cp03-22-2011 cCouncil Workshop —March 22, 2011 — 4:00 p. m —Review Basic and Long Term Ends AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Hutchinson Evangelical Free Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 8, 2011 Action — Motion to approve as presented 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: onlyfor items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise ave een delegated tot e City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13855 —RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE TRAILS LEGACY GRANT APPLICATION DAKOTA RAIL TRAIL 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13862 — RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION FORFEITED VEHICLES (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RUNNINGS TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT FROM MARCH 15 —JULY 30,201 1, AND OUTDOOR DISPLAY OF GARDEN SOIL, MULCH AND ROCK UNTIL NOVEMBER 1, 2011, LOCATED AT 1090 HWY 15 SOUTH WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13856) 2. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY WALMART TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT FROM APRIL 1 — SEPTEMBER 5, 2011, LOCATED AT 1300 HWY 15 SOUTH WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13 857) 3. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY SHOPKO TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT BEGINNING MARCH 27, 2011, TO APPROXIMATELY SEPTEMBER 30, 2011, LOCATED AT 125 MAIN STREET NORTH WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13858) 4. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THE PLANT PLACE TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE CASH WISE PARKING LOT BEGINNING APPROXIMATELY APRIL 15 — JULY 31, 2011, LOCATED AT 1020 HWY 15 SOUTH WITH CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —MARCH 22, 2011 FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13859) 5. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 154; SECTION 154.137 D(4) AND 3(11) REGARDING BANNER SIGNS WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 11 -0666 FOR APRIL 12, 2011) AND APPROVAL OF SUMMARY ORDINANCE 6. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CODE CHAPTER 54; STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ADDING LANGUAGE IN SECTION 54.05, USE OF STORMWATER PONDS WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 11 -0667 FOR APRIL 12, 2011) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITEMS FOR 2011 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PHASE 1 (LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 11 -04) (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CROW RIVER CORVETTES CAR SHOW EVENT TO BE HELD IN LIBRARY SQUARE ON MAY 28, 2011 (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE TO BETTY JODZIO TO OPERATE HOT DOG AND BEVERAGE CART (g) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 8. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t;1 wise pot icy. A ways coking toward 117efuture,not monitoring past) (a) PRESENTATION BY MILES SEPPELT, EDA DIRECTOR, ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY No action. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10 (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION PER THE JOB EVALUATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY COMPLETED BY LAUMEYER HUMAN RESOURCES SOLUTIONS AND CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTIONO. 13854 — A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 13828 — 2011 CITY OF HUTCHINSON COMPENSATION PLAN Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 11. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: toassesspastorganizationalperformance, developpolicy thaiguides the organization and Counci�e the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —MARCH 22, 2011 process items.) (a) PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 7, 2011 (b) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 18, 2011, AND FEBRUARY 15, 2011 (c) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2011 (d) HUTCHINSON AREA JOINT PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 16, 2011 (e) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 21, 2010 No action required for these items. 12. MISCELLANEOUS 13. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Bill Arndt, Eric Yost and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Kent Exner, City Engineer. 2. INVOCATION - Pastor Lanny Penwell, Evangelical Free Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Donna Hammers, 106 Elk Drive, presented before the Council. Ms. Hammers appeared to request the City of Hutchinson rescind the Snow Emergency Ordinance. Ms. Hammers feels Hutchinson has wide streets and doesn't have a need for the ordinance. She commented she has seen narrow streets in the metro area and understands their need for a snow emergency ordinance. During the holidays, there are up to 6 vehicles parked at the Hammers' residence, where are they to park other than the streets. On February 21", Ms. Hammers worked from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. When she arrived at home, she noticed the streets were plowed. The next morning her daughter's car was towed. Ms. Hammers paid $114.16 for the towing and $32.00 for a ticket. Ms. Hammers explained she does not watch local television or listen to local radio and did not receive any mail regarding the Snow Emergency Ordinance. Ms. Hammers also shared that when she was getting her daughter's towed car, others in line were unaware of the ordinance. Ms. Hammers felt that the City Council abused their rights by passing this ordinance. Donna's request was to rescind the city Snow Emergency Ordinance. Mayor Steve Cook asked Ms. Hammers if she gets a water bill, as the Snow Emergency Ordinance information was printed on all water bills, and has been the last two years. Ms. Hammers was unaware this was the second year of the ordinance and stated she doesn't pay much attention to their water bills. Mayor Cook said this topic would be talked about more later in the agenda. 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2011 Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been a legated tot the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE APPLICATION FOR 3M CLUB ON APRIL 29, 2011 (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS (c) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Arndt, second by Yost, to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. - NONE 8. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise po icy. ways looking toward the77ture, not monitoring past) 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS 5(0-) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —MARCH 8, 2011 (a) DISCUSSION OF SNOW EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ...Continued discussion of the Snow Emergency Ordinance. Council Member Arndt stated he was one that felt there was a need for the Snow Emergency Ordinance. He explained he used to be a bus driver and there were times it was difficult getting through the streets. In some cases, parked vehicles didn't move all day and plows would have to come back two to three times. It saves the city dollars if the plows only plow one time through. Council Member Arndt also noted he talked with the Police Chief and the number of vehicles being tagged is unbelievable. He stated if it's snowing, get the vehicles off the streets. Mayor Cook stated there are a number of communities that don't allow any parking on the streets at all. Public Works Manager John Olson informed the Council that he would be happy to rovide Ms. Hammers the information as to the research that had been done prior to the Snow Emergency Ordinance being put in place. Council Member Yost asked Mr. Olson if he has seen efficiency in the Snow Emerggency Ordinance. Mr. Olson commented this is an ideal situation, the best thing since windshield wipers. He has seen a dramatic reduction in parking on the streets during snow removal. Council Member Arndt asked if there had been any accidents between parked cars and snowplows this winter. Mr. Olson said there have not been any accidents. For snow emergency information, Hutchinson residents can call 234 -5699. Otherwise on the city's website they can set up automatic notification by e-mail or text message. These are all free of charge. Council Member Christensen stated that not all the streets in Hutchinson are wide; some of the older neighborhoods have very narrow streets. City Engineer Kent Exner commented that a lot of homework was done prior to enacting the ordinance. Ms. Christensen questioned how long the ordinance is in effect. Mr. Olson stated there is not a specific beginning and ending; it is all snow related. Mayor Cook reiterated there has been a request to rescind the Snow Emergency Ordinance. Ms. Hammers stated that the Snow Emergency ordinance affects a small minority in Hutchinson and causes undue burden and stress. Citizens are following the ordinance because they have to and they don't want to pay the fines. Mayor Cook stated this has been an ongoing issue and the city is trying to save money. Lt. Gifferson presented before the Council. Lt. Gifferson informed the Council in the past 8 snow events, the police department has reached a plateau at 40 cited for tows. Some vehicles get moved prior to being towed. Lt. Gifferson believes the city has done what needs to be done to notify citizens. Council Member Arndt thanked Ms. Hammers for coming and presenting her case. (b) DISCUSSION OF FLOOD PREPARATIONS Mayor Steve Cook stated the city is in the process of flood preparations. Mr. Exner, Mr. Olson and the Public Works staff have been working on a Flood Response Memo geared to the public works operation. The memo has been passed onto City Administrator, Jeremy Carter. Mr. Exner will forward to the Council Members. Maps have been put together where significant, isolated flooding is expected. Looking back at the city buyouts post 1997 flood, this lets the city know what areas will be affected. Mr. Exner also noted that the new dam will be effective. Hutchinson has done a lot to prevent a flood event; however the city will see substantial flooding this spring. The National Weather Service cannot start predicting flooding until the snow melts and water starts flowing. Council Member Christensen commented that if residents are in probable flood areas, they should purchase a flood insurance policy. Mr. Exner stated such a policy requires a thirty (30) day waiting period, which may be very close at this point. Mr. Exner also commented on sewer water back up riders which could protect residents from sump pump back up. Rop Collett, DNR, presented before the Council. Mr. Collett stated last year floods came as early as March 16 and the city peaked at 3,600 cf per second. The National Weather Service has run probable forecasting and reports chance for flooding is quite great. Mr. Collett reiterated the 30 day window for flood insurance, but still encouraged it as often times we get a rainstorm which gives us a second peak. So far ideal weather has occurred with the melting during the day and freezing at night. Snow maps show the west had a lot of snow, the potential for flooding is there, the weather will determine. New studies and maps are coming from FEMA. Residents can go to FEMA, DFIRM and DNR websites for flooding information, including clean up information. Mr. Collett assured the Council that Hutchinson is in good shape compared to a lot of communities. The National Weather Service doesn't start measuring until rivers start flowing. Council Member Arndt noted the field drainage hasn't stopped flowing all winter. 2 56 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —MARCH 8, 2011 Mayor Cook stated that the request has come before the Council to take $50,000 to have 100,000 sandbags and 2,000 yards of sand readily available in the event of a flood. These supplies would be available to property owners. Mr. Olson commented washed sand be used as it can be used for winter sand as well. Mr. Olson also stated he would research how the sandbags should be stored and what can be expected for shelf life. Mr. Collett suggested the city be involved. Instead of each property owner putting a dyke around their own residence, the city could coordinate or suggest how high and how far out sandbagging is needed to protect a few houses. Mr. Exner noted the city will not enforce sandbagging. The city can provide the resources, guidance and information including sandbagging techniques. Council Member Yost asked if 100,000 bags are enough. Mr. Exner noted that the city is being conservative as New Ulm has 100,000 bags and are in a much greater flood area. Staff is figuring 15 properties with 100 feet around the property at 3 feet high. Ms. Christensen noted it was better to be prepared rather than looking back thinking we should have done something. Mayor Cook also stated the city will not go around cleaning up sand bagged areas. A drop off area will be determined and the city will pick up in those areas only. Motion by Arndt, second by Yost, to approve expenditure to be prepared. Motion carried unanimously. 11. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council an manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 24, 2011 (b) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2011 No action required for these items. 12. MISCELLANEOUS Bill Corby, President of the Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau — 2 Main Street South - presented before the Council. Mr. Corby stated he came to the meeting to give an update on the Hutchinson Technology Incorporated (HTI) layoff news. HTI reported today that they l be moving their manufacturing operations from its Hutchinson site to its Eau Claire, WI, site. Thiwils means a loss of approximate1 600 jobs in Hutchinson. Mr. Corby informed the Council that he has been working with HTI, Minnesota Workforce, Central Minnesota Job Training and Ridgewater College. Mayor Cook asked if there were any dollars for training. Mr. Corby and HTI are trying to connect with different entities for the benefit of the employees being layed off. Mayor Cook thanked Mr. Corby for working on this and staying on top of it. Mayor Cook also stated it was a very unfortunate situation and as a city we need to work together and keep a positive spin on it. Mr. Corby reminded the Council and the Hutchinson residents what HTI has done for our community in the past. We are strong as a community and we will all come together. All of the Council Members expressed their concerns for, and encouraged others to support those employees and their families affected by the HTI layoffs. Mary Christensen — Ms. Christensen received a call from a citizen regarding the need for a crosswalk on Hassan Street in front of the library. Ms. Christensen noted that the street is well traveled and narrow with vehicles parking on both sides of the street. City Engineer Kent Exner stated he will do some research. Steve Cook — Mr. Cook congratulated the high school girls' hockey team, high school girls' and boys' basketball teams. 13. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to adjourn at 6:34 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. CITY OF HUTCHINSON McLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 13855 A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE TRAILS LEGACY GRANT APPLICATION DAKOTA RAIL TRAIL WHEREAS, Carver County will be constructing the County's second segment of the Dakota Rail Trail in 2012 from Mayer to the Carver /McLeod county line, with the county line not providing a good terminus for the trail segment; and WHEREAS, the City of Lester Prairie is located approximately one (1) mile west of the Carver /McLeod county line and has a park located adjacent to the trail corridor that would provide a logical trailhead for this trail segment; and WHEREAS, City of Hutchinson recognizes Dakota Rail Trail as an important regional trail asset and desires an extension of the Dakota Rail Trail west to the City of Hutchinson after the Lester Prairie segment is constructed THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Hutchinson supports McLeod County's grant application to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the Parks and Trail Legacy Grant Program for the construction of Two (2) miles of paved trail for the Dakota Rail Trail from the Carver /MacLeod county line, through the City of Lester Prairie, and terminating at County Highway 1 on the western municipal boundary of Lester Prairie. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON THIS 22ND DAY OF MARCH, 2011. STEVEN W. COOK, MAYOR ATTEST: JEREMY J. CARTER, CITY ADMINISTRATOR l0 ca- 1 RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION FORFEITED VEHICLES Resolution No. 13862 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated various forfeited vehicles. AND WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute provides pursuant to Section 169A.63 for the disposition of vehicles forfeited in connection with driving while intoxicated arrests. AND WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute provides pursuant to Section 609.5315 for the disposition of vehicles forfeited in connection with a controlled substance crime. