cp09-28-2010 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Faith Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 Action — Motion to approve as presented 6. CONSENTAGENDA a ( Purpose: onl yforitemsrequiringCouncil approval byexternalentitiesthatwouldotherwise ve een delegated to t e City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13788 — RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13789 — RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION AND DONATION OF FORFEITED VEHICLES 3. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0557 —AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 152— SHORELAND MANAGEMENT; SECTION 152.007, DEFINITIONS; SECTION 152.041, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT; SECTION 152.108, VARIANCES WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 4. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0660 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0551 ESTABLISHING A CREEKSIDE RENEWABLES ADVISORY BOARD (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR OCTOBER 12, 2010) (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN REVIEW TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF SECOND ORDER POINT FOR THE DRIVE -THRU AT MCDONALD - S RESTAURANT LOCATED AT 1098 WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13790) 2. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 154— ZONING; SECTION 154.004, DEFINITIONS, SECTION 154.136, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNS; SECTION 154.138, PROHIBITED SIGNS WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0661 FOR OCTOBER 12, 2010) 3. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, FINAL PLAT OF CROWN ADDITION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A DAY CARE AND THERAPY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 FACILITY LOCATED IN THE CROWN ADDITION PLAT WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13791) (c) APPOINTMENTS TO ADVISORY BOARDS ♦ CREEKSIDE RENEWABLES ADVISORY BOARD - BOB ANDERSON TO OCTOBER 2011 - MARION FILK AND BRANDON FRASER TO OCTOBER 2012 - BOB PETERSON, NATHAN WINTERS AND JULIE NEUBARTH TO OCTOBER 2013 • PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD - JOHN RODEBERG TO AUGUST 2013 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF EXTENDING LIFTING PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON SCHOOL ROAD SW BETWEEN ALAN STREET SW AND LAKEVIEW LANE SW (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING HEARING ON PROPOSED REVISED ASSESSMENT (ADAMS STREET /WASHINGTON AVENUE PROJECT) (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CLOSING 1 sT AVENUE SE ON OCTOBER 30, 2010, FOR MONSTER MASH EVENT (g) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) DISCUSSION RELATING TO A PROJECT ON BEHALF OF HUTCHINSON SENIOR CARE SERVICES; GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS RELATING THEREIN (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13793) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 8. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise po icy. A ways oo ing toward t e uture,not monitoring past) (a) DISCUSSION OF HUTCHINSON CITY CODE CHAPTER 93 — DOGS AND CATS (DEE VAN KLEY) Action — (b) DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED 2011 SCHOOL ROAD NW PROJECT STATUS Action — (c) DISCUSSION OF WATER AND WASTEWATER ENTERPRISE FUND RATE STUDY STATUS Action - a (a) UPDATE ON SEPTEMBER 27, 2010 POLICE COMMISSION REVIEW OF POLICE DEPARTMENT POSITIONS FOR LAYOFF AND CONSIDERATION OF LAYOFF RECOMMENDATION Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CHANGES TO HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE BYLAWS 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 13794 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REVISED PRE -SALE REPORT FOR $4,825,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENTS BONDS, SERIES 2010C AND CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REFUNDING SERIES 2004A Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 11. GOVERNANCE ( Purpose.• to assesspastorganizationalperformance, developpolicythatguides the organization and Councie the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM AUGUST 17, 2010 (b) JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM JUNE 16, 2010 (c) PLANNING /ZONING /BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JULYAND AUGUST 2010 12. MISCELLANEOUS 13. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Steve Cook ca e t e meeting to order. Members present were Bill Arndt, Jim Haugen, Eric Yost, and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION — Rev. Pilgrim, Faith Lutheran Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS John Sawyer, 415 Rose Lane, presented before the Council. Mr. Sawyer raised issues with the City's policy on its water shut -off policy due to delinquent bills. Todd Grina, 19719 Sioux Hills Road, presented before the Council. Mr. Grina spoke on the proposed reductions to City staff. He spoke in support of not making reductions in the areas of public safety, such as the police department and fire department. Mr. Grina specifically spoke to the reductions being made in the police department. He spoke in dissension of reducing the positions of community service officer and administrative secretary. He believes that the procedure followed was not adequate with the Police Civil Service Commission. He believes that the selection of the positions was not fair. Mr. Grina noted that he feels it appears that the Police Civil Service Commission is not in agreement as well. 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 2010 (b) SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 31, 2010 Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: onlyfor items requiriy Council approval by external entities that would otherwise ave een a egate to a City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13779 - RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (5 AVENUE SE — "TRAIL CROSSING"; LES KOUBA PARKWAY — "SPEED LIMIT -10 MPH" AND "STOP ") 2. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0555 — AN ORDINANCE REZONING PROPERTY FROM R -1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO R -2 (MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) AND MXD (MIXED USE DISTRICT) LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF COURSE ROAD REQUESTED BY RANDY ANDERSON, KIDS INC. WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 3. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0556 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 54 — STORMWATER MANAGEMENT; SECTION 54.02, DEFINITIONS WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 4. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0558 - AN ORDINANCE REVISING SECTION 112.088 — HOURS AND DAYS OF LIQUOR SALES (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE TO HUTCHINSON HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ON JANUARY 29, 2011, AT THE AMERICAN LEGION 5 b-) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 (c) BOARD APPOINTMENTS - APPOINTMENT OF AUDREY HOLLATZ TO PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION TO AUGUST 2012 - APPOINTMENT OF ERIC OPLAND TO PRCE BOARD TO AUGUST 2013 (REPLACING DEANE DIETEL) - APPOINTMENT OF ELIZABETH HANNINEN TO PRCE BOARD TO AUGUST 2013 (REPLACING LORA MUILENBURG) (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO MNDOT AGREEMENT NO. 97126 — CREDIT CARD READER FOR FUEL SYSTEM (e) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) PROPOSED GRANTING OF A ONE YEAR EXTENSION FOR CUSTOMER ELATION TO ACHIEVE JOB CREATION GOALS Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Seppelt explained that approximately two years ago the City of Hutchinson provided public assistance to Customer Elation on the condition that they create 100 full -time (or full -time equivalent)Iobs within two years. So far, Customer Elation has created 85 of the required 100 full -time equivalent jobs. Since Customer Elation came to Hutchinson it has been a very good corporate citizen and has been hiring on a consistent basis since it opened. There is no doubt that the company will create 100 jobs as required, however it may take a couple of more months. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to approve granting one year extension for Customer Elation to achieve job creation goals, adopting Resolution No. 13781. Motion carried unanimously. Secondly, Mr. Seppelt explained that the Hutchinson EDA is preparing to have the buildings on the old Wetherell farm site, located at 1140 5` Avenue SE, demolished. To help cover expenses, the EDA wants to add the demolition cost to the price of the lot. The EDA will front the cost of the building demolition and will hopefully recoup a portion of the costs if and when the lot is sold to Customer Elation. To accomplish this, the original Resolution approving the business subsidy for Customer Elation will have to be updated to reflect the new land price. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to close public hearing. Mark Jelkin, 1220 Oakwood Lane, asked why the City is picking up the cost of demolition and not making the buyer bear that burden. Mr. Seppelt explained that the EDA's position is that Customer Elation has the second option to Purchase And for them, or any other potential buyer, a clean site will be much more attractive then a lot with old buildings located on it. General discussion was held on funding these types of projects. Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, to approve Resolution No. 13782, amending the business subsidy agreement with Customer elation, Inc. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING ON -SALE INTOXICATING AND SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE TO APPLE MINNESOTA LLC DBA APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR Marc Sebora, City Attorney, explained that the ownership of Applebee's is changing, along with 65 other -5 to-) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 restaurants. All financial records have been received as well as other required documentation. The manager of the restaurant is remaining the same as under the old ownership. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Haugen, second by Czmowski, to approve issuing on -sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor license to Apple Minnesota LLC. Motion carried unanimously. 8. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise po icy. ways oo ing toward t e uture, not monitoring past) (a) UPDATE ON ARMER RADIO SYSTEM — CHIEF DAN HATTEN AND LT. TOM GIFFERSON Lt. Tom Gifferson presented before the Council. Lt. Gifferson explained that the ARMER radio system is an allied radio matrix for emergency response. The City of Hutchinson is part of the South Central Minnesota Regional Radio Board. The SCMRRB reports to the State Radio Board with 12 member agencies. The DOT has begun building towers and activating them in our area over the last year. The tower locations include but are not limited to Biscay, Gaylord, Litchfield, Howard Lake, and Hollywood Township. In addition, preliminary testing has begun in our area. Additional testing will determine any additional hardware needs. The migration is scheduled to occur in the first or second quarter of 2012. The McLeod County Board of Commissioners has committed to purchasing portables and mobiles for all of McLeod County's police and fire departments. Lt. Gifferson reviewed the final steps to complete the project. (b) DISCUSSION OF RESIDENTIAL LEAF VACUUM SERVICE John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson explained that a new program will be beginning in October. The program is a leaf vacuum service which will pick up leaves and seeds from trees from curbside. This service is being provided to all residential properties that pay for and receive individual garbage service. Two leaf vacuums towed by agricultural tractors will be used. The service will begin the 3 Tuesday of October and ends on the Monday prior to Thanksgiving Operators will be working between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday — Friday. Funding for the program is being transferred from street sweeping operations. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 152— SHORELAND MANAGEMENT; SECTION 152.007, DEFINITIONS; SECTION 152.041, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT; SECTION 152.108, VARIANCES WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0557 FOR SEPTEMBER 14, 2010) Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Council. Tonight will be the first reading of the ordinance with the second reading and adoption scheduled for September 28, 2010. Mr. Jochum reviewed the changes made to this ordinance as from what was originally presented at the last Council meeting. Language indicating that a survey may be required is now included. It was suggested to include language stating that a survey may be required "of the applicant" so that it is clear as to who is responsible for obtaining the survey. It was also suggested that language be included indicating that the Planning Director will make the request for the survey if necessary. Section (E) will also be revised to allow for mitigation if impervious surface. Additionally, non - conformity language will be added to Section (D). Motion by Yost, second by Haugen, to approve amendments to City Code Chapter 152, with the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 10 -0557 set for September 28, 2010, with the changes noted above. Motion carried unanimously. 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 13782 - A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF $2,250,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 201 0C CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter introduced Bruce Kimmel of Ehlers & Associates, the City's financial advisor. Bruce Kimmel, Ehlers & Associates, presented before the Council. Mr. Kimmel explained the projects included in the bond issue are Adams Street/Washington Avenue reconstruction, Sherwood Street extension, TH 15 watermain lining, and street sealcoating. The bonds are structured for a 15 year term. The City will pay debt service on the 2010C bonds with special assessment principal and interest payments, general property taxes and transfers from the Community Investment Fund. The City has an "AA -" rating from Standard & Poor's. In addition, the 2010C Bonds will be designated as bank qualified obligations which broadens the market for the bonds, resulting in potential lower interest rates. Lastly, Mr. Kimmel reviewed the debt issuance schedule, which calls for awarding the sale of the bonds on October 12, 2010. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve Resolution No. 13782, providing for the sale of $2,250,000 general obligation improvement bonds, Series 2010C. Motion earned unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CHANGES TO HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE BYLAWS Marc Sebora, City Attorney, noted that the proposed bylaw changes have been provided to the City by the hospital. Mr. Sebora is recommending that the item be tabled to allow the City more time to review the proposed revisions. Mayor Cook expressed that perhaps the City could propose bylaw changes as well, such as in Section 4.4. Motion by Yost, second by Czmowski, to table this item to September 28, 2010. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 13780 — A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AMENDED POSITION CLASSIFICATION ASSIGNMENT TABLE DUE TO EMPLOYEE LAYOFFS AND CORRESPONDING PAY GRID EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 31, 2010 Gary Plotz, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Plotz explained that the Council directed staff to balance the 2011 budget. Significant reductions were made in local government aid, market credit and transfer from the HUC. In addition, a Council budget parameter included a 0% increase in the operating levy for 2011 and using $150,000 in budget reserves. As part of balancing the budget, staff reductions are necessary. Department directors have evaluated their departments and have made the following staff reduction recommendations: Building Inspector II, Fire Inspector, Help Desk/Imaging Technician, PT Liquor Sales Clerk, two Senior Liquor Sales Clerks, police administrative secretary, community service officer /police supplemental services specialist, PT PRCE office specialist and a Public Works heavy equipment operator. Additionally, other staff changes have been proposed as follows: combining positions of Finance Director and City Administrator — eliminating the position of Finance Director, reducing work hours of City Center maintenance specialist, Event Center Coordinator and Event Center maintenance worker and eliminating position of Assistant Liquor Sales Manager and placing that employee in a Sr. Liquor Sales position. Mr. Plotz noted that the positions in the police department had to follow procedures identified in the Police Civil Service Commission Rules. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, described the process that was used with the Police Civil Service Commission in identifying the positions to be laid off in the police department. Mr. Sebora noted that the Police Commissioners have voiced some concerns with the Rules and their limited involvement in the selection of the positions that have been identified. Mayor Cook spoke about concerns he had with the process that was used. He expressed that perhaps a revision of the rules should include preliminary meetings being held prior to any future layoffs between staff and Police Commission so that everyone is aware of their roles and the procedure that needs to be followed. Mayor Cook spoke about the positions that have been identified to be reduced within the police department. Mayor Cook noted that it is the Police Chief s decision on how to structure the department. Mayor Cook expressed that he felt, relating to the Community Service Officer positions, service records could have been reviewed by the Police Commission to determine which employee in that position would be laid off, because that is what is stated in the Police Civil Service Commission Rules. He suggested that the positions of Community Service Officer be sent back to the Police Commission for their review. If nothing else, this 56- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 review will ratify the Chief's decision. Mayor Cook recommended approving all reductions other than the CSO position. He asked that the Police Civil Service Commission meet and make a decision on that position by September 23, 2010. Council Member Haugen noted that if one position is re- evaluated from the police department, then both positions should be re- evaluated. Council Member Haugen expressed that he feels the wishes of the Police Commission should be respected. Mayor Cook expressed that the administrative secretary position would not need to be re- evaluated because there is only one individual in that position and that position is in a separate classification from other similar positions. Mark Jelkin, Police Commission Chair, presented before the Council. Mr. Jelkin voiced that he feels the process should have allowed the Police Commission to review the positions being considered for elimination prior to the Chief naming the individuals. Council Member Yost expressed that he does not feel the Council should vote on the two police department positions at this time. Mark Jelkin noted that the Police Commission has acknowledged that the Police Chief has provided the information as required by state statute. Motion by Czmowski, second by Haugen, to approve Resolution No. 13780, a Resolution adopting amended position classification assignment table due to employee layoffs and corresponding pay grid effective October 31, 2010, with the exception of the two positions within the police department, which shall be sent back to the Police Commission for review. This motion includes the other staff changes as proposed. Mark Jelkin stated that further review of the Community Service Officer position is clear. However, the position of administrative secretary is very convoluted. The administrative secretary position could possibly have been considered with the records technician positions, however the Police Chief and Human Resources have made it clear that the administrative secretary position is separately classified from the records technician positions and therefore cannot be considered as one pool. Roll call vote was taken: Haugen — aye; Arndt — aye; Yost — aye; Czmowski — aye; Cook — nay. Motion carried 4 to 1. Lisa Grina, 19719 Sioux Hills Road, presented before the Council. Ms. Grina noted that a Police Commission meeting is already set for September 21, 2010. (d) CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR JOB EVALUATION /COMPENSATION PLAN STUDY Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing explained that staff has obtained three bids for professional services for the completion of a job evaluation and compensation study. The bids were received by Fox Lawson & Associates, Laumeyer Human Resource Solutions and Springsted Incorporated. The low bid came in from Laumeyer Human Resource Solutions with a basic cost of $13,500. There will be no additional costs for traveling, copying, etc. and the study is expected to be completed by November 15, 2010. Job class review and compensation requests will be free for one year. Mayor Cook suggested adjusting the compensation survey /analysis piece of the bid to try to reduce the cost of it due to already available market information. Council Members Arndt and Yost did not feel that the study is appropriate at this time. Motion by Arndt, second by Yost, to reject bids for job evaluation/compensation plan study. Ms. Ewing noted that some of the other positions to be considered to be evaluated are the City Administrator /Finance Director position, a position in Public Works, several positions within the Finance Department, and a position at the liquor store. General discussion was held on the value of the study at this time. Roll call vote was taken: Haugen — aye; Arndt — aye; Yost — aye; Czmowski — nay; Cook — nay. Motion carried 3 to 2. 56) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 Council Member Haugen suggested that now perhaps is not the right time for a study and maybe a year from now will be better. (e) DISCUSSION OF HUTCHINSON CITY CODE SECTION 72.15 — DECLARATION OF SNOW EMERGENCY; PARKING PROHIBITED Mayor Cook suggested that perhaps for this year's snow season, towing not be part of the ordinance, but rather ticketing with increased fines for repeat offenders, all in an effort to better educate individuals. Lt. Tom Gifferson spoke before the Council. Lt. Gifferson, on behalf of the police department, noted that their wish would be to leave the ordinance as currently written. He suggested that for the first snowfall, citations could be issued, but following that, towing would go into effect. John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson also recommended leaving the ordinance as written. As the snow season approaches, notification will be given to local residents of the snow emergency program (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SIDEWALK POLICY REVISION John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Due to staffing level issues, there is not a position available to conduct sidewalk/trail inspections. Due to this, policy lanpage regarding sidewalk inspections must be revised. Staff is recommending that lan guage encouraging sidewalk users and abutting property owners to report maintenance issues to the Public Works Department, allow the Public Works Department options of inspections initiated based on notice, use volunteers or use City staff in the future if it becomes a priority. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to approve sidewalk policy revision. Motion carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING 2011 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13784) Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the total tax levy amount is recommended to be set at $6,273,041. One outstanding issue is an $80,000 pension increase for the Fire Relief Association. If the levy is set as proposed, reserve funds will need to be used for the pension issue. Mr. Carter also reminded the Council to keep in mind the position reductions that are being reconsidered by the police department. A 2% increase to the levy would account for the fire relief association pension issue. This would bring the total general fund amount to $4,479,446.00, which includes $35,000 for a voter approved referendum for mosquito spraying, and the total tax levy to $6,360,187.00. Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to approve setting 2011 preliminary tax levy for City of Hutchinson, adopting Resolution No. 13784 with an additional 2% increase to account for the fire relief pension increase (increasing the total general fund levy amount to $4,479,446.00 and the total tax levy amount to $6,360,187.00). Motion carved unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2011 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13785) Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the tax levy for the Economic Development Authority is recommended to be set at $159,985. This is a reduction from last year due to state regulations and the EDA tax levy formula using taxable market value of the City, which is less than last year. