17HI14H6P,1 l ^ —I ih.H° \ '._ .. •,) • hl Iliull HNHP Na N61 116 m Na +u IPO IPI .... — . _ o xl n. tlu �iei +ais 'wo' _ r f' r:--,, "I L, 7 , It ter- ��_�, 00 I j 1 `�i-tp I • .. .� '� IL Iill - x, �.. ..r' i u I (�'''0 A otbI�IMMI 'M -..( I �......1, oil .. .. I• t . .m • �`%�. ,O is..n('� ., .r � �. !^�'ti,,��•. �..1�" .oE ' it-tts _ cone' ARCH <.a I et] eta I'- 106 1101 i . s0 } toe 207 5 00- ' � x0 ' 1UNIOR MION }CNOOL / }[NIOR. MION 6CMGOl HUTCHINSON HIGH SCHOOL •r � HUTCHINSON . MINNESOTA I< SIS]ELL• #CLAIM A GREEN ARCHITECTS \' i 0 Swanke Motors, Inc. 145 Washington Aver E. Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 587 -4999 May 2, 1984 City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Renewal of City Boulevard Permit ATTENTION: Marilyn Swanson Administrative Secretary Dear Marilyn: Enclosed is our check of $5.00, for the filing fee for special use permit for the boulevard fronting Washington Avenue at the junction of Washington and Adams Street for another one year period. We request a positive approval. Sincerely, Jame A. Swanke President JAS: cjd enclosure FLLU-�] OIDS� BRF r� q-zr Y 1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WATER $ SEWER FUND *State Treasurer Soc. Sec. *U.S.POstmaster 1000 13t stamps Susan Ahlswede double payment refund Kenneth Gruenhagen double payment refund Milton Schantzen double payment refund Richard Ebert water school 1st National Bank double payment refund Hutch Warehouse Grocery supplies Judy Lade retirement cake City of Melrose equipment Pumps f, Supplies supplies Coast to Coast refund over payment Coast to Coast supplies Curtin Matheson Scientific equipment and chemicals Electric Motor motor repairs Electro Watchman alarm system Farm & Home supplies Floor Care Supply supplies GTC Auto Parts parts Fitzloff Hardware supplies G 8 K Services uniform rental Hutch Leader ad Ind. School Dist. 423 gasoline Junker Sanitation refuse charges Krasen Plbg F, Htg. supplies State Treasurer renewal fee McLeod Co. Sanitary Landfill dumping charges Mn. Valley Testing Lab. testing Nalco Chemical Co. chemicals Plaza Ok Hardware supplies Quades Inc. repairs Rutz Plbg $ Htg. repairs & parts Simonson Lbr. Co. supplies State Treasurer PERA U.S. Postmaster meter postage Water Products Co. freight charges CENTRAL GARAGE *State Treasurer Soc. Sec. Doug Meier bucket truck TO Duluth Kevin Vik pick up boom truck Town & Country Tire repairs Am. Welding Supplies welding gas Big Bear supplies Brandon Tire repairs & supplies GTC Auto Parts supplies $ repairs Hutch Iron $ Metal flat iron Hutchinson Leader pick up truck bid ad Hutch Wholesale Supply supplies May 8, 1984 $ 308.65 130.00 49.42 10.26 20.00 160.78 12.63 8.82 12.50 1500.00 422.76 29.69 68.31 1458.18 31.95 198.'00 90.21 82.14 36.33 201.09 86.25 12.74 528.16 18,408.00 19.22 15.00 6.00 387.75 11,997.00 9.89 1,267.51 72. -97 1.79 352.36 500.00 101.22 $ 38,597.58 $ 64.78 10.20 6.68 22.00 4.00 173.94 353.89 1299.67 1.20 25.42 418.71 / / -G-, -2- MacQueen Equipment parts 1816.75 Plaza OK Hardware supplies 8.42 Road Machinery parts 72.45 Swanke Motors supplies 27.53 State Treasurer PERA 50.90 Wigen Chev. parts 23.25 $ 4,379.79 GENERAL FUND *Star Cities Conference registration fees $ 160.00 Mn. State Treasurer food service license 42.00 *University of Minnesota registration fee 50.00 County Recorder recording fee 15.00 *Mn. State Treasurer boat reg. fees 83.00 *Mn. STate Treasurer boat reg. fees 99.00 *Office of State Auditor registration fee 10.00 *Met Center 42 tickets 441.00 St. Treasurer Soc. Sec. 2525.26 *Stephen Todd Williams relocation expenses 350.00 *Julienne Schultz relocation expenses 375.00 Allen Office Products supplies 34.90 American Welding Supplies welding gas 20.69 Albrecht Oil Co. heating oil 119.90 Brinkman STudios equipment and supplies 2104.25 Brinkman Studios film 8.05 Crow Chemical chemical 58.55 Carr Flowers flowers 70.00 Cash Drawer #4 supplies 48.63 Crow River Vet Clinic boarding fees 24.00 Coast to Coast supplies 521.35 Coca Cola Bottling supplies 150.50 Coca Cola Bottling supplies 571.20 Chamber of Commerce band concerts 777.00 Chamber of Commerce secretary day 60.00 Co. Treasurer taxes 2074.97 Culligan Water Cond. salt $ service 54.10 Condons SupplyCo. used jet spray machine 200.00 Crow River Press envelopes 251.70 Dept. of Public Safety CJDN connect charge 40.00 Don Streicher Guns supplies 20.25 Co. Recorder recording variance 10.00 Earl F. Anderson & Assoc. signs 50.40 Family Rexall Drug supplies 59.59 Farm $ Home supplies 352.01 Floor Care Supply cleaning supplies 44.25 GTC Auto Parts parts etc. 59.10 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 460.47 George Field conf. F, state fire school 154.85 G $ K Services uniform rental 343.45 Hager Jewelry engrave plaque 14.60 Hutch Coop 1p gas 48.00 -3- Henry' Candy Co. supplies Henrys Candy Co. supplies Home Bakery inc. meeting supplies Hutch Com. Hospital laundry Hutch Synder Drug film,batteries Hutch Fire Dept. registration fees advanced Hutch Leader publication costs Hutch Wholesale Supply supplies Hutch Fire & Safety inspections etc. Orlin Henke May intown milea ge Ind. School Dist. 423 gasoline Ind. SChool Dist. 423 lifeguard,bldg. supervisor Ink Spots Inc. printing et.c Intl Assn. Chief of Police 1 yr. mag. sub. IdealShoe SHop repairs Jahnkes REd Owl supplies Johnson Super Valu supplies Joes Sport Shop trophies Lamberts Standard car washings League of Mn. Cities registration fees Mankato Mobile Radio repairs McLeod Coop Power electricity Marilyn Swanson coffee McGarvey Coffee coffee Northland Beverages supplies Northland Beverages supplies Northern STate Supply supplies Olsons Locksmith repairs Y, keys Plaza OK Hardware supplies Gary Plotz May intown mileage Pikal Music Store cassette Quades Electric repairs Rannow Electric switch installation Rockite Silo supplies Rutz Plbg. $ Htg. repairs State Theatre may rental Richard Waage training school Simonson Lbr. Co. supplies Sorensen Farm Supply supplies STandard Printing letterhead $ envelopes State Treasurer PERA James Schaefer ?I May Tri Co. Water Cond. rental fees Uniforms Unlimited reserve clothing United Bldg. Centers supplies U.S. Postmaster . meter postage Warren Gorham $ Lamont Inc. criminal law digest Janice Hanson shelt permit refund Ruth Bergerson soccer refund Gerald Binsfeld soccer refund Robert Ecklund soccer refund Linda Jacobsen soccer refund Susan Martin soccer refund William Mattsfield soccer refund Gary Meier soccer refund Steven Olsen soccer refund 216.40 222.68 12.67 6.75 22.26 1071.00 178.44 4.30 215.57 30.00 3195.43 212.85 19.42 15.00 26.00 18.20 183.28 113.00 6.00 950.00 141.08 671.40 6.69 153.60 182.20 289.00 83.42 21.40 56.27 150.00 9.95 256.69 14.20 45.00 163.53 325.00 125.40 12.31 11.45 417.25 3825.45 962.50 25.50 20.40 130.31 500.00 33.50 5.