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at auction on March 30, 2011 at Hotovec Auction Center the following vehicles: 1999 Chevrolet Lumina (HPS Case# 10- 129 1) — forfeited in DWI Case. 1993 Ford Escort (HPS Case #10 -0869) forfeited in DWI Case 1992 Mercury Topaz (HPS Case #10 -0204) forfeited in DWI Case 1999 Pontiac Grand Am (HPS Case #10 -1151) forfeited in Controlled Substance Case. 1994 Mercury Sable (HPS Case 410 -0405) forfeited in DWI Case 1995 Ford Escort (HPS Case 409 -1790) forfeited in DWI Case. Adopted by the City Council this 22 "d day of March, 2011. Mayor City Administrator MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 2011 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, AICP, Planning Director SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RUNNINGS TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT FROM MARCH 15 — JULY 30, 2011, AND OUTDOOR DISPLAY OF GARDEN SOIL, MULCH AND ROCK UNTIL NOVEMBER 1, 2011, LOCATED AT 1090 HWY 15S APPLICANT: Runnings Farm and Fleet Dave Wike, Manager Backaround• Runnings Farm and Fleet is requesting a conditional use permit to allow them to operate a garden center in the front parking lot at 1090 Hwy 15 S from March 15 — July 30, 2011. They are also asking to continue to display patio block, garden soil, mulch and rock until November in the same location. The garden center, as proposed would cover 72 parking spaces until July 30"' and the remaining outdoor display would cover 22 parking spaces until November. Runnings has stated there will be no impact on the adjacent streets. The garden center will be located in the same area of the parking lot as years previous. Runnings Farm and Fleet was granted a conditional use permit in 2008 to allow the fenced outdoor storage and display in the rear of the building. This recent request is to comply with City Code Section 154.115 (C) Outdoor storage and displays (1) Open storage in industrial and commercial districts shall be allowed only with a conditional use permit. This request is similar to the conditional use permit requests granted for fireworks tents in parking lots. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meetina: The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their March 15th meeting. There were no neighboring property owners objecting to the request. Dave Wike, store manager, commented on the reduction of garden center size from last year and stated the proposal from city staff would be greatly smaller than needed for the amount of product to be displayed. He also commented on the need to display the landscaping type of items until November. There was discussion regarding traffic flow and the possibility of using 51 parking spaces along with a portion of the drive aisle which would give a larger square footage than suggested by staff. Mr. Wike asked for an April 19t start up. After discussing the request, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval with the following findings and recommendations: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. Number of parking spaces used for the garden center shall be limited to 51 spaces. 4 (b� 3. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days and start no earlier than April 1St 4. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from 120 days after April 1 St. 5. The garden center will not have a negative impact on traffic, circulation, and parking on the site, as determined by the Planning Director and City Engineer. If there is such a time when there is found to be a negative impact on traffic, circulation, and parking on the site the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address any negative impacts related traffic, circulation and parking. 6. If the appearance of the Garden Center is not neat and tidy or is unsightly, as determined by the City, the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address these issues. 7. The greenhouses and other garden center items shall be placed in such a manner as not to hinder sight lines for traffic on either the east or west side of the parking area that is being taken up by the garden center, as such the greenhouses shall be placed in the middle of the proposed area rather than on either end. 8. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sales or display. 9. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. 10. Put up signage that indicates more parking is available in the rear of the building. (S Oi�) RESOLUTION NO. 13856 CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RUNNINGS FARM AND FLEET, TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT FROM APRIL 1— JULY 30, 2011, LOCATED AT 1090 HWY 15 SOUTH Whereas, Runnings Farm and Fleet, applicant, has requested approval of a conditional use permit to allow a garden center in the parking lot with the following legal description: Legal Description: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 116, Range 30, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 12, Township 116, Range 30; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes West along the north line of Section 12, a distance of 813.04 feet; thence South 1 degree 01 minute West, a distance of 360.00 feet; thence South 18 degrees 38 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 141.08 feet; thence South 38 degrees 59 minutes East, a distance of 360.0 feet; thence South 15 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconds East, a distance of 118.89 feet; thence South 1 degree 01 minute West, a distance of 51.36 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 169.98 feet; thence South 1 degree 01 minute West, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 660.00 feet to the west line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence South 0 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West along said west line, a distance of 305.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 45 seconds East, a distance of 816.73 feet; thence northeasterly along a tangential curve concave to the northwest, a distance of 131.82 feet; central angle 28 degrees 17 minutes 15 seconds, radius 267.00 feet, chord bearing North 76 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds East, chord distance 130.49 feet; thence North 62 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 77.55 feet; thence North 1 degree 01 minute East, a distance of 266.38 feet; thence north 89 degrees 42 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 181.00 feet to the point of beginning. This tract contains 314,095 square feet of land. Whereas, the Planning Commission met on March 15, 2011, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request. The City Council has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. Number of parking spaces used for the garden center shall be limited to 51 spaces. 3. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days and start no earlier than April lec 4. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from 120 days after April I'. 5. The garden center will not have a negative impact on traffic, circulation, and parking on the site, as determined by the Planning Director and City Engineer. If there is such a time when there is found to be a negative impact on traffic, circulation, and parking on the site (' C -0 Conditional use permit Runnings Garden Center -1090 Hwy 15 S Page 2 the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address any negative impacts related traffic, circulation and parking. 6. If the appearance of the Garden Center is not neat and tidy or is unsightly, as determined by the City, the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address these issues. 7. The greenhouses and other garden center items shall be placed in such a manner as not to hinder sight lines for traffic on either the east or west side of the parking area that is being taken up by the garden center, as such the greenhouses shall be placed in the middle of the proposed area rather than on either end. 8. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sales or display. 9. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. 10. Put up signage that indicates more parking is available in the rear of the building. Adopted by the City Council this 22 "d day of March, 2011. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor V-6) ........_..._. . DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Colin Heintzeman, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner, John Paulson, Marc Sebora, Jeremy Carter, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Dan Jochum and Bonnie Baumetz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: March 4,20 H, for March 15, 2011, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RUNNINGS TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT FROM MARCH 15 —JULY 30, 2011, AND OUTDOOR DISPLAY OF GARDEN SOIL, MULCH AND ROCK UNTIL NOVEMBER 1, 2011, LOCATED AT 1090 HWY 15 SOUTH Applicant: Runnings Farm and Fleet Dave Wike, manager CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Runnings Farm and Fleet is requesting a conditional use permit to allow them to operate a garden center in the front parking lot at 1090 Hwy 15 S from March 15 — July 30,2011 - They are also asking to continue to display patio block, garden soil, mulch and rock until November in the same location. The garden center, as proposed would cover 72 parking spaces until July 3& and the remaining outdoor display would cover 22 parking spaces until November. Runnings has stated there will be no impact on the adjacent streets. The garden center will be located in the same area of the parking lot as years previous, as shown on the diagram provided. Runnings Farm and Fleet was granted a conditional use permit in 2008 to allow the fenced outdoor storage and display in the rear of the building. This recent request is to comply with City Code Section 154.115 (C) Outdoor storage auddisplays (1) Open storage in industrial and commercial districts shall be allowed only with a conditional use permit. This request is similar to the conditional use permit requests granted for fireworks tents in parking lots. Figure l Runnings Farm and Fleet 1090 Hwy 15 S Conditional use permit Planning Commission — 3/15/11 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: Property Location: Lot Size: Existing Land Use: Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: C -4 (Fringe Commercial) 1090 Hwy 15 S 7.2 acres Retail C -4 and R -3 (Medium — High Density Residential) Urban Commercial Design Zone Zoning History: The Hutchinson Mall Plat was approved in 1980. The building was constructed in 1981. Kmart occupied this space before Hennen's Furniture store. Runnings moved into the store in 2008. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.115 Zoning Ordinance Parking: There are approximately 312 parking spaces on the Runnings property. The Zoning Ordinance specifies retail uses have 5.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of building; additionally the warehouse and non- retail space is broken out separately and requires one parking space per 2,000 square feet. Based on this information 339 parking spaces are needed for this site. Therefore, Runnings is technically short 27 parking spaces in its current state. City Staff has more specifically researched parking requirements for Farm and Fleet/Home Improvement type uses which are likely more accurate than the generic retail parking requirements. The Parking Generation Manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers found an average of 4.9 spaces per 1000 square feet for Home Improvement uses looking at 27 study sites throughout the United States. It should also be noted that he City relies heavily on this parking generation manual when specific uses are not referenced in the parking requirements section of the City's Zoning Ordinance. Based on the Parking Generation Manual, Runnings would require 304 parking spaces for their operation. Thus, per the Parking Generation Manual they currently have 8 more spaces than the recommended amount for their use. Runnings is proposing impacting 72 additional parking spaces for their Garden Center, meaning there would be 240 spaces available from March 15 to July 30 and 290 spaces from July 31 to November 1. This would mean a parking shortage per the Zoning Ordinance of 99 parking spaces from March 15 to July 30 and 49 parking spaces from July 31 to November 1. Using the Parking Generation Manual there would be a shortage of 64 parking spaces from March 15 to July 30 and 14 spaces from July 31 to November I due to the proposed Garden Center. There are approximately 982 parking spaces available between the Runnings parking lot and the Mall parking lot. There are 670 in the Mall parking lot; however the Mall needs 665 spaces to meet its parking / Runnings Farm and Fleet 1090 Hwy 15 5 Conditional use permit Planning Commission- 3115/11 Page 3 requirements per the Zoning Ordinance. It should also be noted that many of the uses in the Mall have switched from traditional retail uses to more service oriented uses that require less parking. Runnings and the Mall do have a shared parking agreement that allows customers to park in either parking lot. Staff believes that in reality there is enough parking in the area and parking and circulation wouldn't be overly impacted by the proposed Garden Center. (Note: Please see specific staff recommendations below). Analysis and Recommendation: Staff supports the request for a garden center at the Runnings site, however, in reviewing the proposed number of parking spaces to be impacted and the number of months the garden center will be in use, staff recommends the garden center be limited to 50 spaces (as shown below) from March 15 1h to July l3`" which is 120 days. Staff would like to see some consistency throughout the community regarding the duration of operation for garden centers that are permitted by conditional use and recommends they be allowed to be up for 120 days or less. There is already a large outdoor sales and display area to the rear of the building that can be utilized in addition to the staff recommended 50 parking spaces in front of the building. Bulk items for sales and display are not permitted (i.e. bulk piles of dirt, mulch, etc). Figure 2 In reviewing the CUP, the Commission shall consider if the request meets the following standards: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; Runnings Farm and Fleet 1090 Hwy 15 S Conditional use permit Planning Commission — 3115111 Page 4 (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. Number of parking spaces used for the garden center shall be limited to 50 spaces, as shown on Figure 2 above. 3. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days and start no earlier than March 15th and remain open no longer than July 13'h. 4. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from March 15" to July 13'h. 5. The garden center is not in operation until November I' as requested by the applicant. 6. The garden center will not have a negative impact on traffic, circulation, and parking on the site, as determined by the Planning Director and City Engineer. If there is such a time when there is found to be a negative impact on traffic, circulation, and parking on the site the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address any negative impacts related traffic, circulation and parking. 7. If the appearance of the Garden Center is not neat and tidy or is unsightly, as determined by the City, the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address these issues. 8. The greenhouses and other garden center items shall be placed in such a manner as not to hinder sight lines for traffic on either the east or west side of the parking area that is being taken up by the garden center, as such the greenhouses shall be placed in the middle of the proposed area rather than on either end. 9. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sales or display. 10. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. 11. Put up signage that indicates more parking is available in the rear of the building. Cc: Runnings Farm and Fleet, Dave Wike (-�" L6� MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 2011 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, AICP, Planning Director SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY WALMART TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT FROM APRIL 1 — SEPTEMBER 5, 2011, LOCATED AT 1300 HWY 15 S APPLICANT: Walmart #1738 Scott Hilgeman, Manager Backaround: Walmart is requesting a conditional use permit to allow them to operate a garden center in the parking lot at 1300 Hwy 15 S from April 1— September 5, 2011. The garden center will be located in the same area of the parking lot as last year. The garden center will cover 90 parking spaces and be located in the same areas as previous years as shown on the diagram. The request is to come into compliance with City Code regarding outdoor storage and displays. This recent request is to comply with City Code Section 154.115 (C) Outdoor storage and displays (1) Open storage in industrial and commercial districts shall be allowed only with a conditional use permit. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meetin The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their March 15th meeting. There were no neighboring property owners objecting to the request. Scott Hilgeman, store manager, explained they would move the product in the overflow lot south by Baltimore Avenue. He stated that area of 30 parking spaces will be closed by the end of May. After discussing the request, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval with the following findings and recommendations: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days and start no earlier than April 1 st and remain open no longer than July 30th 3. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from April 1 sc to July 30`h 4. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sale or display. 5. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. ('r Abp- RESOLUTION NO. 13857 CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY WALMART TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT FROM APRIL 1 — JULY 30, 2011, LOCATED AT 1300 HWY 15 SOUTH Whereas, Walmart #17338, applicant, has requested approval of a conditional use permit to allow a garden center in the parking lot at 1300 Hwy 15 South with the following legal description: Legal Description: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Wal -Mart Subdivision Second Addition Whereas, the Planning Commission met on March 15, 2011, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request. The City Council has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days and start no earlier than April I" and remain open no longer than July 30`h. 3. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from April 1$` to July 30th 4. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sale or display. 5. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2011. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor Cp(b)D- DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Colin Heintzeman, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exoer, John Paulson, Marc Sebora, Jeremy Carter, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Dan Jochum and Bonnie Baumetz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: March 4, 2011, for March 15, 2011, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY WALMART TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT FROM APRIL 1 — SEPTEMBER 5, 2011, LOCATED AT 1300 HWY 15 S Applicant: Wal -Mart Stores Inc. Scott Hilgeman, manager CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Wal -Mart is requesting a conditional use permit to allow them to operate a garden center in the parking lot at 1300 Hwy IS S from April 1 — September 5, 2011. The garden center will be located in the same area of the parking lot as last year as shown on the diagram provided. The garden center will cover 90 parking spaces and be located in the same areas as previous years as shown on the diagram. The request is to come into compliance with City Code regarding outdoor storage and displays. This recent request is to comply with City Code Section 154.115 (C) Outdoorstorage and displays (1) Open storage in industrial and commercial districts shall be allowed only with a conditional use permit. Wal -Mart 1300 Hwy 15 S Conditional use permit Planning Commission — 3115111 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C -4 (Fringe Commercial) Property Location: 1300 Hwy 15 S Lot Size: 26.4 acres (located on 2 parcels) Existing Land Use: Retail Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: C-4 and I/C (Industrial Commercial) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Urban Commercial Design Zone Zoning History: A conditional use permit has been granted to allow fireworks tent sales on the property from June 18 —July 9. In 2001, a conditional use permit was granted to allow construction of an addition to the building for an automotive service center. The property was annexed to the City in 1990 and rezoned from R -2 (Medium Density Residential) to C-4 in 1991. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.115 Zoning Ordinance Parking: There are approximately 1075 parking spaces on the subject lot for use by area customers, by ordinance Wal -Mart only needs 654 parking spaces. The proposed garden center will use 60 spaces of the main lot and 30 spaces on the overflow lot. There will be 985 spaces available for parking when the garden center is in operation, which is 331 spaces more than are required. Analysis and Recommendation: Staff supports the request for a garden center at the Wal -Mart site however, would limit the use of the garden center days from April Is` to July 30`h which is 120 days. Staff would like to see some consistency throughout the community regarding the duration of operation for garden centers that are permitted by conditional use and recommends they be allowed to be up for 120 days or less. The conditional use permit is for sale and display only. Outdoor storage would require an enclosed fenced area. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. Bulk items for sale and display is not permitted (i.e. bulk piles of dirt, mulch, etc). In reviewing the CUP, the Commission shall consider if the request meets the following standards: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; Wal -Mart 1300 Hwy 15 S Conditional use permit Planning Commission — 3115111 Page 3 (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days and start no earlier than April I' and remain open no longer than July 30'h. 3. The garden center is not in operation until September 5h as requested by the applicant. 4. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from April I' to July 30'h. 5. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sale or display. 6. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. Cc: Wal -Mart, Scott Hilgeman, 1300 Hwy 15 South, Hutchinson MN 55350 Wal -Mart Store Inc., Attn: Carolyn Leach, 702 SW 8'h Street, Bentonville, AR 72716 -0500 cr( 6)D_ 140 .,Y �1a r .o; ISM 1 w' 725 ti M C9 ... .. annart ,,, .,.,.-r„. n I tit' G@1StA�eHY. - � -- n - _ p_fiMy6lNyE5E iz 3 RP ift 4, ~��0 A.. . . . . . H 44 +j -T- I --4--f-;- ::i:: z L-100 -Ovtvf w! VP s r . ; - - - ------------- - -------------- 7 i AW& M141 ---=77?- -- . 7?- MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 2011 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, AICP, Planning Director SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY SHOPKO TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT BEGINNING MARCH 27 TO APPROXIMATELY SEPTEMBER 30, 2011, LOCATED AT 125 MAIN ST NORTH APPLICANT: ShopKo Inc. Ian Butler, Manager Background: ShopKo is requesting a conditional use permit to allow them to operate a garden center in the parking lot at 125 Main Street North from March 27 — September 30, 2011. The garden center will be located in the same area of the parking lot as last year. The garden center will cover 55 parking spaces and be located in the same areas as previous years. The request is to come into compliance with City Code regarding outdoor storage and displays. This recent request is to comply with City Code Section 154.115 (C) Outdoor storage and displays (1) Open storage in industrial and commercial districts shall be allowed only with a conditional use permit. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their March 15'" meeting. There were no neighboring property owners objecting to the request. Ian Butler, store manager, explained he would like to change the beginning date to March 30`n since he is not sure when the vendor will set up at his site. After discussing the request, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval with the following findings and recommendations: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days, from March 30"' to July 29t" 3. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from March 30th to July 291n 4. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sales or display. 5. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales and display. ('-(A� RESOLUTION NO. 13858 CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY SHOPKO TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT BEGINNING MARCH 30 TO JULY 29, 2011, LOCATED AT 125 MAIN STREET NORTH Whereas, Shopko, applicant, has requested approval of a conditional use permit to allow a garden center in the parking lot at 125 Main Street North with the following legal description: Legal Description: Block 1, Lot 1, except the North 200 feet of the West 200 feet, Hutchinson Downtown Redevelopment Plat Whereas, the Planning Commission met on March 15, 2011, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request. The City Council has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days, from March 30`h to July 29h. 3. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from March 301h to July 29`h. 4. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sales or display. 5. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales and display. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2011. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Colin Heintzeman, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Esner, John Paulson, Marc Sebora, Jeremy Carter, Dan Flatten, Dick Nagy, Dan Jochum and Bonnie Baumetz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: March 4, 2011, for March 15, 2011, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY SHOPKO TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE PARKING LOT BEGINNING MARCH 27 TO APPROXIMATELY SEPTEMBER 30, 2011. LOCATED AT 125 MAIN ST NORTH Applicant: ShopKo Inc. Ian Butler, manager CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ShopKo is requesting a conditional use permit to allow them to operate a garden center in the parking lot at 125 Main Street North from March 27 — September 30, 2011. The garden center will be Iocated in the same area of the parking lot as last year. The garden center will cover 55 parking spaces and be located in the same areas as previous years as shown on the diagram. The request is to come into compliance with City Code regarding outdoor storage and displays. This recent request is to comply with City Code Section 154.115 (C) Outdoor storage and displays (1) Open storage in industrial and commercial districts shall be allowed only with a conditional use permit: ShopKo 125 Main St N Conditional use permit Planning Commission - 3/15/11 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C -3 (Central Commercial) Property Location: 125 Main Street North Lot Size: 5.4 acres Existing Land Use: Retail Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: C -3 and City park to the East Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Downtown Commercial Zoning History: The property was platted and easements vacated in 1991 for the ShopKo project. A site plan was reviewed for the ShopKo project in 1990. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.115 Zoning Ordinance Parking: Parking was calculated in 1997 when the bank was being developed and it doesn't appear that anything has changed since then. There appear to be 100 more parking spaces for this site than are required. The garden center is proposing to use 55 spaces, still leaving 45 extra spaces above the requirement. There are also cross parking agreements with ShopKo to Wells Fargo bank and the City of Hutchinson. There appears to be adequate parking for the site with the proposed garden center. Analysis and Recommendation: Staff supports the request for a garden center at the ShopKo site, however, would limit the use of the garden center to July 25h which is 120 days from when it is proposed to go up. Staff would like to see some consistency throughout the community regarding the duration of operation for garden centers that are permitted by conditional use and recommends they be allowed to be up for 120 days. Garden centers are intended to be seasonal and not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales and display. Bulk items for sale and display are not permitted (i.e. bulk piles of dirt, mulch, etc). In reviewing the CUP, the Commission shall consider if the request meets the following standards: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. (44:h�3 ShopKo 125 Main St N Conditional use permit Planning Commission — 3115111 Page 3 Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: I . The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days, from March 27'h to July 25h. 3. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from March 27h to July 25h. 4. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sales or display. 5. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales and display. Cc: ShopKo, Ian Butler, 125 Main St. N U< 13 A� N GimrclW e , i 40 La AL �4M c. 2 Shopka IM, 206 A AV, VE NE 3e 2f13 W 2as MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 2011 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, AICP, Planning Director SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY COBORN REALTY COMPANY TO ALLOW THE PLANT PLACE TO LOCATE A GARDEN CENTER IN THE CASHWISE PARKING LOT AT 1020 HWY 15 SOUTH BEGINNING APPROXIMATELY APRIL 15 - JULY 31, 2011, APPLICANT: Plant Place — Jim Schroer, owner Backaround: Mr. Jim Schroer, owner of The Plant Place, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow him to operate a garden center in the Cashwise parking lot at 1020 Hwy 15 South from April 15 - July 31, 2011. The garden center will be located in the same area of the parking lot as last year. The garden center will cover 35 parking spaces and be located in the same areas as previous years as shown on the diagram. The request is to come into compliance with City Code regarding outdoor storage and displays. This recent request is to comply with City Code Section 154.115 (C) Outdoor storage and displays (1) Open storage in industrial and commercial districts shall be allowed only with a conditional use permit. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their March 15th meeting. There were no neighboring property owners objecting to the request. Mr. Schroer explained he would like to begin set up April 15t. After discussing the request, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval with the following findings and recommendations: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days, from April 1 s to July 30th. 3. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from April 1 to July 30" 4. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sale or display. 5. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. LM4 RESOLUTION NO. 13859 CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY COBORN REALTY COMPANY TO ALLOW THE PLANT PLACE TO LOCATE A GARDEN CENTER IN THE CASHWISE PARKING LOT AT 1020 HWY 15 SOUTH BEGINNING APRIL 1— JULY 309 2011, Whereas, Plant Place Inc., applicant, has requested approval of a conditional use permit to allow a garden center in the Cashwise parking lot at 1020 Hwy 15 South with the following legal description: Legal Description: Lot One (1), Block One (1), except the East 392 feet of the North 17 feet thereof, Hutchinson Mall Plat 2 Whereas, the Planning Commission met on March 15, 2011, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request. The City Council has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days, from April I" to July 300i. 3. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from April I" to July 300i. 4. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sale or display. 5. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of March, 2011. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT- PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Colin Heintzeman, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner, John Paulson, Marc Sebora, Jeremy Carter, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Dan Jochum and Bonnie Baumetz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in hold) Date: March 4, 2011, for March 15, 2011, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THE PLANT PLACE TO ALLOW A GARDEN CENTER IN THE CASHWISE PARKING LOT BEGINNING APPROXIMATELY APRIL 15 - JULY 31, 2011, LOCATED AT 1020 HWY 15 S Applicant: The Plant Place — Jim Schroer, owner CONDITIONAL USE.PERMIT Mr. Jim Schroer, owner of The Plant Place, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow him to operate a garden center in the Cashwise parking lot at 1020 Hwy 15 South from April 15 - July 31, 2011. The garden center will be located in the same area of the parking lot as last year. The garden center will cover 35 parking spaces and be located in the same areas as previous years as shown on the diagram. The request is to come into compliance with City Code regarding outdoor storage and displays. This recent request is to comply with City Code Section 154.115 (C) Outdoor storage and displays (])Open storage in industrial and commercial districts shall be allowed only with a conditional use permit. The Plant Place - Cashwise 1020 Hwy 15 S Conditional use permit Planning Commission — 3/15/11 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C -4 (Fringe Commercial) Property Location: Lot Size: Existing Land Use: Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Zoning History: Applicable Regulations: 1020 Hwy 15 South 6.9 acres Retail C -4, R -2 (Medium Density Residential) and R -3 (Medium -High Density Residential) Urban Commercial Design Zone The property was platted in 1992 and the building was constructed in 1992/1993. Section 154.115 Zoning Ordinance Parking: Parking calculations from the aerial map show a total of 399 parking spaces. The site plan of 1992 gives a proposed building of approximately 68,000 sq. ft. Parking spaces needed for the retail space are 278 and the warehouse areas is 9 for a total of 287 spaces. The 35 spaces taken up by the proposed garden center will still leave 364 spaces which is in excess of the 287 required per the Zoning Ordinance. Analysis and Recommendation: Staff supports the request for a garden center at the Cashwise site. Staff would like to see some consistency throughout the community regarding the duration of operation for garden centers that are permitted by conditional use and recommends they be allowed to be up for 120 days or less. This request is for less than 120 days. Bulk items for sale and display is not permitted (i.e. bulk piles of dirt, mulch, etc). In reviewing the CUP, the Commission shall consider if the request meets the following standards: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. ("Cb)L► The Plant Place - Cashwise 1020 Hwy 15 S Conditional use permit Planning Commission — 3115111 Page 3 Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The garden center will be in operation for no more than 120 consecutive days, from April 15'h to August 13'h. 3. No structures, equipment or inventory shall be located in the garden center area except from April 15'h to August 13'h. 4. No bulk items will be allowed for outdoor sale or display. 5. Garden centers are not intended for outdoor storage, only for sales display. Cc: The Plant Place, Jim Schroer, P.O. Box 390, Elk River, MN 55330 Cashwise, Glen Woelfel, 1020 Hwy 15 S, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Coborn Realty Co., P.O. box 6146, St. Cloud MN, 56302 (P C6)� e . ! 965 ` 525 520 +5 SOUTH GRADS ROAD SW i 2 —' L P16 ! y a 1 1004 5020 m° r Cashwise 6 'Cl, ��d .4 ZIP • it a. 1040 !t M ,L 2 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 2011 for the March 22, 2011 City Council Meeting TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, Planning Director SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 154; SECTION 154.37 D (4) AND E (11), REGARDING BANNER SIGNS AND PUBLISH THE SUMMARY ORDINANCE Background: Regulating banner signs through -out the City has been difficult with a difficult ordinance to enforce. The proposed ordinance is similar to the sandwich board sign ordinance with modifications to allow for on- premise banner signage. Staff will continue to monitor off - premise signage which is not permitted. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meeting• The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their March 15 th meeting. There was no public in attendance regarding the ordinance amendment. After discussion, the Commission recommended approval adding language to (4)(b) 6. Banners are not allowed in public right of way or off premise from primary business. Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request and the attached ordinance. Summary Ordinance: The ordinance will take effect after a summary of the ordinance is published. Due to the size and cost of publishing the full ordinance, staff has prepared a summary ordinance to be published. The proposed summary for the ordinance is attached. State Statues require the City Council to approve publishing of a summary ordinance with a 4/5 majority. Requested Action: Approval of the following: 1. Approval of the ordinance amendment. 2. Approval to publish the attached summary ordinance. Attachments: Summary Ordinance 5 Publication No. Summary Ordinance for the City of Hutchinson amending City Code Chapter 154 — Zoning; Section 154.137 D(4) and E(11) regarding banner signs. The City of Hutchinson has adopted Ordinance to amend the Hutchinson City Code Title VX, Land Usage, Chapter 154, Zoning, to amend Seatinn 154.137 D(4) and E(l 1). The following is a summary of the adopted ordinance: The purpose of the ordinance is to regulate banner signs through -out the City. Regulating banner signs has been difficult with a difficult ordinance to enforce. The proposed ordinance is similar to the sandwich board sign ordinance with modifications to allow for on- premise banner signage. Staff will continue to monitor off - premise signage which is not permitted. Effective Date: This ordinance becomes effective upon its passage and publication according to law. The ordinance was adopted unanimously by the City Council on March 22, 2011. A copy of the complete ordinance is available for review at the City offices, 111 Hassan Street S.E., Hutchinson. Contact Dan Jochum at (320) 234 -4258 for more information. Submitted by: Dan Jochum Planning Director (JA_ 5 PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 11-0666 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 154 - ZONING; SECTION 154.004, DEFINITIONS; SECTION 154.137, SIGN STANDARDS BY DISTRICT T14E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Notice of public hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to amend the City Code, Chapter 154, Zoning; Section 154.004, definition of banter sign; Section 154.137, standards for banner signage. ZONING § 154.004 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply, in addition to the definitions given in the Uniform Building and Fire Codes, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. SIGN, BANNER. A temporary sign made of a flexible material displayed to advertise an event, promotion, etc. It is NOT intended as permanent business signage § 154.137 SIGN STANDARDS BY DISTRICT. (D) Signs permitted in commercial and industrial districts. The following signs shall be permitted in the C -1, C -2, C -3, C -4, 1- 1, I -2 and I/C districts. (4) Banner signs. One or more banners not exceeding two square feet per front linear foot of building are allowed on the primary side of building for no more than 15 consecutive days at a time Applicants are eligible for three W-15 day permits Per calendar year (a) Elegrbgj& for Banner Advertising Before requesting permission to advertise using a banner, please make note of the following: 1. You must contact the Planning and Zoning Department at the city to apply for a permit. 2. The Banner must meet the definition in § 154.004. (b) Banner displa y information 1. A banner may describe an event sale or promotion taking place J. banners must be removed when the 15 day permit is expired 6. Banners are not allowed in public right of way or off premise from primary business. (c) Obtaining banner sign Permit uplications 1. Permits may be obtained from the Planning and Zoning Department at the city. (o (145 Ordinance k11 -0666 Section 154 —Banner Signs April 12, 2011 Page 2 2. The form must be completed and signed by the business owner. 3. The application must be approved and signed by the Planning Department before the banner may be displayed 4. The banner sign ordinance will take effect on April 19 2011 All banners must comply with the regulations at that time No "grandfathering" is permitted (d) Specifications of the banner sign I. One or more banners not exceeding two square feet per front linear foot of building are allowed on the primary side of the building_ (E) Signs permitted in the Main Street area district. Signage in the Main Street area, which is defined as the area located between the east side of Franklin Avenue from the Crow River to Fourth Avenue SW and the west side of Hassan Street from the Crow River to Fourth Avenue SE, shall be subject to the following additional requirements. Signage shall be designed to enhance and complement the character of buildings within the district. All new signs, or the replacement, alteration, painting and so forth of an existing sign, require a sign permit application and may require review by the Downtown Design Review Committee if the sign does not specifically meet these requirements. (11) Banners. One or more banners not exceeding two square feet per front linear foot of building are allowed on the primary side of building fOr nO ; ^ C days in - ealendaF yeaf4or no more than 15 consecutive days at a time Applicants are eligible for three (3) 15 day permits per calendar year. (a) EliQibilily for Banner Advertising. Before requesting permission to advertise using a banner, please make note of the following. 1. You must contact the Planning and Zoning Department at the city to apply for a permit. 2. The Banner must meet the definition in § 154.004. (b) Banner display information I. A banner may describe an event sale or promotion taking place 2. A banner is not intended to replace permanent building signag? 3. Three (3) banner permits will be allowed per year. 4. Each banner will be allowed for no more than 15 days 5. Banners must be removed when the 15 day permit is expired 6. Banners are not allowed in public right of way or off premise from primary business. (c) Obtaining banner sign permit applications I. Permits may be obtained from the Planning and Zoning Department at the city. 2. The form must be completed and signed by the business owner. 3. The application must be approved and signed by the Planning Department before the banner may be displayed. (d) Specifications of the banner sign Co C.h�S Ordinance 411 -0666 Section 154 —Banner Signs April 12, 2011 Page 3 EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 12'h day of April, 2011. Attest: Jeremy J. Carter Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor 066 5 DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Colin Heintzeman, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner, John Paulson, Marc Sebora, Jeremy Carter, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Dan Jochum and Bonnie Baumetz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: March 4, 2011, for March 15, 2011, Planning Commission Meeting RE: AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 154; SECTION 154.137 D(4) AND E(11) REGARDING BANNER SIGNS BANNER SIGN AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE Regulating banner signs through -out the City has been difficult with a difficult ordinance to enforce. The proposed ordinance is similar to the sandwich board sign ordinance with modifications to allow for on- premise banner signage. Staff will continue to monitor off- premise signage which is not permitted. Analysis and Recommendation: Staff reviewed the proposed ordinance amendment at the February 28, 2011, planning staff meeting. Staff is supportive of the proposed ordinance amendment and recommends approval. The Planning Commission should provide feedback on the ordinance and consider public hearing comments in their recommendation to the City Council. ((05 OE MEMORANDUM DATE: March 16, 2011 for the March 22, 2011 City Council Meeting TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, Planning Director SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CODE CHAPTER 54; STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ADDING LANGUAGE IN SECTION 54.05, USE OF STORMWATER PONDS Background: Language has been added to the Storm Water Management chapter of the City Code to define and regulate the public use of stormwater ponds in the City of Hutchinson. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their March 15th meeting. After discussion, the Commission recommended approval. Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request and the attached ordinance. G06)lp PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 11 -0667 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 (STORM WATER MANAGEMENT) OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON CODE OF ORDINANCES ADDING LANGUAGE IN SECTION 54.05; USE OF STORMWATER PONDS TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to amend the Storm Water Management Ordinance to add language to Chapter 54, General Provisions and add Section 54.05 of the City Code as follows: CHAPTER 54 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT General Provisions 54.01 Purpose 54.02 Definitions 54.03 Scope 54.04 Management of Site Vegetation 54.05 Use of Stormwater Ponds $ 54.05 USE OF STORMWATER PONDS It will be unlawful for any person to wade, swim or operate any vehicle in or upon the waters of any Citv stormwater wet pond, or to go upon the frozen surface of any City stormwater wet pond unless such use is specifically approved in writing by the City Engineer. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication in accordance with the Hutchinson City Charter. Adopted by the City Council this 12'h day of April, 2011. Jeremy Carter, City Administrator Steve Cook, Mayor First Consideration: March 22, 2011 Second Consideration: April 12, 2011 Date of Publication: Page 1 DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Colin Heintzeman, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kent Exner, John Paulson, Marc Sebora, Jeremy Carter, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Dan Jochum and Bonnie Baumetz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: March 4, 2011, for March 15, 2011, Planning Commission Meeting RE: AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CODE CHAPTER 54, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ADDING LANGUAGE IN SECTION 54.05; USE OF STORMWATER PONDS STORMWATER PONDS AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE Language has been added to the Storm Water Management chapter of the City Code to define and regulate the public use of stormwater ponds in the City of Hutchinson. Analysis and Recommendation: Staff reviewed the proposed ordinance amendment at the February 28, 2011, planning staff meeting. Staff is supportive of the proposed ordinance amendment and recommends approval. The Planning Commission should provide feedback on the ordinance and consider public hearing comments in their recommendation to the City Council. Vb) � To: Mayor and Council From: Melissa Starke Date: 3/17/2011 Re: License Renewals for 2011 -2012 The following establishments have applied for 2011 -2012 liquor license renewals. Please approve the following licenses: On -Sale Intoxicatine El Loro II Two Joes Hutchinson, Inc. (Buffalo Wild Wings) Zellas Inc. Sunday Liquor El Loro II Two Joes Hutchinson, Inc. (Buffalo Wild Wings) Club /Sunday On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License American Legion Post 96 Crow River Golf Club (0 C TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer RE: Consideration of Items for 2011 Pavement Management Program Phase 1 Project (Letting No. 3/Project No. 11 -04) DATE: March 22, 2011 City staff requests that the City Council approve the attached Resolutions to set a Public Hearing for the above referenced letting at the April 12'h City Council meeting. City staff will be administering a Neighborhood Meeting with adjacent property owners on Wednesday, March 23rd, to familiarize them with the proposed project improvements and estimated special assessment amounts and to allow for any questions/concems to be communicated in advance of the project's final design. We recommend that the attached Resolutions be approved. cc: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator (,(-J) RESOLUTION NO. 13860 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO.3/PROJECT NO. 11-04 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: Kouwe Street NW (TH 7/22 to 5th), Water Street NW (TH 7/22 to 5th) and James Street NW (TH 7/22 to 5th) roadway rehabilitation/reconstruction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of storm sewer, drain tile, watermain, sanitary sewer, surface reclamation /removal, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, landscaping, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances; and WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement, called Letting No. 3/Project No. 11-04, be referred to the Engineer for study and that that person is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost- effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. Adopted by the Council this 22nd day of March 2011. Mayor. Steven W. Cook City Administrator. Jeremy J. Carter (, W) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Centedl I I Hassan St SFJHutchinum MN 553542522320- 2344204/FAX 320. 