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve setting 2011 preliminary tax levy for Economic Development Authority, adopting Resolution No. 13785. Motion carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2011 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR HUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13786) Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that the tax levy for the 6 5 IP-) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 Housing & Redevelopment Authority is recommended to be set at $130,000. This tax levy remains flat from last year. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve setting 2011 preliminary tax IevX for Hutchinson Redevelopment Authority, adopting Resolution No. 13786. Motion carried unanimously. 11. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and C ouncil and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST 2010 (b) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM MAY 18, 2010, AND JULY 20, 2010 (c) WEED NOTICE MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST 2010 (d) RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FROM AUGUST 5, 2010, AND SEPTEMBER 2, 2010 12. MISCELLANEOUS Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Seppelt explained that the EDA is currently drafting a grant application to apply for a grant from the State of Minnesota to access microenterprise assistance grant funds to bring in a subcenter. A Resolution adopted by the Council is required. Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to approve Resolution No. 13787 authorizing grant application. Motion carried unanimously. Sheriff Scott Rehmann presented before the Council to address any questions the Council may have related to the ARMER system. Mayor Cook asked that Sheriff Rebmann pass on to the McLeod County Board of Commissioners their gratitude in the funding for the equipment. Sheriff Rebmann suggested the City Council and the Commissioners meet at some point to discuss details of the program. Council Member Czmowski — Council Member Czmowski followed up on a light to be installed in the tunnel underneath the School Road bridge. Kent Exner, City Engineer, noted that numbers for the installation have been forwarded to administration. His recollection is that the cost was approximately $2400. Mayor Cook — Mayor Cook suggested forming a committee to work on the skate park lighting and improvement issues. This committee will work with Dolf Moon and Rhett Peters to address issues. Mayor Cook and Chad Czmowski will be part of that committee. Mayor Cook distributed a proposed letter to mail to residents in regard to the local option sales tax. The Council was in agreement with sending the letter out. 13. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Steven W. Cook Gary D. Plotz Mayor City Administrator 5�� RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY Resolution No. 13788 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated various unclaimed items. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 91, Subdivision 3, Paragraph C for the sale at auction of unclaimed property. AND WHEREAS, the unclaimed property, at the time of auction, will have been in the possession of the police services for more than thirty (3 0) days. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at auction of unclaimed items identified on "Attachment A." Items to be sold at Hotovec Auction Center. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of September, 2010. Mayor City Administrator �VL -) Attachment A Page 1 Case Number ,hern'Descri tract = "` a 10 -0732 20" Men's Blue Next Clobber Bicycle 10 -0764 18" Men's Blue Huffy Rocket Bicycle 10 -0820 26" Men's Aqua Spalding Blade Bicycle 10 -0823 26" Men's Blue G.T. Terra Bicycle 10 -0827 20" Women's Blue Gambler Bicycle 10 -0865 20" Men's Red BMX Huffy Slither Bicycle 10 -0865 26" Men's Red /Black 21 Speed Next Bicycle 10 -0894 Blue Schwinn Suburban Bicycle 10 -0917 Black Magna Fugitive Bicycle 10 -0997 Green Mongoose Bicycle 10 -1009 24" Men's Red /Silver Next 21 Speed Bicycle 10 -1046 20" Women's White Magna Skyquest Bicycle 10 -1109 26" Women's Red's Next Bicycle 10 -1110 20" Men's Silver Mongoose Outer Limit Bicycle 10 -1123 20" Men's Silver /Purple Vertical Bicycle 10 -1129 26" Black Gary Fisher Marlin Mountain Bicycle 10 -1135 26" Men's Silver /Blue Next Power Bicycle 10 -1148 26" Women's Tan /Brown Huffy Bicycle 10 -1156 Blue Schwinn Bicycle 10 -1175 20" Men's Gold Mongoose Bicycle 10 -1182 Women's Purple Huffy Edge 10 Speed Bicycle 10 -1228 20" Men's Red Magna Dirt Storm Bicycle 10 -1236 26" Red /Blue Mongoose XR -75 Bicycle 10 -1245 24" Women's Silver Hurricane Bicycle 10 -1281 Men's Gray Murray Ultra Bicycle 10 -1389 Men's Red /Silver Next Amplifier Bicycle 10 -1389 Men's Purple Schwinn Sidewinder Bicycle 10 -1393 Men's Red /Black Huffy Torsion Bicycle 10 -1464 Men's Orange Raleigh Mojave Bicycle 10 -1534 Black Small Frame BMX Bicycle 10 -1536 Red Next Power Bicycle 10 -1536 Men's Red Power Mountain Bicycle 10 -1546 20" Men's Orange Next Rampage Bicycle 10 -1570 Men's Blue Mongoose Bicycle RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION AND DONATION OF FORFEITED VEHICLES Resolution No. 13789 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated various forfeited vehicles. AND WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute provides pursuant to Section 169A.63 for the disposition of vehicles forfeited in connection with driving while intoxicated arrests. AND WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statute provides pursuant to Section 609.5315 for the disposition of vehicles forfeited in connection with a controlled substance crime and fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle crime. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at auction at Hotovec Auction Center the following vehicles: 1995 Dodge Intrepid — forfeited in driving under influence crime 1993 Toyota Camry — forfeited in controlled substance crime That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the donation of the following vehicle to the Hutchinson Fire Department for training purposes: 1994 Pontiac Grand Am — forfeited in fleeing a peace officer in motor vehicle case. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of September, 2010. Mayor City Administrator (e & k PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0557 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 152 — SHORELAND MANAGEMENT; SECTION 152.007, DEFINITIONS; SECTION 152.041, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT; SECTION 152.108, VARIANCES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS Notice of public hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to amend the City Code, Chapter 152, Shoreland Management; Section 152.007, definitions of height of building or structure height and impervious surface; Section 152.041, adding language to (13)(1); Section 152.108, adding language to variance requirements. SHORELAND MANAGEMENT § 152.007 DEFINITIONS. Heiebt of Buildin¢ or Structure Heieht. The distance measured from the average existing ground elevation adjoining the building at the front building line to the ton of the cornice of a flat roof, to the deck line of a mansard roof, to a point on the roof directly above the highest wall of a shed roof, to the uppermost point on a round or other arch -type roof, or to the average distance of the highest gable on a pitched or hip roof. References in this Section to building height shall include and mean structure height, and if the structure is other than a building, the height shall be measured from said average existing ground elevation to the highest point of the structure. "Existing ground elevation" means the lowest of the following elevations: (1) the grade approved at the time of the subdivision creating the lot, (2) the rag de at the time the building permit for a principal structure on the lot is applied for. Retaining walls and/or artificial grades created by fill may not be used to modify the measured building height to circumvent the intent of the zoning ordinance. A survey may be required at the applicant's expense, to verify existing ground elevation and/or structure height, as directed by the Planning Director. Impervious Surface: The portion of the buildable parcel which has a covering which does not permit water to percolate into the natural soil and causes water to runoff the surface in reg ater quantities and at an increased rate of flow than existed prior to development. Impervious surface shall include, but not be limited to, buildings, all driveways and parking. areas (whether paved or not), sidewalks, patios, tennis and basketball courts, covered decks, porches, and other structures. Open, uncovered decks are not considered impervious for the purposes of this ordinance if they have a pervious surface underneath and have at least 1/8 inch spacing between the deck floor boards. Eaves and overhangs are not calculated as impervious surface. The use of patio blocks, paver bricks or gravel material, as well as plastic landscape fabric are considered impervious surfaces as a majority of water runs -off the surface rather than being absorbed into natural soils underneath. Some exceptions to these conditions may include paver blocks or pavement systems engineered to be permeable with the underlying soils suitable for infiltration. A survey may be required at the applicant's expense, to verify impervious surface coverage of the lot, as directed by the Planning Director. § 152.041 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT. The following general and specific standards shall apply. (A3 Ordinance # 10 -0557 Section 152— Shoreland Management September 28, 2010 Page 2 (A) General standards. (1) When possible, existing natural drainage ways, wetlands and vegetated soil surfaces must be used to convey, store, filter and retain storm water runoff before discharge to public waters. (2) Development must be planned and conducted in a manner that will minimize the extent of disturbed areas, runoff velocities and erosion potential, and reduce and delay runoff volumes. Disturbed areas must be stabilized and protected as soon as possible and facilities or methods used to retain sediment on the site. (3) When development density, topographic features and soil and vegetation conditions are not sufficient to adequately handle storm water runoff using natural features and vegetation, various types of constructed facilities such as diversions, settling basins, skimming devices, dikes, waterways and ponds may be used. Preference must be given to designs using surface drainage, vegetation and infiltration rather than buried pipes and man-made materials and facilities. (B) Specific standards (1) Impervious surface coverage of lots must not exceed 25% of the lot area subiect to the provisions of S 152.108(D) and (E). (2) When constructed facilities are used for storm water management, documentation must be provided by a qualified individual that they are designed and installed consistent with the field office technical guide of the local soil and water conservation districts. (3) New constructed storm water outfalls to public waters must provide for filtering or settling of suspended solids and skimming of surface debris before discharge. § 152.108 VARIANCES. (A) Variances may only be granted in accordance with M.S. Chapter 462, as it may be amended from time to time, as applicable. A variance may not circumvent the general purposes and intent of this chapter. No variance may be granted that would allow any use that is prohibited in the zoning district in which the subject property is located. Conditions may be imposed in the granting of a variance to ensure compliance and to protect adjacent properties and the public interest. In considering a variance request, the Planning Commission and City Council must also consider whether the property owner has reasonable use of the land without the variance, whether the property is used seasonally or year- round, whether the variance is being requested solely on the basis of economic considerations, and the characteristics of development on adjacent properties. (B) The Planning Commission and City Council shall hear and decide requests for variances in accordance with the rules that it has adopted for the conduct of business. When a variance is approved after the Department of Natural Resources has formally recommended denial in the hearing record, the notification of the approved variance required in § 152.109(B) below shall also include the Planning Commission and City Council's summary of the public record and testimony and the findings of facts and conclusions which supported the issuance of the variance. (C) For existing developments, the application for variance must clearly demonstrate whether a conforming sewage treatment system is present for the intended use of the property. The variance, if issued, must require reconstruction of a nonconforming sewage treatment system by an MPCA certified installer. (V 69 3 Ordinance # 10 -0557 Section 152 — Shoreland Management September 28, 2010 Page 3 (D) A variance from the impervious surface requirements contained in §152.041(B)(I) is not required for the alteration or addition of structures and appurtenances to lots in the shoreland district that exist as legal non - conformities, if the impervious surface coverage of a lot does not exceed 50% and the following conditions are met: (1) The lot has been developed prior to September 28, 2010: and, (2) A survey completed by a Professional Land Surveyor is required to determine the exact amount of impervious surface coverage on the lot. (3) Any changes to structures or fixtures on the lot or appurtenances thereto do not increase the overall impervious surface coverage of the lot as calculated by a Professional Land Surveyor and approved by the Planning Director at the time the building or other appropriate permit is applied for. (E) A variance from the impervious surface requirements contained in 5152.041(B)(1) is not required for the alteration or addition of structures and appurtenances to lots in the shoreland district that exist as legal non - conformities, if the impervious surface coverage of a lot does not exceed 50% and the following conditions are met: (1) The lot has been developed prior to September 28, 2010; and. (2) A survey completed by a Professional Land Surveyor is required to determine the exact amount of impervious surface coverage on the lot. (3) The volume of water equal to one inch multiplied by the area of impervious surface over the amount of impervious surface that existed previously, as a legal non- conformity, must be treated on -site. For example, if a lot is 28% impervious surface coverage prior to construction and the applicant wants to increase to 30% impervious surface coverage, 2% of the impervious surface must be mitigated. Preference must be given to volume reduction techniques that include infiltration basins, rain arg dens, enhanced infiltration swales, filter strips, disconnected impervious areas, and other conservation designs. All management technologies shall be consistent with the latest Minnesota Stormwater Manual. The City of Hutchinson requires the use of trained personnel in erosion and sediment control and stormwater management or a Minnesota licensed Professional Engineer to design and inspect the installation and whether the design of the treatment facility is approved or not EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of September, 2010. Attest: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor C_O C43 MEMO To: Mayor and council First off I would like to apologize for the oversight on my part. It was always our intention to have six individuals and one council member on the Creekside advisory board. At the time when we presented the resolution it was not confirmed that Nathan Winters would agree to be on the board. We now have confirmation that he would be willing to sit on the board. What Nathan would bring to the board would be his relation to the Dept of Ag. The Department of Ag is the governing body that will decide what we can and cannot do with emerald ash bore if it becomes a situation that we have to deal with. It is our request to amend the resolution to add one more position to the board and for you to appoint him to our advisory board. Thank you, Doug Johnson Creekside Manager (-P L)q Creekside Soils Cree�Side Creekside Organic Material Processing Facility 1500 Adams St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55750 -7011 320-587-67621 Fax 320 -234 -5649 MEMO To: Mayor and council First off I would like to apologize for the oversight on my part. It was always our intention to have six individuals and one council member on the Creekside advisory board. At the time when we presented the resolution it was not confirmed that Nathan Winters would agree to be on the board. We now have confirmation that he would be willing to sit on the board. What Nathan would bring to the board would be his relation to the Dept of Ag. The Department of Ag is the governing body that will decide what we can and cannot do with emerald ash bore if it becomes a situation that we have to deal with. It is our request to amend the resolution to add one more position to the board and for you to appoint him to our advisory board. Thank you, Doug Johnson Creekside Manager (-P L)q ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0660 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0551 ESTABLISHING A CREEKSIDE RENEWABLES ADVISORY BOARD §31.32 CREEKSIDE RENEWABLES ADVISORY BOARD (A) Establishment. (1) A Creekside Renewables Advisory Board is hereby established. (B) Purpose. The purpose of the Creekside Renewables Advisory Board shall include but is not limited to: (1) Advising the City Council on topics concerning the operation of any city-owned organics processing facility and development for other renewable products to create a self - sustainable community; (2) Providing input to City staff and the City Council as to the continued use and environmental- friendly manufacturing of compost and other products that would otherwise be unused waste materials; (3) Developing Creekside facility into an energy - sustainable facility that will serve as a model throughout the community; (4) Acting as a liaison between the City of Hutchinson and those neighboring any process facility(ies) to address questions or concerns about Creekside's facility or processing operations; (C) Appointment and Board Composition (1) The Board shall be composed of &i* seven members appointed by the Mayor, subject to ratification by the City Council. The members shall include one City Council Member and fwe six citizen members. If possible, the citizen members should include persons representing the area surrounding the Creekside facility, the Hutchinson business /manufacturing sector and Creekside's customer base. (2) Citizen member positions shall be designated as "Member 1 ", "Member 2 ", "Member 3 ", "Member 4 ", arrd "Member 5" and "Member 6 " . The initial appointment for Member 1 shall be for one year, Members 2 and 3 for two years, and Members 4, artd 5 and 6 for three years. Thereafter, citizen members shall be appointed for three -year terms. The City Council Member shall serve a one year term and shall be appointed or reappointed annually. (3) No board member shall be appointed to more than two consecutive full terms, exclusive of the fulfillment of an unexpired term or partial term previously served, but shall again be eligible for service following a break in service of not less than one year. New appointees shall assume office on the first day of the first month following their appointment and qualification, or on the first day of the first month following the expiration of the prior term and qualification, whichever shall occur last. Provided, however, that all appointees to the board shall hold office until their successor is appointed and qualified. All vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as for an expired term, but the appointment shall be only for the unexpired term. (4) The City Administrator and Compost Facility Manager shall be ex- officio members. (D) Duties. (1) The Creekside Renewables Advisory Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the City Council for the City and may make recommendations to the City Council regarding organics processing and other subjects related to the committee's stated purpose outlined above. Adopted by the City Council this day of 2010. ATTEST: Mayor Steven W. Cook Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator MEMORANDUM DATE: September 22, 2010 for the September 28, 2010 City Council meeting TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, Planning Director Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN REVIEW TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF SECOND ORDER POINT FOR THE DRIVE -THRU AT MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT, 1098 HWY 15 SOUTH APPLICANT: Dale Shimek, McDonald's USA Background: The property owner is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for a second order point at the McDonald's restaurant drive -thru. By ordinance, a conditional use permit is required for drive -thru uses. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their September 21 meeting. There were no neighboring property owners objecting to the request. A representative for the property owner was in attendance and spoke on behalf of the request. Staff noted the possibility of traffic congestion and traffic flow and recommended yellow striping to define the limits of the drive -thru lane and white striping to define the parking and parking lot circulation area. The proposal would alleviate some of the congestion with less stacking. After discussing the request, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval with the following amended findings and recommendations: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. Provide striping to define limits of the drive -thru lane, as well as parking lot and parking lot circulation areas. 3. The City may install a "Do Not Block Roadway" sign at the Century Avenue entrance. CP Cbl RESOLUTION NO. 13790 RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ORDER POINT FOR THE DRIVE — THRU AT MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT, 1098 HWY 15 SOUTH Whereas, McDonalds USA, property owner, is requesting a conditional use permit and site plan review to allow construction of a second order point for the drive -thru at McDonald's restaurant and 1098 Hwy 15 South with the following legal description: Legal Description: Lot 2, Block 2, Hutchinson Mall Whereas, the Planning Commission met on September 21, 2010, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request. The City Council has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following finding: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. Provide striping to define limits of the drive -thru lane, as well as parking lot and parking lot circulation areas. 3. The City may install a "Do Not Block Roadway" sign at the Century Avenue entrance. Adopted by the City Council this 28` day of September, 2010. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor C o o L16) DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Eric Browne, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dimler, Kent Exner, John Paulson, Mark Schnobrich, Mare Sebora, Gary Plotz, Jeremy Carter, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Dan Jochum and Bonnie Baumetz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: September 9, 2010, for September 21, 2010, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ORDER POINT FOR THE DRIVE- THRU AT MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT, 1098 HWY 15 S. Applicant: Dale Shimek, McDonald's USA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The property owner is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for a second order point at the McDonald's restaurant drive -thru. By ordinance, a conditional use permit is required for drive -thru uses. U�6)1 Conditional use permit McDonalds Restaurant second order point Planning Commission — 9/21/10 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C -4 (Fringe Commercial) Property Location: 1098 Hwy 15 S Lot Size: 1.39 Acres Existing Land Use: Restaurant Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: C4 (Fringe Commercial) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Urban Commercial Design Zone Zoning History: The area was zoned for business use in 1972. McDonald's Corp. received the first building permit in 1981. There have been several additions and modifications since the original building was constructed. In 1986, a permit was approved for a curb opening on Century Ave. after the Subdivision Agreement was amended by the City Council in 1985. The only stipulation was that the access would be an "entrance only" drive. A permit was granted for a drive thru window in 1987. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.064, City Code Analysis and Recommendation: Staff discussed the possibility of traffic congestion and traffic flow and would recommend yellow striping be provided to define the limits of the drive -thru lane. White striping would define the parking and parking lot circulation area. Following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. ('06)) Conditional use permit McDonalds Restaurant second order point Planning Commission — 9/21/10 Page 3 Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit with the following recommendations: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. Provide striping to define limits of the drive -thru lane, as well as parking lot and parking lot circulation areas. 