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 C i • -4- Shirley Reiner soccer refund Linda Remucal soccer refund Kathleen Rutkowski soccer refund Harvey Sustacek soccer refund Robert Tepley soccer refund Marvin Top soccert refund John Bernhagen consulting fees John C. Gregor training school John McRaith MRSF meeting Duane Gerdes %safety shoes Judy Lade retirement cake Nancy Buss transportation of bus American Planning Assn. 3 subscriptions Ben Franklin 11 frames Burlington Northern Railroad lease Chas Bailly g Co. audit fees Carols Cafe prisoner lunches Carneys supplies Crow River Cable TV basic cable service Chimera Theatre Co. 12 theatre tickets Emergency Medical Products 2 collars Form Ins. Co. claim fees Fitness Store equipment Forestry Supplies rolling stand file Game Time equipment Le Bistro Cafe council appreciation Mid Central Fire Inc. equipment Mn.STate Armory Bldg. Commission armory payment Marks TV Service install sterro system Midland Products Co. equipment Peterson Bus Service 2 bus trips Persians repairs Willmar AVTI 10 reg. fees USA Today subscription BOND FUNDS 1981 Parking Impro.Bonds Bennie Carlson Co. Treasurer 1st Bank of Mpls. Fire Hall Construction Fund Goebel Fixture Co. Allen Office Products Blumberg BONDS OF 1983 Wm. Mueller $ Sons Inc. passengers 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 800.00 26.00 22.54 30.00 12.50 6.44 45.00 27.39 20.00 3400.00 25.60 35.75 4.95 57.40 39.72 99.11 1760.70 404.06 3570.00 92.38 185.50 7000.00 152.57 2475.50 330.00 40.00 50.00 65.00 $ 49,204.88 contract payment 669.30 Plowman bldg. real estate taxes 2083.96 to close 1981 refunding transaction 480.822.13 standards & brackets 12.24 cabinet 545.00 sound projector 609.84 construction costs 71,710.25 -S- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE City of Hutchinson Commissioner of Revenue Bernicks Pepsi Cola Bottling St. Treasurer State Treasurer Griggs Cooper & Co. Twin City Wine Co. Ed Phillips $ Sons Twin City Wine Co. Ed Phillips $ Sons Griggs Cooper $ Co. Quality Wine $Spirits Griggs Cooper $ Co. Ed Phillips & Sons Coca Cola Bottling Northland Beverage Bernick Pepsi Cola Lenneman Beverage Friendly Beverage Locher Bros. Inc. Triple G Dist. City of Hutchinson Nationwide Papers City of Hutchinson,General Fund Hutch Utilities Retail Data System of Mn. Travelers Directory Service Hutch Agri Tech City of Hutchinson Hutchinson Telephone Co. KDUZ American Linen Supply Great Plains Supply Land Sea $ Air Junker Sanitation Quades Inc. Service Sales Corp. Hutchinson Leader Sprengler Trucking petty cash $ 34.41 March sales tax 7004.06 supplies 48.50 Soc. Sec. 260.83 PERA 204.94 wine $ liquor 1979.28 wine $ liquor 2069.40 wine $ liquor 2747.99 wine $ liquor 1308.11 wine $ liquor 2308.72 wine $ liquor 1794.00 wine $ liquor 2433.95 wine $ liquor 3337.15 wine 6 liquor 1134.92 supplies 401.25 supplies 263.70 supplies 36.25 beer 15,068.70 beer 1289.35 beer 6784.80 beer 8340.80 bldg. permit 52.80 bags 237.40 insurance 2045.28 gas $ electricity 708.35 2 keys for register 8.29 advertising 161.00 bar wax 9.90 water /sewer /refuse 43.76 phone service 67.89 advertising 342.10 towell service 17.20 bldg, materials 2280.45 1 signs 300.00 refuse charges 96.00 bulbs 724.58 feather duster 50.70 advertising 27.83 freight charges 344.08 $ 64,768.72 587 -5151 V CITY OF «`UTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 May 8, 1984 FOR YOUR INFORMAT M E M 0 R A N D TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: HAZEL