234-4240 ENGINEERING REPORT & FEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer DATE: March 22, 2011 SUBJECT: Letting No. 31Project No 11 -04 I have studied the following proposed improvements and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed, L31PI1 -04 Kouwe Street NW (TH 7122 to 5th), Water Street NW (TH 7122 to 5th) and James Street NW (TH 7122 to 5th) roadway rehabilitation/reconstruction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of storm sewer, drain tile, watermain, sanitary sewer, surface reclamationtremoval, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, landscaping, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances. ESTIMATED COST TOTAL Conti ueeon Cast W7.000.110 Engirmering $63,550.00 Administration $21,420.00 Flecaill-egairinterest $10 710.00 Property Acquisition $0.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL $452,680.00 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Cost- Roadway Improvements $122,800.00 Assessable Cost- Utility Services $20,000.00 C - Bonding $109880.00 C - Water Funde $501000-00 C - Wastewater Funds $50,000-00 Cft - Stormwater Ultillft Funds $100,000.00 Munlelpall State Aid $0.00 Fe_ deist Aid $0.00 _ ESTIMATED TOTAL _ 145J680.00 RESOLUTION NO. 13861 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO.3IPROJECT NO. 11-04 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted March 22nd, 2011, a report has been prepared by Kent Exner, Public Works Director /City Engineer with reference to the following proposed improvements: Kouwe Street NW (TH 7/22 to 5th), Water Street NW (TH 7/22 to 5th) and James Street NW (TH 7/22 to 5th) roadway rehabilitation /reconstruction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of storm sewer, drain tile, watermain, sanitary sewer, surface reclamation /removal, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, landscaping, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances; and said report was received by the Council on March 22nd 2011 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street(s)s in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $452,680.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 12th day of April, 2011, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 22nd day of March 2011. Mayor. Steven W. Cook City Administrator. Jeremy J. Carter (' Lj) PUBLICATION NO. 7868 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO.3 PROJECT NO. 11-04 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN, at 8:00 pm on the 12th day of April, 2011, to consider the making of an improvement of Letting No. 3/13roject No. 11-04, an improvement of. Kouwe Street NW (TH 7122 to 5th), Water Street NW (TH 7/22 to 5th) and James Street NW (TH 7/22 to 5th) roadway rehabilitatiordreconstruction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of storm sewer, drain tile, waternain, sanitary sewer, surface reclamation/removal, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, landscaping, street lighting, restoration and appurtenances; and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is the benefited property, for which property owners shall receive mailed notice. The estimated City Cost of said improvement is $309,880.00, with an Assessable Cost of $142,800.00, for the total estimated cost of $452,880.00. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessment will be available at the hearing. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: 03/22/2011 City Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON THURSDAY, MARCH 31ST, 2011 AND THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 2011. �'(J) cowwv MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Sgt. Nagoln behalf of Chief Dan Hatten DATE: March 4, /2011 RE: Consent Agenda Crow River Corvettes I am in receipt of a letter from the Crow River Corvettes in reference to holding a car show at Library Square on Saturday, May 28, 2011. My staff and I have reviewed their request regarding the closing of 1st Ave SE between Main St. and Hassan St. between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on May 28th. Depending on the car count, they may also utilize available parking spaced adjacent to the park on Washington Avenue. The club will have people available to help get the cars in and out of the show. I am comfortable and confident that we can meet the needs of the Crow River Corvettes and recommend approval of their request. /csb 2011 -01 -0001 r _. January 26, 2011 Sgt. Nagel, Crow River Corvettes would like to request the police departments services again on Saturday May 28th, 2011 between the hours of 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm to hold another car show at Library Square. We would like to block off the streets again where the farmers market is held and the North/South road in front of the Library. Depending on the car count we may want to use the available parking spaces adjacent to the park on Washington. We will have a Mini Biff placed at the comer of 1st and Hassan. We are again planning on a DJ in the park, the popcorn wagon and Hot Dog cart and a few vendors. We will have ample people available to help get the cars in and out and clean up when we are finished. Please call me with any questions and if you want to bring this up at the council meeting please do so. If you would like us there, let me know when. Thanks for all your hard work, Ron Cleland 320 - 587 -8437 385 Ottawa Ave SE Hutchinson, MN. 55350 www.crowrivereorvettes.com cc (E) Ct y of MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1 TO: Sgt. Joseph Nagel FROM: Officer Theresa Leider/Investigations�w DATE: 2/23/2011 RE: Transient Merchant's License /Reds Hot LLC /Betty Jodzio As of today's date, I have completed a background investigation on Betty Jodzio /Reds Hot LLC for a Peddler License. Ms. Jodzio is planning on operating a hot dog and beverage cart in various locations throughout the City of Hutchinson This is the third year that Ms. Jodzio has conducted this business. This is an update to her last background investigation. In checking the in -house records there have been no issues with the Business to date. There are no changes in her information that would limit her from receiving this license. If you have any further questions, or need any further investigation into this matter, please contact me. 111 Hassan street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587- 5151/Fax:(320) 234.4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS Application Type (choose one) ❑ Solicitor $125.00 Date of Application ❑ Transient Merchant $125.00 Peddler $125.00 ❑Parade Peddler $30.00 Applicant Information 2" X 2" Picture Required 1-� Name: E 6//06 Z-/ O Height: S tS Weight: Eye Color. Driver's License Number: State: MN Permanent Address: ,S li MA in St. S. (/ lTdCh nw) M I 5535 O I / City State ZIP r Permanent Telephone: `� 2tq - 2.3 q — 7 Temporary Address: City Zip Temporary Telephone Access: Have you been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of any municipal ordinance, other than traffic violations? ❑ yes Ann If yes, state the nature of offense and punishment or penalty assessed therefore: ce co • i City of Hutchinson Apphcation for Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Page 2 of 4 Location Information VAR 10 v S Location Name Location Address E State zip Business Information Describe relation`sh�ip� between applicant and employer: Describe natu��reppf business describe itemyAoffered: Describe method of delivery: Describe rce of supply: 4S C4gA- `T o% Supplier Name % /S130 Co 7"0 &E Suppler Phone Number Suppler Address �y, AAe�ET ��—Supplier CI State Zi P - Name 22z /%�,� l � S Suppler Phoru! umber ,��cTc�%✓Sa�/ � S53 Supplier Address Ciry State Zip Supplier Nome Suppler Phomr Number SupplierAddrtss city State zip Provide two (2) property owners (preferably in McLeod County) for character references: . ,ICAJ 3ac% :Sn %-- a io( 4i Property Owner Name Property Owner Phone Number lly-s-SExi -<�— Sie,- 4(FAIa 3f) '491 33s —,0 Property Owner Address City State Zip (Al ) .( City of Hutchinson Application for Peddkrs, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Page 3 of 4 List last (up to three (3)) jotys city(ies) where you carried on same activity: 7 V!//v/+"z to City State Date(s) of activity to City State Date(s) of Activity to City state Date(s) of Checklist The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Application/Investigation fee paid in full (check or money order): ❑ yes ❑ no Application completed in full and signed: ❑ yes ❑ no I hereby certify I have completely filled out the entire above application and that the application is true, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. Police ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: H a.iunuYApplimimy d1a, Solicitor, Twsientd 07 - /3 -/I Date L, (f RSSCKREG LOG22001VO CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 3/22/2011 Check # Ck Date Amount Vendor / Explanation Account Description 164517 3/22/2011 1,360.25 ACE HARDWARE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164518 3/22/2011 477.57 ALL AMERICA PRESSURE WASHER MF CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164519 3/22/2011 53.44 ALPHA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 164520 3/22/2011 109,264.00 AMERESCO IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 164521 3/22/2011 64.75 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE 164522 3/22/2011 1,345.00 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORP OPERATING SUPPLIES 164523 3/22/2011 171.28 AMERICAN WELDING & GAS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164524 3/22/2011 73.08 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164525 3/22/2011 48.37 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE SHOP MATERIALS 164526 3/22/2011 111.56 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 164527 3/22/2011 3,125.00 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK GENL LIAB.- INSURANCE 164528 3/22/2011 107.24 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE EQUIPMENT PARTS 164529 3/22/2011 16.03 AUTO XPRESS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164530 3/22/2011 156.00 B. W. WELDING CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164531 3/22/2011 2,844.95 BELLBOY CORP COST OF SALES -WINE 164532 3/22/2011 490.58 BERNICK'S COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 164533 3/22/2011 29.96 BRANDON TIRE CO CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164534 3/22/2011 411.47 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 164535 3/22/2011 14,943.80 C & L DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 164536 3/22/2011 136.77 CADD /ENGINEERING SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 164537 3/22/2011 129.80 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIE OPERATING SUPPLIES 164538 3/22/2011 56.56 CENTRAL MCGOWAN RENTALS 164539 3/22/2011 8,400.00 CITY OF SHAKOPEE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 164540 3/22/2011 18,206.00 COALITION OF GREATER MN CITIES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 164541 3/22/2011 50.00 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 164542 3/22/2011 170.04 COREY, NICHOLLE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 164543 3/22/2011 55.96 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164544 3/22/2011 355.40 CROW RIVER GLASS & SIGNS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164545 3/22/2011 1,448.35 CROW RIVER PRESS INC PRINTING & PUBLISHING 164546 3/22/2011 357.42 CUMMINS NPOWER, LLC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164547 3/22/2011 1,702.80 CURTIS 1000 INC - MN OFFICE SUPPLIES 164548 3/22/2011 167.06 CZECH, RANDY TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 164549 3/22/2011 94.75 DAAK REFRIGERATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE S 164550 3/22/2011 4,579.20 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 164551 3/22/2011 78.00 DOMINO'S PIZZA FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION 164552 3/22/2011 1,271.25 DPC INDUSTRIES INC CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 164553 3/22/2011 183.95 DROP -N-GO SHIPPING, INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164554 3/22/2011 2,858.79 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164555 3/22/2011 119.00 EBERT, DICK UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 164556 3/22/2011 188.10 ECOLAB PEST ELIM RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164557 3/22/2011 100.80 ECONO FOODS COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 164558 3/22/2011 237.50 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 164559 3/22/2011 28.00 ELECTRIC MOTOR CO RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164560 3/22/2011 3,549.58 ELECTRIC PUMP EQUIPMENT PARTS 164561 3/22/2011 621.37 ELECTRO WATCHMAN OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164562 3/22/2011 378.00 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 164563 3/22/2011 1,200.00 FACILITY DUDE OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164564 3/22/2011 2,474.15 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT RENTALS 164565 3/22/2011 122.00 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE OPERATING SUPPLIES 164566 3/22/2011 374.95 FASTENAL COMPANY RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164567 3/22/2011 34.56 FEDEX SHIPPING 164568 3/22/2011 101.92 FIELDSTONE VINEYARDS COST OF SALES -WINE 164569 3/22/2011 10.00 FORBES MAGAZINE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 164570 3/22/2011 53.50 FORKLIFTS OF MINNESOTA, INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164571 3/22/2011 7,711.59 FREMONT INDUSTRIES, INC CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 164572 3/22/2011 55.40 G & K SERVICES OPERATING SUPPLIES 164573 3/22/2011 3,200.00 GAVIN, OLSON & WINTERS, LTD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 164574 3/22/2011 152.71 GENERAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164575 3/22/2011 4,230.00 GOODPOINTE TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 164576 3/22/2011 396.54 GRAINGER SMALL TOOLS 164577 3/22/2011 533.22 H.A.R.T. ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP 164578 3/22/2011 2,906.15 HACH COMPANY DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 164579 3/2212011 523.63 HAGER JEWELRY INC. MISCELLANEOUS 164580 3/22/2011 515.00 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE COST OF SALES -BEER 164581 3/22/2011 2,160.00 HANSEN GRAVEL SNOW REMOVAL 164582 3/22/2011 109,529.00 HEALTH PARTNERS EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 164583 3/22/2011 139.62 HENRY'S WATERWORKS INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 164584 3/22/2011 1,986.89 HEWLETT - PACKARD CO RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164585 3/22/2011 651.58 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 164586 3/22/2011 307.70 HOLT MOTORS INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164587 3/22/2011 336.65 HUTCH CAFE OPERATING SUPPLIES l 164588 3/22/2011 2,201.00 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE 164589 3/22/2011 357.71 HUTCHINSON CO -OP MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 164590 3/22/2011 4,24035 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITO LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT 164591 3/22/2011 960.14 HUTCHINSON PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164592 3/22/2011 119,209.07 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES UTILITIES 164593 3/22/2011 599.82 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164594 3/22/2011 982.14 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF UTILITIES 164595 3/22/2011 4,000.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF MISCELLANEOUS 164596 3/22/2011 1,350.00 HYDRANT SPECIALIST INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164597 3/22/2011 64.75 INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY CO OPERATING SUPPLIES 164598 3/22/2011 551.66 1 & R RADIATOR AC & EXHAUST CO RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164599 3/22/2011 56.00 JACKSON COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164600 3/22/2011 49.87 JAY MALONE MOTORS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164601 3/22/2011 88.42 JEFF'S ELECTRIC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164602 3/22/2011 341.20 A TAYLOR DIST OF MN COST OF SALES -BEER 164603 3/22/2011 243.55 JOHN HENRY FOSTER MINNESOTA CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164604 3/22/2011 27,487.59 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF SALES -WINE 164605 3/22/2011 2,066.70 JUUL CONTRACTING CO CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164606 3/22/2011 300.00 KELLY INN TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 164607 3/22/2011 150.00 KLITZKE, RICHARD OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164608 3/22/2011 41.05 KLOSS, TOM COMMUNICATIONS 164609 3/22/2011 3,240.68 L & P SUPPLY CO RENTALS 164610 3/22/2011 76.92 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC EQUIPMENT PARTS 164611 3/22/2011 134.00 LEXISNEXIS OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164612 3/22/2011 1,800.00 LINDER BUS COMPANY OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164613 3/22/2011 191.12 LITIN PAPER COMPANY RECEIVED NOTVOUCHERED 164614 3/22/2011 21,664.15 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF SALES -BEER 164615 3/22/2011 50.00 LOKENSGARD, THOMAS OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164616 3/22/2011 10,849.00 LYNN TOWNSHIP CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164617 3/22/2011 104,249.05 MATHIOWETZ CONSTRUCTION IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 164618 3/22/2011 171.59 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 164619 3/22/2011 75.00 MCCORMICK, TRACI UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 164620 3/22/2011 10.00 MCLEOD COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANA REFUSE - RECYCLING 164621 3/22/2011 8,432.29 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 164622 3/22/2011 241.75 MCRAITH, JOHN OPERATING SUPPLIES 164623 3/22/2011 20.00 MEEKER COUNTY TREASURER DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 164624 3/22/2011 6,847.65 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL STREET MAINT.MATERIALS 164625 3/22/2011 198.22 MEHR, BRIAN TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 164626 3/22/2011 446.66 MENARDS HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 164627 3/22/2011 25.00 MESSAGE MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS 164628 3/22/2011 7,468.