3. Location of striping, signage, etc., need to be determined prior to building permit application. Cc: Dale Shimek, McDonalds USA Eric Kellogg, Landform U'6) ) F McDONALD'S USA LLC. HUTCHINSON, MN D EEB RGOOM SEP 0 9 2010 IM a n G F O R X xanX J N QQ� a S Co.'l 1l __ v� L crc R'. PC HUTCHINSON, MN D EEB RGOOM SEP 0 9 2010 IM a n G F O R X xanX J N QQ� a S Co.'l ap SEP 0 9 2010 co Hoam� C i T i nl P as I I I * I A H w on ti C1.1 I ROGWeu SEP 0 9 7M sl 'T. I 'I s' T � /'• 1 I� � 1 i z �� + i � l�, � \�� � ! ✓� !�� "' it I H i 's i ` I i,6; i�(1 I �1 _ 1 _ — I so c5 11 L I � q C1.2 V RWWm 1 I SEP 0 9 2010 I I I I 1 I I I 'a s I � I I I I 1 I !D I -. - - L 1 i r i I gUMM ME -� w N O f O F N • � IIIF1111 ' I I 1 I I I 1 r o � It ! fIE I � V iii II � � �`): � - �, •_ � — I ! RWWm 1 I SEP 0 9 2010 I I I I 1 I I I 'a s I � I I I I 1 I !D I -. - - L 1 i r i I gUMM ME -� w N O f O F N • � IIIF1111 ' J C2.1 J \v W A6PMALT PAYBIBR TNN19f IpN Ra*W p SEP 0 9 7010 - Wd l' z a k t IA \ �rrre 0 MIFF Ppp1ECIpM J MEMORANDUM DATE: September 22, 2010 for the September 28, 2010 City Council meeting TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, Planning Director Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 154 — ZONING; SECTION 154.004, DEFINITIONS; SECTION 154.136, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNS; SECTION 154.138, PROHIBITED SIGNS Background: The sign section of the zoning ordinance is being amended to allow provisions for dynamic signs which are signs that appear to have movement or appear to change. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their August 17 meeting. Mr. Kevin Heikes, Factory Direct, was present to explain the need for electronic signage and the MNDot regulations. After lengthy discussion, the Commission unanimously recommended approval as amended. Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request and the attached ordinance DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT . _._. --__ ._..,..,_-.._- .___r -,__, -- --------------------- ,_ ----- : To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Eric Browne, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dimler, Kent Exner, John Paulson, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Jeremy Carter, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Dan Jochum and Bonnie Baumetz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: September 16, 2010, for September 21, 2010, Planning Commission Meeting RE: Consideration of Amendment to City Code Chapter 154 — Zoning, Section 154.004, Definitions; Section 154.136, General Requirements for Signs; Section 154.138, Prohibited Signs. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS This item was tabled at the August 17 Planning Commission meeting. The sign section of the zoning ordinance is being amended to allow provisions for dynamic signs which are signs that appear to have movement or appear to change. Staff has revised the ordinance significantly from the previous submittal. Analysis and Recommendation: Staff discussed the ordinance amendments proposed and are supportive of ordinance amendments to allow and regulate dynamic or electronic signs. PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0661 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 154 — ZONING; SECTION 154.004, DEFINITIONS; SECTION 154.136, SIGNS; SECTION 154.138, PROHIBITED SIGNS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Notice of public hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to amend the City Code, Chapter 154, Zoning; Section 154.004, definitions of height of building or structure height and impervious surface and sign, dynamic signs Section 154.136, adding language regarding the general requirements for dynamic signs; Section 154.138, amending language in (A). ZONING § 154.004 DEFINITIONS uppermost point on a round or other arch -type roof, or to the average distance of the highest gable on a pitched or hip roof. References in this Section to building height shall include and mean structure height, and if the structure is other than a building, the height shall be measured from said average existing ground elevation to the highest point of the structure. "Existing ground elevation" means the lowest of the artificial grades created by fill may not be used to modify the measured building height to circumvent the basketball courts, covered decks, porches, and other structures. Open, uncovered decks are not considered impervious for the puWses of this ordinance if they have a pervious surface underneath and have at least 1/8 inch spacing between the deck floor boards. Eaves and overhangs are not calculated as impervious surface. The use of patio blocks, paver bricks or gravel material, as well as plastic landscape fabric are considered impervious surfaces as a majority of water runs -off the surface rather than being absorbed into natural soils underneath. Some exceptions to these conditions may include paver blocks or pavement systems engineered to be permeable with the underlying soils suitable for infiltration. A survey may be required at the applicant's expense, to verify existing ground elevation and/or structure height, as directed by the Planning Director. Dynamic Sip-n: A Sign or portion thereof that appears to have movement or that appears to change using any method other than a person physically removing and replacing the Sign or its components. This includes a display that incorporates a technology or method allowing the sign face to change the image without having to physically or mechanically replace the sign face or its components. This also includes any rotating, revolving, moving, flashing, blinking, or animated Impervious Surface: The portion of the buildable parcel which has a covering which does not permit Ordinance 1310 -0661 Section 154 — Dynamic Signs October 12, 2010 Page 2 display and any diElay that incorporates rotating panels, LED lights manipulated through digital input. "digital ink" or any other method or technology that allows the sign face to present a series of images or displays. § 154.136 SIGNS. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (0) Dynamic &M Dynamic Signs may be pennitted as follows: (1) Dynamic signs are allowed as Conditional Uses in the C- 1,C-2, I -1, and 1 -2 zoning districts. (2) Dynamic Signs are allowed in the C-4, C -5, GT, and I/C zoning districts. (3) Dynamic displays may occupy no more than 66% of the sign area. (4) Dynamic Signs are NOT allowed in the R -1, R -2, R -3, R-4, R -5, or C -3 zoning districts. (5) There shall be no dynamic signs within 100 feet of a residential zoning district. (6) There shall be no dynamic signs in the front setback area within 50 feet of a street intersection (as measured from intersecting right -of -way lines) except where lighting for such sign is indirect or diffused and in no way constitutes a traffic hazard. (7) No dynamic sign may be erected that, by reason of position, shape, movement or color interferes with the proper functioning of a traffic sign, signal or which otherwise constitutes a traffic hazard. (8) Dynamic signs shall not cause direct glare, nor become a distraction. (9) Dynamic displays shall have a minimum display or loop time of 6 seconds before the display changes. ges. (10) A display of time, date, or temperature must remain for at least the minimal allowable display time for the district in which it is located before changing to a different display, but the time, date, or temperature information itself may change no more often than once every three (3) seconds. (11) The lamp wattage and luminance level in candelas per square meter (Nits) shall be provided at the time of permit application. (12) Dynamic signs shall not exceed 5,000 Nits between the hours of civil sunrise and civil sunset and shall not exceed 500 Nits between the hours of civil sunset and civil sunrise. (�a� Ordinance #10 -0661 Section 154 — Dynamic Signs October 12, 2010 Page 3 (13) Dynamic displays must be designed and equipped to freeze the device in one position if a malfunction occurs. The displays must also be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions, and the sign owner must immediately stop the dynamic display when notified by the City that it is not complying with the standards of this ordinance. § 154.138 PROHIBITED SIGNS The following described signs are hereby declared a nuisance and shall be prohibited in all districts of the city: (A) Revolving and flashing signs. Signs which revolve or flash or consist of lights which revolve or flash are temperapaFe. Moving fnessage type signs shall be peFmitud as an exeeptiOR when their RIOSS(IgeS 08R5i allowed only if they conform to the dynamic signs section of this ordinance. (B) Signs imitating official signs. Signs which imitate an official traffic sign or signal or which contain the words "stop," "go slow," "caution," "danger," "warning" or similar words; (C) Confusing signs. Signs which are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic- control device; or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal; or which obstruct the view in any direction at a street or road intersection; (D) Signs advertising terminated businesses. Business signs which advertise an activity, business or service no longer produced or conducted on the premises upon which the sign is located. Where the owner or lessor of the premises is seeking a new tenant, these signs may remain in place for not more than 60 days from the date of vacancy; (E) Right -of -way. Business or advertising signs which are placed on a municipal, county or state right -of -way; (F) Other temporary signs. Signs which are pasted or attached to utility poles, trees, fences or other signs. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of October, 2010. Attest: Gary D. Plotz Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor ( N;) C)-- MEMORANDUM DATE: September 22, 2010 for the September 28, 2010 City Council meeting TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Dan Jochum, Planning Director Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, FINAL PLAT OF CROWN ADDITION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A DAY CARE ANDTHERAPY FACILITY LOCATED IN THE CROWN ADDITION PLAT APPLICANT: Randy Anderson, Crown Properties, LLC Background: The property owner is requesting a final plat of Crown Addition, conditional use permit to allow construction of a day care facility in the Mixed Use District and site plan review of the project. Additional information is contained in the attached staff report and attachments. Planning Commission Meeting: The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their September 21s meeting. There were no neighboring property owners objecting to the request. The architect for the project was in attendance and spoke on the request. After discussing the request, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval with the following amended findings and recommendations: 1. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the MXD district and the Zoning Ordinance. 2. A certified property survey is required before a building permit will be reviewed. Review and approval of the final site plan is required by the City Engineer and Planning Director before construction. 3. Access will be from Montana Street with secondary access off Minnesota Street. Property owner must stub in Minnesota Street and extend utilities. 4. Satisfy wetland mitigation requirements with Mcleod County and City of Hutchinson. 5. Provide a turnaround on both ends of the street stubs. 6. Add one parking stall to parking lot. 7. Communicate construction timeline to the city for construction of streets. 8. After November 1 there will be a cost increase for digging electric and gas lines. 9. The final plat shall be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder's Office within 270 days of approval. 6l1�b City Council Memo September 28, 2010 Crown Addition Conditional Use Permit, Final Plat, Site Plan Review 10.A Subdivision Agreement must be executed prior to filing of the final plat. 11. Address Engineer comments in report his report of September 14, 2010. 12.Address John Paulson's comments related to stormwater and erosion control dated September 14, 2010. 13. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, including providing a service to the community and would not have an undue adverse affect upon adjacent property, neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and, would not interfere with use of neighboring property. 14. Water quality for the entire site must be addressed. 15. Provide verification of wetland delineation approval (per County Environmentalist) and the acceptance of a wetland mitigation plan. 16. Identify proposed wetland mitigation areas. RESOLUTION NO. 13791 RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT OF CROWN ADDITION, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN TO ALLOW A DAY CARE FACILITY IN THE MIXED USE DISTRICT LOCATED AT 525 GOLF COURSE ROAD, REQUESTED BY RANDY ANDERSON, CROWN PROPERTIES OF MN, LLC, PROPERTY OWNER Whereas, Randy Anderson, Crown Properties of MN, LLC, property owner, has requested approval of a final plat of Crown Addition, site plan and conditional use permit to allow a day care facility in the MXD (Mixed Use District) with the following legal description: Legal Description: The Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE %4 NE' /4) of Section Thirty - six (36), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117) North of Range (30) West, McLeod County, Minnesota, except the following described tract: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the SE %4 of the NE'A of said Section 36; running thence North 28 rods to the center of the Hutchinson and Litchfield Wagon Road as now located; thence in a southeasterly direction along the center of the Hutchinson and Litchfield Wagon Road 48 rods to the intersection of said highway with the south boundary line of said SE %4 of NE %4 of said Section 36; running thence West along the South boundary line of 46 rods to the place of beginning. Also that part of the of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE' /4 SE' /4) of Section 36, Township 117 North of Range 30 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, which lies on the north side of the Hutchinson and Litchfield Public Road as the same is now located, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the NE %4 of the SE' /4 of said Section 36; running thence South 22 rods; thence Northwesterly along the center of said road 44 rods to its intersection with the North line of said NE %4 of the SE %4 of said Section 36; thence East 34 rods to the place of beginning. Whereas, the Planning Commission met on September 21, 2010, and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request. The City Council has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the final plat and conditional use permit subject to the following findings and recommendations being met: I. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the MXD district and the Zoning Ordinance. 2. A certified property survey is required before a building permit will be reviewed. Review and approval of the final site plan is required by the City Engineer and Planning Director before construction. 3. Access will be from Montana Street with secondary access off Minnesota Street. Property owner must stub in Minnesota Street and extend utilities. 4. Satisfy wetland mitigation requirements with McLeod County and City of Hutchinson. 5. Provide a turnaround on both ends of the street stubs. 6. Add one parking stall to parking lot. 7. Communicate construction timeline to the city for construction of streets. 8. After November I" there will be a cost increase for digging electric and gas lines. 9. The final plat shall be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder's Office within 270 days of approval. 10. A Subdivision Agreement must be executed prior to filing of the final plat. 11. Address Engineer comments in report his report of September 14, 2010. (O �� Resolution # 13791 Crown Addition Final plat, Site plan and Conditional use permit 9/28/2010 Page 2 12. Address John Paulson's comments related to stormwater and erosion control dated September 14, 2010. 13. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, including providing a service to the community and would not have an undue adverse affect upon adjacent property, neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and, would not interfere with use of neighboring property. 14. Water quality for the entire site must be addressed. 15. Provide verification of wetland delineation approval (per County Environmentalist) and the acceptance of a wetland mitigation plan. 16. Identify proposed wetland mitigation areas. Adopted by the City Council this 28'" day of September, 2010. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor (a00 Conditional use permit, Final plat and Site plan review Crown Properties — 525 Golf Course Rd NW Planning Commission — 9/21/10 Page 6 ATTACHMENTS C TO: Planning/Building/Zoning Department FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: Crown Addition & KIDS, Inc. Plan Reviews DATE:September 14, 2010 Per my review of the Crown Addition plat's Preliminary Grading Plans, Preliminary Utility Layouts and stormwater calculations received August 17, 2010,1 offer the following comments, questions and /or requested revisions: General 1. Approve and record forthcoming City - prepared Subdivision Agreement with the Crown Addition plat. Drainaee & Storm Sewer 1. Provide verification of wetland delineation approval (per County Environmentalist) and the acceptance of a wetland mitigation plan. 2. Identify proposed wetland mitigation areas. 3. Relocate STMH and install catch basins immediately north of proposed access points (westerly and easterly sides) along Montana St due to long curb drainage length. 4. Configure Montana St storm sewer to accommodate the proposed first construction stage (temporary outlet pipe may be feasible). 5. Utilize reinforced concrete pipe for all facilities under City roadways (Minnesota St.). 6. Clarify the statement within the Storm Water Management Plan of `The amount of bounce in the pond was restricted to prevent the inundation of the proposed roadways'. 7. Ensure that I.5' of freeboard protection is provided for all structures and roadways adjacent to the proposed ponds. Thus, confirm that the west pond is appropriately sized and graded to protect Golf Course Road (nearby street low point CB top -of- casting elevations of 1073.67. Provide 2, 10 and 100 - year rainfall event comparison table of existing versus fully developed conditions at ultimate site runoff discharge (southwesterly corner outlet pipe). Water & Sanitary Sewer Utilities 1. Relocate far northerly fire hydrant along Montana St. to north property line. Per my review of the KIDS, Inc. Site Plan information and stormwater calculations received August 18, 2010, I offer the following comments, questions and /or requested revisions: General 1. Show construction of approximately 150 LF (from Golf Course Road centerline) of Minnesota St. and corresponding utilities (City to construct within potential 2011 Montana St. NW Extension Conditional use permit, Final plat and Site plan review Crown Properties— 525 Golf Course Rd NW Planning Commission — 9/21/10 Page 7 project). 2. Align westerly site access road to be perpendicular to Minnesota St. and construct as a driveway similar to Montana St. 3. Utilize reinforced concrete pipe for all facilities under City roadways (Minnesota St.). 4. Remove site lighting from Minnesota St. right -of -way. 5. Verify Landscaping Plan review with City Forester. 6. Verify Erosion Control/SWPPP Plan review with City Environmental Specialist. 7. Verify Lighting Plan with Planning/Building/Zoning Dept. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the above information, please let me know. cF"A�3 Conditional use permit, Final plat and Site plan review Crown Properties — 525 Golf Course Rd NW Planning Commission — 9/21/10 Page 8 )OW, SWPPP Review Checklist Project Name: Kids Inc. Address: Golf Course Rd NW Reviewer. John Paulson Hutchinson, MN 55350 Protect Files N Pre- construction grades ❑ Flow Direction within the project limits Flow arrows needed on plan ❑ Soil types Specify existing soil types on site and reference any borings that have been done ❑ Identify person responsible for long -term operation and maintenance of the permanent stormwater management system See comment 1. Plan Sheets Location and type of all temporary and permanent ESC devices (see ESC check sheet) ® Final grades ❑ Direction of flow within the project limits post construction Flow arrows needed on plan ❑ Identify surface waters/wetlands within one mile that may receive runoff from the site See comment 2 ❑ Locations that are to be disturbed and to be protected Identify these areas on the map ❑ Construction areas to be phased to reduce the period of exposed soils and associated buffers See 3. ❑ Location of stored hazardous materials such as oil, gasoline, paints, etc.Ammend SWPPP when known ® Temporary sediment basins when 5 acres or more of disturbed area will drain to a point NA ❑ Right -of -way, easements, and construction limits Include where applicable ® Standard specifications ® Utility plan including location of ponds and inlets to be protected SWPPP El Erosion Control installer certification Must be included in SWPPP once known or before construction ❑ Erosion Control inspector certification Must be included in SWPPP once known or before construction ❑ SWPPP design certification Identify person preparing SWPPP and training ® Inspection requirements and their associated frequencies ® Stabilization of all soils within 7 days of work in an area ceasing ® Dewatering issues when a project will require dewatering and how it will be managed ® Project location ❑ Existing conditions: area of site, soil types, etc. Specify existing soil types on site ® Project description ® Project sequencing ® Maintenance requirements associated with ESC BMP's ❑ Vehicle entrances and tracking BMP locations Specify areas of use on plans ® SWPPP changes or revisions Permanent Treatment BMP See Comment 4 -7 ❑ Treatment type and design specifications ® Drainage report for pre and post construction including curve numbers and impervious areas ❑ Pre - existing site condition calculations for 2, 10, and 100 year events ❑ Proposed site conditions calculations for 2, 10, and 100 year events ❑ Proper sizing for water quality requirements ❑ Proper sizing for 100 year event ® Elevations associated with pond, inlets, outlets, NWL, HWL, bottom Conditional use permit, Final plat and Site plan review Crown Properties — 525 Golf Course Rd NW Planning Commission — 9/21/10 Page 9 a,y Erosion /Sediment Control Checklist Erosion control blanket Specify areas of use on plans Alternative erosion practices used i.e. hydraulic soil stabilizers NA Riprap locations or pipe outlet stabilization for energy dissipation Specify areas of use on plans Temporary seed Plans do not identify seed type to be used Temporary down drains NA Diversion berm NA Horizontal slope grading (cat tracking) If used on slopes specify in the narrative Ditch or concentrated flow stabilization NA Down gradient perimeter sediment control ® Temporary sediment ponds or traps NA ® Ditch checks and type to be used NA ❑ Construction vehicle tracking pad Specify areas of use on plans ❑ Street sweeping within 24 hours of discovery or sooner before the next rain event ❑ Inlet protection Specify locations and types on plans. Also note if type will change during construction ® Flotation silt curtain NA ® Sediment mat NA Seed mixture or sod Specify locations and types on plans i.e. sod, seed mixture, etc. Mulch and application method What type and how will it be anchored Erosion control blanket Specify type and location on plans Compost NA Turf reinforcement mat NA Stabilization at pipe outlets Specify areas of use on plans Comments 1. The city will only be responsible for reatonal ponds. The Pond located on the Kids Inc. site will be a Private Pond and will need to operated and maintained by the Property owner. 2. Sauk River is identified in the narrative which Is incorrect. The South Fork of the Crow River Is impaired and must be identified alona with the wetlands that are located on the site. The wetland delineation report should be referenced. The distance and proximity of Public waters should be Identified on the Project location map. 3. If phasing is needed specify the different phases of construction on the may. This should be done in addition to the Project sequencing if it is needed. 4. The SWPPP notes that an infiltration basin will be used. An infiltration basin in this area is not practical due to the evident perched water tables with the nearby wetlands and there are generally tighticlay soils that dominate the site. It appears that the pond Is actually designed as a dry pond which does not have the necessary water quality volume below the outlet to meet MPCA NPDES Permit requirements. The outlet elevation is below the normal water elevation which does not meet water quality and permanent pool sizing requirements. 5. The pond sizina requirements can be met usina a combination of practices If water quality volumes and permanent pool volumes need multiple BMP locations to fulfill requirements that is an acceptable option. Ame the design as needed (p Oz Conditional use permit, Final plat and Site plan review Crown Properties -525 Golf Course Rd NW Planning Commission - 9/21/10 Page 10 so the proper sizina and discharae requirements of the MPCA NPDES Permit are met (Part III.0 and Appendix A.C.1&2). S. If the Pond to the west of the Proposed site will be used to fulfill all water quantity storage and water quality treatment requirements, the small dry pond may not be necessary. Please re- submit the stormwater management plan /drainage report with updated information so a proper review can be completed. 