SITZ, PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RE: . EMPLOYMENT OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT OPERATOR Interviews of 7 of the top applicants for wastewater treatment plant operator were completed last week by Ralph Neumann, Randy DeVries and myself. It was our consensus that the best candidate is Henry Heinecke, Benson, Minnesota. He was offered the job and will start work around June 4, 1984. Henry is 45 years old and served as wastewater treatment plant operator at Benson, MN, from 1967 to 1976. Since 1976 he has been a full time grain farmer at Benson and has continued some part time work for the city. He comes highly recommended from the City of Benson and from the state pollution Control Agency. We feel he will be an asset to Hutchinson because of his experience and public relations ability. (612) 587 -5151 F CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 April 26, 1984 Police Chief Dean O'Borsky HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Wilfahrt vs. City of Hutchinson, City of Hutchinson Police Department, and David Erlandson Dear Dean: In early 1983 the city of Hutchinson, the Hutchinson Police Department and Officer David Erlandson received a summary judgment dismissing them from the above- captioned case. Casa de Campa appealed that ruling. On April 18 the order of the Nicollet County District Court dismissing us was affirmed by the Minnesota Supreme Court, Associate Justice Lawrence R. Yetka signing on behalf of the court. All parties to this action have now exhausted any legal remedies available to them and the matter may now be officially closed. Sincerely yours, SCHAEFER LAW OFFICE Bye JHS:dlp cc: David Erlandson Gary Plotz ✓ James H. Schaefer Hutchinson City Attorney / May 3, 1984 Hutchinson City Council Hutchinson City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 ATTN: PRESIDENT /CHAIRPERSON RE: Hillman vs. Rolfe Our File No. 3846 -01 -84 Gentlemen: � os MAY 1984 RECEMM.. ft� FOR YOUR INFORMATION I am giving notice to the City of Hutchinson that Mr. Lorance Hillman received extensive injuries caused by a negligently maintained and unreasonably dangerous door in a housing unit Mr. Hillman was renting in Hutchinson. On November 3, 1983, Mr. Hillman's right hand and arm crashed through a panel of glass in this door causing extensive muscle and nerve damage. Mr. Hillman has undergone surgery and the full extent of his disability has not been determined. It it clear that, at best, Mr. Hillman has sustained a permanent disability, with extremely limited use of his hand and arm and loss of sensation. The city of Hutchinson may be liable to Mr. Hillman for its negligent failure to inspect the rental house for potential code violations or unreasonably dangerous conditions. Very truly, 044 THOMAS . JANS TAJ:amb CC: Lorance Hillman 00 L% CITY OF NUTMINSON NAME 0 EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Tammra Quast (April, May) Lisa Nesvig (June, July) JOB TITLE _ gymnastics coaches FOR YOUR INFORMATION DAT ADDRESS ' Winsted, MN Gaylord, MN April 25, 1984 SUPERVISED BY Bruce Ericson, Barb Haugen EMPLOYMENT STATUS X NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER: FULL TIME X PART TIME OR SEASONAL PAY RATE $6 /hr COMMENTS `Qua3- i #ied• adult coaches• in an area requiring special skills and training. THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS. zkeexv:�t� t' 4A�_ - PERSONNEt'COORDINATO2 �I 014 /. � 4t. % 1•\