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH STATE WATER TESTING FEE 164629 3/22/2011 1,185.60 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH DIVIS LICENSES & TAXES 164630 3/22/2011 400.00 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG PERMITS 164631 3/22/2011 14,350.00 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG PERMITS 164632 3/22/2011 62.50 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164633 3/22/2011 25.00 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG PERMITS 164634 3/22/2011 234.90 MINNESOTA SHREDDING MISCELLANEOUS 164635 3/22/2011 849.00 MINNESOTA STATE HORTICULTURAL RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164636 3/22/2011 3,431.60 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164637 3/22/2011 193.87 MOORE, ERIC TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 164638 3/22/2011 40.00 NATIONAL TACTICAL OFFICER ASSN DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 164639 3/22/2011 496.00 NCPERS LIFE INS. ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE 164640 3/22/2011 200.00 NEWCOMB, LUCY OPERATING SUPPLIES 164641 3/22/2011 125.00 NORTH SHORE ANALYTICAL INC OTHER CONTRACTUAL 164642 3/22/2011 199.21 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 164643 3/22/2011 131.40 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC EQUIPMENT PARTS 164644 3/22/2011 3,925.05 NU- TELECOM COMMUNICATIONS 164645 3/22/2011 362.10 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164646 3/22/2011 188.77 OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOG COMMUNICATIONS 164647 3/22/2011 448.55 OVERHEAD DOOR OF ST.CLOUD INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164648 3/22/2011 25.00 PAFFEL, MARIANNE OTHER REVENUES 164649 3/22/2011 3,330.51 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 164650 3/22/2011 10,975.01 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 164651 3/22/2011 1,000.00 POLICE CENTRAL INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 164652 3/22/2011 50.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 164653 3/22/2011 2,973.04 PREMIER TECH PACKAGING RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164654 3/22/2011 70.00 PRINCE CORP RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164655 3/22/2011 1,333.80 PRO CARE SERVICES INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164656 3/22/2011 151.76 PRO -BUILD OPERATING SUPPLIES 164657 3/22/2011 28.32 QUADE ELECTRIC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 164658 3/22/2011 721.00 QUALITY CONTROL & INTEGRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164659 3/22/2011 5,252.08 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 164660 3/22/2011 75.50 R & R SPECIALTIES INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164661 3/22/2011 150.45 RBSCOTT EQUIPMENT RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164662 3/22/2011 5,578.48 READY WATT ELECTRIC MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 164663 3/22/2011 20.00 RUDELL, LINDA OTHER REVENUES 164664 3/22/2011 437.44 RUNNING'S SUPPLY UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 164665 3/22/2011 410.13 S & S PARTS LLC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164666 3/22/2011 1,099.90 SCHMELING OIL CO MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 164667 3/22/2011 114.17 SCHMIT, DAVID TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 164668 3/22/2011 11,813.45 SCHOOL DIST # 423 OTHER REVENUES 164669 3/22/2011 1,398.51 SCHWEISS BI -FOLD DOORS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164670 3/22/2011 64.20 SCOTT'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVIC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 164671 3/22/2011 23.80 SEBORA, MARC TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 164672 3/22/2011 231.16 SHAMROCK GROUP OPERATING SUPPLIES 164673 3/22/2011 137.87 SIMONSON LUMBER CO REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 164674 3/22/2011 36.40 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164675 3/22/2011 220.00 SOUTHWEST CHAPTER MSPE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 164676 3/22/2011 2,595.09 SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS 164677 3/22/2011 191.07 SQUEAKY'S GRILL & BAR MEETINGS 164678 3/22/2011 1,024.98 ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 164679 3/22/2011 234.06 STANDARD PRINTING PRINTING & PUBLISHING 164680 3/22/2011 498.56 STAPLES ADVANTAGE CLEANING SUPPLIES 164681 3/22/2011 179.63 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT OPERATING SUPPLIES 164682 3/2212011 29.95 SUBWAY WEST OPERATING SUPPLIES 164683 3/22/2011 29.42 TARGET BANK OPERATING SUPPLIES 164684 3/22/2011 81.25 TEK MECHANICAL RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164685 3/22/2011 512.73 THOMSON WEST OPERATING SUPPLIES 164686 3/22/2011 28.28 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION SAFETY SUPPLIES 164687 3/22/2011 52.90 TOWMASTER, INC. REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 164688 3/22/2011 24,154.50 TREBELHORN & ASSOC MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 164689 3/22/2011 106.55 TRI COUNTY WATER OPERATING SUPPLIES 164690 3/22/2011 3,388.00 TWIN CITY PALLETS INC. RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 164691 3/22/2011 533.08 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 164692 3/22/2011 57.71 UNCLE CHARLIE'S FLOWERS II MISCELLANEOUS 164693 3/22/2011 459.41 UNITED LABORATORIES CLEANING SUPPLIES 164694 3/22/2011 416.58 USA BLUE BOOK SMALL TOOLS 164695 3/22/2011 919.88 USPS- HASLER POSTAGE 164696 3/22/2011 13.73 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES LLC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 164697 3/22/2011 8,011.45 VIKING BEER CASE DEPOSITS 164698 3/22/2011 344.75 VIKING COCA COLA COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 164699 3/22/2011 2,595.00 VINOCOPIA INC COST OF SALES -WINE 164700 3/22/2011 18.00 VORLICEK, TINA OTHER REVENUES 164701 3/22/2011 913.28 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE - RECYCLING 164702 3/22/2011 7,20939 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN 164703 3/22/2011 15,614.01 WASTE MANAGEMENT - SPRUCE RIDGE 164704 3/22/2011 60.00 WELCOME NEIGHBOR 164705 3/22/2011 176.50 WINE MERCHANTS INC 164706 3/22/2011 22,207.44 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 164707 3/22/2011 177.55 WISCONSIN DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 164708 3/22/2011 40.00 WITTE, SARA 164709 3/22/2011 779.38 XEROX CORP 164710 3/22/2011 426.34 COMDATA CORPORATION 164711 3/22/2011 113.09 EBERT, PAT 164712 3/22/2011 980.00 HOLT TOUR & CHARTER 164713 3/22/2011 3,058.33 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 164714 3/22/2011 17.50 THORMAN, DICK 164715 3/22/2011 150.72 ZWILLING, TROY 824,828.26 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 824,828.26 Total Payments 824,828.26 REFUSE - LANDFILL CHARGES REFUSE - RECYCLING ADVERTISING COST OF SALES -WINE FREIGHT DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE COPY MACHINE OPERATING SUPPLIES TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE OTHER CONTRACTUAL UTILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL CAR ALLOWANCE - TRAVEL PAYROLL ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS PAYROLL DATE: 03/11/2011 Period Ending Date: 03/05/2011 $49,505.77 IRS - Withholding Tax Account Federal Withholding Employee /Employer FICA Employee /Employer Medicare $10,106.33 MN Department of Revenue State Withholding Tax $37,734.79 Public Employee Retirement Association Employee/Employer PERA/DCP Contributions $2,412.47 TASC Employee Flex Spending Deductions $5,801.07 TASC Employee Deductions & Employee Contribution to Health Savings Account $400.00 MNDCP Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $965.00 ING Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,230.00 ICMA Retirement Trust Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $693.58 MN Child Support System Employee Deductions $108,849.01 Total Electronic Funds Transfer (,q ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS COUNCIL MEETING 3/22/11 TAX FUND PAYABLETO AMOUNT FUEL RATS MN DEPT OF REV $2,985.68 SALES TAX LIQUOR MN DEPT OF REV $30,548.00 USE TAX PRCE CIVIC ARENA MN DEPT OF REV $972.00 SALES & USE TAX WATER SEWER CREEKSII MN DEPT OF REV $10,477.00 (,9 An Economic Development Authority MEMORANDUM Date: March 17, 2011 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council From: Miles R. Seppelt Economic Development Director RE: Update on Economic Development Strategy At the suggestion of the City Administrator and the Mayor, I will be in attendance at the March 22ntl City Council meeting to make a short presentation summarizing the city's economic development efforts. It was felt that, in light of the recently announced layoffs at HTI, that the public should be updated on the city's efforts to grow the local economy and create jobs. Enclosed is a short executive summery for your review. If you have any questions or need additional information, please give me a call at 2344223 at any time. sco-) City of Hutchinson Economic Development Executive Summary Prepared for Mayor & City Council Miles R. Seppelt Economic Development Director March 22, 2011 sco -) I. Hutchinson Technology. Inc. • Founded in 1965 • A key worldwide supplier of suspension assemblies for hard disk drives. • Two divisions: ✓ Disk Drive components ✓ Bio- measurement • Local employment peaked at more than 4,000 in late 1990's • Current employment is about 1,100 • About 500 will remain following current layoffs • HQ and R &D functions will remain in Hutchinson • Two main buildings: 320,700 sf and 160,800 sf II. Hutchinson's Economy ■ Industry Cluster: "Precision high -tech manufacturing" ✓ Ridgewater College provides key support ■ World -class companies ✓ 3M ✓ Hutchinson Technology, Inc. ✓ Hutchinson Manufacturing ✓ Goebel Fixture Company ✓ Impressions, Inc. ✓ Warrior Mfg. ✓ NuCrane Mfg. ✓ Customer Elation, Inc. ✓ Ohly III. Hutchinson Economic Development Strateey A. Business Retention & Expansion (BR & E) • Taking care of existing companies • Accounts for 80% + of job growth • Key resource for new company leads • Most cost effective, easiest way to grow economy B. Business Incubation • Newer strategy for Hutchinson • SBDC office just established • "Next Generation" small business incubator being planned C. Business Recruitment ■ Key is to have what companies are looking for: ✓ Land ✓ Building space ✓ Financing ✓ Labor ■ New industrial park on -line in 2010 ■ Significant recent success in business recruitment: (DEED played a key role in each project) ✓ Warrior Mfg. (2007) ➢ 38 employees @ $16 + per hour ➢ Trusses, towers, bridges, catwalks, etc. ➢ Planning 60,000 sf expansion in 2 -3 years ✓ Customer Elation, Inc. (2008) ➢ 143 employees @ $10 + per hour ➢ in -bound customer service call center ➢ Planning expansion ✓ NuCrane Mfg. (2010) ➢ 15 employees @ $17 + per hour ➢ Cranes for nuclear power plants (Westinghouse) ➢ Projecting 50 + employees within 18 months ➢ Award winning project: EDAM 2010 Business Recruitment Award P IV. Current Initiatives / Future Directions ■ "Shovel Ready" site certification for industrial park (DEED) ■ Preparing for Small Business Incubator project ✓ $600,000 cash & 3.09 acre lot earmarked ✓ Applying for $1 million+ grant from Federal EDA ✓ Seeking = $1.3 million in state bonding ■ Promoting development of a McLeod County EDA ■ Continuing efforts to diversify local economy s(�a-J Memorandum TO: Mayor and City C until FROM: Brenda K. Ewi an Resources Director RE: Adoption of Staff Recommendations per the Job Evaluation and Compensation Study Completed by Laumeyer Human Resources Solutions and Consideration of Resolution No. 13854 —A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 13828 - 2011 City of Hutchinson Compensation Plan DATE: March 16, 2011 At the February 22, 2011, Hutchinson City Council meeting, the Council approved the acceptance of the Job Classification and Compensation Report as presented by and submitted by Laumeyer Human Resources Solutions. At the meeting, it was indicated to the Council by City Administrator Carter that staff would place any specific recommendations from the study requiring Council action on a future meeting agenda. POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS The Job Evaluation portion of the study included the review of seventeen (17) regular positions included on the City Job Classification Table contained in the annual Compensation Plan. Upon review of the consultant's recommendations, it is the staff recommendation to implement a one grade upward reclassification for each of the positions noted, alphabetically, as follows: Staff Reclassification Position Title Current Grade Grade Recommendation Controller 30 11 Environmental Specialist 4 5 General Maintenance Worker (HATS) 2 3 Public Works Secretary 2 3 Utility Billing Specialist (FT & PT) 2 3 Per the City of Hutchinson Compensation Plan, the City Administrator and Human Resources Director may jointly approve a reclassification of a position provided the reclassification does not exceed two grades upward or two grades downward from the current pay grade. As a result, these actions do not require City Council consideration. With the upward reclassification of each position, the comp ratio for each employee will be adjusted downward. It is proposed that the adjusted compa ratio will be used when calculating the 2011 performance increase that is effective March 6, 2011. This adjustment equates to an increase of approximately $1,900.00 for the four positions that currently have incumbent employees (the Controller position is currently vacant). It is requested that the Council approve the amended 2011 Compensation Plan Document that includes the updated Position Classification Table that incorporates and illustrates the position grade changes. MARKET ADJUSTMENTS As Laumeyer Human Resources Solutions reported at the February 22 Council meeting, the market study information indicates that the City pay rates for positions compare favorably with the identified external market. It was communicated to staff by the consultant that a 10% market variance for public sector positions is the norm, but for critical positions, the accepted norm is 5 %. The market information indicates that the position of City Administrator at the City of Hutchinson is 11.88% below the market. To address this imbalance and to bring the position of City Administrator within an appropriate relationship to the market norm, it is recommended that the pay rate for the incumbent in the position (Jeremy Carter) be increased to the market rate of $56.193 (hourly equivalent) or to an annual rate of $116,887.68. This would result in a 0% variance from the market rate indicated in the study. If the increase is granted effective as of March 6, 2011, the budget impact for the remainder of 2011 is approximately $4,000.00. It is requested that the Council consider the adjustment of the pay rate of the City Administrator to the identified market rate as indicated, previously. If you have any questions regarding this information and the recommendations included herein, staff will be at the Council meeting on March 22. Encl. 1. Resolution No. 13854 t" RESOLUTION NO. 13854 CITY OF HUTCHINSON AMENDED 2011 COMPENSATION PLAN RESOLUTION ADOPTING AMENDED POSITION CLASSIFICATION ASSIGNMENT TABLE DUE TO POSITION RECLASSIFICATIONS EFFECTIVE MARCH 23, 2011 WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the existing classification of positions for the City of Hutchinson and the current economic conditions, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Position Classification Plan is hereby adopted. All positions covered by this Resolution shall be grouped in grades having a definite range of difficulty and responsibility. For each