7. The city requires a pond buffer of 20 feet outward and 2 feet up from the high water level that must be maintained as a meadow, prairie or forest. This area must have signs denoting pond buffer limits and they could be used as interpretive signs if desired. ('0(3v� DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Brad Emans, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Eric Browne, Jean Ward, Judy Flemming, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dimler, Kent Exner, John Paulson, Mark Schnobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Jeremy Carter, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Dan Jochum and Bonnie Baumetz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: September 13, 2010, for September 21, 2010, Planning Commission Meeting Application. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, FINAL PLAT AND SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 21,000 SQ. FT. DAY CARE FACILITY WITH THERAPY OFFICES Applicant: Randy Anderson, Crown Properties, LLC CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, FINAL PLAT AND SITE PLAN REVIEW The property owner received approval of the preliminary plat and rezoning of 38.8 acres located at 525 Golf Course Road for development of Kids Inc. children's day care facility with therapy and other related services available on site. There was a one -stop -shop regarding the request on May 28, 2010. The day care requires a conditional use permit in the MXD district and must meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit. The site plan review and final plat will also be reviewed. Conditional use permit, Final plat and Site plan review Crown Properties — 525 Golf Course Rd NW Planning Commission — 9/21/10 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: MXD (Mixed Use District) and R -2 (Medium Density Residential) Property Location: 525 Golf Course Road N.W. Lot Size: Mixed Use District —10.82 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Zoning History: Applicable Regulations: Analysis and Recommendation: Final Plat Analysis R -2 (Medium Density Residential), R -1 (Single Family Residential) and R -3 PD (Medium —High density Residential Planned Development District) The Comprehensive land use plan was amended August 24, 2010, to change Block 2 Lot 1, Crown Addition from "Traditional Residential Neighborhood" to "Mixed Use District ". The property was annexed in 1995. The preliminary plat of Crown Addition was approved August 24, 2010. Sections 154.072, 153.50 and 154.169, City Code See information below. Lot Arrangement: The proposed Crown Addition final plat contains two (2) blocks and an outlot. Each block contains one (1) lot. The size of Block 1, Lot 1 is 4.21 acres and the size of Block 2, Lot 1 is 10.82 acres, and Outlot is 20.19 acres. Streets and Access: The proposed development will have access off of Montana St. NW, as well as off of Minnesota St. NW. Neither of these roads are currently constructed and will have to be built to provide access. Lot 1, Block I could be accessed off of Golf Course Rd. NW or the future Montana St. NW extension. Stormwater Management. Utilities, and Easements The preliminary grading and stormwater management plans have been reviewed by the City Engineer and revisions are being made as required. (Please see attached Memo). Minor revisions will be made prior to construction with final approval subject to the City Engineer's approval. (p L6)3 Conditional use permit, Final plat and Site plan review Crown Properties — 525 Golf Course Rd NW Planning Commission — 9/21/10 Page 3 Site Plan Analysis Building The proposed building would be an approximately 20,822 square foot one -story structure. The building plans show the exterior as hardboard siding with windows on all sides of the building. The main entrance is facing south/southeast. Setbacks The proposed building setbacks and requirements for the MXD (Mixed Use) district are identified below. The plans would meet the building setbacks as follows: Building. Setbacks Parking Lot Setbacks Required Building Setback Proposed Building Setback Front Lot Line 10 feet 198 Feet Corner Side Lot Line 20 feet 140 feet (west)105 feet east Rear Lot Line 30 feet 392 feet Residential zoning bound n/a n/a Parking Lot Setbacks Landscaping The site plan indicates adequate landscaping, as plant materials and locations are adequate. Spacing and placement of the shade trees near the NW roadway entrance onto Minnesota Street should take into consideration the visibility at that intersection before planting. Parking The proposal includes a total of 72 parking spaces, including 3 handicap spaces. The parking standard for day care uses is 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet. This equates to 72.9 spaces. Staff recommends one parking space be added in order to meet the parking requirements. The size of the parking spaces are adequate and meet the city's 8.5' x 20' standard. Engineering Please see the attached memo from the City Engineer. b (cO Required Setback Proposed Setback Front Lot Line 20 feet 60 Feet Comer Side Lot Line 10 feet 175 feet west 42 feet east Rear Lot Line 10 feet 580 feet Residential zoning bound n/a n/a Landscaping The site plan indicates adequate landscaping, as plant materials and locations are adequate. Spacing and placement of the shade trees near the NW roadway entrance onto Minnesota Street should take into consideration the visibility at that intersection before planting. Parking The proposal includes a total of 72 parking spaces, including 3 handicap spaces. The parking standard for day care uses is 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet. This equates to 72.9 spaces. Staff recommends one parking space be added in order to meet the parking requirements. The size of the parking spaces are adequate and meet the city's 8.5' x 20' standard. Engineering Please see the attached memo from the City Engineer. b (cO Conditional use permit, Final plat and Site plan review Crown Properties — 525 Golf Course Rd NW Planning Commission — 9/21110 Page 4 Stormwater and Erosion Control Please see the attached comments from John Paulson. Conditional Use Permit Crown Properties has applied for a conditional use permit for the child care center at the above referenced location. Daycare facilities are conditionally permitted in the Mixed Use District. The daycare would have up to 120 children. Approximately 13,000 square feet of the building would be dedicated to the day care operation. In reviewing the CUP, the Commission shall consider if the request meets the following standards: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. One Stop Shop A "One -Stop Shop" was held on May 28, 2010, to review the site plan and provide feedback to the applicant. Many of the comments brought up at the One Stop Shop have already been addressed. The conditions below list items that still need to be addressed. Recommendation Planning staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit, final plat and site plan review subject to the following findings and recommended conditions: 1. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the MXD district and the Zoning Ordinance. 2. A certified property survey is required before a building permit will be reviewed. Review and approval of the final site plan is required by the City Engineer and Planning Director before construction. 3. Access will be from Montana Street with secondary access off Minnesota Street. Property owner must stub in Minnesota Street and extend utilities. 4. Satisfy wetland mitigation requirements with McLeod County and City of Hutchinson. 5. Provide a turnaround on both ends of the street stubs. 6. Add one parking stall to parking lot. 7. Communicate construction timeline to the city for construction of streets. 8. After November I" there will be a cost increase for digging electric and gas lines. 9. The final plat shall be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder's Office within 270 days of approval. 10. A Subdivision Agreement must be executed prior to filing of the final plat. 11. Address Engineer comments in report his report of September 14, 2010. (� (-,� Conditional use permit, Final plat and Site plan review Crown Properties — 525 Golf Course Rd NW Planning Commission — 9/21/10 Page 5 12. Address John Paulson's comments related to stormwater and erosion control dated September 14, 2010. 13. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, including providing a service to the community and would not have an undue adverse affect upon adjacent property, neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and, would not interfere with use of neighboring property. Cc: Randy Anderson, Crown Properties, LLC 00 1 01 Q Lo v 4 A CROWN ADDITION UNKAT D _..: �:Y: �;: °:.:r.:::r:::•::�;;:.... r: <.� a W:. � � xr::cW�..W W ,..r,«..,.. zw rr x,...W rrz rrs zegr n.nr. w.J Gxn. rwWU.wr r JY.y uwax .6w� iY h+r..iv�.l 4..r. gxwr «a. rrW OVrNW4rr %.xw. rx. rr.Arwxr...rxr v Wt +Wry Y.Jr` + mY[rwa... xishrry Jwr.W r.rrNrwYYx.n Wl..ur wzx cWJ �p FWr.wNWf..rxr Y.xMr x.rrr r. WO..W %r«Wtl Jr,.Y IYY••tli rY Mi W V.Ir x M rr~ p....r 4TY N wx.rr yr. Y fhr.rr Oxrx N W h.... ]3 rrr. wn f.'v. L rW: Mrx. rYr...n.ry rrq r urr N W rW J r. yyr,. Wrrw M mrA tl q W .YFrr 4.w X b MWr yr. M W SvW %rx. 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Yd.J Wrb rWrxrY ar rwflM r .>/rY. �� W.rix,....a..W pMIM bwW wuW rw Nx MMr e rr .l yY� +�l.wr✓«. YrLx. cwn1. Ww +w R.r.r avNr eh r.e.In NC.Wn YFI1CNq Wex. .M.N iM1 pWrz «xw 1. r..w.0 xv _b.N .4un hvw. Y6W run. r.uw h t �f sw „�.�.. o � � I -T ip .... / / i / / r % F ,__ �� e ms• ar' AUG 18 2010 (` I i r i I I i i I I N i i I T i 1 SIMPLAULREVIEW ° -f - ': 0 "i Vv IYe' I . I I i W - o A H i s � o o, �awo �' � - � Q l � w. Q I � • � Q li O Q � I I � I I ! I ! W�" SU - SITE PI Ll M�AIIM IWlfer 77 U iffy F — W a " a a z 3z zW z y, zo � mF Uw �x ITE PLAN REVIEW " A-2.2 mow - - -. Lill I V SNORE; 3 SITE PLAN REVIEW wol i elay /, / j Hwy..., ........ . �,f���� l AL 'di /fiK, _ f _ ---� /� LOT BLOCK 2 �._ h W-75 8 _ r/ e _e ° y ��aoa i — I / \ ' a ' i i / 7T1 ` LOT " BLOCK I a O Ci ` 7 _- ._- __- .._- ___ - -__ _ it � i A f F. i � -- - � I �O ��. � �� Gm. •5_T A di v°u�+m v i fill i LOT 1 LAND BLOCK 2 `wFr IAwr ALA 7fN � � � . / // �/ ➢ ��_ /�� I � '. /�: / �� �^ d r� 1 Tb_BB C " � 1 L v.; �+-'w':•y�?I� ]' /Yy —� '� u Lt \\ . 72^56 , 77 LOT - '1 / Bt0CK" - _I . ___ - -. _� �c 7� -spy\. \ \�� \`\�-� s -�✓ J / }�. -'/ / ' F .'CSC B!'U�F' w o x.sr® i W I AK a -* 7 777 NOME- 3 0 v � V STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) NARRATIVE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS) nmem weolmlwx /IaMT6W1 XNOIeETC.we1TACR 1. M0NIl4CTW wul x6nm wENrDVAx NIwslDx oawx6 Wolnrs ww EwsTAUrn aumD PFAIMMEM mE MMO]K'fKp MUttwFINDOIYbCK IHA551CNM CFI MIIIIE MWmI(LTfNDY®IM4 m1IfIW:IpIAIItYBOtl9YFIP 9RM6M WfdGSfAMUG WM WRlE4pw1 @2WEIIb 6FMIIDYBIr ATTIE pIUVUS m9liuuoWMXAx. fIIET Dw1yB/hnDNwFM 51MrNEl agLWArpN, WSTRMMe p9BtB¢¢IMMNRIGTIOx RElYE4)I w1t\BII®11.Vp SEw1FIW1) M1YPBlY1lf E11E[ADSDII EC.HIIIal AMO>VIDIIOlf VI11MOLlIVS QNROI O(]f Iw1U6fIiM M1rC11(H C SFD¢IFMr MIWEFPW Sf4lLVil6 WW EMlY1! ®mN/mY M ApYLT IFY)1L6: eEWtNY DIJIG l0161YCTpILMO1Y0Fwl1O ®fblK AroW OF SRT IEw26f@T FRDN MTLE •QMVC MO ewbtl'IK1NKrN]N 110 ®fflR10lTBN UY@.RPIItD IwDwBlwI.FKM 1 M9x]SlD11 QYDRMAIPFM'A4WW WWK W[MMPoOIH.T 6 Nl flIg58151IXY11818TfCAAIBlCY 1'i)MKSIWIE •fTDYNEw91 AlO aLNB1Iw5TAWTYw 1Ww16RS1MM WA19 XNNYSB(f SrYTB1A®ROOYro MalYS fN.TI®Im WFASEEMDfIHS IrATOIOfMSwW.41DTlE IFMSMMLLr 5iAw113p. 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BWMK.al0.YQ YlMI, CR DIXEYBGETAT ®IwTHIwC6 N]i .V1G,ID W'[I101 M Np1K'f fa.NIDAR� A RTFFXapNLLEpSTIllIDSOMTR RY1pKI5ppSF AS IYb5D1Em A5WiE p}aplp mfNMEN9DM0, li MaWIRKICA lWY4pTUi3.VlY aI MPID STY11IIA11W Iaw'4HDa1r A16r11aWECOWIIUYDIBFfaNlkLp ¢p 5065 FETIODS DTIFY agp5E TO5fABI111E M`YIG WIiX YERMNEIET M6 WWRTODWNf6pGrp5lpfILL WATgIS WInIMSLLT STAYlWT1011 Wfllw IMMWRMRIATEn1FE1W66TAE19® fBA2)IppxF0 ATA1MpMVla Ip IWT1EFI9NY$N1p 51Wy__ "�fAW A!)y[ 1pngRTRV E WiOR IFLY40 W SAID _ ____ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ ll. ALL SED1x6YTDpp¢f ®INmAWATER OFMSTAiE Mai ERB4Y® �. 6 CHM NNIS WrtNp)IW151A(ffipWWT ®pyE IO WFATIIFA aYpflla6 a( Dw DUTK K03WILLEwSIILIDKYEYfA1r9 6Fa AUnlASSaXmxsmuclna REwumnlsv ¢mn�EFAnaxaFnaEmEnnllMmEp TBNfM1lY mraoroswnlmr�TDF USwD ewa Mslvrrru)MYM( p101O145AlID ROa W([IBISw WIXITOf aIpBIT _ . ME2 C4 O r1 u..wc ra.n.c o <` I U a v� W H � ICI N W F c�za� awZ� U zz y W O u F Ur�z.�z E -1.1 o <` I U a v� W H � ICI N W F c�za� awZ� U zz y W O u F Ur�z.�z E -1.1 'c� . .................. ... _ ....... " ............. G NOIES Raw . " ".. "............. .......--------- - - - - -- " ------ -:::::: ..-- •---- - - - - -- -- - - -••- — ... ... ... ........... -,. .. .. ...�p.....- Ims._ ............... ..- .. - - -- - -. -.. .- - - - -•. ... -- -..... ......... - - -... ..- •--- . -..... ... .----• - -..- .....- .. - -.... ..- ....... ... -. -.. °7 .: "C ^. iw�. ...:...:..... ... .......... W N C) z 9:64 W . KAD Arm - mounted Soft Square Cutoff AUG 18 2010 Coefficient 01 utilization City of HutCNN80f1 InitiatFootcandles __ 0 M Of P. Z. a 13 KAD 400M R2 Test no. 1193083101P Moil-LUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) a a.zs o. 2 Tk a 3.5 3 0 � 03 C 2 0 t 2 ] 4 3 6 400V2 puWa uM meM ha6da Imp ra1W 33000 Mrmen. FMkarWla vduM Mash M 2m awarrnq Woo G."=: TYW It shat. Fua Cue11 KAD 400M R4 Test no. 1191110101P ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) 0 + 2 3 4 5 6 40a'N PWm IM wNa Wa0.'a 36.0110 I.". FaOeaMla va4aa h Nil M ah aanMghal6m. CWrreMaan: undM3Mad (TYM 01. Vary 6hM). FUN CW ff KAD 400M R3 Test no. 119209902P ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footeandte) a G � OZ t 5 2 3� a 0 1 2 3 4 3 B 40OW pWWa miler WWO lamp. MW 42.606 dlmM> Foa4iwi er v.W a . mpulaf hWOL CIwlk O TY II, ahM, Full Cu" KAD 400M R4HS Test no. 1192061101 P I KAD 400M R5S Test no. 1194040801P ISOILLUMWANCE PLOT(Factcandle) ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT (Footcandle) 0 1 2 3 4 s a 400V7 Ptak, aerrl as+al 1W lasp.nlW 0aA00 hllllarla. Fadaand a values hbW M 60' .W, haehL Ceaearal ! Und..Aid(TYM e, Vary Sword, Full C6MN Electrical Characteristics Line current Primary Primary (Amps) dropout Input Power Regulation Wattagexballast voltage Stan(Operabng voltage watts factor(%) Line V- Lamplumens 120 2.5014.00 55 400CWA 201 1.45x2.30 95 Peak -lead 240 125x2.00 110 455 90r slog, - e10% Autotransformer 277 11011.75 125 480 .7311.00 225 Tested W currera IES and NEMA standards urdw stabilized laboratray cmdelirn3. Vatiaus Operating factors can cause differences bemm laboratory data and actual field meawremen(s. D'mendmm and specificidom on Nis sheet tae basod an tiler MOST current 6Yad" data and we uAject to change mahout act". NOTES: 1 Photomolric data for char cluribukms can be accessed ham a W lhhonla.cam 0 15 .3 OS 3 D +t 1 J —49 e v 4 0 + 3 3 4 3 8 4aaW MWa alas mater KNI ra Wmp, ne4 um h .. FMIaMN Mum bon M2a apunhphaehL CWasutlm:lhcAae4Wr4 (Typo NC. Very aMd1, Fd C.MN Mounting Height Correction Factor (Multiply the fc level by the carrection factor) 25 ft. - 1.44 35 ft. - 0.73 40 ft. - .56 / Existing Mounting Height `'_ Correction Factor l NEW mounting Height / ®A Llmomm L/GHT /Na n"a4Wra x&COpaV Sheet*KAD -M -S ; X 2007. 2010Pcusy Brands Ugluing , Inc. AN rights resened.ROv.5131M LithoniaLighling 0etdoar Ore tkhwa Way. Conyers. GA30012 Phone: P&922 -9088 Fin: 74918 -1209 wJkhwucom � (1�3 ia MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Tom Gifferson, Lieutenar4t.� DATE: September 22, 2010 RE: Consent Agenda — Parking Ordinance At the August 31 meeting the council approved lifting the parking restrictions on School Road SW between Alan Street SW and Lakeview Lane SW due to the Miller Townhouse Association complex construction project. This memorandum is to request consideration for extending this request to October 4th because the project has been delayed due to weather. The parking restriction for this particular road is "No Parking —10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m." After reviewing it is my recommendation to grant this request. /Ikg 2010 -01 -0029 G L4) RESOLUTION NO. 13792 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED REVISED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5093 LETTING NO. 1 1PROJECT NO. 10 -01 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 27th day of April 2010, the City Engineer was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving: Adams St (CSAH 25) & Washington Ave Reconstruction Project by new roadway construction and utility infrastructure installations including construction of trunk and lateral storm sewer and treatment/drainage improvements, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, trunk and lateral watermain and services, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, trail /sidewalk, concrete surfacing, lighting, landscaping, streetscaping, restoration and appurtenances. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. WHEREAS, the assessment hearing was held and Assessment Roll No. 5093 was adopted on May 11th, 2010, and WHEREAS, it is proposed to revise said Assessment Roll No. 5093 as follows: PID# 06- 116 -29 -03 -0111 — Delete 6" Water Service — Deduct of $2,500.00 - Total Assessment of $5,296.00 PID# 06- 116 -29- 03-0820— Added 6" Sewer Service — Increase of $1,420.00 - Total Assessment of $4,570.00 PID# 06- 116 -29 -10 -0060 — Added 6" Sewer Service — Increase of $1,420.00 — Total Assessment of $14,769.50 PID# 06- 116 -29 -10 -0080 — Added 6" Water Service — Increase of $2,500.00 — Total Assessment of $12,524.20 PID# 31- 117 -29 -15 -0600 — Added 6" Sewer Service — Increase of $1,420.00 — Total Assessment of $2,896.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 12th day of October, 2010, in the Council Chambers at Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed revised assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 2010. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Administrator, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Council this 28th day of September 2010. Mayor City Administrator (P (11-> CF.MEU ev: p VrFXDER WE. ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. AREA WEN IEVISK)N5 D8 128/2030 LUTING NO. IIPROJECT NO. 1p pk Cyjb 10 <tlau311C5cx"1 x waxerp.l V,-Fan xem:nrvnlon Fq- N miaWllon end U'lo,M1,,b U m,Ve11 tiwinAd,v N/ILPo10 n} emlmvelablmamre [atllnnnmVaarre9vimparemmte. OGMMAD o[. O."D a2preyla dare, mvruecuN am 6umF WHIM" OaiVVd 'I, wvls:ln I'I' �xCwx - .[ COST PER FRONT FOOT OR PER EACH COMPUTED DY: P VANDER 446M STREET COST PER FRONT FOOT CHECKED BY: KEUM 413M MEMSERLAY S OF OAKLAND COST MR FRONT FOOT NUMBER OF YEARS: AIR. BIREETbC C PEA FRON FOOT ..AMl,. $1,5090 110' WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH 15THEARINO; $2,50090 S' WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH 2NOHEARING: HA20A0 9- SMEA SERVICE COO PER EACH MFN $12.920.90 TDTALAOi1VEA86E3XA&!T. WAGES," TOTAL ASSESSMENT ANJVNT $SSE.}]DA> ADOPTED: TOTALDEFE DFS - z. PID NO, PERIVLDDXESS OFRIDPFR51'OVMER AAOIMINORBIABINMON NILLB axis F F UIIFF $2y nuwxl TOTAL AU SEMEM ttIIAL A%ES6MENT 1 tta3xa30 we816E P 91v1H, 6e11,X0 Oryci HAdlinav ARW Jf q00 IS S f1.500:IS, WAp 11,130.00 U.S. $O,w %,H2OM D DUmrn eR d NW AaB HukM1invon MN 953. U R 119 33 06 0160 vmpSexmxuCdnxnn a1Je SNrreIFg OIICe Ine, Lutd - ' a Imq NoIX6, SCUP IYnl3gaxucM1 Vm AdxS WFl.SxS 3Il fo 31,S60L0 %T� 1,a}Rd0 A,Ma3E %:W ix,lle.a6 ar sm. a + Po 2aD. 1]c x 141 AeaxNS16E IMVald ibeM Ln]ExNw.a aLN Boare sx9n Hanci a sa,a9r. %. 40.. %w sl no09 M;en:w %w a,anw 19sreamF Sr SE .an IN waw iatliH SmwOdtM1 roFxs 1. m C nna td Hem xan.R BE. UA, ..',nj R I 30ro 1L}00w M[m 5tA3¢m yvB"V 3¢w rvudlnm lM wv6 5 Po 2i 050 I16 Mnu618L e ... WOBI¢k16.5aM NeI1CI1 IXH:iMlnem 5Rw Ov,W $3 BR0) C 40Po Po .W 415W:00 30.01 $113000 Md9¢00 $D.Po N,HMAO 125 Rome 616E D D rrcm l.N66wC � %. %i639M01501 Rv16M1 Oaso 16 0 SC to 9, 1R- E-,,, Nell Gll aXJJrinan Ob}O 00.W 4 .819. 9 %:W D %M 31;60].00 M .Oa 31 QOW tlAM00 $0.40. M.BNdM _ - NSF H M155%D i 106 /tlana818E C LatO, SbN1o, 6oub Wl'CIyd HMnlrwr tRw N q00 %Po R f0.w II 416..00 %Oa $1120W %S IC5 .IID R6sna UN l ]6030310 Po 2305E 1T.0 3 NIW uNaN&1 WSdS /Pa W],S¢h N,3wN Xe1Cll NXUNA:em SESS M .0 1].DJ 0 %.. O SOTS iI. . EO,SU II.Q. E,.S 01. . 43..D __ XulJrir -VIN 55950 9 w 113 2e m DUD ni Ill- sl!IF 1<d Dw,e D.rx;wr Ia9aE NlrzaLa-Hmvsaxmxm cX P`Nxm saw u9ss.w 0 ro a. mm. s +sao.00 PT. 11 +21.w vmui 3¢:04 $7,371100 91 /Wam[BSE 1D W 1'I634WC6S0 MM1A 215M 1,,Si6E UUN VSD. _ D $I. IS. $1 'AC %D] }1430. M.S Ip90 $S.eHlq HNarn.. MX a61s0 . . .4o 209. -SISE Pxw Dw'r EM+o,. -rc lseuTxW Cn ml4rcnlnwn IS. aa,9nw aDw mw 11}W.00 s0.w slex¢w fs,WTaO $Ow s9,NOm 12 5 25..818E RW b'nv PRa IC d5 Dtrh I BauN Hel Mtv aHJhlmn ITE. 1}3 .1 M]ia.]5 0 MIS 0 MR. $I.0 I, %.W $1430.. MEN. D90 OW]5 ,AT1I.iO H112nCAw6W ..i, -VE, MIS .11638. 0010 ..,Dc RHMIRI HP CM1acN .11lnI , I.. LW 1;33a, 6ba 0, 5oWM111aI1GVOI IIUkM1imn I.rki mrEm9 I.. ID EOw 62,I.R, 11;3..00 53 }..D] 3+.930.. Sw.]f6.w 56A.- $A%qw Xultlnnsm MN }3}w 6 t +x.'An _ 90'A 0]10 0 30.-N ID 61mi MtlaxpM1iri VFW PO I'. L PNe i, mq Swn xanuryq xumrnmr L61 „ .11.1. Ax,9]COJ 0 50. 0 %. %.. U,. A,. w. IS "US %:..... 2411nAw$[ MN XNNInxn S %w 15 IS 1'..6 ,I.60 E0..50 1 Cnaan ,w,%V,, -I- 94' o1LO. 1, Bock 0.,A, 11.1 Cltyd 1WNFnw1 Hle) {1,91¢0]. EOw E35g w }1.4A. 'No. $I. N,89¢ w 55]5 IB 1] M 116 39 03 01. S AR.- USE R oeoNl- Lot 1 BIM; BeAP Ha} DIV N HU1S_irrtv_ 1... R. FUR C %:. 132 YZ,xTO.IX`. 50.00 S0. $1,9A 00 ET. tS.tM. 0 So 1. Z2050 M._ Po 11&25. 01 1 .0... WYn9a MN Ya0 1O.I.. -A-F l0er/IAYm'ea lvsM Lm i d lF` aT1A2, Bhµ]. BmG g S, N..i- UM.. NW 'W. C 3 D.w. SU EI AT.,. w W 11. 41C RaBB. 150XUw'VIn9W XI. -NN. SU". I9.D290 a I-M ClloO It W1 t9,e. 314]8.. HO.. tOw % 00 j ;Iw.W f6,}M.. lD.alVNb+A.E ESN ✓Lq 10,EIOAF'60W IbMCO nlluMiwn N00 82 W00 IS VS 44V.W '$15... E0. A19A.00 ptO T90 SDI, NNSnaen MN 559. aWSVxuir+iuxoµF.y -Xy al aroolwaseaxe[m¢mnau MO u1wI- emnal6wnmaors ­1A n1 COMPILED BY. P YANOER MEN ASSEESMEHT ROLL NO. BWa WEN REVISIONS W /38/]010 LETTING NO. 1 1PROJECT NO. 10-01 Fw"H 1 10 eS11GSPH 11I1 4VeeMnprm lK Snnr R-laa xm. Pmp.M d 01 /OJ1010 mclw an}ISN21 Aemae adt- Mm60.e0e roA, O......p rntir - F al".rOd!PBab aau, -'a. um all l.... ON1111010 Yaare wlu:iru aM1 YnlsnVbru. =tae =cmlcronJ a'm aNOC Vranmrwa COST PER FRONT FOOT OR PER EACH:. COMPUTED BY: PYAXDEN SOM STREET COST PER FRONT FOOT CNECNEO BY: XE.ER 41360 MILL EANLAY B OF OAXLANO COST MR FRONT FOOT NOMNEROF.SN! 5181.4 STFRETSC61FE COST PER FRONT FOOT MEREST RfIE 516..09 1 -Lt" W4IERSERVICEfAST PER FLCX 1ST HCAPoXO: 54.60000 6'WAT9t BERVICECOST FER EACH ]NUHWMA: $1.4M00 TOiM. bEFERNEO/SOE59MQIT9 16 " EEIVEASERVICECOSTPERFACH AWPTEP. 612920.00 TOTAL i628.0WAS TDTALA89E88MEHTAIaUONT fSK,770,0 F T'R41L. Ri Y ..AAAA MNE60gOREM OFPER[VOWNER FRO A0 CNYORSVBOMSgM ..SI J u 9vtiya r o • snsyr N H ° Pr,rtr e,mra c ,n¢e euauxr oEP EO E66ESBMEM � ANNOMMEM1T C OUNT, PHI XO. ::AYg ¢!J aroo C-1I ldq maw 1L6 Lna l.z aPandtor=6 11 emsE3PS 'lll, yp /ayspa allay, AhN 15, SaMHeR flry a! $FBOUOO Wm $s,Fw.m wll1A,I 811 HON FIrt161 SUeo]O naeponzxv ereoi P1 Pw F9.111S YJBAA-as1.P aruvr LG6ASP NLO1q IS. al.. 9 59.W NICE $A. pW $1400.. M. }]6m ON. N]I6m g%H0om11tl XW Illdxh m. ' W 11839.3) =0 x3.0 re10 BweM LleXeu Lnl A bak m [$SwnNaX CryNUmYSn $39y0L0 99.00 91;.90 8¢m 9�a[4m 6,en.00 B?60. S {MICE SNq Ri]Ba RO MN' 9 11NJP Oar CE 2S.01.0. 31¢M4ra515E Y egeruP Gms Traema LN3, BIVk3 :bW II.1. a( .m 52918.. I. E W00 81500.00 311EOW {609].00 b,00 $A M.. Hu.A-l.N .11834. JAA• Su ImoaEVB.xyr M 25,- A-..'.ayNXUMluarn A.. R$19m HIm B1. $1 .4vnm .-A WCAP B;A. 2b YtAYP m. IC.l. 2..116E Culi1 Paty R-blb Tru,1 L64, BIUW.35 WO All CA, N HNMinxn WIST. I I. I 815.00 V. 51 {FROM 0. M.Ma. 28MVna6r ^C XNaM1iIwn AN 669M W 116190'])10 390503840 - riel R B Laaa M TUmn iE,9N [O I 5¢LV SCE 915m.¢o 600B St atom jgem,m 0➢p Y9BOm m 96W MN 3AVp. x! 390AOM8p DI6PAr0616E M 1LKMle Ld 3, 01Nrd$. WUMHeMC' N4dNinern 00. 65m $1'.. 11m 0 MW' 4".. {000 41418. {S6m.. Mm $, 310.Wema6:SE X MN 56SW 8fi 116RBOt0]BO m02YO -la Sn an Intl m' -S . xxmGll m lu gx 4Nm SoW 9J. f1I'.-- in:n e)n b + Al "Na. 35 Nm f6$16.. aAa-1, d.A.ma 5' SE ffi CE ]10 3]BAtlane LSf M,Fenare Pwl 1qA 01M36, Stiv!M1 XeMCq NXUkFinvun 6W {B60 S2,WO.W 0 SO.N. :0 W. $I.SW.% Wm $I.. M, ®.. Mm $,..1 3D6AEema 6:6E II I d W aw:M1 All CAW d Mm E3818m 0 6].m Sm SI.m }IIM 00 MknW bOm M1..I Hultlmmurr . "IV Wna39ot0118 "" S1SE -n .Gal. Lo14 Slwk %, Eav:M1 XaRCi d 66. i6.W F!W SO.m WW i1,6mm Wm 91,420.00 F ;41.00 Spm 43.92E ➢0 aasnaama s sf m 20 3ESANS: n6SE LJIT, Ww WS M1HAFCiWRH,1Fnvlr Mm SR AYB[0 b0.m 0 Wm 31.Y0.m WO] 91430 .00 M.. Mm ,Bm.. .,.A... 54 SE HNN MN.9a9S0 3f Ti 110400]0190 '13 A. 1. .1.. 515E M® X ac L 06a-In M a. LN_R RwAA- hH11IC dHU 1W 66. Gam Cx . e 38. e'. W.. $ ;5[e.. plm 9i,12_¢m {A,.Bp_ f_b m6m,m, St ON Hwd-NN 15150 M 23¢503100 31 5 MbrlbblbE Nnfianml -1 L,A A NUrN'IE , 3u.l,.&0001 WH111 %a HY 0BW MAN 13,9]0.10 C WI 0 WW 81.5[0. N.W 11 430.. RAM.. _W.W SP. RAM.. 315 M6m=61 SE HW1lw MN . 60 W11G 39078190 Oa -",1Y Mm EC m ..-AA K.A. Pa.. S ;B20 I. ma 518E xaµ - lia _ m 3D..] 1 051Mn, Bl OE a ! WI LfaOVi Ld 1, R,IX47, 0-h H,(CiW d HU - 66M AAD 539]0.. C K. 8 v 81.5W.W 0. 1112[:. RAM.. WIN 4 }S Aaa inSI 6E HulG -MN 55258 W 11626... PIA-F b Ea.. GUrzu Lat$ NCU 4, a. All CI Cl Ex s,A. Eu_AA .A, µ,DJ {6A90.. M.. M.MB.00 9A A 906104 3a 0503130 N6Mmv 61 CC GrmlKl SeNIBU mwn L. Rodal 6uREHVECi dHUMlnawi G. M.m i39)O.W 0 W:W 0 SO .W ISW.W W. 8142, . IS 0 M.. BFOAO NSAOma 615E W 11629 J1 WM - RGtlmwiulnxn SVmm Wm i1,¢C.m jxpxo.m M:m 33,8ID:m itm my SI SL nNN 53190 w m ,..aa.,MCtL,aorw w, ,..mar �mmJaJ" x,wr ---­,--a 1 a I 40 1. AN: F wxXFR vEEx A8 SSMEXT ROLL NO. 1092 VEEN HwIslum OR /1812010 LETTING NO. IIPROJECT NO. 1W i118 C40 Ip vwni St(C3pX]sla WUnlnelm -"It Veercamrnlnn Pqm L/ uintl NlnaLUVwDlnatelNfoslniluJnp 0HmJHXDW KK n WIIIaMO ros, Ill .,a'.. t., uerelanr �e�in W1tIP010 IraiBeJ N. sal.". 1' N0 aprnu xtarxv +ne malwa'onaaf aFwtatarrea COST PER FRONT MOT OR PER ill GOMUTEO Rt': PVANOER {$B.DD STREET 40 ONT 8TPER FR FOOT CXECXEU RY: R LINER {10.$D MILLKHRIFLAY 80F 0ANIAX0 C TPER FRONT F0OT XBM REBTRA BEROF $ISDO 81REEl3CRPE COST FER FRONT F0OT IXTE r. IF: ti,.. 00 WATFA SERVILE ., FER F.. In IEMIN& ERSFDm 6 " bERYICECOBT PFR FACH 9XN XE/,wM0: $tA2p.00 TOTAL9EfERRm 6'SF.l, DFF.0 COST VER l A99E59MENTb: EIP 9P0.9D IWTALAOnn SMNT: b8 N t0TALA99E98LEXTAMO0NT f8if,770.N AOOPTEO: i. sm FlO Np.. Fexlvuop aMESAW6PSS �LBWL0e5c01TM -1 -a. Hall�O fEApFO ry .U., PIY Jo o..-o. HE MyIL 1.1..A 3-k Ill J6. 8wH-11 Hnl'41 ry 68aB f6.M 9LM D w00 Ill ml» 11.1. Itstal . III. aWAJpn. atsE nn Mx 6E3w m w Hal cq n Hu dl T d`IV0 11 o. F,D- Fool laaa- Hndu1 -Mx Rt. DaI Ht. 0)M.SC a XV✓rlmm� 66.00 9[.W SOw 11. .. So.W. fI DID liplip.. lip.. R I..-. 818E a 313 1. wamfl91 HE Lol 3, to,108wIn X,1'41, 1 HWAmpt M N.W a3. B+000 D a al V wp? Ill .. 11.1. 3l.aPo0 flo -a MNl 0s tlb.0]W]0 wcslse HYCrI DLSTake L:w $I]1' Aaaal wm f0.faam HNIllaa- llX 1111, a 1ls- ®1. aRM DAW ana I atw.a Do.., Lot 1. Block w, BONn Hal ' C t + ti HU:,,- al MW 53, 3T0.W D 9. 4 $D. 81 A0C.W N.]0 $1!1[ a.... pm MAaD.w 6..11313E HLH.. n 1.9: t.. R11G. L706% Dt,L John AL.r.1 al ry:Do Dom s1 121 DID {5,00.00 391 Hut @Im nLl 33331] m 1tX .bEDOJA eEC Mame SlsE Dw aFm Trtl G., N F H,&- n NaCt. xu Lot a. Bh 4> BV a FDD SB.w s] ,a+oR D Ill V. flSee w E1. e3cW M Op wm 56ABp.00 s H 3E At- . IHE H.Wlln . a3ae0 R N6DBI110 .?R4 AJoM .31 8.1;c10W {6,We.w EUm f6,eMVe ,. -.a1 . s L'1'NNE 40 t R .1.1. 81Y Maio 818E MiL lnla Hook. $o. Hall Ct Y H..- Dal a&M 52 DID. CL DID B lo. $13poPo w M a20 * I. il00 FDm fE:0M.00 .I.- bl BE LIPH 011690]0]20 a, DE BHti^aN�PISRaIY� W 1 S W 14 EX 33) N Lot 14, Hook D65a.N 110 C" IDID. 71W e1,DoL. I wW I L, Y,,IMM all::u 81 - U. w.w $,.1a¢00 antyaet Bt Soo H.ol 61 .1 M0ec 818E Tvma,DLlsae Peean Ra] al LN 16,.. W, sat", Hol LH, a, I1AM,- w.0. to oo $101 11,6..00 b4W .14.11 " $a. $a.a D. hma bl NE Haaa lnay. MN E83E0 0116 aJ 0]0820 2llW. 0 .MIME,- X Goy W NnNln- w:Lp $0m 6W .1 VV 11420 an 6D,Da- Fall j I lul rvnm NXSG`:0 Ba .11..0].34 oD ADI. tSE O <A 1NHIw La 0. Ill.. A,I L. al A23]01W 10.0 1 $18..00 Ill 81 <. DID OJDat $5ND. boa 1ane.1HT l len'Imon MH bb1Po .R 116.0]Dal . CAS1R. U) la. b. BE all u9wn W I O. Xb4. l,$o.It .."."I Hlolir vt .00 a.M 528+00] MI:W o .1. E15c3.0V SMI Do H, S6,aw.W Hu.-, Nx S'C$A " w taEALns515E Jw,u ESA mE oal Lal Fall 3ouN Heft CAvoIHAtl9ram_ YR all 521101 D SObO w:W 3 W. $1.3.00 I 114.00 SE,eO.W w.W S6:0p.0 .e .813E H'HI. -Nx Ill 8a 0]10PE0 0 .C%J 51. 818 AJaitn8t HE Flaaa, Lo, BGLL.I, S00pt H.HC al HJneo,aur iw W.. 0 D Et Y. at al W02O. 59.aPo.(o Yvv 815 Nome 81all 11 6 a MIOM1MI A B Jmw , x clry T HLa n- R0 10.0 35W T1 11 S0W 1192OH Ill .DO YeH o sI BE 53 05115901 la. .IW 5148 SMgJa - All 1c[14 BIW 31, 9ouNHaX Cx, of HJlrtiwnt Ow DID. w.. $)m $I D0(] al 81926. EA)9R F. ..aH, .118E aon FN 550,0 00C'0. leemelr.nlsE APMaRV Li Mlroua¢CIruM w.W w.m Sl.we.9 R.W M $t.... sD.R s IvpAl a Xa,.aa..t aa- wma... 1 -I Iall .Lll..r- apmtrwlLn6,mwF.F,o-xle 1aa1,11 � �i OOMPXEO BY: P VANOEUS ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6093 09 /28/2010 LETTING NO. UPROJECT NO. 10-01 Fw Ce0b me 311C 5Niz518 W8sIrNxM,4e Fes Ra¢rarur4v. Prgxiq maGwW .11, 1UH.i 1.M'Y@aeiml.A.lx... rene0elnpevmmb, [a, prrtix W3re0m aiivmeMe eniVidwaF w!mbaubchp, 'eN'r4lzMewr'r ¢aMa COST PER FRONT FOOT OR PER EACH: COMPUTED BY: P VANDREVISIONS m ST�ETRC FRONT FOOT CNECNEORY: REANNN 11x.81 MLF OAI¢AXp COBT PFR FRONTPOOT NON; ARS; $1.00 SF COW PER MOM FOOT INTE: $1.$00. 11ICE COST PEREBCX 1ST y ;WO.. 0 "COST PER EAOH 51,40. 6' SEWER SERVCE COST PER EACH TOTAL CCFERREDA88E66MB1Tb. - TIY,910.00 TOTALACi1VEA59E88MENT: BO Om TOTALASSPSSMENTAMOUNT {6gTIDA NO. PROIEM1TYPYRESS E8 EsCA- . 15mruc 5[xvlcE 11 PNWxI 1. pEFm� AEBE.�'T AC. ...NEW ONO m]0 LWx Bau l,MMdcenaPCAlan 6RW b2DlOLO 6DW 0 8G. 615W J'J $pW S1 iPD'N1 680.pp Sp. 'W UvrP am Lw946 eloz lw Smm� 6n5Mfirn -Car N'aA BOf 81.10 Z11,f0 Np.R19 FA C now 0 Mm. EDw $,3] >m {I.40.m NliE3.30 FD.µ: NVaa 30 50 0=15C ropa.lm HNSMV NN553YJ µ . 11SA10 Wr0 -st £E +v COOP LWtE% 6148', Clxh 6u66rreionIXLO16 , BIOt I. NOrlemerly Oprluon B:t,Edlav qvw 0: ww {Om 8lm N,660.]p {PW SI p3q.]p x91tl.10 rOBn1566t5 Hu4{Inin'NN55950 .11'a1003a0' Huw.inw Cem Lu1s S45, Pax9uWrieiurr nBID2) yl,W 41,EW.W rym 1y1N.00 R9xD.Dp 5000 DMm IAMMm[SI SE 33t @mS YO xvlSx HrNilneu MNlSam X R 91xW100M{I 3D.iT WM Sp NUte &fd I4E°90MI4trTlrsm LLL (p a ol tl w 0i3914'Y'WlM 1,Ck)'i 8titd'rviaon B!W1 MsMwMePtrNm 11I.. 0 aO.pD 0 an.. µ.w M. y.w N24t]0 fO.OD: .A-.W MNC6)eEn NN6(3m m115ze 10 o1m BeS Wxrte StaE MN MIa1aW Ler Mary 1..Lall, D E"O I fG. V.S..OD 0. $1,411. F;BNW 0. $.. 1p zNN 1,1- 1 v W1 Ad- 5ISE MN MIninY8 WY Itl 12 EJ19A'B La119. 91oG. P,Mnlensals MRlion M. r4A0 19.996. 0 9GW saw SI.Sm.m 'OF.m Npavm {S,xnm {p,m 3[t5o1v 3M 9huCil.. 1DS245Ha0 I NI SEII410]0 W1,8CEII 2p0. MN MIninY8 Nf0 U. Flw: 'f16cO.W Wm 0,AAµ 16,BL.W {D.DO I.A. fM Cmq' -HeD1L 5H ev 6d r p w]N9na91$[ uNmining LU 15.0NA3, M¢bnin'e Ktl!lm m.. De.w &9)9w SL. D b. 36.fi[0.. {Om Fl. m SgMO.m {040. 34d00µ 3M Cent fiWm W15511�1w0 .116m10 DUD Nn WD 01'9w TAm a sG. slsppm mm $,. I R.I. u4Dm n4aw sP,� NW Ssn.1RiD lD � wtp sds alx!mes16E Gsr Rapianm La.n Ln 1)dMaz. MreMn.„,a ra111n, .,m M.X az.9r1w D M. D mw s401m dD.m 11.,C1 A. 0AX.00 W. sseXm s9sxmle4sE XNenmem lnx 66Wp .116. CD3W 291Y0'eID me.913E LMXVUrex In le, tlox'e m'agxnxn W,W Spec SISW.µ WN 91 �3G. {fi,9DB.60 BOm 66$Um tl Tx 2Ii.W. 55]p]enp91G[ RaY&Yanl Jrfl MneM 0rya3 Itl19, 61xk 2 ,INr4nun'i A33'Nat IN B6.0D # p 9C;. H 4M w ",I. dDm 33,BWlw SS1Mene 919C HWhimm MN 553. 19 C8118H IOD18p 23 l... .1 A0e- a6 NaGin NaLpumriv I ArHim 4CAQ f2A ". pW I S'.YAIv W.W 11f31 w E9XOm RON MX0. H ,.- Mx559w _n 010] McT06Lyrxlb WeNbMI Ltl 12 LMG5ubJNnion O.X 0.. %w 85,9414d 9 BG. 00 $Dw SOm pol4 (Dm X.Mi.4 Ya011,ry JP $ PO Bn18D 16 tln A, . II1. Iml eme C1SE dLYmxe WatlUtil SW /wx of LW i./woIWCFItlN 9NI0n W�1 1G29 Om Y.m ffi 89,1]2.50 0 Y1. 9CW EO.m M00 {31Rµ Sa:m 3 ;IR.Sv 1030"21E x3231IX0] PO Bos1D9 - NN55350 HrYTi .IIBm1501'D Je^xn WHisaen Tn[I I9.LacaWrv!xon W.m 16B.m a,1A].rz 0' s1. u. I. mID o".,.. DO uvx u/NN55950 ii � 1t51sts vl IO2ppyema SlbE BbG CeRapaBNbAmum 1p 34]Nision O.X O:X 5). 1X4 $2SI,OC E].m SOm 8vm fE.1Xµ SD.w fy2X.W 10JDRerp'.Or GMem 1.1N 56395 G- (" COMPILED BY. PVANV-11.1b ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 00 ON EMONS OR/28/1010 LET ING NO. 11PROJECT NO. @91 PW 4'e Nlne91IG&J12518 WWrvrylvn MaEaLR ®nsWVlm Pnulay JulittY inlrasmc0.reinalalaYpsinvlWlip WuAOnMnnAmfltlOiel a vWm¢^w. xHAmtinmliodrapaimpmsarcM, n¢'%'WYx,- mw memi¢mimnm0xnv :ene nm lelnnluxlmmnln 0mgnmr I:elHxkbe10, mn:Mee.aenng,u.'nO. 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NMEBAppPE98 OF PxOPFAiY OWNEA IL9AL CFAaRF'ININ AOITIION ONeUFIOIYL910N ArWmrnu n B PS9MMr WPALpY FgMT6F esMEXi 1055ont ^mi•W 1511E 115EAWCER i?YUiMW At A'niE • ^ ROYAL aEOFRREn ASSESBNENi T01AL Av F ABSEBENEXT WDNIY RO HO. 5m0sQ Ill m l'03910CC10 2�201lililO nx 01 5E 8 LdOR EO£ -G BPerINC.AWp:a PMS 1Q Setllp. m- 118.34: apW. 31iLwn ;0e15p x154 .11b. 0 fJW m 0a 50.90 9 Cm W.- bm "k-bb N.1CeM 91 1196N a0 WC,rt l b, - 0 9 I WB x36iE391o t09 vmmn plyn AraE NnOSIIC 64lvV Eh N12 ,0 16. nwm wne ✓xurcnnavn III.. 'i... I. bb. lam lax m.amm b.00 s cm t".. t".. e9m 9z,nE.oS I0z Wr5XbW1MbE xmrnmm.mx eslsl &� mrrzal6.csn zl u%mm as Wam ar. E. yn g]01 [2p Iyiv RVpNtiO uc w .� urvN Z91azo2 . m9nNY„xn 4_ma n�.n a cmavmn um Ilf tl.az {slJ tz o Raw 11Ae AILS Y".NE4 E0E0._gi 930c'S f ;181]1 fB00H] S I�SOf.ie •' nm A.qE NitNlwimu99z] 1 I6 W'alrglan AreE UMIV 0018a02 C^Wwelnlun NV.4. E 11ery Saul I.Ill nium Il.ie I 11.]5 1539.10 0 MW 11.10 821301 .'ll W9)35 0 %>.89 02.105.21 b1T]5 N b.iE 10 XSSan M NE. P O 1049 30091 wN Nnnaml &9S+ IIUMIn ®1MX9ASl b2 I x91E0)m 99 Wahrxlvn Ar^E, Milulnnwdmxlnv IIrv1xV01819Y COMn1nAm III 9.�9YHrry6pui¢A Ilcaax. Yum Slmw ilAA.ae Nnq PA14.n Hl�lmlm-� W Ill xataal3] WWV1irylen AnE mpr uca V13 L 3, Cwgpnitlum HO,0.9z Yen S 11.Sr {519.19 Wm ".1`4 11217. 93mY' W3)di }300,04 AIW ER mw 01 .11 Pl en SI HE P00m49 04 31 li 505691m xvµaT Ion AreE M I 41yv0 Lmlm] IL^ W09coq E9t 6M.a W95 d Lda...40 rvwN H.II.V dHUlnlwr dBNO 00.00 M..09 0. bII EB II.A9.w Dam 111.. 51 V'1 11 10.m SB 55 Vhsninplm nwE IluMmm4MN 99359 51111391909) bvx Aa RVn Ocoee zYaIS'ete Ld E, 0e619,pMM1 C1J Nu1eXM1avn W9Y y930'vILtl 6, RIG ®. vbNHanG u'HUMmar _W_d0 Om _ A$50 90:m l 9]:m_ Em _ E9 f930W ll.. W.00 N91am a0p]9.m &nv �etl N m i [B tf _ 555 M40 CLMm9IN _ _ etm a19Mm b0[ E1 ,9M b ."b'. Wm 3?are. oo m]Nlbla -p L.I,..IIIb55 31? 2a lz CiW 9 EnekmeOrvareiM1ea Cap p La 1. RNtY 1, I-- Rs ®raGamm'. 40.1 m100 i0, 5IZ:W wm Al i],'ozl.m b_O 9_0_m_ MA.. $I-- 51'N-bb Wmayeux XNiNN0A�53 00 1 r 2a 0i3m10 Wa,Nn Im AreE E:iJ.m�s Olaasifias Lwp Lmvnndlam x2. 5, NYxun'a lvwrvnvn � CnntivmmW. 8 Ld I EKWlmI NSW I. HWAllsvn Ommbwn ;bJbrblu nenl Pln: NUE Eb.iv 59016 {1{.55].{5 1 2. I9 b5991,SJ Si5w0[ A .m A590.W 3]1.B16.H PO BOx355 Mleapglie NN 59190N95 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5091 H9m.W . 1. - .- -15u 515R9s. M36eAe I sS .mNU 1889m.% v9.099.m nm.00am MG.no.I, "I .99 vwarswuu auiesmusa^wmes.uo�m�cynmcr -vrmu comer i4iue xmmmn ememmgarmm um..ma �F (� pn� of MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Sgt. Joseph NageJ/� DATE: 9 -23 -10 RE: 5k walk/run Attach is a request from Jason Werowinski and the committee of the Spooky Sprint. The request outlines their wish to hold a 5k walk/run on October 30 2010 at 9:00 a.m. I have reviewed the information and I am confident that the police department can accommodate their request with the following resources. • Closing of 1st Avenue SE between Main St. S. and Hassan St. SE prior to and during the event. • Utilizing Hutchinson Police Department traffic barricades and cones along the route • Assign two officers to the event to assist with traffic control. (Adams & Washington and Adams and 1 Ave NE) o The cost of these two officers would be the responsibility of the event and /or its organizers. I would estimate the cost of the officers a $82.00 • (2officers x 1 hour x $41.00 per hour) The police department would be happy to assist with this event and looks forward to assisting the committee in creating a safe and successful experience. V0 Jason Werowinski 16650 20e Circle Hutchinson, MN 55350 September 22, 2010 Hutchinson City Council 111 Hassan ST SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: SK Family Run and Walk in Hutchinson on Saturday October 30' 2010 To The Members of the Hutchinson City Council, I am writing today in regards to a new event some citizens of Hutchinson and myself are planning for Saturday October 30`", 2010. We are in the planning stages for a Sk (3.1 mile) family fun run and walk to be staged in Hutchinson with a start time of 9AM. We are calling it the Spooky Sprint. The proceeds of this run will go to a yet to be determined non -profit organization in the city, We want to take advantage of a great resource in town, the area around the Library (Library Square). As such, we would like to start and end this race there, on 1� Ave SE. We realize that having a 3 mile run throughout the city may cause disruption, so we are attempting to run on city streets for about 20% of the total run distance. The remainder would be run on the Luce Line Trail. Our goal is to offer 2 runs, a 5k run and walk, and a % mile dash for children. The % mile dash will begin at 9AM, the 5k run and walk will begin at 9:15AM. Each participant will be required to sign a waiver stating the following: "I am properly trained and enter this walk/run totally at my own risk and hereby waive all claims that I or my heirs may have against all sponsors, walk/run directors and all others associated with this walk /run, for any injuries or problems I may sustain, regardless of any negligence. I am totally responsible for my safety and any injury I may suffer." I am attaching a map of the proposed courses. I have met with Sergeant Nagel about the course and modified it as suggested. I am seeking approval for closure of 1" Ave SE for this run. We will also be running down Adams Street towards the Luce Line, but our belief is that Adams will not need to be closed off. We will be using cones to create a separation lane on Adams. As I stated I have discussed this with Sergeant Nagel. So in essence the matter before the Council on this issue is the approval or denial for the Police Department to use their discretion to close/block a Ave SE for some period of time on Saturday October 30 2010. We understand there may be costs associated with this Traffic Control and have accounted for this in our budget. We are looking forward to this new event in Hutchinson, and to continuing it in the years to come. Sincerely, Jason Werowinski a 2 f a l*9 � Proposed Course - Spooky Sprint 5k (3.1 mile) There and Back Style Run /Walk �0„ o 0 I �r ..-a A.q zW �9w bw are 9w _ Nwl7 C IfM5hw 5W n Mlle 9 F wp.nAw a`W aQ oW... Are 8W ,arna ALIe 2 �9w bw are 9w _ Nwl7 C IfM5hw 5W n Mlle 9 F wp.nAw a`W Nw ln oW... Are 8W ,arna ALIe 2 - �„ 9F N verz�ue,, Hrmruw to SW F a O Ja ..ec i'J ^' fv evc; we haN rl�y. b+erom i A.Sw o �+rFe'H" 7 5[arVFinitlt fianwe BE a . g m � g $JU:'1 PolF �9w bw are 9w _ Nwl7 C IfM5hw 5W n wp.nAw a`W oW... Are 8W O � Av G� P n YIIS3 �„ Hrmruw to SW F fs 4w sw t fv evc; rl�y. i A.Sw o �+rFe'H" 7 5[arVFinitlt fianwe BE a . g m � g $JU:'1 PolF 4i M Aw BVV @ � @ i G� x NnAw SW - .In 4w aw " NvMe 6E 4 4 � n Y Proposed Course - Spooky Sp =Run q� 1/2 Mile Dash - There and Back Sty p NE ArL NW RBUP.aIICraI QD 00 su AV�RW .� Q Les wP � l i:.5mct n - rarrens (D P.144• � _ Rivera �`- '� - Vevafens ..0 Jaycee 93ry NW M.monal Aatk. � -aae y. I:l Ara nW 1`I d Ae3: FU�d k +ar -drk L.a���� z WYS.JIgIY: A.iW r Wyy1Q011 MeE �Y' 3 !Q �i- Are ��. F Velwtwn aVrnary ]rn AVe SW Caurq Nr!r� b Aw Sw CaaFiY H" 7 SlerVfininh �2J AVe5€ La..a L.Ytls A—sw YO Aw sW Sro YrrSW $ f n m � ieA:�FU1M Uu Arc SW � � ri.YVe SE � Sv. Mpa1AM SW y amYreSW 2 ,.,. j aw RVB 3W a1RAW SW� + 9YIIAVU 3W _ _, m1Aw S� 1 ■ CITY OF HUTCHINSON R55CKREG LOG22001VO Council Check Register 9/28/2010 Check# Ck Date Amount Vendor/ Explanation Account Description 162007 9/28/2010 $114.47 1ST CLASS TOWING INC OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162009 9/28/2010 $506.02 ACE HARDWARE OPERATING SUPPLIES 162010 9/28/2010 $708.09 AEM SERVICES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162011 9/28/2010 $46.47 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS 162012 9/28/2010 $53.44 ALPHA WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 162013 9/28/2010 $144.80 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 162014 9/28/2010 $8.32 AMERICAN WELDING & GAS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 162015 9/28/2010 $406.10 AMERICINN TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162016 9/28/2010 $57.43 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162017 9/28/2010 $446.74 AMS COATING SYSTEMS INC. SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS 162018 9/28/2010 $16,230.34 ANDERSON CHEMICAL COMPANY CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 162019 9/28/2010 $1,787.50 APPLE MINNESOTA LLC INTOXICATING BEVERAGE LICENSE 162020 9/28/2010 $1,912.50 APPLEBEE'S RESTAURANTS NORTH INTOXICATING BEVERAGE LICENSE 162021 9/28/2010 $38.91 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE CLEANING SUPPLIES 162022 9/28/2010 $485.25 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 162023 9/28/2010 $750.15 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO COST OF SALES -BEER 162024 9/28/2010 $113.26 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE EQUIPMENT PARTS 162025 9/28/2010 $162.50 BARTHOLOMEW, JUSTIN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL 162026 9/28/2010 $107.13 BERNICK'S COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 162027 9/28/2010 $2,217.00 BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION OPERATING SUPPLIES 162028 9/28/2010 $124.99 BLACKWELL, DAN UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 162029 9/28/2010 $460.70 BRANDON TIRE CO CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 162030 9/28/2010 $90.00 BRAUN, BECKY OTHER REVENUES 162031 9/28/2010 $1,443.35 BRITZ STORE EQUIPMENT, INC. SMALLTOOLS 162032 9/28/2010 $1,567.50 BRYAN STREICH TRUCKING FREIGHT - IN 162033 9/28/2010 $153.78 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162034 9/28/2010 $62,409.00 C & L DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 162035 9/28/20101 $239.70 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162036 9/28/2010 $583.20 CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162037 9/28/2010 $38.46 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 162038 9/28/2010 $35.78 CARR FLOWERS MISCELLANEOUS 162039 9/28/2010 $154.83 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162040 9/28/2010 $90.05 CENTRAL MCGOWAN RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162041 9/28/2010 $176.00 CLARK, MICHAEL A. OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162042 9/28/2010 $5,851.41 CLARKE MOSQUITO CONTROL PRODUC OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162043 9/28/2010 $143.49 COLLINS BROTHERS COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 162044 9/28/2010 $60.00 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION PERMITS 162045 9128/2010 $59.42 CONELY, JAMES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL 162046 9/28/2010 $2,070.00 COOK, STEVE MEETINGS 162047 9/28/2010 $74.81 COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE OPERATING SUPPLIES 162048 9/28/2010 $1,529.06 CPR SERVICES INC EQUIPMENT PARTS 162049 9/28/2010 $5.54 CREEKSIDE SOILS IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS 162050 9/28/2010 $2,013.32 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 162051 9/28/2010 $60 -38 CROW RIVER FLORAL & GIFTS MISCELLANEOUS 162052 9/28/2010 $86.38 CROW RIVER GLASS & SIGNS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162053 9/28/2010 $680.62 CROW RIVER VET HOSPITAL PA OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162054 9/28/2010 $45.00 CROWELL, JACQUELINE OTHER REVENUES 162055 9/28/2010 $38.48 CULLIGAN -METRO REPAIR& MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162056 9/28/2010 $58.51 CUSTOM PRODUCTS & SERVICES EQUIPMENT PARTS 162057 9/28/2010 $20.00 CZECH, RANDY TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162058 9/28/2010 $2,885.63 DAAK REFRIGERATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 162059 9/28/2010 $6,448.90 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 162060 9/28/2010 $95,453.63 DIRECT PLASTICS GROUP RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162061 9/28/2010 $170.00 DRAIN PROS, INC. CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162062 9/28/2010 $2,186 -90 DROP -N-GO SHIPPING, INC PRINTING & PUBLISHING 162063 9/28/2010 $643.42 DYNASYSTEMS EQUIPMENT PARTS 162064 9/28/2010 $208.80 EAST SIDE OIL COMPANIES RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162065 9/28/2010 $56.64 ECOLAB PEST ELIM OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162066 9/2812010 $36.49 ECONO FOODS OFFICE SUPPLIES 162067 9/28/20101 $150.00 EWERT BROS INC MISCELLANEOUS 162068 9/28/2010 $7,620.00 EXCELSIOR HOMES, INC CONTRACT REPAIR &MAINTENANCE 162069 9/28/2010 $360.001 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 162070 9/28/20101 $337.00 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED ` lam 7 162071 9/28/2010 $122.00 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE OPERATING SUPPLIES 162072 9/28/2010 $279.61 FASTENAL COMPANY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162073 9/28/2010 $130.00 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE S OPERATING SUPPLIES 162074 9/28/2010 $5,899.00 FOSTER MECHANICAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 162075 9/28/2010 $24.35 G & K SERVICES OPERATING SUPPLIES 162076 9/2812010 $3,200.00 GAVIN, OLSON & WINTERS, LTD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 162077 9/28/2010 $1,414.10 GOODIN COMPANY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162078 9/28/2010 $946.48 GRAINGER EQUIPMENT PARTS 162079 9/28/2010 $199.44 GRAND CASINO HOTEL TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162080 9/28/2010 $255.00 GRAND PERE WINES INC COST OF SALES -WINE 162081 9/28/2010 $618.34 GREEN PROVENCE CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 162082 9/28/2010 $2,491.00 GRUFRUFF DESIGN OPERATING SUPPLIES 162083 9/28/2010 $1,761.51 HACH COMPANY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 162084 9128/2010 $170.00 HALTER,JOAN RENTS -BLDGS OTHER 162085 9/28/2010 $3,967.00 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE COST OF SALES -BEER 162086 9/28/2010 $270.00 HANSEN GRAVEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT 162087 9/28/2010 $7,855.00 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162088 9/28/2010 $41.00 HARTMAN, KRIS RECREATION ACTIVITY FEES 162089 9/28/2010 $119,717.00 HEALTH PARTNERS EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 162090 9/28/2010 $527.13 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON CLEANING SUPPLIES 162091 9/28/2010 $94.37 HIRSHFIELD'S INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162092 9/28/2010 $1,780.25 HJERPE CONTRACTING CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162093 9/28/2010 $735.61 HOLT MOTORS INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 162094 9/28/2010 $3,203.00 HRA HOUSING REHAB LOANS 162095 9/28/2010 $5,778.69 HUTCHINSON CO -OP MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 162096 9/28/2010 $753.06 HUTCHINSON CONCRETE CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162097 9/28/2010 $6,368.01 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITO LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT 162098 9/28/2010 $1,172.56 HUTCHINSON LEADER ADVERTISING 162099 9/28/2010 $66.23 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE EQUIPMENT PARTS 162100 9/28/2010 $4,715.41 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF REFUSE - RECYCLING 162101 9/28/2010 $110.73 JACOBSEN, SEPTEMBER OPERATING SUPPLIES 162102 9/28/2010 $5,357.97 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. ADVERTISING 162103 9/28/2010 $68.00 JEPSEN, APRIL JOTHER REVENUES 162104 9/28/2010 $1,111.50 JIM'S GARDEN SERVICE JOTHER CONTRACTUAL 162105 9/28/2010 $328.00 JOCHUM, DANIEL TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162106 9/28/2010 $19,524.59 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF SALES -BEER 162107 9/28/2010 $8,447.00 JUUL CONTRACTING CO RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162108 9/28/2010 $502.00 KDUZ KARP RADIO ADVERTISING 162109 9/28/2010 $200.00 KIRCHOFF- RICHARDSON, AMY RENTS -BLDGS OTHER 162110 9/28/2010 $1,385.50 KOHLS SWEEPING SERVICE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162111 9/28/2010 $2,481.73 L & P SUPPLY CO RECEIVED NOT VOUCH ERED 162112 9/28/2010 $4,538.98 LAKESIDE EQUIPMENT CORP REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162113 9/28/2010 $30.00 LANDMARK, DENNIS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL 162114 9/28/2010 $43,764.25 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST ACCURED WORKERS COMP 162115 9/28/2010 $134.00 LEXISNEXIS OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162116 9/28/2010 $832.98 LITTLE CROW SHOOTING SPORTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 162117 9/28/2010 $21,069.42 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF SALES -BEER 162118 9/28/2010 $23,551.00 LOGIS DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 162119 9/28/2010 $37.36 LONCORICH, MARY JO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL 162120 9/28/2010 $118.87 M -R SIGN SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS 162121 9/28/2010 $98.86 MAIN STREET SPORTS BAR OPERATING SUPPLIES 162122 9/28/2010 $57.26 MARSHALL CONCRETE PRODUCTS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162123 9/28/2010 $205.64 MARSHALL NORTHWEST PIPE FITTIN REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162124 9/28/2010 $335.35 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 162125 9/28/2010 $2,598.96 MCLEOD COOP POWER ASSN CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS 162126 9/28/2010 $919.00 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 162127 9/28/2010 $368.00 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 162128 9/28/2010 $420.00 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR - TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 162129 9/28/2010 $440.00 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR - TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 162130 9/28/2010 $3,357.46 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 162131 9/28/2010 $116.00 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 162132 9/28/2010 $246.00 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 162133 9/28/2010 $300.00 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162134 9/28/2010 $40.00 MEEKER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162135 9/28/2010 $3,458 -06 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162136 9/28/2010 $65.50 MEHR, BRIAN TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162137 9/28/2010 $317.42 MENARDS HUTCHINSON OPERATING SUPPLIES 162138 9/28/2010 $679.40 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY INC OPERATING SUPPLIES I n 162139 9/28/2010 $356.84 MIDWEST PLAYSCAPES INC. OPERATING SUPPLIES 162140 9/28/2010 $20.00 MIES, MIKE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162141 9/28/2010 $57.38 MILLER, MARK ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL 162142 9/28/2010 $163.32 MINI BIFF RENTALS 162143 9/28/2010 $78.00 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162144 9128/2010 $175.00 MINNESOTA ASSN OF CEMETERIES TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162145 9/28/2010 $50.