position there shall be a title; and there shall be shown examples of work which are illustrative of duties of positions, as well as requirements as to knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for performance of the work; and a statement of experience and training desirable for recruitment into a position. A. Plan Obiectives To establish and maintain a compensation plan that enables the City of Hutchinson to be highly competitive within our defined market. To lead or exceed the market in attracting and retaining qualified, reliable and motivated employees who are committed to quality and excellence for those we serve. To ensure, subject to the financial condition of the City, that employees receive fair and equitable compensation in relation to their individual contributions to the City's success. To follow the principles of pay equity in establishing and maintaining pay relationships among positions based on the categories of the Stanton Point Factor System. To ensure program flexibility necessary to meet changing economic, competitive, technological, and regulatory conditions encountered by the City. To balance compensation and benefit needs with available resources. B. Plan Structure The compensation plan specifies salary range minimums and maximums. The intent of each salary grade is to fall within 80 % and 115 % of identified market for positions within the grade. (See Attachment B) Each numbered pay grade in the basic table consists of the following: 1. Salary Minimum: The lowest amount paid to an employee in a specific job grade or class. No employee will receive less than the minimum rate. (80% of market) 2. Salary Mid - point: The middle of the salary range. (97.5% of market) 3. Market Rate: The market rate represents the competitive rate for an employee who is fully functional within their current position. (100 %) 4. Salary Maximum: The difference between the salary market rate and the salary maximum represents merit pay for employee performance above that expected of a 1 (,) 6) particular job. No employee will be paid above the maximum of the salary range. (115% of market). C. Open Salary Range The City shall adopt an open Salary Range compensation plan that will allow for maximum flexibility and in -rage salary administration since there are not defined or pre - calculated "steps ". Employee movement within the pay grade range to which their position is assigned is based solely on performance. The open salary range concept rewards good and exceptional performers and advances employees to the market rate more quickly. (See item H. [4]) D. Position Classification Assignment The assignment table shall assign all of the various positions in the Position Classification Plan to the appropriate pay grade (See Attachment A). The City Administrator and Human Resources Director may jointly approve a reclassification of a position provided the reclassification does not exceed two grades upward or two grades downward from the current pay grade. To initiate consideration of this type of reclassification, the department director shall submit in writing the specific reasons for the reclassification. Any changes to the classification of a position of more than two pay grades shall be approved by the City Council. Requests for reclassification are normally brought before the Council each January, and at other times of the year, as needed. To initiate such a reclassification request, the department director shall submit a written request for consideration to the City Administrator and the Human Resources Director. The request shall include a description of significant or considerable changes to the position that warrant a reclassification. The City Administrator and Human Resources Director will determine if the reclassification request is to be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. E. Allocation Of New Positions When a new position is created for which no appropriate description exists or when the duties of an existing position are sufficiently changed so that no appropriate description exists, the City Council, after recommendation of the Human Resources Director, shall cause an appropriate job description - specification to be written for said position. F. Pay Grades 1. Exempt Employees Each position is assigned a pay grade. The normal beginning rate for a new employee will be the minimum rate. After satisfactory completion of twelve months probation, an increase may be granted as warranted by the annual performance appraisal. Thereafter, consideration for increases will be given annually on a standardized date established by the City. The City Administrator reserves the discretion to adjust individual rates within the assigned pay grades as required. The Council will determine any pay increase for the City Administrator. Consideration for market adjustment for all pay grades will be made each January 1. C) 1_(�_) 2. Non - Exempt Employees Each position is assigned a pay grade. The normal beginning rate for a new employee will be the minimum rate. After satisfactory completion of twelve months probation, an increase may be granted as warranted by the annual performance appraisal. Thereafter, consideration for increases will be given annually on a standardized date established by the City. The City Administrator reserves the discretion to adjust individual rates within the assigned pay grades as required. Consideration for market adjustment for all pay grades will be made each January 1. 3. Police Patrol Positions The position of full time police patrol officer is assigned to Grade 5 on the pay plan. Temporary assignments will be made from these positions as needed for the investigative function for the department. With said assignment, there will be an additional $200.00 per month premium on top of the employee's patrol officer pay grid assignment. 4. Part-Time Liquor Store Clerk, Part -Time Custodial and Part -Time Compost Site Monitor Positions The part-time positions of liquor store clerk, custodian, and compost site monitor have been placed in separate pay plans that recognize the specific industry labor markets in which they work. The City Administrator and the Human Resources Director, as directed by the Administrator, shall maintain the discretion to hire at any point within the range based on the qualifications, experience, market conditions or other relevant factors, to secure the best candidate for the position. G. Anarenticeshio Proaram The City has implemented an apprenticeship program for those Water and Wastewater Department positions subject to identified employee development including required licensures /demonstrated skills, experience /longevity, and maturation in a position that directly affect the department's ability to deliver municipal services. H. Performance Evaluations 1. For all regular full time and part time employees, a performance appraisal or evaluation will be made on, at minimum, an annual basis and per city policy No. 3.08. An evaluation made by the employee's supervisor shall be submitted in writing to the employee and to the City Administrator /Human Resources Director. All evaluations will be forwarded to Human Resources for filing in the employee files. 2. Evaluations shall be based upon the performance of the individual in the position measured against established job performance criteria. Such criteria may include level of knowledge, skills, ability, and quality of work, personal work traits, compliance with established City or departmental rules and regulations or any other criteria that is indicative of performance. Io(-P-) 3. The performance appraisal process is the application of performance standards to past performance. In appraising an employee, these are the basic levels of performance: Outstanding - Performance is exceptional in all areas and is recognizable as being far superior to others. Exceeds Job Requirements - Results clearly exceed most positions requirements. Performance is of high quality and is achieved on a consistent basis. Meets Job Requirements - Competent and dependable level of performance. Meets performance standards of the job. Needs Improvement - Performance is deficient in certain area(s). Improvement is necessary. Unsatisfactory - Results are generally unacceptable and require immediate improvement. 4. Results The results of the employee's evaluation will normally have the following effect on his /her salary per the following Merit Increase Guide: Merit Increase Guide for Open Salary Ranges Achievement level 'Compa -ratio refers to the location of the individual in the range relative to the market. Merit/performance increases for eligible regular full time and regular part time employees will be effective on the first date of the first full pay period commencing on or after March 1, except for newly hired employees. For 2011, the effective date is Sunday, March 6, 2010. New employees are eligible for consideration for a merit/performance increase after one year of continuous employment, generally, the first year anniversary date. In subsequent years, eligible employees will receive the merittperformance increase as specked previously. 5. Market Conditions Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, the City Council retains the right to deviate from the pay plan when, in the sole judgment of the City Council, market conditions or other circumstances dictate such a decision. ) () 0 to 1.1 to 2.0 to 2.76 to 3.51 to 4.26 to Comoa- Ratio* 1_0 1.99 2.75 3_5 4.25 5_0 80.0-84.9 0% 0% 4% 5% 6% 7% 85.0-89.9 0% 0% 4% 5% 6% 7% 90.0-94.9 0% 0% 3% 4% 5% 6% 95.0-99.9 0% 0% 2% 3% 4% 5% 100.0 — 104.9 0% 0% 0% 2% 3% 4% 105.0 — 109.9 0% 0% 0% 1 % 2% 3% 110.0 — 115.0 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 3% 'Compa -ratio refers to the location of the individual in the range relative to the market. Merit/performance increases for eligible regular full time and regular part time employees will be effective on the first date of the first full pay period commencing on or after March 1, except for newly hired employees. For 2011, the effective date is Sunday, March 6, 2010. New employees are eligible for consideration for a merit/performance increase after one year of continuous employment, generally, the first year anniversary date. In subsequent years, eligible employees will receive the merittperformance increase as specked previously. 5. Market Conditions Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, the City Council retains the right to deviate from the pay plan when, in the sole judgment of the City Council, market conditions or other circumstances dictate such a decision. ) () The City Administrator and Human Resources Director maintain final approval responsibility for salary increases. I. Annual Market Adjustment Consideration The Wage Committee recommends an annual market adjustment, expressed as a percentage increase, to the City Directors for review and to the City Council for review and approval. The amount approved, if any, is applied to the wages of all eligible employees on the first payroll day of the year. Eligible employees include all regular full time and regular part time employees except those who have been subject to disciplinary action per Section 30 of the City of Hutchinson Employee Handbook — Personnel Policy as follows: An additional consequence of disciplinary action more seven: than level a - oral reprimand — will be the permanent loss of the January 1 market adjustment in the calendar year following such disciplinary action. This will occur unless the director in charge and the City Administrator decide otherwise. Any market adjustment on January 1 of any year shall be separate and apart from the individual anniversary increases. In determining a recommendation for an annual market adjustment, the wage committee shall consider, at least the following information: 1. U.S., Midwest, and Minneapolis /St. Paul consumer price index changes (CPIU & CPIW) 2. Social Security calculation of cost of living increase 3. Unemployment rate 4. Employee turnover rate 5. Area wage survey 6. Legislative growth factor constraints J. Modification of the Plan The City Council reserves the right to modify any or all of the components or to vary from any of the components of the Compensation Plan at its discretion and at any time. K. Review of the Plan As often as necessary to assure continued correct classification, the Position Classification Plan shall be reviewed by the Human Resources Director and necessary adjustments recommended to the City Council. It is recommended that a comprehensive review be completed at least every three years. L. Filing of the Plan Upon adoption of the Resolution, a copy of the Position Classification Plan approved by the City Council shall be placed on file with the City Administrator. The plan so filed and subsequently adjusted by the Council shall be the Position Classification Plan of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON That the following table is hereby adopted as the City Position Classification Assignment Table, to be reviewed from time to time, assigning the various positions in the Position `oCQ.) Classification Plan to the appropriate pay grades in the table. Pay grades for regular part time (PT) positions are assigned according to job responsibilities at the discretion of the City Administrator and Human Resources Director. b(9) City of Hutchinson Amended Position Classification Table March 2011 .de Position Title Grade Position Title 1 PT Office Specialist (Event Center) 5 Environmental Specialist PT Water Maintenance Worker Event Center Coordinator PT Compost Scale Operator Executive Assistant/ Paralegal PT Custodian (Fire Station /Library /Event Center) GIS Specialist Information Technology Specialist 2 Permit Technician (vacant) Lead Compost Equipment Operator PT Administrative Technician Police Officer (FT /PT) PT Human Resources Technician Sales & Marketing Specialist PT Liquor Sales Clerk Senior Engineering Specialist PT Licensing Clerk Senior Wastewater Operator PT Meter Technician Natural Resources Specialist PT Senior Office Specialist (PRCE & W /WW) Public Works Maintenance Specialist 6 Recreation Services Coordinator 3 Administrative Secretary (Engineering) 8 Building Official Administrative Secretary (Public Works) Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrar Arena /Civic Center Maintenance Specialist Parks Supervisor Compost Equipment Operator Police Sergeant Compost Operations Specialist Recreation Facilities Operations Manager General Maintenance Worker (City Center /Event Center) General Maintenance Worker (HATS) 10 Police Lieutenant Heavy Equipment Operator Wastewater Superintendent Police Records Specialist Water Superintendent Police Supplemental Services Specialist Parks Maintenance Equipment Operator 11 Compost Manager Planning Coordinator Controller Senior Liquor Sales Clerk Public Works Manager Water Plant Operator Wastewater Services Operator 12 Economic Development Director Senior Accounting Specialist Fire Chief FT /PT Utility Billing Specialist Human Resources Director IT Director 4 Accountant Liquor Sales Manager Emergency Dispatcher (FT /PT) Planning Director Engineering Specialist Equipment Mechanic 14 Police Chief /Emergency Management Director Lab Technician /WW Operator PRCE Director Parks Maintenance Specialist Payroll /Benefits Specialist 16 City Attorney Police Investigations Specialist Public Works Director /City Engineer Plant Equipment Mechanic II Senior Public Works Maintenance Specialist 19 City Administrator Attachment A I L%�-) City of Hutchinson 2011 Compensation Plan - Pay Grid (0% increase) Mid -Pt. Mid -Pt. Market Market Grade 80% 80% 97.5% 97.5% 100% 100% 115% 115% J ' 19 $7,143 $41.212 $8,706 $50.227 $8,929 $51.514 $10,268 $59.242 18 $6,883 $39.712 $8,389 $48.398 $8,604 $49.639 $9,895 $57.085 17 $6,623 $38.212 $8,072 $46.570 $8,279 $47.764 $9,521 $54.929 16 $6,362 $36.707 $7,754 $44.736 $7,953 $45.884 $9,146 $52.766 15 $6,102 $35.202 $7,436 $42.903 $7,627 $44.003 $8,771 $50.603 14 $5,842 $33.702 $7,119 $41.075 $7,302 $42.128 $8,397 $48.447 13 $5,581 $32.198 $6,802 $39.241 $6,976 $40.247 $8,022 $46284 12 $5,321 $30.698 $6,485 $37.413 $6,651 $38.372 $7,649 $44.128 11 $5,058 $29.184 $6,165 $35.568 $6,323 $36.480 $7,271 $41.951 10 $4,798 $27.684 $5,848 $33.739 $5,998 $34.605 $6,898 $39.795 9 $4,538 $26.179 $5,530 $31.906 $5,672 $32.724 $6,523 $37.632 8 $4,277 $24.674 $5,212 $30.072 $5,346 $30.843 $6,148 $35.469 7 $4,017 $23.174 $4,895 $28.244 $5,021 $28.968 $5,774 $33.313 6 $3,756 $21.670 $4,578 $26.410 $4,695 $27.087 $5,399 $31.150 5 $3,494 $20.156 $4,258 $24.565 $4,367 $25.195 $5,022 $28.974 4 $3,235 $18.665 $3,943 $22.748 $4,044 $23.331 $4,651 $26.831 3 $2,974 $17.156 $3,624 $20.909 $3,717 $21.445 $4,275 $24.661 2 $2,713 $15.651 $3,306 $19.075 $3,391 $19.564 $3,900 $22.498 1 $2,452 $14.146 $2,988 $17.241 $3,065 $17.683 $3,525 $20.335 PT Custodian $12.34 $15.04 $15.43 $17.74 PT Liquor Store Clerk $9.36 $11.41 $11.70 $13.46 PT Compost Monitor $8.78 $10.71 $10.98 $12.63 This Resolution authorizes staff to change 2011 budget appropriations to reflect rate changes. vh Adopted by the City Council this a $ _ day of 2010. (This Replaces Resolution No. 13780 ) Steven W. Cook, Mayor Attachment B ATTEST: � GAL Gary Iotz, CGary Y(A nis atorni ator 7 Adopted by the City Council this day of , 2011. (This replaces Resolution No. 13828) Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter, City Administrator I U4, MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board February 7, 2011 Members present were Jim Waldron, Byron Bettenhausen, Elizabeth Hanninen, Eric Opland, Mike Retterath, Jay Bartholomew, John Rodeberg and Mary Christensen. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by John Rodeberg and seconded by Mary Christensen to approve the minutes dated January 3, 2011. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS 2011 Park & Recreation Budget — PRCE needs to generate an additional $27,000 to meet the 2011 budget. Operating costs have been reduced by $240,000 since 2003 and revenues have increased by $260,000. John will meet with the Senior Advisory Board to review recent changes in hours of operation and the 10% reduction in staff hours at the Event/Senior Center. Parks, recreation and administration areas have also been reduced in hours of operation and in staff. Ameresco Project — Lighting work has begun at the Event Center. Light fixtures are being replaced with energy efficient fixtures. The Civic Arena and Recreation Center will also be upgraded with energy efficient lighting. The Civic Arena gas usage is down 4.37% since 2006 while electric usage increased 1.94% from 2009 -2010, but is down .6% over the past five years. The projects are expected to take 95 -100 days from start to finish. The City has undertaken the task of reducing gas and electrical costs in many of the city's buildings. NEW BUSINESS Comprehensive Plan 2011 — The Board received a copy of the Comprehensive Goal Statements for Parks and Recreation/Community Education. Members were asked to rank the statements from one to ten in order of importance. The Board, PRCE staff and the Task Force will be reviewing the statements. Six park items and four Recreation/Community Education items will be identified and strategies will be built around them along with resources. Program Update — Winter /Spring program participant registration numbers were reviewed. There's an increasing interest in programming for pre - school aged children. Examples include swim lessons, gymnastics, wrestling, basketball and soccer. Adult volleyball team registrations are down by 12 from the fall season. Ski Club participation remains steady with 53 registered this year, there are names on the wait list due to bus size limitations. Les Kouba Parkway — The cost to continue the bituminous surface west along Les Kouba Parkway past Riverside and Masonic West River Park would be approximately $400,000. The City received $80,000 compensation from MNDOT for the acquisition of city land taken for the Highway 15 and 7 Project. The funds are currently in the Parkland Dedication Fund. The project is on the list for 2011 at this time. School Road will be reconstructed this year from Highway 7 north to Golf Course Road. Sidewalks and trails will be installed on the west side of School Road. (ILO-) MINUTES PRCE Advisory Board February 7, 2011 Page two Annual Report March — The March meeting will be at the City Council Chambers March 7th. PRCE staff will be presenting accomplishments from 2010, reviewing the number of participants served and establishing goals for 2011. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Elizabeth Hanninen questioned why there isn't a varsity gymnastic team. Dolf said that the cost of equipment and a shortage of storage space were probably factors. Jim Waldron recommended that she speak to Paul Szymanski who is the High School Athletic Director. Byron Bettenhausen told the Board that he was at a basketball tournament at the Rec Center in January and wanted to commend Raquel Bushman for having a very organized tournament. The games were on time and the concessions stand was set up well. John Rodeberg told the Board that he, along with other RiverSong board members are considering installing a permanent stage with a canvas canopy in Masonic /West River Park for use during RiverSong, the Jaycee Water Carnival and possibly Relay for Life. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm by a motion made by Byron Bettenhausen and seconded by Mary Christensen. The Board unanimously agreed. klm I16) I s Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, January I8, 20117:00 AM Minaret 1. CALL T Hansmn, 2 , CONSIDERATION OF MINIJTB3 OFTHE REGULAR BOARD 1 FINANlbIAL REPOkT3 • Laver Judy Fkmmvtg: 4. CONISIIMM tAITONOFRE' 4E? LIJnQN #1t,lTOAPPkGVEMUEAGRUMBURSI48W' S. 6 unanlenously: CITY OF HUTCHINSON Joel Ktaft rwved to ap mavt Ute dW atietY of $30, 000 "ei'ttry cast assists allaeatim fix 201! and to M 8' 155 MILWAUKEE AVE UPDATE Jean Ward gam the Board a rehab progress mpart and suggested that th* Baardd take a tour of dw home next mcmtb,. January 14, 2611 minuten I�(, El AND. REHAB OF`92S STEVENS, JANUARY 201. 2011 Joel Kraft moved to approve fte; unanimogsly, ON ORMORE 10. OTHER -_FYI: & Pares %sure Updato b, FYI - Mortgage: Safe Act Lieensino Exemption filed with the -Nationwide Mortgage Licensing sy*111(NW-4) e, Postcard scot to NE Neighborhood residems d. 2Q1I Fcdetal Tayi Credits for Consumer Energy EtBeit My e, H= hbmnHR A Board , ofCommissionersatdStaffinfonnationakshed II. AWOURMENT LaVonuc Ranson nave for adlournmeaL There being no other busi mn% ChWrMM Boaicg Felling declared the meeting adjourned: Recorded by Jean Ward; IiRA Eiteeutive Director 1�aVaiiusin Hasse Seetetaryffreasuter ]anyary 10,201LMinutes PaP 2 of 7r 1„ CAf:.1..TO 2. 3. 4. 9« 6. f'ARA HuY *o" HwekR Ride a!Aultk * ReVAv Bmcl MeetinB'Tu+es&y.. Febtary 15, 2011, 7.00, AX Moat" 18 2011 obugWat Stoaectat.decl med to gogoti4a u�tlt tf Bal Arndt comnmted dwk Marc Seftom Cate 7. NONEIGHBORHOOD JoelKm !$movedtoappove,NEKSCDPLomts #86.83- 12Carlaoa and #8683 -llft ao'contingtmtto LovARgMwCommuwsappwvaL LuAm Holmquist sawnded , and t6emotiWc=0& unanimously S. CONSIDERATION QF HRA YEAR END REPORT t FeUvary M ZOIt MMW" I /�� Bill Arndt moved to apptovc tM HRA Year End Report. LuAxm HotM quist "waded andtl►e mOtiat carried unanimously, a c�� a b4 a., 10. ADIOUR MFNr Bill Arndt:moved tbr'adjousnment andLuhnu Holmquist seaonded: `I]it beingmo odwbusi iees,, Chairman Becky FoUing declared the meeting a4outaad` This Board touni 755 MitWaukft AvdMm SW- 404,925 SWIM Street SW.: Recorded by lam Ward; HRA Exwabvo Dkvctor Lam==HatmSaaxa yFTieasww February 15,20lt Mbnft$ Pag2of2 4/, (J) Planning, Zoning, and Building Dept. Monthly Report February 2011 Building Department Permit Activities Planning, Zoning, and Building Department— Other Activities Facilities Management/Maintenance Activities: Evergreen Meals served in February, 2011 Park Week Of Hutchinson Towers 2/2010 Glencoe 2010 Yearto Date Brownton Stewart Total Number Inspections 211/ -2/4 158 131 Building Permits Issued by Type Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Commercial new 0 0 0 0 Commercial Additions/ Remodels 2—$19,395 6 - $20,800 11 - $746,895 12-$75,000 Industrial new 0 0 0 0 Industrial Additions /Remodels 0 0 0 0 Fire Sprinkling 1—$8,000 1 -$134,800 1-$8,000 1 - $134,800 Total New Residential Units (Single Family, twins, townhomes) 0 0 0 0 Residential misc. additions, repairs, remodels etc 4-$14,525 4-$6,500 6 - $18,525 14-$73,500 Set fee permits reside, reroof, window replacement, misc.)' 8 9 14 19 HRA Building Permits 1 3 1 Subtotal Building Permits: $41,920 $162,000 $773,420 $ 283,300 Mechanical 17- $110,000 23-$36,000 26 - $128,000 33-$60,531 Plumbing* 6 4 8 7 Signs* 2 10 3 16 Total Permits issued and valuation 40 - $151,920 58 - $198,100 69 -$901,420 103 - $343,831 Set fees not included in valuation Planning, Zoning, and Building Department— Other Activities Facilities Management/Maintenance Activities: Evergreen Meals served in February, 2011 Park Week Of Hutchinson Towers Silver Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 211/ -2/4 158 131 581 127 29 31 217 -2111 234 167 91 154 49 53 2114 -2/18 219 170 64 174 33 51 2/21 -2/25 115 133 60 134 29 39 2/28- 31 32 12 32 3 10 Total 7571 633 285 6211 1431 184 Total Meals served in February - 2,623 Sites were closed February 21 Other Building Inspection Activities: Attended the Annual Building Institute, attended several meetings regarding 400 Lynn Rd SW and Completed a walk thru preliminary inspection for an HRA project. Planning, Zoning, and Building Dept. Monthly Report for February, 2011 Page 2 Planning and Zoning Monthly Activities MonthNear: February, 2011 Activity Number Additional Info. Zoning Review of Building Permits 1 Turret Demolition at 1209 Lewis Ave SW Zoning Review of Sign permits 10 Kwik Trip signage Lillians signage Smoke 4 Less signage Havemeier Accounting signage Sandwich board renewals Planning /Zoning Applications Provided 4 with 3 amendments to the Garden Centers at: Zoning Ordinance Runnings Walmart Shopko The Plant Place at Cashwise Predevelopment Meetings/ 3 Runnings, Walmart, Shopko CUP's. Pre - application Assistance Planning Commission Applications Processed 0 Joint Planning Applications 1 Conditional use permit in Judson Reviewed and Processed Woods Zoning Enforcement Customer Elations — traffic using 1 Arch Street instead of 5'" Ave. Misc. Meetings Attended 13 Department Staff meetings, Resource Allocation, Library, Lutheran Social Services /Evergreen, HVAC meeting, 400 Lynn Rd., Bunch Foundation Awards Ceremony, Public Arts Commission, Joint Planning Board, Sensible Land Use Coalition, Permit Tech Interviews, Planning Staff meeting, Depot meeting Special Activities: Attended the Sensible Land Use Coalition meeting MINUTES HUTCHINSON AREA JOINT PLANNING BOARD Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Hutchinson City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Lauer at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Tom Wirt, Larry Karg, Garrett Luthens, Bill Arndt and Chairman Lauer. Absent: Grant Knutson Also present: Larry Gasow, McLeod County Zoning Administrator, Dan Jochum, Planning Director, Marc Sebora, City Attorney, Marc Telecky, McLeod County Assistant Zoning Administrator and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. OATH OF OFFICE OF NEW JOINT PLANNING BOARD MEMBER BILL ARNDT 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Consideration of Minutes dated October 20, 2010. Mr. Karg made a motion to approve the minutes of October 20, 2010. Seconded by Mr. Wirt, the motion carried unanimously. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DETACHED GARAGE IN THE FRONT YARD LOCATED IN ACOMA TOWNSHIP, SECTION 25, JUDSON WOODS, AT 19398 JUDSON CIRCLE REQUESTED BY ALLAN TRAUTMAN Chairman Lauer opened the hearing at 5:32 p.m. with the reading of publication #7858 published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, February 3, 2011. Mr. Telecky explained the request is for a conditional use permit to construct a 36' x 32' detached garage on the west property line slightly in front of the house. The placement of the garage will not create a safety issue for site lines and it will meet the front yard setback. There is a row of trees on the west side of the lot that provide some screening for the property to the west. The site is a rural residential building site. The trees to the rear of the property and layout of the lot make it difficult to construct a structure in the rear yard. Mr. Telecky stated the staff has no objections to the request and would recommend approval with the following recommendations: 1. The structure must meet required setbacks. Ms. Jan Hallman, 19432 Judson Circle, owner of the property located on the west side of the Trautman property, asked about the appearance of the garage. Mr. Trautman explained there will be vinyl siding and the house will be painted to match. He stated there will be windows on the back of the garage. Ms. Trautman explained there will be ow) Minutes Joint Planning Board — February 16, 2011 Page 2 matching siding on the house in the future. There was discussion on the bushes and tree placement on the yard. The Trautman's explained some pine trees will be removed for the garage. Mr. Trautman stated the garage will be placed approximately 10' from the property line. Mr. Arndt moved to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr.Luthens, the hearing closed at 5:39 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Karg, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Telecky stated this item would be forwarded to the County Board and placed on their consent agenda, Feb 22, 2011. 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. OLD BUSINESS COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF a) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE Mr. Jochum updated the Board on the comprehensive plan review process. He commented on the work plan and the timeline schedule. He explained the need for the 2010 demographics. A 10 — 12 member steering committee will be established from existing community commission groups. Mr. Jochum explained there will be a community survey, public open houses and workshops and topical meetings before a public hearing is held to adopt the plan. He would urge people to get involved. A member from the Joint Planning board should be on the steering committee. There could be possibly 12 meetings over 16 months. The City Council will look at the slate of committee members and approve the list. The steering committee will meet the first part of March. Monthly progress reports will be sent by email. Mr. Jochum stated he is willing to meet with the townships to keep them informed. Implementation is important. Mr. Luthens stated he would be willing to represent the Joint Planning Board on the steering committee. Chairman Lauer appointed Mr. Luthens to be the Joint Planning Representative. b) Mr. Jochum reported there is a Board of Equalization meeting scheduled for the Council Chambers on April 20`". He stated the April Joint Planning meeting will have to be changed to a different time or day if there are agenda items that month. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, on a motion by Mr. Arndt, seconded by Mr. Wirt, the meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. I I (j) 0 4. 5. MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Hutchinson City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Chris Kovacic, Christie Rock, Jim Fahey, Chad Czmowski, Dean Kirchoff and Chairman Lofdahl. Absent: Dave Johnston Also present: Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT AGENDA a) Consideration of Minutes dated November 16, 2010 Ms. Rock moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Czmowski. The consent agenda was approved unanimously PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING PROPERTY AT 1105 5T" AVENUE S.W. FROM R -1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO 1 -1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT) FOR RECYCLABLE MATERIAL COLLECTION CENTER REQUESTED BY MCLEOD COUNTY, PROPERTY OWNER Chairman Lofdahl opened the hearing at 5:33 p.m. with the reading of publication #7850 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on December 9, 2010. Ms. Baumetz commented on the request by McLeod County to rezone property from R -1 to 1 -1. She stated the property is surrounded by Industrial zoning and 1 -1 zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan which guides the parcel as Industrial and the intent of the 1 -1 zoning district in the Zoning Ordinance. The parcel is adjacent to the Household Hazardous Waste facility and is proposed to be developed as an industrial use. Rezoning would allow the proposed use to be developed as an industrial use. The property owner will return for a conditional use permit to allow a recyclable material collection center on the property. There are staff items that may be discussed further at the time of the conditional use permit request and site plan review. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Ed Homan, Household Hazardous Waste Facility, reported he is not sure of the timing for the recyclable material collection center. He explained the County Board is determining if the collection center should be outdoor storage or in a building. Mr. Fahey made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Rock, the hearing closed at 5:40 p.m. Mr. Kirchoff made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff findings. Seconded by Mr. Fahey, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Baumetz stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held December 28, 2010 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. NEW BUSINESS I I It) Minutes Planning Commission - December 21, 2010 Page 2 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF a) Chairman Lofdahl commented on the class he took on -line through the League of Minnesota Cities. He explained it took approximately 45 minutes and was a good refresher course for planning commission members. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. I I L�2