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH PERMITS 162146 9/28/2010 $194.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR &IND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 162147 9/28/2010 $96.24 MINNESOTA SHREDDING REFUSE - RECYCLING 162148 9/28/2010 $1,062.00 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162149 9/28/2010 $400.00 MINNESOTA WISCONSIN PLAYGROUNC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162150 9/28/2010 $150.00 MMBA TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162151 9/28/2010 $235.00 MN GIS /LIS CONFERENCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162152 9/28/2010 $185.00 MOCHINSKI, CALLA PAUTZ RENTS -BLDGS OTHER 162153 9/28/2010 $20.00 MOORE, ERIC TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162154 9/28/2010 $378.13 MORAN USA, LLC COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 162155 9/28/2010 $69.75 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 162156 9/28/2010 $100.00 NORTHERN COLLABORATIVE TECHNOL COMMUNICATIONS 162157 9/28/2010 $265.00 NYGAARD ENTERPRISES, INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 162158 9/28/2010 $21.80 O REILLY AUTO PARTS EQUIPMENT PARTS 162159 9/28/2010 $37.00 OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOG TELEPROCESSING EQUIP 162160 9/28/2010 $81.23 OXI FRESH CARPET CLEANING OF M BUILDING REPAIRS 162161 9/28/2010 $7,897.50 PEATINC. 162162 9/28/2010 $22,531.44 PHILLIPS WINE &SPIRITS COST OF SALES -WINE 162163 9/28/2010 $218.00 PIONEER SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS 162164 9/28/2010 $290.95 PLUMBING & HEATING BY CRAIG CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162165 9/28/2010 $282.15 PLUNKETTS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162166 9/28/2010 $33.07 PRO -BUILD OPERATING SUPPLIES 162167 9/28/2010 $ 230.00 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLICATI DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 162168 9/28/2010 $710.62 QUADE ELECTRIC MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 162169 9/28/2010 $2,000.00 QUALITY CONTROL & INTEGRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 162170 9/28/2010 $1,983.42 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 162171 9/28/2010 $15,074.99 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 162172 9/28/2010 $1,231.20 R.J.L. TRANSFER FREIGHT 162173 9/28/2010 $715.00 RANDY'S REPAIR SERVICE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162174 9/28/2010 $203.04 RBSCOTT EQUIPMENT RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162175 9/28/2010 $2,885.63 ROO EQUIPMENT CO. CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 162176 9/28/2010 $489.53 ROYAL TIRE CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 162177 9/28/2010 $706.44 SAM'S CLUB FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION 162178 9/28/2010 $19,991.00 SCHIMMEL CONSTRUCTION LLC HOUSING REHAB LOANS 162179 9/28/2010 $213.80 SCHMELING OIL CO MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 162180 9/28/2010 $64.20 SCOTT'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVIC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162181 9/28/2010 $599.56 SEARS SMALL TOOLS 162182 9/28/2010 $42.91 SEBORA, MARC TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 162183 9/28/2010 $12.80 SHOPKO OFFICE SUPPLIES 162184 9/28/2010 $79.00 SPS COMMERCE 162185 9/28/2010 $420.46 ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162186 9/28/2010 $21.38 STANDARD PRINTING PRINTING & PUBLISHING 162187 9/28/2010 $819.90 STAPLES ADVANTAGE CLEANING SUPPLIES 162188 9/28/2010 $268.00 STARRETT, TERRA OTHER REVENUES 162189 9/28/2010 $40.00 STENZEL, GWEN RECREATION ACTIVITY FEES 162190 9/28/2010 $53.39 SUBWAY SOUTH RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162191 9/28/2010 $37.51 SUBWAY WEST OPERATING SUPPLIES 162192 9/28/2010 $51.14 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162193 9/28/2010 $74.80 TOWN &COUNTRY TIRE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 162194 9/28/2010 $287.26 TRI COUNTY WATER OPERATING SUPPLIES 162195 9/28/2010 $2,640.00 UNITED PACKAGING & DESIGN RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 162196 9/28/2010 $13.48 VALLEY NATIONAL GASES LLC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162197 9/28/2010 $592.40 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON VEHICLE RENT 162198 9/28/2010 $74.76 VERTECH SOLUTIONS & SERVICES CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162199 9/28/2010 $112.70 VESSCO INC EQUIPMENT PARTS 162200 9/28/2010 $18,246.11 VIKING BEER COST OF SALES -BEER 162201 9/28/2010 $294.75 VIKING COCA COLA COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 162202 9/28/2010 $673.50 VINOCOPIA INC COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 162203 9/28/2010 $45.00 VORLICEK, TINA OTHER REVENUES 162204 9/28/20101 $20.30 WAL -MART COMMUNITY CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 162205 9/28/2010 $1,343.31 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE - RECYCLING 162206 9/28/2010 $108,981.32 WASTE MANAGEMENT- WINSTED REFUSE - HAULING 162207 9/2812010 $60.00 WELCOME NEIGHBOR ADVERTISING 162208 9/28/2010 $100.00 WICHTERMAN, KEN UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 162209 9/28/2010 $420.00 WILLWERKS INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 162210 9/28/2010 $8,230.65 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF SALES -WINE 162211 9/28/2010 $3,599.10 WINE MERCHANTS INC COST OF SALES -WINE 162212 9/28/2010 $8,926.01 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA COST OF SALES -MISC 162213 9/28/2010 $833.63 WITTE SOD FARMS INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 162214 9/28/2010 $188.10 WM MUELLER & SONS STREET MAINT.MATERIALS 162215 9/28/2010 $4,085.10 WORK CONNECTION, THE OTHER CONTRACTUAL 162216 9/28/2010 $1,523.76 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 162217 9/28/2010 $76.61 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE 162218 9/28/2010 $500.79 H.A.R.T. ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP 162219 9/28/2010 $64.30 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMER ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE $791,790.99 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total $791,790.99 Total Paymei $791,790.99 PAYROLL ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS PAYROLL DATE: 09/24/2010 Period Ending Date: 09/18/2010 $55,632.69 IRS - Withholding Tax Account Federal Withholding Employee /Employer FICA Employee /Employer Medicare $10,786.80 MN Department of Revenue State Withholding Tax $39,314.46 Public Employee Retirement Association Employee /Employer PERA/DCP Contributions $4,802.45 TASC Employee Flex Spending Deductions $400.00 MNDCP Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $1,339.60 ING Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $2,001.15 ICMA Retirement Trust Employee Contributions - Deferred Comp $757.63 MN Child Support System Employee Deductions $115,034.78 Total Electronic Funds Transfer co lt� ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS COUNCIL MEETING 09/28/2010 TAX FUND FUEL HATS LIQUOR LIQUOR SALES PRCE CIVIC ARENA SALES & USE TAX WATER SEWER CREEKSIDE WIRE TRAN TO waste water PAYABLE TO AMOUNT MN DEPT OF REV $2,489.30 MN DEPT OF REV $37,547.00 MN DEPT OF REV $778.00 MN DEPT OF REV $12,248.00 DENSON $2,330.00 AUTOMATION INC .lV CERTIFICATION OF MINUTES RELATING TO A PROJECT ON BEHALF OF HUTCHINSON SENIOR CARE SERVICES Issuer: City of Hutchinson Governing Body: City Council Kind, date, time and place of meeting: A regular meeting held on September 28, 2010, at o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers at the Hutchinson City Center. Councilmembers present: Councilmembers absent: Documents attached: Minutes of said meeting including (pages): 1 through _ RESOLUTION NO. 13793 RESOLUTION RELATING TO A PROJECT ON BEHALF OF HUTCHINSON SENIOR CARE SERVICES; GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS RELATING THERETO I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the public corporation issuing the obligations referred to in the title of this certificate, certify that the documents attached hereto, as described above, have been carefully compared with the original records of the corporation in my legal custody, from which they have been transcribed; that the documents are a correct and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the governing body of the corporation, and correct and complete copies of all resolutions and other actions taken and of all documents approved by the governing body at the meeting, insofar as they relate to the obligations and that the meeting was duly held by the governing body at the time and place and was attended throughout by the members indicated above, pursuant to call and notice given as required by law. WITNESS my hand officially as such recording officer this day of September, 2010. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator e) 1,0)— Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent: RESOLUTION NO. 13793 RESOLUTION RELATING TO A PROJECT ON BEHALF OF HUTCHINSON SENIOR CARE SERVICES; GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS RELATING THERETO BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson (the "City "), as follows: Section 1. Recitals 1.1. Representatives of Hutchinson Senior Care Services, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the `Borrower "), have advised this Council of their desire to finance a project consisting of the acquisition, construction and equipping by the Borrower of an approximately 125,000 square feet, two story senior care facility to be located at 1555 Sherwood Street SE in the City of Hutchinson, that will include 120 licensed skilled nursing home beds and 18 assisted living units and related facilities (the "Project'). The Project will be owned by, and operated by the Borrower. 1.2. The City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165, as amended (the "Act'), to issue its revenue bonds or notes to finance projects consisting of properties, real or personal, used or useful in connection with a revenue - producing enterprise, whether or not operated for profit, engaged in providing health care services, including hospitals, nursing homes and related medical facilities. The Borrower has requested the City to issue its revenue bonds or notes in the approximate aggregate principal amount of $13,600,000 (the "Bonds ") to finance all or a portion of the cost of the Project. 1.3. At a public hearing held on September 28, 2010, all parties who appeared at the hearing were given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal that the City issue the Bonds under the Act to to finance the Project, and interested persons were given the opportunity to submit written comments to the City Administrator before the time of the hearing. Section 2. Findines After due consideration, this Council hereby makes the following preliminary findings, determinations and declarations: (a) The welfare of the State of Minnesota requires active promotion, attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry and commerce through governmental acts to prevent, so far as possible, emergence of blighted lands and areas of chronic unemployment, and the State of Minnesota has encouraged local government units to act to prevent such economic deterioration. (b) The Project would further the general purposes contemplated and described in the Act. (c) The existence of the Project will provide necessary health care facilities and opportunities for employment for residents of the City and surrounding area, and will add to the tax base of the City and overlapping tax jurisdictions. (d) This Counicl has been advised by the Borrower that conventional, commercial financing to pay the cost of the Project is available only on a limited basis and, if available, is only available at such high costs of borrowing that the economic feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly reduced. (e) This Counicl has also been advised by the Borrower that on the basis of its discussions with potential buyers of tax- exempt bonds, the Bonds could be issued and sold upon favorable rates and terms to finance the Project. (f) The Borrower has agreed and it is hereby determined that any and all costs incurred by the City, including all consulting and legal fees and fees required by the City's administrative policies, in connection with the financing of the Project, whether or not the Project is carried to completion and whether or not approved by the City, will be paid by Borrower. Section 3. Approvals and Authorizations 3.1. On the basis of the information given the City to date, the Council hereby determines to proceed with the Project and its financing, and hereby declares its present intent to have the City issue the Bonds under the Act to finance the Project in an amount not to exceed $13,600,000, subject to the approval of the Project by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development in accordance with Section 469.154, subdivision 3, of the Act. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the adoption of this resolution shall not be deemed to establish a legal obligation on the part of the City to issue or to cause an issuance of the Bonds. All details of such Bond issue and the provisions for payment thereof shall be subject to the mutual agreement of the City, the Borrower and the purchaser or purchasers of the Bonds and such further conditions as the City may specify, such agreement on the part of the City to be evidenced by appropriate resolutions authorizing the issuance of the Bonds on the terms and conditions agreed upon and authorizing the execution of necessary documents. In all events, it is understood that the Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City, except the revenues pledged to payment of such Bonds, and each Bond, when, as and if issued, shall recite in substance that the Bond, including interest thereon, is payable solely from the revenues received from the Project and any property pledged to the payment thereof and shall not constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional, charter or statutory limitation. No holder of any Bonds shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the outstanding principal on the Bonds or the interest thereon, or to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City. 9LU) 3.2. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.150 -2 of the Income Tax Regulations, the City reasonably expects to reimburse costs of the Project with proceeds of the Bonds, if and when issued, based upon representations of the Borrower on which the City believes it is reasonable to rely. Mayor Attest: City Administrator The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member in favor thereof: and upon vote being taken thereon, the following Members voted and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. C • Memorandum Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 320 - 587- 5151/Fa 320 -234 -4240 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator . e7 cv•V RE: Police Commission Review of Layoff Recommendations DATE: September 28, 2010 As directed by City Council action on September 14, 2010, the Hutchinson Police Civil Service Commission, at their meeting of Monday, September 27, 2010, reviewed the recommendation for the layoff of Police Department personnel. The positions and personnel recommended for layoff included Lisa Grina, Administrative Secretary, and Robert Winslow, Community Services Officer. During the Commission meeting, Chair Mark Jelkin noted that the Commissioners each had an opportunity, as provided by the Civil Service Rules, to individually view the service records of the two incumbent Community Services Officers as arranged by the Human Resources Director at City Center. The Commission indicated that upon review of the records, there is no significant difference in levels of performance between the respective Community Services Officers and that the Commission finds nothing to dispute Chief Hatten's recommendation for layoff based on seniority of the employees. Commissioner Julie Jensen moved to uphold the Chief's recommendation for the Community Service Officer layoff based on years of service. Commissioner Verne Meyer seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion, and the motion passed with a unanimous vote of the Commission. The meeting discussion then moved on to the proposed elimination of the position of Administrative Secretary. Chair Jelkin recognized Attorney Scott Lepak of the firm Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd., legal counsel for the City, and requested assistance for the Commission regarding the definition of position within the City of Hutchinson Police Civil Service rules. Mr. Lepak noted he was present in an advisory role to the Commission. • Mr. Lepak reviewed with the Commission the definition of the term "position" as defined in the Hutchinson Police Civil Service Commission rules. He spoke to a definition of "position" from the working arena meaning a distinct classification that exists separate from other positions or Printed on recycled paper - 1 (a)— • classifications within the City or organization. Mr. Lepak added that he has contacted the City of Hutchinson Human Resources department and learned how the City reports positions for pay equity and hiring. Several positions have the same grade designation, but the positions are separate. Mr. Lepak added that as long as there is a separate description, is listed separately on the City's position classification table, and is noted separately in terms of pay equity, the position is separate. Commissioner Jelkin offered that he reviewed the City information regarding positions and with the legal opinion provided by Mr. Lepak, he believes the position of Police Administrative Secretary is a separate position from the Police Records Technician position. The Commission agreed that given the way the City designates the positions, the Chief operated within the policies of the City and within his scope and made a reasonable decision to select the position of Administrative Secretary for layoff. Chair Mark Jelkin made a motion to affirm that the position of Police Administrative Secretary is a unique position as defined by the City of Hutchinson, and, therefore, to move forward with the layoff of the Administrative Secretary, employee Lisa Grina. Commissioner Jensen seconded the motion. The Chair asked if there was any further discussion. There being none, the motion passed unanimously. The Commission requested that the actions taken at the September 27, 2010, Commission • meeting regarding the staff layoffs from the positions of Administrative Secretary and Community Services Officer be communicated to the City Council at their meeting of September 28, 2010. • q60-) Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Brenda K. Ewing, Human Resources Director RE: Implementation of Staff Reductions and Consideration of Resolution No. 13780 DATE: September 8, 2010 This memorandum is to update you on the status of the implementation of the staff reductions in regards to the budget reduction issues. As of today, the following layoff notifications have been completed: Department Position Employee Building Enforcement Building Inspector II Kyle Dimler Fire Fire Inspector James Popp Information Tech, Help Desk /Imaging Technician Joyce Leske Liquor Hutch PT Liquor Sales Clerk Elroy Schlueter Liquor Hutch Senior Liquor Sales Clerk Yoon Hee Carswell Liquor Hutch Senior Liquor Sales Clerk Anthony Tufto Police Administrative Secretary Lisa Grina Police CSO /Police Supplemental Services Spec. Robert Winslow PRCE PT Office Specialist Evonne Schultz Public Works Heavy Equipment Operator Aaron Rassett Additionally, other staff changes proposed, Including reduction of hours and reorganization, to aid in addressing the budget shortfall are as follows: Department Administration/ Finance City Center Event Center Event Center Liquor Hutch Position Finance Director City Center Maintenance Specialist Event Center Coordinator Maintenance Worker Assistant Liquor Sales Manager Action Combine position with City Administrator position Reduce work hours from 40 to 32 /week Reduce work hours from 40 to 36 /week Reduce work hours from 40 to 36 /week Eliminate position — place employee in Sr. Liquor Sales Position (effective 1/1/2011) Resolution No. 13780 is on the Council agenda for consideration and adoption. The resolution has been amended to eliminate those positions on the Position Classification Table that will no 9�� longer exist as of the layoff actions and proposed staff changes. Staff will be at the September 14, 2010, Council meeting if you have any questions. Encl. I Hu tchinson A rea Health Car Hu'rehiptson C;ontnturtily tiospitill Barns .Manor Nursing Home • Uasse! ,Medicai Center 1095 Highway 15 South Hutchinson. NN 553 (3'20) 234 -5000 September 2, 2010 City Council Members City of Hutchinson Dear Members, At its regular meeting on g/ 17/10, the Board of Directors of Hutchinson Health Care unanimously approved the attached amendments to the HHC Bylaws. The purpose of the amendments was to provide more flexibility in making committee assignments, while assuring continued proportional representation of Community and Appointed members, as intended in the original Bylaws. Under the Limited Membership Rights detailed in SECTION 8.2(a) of the Bylaws, the City Council must approve these amendments. (Technically, amendments to Section 4.4 do not require member approval, based on SECTION 2.7(b). The HI-IC Board felt that this may have been an oversight in the bylaws, and are requesting approval of amendments to that section, in the spirit of transparency.) I will be available at the City Council meeting on 9/14/10 to answer any questions you might have. Sincerer', t Steven Mulder, MD President and CEO Hutchinson Health Care 4L) SECTION 2.7 Actions Subiect t o Sy(pgjority Aooro The following actions shall require the approval of at least two- thirds of the total number of authorized directors; provided, however, that the actions listed in subsections (a) through (i) shall not be effective unless the voting member has approved the action or waived its rights as described in Article VIII of these Bylaws: (a) Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of this corporation. (h) t !!� to the Preamble and Sections 1.1, I .?, 1.4. 1.5, 2.4, .I, ` 4.2 4.3 .$ .t. 8.2,, 8.5 or 8.7 of these Bylaws, including Exhibit , to rdance with Section 7.3 ot'these Bylaws. (c) Merger, consolidation, liquidation, dissolution, or sale or lease, or other transfer, or mortgage or other gram of a security interest, of or in, all or substantially all of the assets of this corporation, provided that nothing herein is intended to restrict the ability of the corporation to mortgage, grant a security interest or otherwise encumber as collateral or security for debt held by an institutional lender or bond trustee all or any part of the corporation's assets in the ordinary course of business financing transactions where the proceeds of such transactions are used to support the corporation's health care operations. (d) Any subleases or assignments which if executed would bring the aggregate of subleased or assigned space to a percentage of 30% or more of the space identified with or referenced in the corporation's hospital license (provided, however, that space associated with leases or assignments in which the services provided in such space or spaces are "provider -based services" billed by and in the name of this corporation under applicable Medicare statutes and regulations as in effect from time to time shall not be deemed a lease or assignment for purposes of this limitation). (e) Closure of the Hospital. (t) Contributions of cash or cash - equivalents that in the aggregate exceed 1.5 percent of the net income of the corporation during any fiscal year to any person(s) or emigies) without receipt of fair market value consideration in return; provided, however, that such contributions shall be made for the charitable purposes described in Section 501(cx3) of the Internal Revenue Code ( "IRC") and shall be in furtherance of the corporation's health care mission; and provided further that this provision shall not prohibit: (1) the provision of free or reduced price medical care in accordance with the Hospital's charity care/community benefit policies or payor agreements; (2) payment of recruitment incentives to physicians and other health care practitioners provided in accordance with the applicable policies of this corporation; or (3) donations of used equipment or supplies to a governmental -5- 9Ct� SECTION 3.7 Additional powers Any officer of this corporation, in addition to the powers conferred upon him or her by these Bylaws, shall have such powers and perform such additional duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors. COMMITTEES SECTION 4.1 Committ ees Except as provided in Section 4.2 of these Bylaws, regarding the Executive Committee, this corporation shall not have committees without the authority of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may establish advisory committees, the members of which shall be appointed by the Board of Directors or, if expressly authorized by the Board of Directors, by the Chair. A I nembers_of sjoi ..OMM `tees shall N ptin c n,itj : Each such committee shall at all times be subject to the control and direction of the Board of Directors. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, committee members need not be directors. k SECTION 4.2 Executive Committee There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurey z rd n,1t5_ A000i ('siNg2 OI i1 i,,corporatiotyglggtg by t, ",e Board 4v)t shat! hay tiiL[ir &m4mhen_gt t x t X ttvt f'atnmiltce. und_thg ('rvsidnn t _shall ser_v_e_:s an_ ri : IT_tcio n5n_yUt, ittg SECTION 4.2 Executive Committee There shall be an Executive Committee 'consisting of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and at least one Appointed Director of this corporation, elected by the Board, who shall be voting members of the Executive Committee, and the President, who shall serve as an ex officio non - voting member. The Chair of this corporation shall be the chair of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the business of this corporation in the interval between meetings of the Board of Directors, provided, however, that the Executive Committee shall not have authority to act on any matter described in Section 2.7 of these Bylaws or matters listed in Section 4.3 below, except as specifically provided in Section 4.3(e) and Section 2.7(o). The presence of all the members of the Executive Committee shall constitutes quonum at any meeting thereof, but the committee members present at any meeting, although less than a quorum, may adjourn the meeting from time to time. � SECTION 4.3 Prohibited Actions Notwithstanding any provision of these Bylaws apparently to the contrary, the Executive Committee shall not have the authority to take any of the following actions: (a) Amend or repeal the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of this corporation; (b) Elect, appoint. or remove any member of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee, or any officer of this corporation; - g- neMtW: provided dut d M w. e '.. membdroeeemAPWinnd D'ueeme. ilKd '... dK dommiuee ddleaneiY Mahe rMping plm m,e AMotmed nimmr Vpmmed ro de; mn,mn by dm Boyd. The PftMdm,de elm serve. ft - F..dve Cumminar u en ee oR¢io non�m'u,r memb¢ 9�lb� (c) Adopt or approve a plan of merger or consolidation with another corporation; (d) Authorize the sale, lease, exchange. mortgage or other disposition of all or substantially all the assets of this corporation; (e) Authorize the sale. lease. exchange, mortgage or other disposition of the assets of this corporation in the ordinary course of business, unless the Board of Directors has by resolution approved such delegation as provided in Section 2.7(o) and such resolution references both the specific transaction and the specific assets for which authority is delegated; (1) Authorize the voluntary dissolution of the corporation or revoke proceedings 4h.gr. i {ir ; or (g) Amend or repeal any resolution of the Board of Directors. SECTION 4.4 Audit/Compliance Committee There shall be an 1 Audit(Co phance Committee consisting of the Treasurer. T17 Mtt 1 I :..:. It st Dire. nh t I) i tech t <re q? til '�r. a `.Ra' Q:rr A,1`pci >~r d hoc tog, �iq yti hq the, ! re �u c r_un' gt 1 1 t 01% r ,a direuor mni her with expertise to the areas of finance or consumer advocacy, The Treasurer of this corporation shall be the chair of the Audit Committee. The AuditiCompliance Committee shall (a) review this corporation's financial matters and report i on them to the Board of Directors, (b) recommend independent auditors for approval by the Board of Directors, and (c) review this corporation's compliance program, including matters relating to charity care, discounts and collections and report on the program to the Board of Directors. + SECTION 4.5 Governance, Committee There shall be a Governance Committee consisting of gi,!edst th q ()tmgQ s. Thcr e - Ihai! beat is:akt�ne Appointed Director, and rtrynlimbrr «f Community Directors hell, Lu Inl �r ztcetd he q uint of 1p n t„ + a!rr ms. The Governance Committee shall nominate individuals to serve as Community Directors and officers of this corporation, shall supply criteria and desired competencies, may suggest candidates to the City for Appointed Director positions and shall have such other duties as the Board of Directors shall determine from time to time. The corporation is committed to maintaining a Board having diverse competencies, aimed at effective oversight of the health care enterprise. The Governance Committee shall periodically review and recommend to the Board the general and special competencies that should be reflected in Board membership and create, manage and regularly review a list of potential board members from which a slate of candidates for Board of Director vacancies can be developed (the "Candidate list "). For vacancies in Appointed Director positions, the Governance Committee will forward to the City the Board's most recently adopted competency based board criteria, identify the W Miami d fm DNabd: out Cummwny 0..a tin adddien ro the Tmn if the Iam , aim a Commadty biucm and ma odm mdnidlut ahe med m 6a a dime of dda ompraeon, b =MM :. If ao rA Wins tk Dm rte an A ft pp . INeeoar. ihcn the Board d. appo is Appointed Du ealorto die cmnmima n addition a die rompiq memLen, Del~: �L,6) M,EQ ICAL STAFF SECTION 6.l Authorit . In accordance with applicable law, the Board of Directors shall have the ultimate authority to determine the categories of practitioners eligible and criteria for appointment to the medical staffs of facilities operated by the corporation. The Board of Directors shall have final authority on all matters involving medical staff membership, clinical privileges and corrective action after consideration of the medical staffs recommendations: provided, however, that the Board of Directors may act in any event in which the medical staff fails to adopt and submit such recommendations within the time frame set forth in the medical staff bylaws and any supporting documents. SECTION 62 Delegation Subject to the ultimate authority of the Board as set forth in Section 6.1 of these Bylaws and in accordance with legal and accreditation requirements, the Board of Directors has authority -to delegate to the medical staffs of the facilities operated by the corporation the responsibility for monitoring and ensuring the quality of care provided in such facilities, making recommendations concerning applications for appointment and reappointment to the medical staff and clinical privileges, and such other matters as the Board of Directors in its discretion deems appropriate. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 7.1 Fiscal Year Unless otherwise fixed by the Board of Directors, the fiscal year of this corporation shall begin on January I and end on the succeeding December 31. SECTION 7.2 Corporate seal This corporation shall have no seal. SECTION 7.3 Amend mentg. The Bylaws of this corporation may be amended only as provided in this Section 7.3. (a) The Board of Directors may amend the Sections of the Byiavvs listed in Section 17(b) of these Bylaws by the approval of at least two- thirds of all directors of this corporation as provided in Section 2.7. provided. however. that no such amendment shall be effective without the approval of the voting member. (b) The voting member may propose amendments to the Sections of the Bylaws listed in Section 2.7(b) above, provided, however, that no such amendment shall be effective without the approval of at least two- thirds of all directors of this corporation as provided in Section 2.7 of these Bylaws. (c) Sections of the Bylaws other than those listed in Section 17(b) above may be amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present. Such amendments shall be effective without approval by the voting member. The 9c�� Hutchinson, MN $4,825,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2010 Issue Summary - New Money Improvements & Current Refunding of Series 2004A Table of Contents Report ISSUE SUMMARY Total Issue Sources And Uses 1. Debt Service Schedule NEW MONEY I 2 Net Debt Service Sched ; CUR REF SER 2004A Net Debt Service Schedule 4 Prior Ori ginal Debt Service 5 Debt Service Co mparison 5 Current Refunding Escrow 7 Ser 2010 00 Imm BEe 15 1 Issue Summery 1 W=010 1 3:28 PM Ehlers jam) Hutchinson, MN $4,825,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2010 Issue Summary - New Money Improvements & Current Refunding of Series 2004A Total Issue Sources And Uses Dated 111110120101 Deliveredf1110re010 Cur Ref Ser Issue New Monev 2004A Summary Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $2,245,000AO $2,580,00000 $4,825,00000 Planned Issuer E<Larty contribution 306 808,00 306,808.00 Totalsourms- ...._.. ----- — ._— __.__. 551 $2,580,00000 _ Uses Of Funds Total Underwriter Di scount 1 .250 % _ 28 06 32 50.00 60,312,50 Costs of Issuance 24000.00 14,00000 ,38,00000 Deposit to Pmject Fund 2495$94.00 - 2,495,594.00 Deposit to Current Refunds% Fund - 2,534,308 45 2,534,308 45 Rounding Amouru 4,151.50 (55845) 3,59305 Total Uses $2551,808.00 52.580,000.00 $5,131,808.00 Sw 2010 GO I.,ry ad. 15 1 Issue Summery 1 980/2010 t 3:29 PM Ehlers Leaders I U61)) Hutchinson, MN $4,825,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2010 Issue Summary - New Money Improvements & Current Refunding of Series 2004A Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total IIna2010 - - _ - 02101/2011 205,000.00 0.800% 16,506.57 221$06.57 221,506.57 08/01/2011 - - 35,861.25 35,861.25 - 02/012012 830,00000 0.667% 35,861.25 865,86125 901,722.50 _081012012 - - 33,092,50 33,092.50 - 02/012013 815000.00 0820% 33,092.50 848,092.50 881,18500 08/012013 - - 29,75000 29,75000 - 02/01/2014 745,000.00 1.086% 29,750.00 774,75000 804,50000 08/0112014 - - 25,703.75 25,703 75 - 02/01/2015 490000.00 _ 1.433% 25 L03.71 515 703.75 _ 54 1_,40750 08101/2015 - - 22,192.50 22,19250 - 02/01/2016 620,00000 1.618% 22,192.50 642,192.50 664,385.00 08/01/2016 - - 17,177.50 17,177.50 - 02/01/2017 185,000.00 2.550% 17,17750 202,177.50 219,355.00 _0 8101/2017 1 4,818.75 _ 14 818.75 02101/2018 185,00000 2.700% 14,81875 199,818.75 214,637.50 08/012018 - - 12,321.25 12,32125 - 02/012019 185,000.00 2.900% 12,321.25 197 ,32125 209,64250 081012019 - - 9,638.75 9,638.75 - 02/012020 185,000 00 3 050 % 9,638.75 194,638 75 204,277.50 08/01/2020 - - 6,817.50 6,817.50 - 02/01/2021 70,000.00 3.300% 6,817.50 76,817.50 83,635.00 08/01/2021 - - 5,66150 5,662.50 - 02101/2022 75,00010 3.500% 5,662.50 80,66150 86,325.00 08/01/2022 - - 4,350.00 4,35000 02/01/2023 75000.00 3.600% 4,350.00 79,35000 83,701.00 08/012023 - - 3,000.00 3,000.00 - 02/012024 80,000.00 3.700% 3,000.00 83,000.00 86,000.00 08/012024 - - 1,520.00 1,520.00 - 02/01/202 800MW _____3 . _1 52000 83,040.00 Total 54,825,000.00 - $ 460,319.07 $ 5,285,319.07 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $29,975.63 Average Life 4.347 Years Average Coupon_.. ........... Net InterestCost(NIC) 24820789% True Interest Cast(TIC) 24631200% Bond Y . w d for Arbitrage Purposes_ _. 2.1550094% All Inclusive Cost,(AIC) _.,., _... _,.._ _ .... 26606454% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 21.1194,5428% Weighted Average Mazuriry 4.347 Years SK 2010 GO IMM Bde 15 1 Meue Summery 1 9120/2010 1 3:29 PM Ehlers Leaders in PUblic Finance Page 2 ,Dt-Q-) Hutchinson, MN $2,245,000 - Purpose One New Money Improvements Net Debt Service Schedule Se 2010 GO I.M 8ft 15 1 N. Morey 1 92x2010 1 IN PM rG6) Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Net New DIS Total 11/102010 - - - - - _ 02/012011 205,000.00 0.800% 11,550,38 216,550.38 216,550.38 216,550.38 08/012011 - - 24,847.50 24,847.50 24,847.50 - 02/012012 185,000.00 1.250% 24,847.50 209,847.50 209,847.50 234,695,00 08/012012 - - _.. 23,69125 2369125 23,69125 - 02/012013 185,000.00 1.400% 23,691.25 208,691.25 208,691.25 232,382.50 081012013 - - 22,396.25 22,396.25 22,396.25 - 02/012M4 185,000.00 1.650% 22,396.25 207896.25 207,396.25 229,792.50 081012014 - - 20,870.00 20,87000 20,870.00 - W101 185,00000_ 1900% 20870.00 205,87000 205,87000 226,740.00 08/012015 - - 19,112.50 19,112 50 19,112 50 - 02/012016 180,000.00 2.150% 19,112.50 199,112.50 199,112.50 21822500 08/012016 - - 17,177.50 17,177.50 17,177.50 - 02/012017 185,00000 2.550% 17,177.50 202,177.50 202,177.50 21985500 1481875 . _ . ,14,81875 14,81,875 - 02/012018 185,000.00 2.700% 14,818.75 199,818.75 199,818.75 214637.50 08/012018 - - 12,321.25 12821.25 12821.25 - 02 /01 /2019 185,000.00 2,900% 12,321.25 197,321.25 197321.25 209,642.50 08/012019 - - 9638.75 9,638.75 9,638.75 - 02/012020 185,000 00 1 8 050% 9,638 75 194,638 75 194,638 75 204,277 50 08/012020 - - 6,817.50 6,817,50 6,817.50 - 02/012021 70000.00 3300% 6,817.50 76,817.50 76,817.50 83,635.00 08/012021 - - 5,66150 5,662.50 5,662.50 - 02/012022 75,000.00 3.500% 5,662.50 80,662.50 80,662.50 86825.00 081012022 _ - - _ 4,350.00 4,350.00 - 021012023 75,000.00 3.600% 4,350.00 79850.00 79,350.00 83,700.00 081012023 - - 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 - 02/012024 80,000.00 3.700% 3,000.00 83,000.00 83,000.00 86,000.00 08/012024 - - 1,520.00 1,520.00 1,520.00 - 02/012025 80,000.00 11 3800% 1,52000 . 81,52000 81,52000 83,04000 Total 52,245,000.0 - 5383,99 $2, $ Se 2010 GO I.M 8ft 15 1 N. Morey 1 92x2010 1 IN PM rG6) Hutchinson, MN $2,580,000 - Purpose Two Current Refunding of Series 2004A Net Debt Service Schedule Ser 2010 GO Impry BCs 15 I Cur RW Ser 2004,0 1 9202010 1 329 PM �(--) LO-) Fiscal Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Net New D/S Total 11/102010 - - - - 558.45 - 02/012011 - - 4,956.19 4,956.19 4,956,19 5,514.64 08/012011 - - 11,013.75 11013.75 11,013.75 - 02/012012 645,000.00 0.500% 11,013.75 656,013.75 656,013.75 667,027.50 08/012012 - - 9,40125 9,40125 9,401.25 - 02/012013 630,000.00 0.650% 9,401.25 639,401.25 639,401.25 648802.50 08/012013 - - 7,353.75 7,353.75 7,353.75 - 02/012014 560,000.00 0.900% 7,353.75 567,353.75 567,353.75 574,70750 08/012014 - - 4,833.75 4,83175 4,833.75 - 021012015 305,00000 . ,,I 150% 4,83375 30983375 309,83375 314,66750 08/012015 - - 3,080.00 3,080.00 3,080.00 - 02/012016 44 0,000.00 1.400% 3,080.00 443,080.00 443,080.00 446,160.00 Total $2,580,000.00 - $7 6,321.19 $2,656,321 $ 2,656879.64 - Ser 2010 GO Impry BCs 15 I Cur RW Ser 2004,0 1 9202010 1 329 PM �(--) LO-) Hutchinson, MN $4,070,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2004A Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 02/012011 - - 08/012011 - - 02/012012 605,000.00 3.400% 08/012012 - - 02/012013 605,000.00 3.500% 08/012013 - - 02/012014 555,000.00 3.600% 08/012014 - - 02/012015 315,000.00 3.750% 45,868.75 45,868 75 - 45,868.75 650,868.75 696,73750 35,583.75 35,583.75 - 35,583.75 640,583.75 676,16750 24,996.25 24,996.25 - 24,996.25 579996.25 604,99250 15,006.25 15,006.25 - 15,006.25 330,006.25 345,01250 9-100.00 9.100.00 - 021012016 455,000.00 4.000% 9,100.00 464,100.00 473, Total 52,535000.00 - 5261,110D0 $2,796,110.00 - Yield Statistics Av Life Weighted Average Maturity (Par BaSls) _ Average Coupon 2.992 Years 2 Years 3.4422820 %, Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 11 /102010 Refunding Delivery Date 11/102010 Ser NA f4.07M GO Imp 5491 SINGLE PURPOSE I W=0101 3:29 PM Io( -0- Hutchinson MN $2,580,000 - Purpose Two Current Refunding of Series 2004A Debt Service Comparison Date Total P +I Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savinas 02/012011 4,956.19 5,514.64 - (5,51464) 02/012012 667,02750 667,027,50 696,73750 29,710.00 02/012013 648,80250 648,802.50 676,16750 27,365.00 02/012014 574,70750 574,707.50 604,99250 30,285.00 - ....._..... ___ ___. .......... _ _.. 02/012016 446,160.00 446,160.00 473,20000 27,040.00 Total $2,656321.19 $2,656 ,879.64 $ $139,23036 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Gmss PV Debt Service Savings ,.,:;; 133,227 03 Net PV CashFlow Savings (u; 1633 0 /dA1C) _ _133,22703 Condngency or Rounding Amount... ., _ (559.45) Net Present Value Benefit $132,66858 Net PV Benefit/ $2 1 PV Refunded Debt Semce 5 049% Net PV Benefit/ $2,535,000 Refunded Principal,, 5 233% Net PV Benefit/ $2,580,000 Refunding Principal, 5142% Refundina Bond Information Refunding Date Dat 11/102010 Refundim Delivetv Date 1 1!102010 Ser 2019 W Impm ads 15 1 Cur Ref Ser 2004A 1 912012019 1 3:29 PM pt-Q) Hutchinson, MN $2,580,000 - Purpose Two Current Refunding of Series 2004A Current Refunding Escrow Cash Date Principal Rate Interest Receipts Disbursements Balance 11/102010 - - 0A5 - 0.45 0210](2011 2,534,308.00 0.120% 691.55 2,534,999,55 2,535,000 00 - Total $2,534,308.00 $691.55 52,535A00.00 $2,535,000.00 Investment Parameters Investment Model [PV,.G]C, or securities] ....... Secunties Default investment yield toraet Unrestricted Cash Do sit 0.45 Cost of Investments Purchased with Bond Proceeds ----------- 2,534,3 08,00 Total Cost of Investments $2,534,jW 45 Tar Zet Cosqo Investments atbomil 14 __ $2522 Actual positive or (11,504.90) Yield to Receipt, ........ . ....... .0,12.12981% Yield for Arbitrage Purposes; 2.1550094% State and Local Government Series (SLGS) rates for 9/1412010 S.r2010WI.MBde15 I C.,Ref$e P A I M0 @010 I 2a PM 1 b ts-,-� _ Debt Is sua n ce Se September 20, 2010 Revised Pre -Sale Report for $4,825,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2010C City of Hutchinson, Minnesota ro �rlor� EHLERS _ __ _ Minnesota phone 651 - 6978500 3080 Centre Pointe Olive LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Offices also in Wisconsin and Illinois fax 651 -697 -8555 Roseville, MN 55113-1122 VbLa-) D eb t I ss u a n ce Services _...t Details of Proposed Debt Proposed Issues: $4,825,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2010C Purposes: The two purposes of the 2010C Bonds are to refund the City's Series 2004A Bonds for interest cost savings, and to provide long -term financing for 4 projects in the City's 2010 CIP: • Adams Street & Washington Avenue Reconstruction • Sherwood Street Extension • Trunk Highway 15 Watermain Lining • Street Sealcoating The 2010C Bonds are structured to mature in 2011 through 2025, with assessment revenues paying a portion of the 2010 CIP share of Bond debt service in 2011 through 2020. Net of assessment revenues, the annual City levy requirement for the 2010 CIP portion of the Bonds is projected at approximately $88,000 in 2011 through 2025. Please see the "Other Considerations" section of this report for a discussion of how the 2010C Bonds are expected to fit within the City's overall financial management debt plan. Authority: The 2010C Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429. Because the City is assessing at least 20% of the project costs, the City may designate the Bonds as a general obligation without referendum approval and the Bonds will not count against the City's debt limit. Funding Source(s): The City will pay debt service on the 2010C Bonds with special assessment principal and interest payments, general property taxes, and transfers from the Community Investment Fund (formerly the Closed Bond Fund), in accordance with the City's overall debt levy reduction strategy. Risk Factors: We have not assumed any pre -paid special assessments. If the City receives a significant amount of pre -paid assessments for the 2010 CIP project(s), it may need to increase the debt service levy to make up for interest earnings lower than the expected 3.80% assessment rate. Rating: The City has an "AA -" rating from Standard & Poor's. A rating request will be made for this issue. Bank Qualification: The 2010C Bonds will be designated as "bank qualified" obligations. Bank qualified status broadens the market for the Bonds, which can result in lower interest rates. Presale Report September 20, 2010 Page 2 joC-Q-) D Issuan Services Call Feature: The 2010C Bonds due in 2020 and later will be callable on February 1, 2019 and any date thereafter. Other The City has planned and structured the 2010C GO Improvement Bonds in Considerations: the context of its comprehensive financial management debt plan, which encompasses all of the City's property tax levy- supported bond issues. The objective of the debt plan is to limit increases in the City's cumulative debt levy to approximately 5% per year, up to a maximum total levy of roughly $2.2 million. The City's cumulative debt levy for 2010 was approximately $1.8 million. The City has used and will continue to use annual transfers from the Community Improvement Fund to achieve the targeted debt levy increases, including as the City bonds for additional capital investments in future years. A schedule showing the expected debt management trend is attached. It appears that, as long as the CIF does not experience any major revenue losses or unscheduled costs, its fund balance will permit annuals transfers for debt service (again, with the objective being 5% annual debt levy increases, up to a maximum of $2.2 million). Proposed Debt Issuance Schedule Pre -Sale Reviews by Council: Distribute Official Statement: Conference with Rating Agency: City Council Meeting to Award Sale of the Bonds: Estimated Closing Date: September 14 and September 28, 2010 Week of September 20, 2010 Week of September 28 or October 5, 2010 October 12, 2010 November 10, 2010 Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Steve Apfelbacher Bruce Kimmel (651) 697 -8510 (651) 697 -8572 Bond Analysts: Bond Sale Coordinator: Diana Lockard Debbie Holmes Alicia Aulwes (65 1) 697 -8534 (651) 697 -8536 (651) 697 -8523 Presale Report September 20. 2010 Page 3 �oC91_) Debt Issuance Services Resolution No. 13794 Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $4,825,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2010C A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $4,825,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2010C (the Bonds); and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers "), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization: Findings The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting: Proposal Opening The City Council shall meet at 5:30 p.m. on October 12, 2010, for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. Official Statement In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this day of , City Clerk )bCC-) MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Hutchinson City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Chris Kovacic, Christie Rock, Jim Fahey, Chad Czmowski, Dean Kirchoff, Dave Johnston and Chairman Lofdahl. Absent: None also present: Dan Jochum, Planning Director and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Consideration of Minutes dated July 20, 2010. Mr. Kovacic moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Johnston. The consent agenda was approved unanimously 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF A 3 LOT PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CROWN ADDITION, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING PROPERTY FROM R -1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO R -2 (MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) AND MXD (MIXED USE DISTRICT) LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF COURSE ROAD REQUESTED BY RANDY ANDERSON, KIDS INC. Chairman Lofdahl opened the hearing at 5:32 p.m. with the reading of publication #7826 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on August 5, 2010. Mr. Jochum reported the property owner is requesting a comprehensive plan amendment, preliminary plat and rezoning of 38.8 acres located at 525 Golf Course Road for development of Kids Inc. This facility will be a children's day care facility with therapy and other related services available on site for persons not attending day care at Kids Inc. He explained that the property owner is requesting to rezone the property from R -1 (Single Family Residential) to R -2 (Medium Density Residential) and MXD (Mixed Use District) to accommodate the uses proposed. He stated the property is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for residential use. The Comprehensive Plan amendment is the first part of the process. The preliminary plat will consist of two (2) lots and an outlot. The day care facility will require a conditional use permit in the MXD district and the MXD district will accommodate the other professional services available. He commented on the high level of City discretion in amending the Comprehensive Plan. He commented on the lot arrangement of the preliminary plat and the streets in the plat. He stated the proposed streets in Outlot A will be gth Avenue N.W. Massachusetts Court N.W. on the cud - de -sac and Massachusetts Street. N.W. The proposed development will have access off of Montana Street N.W. and Minnesota Street N.W. Neither of these streets are currently constructed and will have to be built to provide access. He commented on the previous concerns with traffic flow and reported the City Engineer has reviewed the traffic potential and approves of this plan. Mr. Jochum commented on the rezoning request and consideration given to the purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 0 k\ Minutes Planning Commission — August 17, 2010 Page 2 Staff recommends approval with the following recommendations: 1. Revise the Comprehensive Plan designation on the staging plan from "Traditional Residential Neighborhood" to "Mixed Use Residential" for Block 2 Lot 1 of the Plat. 2. Future development of the site will require review and approval of a site plan by the Planning Commission and City Council. 3. Provide written response to the attached City Engineer's Memorandum dated August 10, 2010. 4. Name the streets in accordance with attached map and names listed above in the Preliminary Plat section. 5. The rezoning is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. (note: subject to Comprehensive Plan Amendment also being approved.) There was discussion on the previous concerns of availability of services to the area. John Olson, Public Works Manager, stated there are available utilities in Golf Course Road and Montana Street. There were questions where the services will be stubbed into the development. Mr. Jochum stated that will be spelled out in the subdivision agreement. Mr. Fahey made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Rock, the hearing closed at 5:43 p.m. Mr. Kovacic made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Johnston, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Lofdahl stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held August 24, 2010 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. b) CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF ENERGY PARK NORTH SECOND ADDITION (A REPLAT OF ENERGY PARK NORTH) SUBMITTED BY HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Chairman Lofdahl opened the hearing at 5:46 p.m. with the reading of publication #7826 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on August 5, 2010. Mr. Jochum explained the request to re -plat Energy Park North. He noted they have submitted a 7 lot plat with 4 outlots to be known as Energy Park North Second Addition. The purpose of the re -plat is to split one large lot into two smaller ones, with one of those being proposed for the CHIPS Holdings project. In addition, when the property was originally platted several lots encompassed portions of stormwater ponds. The re -plat includes the stormwater ponds as outlots rather than a portion of regular lots. He referred to the previous staff reports for the original plat in March 2009 and May 2009. There were questions regarding the maintenance of the outlots. Mr. Jochum explained the ponds are for regional ponding, rather than individual properties and the City would maintain them. Discussion followed on the pond designs to service the capacity of the users. Mr. Seppelt, EDA director, stated the ponds were designed to take all drainage of the future developments in the plat. Ms. Rock commented on the previous large lots now being replatted. She asked if there will be more replats in the future. Mr. Seppelt explained that lots can be split if necessary in the future to accommodate all users. Mr. Jochum explained the plat will now be more flexible having larger lots with the possibility of splits later. Mr. Jochum explained staff recommends approval with the following recommendations deleting number 1 and adding numbers 1,4,5, and 7 from the May 19, 2009, Energy Park North final plat as follows: Minutes Planning Commission — August 17, 2010 Page 3 1. The findings and conditions from the original Energy Park North Preliminary and Final Plat carry forward and are attached the Energy Park North Second Addition Preliminary and Final Plat. 2. The final plat shall be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder's Office within 270 days of approval. Previous plat recommendations to be added: A turnaround for emergency access shall be constructed at the end of the east -west road, Benjamin Avenue. The turnaround shall be maintained until the road is connected to 5'" Avenue SE 4. No access will be allowed from the residential properties to the northwest to the subject property. 5. No road crossing shall be constructed over the Luce Line trail on the north side of the property. 7 Significant buffering is required on the Northwest corner of the development abutting residential properties. Mr. Czmowski made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Fahey, the hearing closed at 5:53 p.m. Mr. Kirchoff made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations number 2 and numbers 1, 4, 5 and 7 from the previous final plat. Seconded by Ms. Rock, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Lofdahl stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held August 24, 2010 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. c) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO SHOW PAVED DRIVEWAY FROM ACCESS ROAD TO RAMP BETWEEN THE RELOCATED LIFE LINK III BUILDING AND THE NEW HANGER AT 1732 BUTLER FIELD DR. S.W., HUTCHINSON AIRPORT PROPERTY Chairman Lofdahl opened the hearing at 5:58 p.m. with the reading of publication #7826 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on August 5, 2010. Mr. Jochum reported Public Works Manager, John Olson, submitted an amended conditional use permit application with a revised drawing indicating the location of a paved driveway from the access road to the ramp between the relocated Life Link III building and the new hangar. The pavement will be 24 feet wide. There will be 8.5 feet on each side of the pavement to the buildings. A conditional use permit was approved April 27`" to relocate the Life Link Trailer. He explained the reason the driveway is being moved is to accommodate the re- location of the Life Link Trailer which will be on top of the where the existing driveway is located. He commented on staff concerns regarding location of parking for the occupants of the life Link Trailer. He stated staff recommends no parking on either side of the driveway due to its width. The purpose of the I/C zoning and standards for granting a conditional use permit were explained. Staff would recommend approval with the following recommendations: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit are met. 2. The conditions of the original conditional use permit are met. 3. No parking is allowed on or next to the driveway in question. 4. Parking for the Life Link Trailer shall be located behind the hangars. f, Minutes Planning Commission —August 17, 2010 Page 4 Mr. Jochum explained the driveway is new. The building location will not change from the previously approved conditional use permit. John Olson, Public Works Manager, commented on the original conditional use permit. He explained this driveway will replace the previous driveway location. There will be a cross walk for the Life Link staff. He commented on parking needed by the Life Link staff and the location for the parking. He reminded the commissioners the structure is a modified manufactured home. The pavement has been removed in preparation for moving the trailer. Discussion followed on the access for emergency services. Mr. Kirchoff made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Rock, the hearing closed at 6:04 p.m. Mr. Kirchoff made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Fahey, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Lofdahl stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held August 24, 2010 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. d) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 54 — STORMWATER MANAGEMENT; SECTION 54.02, DEFINITIONS Chairman Lofdahl opened the hearing at 6:05 p.m. with the reading of publication #7826 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on August 5, 2010. Mr. Jochum explained the Definition of Impervious Surface is being amended in the Stormwater Ordinance to be consistent with the definition in the Shoreland Ordinance, as well as the Zoning Ordinance. He reported staff reviewed the proposed ordinance at the July 29, 2010 planning staff meeting. Staff is very supportive of the proposed ordinance and recommends approval. The Planning Commission should provide feedback on the ordinance and consider public hearing comments in their recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Jochum commented on Area Hydrologist Rob Collett's response to the amendment dated August 16, 2010. He noted Mr. Collett's comments on decks and the impervious surface coverage. He stated the new ordinance strengthens our ordinance in defining impervious areas. DNR will have to review the approved ordinance and will provide detailed comments and any needed changes to the City. Discussion followed on the consideration of swimming pools when calculating impervious surface. Mr. Jochum explained pools have been considered impervious. He reported the DNR would also include eaves and overhangs when calculating impervious surface however, this is not listed in the DNR regulations. He reminded the commissioner, the City has discretion amending the ordinance. Discussion followed regarding the DNR regulations and the City amendment. Mr. Fahey made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Johnston, the hearing closed at 6:11 p.m. Mr. Jochum commented on the language recommended by the DNR. Mr. Fahey made a motion to recommend approval of the amendment as written by staff. Seconded by Mr. Johnston, the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held August 24, 2010 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. e) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 152 — SHORELAND MANAGEMENT; SECTION 152.007, DEFINITIONS; SECTION 152.041, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT; SECTION 152.108, VARIANCES. Minutes Planning Commission — August 17, 2010 Page 5 Chairman Lofdahl opened the hearing at 6:14 p.m. with the reading of publication #7826 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on August 5, 2010. Mr. Jochum reported staff was directed by the Planning Commission to look at several amendments to the Shoreland ordinance related to impervious surface coverage standards that would allow applicants flexibility while mitigating the impacts of additional impervious surface coverage. In addition, the height of building definition was reviewed and amended to be more clear and easy to understand, as well as made consistent with the definition in the Zoning Ordinance. Lastly, the definition of impervious surface was amended and is now consistent throughout City ordinances. Previously, there were three definitions for impervious surface and each is slightly different. He commented on the DNR definition of height which would create a lower building height. He reported buildings on lots that are hilly would have a problem with the DNR definition. Discussion followed on measurement from different types of roofs. Mr. Jochum explained the section on variances regarding the possibility of leaving coverage as is and not expanding over the previous coverage. Mr. Collett, DNR Hydrologist questioned expanding the nonconformity. John Paulson, City Regulatory Specialist, reminded the commissioners to keep in mind in the existing ordinance there currently is nothing in place for treatment of lots covering over 25 %. Discussion followed on the need for property surveys to accurately measure the impervious surface. Mr. Paulson explained the MPCA also has requirements for impervious surface which includes language that each existing 1 acre of coverage you must treat 1 inch of runoff. Mr. Kovacic made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Czmowski, the hearing closed at 6:38 p.m. Mr. Kovacic made a motion to recommend approval as written. Seconded by Mr. Fahey, the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held August 24, 2010 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. f). CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 154 — ZONING; SECTION 154.004, DEFINITIONS; SECTION 154.136, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNS; SECTION 154.138, PROHIBITED SIGNS. Chairman Lofdahl opened the hearing at 6:39 p.m. with the reading of publication #7826 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on August 5, 2010. Mr. Jochum commented on the purpose of these amendments to amend the definition of impervious surface to be consistent with the Stormwater Management Ordinance and the Shoreland Management Ordinance. Also, the height of building definition was amended to be consistent with the height of building definition in the Shoreland Management Ordinance. In addition, the sign section of the zoning ordinance is being amended to allow provisions for Electronic Message Center (EMC) signs. Lengthy discussion followed on the amount of sign to be electronic and the sign size. There was also discussion of existing electronic signs. Billboard signs are not allowed within the City. The commissioners discussed type of text and the length of messages changing on the signs. There was discussion on the DOT standards. Minutes Planning Commission —August 17, 2010 Page 6 Mr. Johnston made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Fahey, the hearing closed at 6:58 p.m. Mr. Kovacic made a motion to table the item to the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Czmowski, the motion carried unanimously. 5. NEW BUSINESS a. SITE PLAN REVIEW OF A PROPOSAL BY CHIPS HOLDINGS, LLC FOR A 4920 SQ. FT. DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ON A LOT IN ENERGY PARK NORTH SECOND ADDITION Mr. Jochum explained the applicant is proposing to build a warehouse in the re- platted Energy Park North Second Addition. The building is proposed to be a 4920 square foot warehouse for distribution of potato chips and other similar snacks. He commented on his review of the building, setbacks, landscaping to buffer the building on south end of the lot and parking. He noted there was a one stop shop held with the developer on July 27, 2010, to review the site plan and provide feedback. Staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the following recommendations: 1. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the 1 -1 district and the Zoning Ordinance. 2. A certified property survey is required before a building permit will be reviewed. The survey shall clearly identify dimensions and setbacks for the building, parking, and drive aisles, and identify the proposed drainage direction and grading. Review and approval of the final site plan is required by the City Engineer and Planning Director before construction. 3. The parking lot needs to drain to the east to the catch basin that drains into the stormwater pond. 4. Silt fencing must be installed per City requirements, including along the front side of the lot to the street. 5. The clean out must be at the easement or property line to ensure easy access. 6. Final landscape plans shall identify the size and species of the plantings and shall be approved by the City Forester. 7. SAC and WAC fees will be calculated per fixture unit and due at the time of building permit. 8. Exterior doors should be labeled clearly with large letters or numbers for emergency purposes. 9. Approval of a NPDES permit and erosion control are required prior to construction on site. Mr. Fahey made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Ms. Rock, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Lofdahl stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held August 24, 2010 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. 6. OLD BUSINESS COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF a. Zoning Variance issue. Mr. Jochum reported that the courts ruled on the reasonable use definition for a variance. The Supreme Court ruled on the interpretation of "reasonable use" to allow a variance, meaning that a variance shouldn't be allowed unless there wouldn't be a reasonable use of the property without the variance. The Legislature may make changes to the law during the next legislative session that will provide clarity on this issue. f Minutes Planning Commission —August 17, 2010 Page 7 Mr. Jochum also noted that the new Shoreland rules have not been approved by Governor Pawlenty. The Governor sent them back to the DNR for more work. They likely won't be approved until after a new Governor is in office. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. it tp—/ MINUTES HUTCHINSON AREA JOINT PLANNING BOARD Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Hutchinson City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Lauer at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Tom Wirt, Larry Karg, Grant Knutson, Jim Haugen and Chairman Lauer. Absent: Garrett Luthens Also present: Larry Gasow, McLeod County Zoning Administrator, Dan Jochum, City Planning Director, Marc Sebora, City Attorney, Marc Telecky, McLeod County Assistant Zoning Administrator and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) Consideration of Minutes dated April 21, 2010. Mr. Knutson made a motion to approve the minutes of April 21, 2010, with corrections. Seconded by Mr. Karg, the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS None 4. NEW BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT OF "CRIPPS ADDITION" LOCATED IN HUTCHINSON TOWNSHIP AT 20100 RAVEN AVENUE SUBMITTED BY SCOTT CRIPPS, PROPERTY OWNER Mr. Gasow commented on the plat and explained the County Attorney is reviewing the title opinion. He reported staff would recommend approval of the final plat pending Title Opinion approval from the County Attorney's office. Mr. Wirt made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations pending title opinion approval by the County Attorney. Seconded by Mr. Knutson, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gasow stated this item would be forwarded to the County Board and placed on their July 6, 2010, agenda. 5. OLD BUSINESS None 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Mr. Jochum introduced himself and commented on the township participation in updating the City of Hutchinson Comprehensive Plan. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business Mr. Karg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Wirt, the meeting adjourned at 5:44 p.m. 1-:27 Planning, Zoning, and Building Dept. Monthly Report July 2010 Building Department Permit Activities Planning, Zoning, and Building Department — Other Activities Facilities Management/Maintenance Activities: Evergreen Meals served in July Week Of Hutchinson Towers Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 7/2009 712010 2009 Year to Date 2010 Year to Date Total Number Inspections 20 26 7/6 -7/9 226 Building Permits Issued by Type Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Commercial new 1 -$20,000 0 2-$34,000 0 Commercial Additions/ Remodels 9 - $2,292,317 7-$116,050 32 - $6,975,417 44 - $2,203,250 Industrial (new) 0 0 0 0 Industrial Additions /Remodels 0 1 -$7,000 1 -$418,000 2-$13,000 Fire Sprinkling 2-$72,610 0 7-$126,725 4 - $68,550 Total New Residential Units (Single Family, twins, townhomes) 2-$380,000 1 - $130,000 3-$588,000 2 - $333,000 Residential misc. additions, repairs, remodels, etc 9-$72.900 16 - $841,720 43 - $396,160 90 - $1,140,022 Set fee permits reside, reroof, window replacement, misc. * 86 43 342 285 Subtotal Building Permits: $2,837,827 $1,094,770 $8,729,302 $3,757,822 Mechanical 21-$89,054 18-$11,500 122 - $601,751 134 - $452,923 Plumbing* 11 8 45-$14,253 44 Signs* 3 2 35 29-$108 Total Permits issued and valuation 144 - $2,926,881 96 - $1,106,270 638 - $9,345,306 634 - $4,210,853 ` Set fees not included in valuation Planning, Zoning, and Building Department — Other Activities Facilities Management/Maintenance Activities: Evergreen Meals served in July Week Of Hutchinson Towers Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 7/11-7/2 119 70 33 62 20 26 7/6 -7/9 226 136 90 104 40 61 7/12 -7116 293 7279 173 85 159 39 71 7/19 -7123 260 174 85 130 38 74 7/26 -7/29 178 84 152 47 82 Total 77 731 377 607 184 314 Total Meals Served in Jul - 3,390 Other Building Inspection Activities: The Building Official and Inspector attended the SW Chapter of the ICC Meeting on July 13 The Building Department staff also worked with the Police Department regarding Nuisance Properties. Several pre- inspections were set up with Housing and Redevelopment Authority for future home rehabilitations. Planning and Zoning Monthly Activities MonthNear: July, 2010 Activity Number Additional Info. Zoning Review of Building Permits 31 Zoning Review of Sign permits 2 Planning /Zoning Applications Provided 10 Preliminary/final plat (Crown Addition), comp plan amendment, rezoning Preliminary/final plat (Energy Park North 2 nd Addition) Airport — Conditional use permit 2 amendments to the shoreland ordinance 1 amendment to the sign ordinance Predevelopment Meetings/ 3 2 - Planning staff meeting Pre-application Assistance 1 — One stop shop — Chips Holdings Planning Commission Applications 3 25 Griffin Ave NE - variance Processed 425 Kay St SW — variance withdrawn 502 Harrington Ave SW — rezoning Joint Planning Applications 0 Reviewed and Processed Zoning Enforcement Letters 2 Deck, Running's Outdoor Storage Misc. Meetings Attended 7 Election Judge training, Church Property Discussion, Running's Meeting with store and regional manager, City Tour with Mayor, Kiwanis Presentation, Depot Tour 0 Planning, Zoning, and Building Dept. Monthly Report August 2010 Building Department Permit Activities Facilities Management/Maintenance Evergreen Meals served in August Week Of Hutchinson Towers Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 8/2009 8/2010 2009 Year to Date 2010 Year to Date Total Number Inspections 172 133 1092 1001 Building Permits Issued by Type Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Commercial new 0 2—$499,400 2 - $34,000 2-$499,400 Commercial Additions/ Remodels 5—$663,500 5 - $62,750 37 - $7,638,917 49 - $2,266,000 Industrial (new) 0 0 0 0 Industrial Additions /Remodels 0 0 1-$418,000 2 - $13,000 Fire Sprinkling 1-$12,000 0 8-$138,725 4 - $68,550 Total New Residential Units (Single Family, twins, townhomes) 0 3-$526,000 3 - $588,000 5-$859,000 Residential misc. additions, repairs, remodels, etc 3-$48,900 14 - $44,700 46 - $445,060 104 - $1,184,722 Set fee permits reside, reroof, window replacement, misc.)` 71 44 413 329 Subtotal Building Permits: $724,400 $1,132,850 $9,453,702 $4,890,672 Mechanical 14 - $167,989 19—$61,534 136 - $769,740 153 - $514,457 Plumbing* 7 11 52-$14,253 55 Signs* 2 6 37 35-$108 Total Permits issued and valuation 103 - $892,389 104 - $1,194,384 741 - $10,237,695 738 - $5,405,237 ' Set fees not included in valuation Facilities Management/Maintenance Evergreen Meals served in August Week Of Hutchinson Towers Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 8/2 -8/6 248 174 96 138 54 72 8/9 -8/13 251 182 84 137 57 77 8/16 -8/20 255 166 85 129 61 75 8/23 -8/27 243 172 78 143 58 62 8/30 -8131 111 76 35 65 20 29 Total 1,108 770 378 612 250 315 Total Meals Served in August - 3,434 Other Building Inspection Activities: The Building Official and Inspector attended the SW Chapter of the ICC Meeting on July 13 The Building Department staff also worked with the Police Department regarding Nuisance Properties. Several pre- inspections were set up with Housing and Redevelopment Authority for future home rehabilitations. U Planning and Zoning Monthly Activities MonthNear: August, 2010 Activity Number Additional Info. Zoning Review of Building Permits 17 Zoning Review of Sign permits 6 Planning /Zoning Applications Provided 5 Conditional use permit McDonald's 2" order point Amendment to Sign ordinance Conditional use permit, Final plat, Site plan review Crown Addition day care development Predevelopment Meetings/ 1 Planning Staff meeting Pre - application Assistance Planning Commission Applications 9 Preliminary/final plat (Crown Addition), processed comp plan amendment, rezoning Preliminary/final plat (Energy Park North 2 0° Addition) Airport — Conditional use permit 2 amendments to the shoreland ordinance Joint Planning Applications Reviewed 2 Amendment to the ordinance regulating wind towers Conditional use permit to allow a wind tower in Lynn Township Zoning Enforcement Discussion with Mr. Goebel on banners located at 990 5 Ave SE, Running's Outdoor Storage Misc. Meetings Attended McDonalds Mobile Home Park, DNR — Shoreland Rules, 2 Public Arts Meetings, Property owner near Energy Park, Meeting with MNSPECT (Building Inspection firm), Meeting with Dave Broil— property line issue, Meeting with City of Glencoe on inspection services, Meeting with Dennis Jacques — Adams St. Property 0 Memo To: Council Members From: J. Popp / Battalion Chief Equipment CC: B. Emans / Fire Chief Date: 9/21/2010 Re: Fire Department Vehicle Restructuring Council Members, Do to the future staff reduction of fire department personnel, we would like to request Council permission to look into restructuring the fire department administrative fleet. Proposal: • Trade or sell the 1999 Chevrolet pickup and the 2005 Dodge Dakota pickup, and replace them with one pre -owned ( not new SUV or pick -up that would seat up to (5) adults, plus have equipment carrying capability. Reasoning: Reducing the fleet by one - which would also equal a collateral reduction in insurance, maintenance, and fuel costs. Moving forward with this proposal, we will also be able to remove the CIP / FD -19 scheduled for 2013 ($30,000.00) which was scheduled to replace the current command / on -call vehicle (a 1999 full sized Chevrolet pick -up). The current vehicles do not have the inside carrying capabilities for: IC tools, tum -out gear, maps, personnel, etc. Changing to a vehicle that has the capability to transport up to (5) adults, will allow firefighters to travel to state schools, firefighter classes, meetings, and conferences with enough space for personnel and their equipment (savings the city in mileage for personal vehicles). Conclusion: With Council approval to move forward, we plan to send specifications of the proposal to all auto dealers in Hutchinson - giving them equal and fair opportunity to participate in this restructuring project. 1 �aI0